ORGANIC PROBLEM Y L LwF46 7Iai4b COOLER, CLEAR See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 3AH, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 25, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S.-Russian Fight To Get Airing in UN Plan To Answer Soviet Charges By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, Sept. 24-The United Nations Assembly's rank- ing political committee shoved the United States - Russian battle ahead of all other main business late today. This means that the 55-nation committee of ace diplomats will see a quick resumption of the U.S.-Soviet conflict tomorrow at 2 p.m. U.S. Names Roosevelt The United States, meanwhile, designated Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt as a spokesman to an- swer charges of "war-mongering" in the U.S. These charges were made last week by Andrei Y' Vshinsky, Soviet deputy foreign minister on the Assembly floor. Other top developments were: 1. The political committee ap- proved unanimously the member, ship applications of Yemen and Pakistan. Their final entry will be voted by the same nations in plenary session soon. Block Debate 2. The United States teamed with Russia against Britain to block Immediate debate on the report of the U.N. Trusteeship Council in the Trusteeship Com- nilttee. The report was put off until n xt week so that Russia, which bbycotted the trusteeship council last spring, could study it. 3. The Assembly's new commit- tee on planning and financing the prQposed world capital on Man- hattan's East Side, chose War- ren R. Austin, No. 2 U.S. delegate, as chairman. Lie Reports 4. Trygve Lie, Secretary-Gen- eral, told the budgetary commit- tee he anticipated a reduction of nearly $5,000,000 in the 1948 U.N. budget. He said the U.N. might re- duce the budget from its estimated total of $39,403,792 to $34,500,000. The committee then passed over the voluminous annual report of the security council temporarily, called up the Greek case and ad- journed at 4:15 p.m.(KCDYT) until tomorrow. . Radio-Active Soil Reported More Fertile CHICAGO, Sept. 24 - (1) - Atomic scientists in Chicago today expressed interest and surprise in the Tokyo airport of 50 to 300 per cent increases in yield of crops grown in radio-active soil at atom-bombed Nagasaki. (Earlier today Takeo Furuno, Nagasaki agriculturist, told Ky- odo news agency in Tokyo that wheat, cotton, pumpkins, sugar beets, tomatoes, eggplants, and similar plants showed from 50 to 300 per cent increase over prev- ious production at his experimen- tal plot in the center of the atom bomb blast zone just outside Nag- asaki city). Asked why the radioactive ground could produce such an in- creased yield Dr. Harold C. Urey, Nobel Prize physicist, said, "I really don't know. It sort of sur- prises me. "The first question that occurs to me is: Has that ground been used recently, or has it been lying fallow? But I suppose an agricul- turist like Furuno would have considered that." Dr. Austin M. Brues, a Univer- sity of Chicago atomic scientist, who visited Nagasaki last winter, said "anything is possible.' Dr. Brues added, "I know Fur- uno. I met him at his garden site. I admire that man, and know he is a competent agriculturist. He's running scientific experiments on the spot where his demolished house once stood. "The report is interesting. It shows that it makes it necessary that the National Research Coun- cil continue its studies; to weigh and balance various reports on this sort of thing." Art Reprints Available For Student Borrowing Students desiring to borrow art %I WHAT PRICE EDUCATION-Jam-packed students fought a battle for survival in registration lines and book stores last week to win the right to attend not-quite-so-crowded classes. Ford Pension; Plan Defeated Rouge Workers Vote Down Program 5-1 DETROIT, Sept. 24-(A)-De- feat of the $200,000,000 Ford Mo- tor Co. pension plan, first large scale program of its kind in the auto industry, was conceded today by its sponsors within the CIO United Auto Workers. As first rei rns from a vote at the Big Rou,.a Plant were an- nounced, Vice President Richard T. Leonard of the UAW-CIO, ad- mitted that chances for accept- ance of the pension program by 107,000 Ford production workers were "hopeless." With about 6,000 of.43,000 votes counted, the Rouge workers were five to one against the pension plan and its accompanying seven cent an hour wage increase. They favored, instead, an 111/2 cent an hour wage boost plus six paid annual holidays, the 1947 pattern in the industry. Final tabulation was expected to end Thursday evening. Thirty of Ford's 43 branch plants had already rejected the pension system and its repudia- tion by the Big Rouge local would seal its defeat. ROYALTY REIGNS- Engineers Crown King Cole' In Precedent-Shattering Rites 65,000 Fans To See First Grid Contest Good Weather May Boost Total At least 65,000 gridiron fans are expected to view the Spartan- Wolverine tussle Saturday in the opening game of the 1947 sched- ule, according to ticket manager Don Weir. However this pre-game estimate may be boosted still farther if the weatherman favors Ann Arbor with clear skies. Past Sales In the past Michigan State games have shown large gate sales with thousands of state grid fans making last minute treks to Ann Arbor on the strength of a fa- vorable weather forecast. Last year more than 76,000 saw the Spartan-Wolverine grid classic. Spartan student attendance is expected to be slashed drastically under former years since Mich- Igan State students must pay for their away game ducats this year. Another fact calculated to cut Spartan student attendance is the late opening of classes which do not get underway until next Mon- day. Ohio State Sold Out Meanwhile sale of tickets to re- maining games scheduled by the Wolverines is proceeding briskly with all ducats to the Ohio State game sold out and tickets for the Minnesota battle approaching a sell 'out. Weir also reports that one away game, the Illinois grid clash, also has hung up "sold out" sign. However it is reported some 2,000 tickets to the Ilinois game have been reserved for Michigan students planning to attend the fray. A special train, sponsored by the Wolverine Club, has been chartered to take Michigan stu- dents to the lingaslas in Champaign. Complete details of the football special train will be announced at a later date in The Daily. Meal Facilities To Be Subject Of AVC Probe Students' eating accommoda- tions will be investigated by a four-man committee, assigned last night at AVC's first meeting of the fall semester. The group, headed by Al Mill- stein, will delve into the matter of extra-long lines at the Union, greatly increased eating costs in the League houses and the possi- bility of non-resident students boarding at the dormitories. Millstein will be assisted in the survey by Andrew Warhola, Jerry Alexander and Bill Young. Food Guide Plans call for the eventual pub- lishing and distribution of a guide to the eating places in Ann Arbor within and without the University area. The report will take into consideration the accommoda- tions, food quality and price in the eating establishments. The first steps were taken at the meeting, too, to implement AVC's previously announced plans to sponsor an essay contest for high school students of Wash- tenaw County. The topic selected concerns the contributions of the foreign born to American democ- racy. Essay Contest "We're trying to instill in the high school students a sharper awareness of our place in the world scene," Max Dean, chairman of the essay committee explained. "It's for this reason that we have shied away from the traditional topics which treat of American- ism in their narrower aspects." A roster of University profes- sors and local journalists is cur- rently being approached to serve as judges in the contest and final arrangements are being made with school superintendents in the county to conduct the competi- tion. Government bonds have been selected as the prizes to win- ners. No Increase in Student Liquor Violations Seen Police Chief Enkenann Declares Detroit Newspaper Story on Drinking Groundless No noticeable increase in liquor violations among the student body of the University has appeared in the last six months and none is ex- pected in the near future, Ann Ar- bor Police Chief Casper Enke- mann declared yesterday. The Chief branded as utterly groundless insinuations made re- cently by a Detroit newspaper that the student drinking problem was getting out of hand here and that Maddy Scoops Petrillo's New Code of Ethics Calls AFL Decree Excellent But Tardy Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, professor of music and president of the Na- tional Music Camp at Interlochen, was laughing up his sleeve yester- day as he revealed that the "Code of Ethics" signed recently by James C. Petrillo, president of the AFL Federation of Musicians, was the same document he had written ten years ago. Although he is "greatly pleased" that the agreement between the musicians and music educators has finally been signed, Dr. Mad- dy added that if the document had been agreed to when he originally proposed it, "a lot of trouble would have been prevented." Petrillo exempted the National Music Camp, with which he has been feuding for many years, from agreement which "defines the fields of professional and amateur musicians on a national basis." He claimed that the camp, which has been connected with the Uni- versity for five years, is a com- mercial institution." D e n y i n g the "commercial" charge, Dr. Maddy pointed out that the camp's status "as an educational, non-profit institu- tion has been clearly and repeat- edly established." He added: "Interlochen's status as an edu- cational, non-profit institution was firmly established in 1942 at the time the federal government investigated the Camp and clearly removed any possible doubt of its non-commercial character. This status has been repeatedly reaf- firmed. We welcome and invite any investigation by any interest- ed group at any time." Lost-One Union Suit The man who lost his union suit in the Union is not amused. Jacob Mehlman, Washing- ton, D. C., registered at the Union desk, leaving his suit- case and a package of new underwear nearby. . When he returned a few minutes later, both were gone. local officers needed state help in enforcing liquor laws. Issues Strong Warning Enkemann issued a strong warning to all students, however, that both state and city liquor laws will continue to be enforced rigidly and that violators will not only be prosecuted but also turned over to the Dean of Students' of- fice for disciplinary action. "I strongly advise that all stu- dents legally qualified to drink procure liquor identification cards," the Chief added. "They are the safest and surest means of identification for everyone con- cerned." Considers Criticism Unfair Municipal Judge Jay H. Payne reiterated Clhief Enkemann's warning. "So far as this court is concerned, I've already served no- tice that the law will be stringent- ly enforced, and I also believe that those who sell liquor to minors Liquor identifications may be procured from the County Clerk's office in the County Building at Huron and Main from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. week days and 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturdays. Each applicant must bring a picture 1%/4 by 1/ and his original birth certificate or a certified copy. This is the only identification that can be ac- cepted, according to Mrs. Luella Smith, County Clerk. should be punished just as se- verely as any minors who buy it," he said. Judge Payne said that he had not even been queried by the De- troit newspaper in question even though his name was used in the story. "I think the story contained a very unfair criticism of student conduct," he added. "I've been dealing with students as citizens of this city for many years and I be- lieve they have developed no more cases of misconduct than ian other cross-section of the com- munity." Even Liquor ControlUrgLed I C - ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., Sept. 24 -(AP)-A plea for uniformity in state liquor control regulations was voiced here today by Owen J. Cleary, Chairman of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. Addressing the National Alco- holic Beverage Control Associa- tion here, Cleary said such a pro- ject should aim first at regula- tions*governing the sale of liquor to minors. "If we can achieve uniformity on this one issue then we have started in the right direction," Cleary said. "Without good enforcement," he warned, "sentiment tends towards riddance of legalized alcoholic beverages and a return to corrup- tion, graft, bribery and the evils which nearly ruined our nation in the wenies." Truman Calls Meeting on Food Issue High Living Costs To Be Spotlighted By The Associated Press President Truman took up the general food situation with his Cabinet yesterday and invited congressional leaders to meet with him on the same problem Mon- day. After the special Cabinet meet- ing, Secretary of Agriculture An- derson said that the President would make public today the Cabi- net Food Committee's report on food that may be available for Eu- ropean relief. Anderson added that Mr. Truman would make a statement along with the report. Grain Prices Down These new efforts to cope with the problem of high living costs and foreign relief came as most grain and livestock prices declined at the nation's major markets and wholesale butter and egg prices continued to edge lower. Elsewhere, these other recom- mendations were made for cur- tailing soaring living costs: 1-A Congressional subcommit- tee investigating high living costs asserted that speculation was "supporting food prices at unjus- tifiable levels" and urged Presi- dent Truman to "use every means" to restrain it. The subcommittee, in its first formal recommenda- tion since holding hearings in several eastern cities, telegraphed Mr. Truman from New York that margin requirements on grain ex- changes should be raised and that the manner and timing of govern- mental food purchases should be studied to minimize their specula- tive effect on prices. Appeal To Banker 2-Preston Delano, Comptrol- ler of the Currency, appealed to the nation's bankers to check the "severe and dangerous" postwar inflation. As supervisor of the na- tional banking system, Delano asked state bank commissioners meeting in Washington to seek to "prevent an undue expansion of credit in those fields which contribute heavily toward a con- tinuation of this inflation spiral." 3-Jerome M. Ney, board chair- man of the American retail fed- eration, said in an interview he would be in favor of "some form of price control on staple, basic foods" if their prices continued to climb. He added that "it seems clear that there will be further substantial increases." U.eS. Protests Ultimatums of Slav Troops WASHINGTON, Sept. 24-(IP)- The United States has fired an- other protest at the Yugoslav Government, demanding an im- mediate end to "irresponsible" ultimatums from Marshall Tito's troops in the Trieste area. Under Secretary of State Robert Lovett said the American note warned that such actions toward British and American soldiers are "Exceedingly dangerous and like- ly to precipitate incidents leading to most seru consequences.' Yugoslav troops moving during the past week into former Italian territory awarded them under the peace treaty often have argued bitterly with Allied troops station- ed along the provisional border of what is to be the Free Territory of Trieste. The ultimatums mentioned in the protest were issued by Yugo- slav wanting to take over certain positions along the boundary against American wishes. The Yugoslavs generally threatened to use force if necessary, although in most cases the arguments were settled. Trieste General Strike Called Off TRIESTE, Free Territory, Sept. 25-(A)-Allied military govern- ment of the Trieste Free Territory announced early today that the general strike which paralyzed the port area yesterday and resulted in 12,000 workers leaving their jobs, ended at midnight. Daring engineers flaunted the university's 'no royalty' rule by crowning a student "King Cole for a Day" yesterday noon, and in- vestigators with bloodhounds are on their heels in an attempt to prevent them from doing the same thing again today. A huge crowd watched in amazement as the engineers pounced upon the fifth student out of the library after the last stroke of twelve. They bestowed a glittering golden crown on his Rushing Lists Close Today The Inter-Fraternity Council will wind up its four-day rushing registration period from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the Union, with present indications pointing to a better than 800 total of rushees signed up. Rushing, returned to its pre- war scale, will begin next Sunday with each of the 37 active fra- ternities on campus holding open house to welcome prospective members. From then until the Oct. 9 close of the rushing period, each fraternity will take new members into its midst in its own way. Most have indicated a return to the traditional hazing daring pledgeship. The new registration card, in use this semester, includes space for the rushee to , specify the fraternity in which he may have a particular interest. brow and declared him "King Cole." His majesty was taken on a triumphant tour of the campus in a dazzling sedan chair whose sign "Reserved For The King" had mystified passers-by for over two borne by brawny litter bearers* engineer and a trumpet, both quarrelling loudly and often, was borne by brauny litter bearers marching stiffly, their slide rules glinting in the sun. At the conclusion of the parade, 'King Cole' was presented with a huge free ticket and instructed to "get himself a queen for a gala event to be held in the near fu- ture." The engineers then pro- mised to repeat the coronation at the same time and place today with another free ticket for the lucky King Cole. A late bulletin reports that the university investigators' chances for heading off today's royal cere- mony hav, been made even slim- mer by the mutiny of their prize bloodhound who was last seen puffing complacently back toward campus in hopes of getting him- self+ crowned "King Cole - Day." Italy Hit ble) Nw Textile, for a Weathermen Mix It Up All Over Rains and heavy winds driving on New York and+ fornia sweltered, as weather were Cali- fore- casters predicted frost for the Ann Arbor area. But lower Michigan is well off, for below freezing temperatures are awaited for northeast Iowa and Minnesota. O LADY BEWARE: 'They Shall Not Pass' Vows Fox, Union's New Doorman oN______________ Farm Strikes ROME, Sept. 24-(P)-A strike wave that appeared coordinated (with a leftist drive to topple Italy's christian democrat government spread today to-40,000 key work- ers in textile plants and threat- ened to paralyze this highly pro- ductive industry within 48 hours. Both company and union spokesmen said that if the walk- cut of 40,000 technicians, ad- ministrative hands and assistants continued for two days all of the industry's 550,000 workers would have to go home because they would lack technical direction. Union representatives said the strike, which has the support of the Communist-dominated gen- eral confederation of labor, was called to protest failure of man- agement to classify administrative workers as "employes" rather than "laborers." The technicians com- World News at a Glance By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Sept. 24-President Truman today accepted the resignation of William Benton as Assistant Secretary of State in charge of information and cultural affairs, effective Sept. 30. The White House announcement made no mention of a successor to Benton in the post. * * * * WASHINGTON, Sept. 24-Secretary of Defense Forrestal indicated today that President Truman soon will announce the appointment of Dr. Vannevar Bush as chairman of the Research and Development Board in the new defense set-up. Dr. Bush was wartime director of the office of scientific re- search and devolopment, which has been reduced to a temopary organization pending the make-up of the new defense board. * * * * PARIS, Sept. 24-French coal miners will be asked to consider strike action if wage increases and improved food rations are not forthcoming within three days, union leaders said today. WASHINGTON, Sept. 24--The Interstate Commerce Com- mission today authorized an increase in railway express charges. It is estimated the increase will bring in $61,000,000 in annual revenue. The authorization is good for one year "or until further order of the commission." * * * * LANSING, Sept. 24-Federal Approval of the first all-Negro unit of the newly organized Michigan National Guard has been announced by guard headquarters here. The unit is the 1279th Engineer Combat Battalion of Detroit By JOE FREIN "No Women Allowed!" After a year of laxity, that un- written law preventing women from entering the Michigan Union through the front door is being rigidly enforced by Neil Fox, the Union's new doorman. a resident of Ann Arbor for the past four years. Like his late predecessor, Fox "having women around."j "Nevertheless, I intend to main- tain the hallowed Michigan tradi- tion, "Through these portals no women shall pass," he announced. Was Plant Guard