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October 31, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-31

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FRmAV, OCTORElt ; i, j n7

---- ------Y- O-C-O--------

Bandits Steal
$100,000 in
Payroll Loot
Clever Crooks
Escape in Auto
BOSTON, Oct. 30-(/P)--Six ob-
viously well rehearsed bandits
held up a Hyde Park factory office
today and escaped with $110,000
in small bills-the payroll of the
Sturtevant division of the West-
inghouse Electric Corporation.
Wearing overalls, five of the]
men entered the plant grounds
with workmen early in the morn-
ing. They walked into the main
office about 8:15 a.m.-a few min-j
utes after paymaster W. R. Mar-
shall and five assistants unlocked
and entered a large vault to begin
counting out the wages of 2,000
The bandits escaped in an auto-
mobile in which the sixth man
waited at the wheel.
While one man knocked down a
special police guard and kept
watch in a hallway, two others
drove telephone operators away
from their board, and forced them
to lie on the main office floor with
20 other'workers.
Another pair went directly to
the vault, forced Marshall and his
aids to stand against the wall, and
pushed the bills into a bag.
One of the bandits wore a gun-
.ysack over his head, and two oth-
ers wore harlequin masks.
"This is no Halloween party,"
one of the men announced in the
office. "We don't want to hurt
anybody-we just want the cab-
The bandits left behind rolls of
coins which plant manager Gard-
ner Derry said amounted to $2,000.
The payroll money had been de-
livered by armored car only a few
minutes before the holdup men
entered the office.
The first American newspaper
was the Boston News-letter, es-
tablished by John. Campbell in
April, 1704, according to the En-
cyclopaedia 1Britannica. Camp-
bell's paper developed from news-

JACKSON BEAUTY--Beverly Lillie, of nearby Jackson, Mich., gave her Christmas shopping list the
once over as she languidly basked in Old Sol's sizzling rays last Sunday. Unseasonal Fall weather
belies the 'fact that Christmas is only 50 shopping days off.

Charge Schools
Are FireTraps
Public school buildmngs in many
Michigan cities and rural areas
are "structurally dangerous" and
are becoming instructionally ob-
solete, according to Prof. Arthur
G. Moehlman, of the business ad-
ministration school.
Writing in the current issue of
the University's School of Edu-
cation Bulletin, Prof. Moehlman
points out that as a result of
failure to build during the depres-
sion and war, years, a state-wide
need for one hundred million dol-
lars in school building has devel-
"Current studies throughout tae
state indicate a very critical school
plant situation," he explains.
"Tens of thousands of children
are housed in instructionally ob-
solescent and structurally danger-
ous elementary schools more than
40 years old. Most boards of edu-
cation have adopted a policy of
withholding these facts for fear of
creating panic.".

Irish Fill Football Programs
WithLife Histories, Editorials

Police Reveal
Startling Key'
To Thievery
Sleepy Students
Worst Offenders
Faulty alarm clocks and slum-
ber-starved students may be con-
tributing factors in daily, reports
of missing bicycles, an Ann Ar-
bor police sergeant suggests.
Upwards of 30 bicycles a month
are "borrowed" by unintentional
thieves in a hurry, he said. Since
the rate of bicycle disappearance
is dependent almost entirely on
whether the University is in ses-
sion, the student who rushes
breathlessly into the classroom on
time by a whisker may be a cul-
Recover 75 Per Cent
Halfway through September on-
ly 20 bicycles were reported miss-
ing, while thus far in October
the yield is more than double -
Police recover about 75 per cent
of missing bicycles; 33 have been
returned this month. But they are
hampered by frequent lack of
identification on bikes. "That 25-
cent license is the best insurance
you can buy," one officer pointed
Non-Reporters Are Nuisances
People who don't report the loss
or recovery of their bikes are also
a nuisance. The Daily reported
one case - the coed who lost her
vehicle in April, found it two
weeks later (neglecting of course
to report the recovery) and was
dismayed when police, still search-
ing diligently, last week removed
her bicycle from the rack outside
her residence. "That might have
been embarrassing if she'd been
caught riding it," a sergeant said.
Therehas been no noticeable
increase in bike thefts, in spite of
the muchnlarger student popula-
tion. Even during the instability
of wartime, the rate rose only
slightly. Everyone is at a loss to
explain this - perhaps "borrow-
ing" is a perpetual and permanent
adjunct of Ann Arbor life, the only
stable factor in the midst of ever-
changing conditions.
SRA Plans Tour
Reservations for the SRA-spon-
sored tour of the Saline Valley Co-
operative Farm this Saturday
should be made at the desk in
Lane Hall today by 5:00 p.m. The
price is seventy-five cents. The
bus will leave from the front of
Lane Hall at 1:00 p.m. Saturday,
and will return at 6:00 p.m.

That's GOOD NEWS nowadays.
with over 20,000
local and home town addresses




At Notre Dame, football capital
of the world, the Official Football
Programs have become ballyhoo
sheets containing everything from
VU Press Club
To Play Host
To Publishers
Editors and publishers from all
parts of the state will be present
for the 3th annual meeting of
the University Press Club of Mich-
igan at the University of Michigan
next week.
The Press Club session will be-
gin Thursday with registration, an
informal tea, and dinner.
Friday morning, Russell Barn-
es, foreign correspondent of the
Detroit News, will tell of "Russia's
Expanding Power" while S. L. A.
Marshall, a Detroit News editorial
writer, will talk on "Armament
and Peace" at the Friday lunch-
Friday afternoon will be devot-
ed to a panel discussion of "Con-
stitutional Reform in Michigan"
by Governor Kim Sigler; Laurent
Varnum, past president of the
State Bar of Michigan; and John
Witherspoon, Corporation Coun-
sel of the City of Detroit.
John S. Knight, publisher of
the Detroit Free Press, will be the
speaker at the Friday evening
dinner. His address has been en-
titled "The Editor's Notebook."
Saturday morning will be de-
voted to a business session in-
cluding the election of new off i-
For women attending the meet-
ing, a luncheon has been arrang-
ed for Friday noon at the Michi-
gan League with Alice Lloyd, dean
of women at the University, pre-
siding. The women also .will be
entertained at an informal tea at
4:30 p.m. Friday at the Helen
Newberry Residence.
meet at 8 p.m. today at the Meth-
odist church to go as a group to
the International Students' As-
sociation costume ball.
* * *
will meet at 8:30 p.m. today at
the Baptist church for a hallo-
ween party, Students are ad-
vised to wear blue-jeans.
Malcolm Adiseshiah, associate
general secretary of International
Student Service, will speak at 7
p.m. today at the CONGREGA-
The discussion will be over in
time for the Fred Waring concert.
hold Sabbath services at 7:45 p.m.
today at the Foundation. Follow-
ing the service Prof. Throop of the
history department will speak on
"Inherited Problems of Tolera-
tion." Students of all denomina-
tions are welcome to attend this
"Inter-Faith Oneg."

editorials to biographies of the
Some of the notes on the play-,
ers from last Saturday's program
are amazing:
monogram right tackle, is the
squad comedian. In addition to
being an outstanding football
player, he can deliver a speech
anytime, anyplace, anywhere ..."
"GUS CIFELLE, during his
three years with the Marines in
the Pacific, claims he learned a
lot about machine guns ..."
"DUKE CURRAN, half-back, is
a fast man despite his 26 years .."
"BOB SMITH, fullback, is very'
Both Notre Dame and Iowa
players are included in the sixty-
page booklet, which sells for 35,
California Trip
In the middle of the program,
there is a full-page ad, "California
Here We Come!'", telling of a 12-
day all-expense tour (12 Won-
derful Days You'll Never Forget)
for 250 dollars, including stops at
Sun Valley, Bonneville Dam, Shas-
ta Mountains, San Francisco, Roy-
al Gorge, Colorado Springs, Den-
ver, four days in Los Angeles, plus
the Notre Dame-Southern Cali-
fornia game. It is sponsored by
the Westward Ho! Travel Bureau.
Editorials Too
The editorial of the week was
written by James E. Armstrong,
Notre Dame Alumni Secretary.
"Just as in 1887, when Notre
Dame was great without football,"
he writes, "so today a prominent
priest in a nearby city states,
'Notre Dame is not great because
it has a great football team. It
has a great football team because
it is a great University."
He continues: "Football is in
a sense a symbol of the pattern
of progress for Notre Dame. It
'represents the sound management
of the University administration
in policy. It reflects the hard
work, and frequently the genius,
of the coaches ...
On and On
'. . . In its faculty there is the
same hard work and the same
touches of genius that make the
coaching of football teams great
It goes on and on.
The rest of the program in-
cludes snaps of old teams, Notre
Dame's All-Time Record, Songs
and Cheers, in addition to the
usual line-ups, individual pictures
of players and so forth.
Which all adds up to an acute
case of football fever.

Read and Use Michigan Daily Classifieds

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