THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NO)VEMBER 2, 9 Fifty.Eighth Year r ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Score for Germany DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Is 1 Letters to the Editor... 11- I It T Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell ...................Managing Editor Clyde Recht ....................,....City Editor Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Eunice Mintz..........Associate Editor Lida Datles..................... Associate Editor Dick Kraus.......................Sports Editor Bob Lent .................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ..............Women's Editor Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ...,..............Library Director Business Staff Nancy Hlmick.................General Manager Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in thispnews- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann .Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staffj and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT By EDGAR ANSEL MO WRER AFTER narrowly escaping German aggres- sion in 1918, dull-witted Americans and brihshers proceeded deliberately to build up -the industrial power of their defeated enemy. As a result, the Germans were able to make a second attack on civilization in 1939. Now the same sorts of Americans and Britishers are struggling to restore Ger- man industrial supremacy on the Euro- pean continent. The logical conclusion will be a third attack by the Germans some years from now, presumably in col- lusion with the Russians. In the process of trying to force German industrial supremacy on western Europe, these people may well be jeopardizing Eur- opean rehabilitation. This is a strong charge to bring against General Lucius Clay, Ambassador Robert Murphy, ex-President Herbert Hoover and those other misguided Americans who in the face of experience persist in ignoring the German danger. On the eve of the coming London conference where the fu- ture of the Fatherland should be decided, I pring it again-and quite deliberately Our State Department's refusal to do its duty and take over the government of our part of Germany has played into the hands of all those who have made up their mind 4 Primitive Men THE NEED FOR FAITH is much discuss- ed nowadays - a reflection of the un- certainty in which we live. Catholics and Protestants deplore the plight of Christian- ity, while Communists strive for their form of worship. But what is needed is trust in human beings as such, not single-minded devotion to a particular creed. A glance at the world today reveals ex- tremes battling for supremacy in most areas of active human interest. Those who don't have the future mapped out for them by their beliefs are unfortunate- ly silent. 'In Europe, for example, Com- munists are uniformly opposed by ultra- conservatives, a difficult choice. The atmosphere prevading thought today is a result of pseudo-logic, exemplified by the title of the recent debate between Ox- f rd University and the University of Mich- igan - "Resolved: that the workings of a modern democracy demand a liberal rather than a vocational education." This "either- or" type of thought is left to us from the cays when men had to preserve their lives on the basis of elemental choices: "Either club the grizzly bear or run and try to escape." Stone Age primitivity is manifesting it- self in the current Congressional investi- gations, in the clashing theories of Com- munists and laissez-faire free enterprisers, -and in the absolute dogmas of religious ethics. It is a sad commentary on our vaunted Western civilization, and a feature that bids fair to cause the ruin of that civilization. Peace will not be the result of demands by Russia and the United States for either Communism or American democracy. Elas- ticity is lacking in such an approach. Our hope of survival lies in courageously facing the fact that truth on the level of human affairs most often means complexity and subtlety rather than black-and-white sim- plicity. -Phil Dawson Waring Concert THE UNQUESTIONED BARNUM of the musical world cracked his tune-produc- ing whip o'er the heads of his "half a hund- red 'Pennsylvanians" twice here this week- end to thoroughly delight everyone who saw and heard them. It's been many a moon since Hill Audi- torium has seen a musical organization of any kind to equal the brilliance, ver- satility and talent contained in Fred War- ing's orchestra. Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians seemed to be far less content to coast along on their reputation than many of the "great" sym- phonies who have appeared here. They did everything in their power to make the pro- gram tops, even to providing a complete 7 microphone sound system with two engi- neers to operate it to insure a perfect blend of voice and orchestra. The Waring program was another mark of his ability. It contained no holes or weak spots. He didn't take two or three favorites and pad them with anything that came along as we've seen happen here so often. Instead, he ran the whole gamut of music from spirituals to the "Lord's Prayer" and from "Dry Bones" to the ubf~uI_ _ AL_ b... ... _ ...Ca.. Dramaizing Bigotry IT LOOKS from here as if the J. Parnell Thomas Committee probe is about to blow up. The explosion, in all probability. will match that of a dozen or so years back, when a similar investigation uncovered six- year-old Shirley Temple as a Communist propagandist. Now, as then, the committee will crawl back into its shell, while the public guf- faws and speaks of "dirty politics." Now, as then, the committee will be in pretty nearly universal disrepute.. Why? IT' it that their tactics proved essentially undemocratic, that their tenets of what con- sittes Americanism were completely un- founded, as indeed they were? Or is it, rather, that they were out-sen- sationalized this time, and thus heaped detestation and disrespect upon them- selves? It seems to us that the latter is the case. For smear campaigns, in the past, when well handled and cleverly press-agented, have been singularly successful. And pre- vioyts efforts to define "Americanism" in ternis of conformity-conformity with some- body or other's "100% red-blooded" brand of bigotry-have been accepted in the past. The failure of the current probe holds no forebodings for other smear campaigns -be they loyalty tests, Americanism tests, or "foreign agency" bans-not, at least, if these campaigns are carried on so as not to arouse public indignation. So, it appears that when bigotry is force- fully and dramatically brought to light, the people fight it. But when it's kept subtly on the inside pages, they don't notice, and they don't act. The Bureau of Missing Platitudes might do well to investigate why, among all the catch-all expressions tossed back and forth at the hearings, nobody said "the way to make democracy live is to let the people know." -Ben Zwerling What s on 11wax.. that Europe needs German industrial su- premacy regardless. Their latest victory is the recent Anglo- American decision (announced Oct. 27) to leave management of the essential Ruhr coal mines in the hands of the same Ger- man industrialists who ran the mines, with slave labor, under Hitler. This deci- sion has beensprotested by the Ruhr coal miners' unions. It was also taken against the will of the French, Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourg governments. We must assume one of two things: either the American and British Germany-Firsters believe that they know better what is good for Europe than the Europeans themselves (a curious notion in view of our success in grooming the Germans to wage World War I:) or they harbor some ulterior motive. Now in fairness to our Germany-First- ers, it must be said that they are not try- ing to help Germany reach a position where it can wage a third war of aggres- sion. As ex-Secretary of State Byrnes said in his Paris speech (Oct. 3, 1946), "The United States is firmly opposed to the re- vival of Germany's military power." The fact remains that these people are willing to take a chance on just that. Re- vived industrial power could lead to a re- vival of Germany's military power and is furthermore, in the eyes of almost all Euro- peans, both undesirable and unnecessary. The French, notably, think that they can better be trusted with European steel pro- duction than can Europe's two-fold aggres- sors. The Belgians and Dutch, though de- pendent for their prosperity upon trade with Germany, see no valid reason why the vital Ruhr valley industry should not be perma- nently placed under a European consortium consisting of the U.S., Britain, France, Bel- gium, and the Netherlands. They fear that another American administration could re- verse that position. They want control of Germany's powerhouse to remain in their hands. Furthermore, they cannot overlook the fact that among the Americans most re- sponsible for the American drift away from the principles of the Potsdam Agree- ment (a drift which Ex-Secretary Byrnes attributes to Soviet double-crossing) are a number'of businessmen formerly heavily involved in German investments. For these reasons they distrust General Lucius Clay and his assistants. They distrust any sort of Marshall plan aiming at Euro- pean recovery around Germany. And they note that each time the western European countries seem on the point of swinging whole-heartedly into the western camp, American officials come out with some pro- nouncement or act that strengthens the west-European communists. They wonder why. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) Security or Cover-Up? THE LOYALTY FRENZY in Washington is fast becoming an invasion of the citi- zen's right to learn through the press what his government is doing. A great many government departments are discharging employees not only on "loyalty," considerations, but also on the grounds of "poor security risk." Admit- tedly, an individual who gives out confi- dential information is a poor security risk, but the important question is, what infor- mation is to be included in the "confi- dential" category? The definition of "confidential" informa-. tion drafted for the administration under the president's loyalty order is an amazing thing. " Confidential information," it decrees, "is information, the unauthorized disclosure of which, although not endangering the na- tional security, would be prejudicial to the interests or prestige of . . . any governmental activity, or an individual; or would cause serious administrative embarrassment." What better scheme could be invented to cover up fraud and scandal in government, and to keep legitimate information from the public? Moreover, under this defini- tion, perfectly loyal government employees may be victimized. Any wary official may easily eliminate underlings who disclose' more than their superiors would have the public know. How can the public be sure that those on top will not frighten employees into silence on issues which might embarrass the domi- nant cliques? Is this the way we plan to preserve our coveted freedom of speech and press? Contradictions run rampant in Wash- ington. Mr. Truman is averse to accepting price and rent controls because they are the instruments of a "police state," but is he blind to the fact that in a free state access to the news is of primary im- portance? Under his loyalty order, unscrupulous men have at their command a weapon enabling them to shut off information to which the press and public are properly entitled. Un- der such conditions, no employee will dare to disclose facts which might embarrass his superiors. If that doesn't smack of a police state, what does? -Gloria Bendet Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to alli members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell all, by 3:00 p.m. on the day1 preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). _ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 36 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to stu- dents on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 5, from 4 to 6 o'clock. A Special Convocation of the University will be held in Hill Auditorium at 11 o'clock, Monday morning, November 3, in com- memoration of the centenary of Dutch settlement in Michigan. The Honorable Arthur H. Vandenberg, United States Senator from Mich- igan, President of the Senate and Chairman of the Foreign Rela- tions Committee of the Senate, and Dr. Eelco van Kleffens, Am- bassador of the Netherlands to the United States, will deliver ad- dresses. All University classes will be dismissed at 10:30 a.m. in order that faculty members and stu- dents may attend. Members of the faculties will assemble immediately after 10:30 a.m. in the Ballroom of'the Mich- igan League for the academic pro- cession to the stage. Academic costume will be worn. The pro- cession will move at 10:50 a.m. and the exercises will begin promptly at 11:00 a.m. If the weather is rainy, the academic procession will be omit- ted and faculty members will robe in the second floor rooms at the rear of Hill Auditorium and take their places on the stage individ- ually. Regents, Deans, and other mem- bers of the Honor Section will robe in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League and take part in the academic procession. If the weather is rainy and the proces- sion is omitted, this group will as- semble in the dressing rooms on the west side of the first floor, rear, of Hill Auditorium, and pro- ceed as directed by the marshals to their places. A large attendance of faculty members is desired. The seats reservea ror invited guests, on the main floor, will be held until 10:50 a.m. All other seats are available for students of the University and other citi- zens. Faculty Meeting, College of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts: Mon., Nov. 3, 4:10 p.m., Rm. 1025, Angell Hall. Hayward Keniston AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of October 6, 1947 (pp. 1366-1376). 2. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the call of this meet- ing. a. Executive Committee-Prof. C. S. Schoepfle. b. University Council-Prof. K. K. Landes. No report. c. Executive Boardof the Graduate School - Prof. I. A. Leonard. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs-Prof. R. C. Angell. e. Deans' Conference - Dean Hayward Keniston. 3. Discussion: How can the work of the last two years in the College contribute more effective- ly to a liberal education? 4. Announcements. 5. New business. Principal-Freshman Conference: The annual Principal-Freshman Conference will take place on Thursday, Nov. 13. Instructors of classes which include freshmen are requested not to schedule bluebooks for the morning of Nov. 13 in order that freshmen may be available for conferences with their high school principals. Women Students in the College of Literature, Science and theArts and in the School of Education, who are taking the testing pro- gram on Nov. 4 have late permis- sion until 11 p.m. To the Patrons of the Plays of the Department of Speech: All participants in our plays, crew members and actors, are students in the University who must main- tain high scholastic standards and meet closing hours in the sorori- ties and dormitories on campus and at Willow Village. The mechanics of producing plays requires our students to work in the theatre after the fina curtain. Therefore, in order that our students may leave the theatre earlier, we are starting our plays promptly at 8 o'clock. In the interest of the students involved, we ask your coopera- tion. February 1948 Graduates in Mechanical & Industrial-Mechan- ical Engineering: Students who expect to gradu- ate in February 1948 in the above divisions should call at once at thei Mechanical Engineering De- partment pffice and fill out a per- sonnel record form. This is neces- sary for those who wish to take advantage of interviews for posi- tions with industrial organiza- tions; and is important as a perm- anent record for future reference. Interview schedules are now being arranged. February 1948 Mechanical grad- uates, Electrical & Civil Engineers with Mech. background: A representative of the Erie Railroad Company will interview Mechanical graduates and others for their training course on Mon- day, Nov. 3, in Rm. 218, W. En- gineering Bldg. Interview schedule is posted on the bulletin board at Rm. 221, W. Engineering Bldg. February 1948 graduates in Business Administration, Mechan- ical and Chemical Engineering: Mr. R. H. Zitzmann of Colgate- Palmolive-Peet Company will in- terview students in the above groups on Wednesday, Nov. 5, in Rm. 249, W. Engineering Bldg. Business Adm. students may sign for interviews in their department office. Engineering students may sign the interview schedule posted on the bulletinboard at Rm. 221 W. Engineering Bldg. February 1948 Graduates in Me- chanical, Chemical, Electrical En- gineering, Engineering-Physicists, Electro Chemists: Mr. S. F. Arnold of NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, Inc., Cleve- land, Ohio, will interview gradu- ates in the above divisions on Wednesday, Nov. 5, in Rm. 218, W. Engineering Bldg. Interview schedule is posted on the bulletin board at Rm. 221, West Engineer- ing Bldg. University Community Center, Willow Run Village. Mn., Nov. 3, 8 p.m., Bridge Party. Sponsored by the Faculty Wives' Club. Tues., Nov. 4, 8 p.m., "Land- scaping the Home Grounds," spec- ial program by Prof. H. O. Whit- temore; sponsored by the Wives of Student Veterans' Club, to be followed by a regular Wives' Club meeting. Wed., Nov. 5,, 8 p.m., Creative Writers' Group. Miss Gertrude Rye, will discuss "Are there mar- kets for beginning writers?" Thurs., Nov. 5, 8 p.m., Creative Dance Group. Organization meet- ing. Thurs., Nov. 6, 8 p.m., The New Art Group; 8 p.m., The Year Round Garden Club. "How to Force bulbs for winter indoor blooming," by Mrs. Blaine Rab- bers; 8 p.m., Combined meeting - The Church Nursery Mothers and the Cooperative Nursery. Mrs. Alice Wirt will disuss "The New Books for Small Children." Sat., Nov. 8, 8:30 p.m., Bridge. West Lodge: Mon., Nov. 3, 6:45 p.m., Bowling, Willow Run Bowling Alley. Tues., Nov. 4, 7:30 p.m., Fen- cing; 8 p.m., League volley ball. Wed., Nov. 5, 7:30 p.m., Dupli- cate Bridge. Fri., Nov. 7, Premier showing of "Murdered Alive" by Little Theatre Group. Sat., Nov. 8, "Murdered Alive" by Little Theatre Group. Sun., Nov. 9, 4:30-6:30 p.m., cof- fee hour; 6:45 p.m., Moving pic- tures of the Minnesota-Michigar game; 8 p.m., "Murdered Alive,' by Little Theatre Group. Lecture University Lecture. "Human De- velopment in its Earliest Stages' (illustrated). Dr. ARTHUR T, HERTIG, Pathologist and Visit- ing Obstetrician to; outpatients, Boston Lying-in Hospital, Assist- ant Professor of Pathology and o: Obstetrics, Harvard Medical f School, and Pathologist, Free Hos tpital for Women, Brookline; aus- v pices of the Department of Anat- omy. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Nov. 7, Nat- ural Science Auditorium. Mlle Helene Barland, a repre- s sentative of the French Cultura Mission to the United States, wil speak on "Youth Problems it France Today," at 8 p.m., Nov. 5 I Rackham Amphitheatre; auspice; t of the Department of Romanc( Languages. This lecture will b s given in English. The public i cordially invited. EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Dailyt prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 wordsk or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of theS writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or1 omittedatthe discretion of the edi- torial director. . . . A1pology To the Editor: I OFFER sincere apologies to Mr'sr Culman, Rohrbach, Stone, and to all who feel as they do about Michigan's representation in the debate with Oxford.+ -William Starr Indonesian Affair To the Editor: MONDAY'S appearance on the campus of the Netherlands' ambassador provides a singularly appropriate occasion for taking a searching look at recent actions of our late ally. Of specific sig- nificance is the Indonesian affair, wherein the Dutch insistance upon carrying the full weight of the "white man's burden" has resulted in bitter warfare between Nether- lands troops and those of the In- donesian Republic. The search for honest conclu- sions takes up through two years of colonial strife to the issuance on August 1, 1947, of the UN Se- curity Council's 'cease-fire" order. Following, this order, the Security Council Consular Commission was 'assigned to the Dutch "police ac- tion," which consisted in part of continuing to mop up previously by-passed pockets of Republican forces. The Dutch claim that these operations do not conflict with the tenor of the UN order. Violence on the part of the Indonesians was found by the Commission to I emanate from autonomous bandit I groups owing no allegiance to the Republic. It might be implied that these groups could be controlled by therIndonesian government, were not the latter's attentions necessarily directed toward resist- ing Dutch enforcement of "law and order." The Dutch frankly proclaim their needs for Indonesian re- sources, particularly oil and rub- ber. These needs are not directly those of physical rehabilitation, but of the restoration of their pre- war position in world commerce at the expense of the'- colonial peoples. We are only too well aware of world opinion toward the Dutch use of American trained and equipped marine and air units. To permit the renaissance of nine- teenth century colonial exploita- tion would negate the hopes for a. better world cherished throughout the past war by the peoples of the world. This and similar examples of retrogression must be resolved by positive action through the ma- chinery of the United Nations. -Amer. Veterans Committee U. of Michigan Chapter Editorial Comment To the Editor: THIS EVENING I heard two nearly identical news broad- casts on station WJR; same an- nouncer, one at 5:00, the second at 6:00. Apparently the first was read direct from the wire dis- patches, for there had been ob- vious editing by the station in the second broadcast. Because I had listened carefully to the first broadcast, I noticed changes in presentation and the interjection of editorial comment. The nature of the editing re- veals the type of slant being given much news today. Particularly, to the casual listener, by means of editorial comment which easily mingles with the factual basis of the news. I offer comparative quotes: First broadcast: "Completion of a new Anglo-American trade agreement was announced today . . ." Second broadcast: "Of the sixteen nations requesting aid from the United States, it seems that only England is willing to take steps to help herself. Com- pletion of a new Anglo-American trade agreement . .." First broadcast: "In Roumania, so-and-so was convicted of con- spiracy against the government, allegedly plotting with American officials . . ." Second broadcast: "Another stage in the Soviet pat- tern of internal conquest was un- folded today. In Roumania, so- and-so was convicted ..." The most distort'ed (re the Pres- ident's Civil Rights Committee), first broadcast: "Just before the conference ended, newsmen asked Wilson the committee's point of view on whether inquiring if one were a member of the Communist Party constituted an infringement of civil rights. Wilson said that, in his opinion, it was not an in- fringement of civil liberties though he, himself, has refused to divulge his political affiliations." Second broadcast: "Chairman Charles B. Wilson of the President's Civil Rights Committee called a special news conference today to declare flatly that a question as to ones affiliation with the Communist Party did not constitute a viola- tion of civil rights." -William Carter 41 II 4 VI COLUMBIA has embarked on an ambitious program of repressing hundreds of back items in their catalogue. Although the idea has been mulled over several times in the past by Columbia's executives, it was never fully in effect until recently. Perhaps, if other companies follow suit, it will be one effective way of alleviating the pressure of the impending recording ban. There are two important footnotes to this program. One is that in most cases the original couplings have not been reissued, but sides are arbi- trarily placed back-to-back presumablyac- cording to their former popularity. Some choice selections have been deleted. Another factor is the bad surfaces. Perhaps, the re- pressing process was carelessly handled but in any case, the technical excellence of many fine records suffer. A representative record from the list is Benny Goodman's "Wholly Cats" and "Royal Garden Blues," featuring the 1941 Sextet. This fabulous group included, among others, Cootie Williams, Georgie Auld, and Charlie Christian. Both sides have good solos by Auld and Williams plus Goodman's usual facile clarineting. There is an interesting history connected with the Duke Ellington reissue of "The Gal from Joe's" and "I Let a Song Go Out of my Heart." Originally recorded by Master Rec- ords which was owned by Irving Mills, El- lington's personal manager at that time, it was included in the assets when the Ameri- can Record Co. purchased the Mills firm. Later the master became the property of !'4- ,. 4- _',-f_"+ -+ n rv h r -nlro _nra. Academic Notices1 History 11, Lecture Section 2:F Midsemester examination, 3 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 6. Heideman's and Slosson's sections in Rm. 25, An-] gell Hall; Dudden's, Hochlowski's, McLarty's and Molod's in Natural] Science Auditorium.I Orientation Seminar: 7 p.m., Mon., Rm. 3001, Angell Hall. The postponed discussion and proof of Pohlke's Theorem will be given by Mr. St. Clair. Concert The University Musical Society will present DANIEL ERICOURT, French pianist, in the third con- cert in the Choral Union Series, Tuesday, November 4, 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Mr. Ericourt will play composi- tions by Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Prokofieff, Debussy, Ravel and Liszt. A limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Exhibitions "Natural History Studies at the Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni- versity of Michigan." October through December, Museums Bldg. Rotunda. Events Today Radio Program: 9:15-9:45 a.m., WJR (760 kc.). Hymns of Freedom. Inter Co-operative Council pre- sents Lester Beberfall, member of the faculty active in counter in- telligence in Germany during World War II, who will speak on the subject, "Fascist Mentality," at 8 p.m., at the Robert Owen Cooperative House. Denison Annual Invitational Regatta: Whitmore Lake. U of M Hot Record Society: Meeting, 8 p.m., Michigan League Ballroom. Ensian picture will be taken. All members are urged ot attend. Carillon Recital: By Percival Price, University carillonneur, at 3 p.m. Program: Handel's Dead March in Saul, Sphor's Blest Are the Departed, Price's Funeral March from the Sonata for 43 Bells; Barnby's For All the Saints, Dykes' For Those in Peril, Bort- niansky's How Glorious is our Lord; Victory Rhapsody for Large Carillon by Prof. Price, and Mar- che Funebre by Chopin. Wesleyan Guild: 5:30 p.m. Stu- dent Panel will discuss, "The Church and the Individual," the last in our series on "The Church." Supper and fellowship, 6:30 p.m., followed by the movie, "Seeds of Destiny," which is being shown in connection with the W.S.S.F. drive on campus. Coming Events Radio Programs: Monday. 2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR (870 kc.). "The Common Cold," Dr. Winston C. Hall. 2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR (870 kc.). Case Work, Mrs. Dorothy Crane- field, Professor of Social Work. 4-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 kc.). "The News and You," Preston W. Slosson, Professor of History. "Theatre Cavalcade," unique dramatic presentation by Jacques Cartier, America's greatest "one- man theatre," will be presented tomorrow, 8:30 p.m., Hill Audi- torium, as the second number on the 1947-48 Lecture Course. Tic- kets may 'be purchased tomorrow from 10-1, 2-8:30 at the auditor- ium box office. "OUR TOWN," Pulitizer Prize winning play by Thornton Wilder will be presented Wednesday thru Saturday, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre by Play Production of the Department of Speech. A special rate for students will be granted on Wednesday and Thurs- day evenings. Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning at the theatre box office, which will be open from 10-1, 2-5. Patrons are advised that the performances will start promptly at 8 p.m. i .I BARNABY... -. I v m i r t I - r 7 ,.KnCpor/..I .1