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October 29, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-29

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Fifty-Eighth Year

Comrade Vidali


- 'I
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
Versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
John Campbell................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht.......................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ...............Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz..................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes .....................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.................. Women's Editor
Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick.................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
mnatters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.

TRIESTE-In these days Trieste is a toy
state on the scale of Lichtenstein, where
nothing, agreeable or disagreeable, is easily
hidden. Even the Communist Party, ordi-
narily habituated to dark places, has its
headquarters just across the broad water-
front street from the headquarters of the
Anglo-American forces. The Communist
chieftains share with British General Airey
and American General Moore the splendid
panorama of Trieste harbor, which the
HOLLYWOOD went on location last week.
Some observers entitled the new drama
"Washington Snoops at Hollywood." But a
few days after the Thomas Committee began
its investigations, it appeared that an unex-
pected second feature had been added to the
program. Its title might be "Hollywood
Sneers Back at Washington."
Some. of the film colony's notables testi-
fied that other notables were Communists.
They cited movies like "The Best Years of
Our Lives," in which a banker is shown as
hard and tight-fisted. "Song of Russia"
which spoke well of the Soviets was an-
other example of "Communist" propaganda.
But others of the motion picture industry
formed themselves into "The Committee for
the First Amendment." They flew to Wash-
ington to protest what they called an obvious
violatidn of freedom of thought and ex-
pression. They joined an ever-mounting pro-
test against Congressional smear tactics and
what they called the general un-American
attitude of the Un-American Activities Com-
A few press comments on the new inves-

Bill of Rights

A GLANCE at the pages of the newspapers
of the past few weeks will serve to prove
that America's representatives in the UN
who say that our government cannot stop
-people from speaking because of the Bill
.of Rights, are talking through their collec-
tive hats.
Hollywood stars and starlets are in
Washington this week to protest just such
an attempt to restrict their rights under
the first amendment. Congressmen are
dictating in no uncertain words that there
must be more anti-communistic movies
and that movies deriding, certain of our
institutions must not be made. And Holly-
wood is not the only example.
Unfortunately, no investigation was made,
before governmentemployes were told they
could be fired for their political beliefs.
Consequently they have not had Hollywood's
chance to protest. The restriction against
their freedom is so great that should author-
ities choose to do so, they may fire them
without recourse; brand them as enemies
of their country without any formal charges
being made, without any chance for defense.
It would seem that deprivation of free-
dom of speech depends entirely upon which
side of the fence one is on politically. Call-
ing for immediate arms for war (Winchell)
or preserving the atomic bomb stock piles
(Hearst), or even openly asking for war,
(Byrnes), is "American" and cannot be lim-
ited. Anything opposed to the current polit-
ical party-line is "un-American."
These are indicative examples of the
current trend. They foretell a possible
totalitarianism of the Russian type, or the
German. Anyone who laughs them off
with "It can't happen here" is opening
the door to dictatorship. It happened in
Germany and Italy and the excuse given
was a dictatorship to stem the Com-
munist tide.
Freedom of speech is not something we
can take away for a little while during an
emergency and then return when things
have quieted down. History shows that it is
never returned. We did not have to restrict
it during the war, why now?
One great American,-Patrick Henry, has
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to
be purchased at the price of chains and
slavery? Forbid it, almighty God! I know
not what course others may take; but as
for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
-Don McNeil.
Classroom Manners
STUDENT classroom manners are at a new
low in some of the larger lecture and
recitation periods.
Crowded conditions serve to amplify trou-
bles that might not otherwise deserve com-
The announcement of the next bluebook
or mention of "tomorrow's assignment" is
all too often greeted with a groan a sailor
at the mast, receiving whiplashes, would be
proud of.
Simple puerility is the only exnlanation

points to the f ilm colony probe as the
"coup de grace" which will shatter the al-
ready tried prestige of Congressional inves-
The movies which Mr. Menjou and the
others regard as the wrong kind, the Cour-
ier-Journal points out, are those in which
our "Man of Distinction" finds sly, subtle,
un-American, class-struggle angles . . .
They are those which suggest that things are
not all they should be, that intolerance,
discrimination, neglect, and lack of oppor-
tunity exist in our land and that we must
not rest till they are removed." Is this trea-
son, asks the Courier-Journal?
The committee's investigation is, in the
judgment of the Courier-Journal, "a drum-
head court-martial, cut and dried in prej-
udice and half-truth."
* * *
for the opposite side of the ledger. If
the actors and writers who have been ac-
cused of trying to inject Communism prop-
aganda into the films are innocent, they
have nothing to fear from the investigation,
in the opinion of the Plain Dealer. But if
they are guilty, "the public should know
about it . . . No violation of the constitu-
tional guaranty of free speech can possibly
be involved in the effort of the' committee
to bring out the facts."
* * *
serts that not Hollywood, but Washing-
ton is being investigated, "and once again
the testimony indicates that the system of
Congressional investigating committee needs
overhauling. The entire process, in which a
committee chairman is allowed unlimited
freedom and his targets must remain simply
targets, is inherently offensive," according
to the Herald-Tribune.
The investigation, the Herald-Tribune re-
marks, has brought out "an abundance of
unsubstantiated charges, some dizzying new
definitions of Communism, a satisfactory
collection of clippings from Mr. J. Parnell
Thomas' notebook," but little else.
* * *
PEGLER, writing for Hearst's Detroit
Times, have some bitter words (again) for
Communists in general, and the Hollywood
brand, in particular. Sokolsky derides the
"buffoonery" of the Hollywood Communists
who have written a script, designed to make
the Thomas Committee investigation ridic-
ulous. The Congressmen, "unaccustomed to
vaudeville," will, like the Brewster com-
mittee, be smeared by Hollywood.
Pegler speaks of the "Hollywood-White
House-Kremlin axis." He is ashamed of the
"proud" United States government which
has played along with gross vulgarians in
Hollywood, "including mincing Castle Gar-
den greenhorns of 50 years (ago) ." They
have made political movies extolling Com-
munism, flattering Russia, and "deceiving
the great American boob." (That last ex-
pression is Hollywood's view of its public,
as Pegler sees it).
* * *
THE DAILY WORKER, lashes out at the
''semi-literate ravings of crackpots like

Kremlin is seeking to bring within the So-
viet sphere.
Among these fortunate and hard-working
men, there is one worth closer study, as a
symbol of the problem posed for the free
world by the existence of a powerful im-
perialist state possessing agents everywhere
In the disguise of advocates of high-sounding
ideals. His name is Vittorio Vidali, and al-
though not the front man, he is almost cer-
tainly the controller of the Communist party
apparatus and the direct representative of
the Kremlin in Trieste.
He must now be in his fifties. At any
rate, he was a minor figure in the Italian
Socialist party at the close of the last war.
In the turmoil of the Kremlin's first great
effort to destroy the democratic non-Com-
munist Left in Europe, he became a Com-
munist. Thereafter, probably because he
had to flee from the Italian Fascist terror,
he left Italy and began the wandering life
of an agent of the Comintern.
For some time he was in the United
States, and for some time in Moscow. With-
out doubt in Moscow he attended the Com-
intern schools which can now boast as
many eminent politician graduates as Brit-
ain's Eton in its heyday as a production line
for Cabinet ministers. For some time also
he was one of the Communist agents in
Spain who helped to wreck the Loyalist
cause from within while the Fascists at-
tacked it from without. Then, he was trans-
ferred to Mexico. There he must have formed
part of the special war-time American ap-
paratus organized by the late, unlamented
Ambassador Oumansky, the N.K.V.D. bigwig
who rose to greatness by betraying his super-
iors without ceasing for an instant to smile
his broad, gold bestudded smile.
Finally, in 1943, the Comintern was or-
ganizing the Italian Communist partisans-
a special brand of partisan who spent al-
most as much time fighting future demo-
cratic competitors as the more widely pop-
ular enemies of those days. Vidali was
brought from Mexico and smuggled into
Italy to help in this effort. He must be able
and courageous, for he survived the con-
siderable tests of that time and emerged
as the big man behind the scenes in Trieste.
The official Trieste leaders are Slovenes,
since Slovenes constitute a huge majority
of the local Communists. But Vidali, in view
of his record, is unquestionably the real
fount of power.
He has two missions. His first and minor
mission is to watch over the Trieste station
on the underground railway to Yugoslavia.
This is the organization responsible for
recruiting and delivering to Yugoslavia,
sometimes legally and sometimes illegally,
idealistic young people from all oveE Eu-
rope. These are being invited "to help build
Yugoslav democracy." A good many thou-
sands-the large numbers are well con-
firmed-have already been brought into Yu-
goslavia, ostensibly as volunteer workers on
the roads and railways. In practice, there
are the best possible grounds for believing
that once they cross the Yugoslav frontier,
the best of them are trained for and in-
corporated into the new international
brigade. This is the weapon, of course, which
the Kremlin is preparing for possible emer-
gencies in Greece or elsewhere.
First, the Communist party busily infil-
trates every possible organized manifesta-
tion of the life of Trieste, whether labor
unions, or social clubs, or humble cultural
organizations. The Cosuliches, the rich fam-
ily who own the shipyards, have been unap-
petizing employers. Most of their workers
are Slovenes. Naturally the union is Com-
munist controlled. Thus it was the San
Marco shipyard workers who sought unsuc-
cessfully to lead the general strike, timed to
coincide with the even more humiliatingly
unsuccessful Yugoslav coup d'etat on Sept.
Method No. 2 is economic infiltration. The
lire looted by the Communist partisans are
almost exhausted, but from Belgrade, where
the whole Communist effort in Trieste has

its zone of the interior base, ample addi-
tional funds are forthcoming. Phony firms
are being formed. Fronts are being acquired
for every kind of transaction aimed to give
the Communists a foothold in Trieste's eco-
nomic life. Finally, the third and last method
is simple terror. Dangerous opponents, like
the anti-Tito Slovene editor, Ursic, are made
to disappear. Or when it is feasible, they
are even more publicly done away with, like
the Istrian priest, Bulesich.
In the little Slovene villages still included
in the free territory, and among the Slo-
vene population in the city, these methods
have been successful. Despite the discour-
aging spectacle of seven Yugoslav divisions
hungrily living off the countryside across
the border, these people would either like to
join Tito or dare not voice their opposition.
Among the Italians, little headway has
been made. If the Anglo-American command
in Trieste continues to be supported and to
do the same good job, Vittorio Vidali's
mission is likely to last a very long time. But
it is interesting to watch the process here,
even though Vidali may be frustrated.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

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Letters to the Editor ...
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily operation we got from The Michi-
prints every letter to the editor re- gnDiyi epn omk u
ceived (which is signed, 300 words gan Daily in helping to make our
or less in length, and in good taste) last production, "Ten Nights in a
we remind our readers that the views Bar Room,' the smash-hit success
expressed in letters are those of the that it turned out to be. We are
writers only. Letters of more than going to put on another play,
300 words are shortened, printed or "Murdered Alive" (Nov. 7, 8, 9
omitted at the discretion of the edi- and we have received every indi-
t e . cation that The Michigan Daily
carillon Recital will continue to give us the won-
Carilon Reitalderful cooperation we have re-
To the Editor: ceived in the past. A lot of hard
EVERY SUNDAY afternoon at work and time has gone into our
three, Ann Arbor citizens and production of "Murdered Alive"
and we are counting on the con-
students are privileged to hear an tinued cooperation of The Mich-
unusual and beautifully performed igan Daily and the good-will of
carillon recital from Burton Tower the student body to make this pro-
by Dr. Price or one of his asso- duction the smash-hit it has the
ciates. The programs presented, possibilities of being. See you all
and the excellent treatment given at the play-
them, afford much pleasure to -Mike Cetta.
music lovers.
For these same music lovers, School Spirit
however, Sunday afternoons pro- To the Editor:
vide a difficult internal struggle. THIS WEEKEND was marked by
For it so happens that it is only atremendous blast from my
at this particular time that radio Dad-a homecoming alum. A 1920
stations in our vicinity carry any man-back when men were men
worthwhile musical programs. It and women liked them that way.
has been my experience that those First the pep rally-What rally
who enjoy the Symphony hours he wanted to know? Where was
are also appreciative of Prof. the march from the Union behind
Price's talents. Yet they are forced the band? Where was the cheer-
to choose between hearing the one mgto him or cheers were but
or the other. pins in a great silence as compared
or te oter.with way back. When he read the
Yet the problem is not so simple front page of The Daily this
as this. For you cannot decide to morning a volume of oaths filled
hear the Symphony or anything the air. It says "led by the Wol-
else while the Carillon is in opera- verine cheerleading crew, the .. .
tion. Even tightly closed windows throng ... riotously snake-danced
(assuming one could be so crass) its way . . . to the campus area.
do not prevent the bells from The jumping-jacks must not have
penetrating every corner of Ann eaten their Wheaties yesterday,
Arbor. The results are not only because with both my 49-year-old
Arbr. hereslt ar nt olyDad and myself right behind
unhappy, but grotesque (try itDa an myefrgtbhd
sometime) them they couldn't even hold out
smetime r mto Packard. Where was the riot-
It is therefore my sincere sug- ing and spirit of former days?
gestion that, since there is little This morning brought another
chance of changing a nationwide burst of outrage. The paint fac-
custom, the time of the weekly tories walking vainly through the
Carillon recital be moved either front door of the Union, just as
forward or back, thus enhancing though they owned the once sac-
the opportunities for enjoyment red portals. He almost sat down
and relieving the frustration of and cried.
the entire musical community. Then this afternoon came the
the-ud eniramsialcom ny, climax-while THE BOYS were
-Judy Laikin. fighting for the old home what
were the armed chair quarterbacks
Daily Publicity doing. Whenever there was need
To the Editor: for a cheer (and there were plenty
of times in that game today) what
THIS LETTER is to apologizeto were the cheerleaders doing-
TeMichigan Daily for the NOTHING. Or else trying to stand
letter which its office received Fri- on each other's stomachs. What
day, Oct. 24, in which the writer we need is less jack-in-the-boxes
complained about the lack of co- and more fellows who can pit a
operation the Willow Run the- cheer across. The most surprising
atre group received from The fact to him however is that no-
Michigan Daily in regard to the body seems to know the cheers.
advertising campaign. It was then that I remembered
This attitude is certainly not that at the Stanford game with
indicative of the way we in the about 200 voices-the other team's
Willow Run theatre group feel. We cheering section made the other
feel the complaint was unjus- 83,433 Michigan rooters look and
tified and want to take this op- sound awful sick.
portunity to apologize for the Has the spirit and tradition that
letter sent to the editor. We in has made this school great died
the theatre group are extremely forever? It's up to us-
grateful for the wonderful co- -Robert A. Prince.


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29, 1947
VOL. LVIII, No. 32
Notice of Regents' Meeting: No-
vember 22, 8:30 a.m. Com-
munications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the Pres-
ident's hands not later than No-
vember 13.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
Community Chest Contributions:
All University employees who have
not yet turned in their Commun-
ity Fund pledge cards to their
building or department represen-
tative are urged to do so by Wed-
nesday, Oct. 29. By Tuesday noon
of this week, the University has
attained 55 per cent of its
quota of $22,000. Headquarters,
Campus Community Fund Com-
mittee, Ext. 2134, 3103 Natural
Scienqe Bldg.
Faculty Members-Reserve Of-
ficer Duty Project at the Com-
mand and General Staff College:
During the summer of 1947 a
group of 13 Reserve Officers who
were members of faculties of ci-
vilian colleges, were on duty at
the Command and Staff College
for periods varying from two
weeks to eight weeks' and accom-
plished a number of projects such
as' (1) Planning a remedial pro-
gram in reading and arithmetic,
(2) Planning for a remedial pro-
gram in study techniques, (3)
Study of methodology and cur-
ricular organization in relation
to the organization of the student
body for learning purposes, (4) An
analysis of the preparation of ex-
tension courses, (5) Preparation of
text matter for selected topics of
the course, (6) Preparation of ob-
jective examinations and exer-
cises, (7) Analysis of data on a
test of background military
knowledge of students,(8)iRe-
view of text matter in statistics for
the School of Personnel. All of the
officers were of the opinion that
this experience was worthwhile to
them personally and profession-
It is the plan of the Command
Staff College to continue this pro-
gram on a larger scale in 1948 and
thereafter. Any faculty member
who is a Reserve Officer and is wil-
ling to be assigned to duty at the
Command and Staff College dur-
ing the summer of 1948 is urged to
see or call the Adjutant at Room
200 Military Headquarters, 512 S.
State St., Phone: Univ. ext. 306
prior to 1200 hours 5 November
Approved social events for the
coming weekend (afternoon func-
tions are indicated by an asterisk):
October 29
Deutscher Verein*
October 31
Adelia Cheever, Alpha Chi
Omega, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Al-
pha Omega, American Veterans
Committee, Congregational Disci-

Association, Les Voyageurs,
theran Student Association,
terweil Cooperative, Pi Beta
Wenley House.
November 1


Alpha Delta Phi, Delta Tau
Delta, Fletcher Hall,* Greene
House, Michigan League Dormi-
tory, Phi Delta Chi, Sailing Club,
Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Zeta Psi.
Eligibility lists are now due in
the Office of Student Affairs. Be-
fore permitting any student to
participate in an extra-curricular
activity, the officer, chairman, or
manager of such activity shall (a)
require each applicant to present
a certificate of eligibility (b) sign
his initials on the back of such
certificate, and (c) file with the
Chairman offthehCommittee on
Student Affairs the names of all
those who have presented certifi-
cates of eligibility and a signed
statement to exclude all others
from participation. Blanks for the
eligibility list may be obtained in
the Office of Student Affairs,
Room 2, University Hall.
Freshmen and Sophomore Men,
who are single,veterans, residents
of the State of Michigan, present-
ly living in the Willow Run Dorm-
itories, and interested in Univer-
sity Residence Halls accommoda-
tions for the Spring Semester
1948, are asked to call at the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, Rm. 2,
University Hall, before Oct. 31.





Debaters: All debaters
check the schedule ofi
posted on the bulletin
fourth floor, Angell Hall.


in the series will be shown in 1025
Angell Hall, not 231 Angell Hall.
Earl Britton
Richard Boys
Seminar in Engineering Me-
chanics: The Engineering Me-
chanics Department is sponsoring
a series of discussions on applied
mechanics. The next seminar will
be at 4 p.m. Wed., Oct. 29, Rm.
406, W. Engineering Bldg. Prof.
H. M. Hansen will discuss the
distribution of energy in vibrat-
ing systems.

Women students now living at
Willow Run who wish to move for
the spring semester should call at
the Office of the Dean of Women
beginning November 1 to apply
for other accommodations.
Academic Notices
English 31: Mr. Weimer will
not meet his section of English 31
(MWF 2) on Wednesday, October
Graduate Students in English
intending to take the Preliminary
Examinations in English literature
this fall should notify Professor
Marckwardt before October 30.
Biological Chemistry Semkinar:
Fri., Oct. 31, 4 p.m., Rm. 319, W.
Medical Bldg. Subject: "Proteolytic
Enzymes." All interested are in-
Seminar on Complex Variables:
Thurs., Oct. 30, 3 p.m., Rm. 3017,
Angell Hall. Mr. Boothby will
speak on the Sigma-functions.
Seminar in Applied Mathe-
matics: 3 p.m., Oct. 29, 247 W.
Engineering Bldg. Prof. Coburn
will speak on Three Dimensional
Flow of Compressible Fluids.
The movie of David Copperfield
arranged for our classes in the
English novel will be held on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 5, instead of Oct. 29,
at 4:15 p.m. In the future, begin-
ning on Nov. 5, all of the movies
ples Guild, Cooley House, Delta
Epsilon Pi, International Student

Geometry Seminar: Wed.,
29, 2 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall.
D. K. Kazarinoff will present'
-Villarceau Circles."


String Orchestra Concert, un-
der the direction of Gilbert Ross.
8:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 11, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Soloist: Nor-
ma Swinney Heyde, Soprano, and
Oliver Edel, Cellist. Program: Two
Fantazias by Purcell, Three Arias
from "Eteocles e Polinices" by
Lengrenzi, Concerto in G Major,
No. 3 by Boccherine, and Mozart's
Divertimento in D Major, K. 334.
Open to the public without charge.
Exhibit: Living Fall Fungi of
Washtenaw County, Michigan.
Department of Botany, 2nd floor,
Natural Science Building, through
November 1st.
Photographic Show, through Oct.
30. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily,
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening,
7-9. The public is invited.
"Natural History Studies at the
Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni-
versity of Michigan." October

through December, Museums Bldg.
Events Today,
Celebration of the twenty-fourth
anniversary of the Turkish Re-
public: Auspices of the Turkish
Students' Club. Addresses by Pro-
fessors Howard M. Ehrmann, An-
drei A. Lobanov-Rostovsky, Law-
rence Preuss, and Preston W. Slos-
son, 8 p.m., Rm. 316, Michigan
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administraition frater-
nity: professional meeting, 8 p.m.,
Rm. 305, Union. Short talks will be
given by Mr. George D. Bailey, Mr.
John W. McEachren, and Mr.
Donald J. Bevis, of the accounting
firm of Touche, Niven, Bailey, and
Siart. Pledge meeting at 7 p.m.,
same room.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet-
ing, Wednesday noon, Rm. 3056,
Natural Science Bldg.
A.Ph.A. Student Branch: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 151, Chemis-
try Bldg. Active members are re-
quested to attend. All Pharmacy
students and others interested are
invited. Refreshments.
Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm.
1042 E. Engineering Bldg. Colored
film on jet propulsion and its op-
eration plus. "Planes without Pfl-
ots." Any tentative member is
urged to attend.
Gilbert and Sullivan Operatic
Society: Choral rehearsal, 7 p.m.,
Michigan League.
Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7 p.m.,
Michigan Union. All members
should be present and new mem-
bers are invited to attend. Roll
will be called.
AVC, University Chapter: Exec-
utive Committee meeting, 7:30


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