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October 30, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-30

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W1P #Aridjiptn &t 1

'No Probe W ithout Peril'

Fifty-Eighth Year

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell...................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ...............Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ..................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Staff.

ican Activities is making a great deal
of its "right to investigate." When the Com-
mittee is challenged, it murmurs those sacred
syllables about the "right to investigate"
with the air of a woman complaining that
nobody else knows what it is to be a mother.
And there is a "right to investigate." But it is
an unlimited and unbounded right, without
restriction in law, custom, ethics and mor-
ality? Would the committee be justified
in yanking any nameless pedestrian in off
the streets, and going through his pockets
and his mind, as part of its search for sub-
Without some proof, or strong indica-
tion, that the wayfarer in question was a
menace to the independence, freedom,
peace or prosperity of the United States,
such a going-over would be highly im-
proper. And this is where the Hollywood
probe breaks down. The Committee has
not made a prima facie case, or any kind
of case, to show that the products of the
motion picture industry are in any way
a peril to America. That should have come
first, that had to come first, to justify

Nancy Helmick ...................General
Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising
Edwin Schneider ...............Finance
Melvin Tick................Circulation
Telephone 23-24-1


Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
natters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.,
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


It Seems to Me



Student Voice

to be congratulated for its recent move
in asking that students be given a voice
on the all-faculty group which forhulates
conduct regulations. The group has proposed
that three students be added to the Uni-
versity Committtee on Student Conduct.
In the past the faculty group has con-
sulted students when making changes in
the rules. But the students themselves had
only an advisory capacity, and were not
given voting rights. Obviously a voting
student representation on the committee,
intimately acquainted with all phases of
student life, would think twice before ap-
proving an action similar to the recent
"liquor ban."
It is common knowledge that this un-
realistic ban has merely returned campus
parties to prohibition days, with clandestine
gatherings doing far more harm than con-
trolled drinking in student residences. Stu-
dent representatives, aware of far reaching
effects of such an unrealistic move, might
well prevent such fiascos in the future.
In considering approval of the Student
Affairs Committee's request, the Board of
Regents might well consider a recent state-
ment by the President of the University of
Florida. J. Hillis Miller, who this fall took
over the top administrative post at Florida,
declared in a statement to the student news-
paper there:
"The thousands of students enrolled
at this institution may expect me not to
take any of their present responsibility.
On the contrary, they may expect me to
place greater responsibility for the man-
agement of their own affairs upon them."
"All of us know that the best single cri-
terion by which we may judge the ability of
a person to assume responsibility is by
placing responsibility upon him. This has
been the basic principle of higher education
all these years.
President Miller then pointed out that, in
the past, college administrators have given
students little opportunity for individual in-
itiative in the realms of independent thought
and moral responsibility. He then said that
college students are assumed to be the po-
tential leaders in our nation and the place
to develop this leadership is in the college.
"I unreservedly subscribe to a philos-
ophy of student leadership and shall ex-
pect this student responsibility to em-
brace a greater responsibility for intel-
lectual growth and development," Presi-
dent Miller said.
This statement by the president of a
fellow University is in line with the general
trend which is evidenced in colleges through-
out the nation. Let us hope that here at
one of the greatest Universities in the
country, administrators will have the fore-
sight to give students their rightful place
in the management of their own affairs.
-Dick Maloy.
AS THE MANPOWER of the services
dwindles alarmingly in view of the in-
ternational tensions, the need for universal
, m1~iin rn 4rnin in a rnar ~~t.c i f T, annrmnl c

Charles De Gaulle's French Unity Party
in the French municipal elections has
caused wide speculation throughout Europe
and America over the future course of
French politics, but to any person who has
been in France during the past six months
the emphatic swing to the Right in this
election is another indication of France's
struggle to find a political pattern which
will lead the country to peace and re-
I spent the first week of this past July
in Paris and it was during this time that
Foreign Minister Molotov walked out of
the Paris Conference, which had been
called to discuss American aid to Europe
through the Marshall Plan. Mr. Molotov
rejected the principles of the Marshall
Plan on the grounds that it was an in-
strument designed to carry out the im-
perialistic ambitions of American cap-
italists, and he thereby all but closed
the door to future cooperation from the
Soviet Union in attempts to bring about
European economic recovery.
The effect of this apparent break in East-
West relation had a profound effect on
the French people for they realized only too
well that the Communists had polled almost
30 per cent of the French vote in previous
elections. They realized further that the
French Communists would now stop at
nothing to fight implementation of the
Marshall Plan and that civil war in France
might result. I believe that this fear of
Communist uprisings has drawn together
the voters of the Center and Right in a
united effort to keep the Communists from
gaining power in the government.
This fear was prevalent throughout
France, but especially in Paris and other
large cities. People talked with apprehen-
sion over prospects of American aid and
whether or not it would prevent the
country's falling into the Communist
hands. They also feared Communist in-
spired strikes and violence aimed at so
crippling France's industry and trans-
portation that the country would be in
no position to use American aid even
when it did arrive.
Simultaneously the Communist papers of
Paris were proclaiming that American cap-
italists threatened to make France a slave
state, bound forever economically to the
United States because she accepted more
aid than she could ever repay. The amusing
part of the Communist strategy was that
while Molotov was discussing the Marshall
Plan with Bevin and Bidault these news-
papers were on the verge of acclaiming
American aid as the saviour of France, but
the very day that Molotov flew back to Mos-
cow these same papers came out with
their cry of American intervention in French
The Paris black market, one of the most
reliable authorities on the state of the
French government, fluctuated by the hour
as the people reacted to this new political
crisis. (The value of the American dollar
rises and falls constantly whenever new
political situations face the cabinet. When
the government appears to be losing
ground, the value of the dollar climbs be-
cause if the government should go bank-
rupt or be taken over -by the Communists,
the franc would be worthless while the
dollar would remain stable.
It appears then that the swing of the
French vote to a party advocating direct
opposition to the Communists is the French
people's answer to the political struggle rag-
ing since July. They have thus shown their
willingness to cooperate with the rest of
Europe under the Marshall Plan and their
complete opposition to the Communists who
were calling for national strikes to bar

everything else that has been happening
in this prolbe.
In the absence of such a demonstration,
the probe has been bound to become a
witch-hunt. The first question of all is:
"What has been shown on the motion pic-
ture screens that menaces America?" The
answer is: "Nothing." So long as that is
the answer, the probe is without justifica-
tion; the Committee might equally well have
chosen to investigate the wedding-cake in-
dustry, on the incredible ground that it
might sometime go subversive and make
poisoned goodies.
Without this element of proof of dan-
ger, the probe become a mere inquiry
into what people think, and a tremen-
dous pressure instrument to tell them
what to think. The Committee is con-
ducting a search into men's minds, in a
kind of vacuum, like the search for ab-
solute zero. It is working hard, but it can-
not tell us what it is guarding us against,
in specific relation to the industry it now
has on the pan. The right to investigate
is not the right to scatter gossip, nor the
right to fish, and one asks whether Con-
gress really considers that it has given
this Committee a key to every mind and
heart in America.
The Committee's most important contri-
bution has been an inadvertent one; it has
thrown open the whole question of building
safeguards against unfair use of the Con-
gressional investigatory power. There is no
governmental right in America which does
not have some limitation. There is even a
traditional cadence to the manner in which
the American people express this thought,
and to "no wrong without a remedy," and
"no taxation without representation" there
might be added "no probe without a peril."
Prove your danger, in other words, or hold
your subpoenas.
And on the question of keeping us really
safe against actual danger, it is not with-
out significance that the F.B.I. was able to
carry us, sabotage-free, through the war,
without causing one-tenth of the social
and political disturbance which the
Thomas Committee has stirred up.
The doctrine that a committee must prove
a danger in order to have a probe would
suddenly furnish a skeleton to what has
become over recent years an increasingly
chaotic and formless business, for it would
provide a test as to the relevancy of ques-
tions and testimony. There are few who
would not consider such a test to be better
than the personal judgment of a committee
chairman, arbitrarily deciding whom to eject
from the room, and whom to accord a
public platform, high and resonant.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
® Rainy Day Round-Up
Contributions to this column are by all
members of The Daily staff, and are the re-
sponsibility of the editorial director. Items
from subscribers are invited; address them
to "It So Happens," The Michigan Daily.
A LOVELY auburn-haired coed caused the
raising of a number of eyebrows in the
English department the other day.
Or maybe those eyebrows were raised at
the professor whose parting remark to the
coed was, "I'll call you up this week then,
Further investigation revealed the fact
that Pat is a baby-sitter.
* * *
THE ULTIMATE in cursing was at-
tained when one student was heard
to mutter to another, "May you have
bluebooks every morning at 8 o'clock."

A LADY ANNOUNCER on a Detroit radio
station came up with a new one recently.
She was speaking for a large department
store, and extolling the fine points of a
certain kind of radio-phonograph. "Its rec-
ord-changer is absolutely foolproof," she
cooed to an audience of a million listeners;
"You can feel perfectly safe in letting your
friends use it."
MANY ENGLISHMEN are alarmed by
Princess Elizabeth's announcement that
she will promise obedience to her bride-
groom. According to the British system, a
reigning monarch is not supposed to obey
anybody except the House of Commons.
* * *
disregarding the usual rules of evidence
in investigating employees suspected of sub-
version. This is what comes of letting the
Bill of Rights go gallivanting around the
country on a railroad train.
-The New Yorker

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Black market in popular music seen as result of Petrillo s
ban on future recordings. (News item).

EDITrOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discret iou of the edi-
torial director.
* ,s
U' Food Prices
To the Editor:
10-23-407 Mr. Henery H. Hicks.
Jr. had a write up concerning "U"
food prices. This did not cover the
complete issue. How about the
people who are employed at the
University? Formerly they re-
ceived a monthly wage and all
meals included until about July 1,
1946, or Jan. 1, 1947, then their
wages were raised about $24.00 per
month and they were then
charged $24.00 per month for
meals. Is THIS A RAISE? On July
1, 1947, they received another
raise averaging from $10 to $20
per month and then the League
started , charging the employees
the same price for meals as the
public pays. If an employee is
very careful in ordering meals, he
can get by for about $2 to $2.25
a day. In order words there are
some employees who are not re-
ceiving within $28.50 as much as
they received a year ago last July.
Most of the dormitories on the
campus feed their help for $24.00
a month, $16.00 if they eat two
meals a day and $8.00 if they eat
one meal a day, but the League
charges the full $24.00 if they eat
or not, and the same rate was
charged when on vacation. Evi-
dently they do not operate the
same as the other dormitories.
-John Barker.
Movie Reviews
To the Editor:
having made an opening at-
tack on The Michigan Daily this
morning (Oct. 28) I feel that I
should jump in with a strong fol-
low up onslaught. How many
times have the long-suffering stu-
dent body been subjected to such
typographical boners as "strateg-
ically placed wast receptacles" and
"baste can"-both of which oc-
curred in one paragraph in one
article on page one of the October
28 Daily? Every issue contains
many blunders-entire lines are
scrambled up so that it is quite
an intellectual exercise to straight-
en them out.
But all that could be excused
-all papers have the same defect
to some degree. But I ask you-
how about that movie reviewer-
Mr. Harvey A. Leve? After taking
in the movie at the State last
Sunday evening I had the defi-
nite impression that I had seen
an extraordinarily fine picture. I
do not recall having .heard such
enthusiastic comments on a pic-
ture in a long time. But Mr. Leve

didn'tlike it. He objects to Vie-
tor Mlature. He objects to such
scenes of violence as a crippled
lady being pushed downstairs in
her wheelchair-when only the
week before he was raving about
a picture called Brute Force which
lmd little but violence all the
wayv through. And then he says
the acting leaves much to be de-
sired. I wonder if he saw the pic-
ture-or perhaps he just forgot
about Richard Widmark. who cer-
tainly gave the most spine-tin-
gling performance I have ever
seen of a sadistic killer.
I urge all fellow-students to
send in letters like this one. Push
this rhubarb a little and you can
all ease the pressure on the Com-
munists and Dick Maloy. Only
confine yourself to 300 words or
less-as Tom Walsh does on page
four of the Oct. 28 Daily.
-George A. May.
Debate on Russia
To the Editor:
AFTER READING the article
written by Miss Harriett
Friedman on the Nickerbocker
(sic) Duranty debate, I felt I
should inquire of the writer
whether or not the names of the
debaters had not been mistakenly
reversed in her article.
Miss Friedman seems to resent
Mr. Nickerbocker's (sic.) employ-
ing humor, and feels he distorted
the facts. It is true he did em-
ploy humor at times, but I believe
that is a characteristic of most
good speakers, as well as the com-
mon trait of Texans. He bordered
on the braggadocio too, another
common trait ofdTevans.
As to the distortion of facts,
however, and playing on emotions,
I feel, as many others to whom
I have spoken feel, that the only
FACTS presented in the debate
were those presented by Mr. Nick-
erbocker (sic.). He even counted
the Russian dominated countries
out on his fingers, but evidently
even this was not quite elementary
enough for Miss Friedman. She
must have been knitting during
the debate, or discussing the
lengthening of her skirts to meet
the new styles.
Mr. Nickerbocker (sic.) in his
attempt to present the true facts,
even went so far as to quote from
Lenin's own writings, that "there
could never be one world until it
was all Russian." He also pointed
out to us how the Russians are
employing the same tactics Hitler
did in his expansionist movements,
whereas Mr. Duranty, who it ap-
pears to me should be put out to
pasture for his few remaining
years, merely jumped from one
irrelevant point to another even
more irrelevant.
Frankly I cannot see why this
was advertised as a debate, for
from where I sat there was only
one side o fthe argument present-
ed and that was the negative by
Mr. Nickerbocker (sic.).
-Art Lane. -

Letters to the Editor...


(Continued from Page 3)
During the summer of 1947 a
group of 13 Reserve Officers who
were members of faculties of ci-
vilian colleges, were on duty at
the Command and Staff College
for periods varying fro ntwo
weeks to eight weeks and accom-
plished a number of proects such
as (1) Planning a remedial pro-
gram in reading and arithmetic,
(2) Planning for a remedial pro-
gram in study techniques, (3)
Study of methodology and cur-
ricular organization in relation
to the organization of the student
body for learning purposes, (4) An
analysis of the preparation of ex-
tension courses, (5) Preparation of
text matter for selected topics of
the course, (6) Preparation of ob-
jective examinations and exer-
cises, (7) Analysis of data on a
test of background military
knowledge of students, (8) Re-
view of text matter in statistics for
the School of Personnel. All of the
officers were of the opinion that
this experience was worthwhile to
them personally and profession-
It is the plan of the Command
Staff College to continue this pro-
gram on a larger scale in 1948 and
thereafter. Any faculty member
who is a Reserve Officer and is wil-
ling to be assigned to duty atthe
Command and Staff College dur-
ing the summer of 1948 is urged to
see or call the Adjutant at Room
200 Military Headquarters, 512 S.
State St., Phone: Univ. ext. 306
prior to 1200 hours 5 November
Five-Week Grades for All
Freshman Engineers are due in
Dean Crawford's office not later
than Saturday, November 1.
Application for Admission to
the Graduate School for the Sec-
ond Semester: Students in other
schools and colleges who will
graduate, and who may wish to
enter the Graduate School the
second semester, must submit
by December 15 -in order to be
given consideration. The crowded
condition in the University has
placed limitations upon the num-
ber that may be admitted.
Women students are notified
that regular weekend rules apply
to those wishing to attend out-
of-town football games: "Week-
end-(a) Overnight: Any girl ex-
pecting to be out of her house Fri-
day, Saturday, or Sunday night
must notify the head of the house
personally, leave address in ad-
vance, and sign in when she re-
turns. (b) Late permission: Rou-
tine requests for late permissions
must be made in advance to the
Office of the Dean of Women ex-
cept for Friday, Saturday, and
Sunday nights. For Friday, Sat-
urday, and Sunday nights, house-
mothers may grant this permis-
sion if they approve and if they
have been asked in person by the
student before she leaves her resi-
dence. In such cases, the house-
mother is requested to attach to
the sign-out sheet an explanation
of each late permission granted.
Physical Education - Women
y ^....:.i."": s fn . ' ^ i O-^ n r1

weeks work in physical education
for women will be held in the Cor-
rectives Roomin Barbour Gymna-
sium at the following hours:
Friday, Oct. 31, 7:30-12 noon;
1-4 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 1, 8-12 noon.
Attention February Graduates:
Detroit Civil Service will have a
representative at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, on
Thursday, Oct. 30, to interview
men graduating in February who
are interested in the Technical
Aid Examination, Specialties -
General, Business Administration,
Other students who are gradu-
ating in February 'and are inter-
ested in Detroit Civil Service will
be able to talk to him if time per-
mits. Call extension 371 for an
Ennis Davis, editor of the Music
Journal, member of the Research
Council of the Music Educators
National Conference, author, and
former music educator, will speak
on Friday, Oct. 31, 2 p.m., in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, on "The
Music Educator and Music in the
World Outside the School." All
Music Education students are
urged to attend. Others who are
interested are invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica Lecture:
The first in the annual series of
lectures sponsored by La Sociedad
Hispanica will take place on
Thursday, Oct. 30, 8 p.m., Rm. D,
Alumni Memorial Hall. Prof. C. N.
Staubach, of the Romance Lan-
guages Department, will lecture on
"El Revs de la Medalla." Mem-
bers of the Society will be admit-
ted by presenting their member-
ship card.
Academic Notices
Mathematics 211: Algebra class
will not meet Thursday, October
R. M. Thrall
English 31, Sec. 8: The exami-
nation scheduled for Friday morn-
ing will be held in the West Gal-
lery of Memorial Alumni Hall.
A. L. Hawkins
Seminar on Complex Variables:
Thurs., Oct. 30, 3 p.m., Rm. 3017,
Angell Hall. Mr. Boothby will
speak on the Sigma-functions.
Graduate Students in English
intending to take the Preliminary
Examinations in English literature
this fall should notify Professor
Marckwardt before October 30.
String Orchestra Concert, un-
der the direction of Gilbert Ross,
8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 11, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Soloist: Nor-
ma Swinney Heyde, Soprano, and
Oliver Edel, Cellist. Program: Two
Fantazias by Purcell, Three Arias
from "Eteocles e Polinices" by
Lengrenzi, Concerto in G Major,
No. 3 by Boccherine, and Mozart's
Divertimento in D Major, K. 334.
Open to the public without charge.
Exhibit: Living Fall Fungi of


I 'I

Washtenaw County, Michigan.
Department of Botany, 2nd floor,
Natural Science Building, through
November 1st.
Photographic Show, through Oct.
30. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily,
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening,
7-9. The public is invited.
Events Today
Radio Programs
4-4:15, WPAG (1050 Kc.). Cam-
pus News.

p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. Wear
tennis shoes or bowling shoes.
Social Psychology Group: In-
formal discussion meeting has
been arranged with Dr. Margaret
Mead for 1:30 p.m. this afternoon
in the East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. All interested per-
sons are invited.
University Women Veterans' As-
sociation: Sign-up desk 3-5 p.m.
in lobby of Michigan League for
Dream Date Mixer to be held
Monday evening, Nov. 3.

I.Z.F.A. Dramatic Group:
ing, 3 p.m., B'nai B'rith
Foundation. Tryouts for
production scheduled.


case of rain
held Friday,
the Island.

Verein picnic:
today, picnic will
Oct. 31, 5:30 p.m.


Rackham Building Thursday
evening record concert: East
Lounge, 7:45 p.m.
Program: Beethoven, 4th piano
concerto; Mozart, arias by Pinza;
Schubert, Quintet In C Major,
Opus 163.
Graduate Students are invited.
Silence is requested.
Alpha Kappa Psi, Professional
Business Fraternity: Smoker, 7:30
p.m., at the chapter house for all
men interested in joining the fra-
Heating and Ventilating Engi-
neers, Student Branch: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 321, Michigan Un-
ion. Prof. Floyd Calhoon will
speak on the subject "Radiant
Heating." Business meeting with
election of officers and member-
ship drive. All those interested are
invited. Refreshments.

Lithuanian Group: Meeting,
7:15, Michigan League. All mem-
bers are urged to attend. Students
with Lithuanian background are
cordially invited.
La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m.,
Russian Room, Michigan League.
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club hike.
Meet at 2:30 p.m., Sun., Nov. 2, at
the northwest entrance of the
Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rack-
ham check desk before noon Sat-
Ann Arbor Field Hockey Club:
First meeting, Sat., Nov. 1, 1
p~m., Women's Athletic Building
on Forest and North University.
All women graduate students, fac-
ulty members, staff at the Uni-
versity, or townspeople are wel-
Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha
Psi Fraternity: Business Meeting,
Fri., Oct. 31, 8 p.m., Rm. 308,
Michigan Union.
All members are urged to be
Hall, 4:30 p.m. Special guests will
be the Lutheran Students Asso-
ciation. Everyone is cordially in-


Women's Bowling Club:
Free instruction will be given
University women who wish
join the W.A.A. bowling club,



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