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November 02, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-11-02

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Fresh Air Camp To Receive Proceeds
From Dance Scheduled for IM Building

A-Hop, Assembly's man bid, se-
mi-formal dance, will present
Tony Pastor's orchestra from 8:36
p.m. to midnight Saturday, Nov.
8, in the Intramural Building.
The University of Michigan
Fresh Air Camp, which will re-
ceive the proceeds of this benefit
dance, is both educational for the
students who donate their time to*
the project, and also is an import-
ant relief work.
Camp Is Instructional
The camp provides realistic
training for educators, social
workers, visiting teachers, group
specialists, and others interested
in the area of guidance and ment-
al hygiene.
One of the special advantages
of the setting is that the student-
counselor will have an opportun-
ity to watch the boys with whom
he works, operate in groups. This
asset of studying the individual's
response in solitary and group sit-
uations is important in evaluating
mediums for the camper's subse-
quent readjustment.
Boys Carefully Selected
About 240 boys ranging in age
from 7 to 14 years experience the
instruction and care offered at the
Fresh Air Camp. Each boy is sel-
ected by one of 20 cooperating so-
cial agencies which are located in
the Metropolitan Detroit area, or
in cities of this section of the state.
The case worker or visiting teach-
er decides if the boy has special

need for this type of camping ex-
)erience. In this way boys are giv-
n an opportunity to develop sat-
isfactory patterns of adjustment
o boys their own age, to adults
and to the regulations of society.
For this reason the campers are
riot just casually selected, nor is
he effect of the camping experi-
nce lost when the boy returns
'ome. They are carefully chosen
ecause they need this planned
>pportunity for regular hours of
leep, good food, sunshine, and
exercise under the supervision of
understanding and sympathetic
University Supported
The University Fresh Air Camp
9 supported by University stud-
ents, faculty, alumni and friends.
phe camper fee, purposely kept
reasonable because of the finan-
ial limitations of families and
social agencies, is less than half of
the cost to maintain each boy.
This difference is made up by con-
One of Assembly's traditional
projects has been to raise funds to
nelp support the Fresh AirCamp.
Tickets for A-Hop are on sale in
University Hall and at the M ichi-
gan Union.
A-Hop will be provided with the
music of Pastor's orchestra, with
the maestro's brother, Stubby
Pastor, playing trumpet solos, and
the Clooney sisters on the vocals.

Mortar Board
Is Offered
Announcement of the $500
Katherlne Willis Coleman Fellow-
ship, open to members of Mortar
Board honorary society graduat-
ing in 1948 was made by the na-
tional organization this week.
The fellowship will be presented
to one or two applicants to be se-
lected by a committee of deans
and a committee of national Mor-
tar Board officers.
Candidates- for the fellowship
must be unmarried and able to
qualify as candidates for the Mas-
ter's or Doctor's degree in an ac-
cepted graduate school.
Information and application
blanks may be obtained from Mrs.
Edward M. Williams, Mortar
Board Fellowship Chairman, 191
1South Franklin Street, Wilkes-
Barre, Pennsylvania, before De-
cember 1.
Thirty-two teams will partici-
pate in the Inter-house volley ball
tournament this week in Barbour
In houses having more than
one team, members of the team
are not interchangeable. This rule
is effective even though one team
is dropped from the tournament.
Monday: 5:10 p.m. Alpha Gam-
ma Delta vs. Alpha Omicron Pi II,
Stockwell vs. Sorosis II; 7:20 p.m.
Newberry I vs. Pi Beta Phi I, Bar-
bour II vs. Zone II.
Tuesday: 5:10 p.m. Mosher I vs.
Zone VI, Delta Gamma I vs. Al-
pha Delta Pi I.
Wednesday: 5:10 p.m. Stock-
well vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma I,
Alpha Delta Pi II vs. Kappa Kap-
pa Gamma III; 7:20 p.m. Alpha
Chi Omega vs. Alpha Xi Delta II,
Martha Cook vs. Chi Omega.
Thursday: 5:10 p.m. Delta Del-
ta Delta I vs. Mary Markley, Al-
pha Phi vs. Sigma Delta Tau;
7:20 p.m. Stockwell XV vs. Co-op,
Zone I vs. Kappa Delta; 8:15 p.m.
Couzens II vs. Zone 7, Mosher III
vs. Gamma Phi Beta III.
Crop and Saddle: Groups will
ride at scheduled hours.
Tennis: Members will meet at
5 p.m. tomorrow at the WAB to
discuss plans for indoor practice.
Members are also asked to bring
dues to thismeeting.
Ballet: Regular meeting will be
held at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
dance room of Barbour Gym. Men
and women students are invited to
Camp Counselors: Meeting will
be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the
WAB. A speaker will talk on 'Camp,

More Foreign
Women Seen
At University
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of articles by the author
concerning foreign women on cam-
With more foreign women at-
tending the Universitythis fall
than ever before, the Office of the
Dean of Women is arranging per-
sonal interviews with each in re-
gard to their housing arrange-
ments and other matters of ad-
justment to American life.
The office commences its con-
tact with the foreign woman plan-
ning to come to this campus be-
fore she leaves her home country,
All her housing arrangements are
concluded in" advance whenever
the student wishes specific ar-
rangements, and an attempt is
made to help orient her into Uni-
versity procedure.
Preliminary figures show that
there are 93 women students
from other countries, exclusive
of Canada, registered this term.
Twenty countries are represent-
ed with China sending the high-
est number at 28. There are 15
women of Japanese extraction,
most of whom are American cit-
izens, and 12 from the Philip-
This year India has sent more
women students than in previous
years with a total of eight on cam-
pus. Puerto Rico, whose students
are American citizens, has sent
six and there are three from Kor-
ea. Argentine and Brazil have sent
two each. There is one student
each from Burma, Cuba, Holland,
Iceland, Japan, Mexico, Norway,
Palestine, Switzerland, Turkey,
and Siam.
Almost half of the foreign
women registered at the Uni-
versity this fall are in the Grad-
iuate School with others taking
professional, work of graduate
status in the Schools of Public
Health, Music, Business Admin-
istration, and Pharmacy. There
are five foreign women in medi-
cal school. Literary college has
thirty-two undergraduate wo-
men from other countries.
The International center re-
ports that there are a large num-
ber of foreign women here ac-
companying their husbands, who
are enrolled in the University.
When final figures are complete,
it is expected- that an even larger
number of foreign women will be
found to be enrolled here.
A gold-plated book marker,
suitable for a gift, has been placed
on the market, which when ad-
justed not only holds the page but
allow. one' to turn pages freely
while reading.

Hold Show
international Center To
SponsorC hicago Trip
University students and Ann
Arbor residents gathered to ob-
serve the seven classes in the Crop
and Saddle Horseshow held yes-
Winners of the children 12 to 17
year class were Margaret Post,
first; Ranny Towsley, second; and
Elizabeth Fraalick, third. Winners
of the children's 6 to 12 year class
were Marion Fralick, first, Eliza-
beth Ogden, second and Judy Por-
ter, third. Participating in this
division was four year old Danny
Bradley with his admonitions to
his horse 'Tophat.'
University Winners
Wiiners in the University in-
termediates class were Myrna
Rees, first, Charlotte Cohen, sec-
ond, and Carol Schneider, third.
Open horsemanship was won by
Margaret Post, second place was
taken by Don Crile, with Charl-
otte Cohen taking third place.
In the pajama race the parti-
cipants were required to cantor
down to the opposite end of the
ring, put on pajamas, cantor back,
remove pajamas and remount the
horse. Winners in this class were
Gratia Boice, first and Peggy Dod-
son, second. An exhibition of three
and five gaited horses was given by
Margaret and Marie Post.
Crop and Saddle
One of the largest classes in the
show was the Crop and Saddle
class. First place was taken by
Marie Post, second by Gretchen
Hutzel and third by Pat Peter.
We print 'em all
No job too large or small.
Programs - Tickets
Stationery - Announcements
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Odorless Dry Cleaning"
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Phone 4700


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Whether you sit on the 50-yard line or in the
end zone, football is a great game. So you'll want
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We heartily endorse the following items to keep
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When the shadows fall over the field,
you'll be glad to snuggle into the
warmth of your hooded plaid or mono-
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Gabardines and wools in
touchdown colors will
make you rate with Chap-
puts for attention. 10.95.
Sizes 9-15, 10-20.
During the garde and at
the dance afterwards, you
can shine in one of these
before 5 dresses of falle
or after 5 dresses of taf-
feta. Your size. 16.95 up.

You'll win the BEST MAN in our superbly
tailored two-piece pin-check suit with belted
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fragrance for corduroys and casuals


wear to the game, you'll want a colorful
iof gabardine or worsted to vie With the
,um pennants in brilliance. Sizes 9.15.



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