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November 04, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-04

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FLED-s.£. N( EM 4, 1947

. . .. . .... ........................ .................... . . . ... . ... . . ... . . . .... ......................... . ................. ..........

5Jjr gMirjigrn &dIly
Fifty-Eighth Year

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell...................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht................. ......City Editor
Stuart FinlAyson..............Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent .................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson...............Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Stafff
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider...............Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Spreading Hysteria
By IRVING JAFFE events which are swi
XASHINGTON--Events fall rather neatly may find ourselves u
into place before the eye of the his- the last chapter in t
torian. Although the enigma of historical Yet there are some
cause and effect is a persistent one, in retro- which we can recogniz
spect it is at least possible to see a pat- when we are in the mi
tern, to say that this occurrence is related these is the process in
to that, and that together they form part deteriorate, threatening
of a process in the complex story of human free state, when fear of
relationships. vidual rights is allowed
But one of the really awful and over- The pattern in this
whleming demands of these volatile days past year is familiar. T
prohiLits us from biding our time until we Truman's loyalty direc
can gain historical insight. We must make ernment employes in d
a supreme effort, we must almost exceed jobs on undefined gr
the limit of the humanly possible to de- the state department
termine which way each of our actions will of three of the emplo
tend to swerve the course of social and itself was forced late
poliitcal development. We are living in a suspicions of "bad s
world so heavily charged with explosive unfounded. Now the d
forces that we cannot afford the luxury down in black and whi
of handing down the gift of historical curity firings' which j
perspective entirely to future generations. of all its employes on
If we fail to achieve some focus on the proven suspicions. And
--- - - - The government has
" ' alty" or "subversion."
N - Then there was the
by the House Un-Amer
mittee into Communis
FRED WARING was asked to play "Mead- represented such a pr
owlands" Saturday night during the to pass on the acceptab
course of his concert. Instead of playing the the ideological standpoi
Russian Army song, he took the opportunity sponsible invasion of thi
to instruct the audience in some amazing dual conviction.
rules of international tit-for-tat. But, in a way even n
He commended the song, told the audi- most recent event in ti
en ence that he had recorded it during the A meeting of the Pro
war, but that in the light of events today' America in Philadelphia
ie couldn't see playing it. He pointed out Square to protest the
that in Russia they don't play our patriotic American Activities Con
songs, why should we play theirs? was disrupted by mobv
Besides the unbelievable childishness of what the New York T
such a statement, the remark is indicative called "the most tumu
of a dangerous trend that is gaining momen- held" on the historic sil
tum in the U.S. The obvious revival of the free expression begins
Red hysteria of the 20's is more than an general public and to pr
attempt to frustrate Communists. It is an the threat to civil libert
attempt to create a blind acceptance of indeed.
America as the embodiment of all that is The most dangerou
desirable, as a finished and perfect product is to let our justifiable
which needs no alteration. tion of civil liberties b
It involves uncritical acceptance of our If our civil rights are
political institutions, our economic sys- then they are worthy
tern and our social relationships. It means forts to strengthen th
shutting our eyes to the destructive in- weak. If we wish tos
fluence of the Hearsts, the Rankins, the granting of civil libert
DAR; in short, to all who inflame relig- to us to show the wor
ious and racial hatred, who impede democ- liberties are bolstered,
racy by denying equal educational facili- stered.
ties, who would deny true freedom of In a column last wee
speech and the press, size the importance oft
It means overlooking all this, and believing the Presetident's Comm.
only that anything American is and must be I would like to mentio
right and good. It is a document to ho]
This attitude is only a confession of a lack while hysteria spreads
of confidence in ourselves. Those who are
truly loyal believe in the object of their
loyalty to the extent that they need not
fear criticism or competition. Island 4
It is unfortunate that a man as pop-
ular as Waring is capable of making a
remark like the one he made Saturday By JOSEPH
night. With his "patriotic" hocus-pocus VIENNA-The heart o
about songs, he was adding to the feeling by the Soviets. Th
of "my country right or wrong" which live always in the shado
stems from fear and distrust of another occupying power which
nation because its philosophy is at vari- among the legitimate pc
ance with our own. der the circumstances,
Since our music is being so carefully se- pressive to hear these
lected for us the next step will undoubtedly porters boldly compari
be the suppression of Russian literature in times to the great days
America. Or maybe we'll do it up right, and ago, when the Turkish
have a burning of the books. was halted under Vien
-Gloria Bendet. comparison is a comm

WSSF Drive

American agency for World Student Re-
lief, was established in 1937 for the purpose
of giving direct relief to students and profes-
sors in wartorn countries of Europe and
WSSF is unique in that it is a relief or-
ganization of the students and professors of
American schools and colleges for the as-
sistance of students and professors of uni-
versities in war-devastated countries. All
funds raised are administered through head-
quarters in Geneva, Switzerland and go to
areas in China, South East Asia and Eu-
With the end of hostiliites, unlimited op-
portunities have been opened for relief and
reconstruction, and action has been taken
along four main lines; medical care, intel-
lectual relief, emergency food, clothing
and housing, and international projects such
as rest centers and student sanatoria.
There is continuing need for books. Li-
braries have been unable to replace volumes
destroyed during the war and textbooks,
particularly scientific and technical, are
lacking. Laboratory equipment of all sorts
is needed.,
Last year University students contributed
$4,154 to WSSF which placed them fifth
among contributors from the Big Ten
schools. This year the goal is set at $10,000.
All day tomorrow students will be given the'
opportunity to show how much education
here in America means by sharing it with
fellow students abroad who are building
from the devastations of war.
-Bette Hamilton.
Moral Illusion
"AMERICAN constitutional jurisprudence,"
declared the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People, in a
petition forwarded to the United Nations
Commission on Human Rights, Oct. 23, "does
not provide for effective sanctions between
the doctrinal idealism of constitutional
guarantees and thepractical realization of
constitutional protection." We need look
no further than Willow'Village for the most
vivid proof of this charge.
The claim that Walpole Court citizens
have a "right" to be treated as other cit-
izens, without consideration of color is hard-
ly compatible with the fact that Walpole
children are now attending the all-Negro
Simmonds School. Loose talk about "rights"
results from a misunderstanding of the
term itself, a result of confused moral con-
notations associated with it.
The connotations presuppose some au-
thority existing above and apart from the
factions involved, upon whom enforcement
of the moral depends. The governor, th
state superintendent of public instruction
and the local FPHA administrator, however,
have all declined to interfere with the school
board's segregation order. Walpole parents
have found, in short, no such authority.
School board officials, faced with over-

rling about us, we
unwittingly writing
the human story.
recurring patterns
e fairly readily even
dst of them. One of'
which civil liberties
the very fabric of a
the exercise of indi-
to run rampant .
country within the
There was President
tive, which put gov-
anger of losing their
ounds. There were
firings-in the case
yes, the department
r to admit that its
ecurity risks" were
department has put
rite a policy for se-
eopardizes the jobs
the most vague, un-
suspicions of what?
yet to define "loy-
recent investigation
ican Activities Com-
in Hollywood which
esumptuous attempt
ility of movies from
nt and such an irre-
ie sanctity of indivi-
pore alarming, is the
ie emerging pattern.
gressive Citizens of
's Independence Hall
tactics of the Un%
nmittee investigation
violence, resulting in
Times correspondent
iltuous meeting ever
te. When the fear of
to feed upon the
oduce mass violence,
ies has become grave
s thing we can do
pride in our tradi-
ecome complacency.
vorthy of our pride,
of our greatest ef-
em where they are
see the widespread
ies abroad, it is up
ld that where civil
democracy is bol-
k, I tried to empha-
the recent report of
ittee on Civil Rights.
n that report again,
d close to the heart
like a disease.
f Austria is occupied
e leaders of Austria
w of danger from an
includes kidnaping
olitical methods. Un-
it is decidedly im-
men and their sup-
ng the present grim
three hundred years
advance into Europe
na's walls. Yet this
onplace of political
ian leaders of today
manner and appear-
bergs and Sobieskis,
mboyant past. They
business suits, who
s amid the imperial

decorations that the
rs will not be worn
e to the long, ruth-
stroy Austria's inde-
very kind of induce-
ery of special groups
opaganda, the Aus-
g with their leaders.
rope the Communists
cent of the vote in
s, only 5 per cent
ommunist at polling
d over by Russian
ich demands to be
ery simple. The Aus-
unist because they
belong to the Soviet
ble to continue the
endence because the
other Western pow-
Austria. Americans,
the control council
lmost daily checked
ought too flagrantly1
e of Austrian inde-
r presence and more
British and French,
ericans and British,
the Austrians to
The result is the
ork Herald Tribune)


(Continued from Page 3)

.. .' N

or "E" in so-called midsemester
Students electing our courses,
but registered in other schools or
colleges of the University should
be reported to the school or college
in which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
Notice of meeting of the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs:
Regular meetings of the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs will be
held on the second and fourth
Tuesday of each month. Petitions
for consideration at these meet-
ings should be submitted to the
Office of Student Affairs, Room 2,
University Hall, not later than the
Thursday preceding the meeting.
The next meeting will be Nov. 11,
and petitions for consideration at
this time must be submitted not
later than Thursday, Nov. 6.
Women Students in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts
and in the School of Education,
who are taking the testing pro-
gram on Nov. 4 have late permis-
sion until 11 p.m.
Junior and Senior men, who are
single, veterans, Residents of the
State of Michigan, presently living
in the Willow Run Dormitories,
and interested in University Resi-
dence Halls accommodations for
the Spring Semester 1948 are
asked to call at the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, Room 2, University
Hall before November 8.
To fle Patrons of the Plays of
the Department of Speech: All
participants in our plays, crew
members and actors, are students
in the University who must main-
tain high scholastic standards and
meet closing hours in the sorori-
ties and dormitories on campus
and at Willow Village.
The mechanics of producing
plays requires our students to
work in the theatre after the final
curtain. Therefore, in order that
our students may leave the theatre
earlier, we are starting our plays
promptly at 8 o'clock.
In the interest of the students
involved, we ask your coopera-
Seniors: College of L. S. & A.
and Schools of Education, Music,
and Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for
February graduation have been
posted on the bulletin board in
Room 4 University Hall. If your
name is misspelled or the degree
expected incorrect, please notify
the Counter Clerk.
University Community Center,
Willow Run Village.
Tues., Nov. 4, 8 p.m., "Land-
scaping the Home Grounds," spec-
ial program by Prof. H. O. Whit-
temore; sponsored by the Wives
of Student Veterans' Club, to be
followed by a regular Wives' Club
Wed., Nov. 5, 8 p.m., Creative
Writers' Group. Miss Gertrude
Nye will discuss "Are there mar-
kets for beginning writers?"
Thurs., Nov. 5, 8 p.m., Creative
Dance Group. Organization meet-
Thurs., Nov. 6, 8 p.m., The New
Art Group; 8 p.m., The Year
Round Garden Club. "How to
Force bulbs for winter indoor

blooming," by Mrs. Blaine Rab-
bers; 8 p.m., Combined meeting
-- The Church Nursery Mothers
and the Cooperative Nursery. Mrs.
Alice Wirt will disuss "The New
Books for Small Children."
Sat., Nov. 8, 8:30 p.m., Bridge.
* * *
West Lodge:
Tues., Nov. 4, 7:30 p.m., Fen-
cing; 8 p.m., League volley ball.
Wed., Nov. 5, 7:30 p.m., Dupli-
cate Bridge.
Fri., Nov. 7, Premier showing of
"Murdered Alive" by Little Theatre
Sat., Nov. 8, "Murdered Alive" by
Little Theatre Group.
Sun., Nov. 9, 4:30-6:30 p.m., cof-
fee hour; 6:45 p.m., Moving pic-
tures of the Minnesota-Michigan
game; 8 p.m., "Murdered Alive,"
by Little Theatre Group.
Lec tutre
University Lecture. "Human De-
velopmnent in its Earliest Stages"
illustrated. Dr. ARTIUR T.
HERTG, Pathologist and Visit-
ing Obstetrician to outpatients,
Bo ston Lying-in Hospital, Assist-
ant Professor of Pathology and of
Obstetrics, Harvard Medical
School, and Pathologist, Free Hos-
pital for Women, Brookline; aus-
pices of the Department of Anat-
omy. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Nov. 7, Nat-
ural Science Auditorium.
Mlle Helene Barland, a repre-
sentative of the French Cultural
Mission to the United States, will
speak on "Youth Problems in
France Today," at 8 p.m., Nov. 5,
Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices
of the Department of Romance
Languages. This lecture will be
given in English. The public is
cordially invited.
Academic Notices
History 11, Lecture Section 2:
Midsemester examination, 3 p.m.,
Thurs., Nov. 6. Heideman's and
Slosson's sections in Rm. 25, An-
gell Hall; Dudden's, Hochlowski's,
McLarty's and Molod's in Natural
Science Auditorium.
Classical Representations Semi-
nar: Tues., 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3010,
Angell Hall. Mr. Arnold Shapiro
will speak on Group Algebras.
Differential Geometry Seminar:
Tues., Nov. 4, at 2 p.m. W. K.
Smith will speak.
Seminar in Engineering Mechan-
The Engineering Mechanics De-
partment is sponsoring a series of
discussions on applied mechanics.
Next seminar, 4 p.m., Wed., Nov. 5,
Rm. 311, W. Engineering Bldg.
Prof. Van den Broek will present,
"The Ductile Equilibrium Column
Physical Chemistry Seminar:
Thurs., Nov. 6, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303,
Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Lothar Meyer
will speak on "Thermo-Mechani-
cal Effect in Helium II."
All interested are invited.
Seminar on Stochastic Proc-
esses: Wed., Nov. 5, 7:15 p.m., Rm.
3001 Angell Hall. Prof. C. L. Dolph
will speak on Generalized Har-
monic Analysis.
The University Musical Society
will present DANIEL ERICOURT,

Portrait of a man about to be cured of un-American ideas.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily1
prits every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views1
expressed in letters are those of theE
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted attthe discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* . .
flarmsg Programt
To the Editor:
rTHIS SATURDAY night concert-
goer to the Fred Waring Show
felt that an otheirwis eexcelent
performance was marred by War-
felt that an otherwise excellent
and many persons I've talked with
since, this left a bad taste and
nullified any further enjoyment
of his program. I certainly can-
not disagree with Mr. Waring on
his prerogative of refusing to play
a Russian number as Meadowland.
It's his musical organization and
he is free to play what he sees
fit. I do, however, disagree in
the way that he refused the re-
quest. Many requests were made
-far more than time would per-
mit honoring. Therefore, if War-
ing insisted on banning the
marching song, he could have done
it unobtrusively by just letting the
request ride unnoticed.
The writer would like to vote
Waring's music a bouquet of roses,
but to the Maestro himself for
letting politics break into an ex-
cellent show a large bundle of
®--Louis (dross
*s -
Debate Team
To the Editor:
T SEEMS obvious that two or
^ three persons let their emotions
French pianist, in the third con-
cert in the Choral Union Series,
Tuesday, November 4, 8:30 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Ericourt will play composi-
tions by Mozart, Mendelssohn,
Schumann, Prokofieff, Debussy,
Ravel and Liszt.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the
University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower.
Events Today
Radio Program: A
4-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 Kc.).
Book Collecting--Colton Storm.
Science Research Club: Novem-
ber meeting, Rackh am Amphi-
theatre, 7:30 p.m. Program: "An
Evaluation of Certain Agents as
Substitutes for the Sugial Scrub,"
A. Burgess Vial, Department of
"Jet Propulsion," Edward T.
Vincent, Department of Mechani-
cal Engineering.
Election of new members.
U. of M. Radio Club: Meeting,
Rm. 246 W. Engineering Bldg.,
7:30 p.m. Ann Arbor amateurs
W8TLL and W8WLD will display
mobile rigs.
Prof. Kenneth Cox, U. of M.
Law School, will review "Constitu-
tional Limitations on t he Un-
American Activities Committee"
at 4 p.m., Rm. 304, Michigan Un-
ion; auspices of the U. of M. law-
years' guild. Open discussion fol-
lowing the review. All students
and faculty members are invited.
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., International Center.
Prof. Opatowski will lecture on
the subject, student life at pre-
war Polish universities. Refresh-
Christian Science Organization:
Regular weekly meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall. All are

Interfaith Committee, Hillel
Foundation: Meet at the Founda-
tion, 4:30 p.m. All members please
Coming Events
Two-day Conference, "Toward
World Understanding" with which
the Eighteenth Annual Parent Ed-
ucation Institute has been amal-
gamated, opens at 9:15 a.m., Wed.,
Nov. 5, Rackham Lecture Hall.
Program includes addresses by
such nationally known persons as
Eduard C. Lindeman, Emily Taft
Douglas, Mark Starr, Ernest M.
Ligon, Ralph A. Sawyer and
James K. Pollock and ten group
discussions to be led by Starr, Lig-
on, Harry A. Overstreet and dis-
tinguished members of the Uni-
versity faculties. The Conference
is sponsored by the University Ex-
tension Service and the American
Association of University Women,
Michigan Congress of Parents and
Teachers, League of Women Vot-
ers, Women's Action Committee
for Lasting Peace, Foreign Policy
(Continued on Page 5)

run away with them in regard to
the Oxford-Michigan debate last
week. This is obvious from the two
previous letters to the editor print-
ed on that subject.
If we look objectively at the de-
bate we see many things in favor
of each side, On the Oxford side
of the ledger we come across three
main items: (1) They had the
sympathy of the audience from
the moment the debate was an-
nounced. even before the event it-
self, in that the large reputation
of Oxford and its standards led
veeryone to the opinion, before
the debate, that the Michigan
team would be hopelessly out-
classed; (2) The wit of the Brit-
ish in general and Oxford in par-
ticular was well brought out in
the Michigan style of debate
which can be used in two ways:
(a) rationally to discuss and come
to some common ground on the
question at hand, or (b) to use
every trick in the book to make
your opponent look ridiculous
either by rational argument or by
sarcasm as Oxford did; (3) The
question was so phrased that con-
crete arguments were almost im-
possible, and the issues based pri-
marily on emotion and simple
facts with which no on& can argue
that comprised the Oxford case
were easier to follow than the
Michigan arguments which re-
quired some thinking and an-
alysse. Not that these things don't
have a place in debate. But they
should be taken at their worth and
not used entirely as a basis for
On the Michigan side we see a
similar list of attributes: (1) The
team bore up surprisingly well
considering they spoke before an
audience already prejudiced in fa-
vor of their opponents, an audi-
ence that would not so much as
grunt when a good point was
made by Michigan yet would go
into convulsions when they
thought it was the desired re-
sponse to an Oxonian, quip; (2)
The wit of Oxford was met with a
methodical, well-arranged, and
entirely logical approach to the
problem. If you think back to the
arguments instead of the times
you were convulsed by the humor
of Mr. Harris, you will find that,
alhtough the Oxford team had
some good arguments, they did not
take advantage of thme and push
the Michigan team by a logical
trend of argument which could
easily have been arranged and
would have lent more substance
to the debate, though leaving less
time for humor; (3) The Michigan
team followed a little closer the
basic thought behind debate. This
is that debate is not one of the
methods of common entertain-
ment but is recognized as a me-
dium ofudiscussion of interesting,
important, yet generally disputed
questions, that enables the partici-
pants to organize their arguments
and present them in an organized
framework of speaking periods;
the decision to rest with the au-
Take a sane look back at the
discussion. Don't sell your Univer-
sity down the river without a little
thinking in retrospect. When your
enthusiasm over the wit and
fluency of the Oxford team wanes,
study the arguments presented by
bothsides and make another judg-
ment. Your second will be of more
importance than your first.
-Duane Sunderman.
* * *
Civil Rights
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS that Fascism is actual-
ly on the march. All Americans,
especially those who like to think
freely, should remember that in
every country wpere labor, the
Communists and the writers were
suppressed all sections of the coin-
mon people were also suppressed.
This was true in Hitler Germany,
Mussolini Italy, militarist Japan,
and is so today in Franco Spain,

Argentina, fascist Greece, and
Turkey, to name but a few.
We should have learned how the
anti - Communist investigations
have led to full denial of all free-
doms. Secretary of State Marshall
proposes his definition of democ-
racy to include "effective guaran-
tee of civil rights and of the rights
of political parties, and of freedom
of press and radio... ." Why not
use this definition of democracy
here in our country?
The following is a statement of
Albert Maltz, writer of "Destina-
tion Tokyo" and "Pride of the
Marines" before the un-American
"In common with many Amer-
icans I suuppported against Mr.
Thomas and Mr. Rankin the anti-
lynching bill. I opposed them in
my support of OPA and veterans'
housing and FEPC. And I will
continue to do so . . . I will not be
dictated to or intimidated by men
to whom the KKK, as a matter of
record, is an acceptable American
institution. Right or wrong, I
claim-and I insist upon my right
to think freely and to speak free-

Letters to the Editor.,.


At the State .. .
DESERT FURY, with Lizabeth Scott, John
Hodiak, and Burt Lancaster.
ANY 19-YEAR-OLD college coed will think
twice, after seeing this mechanized horse
opera, before quitting school to go out into
the wide, wide world, particularly if she has
a figure like Lizabeth Scott's and a penchant
for flying around in bright red convertibles.
Lizabeth thought she knew all the angles in
ye olde love triangle, but her serpentine
curvatures took up where her geometry
left off.
Even though Liz lavishes all her affec-
tions on John Hodiak, the local gangster,
we had a sneaking suspicion all along that
she would wind up with Burt Lancaster,
'cause he's on Our Side. Burt, who gets the
iceberg treatment from Scotty when John
steps into the picture, finally does win her
in the last reel, even gets to hold her hand
as they fade into the distance. And Hodiak,
though he loses out, seems to have had most
of the fun, which may make you wonder.
The moral, for all you lasses who want to
avoid Lizabeth's mistakes: Don't fall in love
with the man your mother was once engaged
to, because that's why she married Daddy.
3 I IN/> Mit*Niy

talk here.
To be sure the Austri
conspicuously differ inr
ance from the Starhem
the princes of the flax
are plain men in worn
look rather incongruous
portraits and baroquec
Hapsburgs left behind t
These Austrian leade
down in their resistanc
less Soviet effort to des
pendence. And despite e
ment, ranging from brib
to the most violent pr
trian people are staying
Whereas in Western Eur
command 20 to 30 per
most national election;
of the Austrians vote C
places actually watche
Here is a riddle wh
solved. The solution is v
trians are anti-Comm
know what it is like to
sphere. And they are a
struggle for their indep
United States and the
ers also have troops in
British and French at
table in Vienna have a
the Soviets when they s
to breach their promis
pendence. Both by their
directly, the Americans,
and especially the Am(
have also encouraged
struggle for freedom.
present situation.
(Copyright, 1947, New Y

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