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November 04, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-04

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Latest Deadline in the State


UN Assembly Passes,
Motion Condemning
Propaganda for War
Soviet Union Demands Britain End
Rule Over Palestine by January 1
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Nov. 3-The United Nations Assembly approved
unanimously tonight a world condemnation of propaganda that might
hreaten peace.
This final action was taken only after Russia declared it was a
'half-way" measure that did not name "those countries where war
propaganda is particularly widespread."
Just a week ago, in a surprise move in the Assembly's 57-
nation political committee, Russia withdrew charges that the
United States, Greece and Turkey were carrying on "criminal war
At Lake Success, the Soviet Union demanded that the British

UAW Given
Second Chance
To Sign Oath
Non-Communist Vow
Required by NLRB
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3--0P)-
The National Labor Relations
Board indicated today it will
grant the CIO-United Auto Work-
ers a "reasonable" time in which
to qualify to use the board's facil-
ities under the Taft-Hartley Act,
temporarily overlooking one of-
ficer's refusal to sign a non-Com-
munist oath.
Without disclosing what its
eventual decision might be should
Vice President R. J. Thomas per-
sist in defying the Taft-Hartley
oath requirement, the Board ap-
peared ready to accept the notice
of UAW President Walter P. Reu-
ther that the executive board had
voted to comply.°
Reuther so notified the NLRB
late Friday and said a letter would
follow requesting preservation of'
the union's pending cases while
it endeavors to get into compliance
with the eligibility requirements.
A UAW official here said that
Thomas might not be the only of-
ficer who balked at signing the
affidavit disavowing Communism.
The act requires such affidavits
from all union officers before their
labor organization may gain rec-
ognition of the board or bring
cases before it.
Four SS Men
To Be Hanged
Eleven Sentenced
T1o Jail in Gernany
NUERNBERG, Germany, Nov.
3i(-P)-Four former top-ranking
SS (Elite Guard) officers, headed i
by Oswald Pohl and who consti-
tuted the "business brains" of the
Nazi concentration camps, were
sentenced to the gallows today by
an American war crimes court.
Eleven others were given sen-
tences ranging from 10 years to
life. The court said the group of
15 was responsible for "wholesale
murder, pillage, thievery and loot-
ing." Five defendants were ac-
The court, headed by Judge
Robert M. Toms of Detroit, de-
scribed those convicted as "mon-
sters of depravity" who had built
a system of concentration camps
and traded lives for loot.
In acquitting the five defend-
ants, the court ruled for the first
time during the war crimes trials
that a German SS member could
be considered innocent if it was
not proved that he knew the in-
tent of the Elite Guard to be
criminal. In each case acquitted,
the defendant admitted belonging
to the SSdbut insisted he knew
nothing about its law-breaking
laber To Tell
Job Outlook
Problem - fin-- tdentsinre-

terminate their rule over Palestine
by Jan. 1, and turn interim ad-
ministration of the turbulent
Holy Land over to the Security
Council pending partition into in-
dependent Jewish and Arab coun-
Russia also called for with-
from Palestine no later than
May L 1948, and official estab-
lishment of the two new nations
by Jan. 1, 1949.
Delegate Semen 'K. Tsarapkin
presented the long-awaited Soviet
policy statement before a closed
meeting of the "partition" sub-
committee of the Assembly's 57-
nation Palestine committee after
rejecting an American plan for
implementing partition.
The Russian proposals were
based on the assumption that the
United Nations would approve
partition, which is bitterly op-
posed by the Arabs.
The U. S. had asked the British,
as mandatory power, to retain
control of the Holy Land until
July 1 when it was suggested that
partition could be effected.
Council Hears
Details of New
Housing Plan
Initial steps of a new $800,000
housing project containing 121
three and a half roomapartments
received the approval of the Ann
Arbor City Council at its regular
meeting last night.
The Housing project, to be situ-
ated on "Nob Hill" an area
bounded by Main, Davis, Third
and Koch Streets, will be com-
posed of eight separate units each
with a central heating plant. The
first of the dwellings is expected
to be completed early next sum-
mer, according to the builders,
Robertson and Edwards.
Council also asked for bids on
three traffic lights to be placed
at the junctions of East Univer-
sity and South University, South
University and State, and at South
State and North University.
Approval was also granted to
the police department to trade id
four of its present cars for new
Fords. A police-commissioner said
this was necessary "because too
many old '37 and '38 Chevies are
running awayfrom our police
Added Directories
Are Expected Today
Terrific sales demands sold
out all 1947-48 StudentiDirec-
tories yesterday, but Bill Zer-
man, Directory sales manager,
hopes to have an adequate sup-
ply for sales today.
The new orange, 450 page
edition is being sold for $1 near
the Michigan Union, Michigan
League, Campus Willow Village
Bus Stop, corner of State Street
and N. University, Galens
booth, Law Quad and the archi-
tecture school.

in the country to put oil painting
Dr. Forsythe
Decries Poor
Health Abroad
WSSF Drive To Aid
All Foreign Students
The plight of many foreign stu-
dents, who enroll in the Univer-
sity only to enter Health Service
because of illness, indicates the
hazardous effect that malnutrition
and poor sanitary conditions are
having in Europe and Asia, ac-
cording to Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,j
diretor of Health Service.1
The World Student Service
Fund which begins its drive on
campus tomorrow, is organized to
aid these foreign students in
building healthier, better educated
nations. The scope of their work
and the need for support is ex-
plained by the WSSF display on
the diagonal.
Vast increase in disease has
been causedhbysdevastation and
destroyed homes, which have
forced masses to live together, Dr.
Forsythe said. "Statistics show 18
to 10 times as much tuberculosis
among foreign students as among
American students, and they are
supposed to be a select group," he
James Wang, Chinese student,
who is now a patient at Health
Service, reported that St. John's
University in Shanghai has a med-
ical school that doesn't even have
an x-ray machine. "They are do-
ing the best they can within their
means, but they need money," he
Due to the high cost of. living
and low quality food people just
don't have the energy to go to
school, Wang stated.
According to Aung Chein,
Health Service patient from Bur-
ma, not as many students are able
to go to school now as before the
war because of poor health and
the destruction of schools. "There
is not enough medicine and vil-
lages have very poor sanitary con-
ditions," he said.
"Seeds of Destiny," Academy
Award winning film which shows
the effect which war had in Eu-
rope will be shown continuously
from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today in
Kellogg Auditorium. The film,
which has not been presented in
commercial theatres because it
presents too realistic a picture of
present conditions in Europe, will
be open to the public without

ene White, art student at the University believed to be the first artist
s on sport shirts, p uts the finishing touches on another "Gene-Don
* * * *'
Novel Shirt-Front Paintings
Create Business for Student

How'd you like a scene from
Faust or football, a sketch of a
gal or a gardenia painted on your
favorite sport shirt or blouse?
Gene. White is the boy who has
already proven he can do it-he's
an art student at the University
from Owensboro, Kentucky whose
Choral Union
Series Stars
Pianist Today
Daniel Ericourt, internationallyj
known French pianist, will pre-I
sent the third concert in the reg-
ular Choral Union series at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Since his American debut in
1937, Ericourt has appeared with
the New York Philharmonic, and
the symphony orchestras of De-
troit, Cleveland and San Francisco.
Best known for his Debussy ren-
ditions, he knew the composer in
Paris, and appeared with him in
concerts several times.
The music of modern France
has always been of special inter-
est to Ericourt, and he is a cele-
brated exponent of the works of
Stravinsky, Ravel and others of
his colleagues.
The program today will include
Sonata in C major, Mozart; Four
Songs Without Words, Mendels-
sohn; Novelette, Op. 21, No. 8,
Schumann; and Sonata No. 3,
Following the intermission, the
program will continue with three
pieces by Debussy: Mouvement, La
Terrasse des audiences du ClaireI
de Lune, and Feux d' Artifice; Ra-l
vel's Ondine; and Spolizio and Me-
phisto Waltz, Liszt.
World News 11
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 3 - Stanislaw
Mikolajczyk reached refuge in
London today after a dramatic
flight from Poland that included
a dash through Soviet-occupied
Germany. He said he fled because
the present Communist-led Polish
government planned to kill him
and two of his associates.
LIMA, Perui, Nov. 3 - The
Bumber OFC reported deaths
from Saturday's earthquake in
Peru rose to 53 tonight when
dispatches from San Ramon
said three persons had been
killed in that Andes mountain
town 130 miles northeast of
* * *
CHICAGO, Nov. 3-Rep. Hart=

shirt painting hobby begun last
spring is growing into a nation-
wide business.
Believed to the only artist in
the country to paint pictures on
shirts, Gene is still experimenting
on which materials make the best
"canva's" for his four by five inch
paintings. "Dry cleaning doesn't
hurt them at all," he says.
Gene lives and works in a real
artist's hideaway complete with a
candle in a wine bottle that he and
his room-mate, Don Itzon of Iron
Mountain, built themselves in the
basement of 520! Packard Ave.
Don, an engineering student who
"saw the light" and is now study-
ing art, is Gene's partner and
handles the marketing of the
Each Gene-Don exclusive, as
the shirts are labeled, takes from
four to five hours to paint. Since
Gene keeps very busy in art school
classes he's only had time to paint
three dozen shirts since spring. He
plans to speed up production
though, and already has contacts
in Palm Beach and Hollywood 4s
well as in Ann Arbor stores.
Although the shirts haven't as
yet been offered for sale to women,
Gene believes the girls will go for
them in a big way. He's also able
to paint designs on blouses and
light gabardine suits.
While designs have been mostly
limited to sports, operative and
the-atrical figures, Gene says the
possibilities are unlimited. Pin-
ups? "You order 'em, I'll paint
'em," he says.
Don't 'Wait for
Late -Corners
It's a.e even bet that the felllow
who walks into class about 8:30
this morning shares a room in
the East Quadrangle with an elec-
tric alarm clock.
All electric power in the Quad
was shut off from midnight to
6:30 a.m. today as electricians
connected the electric power lines
of the old and new sections of the
dormitories. The heroes of the
early morning were the much-ma-
ligned wartime alarm clocks which
did double duty.
Only a few students who studied
late by flashlight defied the first
post-war blackout in Ann Arbor.
Most residents gave up and went
to bed,

J. Winant,
Former Envoy
Dies ifn Home
By The Associated Press
CONCORD, N.H., Nov. 3-John
G. Winant, 58, former Ambassador
to Great Britain, ended a life
dedicated to the improvement f
social and labor conditions in the
nation by committing suicide to-
night with a pistol.
Medical Referee Clarence E.
Butterfield, who pronounced the
suicide verdict, said Winant shot
himself while alone in his bed-
room. He died at 7:45 p.m.
The doctor quoted Miss Irene
Mason, the secretary, and Miss
Orol Maears, the maid, as saying
they heard no shot, but were at-
tracted by the thump of Winant's
'In Low Spirits'
Both women said Winant
"seemed to be in low spirits" and
suffering "mental and physical fa-
Winant served in the London
diplomatic post throughout World
War II and at the war's end he
was the United States representa~-
tive on the European Supervisory
In 1946, President Truman
named him permanent U. S. rep-
resentative on the United Nations
Economic and Social Council.
UN Work
The three-time governor of New
Hampshire returned to this coun-
try in May, 1946, to devote his full
time to the UN assignment.
Last December, however, he
asked President Truman tosrelieve
him to "pick up life again as a pri-
vate citizen in my own country."
Winant, often likened to Abra-
ham Lincoln because of his physi-
cal resemblance and his penchant
for always trying to help others,
had served as first head of the
Social Security Board, to which
he was named by the late Presi-
dent Roosevelt in 1935.
That -appointment, followed.hi
energy in obtaining advanced so-
cial legislation in his home state
while serving as its chief executive.
Although a Republican, Winant
did not hesitate to endorse Presi-
dent Roosevelt's action in creat-
ing the National Recovery Admin-
Hungary Gives
AP Writer 24
Hours To Go
LONDON, Nov. 3 - (W) - The
Communist-dominated Hungarian
government today ordered the ex-
pulsion from Hungary of Jack
Guinn, 31, Associated Press cor-
respondent in that country for the
last 22 months.
The action against Guinn was
taken a week after the arrest of
his American secretary, Miss
Elizabeth K. Pallos, and three days
after Yugoslavia's expulsion of Ar-
thur M. Brandel, Belgrade corres-
pondent for the New York Times.
The Hungarian Ministry of the
Interior said in a statement that
political police had discovered "an
organization for espionage" and in
connection with this had detained
Miss Pallos and seven other per-
"In connection with the discov-
ery of the organization," the state-

ment concluded, "Ministry of the
Interior authorities expelled Mr.
Jack Guinn, Associated Press cor-
respondent, from Hungary for-
Guinn earlier had been noti-
fied he must leave Hungary with-
in 24 hours or face charges of
"espionage and the smuggling of
criminals" out of the country. He
plans to leave for Vienna tomor-
row by United States legation
car, with his wife and children to
follow by legation plane.

sion of Congress which gets un-
derway in barely two weeks. Al-
though endorsing the general
principles of aid to Europe Van-
denberg urged that it be carried
out with sound administration and
adequate cooperation from the
benefited countries.
In one of the most momen-
tous portions of his address,
Senator Vandenberg declared
that we must go ahead on the
question of a German peace
settlement - with or without
Soviet cooperation. He called a
German and Austrian peace
settlement one of the most im-
perative factors concerning
world stability and peace.
Soviet actions have frustrated
every attempt at German eco-
nomic unity thus far, according to
the Senator, who urged that the
peace conference be called by
those who do agree, leaving the
door open for the Soviets.
Vandenberg sharply criticized
current "amazing "anti-American
vilification" by the Russians. He
refuted charges of war monger-
ing, Fascism and economic im-
perialism which have been hurled
at the U.S. by the Soviet Union.
Outlining his own beliefs, the
senior senator from Michigan
asked for global disarmament
and reliance on the United Na-
tions. However, he warned, until
these aims can be assured we
must have a totally adequate
American national defense.
In urging continued support of
the UN, he said that it has pre-
vented the Soviet Union from go-
ing its own way "in the Commu-
nist design for a post war world."
"If it does notnsave the peace,"
Vandenberg pointed out, "it will
fix the crystal-clear responsibility
for its loss."
However he did urge certain
"curative"'changes in the United
Nations charter. Vandenberg said
the veto should be applied only
to the use of armed force. "But,"
he warned, "it should never apply
to pacific means for the settle-
ment of situations and disputes."
Group Pickets
Convocation Arouses
Criticism ofPolicy
Yesterday's Hill Auditorium
convocation was picketed by some
25 placard bearing students pro-
testing Dutch action in Indonesia.
However, the large group in turn
was picketed by a lone student.
The student, Al Shapiro, carried a
hastily-improvised poster which
read "These students are not rep-
resentative of the student body at
the University of Michigan." The
lone anti-picketer also charged
that the large group was on hand
only to cause a disturbance.
Ed Shaffer, a member of the
large picketing group, told news-

Vandenberg Says
Distrust Imperils
Senator Approves Marshall Plan,
Calls for Germian Peace Settlement
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg yesterday solemnly warned thousands
of University students and faculty members that "suspicion and
distrust" imperil American objectives of peace, and called for a "heavy,
dose of total truth to' attack misunderstandings."
At a special convocation honoring the Dutch Centennial in Mich-
igan, the leading Republican stqtesman outlined Russian actions
which have resulted in an "east-west cleavage" and have "split war-
born Allied unity." He leveled a verbal blast at Soviet use of the
United Nations veto and recent Russian "war mongering" charges
directed at the United States.
Vandenberg's talk came as a climax to the year-long celebration
honoring one-hundred years of
Dutch settlement in Michigan. TE v
Netherlands Ambassador to the Jn
U.S., Dr. Eelco Nicholaas vant E
Kleffens, also spoke at the Uni- Ex lais Use
versity convocation where both
men were given the honorary de- -U S.
gree of Doctor of Laws.
Commenting on problems here
at home, the Republican lawmaker
expressed approval of the "Mar- Indonesian Attacks
shall Plan" for aid to Europe. This Provoked Response
is one of the m ajor questions slat- -dt c m b f espiase

Defense against the armed at-
tacks of an Indonesian minority
necessitated Dutch use of Amer-
ican equipment in the Netherlands
East Indies controversy, Dr. Eelco
Nicholaas van Kleffens asserted
in an open press conference yes-
Suavely answering questions In
regard to the Indonesian question,
the Netherlands ambassador,
speaker at the convocation in
honor 6f Michigan Dutch settlers,
said that "only a small part of the
United States equipment" had
been procured through lend-lease,
He failed, however, to explain how
the remainder of the American
arms had been obtained.
Dutch Forced to Act
"Expansionist policies of the
Indonesian republic forced early
Dutch action in the situation, pre-
venting formation of a proposed
United States of Indonesia," Dr.
Van Keff ens said in a review of
the problem.
"Later, in spite of a truce, the
Indonesian minorit government,
supplied with Japanese arms, con-
tinued attacks, and contrary to
agreement, continued to hold
Dutch hostages prisoner."
The ambassador further charged
that the Indonesians had deliber-
ately starved areas held by the
Dutch, thus preventing their with-
Explains Order Breach
Breach of the UN Security
Council cease fire order by the
Dutch was compelled because of
contrary directives of the Indo-
nesian government to the peopld
Dr. van Kleffens declared.
"Actually totalitarian, the gov-
ernment represents but a defiant
minority of the people," he said.
"They have been afraid to hold
any elections for fear of losing
Declaring his nation's future po-
sition on the problem of Indone-
sian independence, the ambassador
expressed a desire "to see the
crown as the only link between the
Netherlands and the United States
of Indonesia."
Convocation Speech
In his talk at the convocation
yesterday morning, Ambassador
van Kleffens asked for a restora-
tion of international law, as ex
pressed in the International Court
of Justice at The Hague.
The Dutch ambassador, who re-
ceived an honorary degree of doc-
tor of laws at the convocation,
pointed out that the International
Court of Justice had been too long
ignored by the United Nations.
He declared:
"The alternative is progressive
chaos and anarchy and' the rule
of arbitrary force. .The 50-odd
middle and small countries can-
not feel secure as long as in the
United Nations emotion takes
precedence over law."
Omission of Candidate
Statement Corrected
The qualifications statement of

Small Snacks May Result in
Calorie Counters' Downfall

Pollock Approves Vandenberg
Proposal for German Treaty

That in-between snack is an all-
imnn, . n.m '4 fannar i n -Ir., nr., the-

pears within a week, the cashier

Sen, Arthur H. Vandenberg's pro-'

out the provisions of the Potsdam

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