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October 30, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-30

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Air Crash


U.S. Foreign
Role Subject
For Address
Sen. Vandenberg
Speaks Monday
America's role in the interna-
tional sphere of events may un-
dergo a new shift in trend here
Monday, when Sen. Arthur H.
Vandenberg delivers an important
address on United States foreign
The chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee is
scheduled to present the talk at
the special convocation in honor
of the centenary of Dutch settle-
ments in Michigan, to be held at
11 a.m. Monday in Hill Audito-
rium. The address comes a week
before his committee will meet for
discussion prior to the special
session of Congress called for Nov.
Van Kleffens to Talk
Also scheduled to appear on the
special program celebrating the
Dutch anniversary is Eelco Nich-
olaas van Kleffens, Netherlands
ambassador to the United States.
Educational and civic officials
' from prominent cities in the
State's Dutch settlement area will
attend the convocation.
Preceding the convocation, an
academic procession will march
from the Michigan League, with
musical background furnished by
Percival Price on the carillon. An
organ prologue with Charles Vo-
gan, of the music school, at the
organ, and the singing of the Na-
tional Anthem, will open the pro-
Introduced by Ruthven
President Alexander G. Ruth-.
ven will introduce the speakers at
the convocation. The Men's Glee
Club, under the direction of Prof.
Philip Duey, of the music school,
will sing the Dutch national an-
them, "William of Nassau." The
invocation and benediction will
be given by the Rev. Leonard Ver-
duin of Ann Arbor.
The convocation will mark the
inauguration of a series of cul-
tural programs planned in con-
nection with the Dutch anniver-
sary. A special showing of Dutch
paintings will be on exhibit from
Nov. 13-28 .at Alumni Memorial
Hall. The music school, Clements
Library, the General Library and
the Michigan Historical Collec-
tions will also feature programs
illustrating Dutch culture at this
Fred Waring
Concerts Start
Friday Night
Fred Waring and his Pennsyl-
vanians, exclusively a radio at-
traction for the last ten years, will
appear here at 8:30 p.m. Friday
and Saturday in their second na-
tional tour.
Many of the songs to be pre-
sented by the Glee Club are all-
time Waring favorites: "Battle
Hymn of the Republic," "Smoke
Gets in Your Eyes," "Begin the
Beguine," "Star Dust," and "You'll
Never Walk Alone."
Songs of Devotion
One result of the special choral
effects used by the Pennsylvan-
ians, is the large vote given to
songs of devotion by Waring au-
diences. "Ave Maria," "Eli, Eli"

and "The Lord's Prayer," as well
as "Onward Christian Soldiers,"
are constantly requested numbers,
even though the group can be
considered in the "popular" mu-
sic class.
In addition to their regular
numbers, the Pennsylvanians will
present some of the more than 100
college songs composed by Waring.
Special Tonal Effects
Waring's spectacular success
with his vocal numbers has been
attributed both to special tonal
effects and his large staff of ar-
rangers. His staff, the largest of
any musical group, has produced
auch outstanding work as the

Contempt Cited Against
Four More by Congress
Total of Eight Refuse to Give Commitments
On Communist Affiliations in Film Probe
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29-With assembly line precision, con-
gressional probers of alleged Communism in Hollywood today ground
out contempt citations against four more screenland figures, bring-
ing the grand total to eight.
The quartet:
Writers Samuel Ornitz and Herbert ,Biberman, Director Edward
Dmytryk and producer Adrian Scott.
As with four other writers against whom it has started contempt
actions, a House sub-committee on Un-American Activities got
nowhere with questions whether Ornitz, Biberman, Dmytryk and
' Scott are Communists.
Ornitz protested the committee
was using "loaded" questions. Bi-
berman accused it of "shameful
and cowardly" tactics. Dmytryk

Picture on Page 2

... to speak today
NViehuss Will
Lectre Today
Third Orientation
Talk To Be Given
University aid to state and na-
tional governments will be the
topic of the third in the series of
Orientation Assembly Lectures, to
be given by Marvin L. Niehuss,
vice-president of the University,
at 8 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
'U' Contributions
Discussing "Contributions of the
University to the State and the
Nation," Vice-President Niehuss
will give special attention to the
University's war-time role in gov-
ernmental planning and research.
The part played by individual pro-
fessors, as well as that of special
University programs, will be in-
cluded in the talk.
The University Marching Band,
under the direction of Prof. Wil-
liam D. Revelli, will also partici-
pate in the Assembly, playing a
program of marching music.
Orientation Program
The Assembly meetings, being
presented for the first time this
semester, have been planned as an
extension of the regular Orient-
tion Week program for freshmen
and new transfer students. The
talks have been designed to ac-
quaint the new students with in-
teresting information about the
University and the campus. Other
interested students may also at-
tend the meetings.,
Prof. William Haber, of the eco-
nomics department, will deliver
the last lecture in the series Nov.
6, with a talk on "Vocational Hori-
World News

said the constitution doesn't re-
quire him to answer questions the
way the committee wants. Scott
had no "yes or no" answer on
Communism, either.
But another movie writer,
Emmett Lavery, beat the com-
mittee to the punch on Com-
munism. He volunteered that he
is no Red, never has been and
never intends to be. And, speak-
ing as president of the Screen
Writers Guild, Lavery said Com-
munist influences "do not have
control of the guild."
Committee members interrupt-
ed him to say it was "refreshing"
to have a writer testify "without
waving your arms around and
screaming about the bill of
The full House committee-
only three of the nine members
are on hand now for the in-
quiry - will have to follow
through on the contempt cita-
tions to make them stick. But
eventually the cases could reach
a federal court, where convic-
tions would carry a maximum
penalty of a year in jail and a
$1,000 fine.
Like the quartet of writers who
tangled with the committee be-
fore, Ornitz and Biberman roared
about constitutional rights, goaded
committee chairman J. Parnell
Thomas (R.-N.J.) into heavy-
handed gavel pounding and wereI
ordered from the witness stand.
Red Feather
Donations Lag
Campus Drive Strives
To Ach ieve Quota
Class cards may not be due
until the end of the semester, but
Community Fund pledge cards
must be turned in today if the
campus drive is to reach its quota
of $22,000, Prof. Karl F. Lagler,
campaign chairman, reminded
delinquent, although perhaps
merelyabsent minded University
The campus drive reached 59
per cent of its quota yesterday in
comparison with the 63 per cent
attained in the entire Ann Arbor
Community Chest campaign,
which is striving for a total of
$137,750 before the drive closes
Two more University buildings
! attained the 100 per cent mark
in the drive. North Hall and the
General Library both went over,
their respective quotas, yesterday's
tally showed.
At A Glance

Racial Issues
Under Siege
In Conoress
President H ails
Committee Plan
By The Associated Press
President Truman's Committee on
Civil Rights today recommended
that Congress and the state legis-
latures outlaw segregation and
discrimination b as e d on race,
color, creed or national origin-
and do it "now."
The Committe also spoke out
against "public excitement" on the
Communist question, but declared
that real Communists and Fascists
should be exposed.
The Committee made 35 specific
recommendations to strengthen
'the American way" of life and
delved into explosive issues which
have embroiled Congress in some
of its bitterest struggles.
Campus Reaction
(First campus reaction to the
committee's report came last night
from the Av. The local chap-
ter's executive committee resolved
to support the findings. They
urged that the first step to back
the fight for civil rights be the
abolition of the Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee, currently in-
vestigating the film colony.)
Discrimination against Negroes
in the South was criticized at
length, but other regions in the
North and West were singled out
for violations of civil rights. The
nation's capital itself was scored
as "a graphic illustration of a
failure of democracy" and as the
gateway to "Jim Crow" transpor-
tation in the South.
Hails Report
President Truman hailed the re-
port with a statement saying he
hopes the Committee has given
the country "as broad a docu-
ment" as the Declaration of In-
dependence. . . "An American
charter of human freedom in our
The 15 - member Committee,
headed by President Charles E.
Wilson of the General Electric
Co., issued a 178-page report urg-
1. Enactment of federal anti-
lynching, anti-poll tax and faii
employment practice laws.
2. Federal and state laws to pre-
vent racial or religious segrega-
tion and discrimination in such
places as trains, buses, schools,
theatres, hotels and restaurants.
3. State laws barring "restric-
tive covenants" in which property
owners bind themselves not to sell
or lease to "undesirables."
Without naming names, the
committee criticized "irresponsible
opportunists who make it a
practice to attack every person or
group with whom they disagree as
Nevertheless, it said, "We can-
not let these abuses deter us from
the legitimate exposing of real
Communists and real Fascists."
Choral Union
Will Present
French Pianist
Daniel Ericourt, French pianist,
will present a varied program at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday when he ap-

pears in the third concert in the
regular Choral Union Series at Hill
Ericourt is best known for his
Debussy performances and is also
a celebrated exponent of the works
of Stravinsky, Ravel and others of
his colleagues. Although a pianist
of the French school by tradition
and training, Ericourt's repertoire
is extensive and versatile.
Since his American debut in
1937, when he appeared with the
New York Philharmonic. Ericourt
has enjoyed success as soloist with
the Symphony Orchestra of Cin-
cinnati, Cleveland, Detroit and
San Francisco.
He has also built up a large fol-

TOPS IN DISPLAY COMPETITION-Pictured are the two Home-
coming displays judged the best among 92 entries in Saturday's
competition. Alpha Xi Delta's "cagey" exhibit (above) took top
honors in the women's division on the basis of'originality, execu-
tion, scale and'sclarity, while the Lloyd House display was awarded
equal honors in the men's contest.

* * *
Features U'
Seven Page Spread
Shows Rally, Game
The University will be all over
the country this week pictorially.
"Life," which attended Home-
,coming here last week-end, will
feature a seven-page picture story
on the events, in this week's is-
sue, on sale tomorrow.
"Time," "Life's" sister publica-
tion, will feature a story on Wol-
verine football. The issue will hit
the stands today.
Flown to Chicago
Three photographers and three
editorial writers from "Life" took
the pictures and gathered the ma-
terial for the story.
They took photographs of the
Pep Rally, which were flown to
Chicago on a chartered plane dur-
ing the night. Two pages of the
story were blocked out Saturday
by other members of the New York
staff, who had gone directly to
Chicago. This work was under the
direction of Edward K. Thompson,
assistant managing editor.
It was the first time in "Life's"
history that the New York office
had sent a staff to Chicago to
close out a story. It was also the
first time that a story running
seven .pages had been photo-
graphed on the spot and rushed
into print so rapidly.
'Shot' The Game
The "Life" delegation shot the
game Saturday and some. post
game activities, after which they
were rushed to Willow Run airport
and flown to Chicago.
An all night session was needed
to develop the negatives, select
the pictures and get the entire
story ready to go to press Sunday.
Gene Farmer, sports editor,
headed the group which did the
Homecoming story. David Zeitlin,
a graduate of the University, acted
as sports researcher. Both are
from the New York office.
Miss Helen Douglas, from the
Chicago office was the third mem-
ber of the editorial staff.
Photograph of Fans
Opening picture in the Home-
coming story will be a photograph
of the fans during the tense mo-
ments of the game. Other pic-
tures will show the ,Pep Rally, the
team, the band formation, and
girls at a sorority putting up deco-
In addition, there will be action
shots of the game and candid
shots of alumni.

Reports Say
Also Fatal to
Two Officials
Search Parties
Near Wreckage
By The Associated Pres
29 - The shattered wreckage
of a plane carrying Oregon's gov-
ernor, secretary of state, state
senate president, and their pilot
was sighted today "so damaged
that no one could be alive."
The plane, which left here last
night when the state official,
started a southern Oregon hunting
outing, crashed at the top of a hill,
three miles west of Dog Lake in
the rough, timbered lower Barnes
Aboard the craft were Ore-
gon's key state executives--
Governor Earl Snell, 52; State
Senate President Marshall Cor-
nett, 49, next in line of succes-
sion to the governorship; Sec-
retary of State Robert S. Farrell
Jr., 41, and Cliff Hogue, 42,
Klamath Falls pilot.
The crashed private plane was
seen from the air, but darkness
and rain prevented a definite
ground check of the fate of Ore-
gon's leaders.
Radio communications said to-
night that searchers had criss-
crossed the rugged, heavily tim-
bered area three times without
finding the wreckage, concealed
by pounding rain and darkness.
Two reports-one from Ham-
ilton Field, Calif., and one from
Oregon's acting adjudant gen-
eral-that the plane had been
found with all dead were with-
out confirmation from the for-
est service searching parties.
Private pilots from Lakeview,
Ore., sighted the wreckage -
wings bent at a 90 degree angle
from normal, trees snapped off, a
swath cut through the hillside-
late this afternoon. Flying at tree-
top height, they read the private
plane's license number, and re-
ported "no sign of life. The plane
is damaged so badly that no one
could be alive."
The nearest town to the crash
scene was Bly, 22 miles to the
north. Employes of the Fremont
National Forest, working within a
few miles of the wreckage, were
dispatched through the roadless,
rugged region toward the site.
The terrain, drenched with
rain and some snow, was so
near-impassible that one forest
crew which at 6 p.m. had left a
logging road only a mile and a
half or two from the reported
crash scene still had not re-
turned to its roadside radio
three hours later. Another crew
was working into the area from
the other side.
The State, tensely awaiting
news of its chief officials, was
flooded with reports. A statement
by Oregon's Adjutant General
Raymond F. Olsen at 6:52 p.m.
that the men had all been found
dead proved erroneous-apparent-
ly dueto a garble in radio trans-
Petitions Due
At 4:30 Today
Student Legislature
Announces Openings

Students circulating petitions
for nominations for positions on
the Board in Control of Student
Publications, J-Hop and Soph
Prom committees, and for senior
class officers are reminded that
the petition deadline is 4:30 p.m.
Qualification statements, limit-
ed to 50 words, petitions and eli-
gibility cards must be submitted.
to Mrs. Ruth Callahan, Rm. 2,
University Hall.
Dick Kelly, chairman of a spe-
cial Student Legislature elections
committee also reminded students
that the number of petitions
signed by one person must be lim-

Coeducation Preferable to
U.S. Food Oxonians Declare

Coeducation is a "delightful in-.
stitution," Oxford's three-man de-
bating team. enthusiastically af-
firmed in an interview with The
Daily yesterday.
"Of course, it may distract
really clever people from their
work," David Kenneth Harris said,
"but for most students it seems
the ideal situation."
The Hon. Anthony Neil Wedg-
wood Benn noted that Oxford has
coeds, too, "but we keep them
pretty much locked up in their
own colleges." -
American coeds are "not so shy
and inhibited" as their English
sisters, Harris said, adding that
"they speak right up; don't seem
a bit afraid of you."

In sports, Harris agreed that
perhaps Americans play more toj
win than for the sake of the game
itself, "but we Englishmen don't
play to lose, you know.
Pep for Breakfast
Early rising students will be
able to supplement their morn-
ing exercise with a few rowdy
cheers tomorrow.
A send-off pep rally, spon-
sored by the Student Legisla-
ture Varsity Committee and the
Wolverine Club, will be held
from 8 to 8:15 a.m. in front of
the Union "to see that the team
gets off to Champaign in the
right frame of mind."

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29-Both Democratic and Republican na-
tional conventions will be held at Philadelphia in 1948.
The Democratic Naticnal Committee unanimously selected that
city today as San Francisco "reluctantly withdrew" its bid.
* * * *
LONDON, Oct. 29-The house of Commons rejected tonight
by a vote of 348 to 201 Winston Churchill's motion accusing the
Labor Government of administrative incompetence.
BUCHAREST, Romania, Oct. 29-Dr. Juliu Maniu, veteran leader
of the National Peasant Party, went on trial today on charges of

Oxford, U' Students Tangle in Debate

Ann Arbor as a center of liberal
education heard the other side

"Vocational training in our
schools will repair certain defi-
ciencies caused by a liberal educa-

The University team emphasized
the inadequacy of persons trained
in a single field to cope with all

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