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October 31, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-31

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FRIDAY, OCTOR f31. 1947

ew Eidcigan &IilI


Memo for e f Wallace

Iettervs to the Eit o.. I

Fifty-Eighth Year


Edited and managed by ,students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
"Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell.... ............Managing Editor
Clyde Recht .........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson...............Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent.................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor
Petty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal...............Library Director
Business Staff

Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising
Edwin Schneider.................Finance;
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation,
Telephone 23-24.1


Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dipathes
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
,natters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
*$an, as second class mal matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mait, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
gnd represent the views of the writers only.
Mysterious Report
T SEEMS that American officialdom is
trying to duplicate the air of mystery
about the orient, that is so prevalent in de-
tective stories.
General Wedemeyer's report on giving aid
-to China has been withheld from publication
by the State Department for reasons of its
own. Apparently something has gone wrong
in the far east that State doesn't want
to tell the people about.
It has been decided for quite a while now
that aid to Europe will come before aid to
China, but the withholding of the Wede-
meyer report indicates that China is going
to be completely ignored for the time being.
If the United States waits until Congress
finishes giving aid to Europe before it starts
to help China, then China is in for a long
Conditions in China are obviously bad.
Graft and corruption have always played a
big part in the operation of China's gov-
ernment. Lately, smugglers have been run-
ining almost as many goods into China as
have been coming in through the legal chan-
nels of trade.
It is well known that many of the officers
of the Chinese navy who are supposed to
guard against smugglers are being bribed to
turn their backs on illicit operations and
that in some cases, the smugglers are ac-
tually strong enough to fight off elements
of the weak Chinese navy.
Inklings of the true situation in China
have leaked out but they have been played
down by the government in Washington and
by most of the newspapers and magazines
of the country.
It is evident that sooner or later we are
going to give China some financial aid. The
public ought to know the conditions today
in a country which we are going to aid
-Al Blumrosen.
ONE OF ANN ARBOR'S most persistent
housing problems appears to have been
solved. The oft-dispossessed Student Book
Exchange, which had been living from week
to week in the Game Room of the League-
and before that, in the Union-and before
that in the League-has settled down in
Lane Hall.
So here's a toast at housewarming time!
Let's raise our glasses to the Student Book
Exchange and to Ken Bissell and Catherine
Huston and Charlotte Bryant and the rest.
Let's toast them for their stubborn fight
against a tremendous pressure and an ap-
athetic student body, which almost suc-
ceeded in abolishing the Exchange. Let's
drink another to the frustrating run-around
they've been given these years-and to the
courageous manner in which they've met
such a run-around.
Let's all wish long health and great pros-
perity to the Student Book Exchange-even
we veterans who charge our bills to rich
Uncle Sam, and haven't taken a more active

interest in the Exchange's plight.
For the Exchange is a non-profit clearing-
house of books and supplies-one that stu-
dent veterans haven't felt much need for-

VIENNA-Here in this great and once
lovely city, the Soviet Union has
launched upon a venture of economic imper-
ialism of really unparalleled crassness and
ruthlessness. Furthermore, the ultimate pur-
pose is to enthrall a civilized, innocent and
angrily unwilling people, who stand among
the founders of Western civilization.
This is the real meaning of the prob- '
lem of German assets in Austria about
which the experts have already written
so much. Since the drama of this strange
situation has somehow been lost in trans-
mission, an inexpert explanation seems
worth trying.
Very briefly, the Soviets were granted at
Potsdam all "German assets" in Austria as
part payment of their greedy bill for repara-
tions. Those were the days when even the
makers of American policy had not learned
from hard experience that it was vain to
seek a true settlement with the Soviet Union
at this time. Under the delusion which a few
still cherish, they granted Stalin this con-
cession among many others. They even did
so without spelling out what was granted.
Thereafter, under the guise of taking
reparations, the Soviet conmmand here
seized control of almost every valuable
piece of industrial property in their zone
of Austria. Eastern Austria, occupied by
the Soviets except for the little quadri-
partite enclave in Vienna, was the coun-
try's chief industrial area. Altogether, they
took more than three hundred industrial
plants of all kinds, plus such banks as
they could lay their hands on, the Danube
Shipping Company, the Zistersdorf oil
wells and tens of thousands of acres of
farm land. Definition of "German assets"
was miraculously broad. It even included
some property actually American owned,
such as the American interest in vital
Zistersdorf oil resources.
Nor was this all. Totally incredible as it
may seem, the Soviets blandly announced, in
the recent fruitless meetings of the Austrian
Treaty Commission, that they were the
owners of Austrian roads. The Nazis had
constructed autobahnen in Austria after
the anschluss. The Soviet negotiator, Novi-
kov, had the marvellous gall to claim that
both these roads and the land underlying
them belonged to the Soviet Union. By the
same token he laid claim to a number of
public buildings. But as a gesture of infinite
generosity, he offered to trade off these
roads and buildings, against stock in indus-
trial plants which even the Soviets could not
call German.
In total, the property thus claimed by
Stassen and Hoover
UESTIONING Harold E. Stassen, former
governor of Minnesota and avowed can-
didate for the Republican presidential nomi-
nation, during a press conference last Sat-
urday had unusual consequences for many
members of the local press.
As Stassen replied, with a full and res-
onant voice to our queries, many of us ex-
perienced a peculiar optical illusion. If we
half-closed our eyes while savoring the full
implications of this man's words, his young
and personable countenance seemed to take
on the bulldoglike appearance of Herbert
The man seated before us was conduct-
ing an intensive campaign to transform
the Republican Party into "a liberal party
with a world-wide view."
He pointed out that he had advocated a
major program of aid to Europe before Sec-
retary of State Marshall's espousal of such
a plan. Yet, in the next breath, Stassen
demonstrated conclusively that he is a loyal
disciple of Hoover, by asserting that Amer-
ican aid should be extended to foreign
governments only on the condition that they
refrain from utilizing it to increase their
socialization of industry.
Like Hoover, who withheld American
food, maciinery and raw materials which

the European governments required to re-
cover from -the devastating effects of-
World War 1, Stassen advocates that with
the exception of food, we follow a similar
policy in this post-war era.
His stand on this issue, Stassen explained,
was based on observations of new socialistic
economies during a recent European tour.
He expressed the conviction that further
American aid to those nations whose in-
dustries operate under "a highly centralized
beaurocracy" will be wasted in their "inevi-
table" failure. "Bad management," a con-
sequence of nationalization, Stassen argued,
is responsible for the lag in English coal
In his great haste to condemn socializa-
tion of industry, Stassen minimized the
undeniable fact that the production of
coal has been retarded by the woefully
antiquated and inefficient mining machin-
ery inherited by the Labor government
from private ownership.
Moreover, Stassen failed to note that
Czechoslovakia, a hybrid communistic na-
tion with a nationalized economy, is now
making the finest recovery of any nation
in Europe.
Americans in search of a "liberal" Re-
publican to lead that party out of the wil-

the Soviets is valued at between $700
and $800 million. If it remains in their
hands, it will give them control of key
sectors of the Austrian economy. It is an
immense weapon of leverage, both to force
Austria into her destined economic place
in a Soviet-dominated Danube valley,
and in the long run to add political sub-
jection to economic domination. The man-
agement of the Soviet properties has been
carefdlly planned for this purpose. Ex-
cept for the Danube Shipping Company
and the oil wells, all the industrial plants
have been gathered into a single gigantic
holding company, U.S.I.V.A. (U.S.I.V.A.
might well repay investigation by the
Amnerican Soviet sympathizers who are
always seeing cartels under the bed). And
political use is already beginning. In the
food riots last May, many of the demon-
strators were workmen in Soviet plants
given time off for the purpose.
Finally, in order to perpetuate this sys-
tem, the Soviets are refusing to sign an
Austrian treaty until they have been granted
economic extraterritoriality in Austria. What
they want would have brought the blush to
the cheek of the British in the period of
the opium war. They insist that their hold-
ings and the "profits" therefrom must be
untouchable by the Austriar state.
The Americans and British at Moscow
and in the sessions of the treaty commis-.
sion firmly rejected any Austrian treaty'
including this kind of open threat to
Austria's independence. Thus there is no
treaty and the cruel and crippling occu-
pation continues.
Leading Austrians like Chancellor Figl and
Foreign Minister Gruber are ready to risk
granting about one-third of the Soviet eco-
nomic demands in order to terminate the
Soviet military occupation.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
Futur of Asia
CHINA is torn between two almost equally
objectionable tyrannies.
The Indians, liberated from the abhorred
British yoke, are indulging in the worst
massacres since the Nazis. Civil war in
Kashmir could easily spread to other dis-
Unless the UN arbitrators force a settle-
ment upon the Indonesians and the Dutch,
they may find the Indonesian Republic in
complete disintegration.
Demonstration that Viet Nam could rule
all of Indo-China is still lacking.
Politics in liberated Burma are proceed-
ing-on the worst Latin American assassi-
nation pattern.
I am neither disturbed nor surprised by
these developments. But they are facts. Self
government, like swimming, can be learned
only by trying. It takes time. After thirty
years of frantic efforts, the Russians are
still technical duffers. Our task is to see
that in freeing themselves from Western
"oppression," the Asiatic masses do not fall
into the hands of new and worse exploit-
ers, native or foreign. And without limita-
tion of their monstrous birth-rates, any
great advance by Asiatics is probably impos-
Meanwhile, to expect world leadership
from societies in such turmoil seems to me


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EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (wvhich is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers oly. Letters of more than
300 word; are sihortened, printed or
numitted A the disrel-oi&z ouS I h edi -
torial director.
* 9 9
To the Editor:
dignation that we read the re-
port of the Oxford-Michigan de-
bate in Thursday's Daily. We are
quite sure that tie overwhelming
majority of the audience would
not agree with Mr. Miller's an-
alysis of its reaction as indicating
a "high-scoring tie." On the con-
trary, the audience would probably
be more inclined to question Mr.
Miller's loose phrasing when he
said that the Michigan team "de-
fended" the value of liberal edu-
How can resounding applause
for the Oxford team and the al-
most silent reaction which met the

K 1

immaiurity of thinking represent-
ed by the cliches propounded by
the Micliganders serve as any in-
dication of a scoreless tie?
It was indeed fortunate for
Miclhigan thiat no judge was pres-
ent to naine a winner; since there
w certainly no general doubt as
to which teaml carried off the
laus'tds .
--WilyliamF . Culmna,
-William A. Rohrbach.
To the Editor:
A FTER THEIRparticipationjt
Wedn,,!day afternoon's debate
with Oxford University, debaters
of the University of Michigan
ought to understand precisely the
feeling that prompted the student
newspaper at the University of
Pittsburgh to urge, after their
football team's complete defeat by
Michigan here, that Pittsburgh
in the future entirely abandon
inter-university football competi-
-Mathew Stone.


Copt. 1947 bytUnited feafura Syndicate, Inc.


The Drama Critic.


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
'VO11. LVIII, Nt. s4
A Special Convocation of the
University will be held in Hill
Auditorium at 11 o'clock, Monday
morning, November 3, in com-
memoration of the centenary of
Dutch settlement in Michigan. The
Honorable Arthur H. Vandenberg,
United States Senator from Mich-
igan, President of the Senate and
Chairman of the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee of the Senate,
and Dr. Eelco van Kleffens, Am-
bassador of the Netherlands to
the United States, will deliver ad-
dresses. All University classes will
be dismissed at 10:30 a.m. in order
that faculty members and stu-
dents may attend.
Members of the faculties will
assemble immediately after 10:30
a.m. in the Ballroom of the Mich-
igan League for the academic pro-
cession to the stage. Academic
costume will be worn. The pro-
cession will move at 10:50 a.m.
and the exercises will begin
promptly at 11:00 a.m.
If the weather is rainy, the
academic procession will be omit-
ted and faculty members will robe
in the second floor rooms at the
rear of Hill Auditorium and take
their places on the stage individ-
Regents, Deans, and other mem-
bers of the Honor Section will robe
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
Michigan League and take part
in the academic procession. If the
weather is rainy and the proces-
sion is omitted, this group will as-
semble in the dressing rooms on
the west side of the first floor,
rear, of Hill Auditorium, and pro-
ceed as directed by the marshals
to their places.
A large attendance of faculty
members is desired.
The seats reserved ror invited
guests, on the main floor, will be
held until 10:50 a.m. All other
seats are available for students
of the University and other citi-
Faculty Meeting, College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts:
Mon., Nov. 3, 4:10 p.m., Rm.
1025, Angell Hall.
Hayward Keniston
1h Consideration of the minutes
of the meeting of October 6, 1947
(pp. 1366-1376).
2. Consideration of reports sub-
mitted with the call of this meet-
a. Executive Committee-Prof.
C. S. Schoepfle.
b. University Council-Prof. K.
K. Landes. No report.
c. Executive Board of the
Graduate School - Prof. I. A.
d. Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs-Prof. R. C.
e. Deans' Conference - Dean
Hayward Keniston.
3. Discussion: How can the
work of the last two years in the

College contribute more effective-
ly to a liberal education?
4. Announcements.
5. New business.
Final Notice. Approved student
organizations which have not filed
a Directory Card in the Office of
Student Affairs, Room 2, Univer-
sity Mall by October 31 will be as-
sumied to be inactive for the cur-
rent school year and will be denied
the use of the DOB for announce-
nients and the use of University
buildings for meetings.. For con-
tinued recognition as an ap-
provedorganization it is necessary
that each group file a Directory
Card, listing its current"officers,
at the beginning of each school
year or summer session.
Approved social events for the
coming weekend (afternoon func-
tions are indicated by an asterisk):
October 29
Deutscher Verein*
October 31
Adelia Cheever, Alpha Chi
Omega, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Al-
pha Omega, American Veterans
Committee, Congregational Disci- I
ples Guild, Cooley House, Delta
Epsilon Pi International Student
Association, Les Voyageurs, Lu-
theran Student Association, Os-
terweil Cooperative, Pi Beta Phi,
Wenley House..
November 1
Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Tau
Delta, Fletcher Hall,* Greene
House, Michigan League Dormi-
tory, Phi Delta Chi, Sailing Club,
Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Zeta Psi.
Women students are notified
that regular weekend rules apply
to those wishing to attend out-
of-town football games: "Week-
end-(a) Overnight: Any girl ex-
pecting to be out of her house Fri-
day, Saturday, or Sunday night
must notify the head of the house
personally, leave address in ad-
vance, and sign in when she re-
turns. (b) Late permission: Rou-
tine requests for late permissions
must be made in advance to the
Office of the Dean of Women ex-
cept for Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday nights. For Friday, Sat-
urday, and Sunday nights, house-
mothers may grant this permis-
sion if they approve and if they
have been asked in person by the
student before she leaves her resi
dence. In such cases, the house
mother is requested to attach to
the sign-out sheet an, explanation
of each late permission granted.
February 1948 Graduates in
Mechanical & Industrial-Mechan-
ical Engineering:
Students who expect to gradu-
ate in February 1948 in the above
divisions should call at once at
the Mechanical Engineering De-
partment office and fill out a per-
sonnel record form. This is neces-
sary for those who wish to take
advantage of interviews for posi-
tions with industrial organiza-
tions; and is important as a perm-
anent record for future reference.
Interview schedules are now being
Physical Education - Women
Registration for the next eight
weeks work in physical education
for women will be held in the Cor-

rectives Room in Barbour Gymna-
sium at the following hours:
Friday, Oct. 31, 7:30-12 noon;
1-4 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 1, 8-12 noon.
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma-
SOn Hall
Junior Professional Assistant:
Application blanks for the Junior
Professional Assistant Examina-
tion have been received in our of-
fice, and students interested in
applying for the examination may
pick them up now.
Placement: Students are re-
minded that Friday, October 31, is
the last day that they may return
registration material without pay-
ment of late registration fee.
Detroit Civil Service: Examina-
tion Announcements for the fol-
lowing have been received in this
1) Assistant Art Curator (Gen-
eral). Salary, $3700-$4336. Clos-
ing date Nov. 19.
S'4rl's 'oiuetl3aiq l uluaG (7
$3541-$4177. Closing date Nov. 10.
3) X-ray Technician. Salary,
$2581-$2977. Closing date Nov. 18.
Complete information may be
obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Ennis Davis, editor of the Music
Journal, member of the Research
Council of the Music Educators
National Conference, author, and
former music educator, will speak
on Friday, Oct. 31, 2 p.m., in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, on "The
Music Educator and Music in the
World Outside the School." All
Music Education students are
urged to attend. Others who 'are
interested are invited.
Department of Metal Processing
and Engineering Mechanics
Prof. E. K. Hendriksen, Profes-
sor of Metal Processing at the
Royal Technical University of
Denmark, will lecture on residual
stresses in machined surfaces on
Friday, Oct. 31, 7:30 p.m., Rm.
1042, E. Engineering Bldg. Mr.
Henriksen has been very active in
research on metal cutting and its
relation to surface finish and the
resulting surface stresses.
Academic Notices
English 31, Sec. 8: The exami-
nation scheduled for Friday morn-
ing will be held in the West Gal-
lery of Memorial Alumni Hall.
A. L. Hawkins
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Fri., Oct. 31, 4 p.m., Rm. 319, W.
Medical Bldg. Subject: "Proteolytic
Enzymes." All interested are in-
Seminar in Differential Geom-
etry in the Large will meet regu-
larly at 3 p.m. henceforth.
String Orchestra Concert, un-
der the direction of Gilbert Ross,
8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 11, Lydia
MendelssohnTheatre. Soloist: Nor-
ma Swinney Heyde, Soprano, and
Oliver Edel, Cellist. Program: Two
Fantazias by Purcell, Three Arias
from "Eteocles e Polinices" by
Lengrenzi, Concerto in G Major,
No. 3 by Boccherine, and Mozart's
Divertimento in D Major, K. 334.
Open to the public without charge.
Exhibit: Living Fall Fungi of
Washtenaw County, Michigan.
Department of Botany, 2nd floor,
Natural Science Building, through
November 1st.
"Natural History Studies at the

Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni-
versity of Michigan." October
through December, Museums Bldg
Events Today
Hall, 4:30 p.m. Special guests will
be the Lutheran Students Asso-
ciation. Everyone is cordially in-
German Coffee Hour: 2-4:30
p.m., Michigan League Coke Bar.
All interested students and faculty
members are invited.
Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha
Psi Fraternity: Business Meeting,
8 p.m., Rm. 308. Michigan Union.
All members are urged to be
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Club:
Halloween Paty, 8:15 p.m. at the
Student Center.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Interfaith evening. Friday evening
services, 7:45 p.m. Fireside discus-
sion led by Dr. Palmer Throop on
"Inherited Problems of Toleration"
at 8:30 p.m. Social hour will follow.
All invited to attend.
Wesleyan Guild:
All members are invited to at-
tend the "Ghost Frolic" at the
Women's Athletic Building which
is being sponsored by the Inter-
national Students' Association.
Meet at the Wesley Foundation at
8 p.m. Students interested in the
Cell Conference November 1, please
call 6881.
Canterbury Club: Open house,
4-6 p.m. for Episcopal students
and their friends at the student
center, 218 S. Division. Refresh-
Roger Williams Guild:
Halloween party, 8:30 p.m. Meet
at the Guild House for a "hard
times" party. Wear old clothes.
Program: games, dancing and re-
Lutheran Student Association:
Halloween Party. Meet promptly
at 7:45 at the Center, 1304 Hill
Coming Events
Inter Co-operative Council pre-
sents Lester Beberfall, member of
the faculty active in counter in-
telligence in Germany during
World War II, who will speak or
the subject, "Fascist Mentality,"
at 8 p.m., Sun., Nov. 2, at the Rob-
ert Owen Cooperative House.
Graduate History Club: Weekly
Coffee Hour, Nov. 3, Clements Li-
Bowling will be available at a
nominal fee for University women
and their guests at the alleys in
the Women's Athletic Building op
Forest and North University be-
ginning Monday, Nov. 3, 7:30 to
9:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Tennis or bowling shoes must be
Graduate Outing Club hike.
Meet at 2:30 p.m., Sun., Nov. 2, at
the northwest entrance of the
Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rack-
hm check desk before noon Sat-
Ann Arbor Field Hockey Club:
First meeting, Sat., Nov. 1, 1
p.m., Women's Athletic Building
on Forest and North University.
All women graduate students, fac-
ulty members, staff at the Uni-
versity, or townspeople are wel-
Vulcans: First meeting of the
semester, 6:30 p.m., Sun., Nov. 2,
Michigan Union. All members are

urged to attend.


the sheerest fancy.
(Copyright 1947,

Press Alliance, Inc.)

. . ..
At the State .. .
Terry and Jacqueline White.
F THIS is a model of what we may expect
of forthcoming mystery movies, "The
Bobsey Twins Find Buried Treasure" should
be showing in town next week. The studio
apparently had some extra film, a few unoc-
cupied actors and a script that the Los An-
geles Subnormal Grammar School had re-
jected for their senior play. Mystery writer
Phillip Terry, author of gems like "The Case
of the Crooning Cow" arrives at Baldpate
Inn in a blizzard to fulfill a bet that he write
a story there overnight.
The supposedly deserted inn does a brisk
business in unexpected and sinister charac-
ters, plus a few lovely ladies, and soon we
have three teams-The Good Kids, The Bad
Kids, and The Good Kid But Nobody Knows
He's Good. Then they all play "look for the
money and get the jewels," with guns and
money changing hands as often as the bottle
opener at a beer picnic. All the bad boys
double cross each other and litter the secret
stairways with bodies, but even they get tired
and stop all their nonsense eventually. The
audience, needless to say, is very happy at
this. Gloria Hunter



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