1* BILL OF RIGHTS io I r flit4h E~aIAIF DISMALLY THE SAME Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS SAC Asks More Power For Students Requests Larger Conduct Group Students won a round in their fight for better representation on University ruling committees yes- terday when, in a quiet concession to student protest, the Student Af- fairs Committee passed a resolu- tion recommending to the Board of Regents that three student rep- resentatives be made regular members of the University Com- mittee on Student Conduct. At present, the committee con- .ists of three members of the Uni- versity Senate, the deans and di- rectors of various schools, the Dean of Women and the Dean of Students. It is this committee which decides University policy on student conduct. The SAC recommended that the Committee on Student Conduct shall also include "three students representing the Student Legisla- ture, Men's Judiciary Council and Women's Judiciary Council and elected respectively by these or- ganizations from their member- ship." Letters and editorials urging such action had appeared in The Daily following the recent inter- pretation of the "liquor ban" by the Committee on Student Con- duct. A request by the Hindustan As- sociation to sponsor a convention hof the Hindustan Students Asso- ciation of America here, Dec. 22, was also approved by the SAC meeting. The approval, however, is subject to availability of accom- modations, as decided by the Board of Governors of Residence Halls. Other approvals given were: the World Student Service Fund drive, Nov. 5 and 6; the Galens' Christ- mas drive, Dec. 5 and 6; and In- ter-Cooperative Council's plans to hold a Co-op Day, Nov. 12. Niehuss Will Give Lecture Orientation Series Continues Tomorrow Freshmen and new transfer stu- dents will discover the Univer- sity's role as an educator to state and national governments when Marvin L. Niehuss, vice-president of the University, presents the third in the series of special Ori- entation lectures at 8 p.m. tomor- row in Hill Auditorium. Speaking on the "Contributions of the University to the State and the Nation," Vice-President Nie- :y huss will discuss the school's aid in governmental planning and re- search. Contributions made by both individuals connected with the University and special Univer- sity programs, with special em- phasis on war-time aid, will be featured in the talk. Also participating in the Assem- bly will be the University March- ing Band, which will present a special program of selections for new students. The Orientation lecture series, planned as an extension of the regular Orientation Week pro- gram, will conclude Nov. 7 with a the economics department. Elliott Refuses 'Willow Case Requested investigation of the Willow', Run school controversy would not be within its jurisdic- tion, Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, super- intendent of public instruction, has informed Gov. Kim Sigler. It's "up to the local board," Dr. Elliott said, pointing out that the state legislature gives school boards full supervision over at- tendance borders. A committee of Walpole Ct. parents petitioned reconsideration of the change, and following the fusal of the local board to do so requested a state investigation. The controversy was precipi- tated when the Willow Run school hn.a 'r-7An~ +h -rc rC-111in Report Unity in France 'Sorely Lacking' Today Split Threatens French as Battle Between Right and Left Disrupts Nation's Stability By CLAYTON DICKEY (Special to The Daily) EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of articles by a former city editor of The Daily, now touring Europe. PARIS, Oct. 23-(Delayed)-French unity, a missing weapon when Hitler's armies turned westward in 1940, is just as sorely lacking today. If anything, France is presently even less at peace with herself in the "cold war" between Russian Communism and American democ- racy. With 30 per cent of the population entrenched on the Left and 40 per cent on the Right as a result of Sunday's municipal elections, -- ----__ -- France's future course through Russia Before Demands Report from Korea Voting on Independence Issue; Communists Beaten Back in Paris Riot C ' Early End to Grain Saving Drive Forseen Meatless Tuesdays May be Out by Jan. 1 WASHINGTON, Oct. 28-(IP)- The government's intensive drive to save 100,000,000 bushels of grain for Europe may go over the top by January 1, Charles Luckman declared today. Talking to reporters in New York, the Chairman of the Citi- zens Food Committee predicted that the year's end will see the abolition of meatless Tuesdays and poultryless-eggless Thursdays, conservation measures which the committee is asking Americans to observe. Luckman's voluntary program- which an associate estimated to- day has already achieved 35 per cent of its grain saving goal - is separate from other European fi- nancial aid proposals which President Truman will lay before Congress at its special session No- vember 17. At Boston, Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio), Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, as- serted that the special session should give a single agency re- sponsibility for preventing price increases at home, limiting ex- ports and aiding Europe. In Louisville, Ky., a state court ordered a distillery to reopen, but Citizens Food Committee Officials here said they do not anticipate any general disruption of the liq- uor making holiday in which dis- tilleries joined for 60 days as a grain saving measure. * * * City Sup p orts Meatless Day Although customer reaction has forced a couple of downtown res- taurants, which- attempted coop- eration with the food drive, to re- store meat to their Tuesday menus, most Ann Arbor eaters re- act fairly well to meatless meals, a Daily survey revealed yesterday. Two down-town tavern keepers, who tried meatless Tuesday, said that people walking out, after reading the menus, forced them to put meat back. "We lost over $100 the Tuesday we tried," one of the tavern man- agers estimated. However most other cooperating restauranteursnoted many con- gratulations and few squawks. Campus restauranteurs who are cooperating, didn't think they were losing much, if any, business. While cujstomer :reaction has been generally good, few of the smaller restaurants had meatless menus yesterday. Almost all of the larger ones are cooperating, the survey showed. The University dining halls served no meat yesterday. these difficult postwar years is certain to be one of indecision and strife. The split into two widely di- vergent camps is slated to be even further accentuated in the next few months if the remnants of the Ramadier coalition government parties-the Socialists, Radical- Socialists and Popular Republi- cans - make a Left - or - Right choice. These parties now have only 30 per cent of the country behind them. Trump Card If the coalition government par- ties (which are pro-American) join General De Gaulle's Rally of the French People (RPF), the Communists will still have a trump card-control of the General Con- federation of Labor (CGT), which has 6,000,000 members. A general strike, or threat of a general strike, would force the Right to extreme measures, thus bringing further chaos to France's effort to extricate herself from her postwar economic difficulties. No Unity Foreseen But whether the coalition par- ties move wholesale one way or the other, France will not have unity in the resulting majority party. Either way, a strong Left or a strong Right will remain as an antagonizing force disrupting sta- bility. By comparison, the present po- litical situation of the United States--a Democratic administra- tion and a Republican Congress-- is halcyon. Both Democrats and Republicans are dedicated to the same basic ideals. But France, unable to choose decisively between East and West, threatens to come apart at the seams. An American businessman steps up to the cashier's cage of a Paris bank and presents a traveler's check-dollars for francs. He takes the pile of French paper cur- rency and waves it wearily. "This will last one day," he says moodily, adding, "it's terrible." "We know it," the cashier de- jectedly replies. Economic Bugaboo In this scene is summed up the economic bugaboo of France to- day-inflation. Originally a legacy of the German occupation and ag- gravated by current underproduc- tion of consumer goods, it poses a tremendous problem for French leadership, a leadership which does not have the solid public sup- port necessary to cope with it. Although French housewives have some relief in the form of rationing and price control of basic foods, restaurant and cloth- ing prices are unchecked. An average luncheon or dinner in an average Paris restaurant costs about 300 francs ($2.40 at current exchange rates). Good See FRENCH, Page 6 Petition Deadline Given Student petitions for nomina- tions to the Board in Control of Student Publications, J-Hop and Soph Prom committees and senior class officers must be submitted to Mrs. Ruth Callahan, Rm. 2 University Hall by tomorrow. Petitions must contain a 50 word qualifications statement, and a list of 150 student signatures on three pages containing 50 names, each. Fight Follows Verbal Battle In Assembly Ramadier Demands Vote of Confidence By The Associated Press PARIS, Wednesday, Oct. 29- Unofficial estimates of the injured ranged from 40 to 300 early today after a bloody street battle in which Paris police beat back near- ly 35,000 Communists whoat- tempted unsuccessfully to break up an anti-Communist meeting. It was the first major political street battle in Paris since the bitter riots of 1936. The Communists, responding to a call in their newspaper L'Humanite to break up the meeting in Wagram Hall spon- sored by former Sen. Gustave Gautherot, besieged the meeting place and were routed only af- ter they had broken through three police lines and a wooden barricade. The riotous street scene began a few hours after Socialist Prem- ier Paul Ramadier opened his gov- ernment's fight for life in the national assembly chamber. In his assembly speech, Ram- adier assailed De Gaulle as a modern "Caesar" whose pol- icies threatened civil war, and tangled with the Communists in a tense debate with irate depu- ties screaming insults and wav- ing their fists at each other in the most tumultous scenes wit- nessed here in many years. Pandemonium broke out in the Daily-L'manlan. MORE LAURELS FOR LLOYD HOUSE-The winners of the campus-wide homecoming display com- petition receive another award-this time for .the best homecoming display in the West Quad- rangle. The judges, Dean James B. Edmondson of the education school, Miss Kathleen Hamm, chief dietician of the residence halls, and Dean Charles Peake of the literary college present the trophy to Allen Maslin, president of the West Quad Coun cil, who accepted on behalf of Lloyd House. Soviets Also Ask UN Order Of Evacuation Postponement Seen As Object of Move CONGRESS AT WORK: Three More Scenarists Cited For Contempt in Red Probe police - guarded chamber Ramadier had warned that ficient Marshall Plan aid cause "all our industry" closed down. after insuf- would to be Red Feather EffortUrged Goal Sighted as 'U' Collections Increase The current Community Fund campaign is relatively ahead of last year's drive, and will achieve its $137,750 quota "if a real effort is made by campaign workers," Wendell J. LaCoe, campaign chair- man said yesterday. Large gains were made by the University drive, which has now reached 55 per cent of its goal, Prof. Karl F. Lagler, University campaign chairman, announced. The only student group contribu- tion thus far received was from Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, but others are planning to contribute, he said. Several more building units reached the 100 per cent mark yesterday: Plant Services, Uni- versity Laundry, Laboratory of Vertebrate Biology and ROTC headquarters. In the city campaign, industrial corporations and national cor- porations head the list of donors with 96 per cent and 85 per cent of their respective quotas. World News At a Glance By The Associated Press NANKING, Oct. 28 - Following its ban earlier today the Chi- nese government charged that the outlawed Democratic League was supported and subsidized by the Chinese Communist Party "in a rebellion against the government." BERLIN, Oct. 28-Gen. Lu- cius D. Clay announced to a news conference today that the American Military Government in Germany is embarking on a new aggressive policy of defend- inp- hfore the German neonle WASHINGTON, Oct. 28-(P)~- In rapid-fire order, contempt ac- tions were started against three more Hollywood screen writers to- day after they defiantly refused to tell the House Committee on Un- American Activities whether they are Communists. Following up similar steps taken against John Howard Lawson yes- terday, the Congressional probers of the movie capital voted to rec- ommend contempt citations against Dalton D. Trumbo, Albert Haltz and Alvah Bessie. Loud sound effects punctuated the hearing-the crashing gavel of Chairman J. Parnell Thomas (Rep., N. J.), a buzz of cameras, mingled boos and applause from spectators, who again included movie actors and actresses. Pattern Visible And through it all ran what ap- peared to be a definite pattern: The committee brings on a wit- ness. The witness won't say whether he is a Communist, or ever has been. He is "excused" from the stand. The committee produces its records on him. Then comes the contempt action. This is a recommendation to the, full nine-member committee to cite the witnesses for contempt of Congress. Jail Punishment SpeakersMartin (Rep., Mass.) or the House itself can turn over a contempt citation to a United States Attorney for prosecution. Conviction carries a top punish- ment of a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. But Thomas failed to get an ad- mission from Robert W. Kenney, lawyer representing Trumbo, Maltz, Bessie, Lawson and a dozen other prospective witnesses that he has advised them not to answer ques- tions about Communism and to invite prosecution. Kenney said silkily that to require him to say what he is telling the witnesses would be an invasion of the sacred field of lawyer-client relation- ships. Meanwhile, Paul V. McNutt at- torney for the Motion Picture As- sociation and the Motion Picture Producers Association, read' a statement that "without proof and on the basis of insinuation and innuendo," Thomas had charged the industry with trying to stifle the inquiry. Debaters Face Oxford Team First Meeting Since 1925 for Schools Renewing a rivalry begun in 1925, an Oxford debating team will face the University squad at 4 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. Upholding the negative of the topic, "That the working of a modern democracy demands a lib- eral rather than a vocational edu- cation," will be two members of Oxford's three-man team com- posed of the Hon. Anthony Neil Wedgwood Benn, Sir Edward Charles Gurney Boyle and David Picture on Page 6 Kenneth Harris. Michigan's rep- resentatives will be William D. Flaskamp and William Starr, who will advance the affirmative. The Michigan plan of debating will be employed, with each speak- er presenting a five-minute con- structive talk, undergoing a five- minute cross examination by his opponent and offering a three- minute rebuttal. The debate is sponsored by the speech depart- ment and is open to the public. Churchill Hits Socialism as "False Theory' LONDON, Oct. 28-(I')-Win- ston Churchill demanded today that the Labor government cast aside socialism as a failure. and follow the lead of the United States in an effort to achieve prosperity through a system of free enterprise. The opposition leader, making his fourth parliamentary attempt to unseat Prime Minister Attlee, accused the Labor government of "playing a low down party game from start to finish," and de- clared it was time to hold new elec- tions. Praises U. S. Production He declared that "false theories are leading the nation into an ever-darkening alley" and praised the "astonishing feats of Ameri- can mass production." He said "I am fortified by what has hap- pened in the United States." Deputy Prime Minister Herbert Morrison replied to the attack on the government by calling Church- ill's proposals "a plea for economic anarchy" and a "dreadfully re- actionary speech." "Where did this system of free competition and unbridled flow of profit motive land us between the wars?" Morrison asked. "It land- ed us with persistent depressions and persistent crises." Refutes Churchill Morrison referred to a state- ment by Churchill that rising prices were "not a sign of evil but often of strength." "If it be true that all is well with the controls coming off and the prices rising," Morrison asked, why had President Truman called Congress, "to deal with, among other things, this very question of the inflationary movement in prices consistent upon the re- moval of controls?" By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 28-The Soviet Union demanded today that the United Nations assembly hear "truly elected representatives of the Korean people" before decid- ing on the Korean independence issue laid before the delegates by Secretary of State Marshall. Some delegates said this amounted to a Soviet move for in- definite postponement of the ques- tion because of a likelihood that the U.S. and Russia could not agree on who would be "truly elected representatives." Russia also demanded in the 57-member political committee of the Assembly that the UN order Russian and American troops out'of -Korea by next Jan. The Russians made these twin moves as a follow-up to their orig- inal contention that the UN had no right to take up the ques- tion of Korean independence. But, noting that the issue is before the Assembly as the result of a majority vote, Andrei A. Gromyko of Russia raised the point that the delegates could not discuss the question until the "truly elected" representatives are present. The committee adjourned until tomorrow without acting on the Russian demands. Meanwhile, Britain defended, the press of the western coun- tries against charges by Yugo- slavia and the Soviet Union. Ernest Davies of Britain told the Assembly's social committee that there are both "deliberate distortion of truth" and "with- holding" of top news in.newspa- pers of the Soviet Union, White Russia and Yugoslavia. He spoke against a Yugoslav resolution asking the UN mem- bers "to take urgent legislative measures to establish the respon- sibility of the owners of media of information who publish or spread false and tendentious re- ports calculated to aggravate re- lations between nations." Few War ing Tickets Left Pennsylvanians Will Give Two Concerts Tickets for the two concerts by FrednWaringand his Pennsyl- vanians, sponsored by the Men's Glee Club, at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday in Hill Auditorium, are still on sale at the auditorium box office. Waring, who is at present con- ducting six radio shows in addi- tion to his second national con- cert tour, will bring his entire group here, including soloists Jane Wilson, Stuart Churchill, Joan Wheatley, Joe Marine, Poley Mc- Clintock, Daisy Dernier, Joe Sodja, Mac Perrin and "Lumpy" Bran- num. Born, June 9, 1900 in Tyrone, Pa., Waring formed his first band in his home town to play for fraternity dances and high school proms. By 1923, the band had grown from its original five, to ten men, and the group began to concen- trate on choral effects. When the singing became popular, the War- ing Glee Club was established and has since become a model for many choral groups. Sen. Vandenberg Will Speak Here Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg and DESPITE ELECTIONS: De Gaulle Unlikely To Regain FrenchLeadership-- Slosson FAITH IN MAN'S FUTURE: Stassen Ends Forum on Hopeful Note By AL BLUMROSEN Charles De Gaulle has little chance of regaining personal po- litical power in spite of the re- sults of the recent municipal elec-1 lect around forty per cent of the popular vote, he added. "De Gaulle himself will prob- ably not get a cabinet post since the only nnst that he woulda c- By BOB WHITE EDITOR'S NOTE: This concludes a series of four summary articles by a member of The Daily staff pres- ent + ho c~v+ --+h .--l T-. say by word and deed, 'Modern man is sovereign-and he shall be free'." TTnlikam mrv v nr lm czn'. 'nlrc Marjolin, Deputy Commissioner General of the French Plan of Modernization and Equipment, Anfin, 'Fanr RAP" n', n a nrrP-