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Fifty-Eighth Year
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
Versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent .................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................women's Editor
Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor
Joan d Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman........Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider ................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
-Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947.48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Recd Feathers
S TUDENTS don't seem to be aware of the
benefits they receive from the Ann Arbor
Community Chest - at least they aren't
aware to the extent of dishing up the re-
quested coin.
The faculty have thus far managed to
meet about one-third of the $22,000 Uni-
versity quota, agd a little help from the
student body would be appreciated. With
higher living costs and fixed incomes com-
bining to reduce their ability to pay, the
faculty will have to scrape the bottom of
the bowl to meet this quota (higher than
last year's by $1,000).
Community Fund services are of actual
benefit to a relatively small percentage of
students, but so is fire insurance, and most
people don't think twice about buying the
latter. The whole point of the Community
Fund is its insurance value - to many
drives students are asked to give, but this
is one involving not generosity but common
Married students may need Community
Fund services - Perry Nursery School, the
Public Health Nursing Association, and
the Childen's Aid Society all assist many
students every year.
The Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. often help out
students temporarily unable to obtain hous-
ing. And other community services cooper-
ate closely with the University, in assuring
students of help when they need it.
More important than the statistics of
actual services rendered is the stake stu-
dents have in the betterment of Ann Ar-
bor. This is a community, and the dis-
tinction between town and gown should
not be allowed to get in the way of whole-
hearted participation by everybody in the
attempt to improve the city as a Whole.
Student contributions to the drive, which
ends Saturday, are accepted at the cashier's
desks in the League and Union. Even if your
contribution is infinitesimal it will be ap-
preciated and used for good ends.
-Phil Dawson
HE CHICAGO Symphony Orchestra, ap-
pearing in Ann Arbor for the first time
under the skillful direction of Artur Rod-
zinski, presented the second in the Annual
Choral Union Concert Series to an enthus-
iastic audience Sunday evening at Hill
Showing a unity and precision lacking
in previous performances here, the or-
chestra and its new conductor evidenced
miutual understanding and cooperation
resulting in effective and powerful inter-
Despite a rather mediocre transcription
for orchestra of Bach's organ Toccata and
Fugue in D minor, by Jules Wertheim, sin-
cere effort and able musicianship made for
a satisfactory, if not particularly brilliant,
The major offering of the evening, the
popular First Symphony of Brahms, gave the
orchestra ample opportunity to demonstrate
Special Se
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Jaffe is a Transradio
Press Service correspondent and was formerly
Editorial Director of The Daily.
WASHINGTON-You would expect a feel-
ing of high dramatic intensity to raise
America to the emotional pitch and mental
alacrity necessary to meet the severe de-
mands of the urgent domestic and for-
eign problems. When Congressional leaders
are called to a sudden White House confer-
ence, when President Truman declares a
special session on Capitol Hill, when in a
nation-wide radio address he appeals for
emergency legislation to combat inflation at
home and starvation abroad, you would ex-
pect to be invigorated by the sense of mo-
mentous doings.
Oldtimers around Washington recall the
dramatic first days of the Roosevelt Ad-
ministration. They were days when bold, in-
telligent measures were applied to cure a
sick nation, when men of wisdom and cour-
age at the top infused workers all the way
down through the heirarchy of government
agencies with the sense of participation
in an inspiring enterprise.
But President Truman fails, as he repeat-
edly has failed, to stir either the hearts or
minds of people. Strong words do not im-
press when they are spoken belatedly, and
they make even less of a mark when there
is serious doubt whether they will be trans-
lated into effective action. Unlike the boy
who cried wolf so often that his alarms were
disregarded, Mr. Truman refused to recog-
Clarity at Trieste
TRIESTE-Trieste city lies below, cheer-
ful and bustling in the early morning
sun, yet crowded threateningly close by the
encircling hills, beyond which lies Yugoslav
territory. Here on these rocky heights runs
the border between the Soviet and the
Western worlds. At the road block, two
Yugoslav soldiers - Croat boys, sloppily
dressed but heavily armed - lord it over
a little group of peasants. And facing them
are the young American troops, wonderful-
ly smart and so much bigger that they seem
almost like giants, standing guard with the
air of being ready for anything. This scene
strikes the note of Trieste.
In all the rest of Europe, one traveler
finds disaster visibly impending, while
frantic American officials clutch the tele-
graph wires and send daily pleas to Wash-
ington not to be too little and too late
for just this once. After repeatedly ob-
serving such depressing scenes, it is start-
ling to come to Trieste, where every one
prepared to deal with any eventuality.
The state of undeclared war which is at
has got down to business and is briskly
the root of Europe's ills has been frank-
ly recognized here. The resulting clarity
of political and strategic outline 4s a
downright relief.
Any report on Trieste, however brief,
would be incomplete if it did not begin by
giving credit where credit is due. Trieste
would already have been seized by the Yugo-
slavs, in gross violation of every treaty ob-
ligation, if it were not for the British and
American commanders here, Major Gen-
erals Terence Airey and Bryant Moore, and
the remarkable group of British and Ameri-
cans serving under them. These two men,
their political advisers and their staffs, bril-
liantly checkmated the crude attempted
Yugoslav coup d'etat on Sept. 15. But this'
is not all. They have also had the courage
to interpret their rather vague directives
with boldness and sound judgment in many
other ways, so that underground as well as
overt efforts to subjugate Trieste have been
happily frustrated. For the present, at least,
this is one situation which appears to be well
in hand.
With agonizing difficulty, an agreement
about Trieste was reached with the Soviets
last year. The agreement was that Trieste
should be a free territory, with an impartial.
and independent governor approved by both
sides. What has happened since? It has
proved impossible to appoint a governor, be-
cause the Soviets would accept none but
a stooge guaranteed to hand the "free ter-
ritory" over to Marshal Tito at the first
opportunity. The segment of the %"free ter-
ritory" beyond these hills which is garrison-
ed by Yugoslavs has already been transform-
ed into a part of Yugoslavia.
Meanwhile every effort is being made
to infiltrate Trieste city, economically, by
propaganda and by terror. As. these words
are written, in view of the brutal Com-
munist kidnaping of the leading anti-Tito
Slovene editor, Ursic, Generals Airey and
Moore are being forced to tighten their
police precautions. There is no other way
to insure freedom of thought and speech.
Despite Foreign Minister Molotov's fine
words and firm promises in Paris. Yet the
Soviets would have the prize of Trieste
within their hands tomorrow if any gov-
ernor were now named and the British
and American troops withdrew. These
troops - this foreign occupation - now
constitute the sole guaranty of the free-
dom of Trieste.
So long as Generals Airey and Moore are
ssion Pleap
nize the need for action until pressures from
all sides made further dodging of issues im-
possible. And so, although in a manner
different from the fable, the President's
belated cry of wolf has almost as hollow a
ring, now that inflation in this country is
hardly a threat, but a reality of some long
standing, and hunger in Europe is an even
more tragic reality.
Now that he has finally called the special
session, Mr. Truman finds that he himself
has made it extremely difficult to ask the
kind of controls which are badly needed-
price controls and rationing. It will require
some pretty fancy maneuvering for the Pres-
ident to present Congress with a request for
these controls after he himself ridiculously
described them as "police state" methods at
a recent news conference. It is believed he
will request allocation authority over critical
goods and extension of export controls. But
it is highly questionable whether these will
be sufficient in themselves.
The charge of "playing politics," however,
comes with extremely ill grace from Repub-
lican leaders. Representative Halleck, House
majority floor leader, and Chairman Wolcott
of the House Banking Committee made the
accusation, charging the President with po-
litical maneuvering in tying up the domestic
price problem with foreign aid. The G.O.P.,
which in the last Congressional session kill-
ed O.P.A. and later adjourned for a long
vacation with a deaf ear turned to protests
over alarming price increases, is hardly in a
position to shout "politics."
Nor can we expect an end to Republican
obstructionism when Congress meets in spec-
ial session next month. Chairman Taber of
the House Appropriations Committee, whicy
must pass on all expenditures, has stated
flatly that he will not call his committee to-
gether until the Bureau of the Budget sup-
plies him with facts and figures on foreign
needs - in spite of plans of the other key
Senate and House committees to meet prior
to the special session. Mr. Taber's consistent
record of false "economies" and his well-
known inability to see beyond his purse in-
dicate that much difficulty will be en-
countered before any foreign relief is grant-
Here, for what it may be worth, is one per-
son's plea for some display of statesman-
ship both on Capitol Mill and in the White
House when Congress meets November 17.
1 ,.
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:-Al I rghts reeve, -
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Letters to the Editor...
At the State .. .
KISS OF DEATH, with Victor Mature,
$rian Donlevy and Coleen Gray.
KISS OF DEATH, the latest cops and rob-
bers movie to shoot its way out of
Hollywood, has a few more deaths than
kisses, which seems to be a rotten way to
waste Victor Mature's chief talent. However,
the Gorgeous Hunk performs nobly, almost
satisfactorily. Vic is given such novel and
thrilling lines as: "You've got to trust me,"
(looking soulfully into his beloved's tear-
filled eyes) and "We're gonna do this job
MY way," (in bold defiance to the assistant
D.A.) So far, so good, but some of the
compound sentences and polysyllabic words
give him a little more difficulty. Victor's
dilemma stems from the fact that he can't
decide between vice and versa. Finally his
love for the wife, kiddies, and fresh air,
forces him to choose the latterdcourse, and
so we chalk up another victory for our side.
The picture does have authenticity and di-
rectness, if you don't mind seeing old ladies
in wheelchairs tossed down the stairs, but
the yarn itself and the acting leave much
to be desired. Anyhow, the accompanying
cartoon was good.
S * *
At the MVichig an.. .
FOREVER AMBER, with Linda Darnell,
Cornel Wilde, and George Sanders.
WHEN THE MOST talked-about book of
the year is made into the most bally-
hooed movie of the year, one might justi-
fiably expect the result to be a real corker.
But FOREVER AMBER falls short in many
respects, fizzles out in others. The movie
is Big, very Big, and it has all the symp-
toms e a glorious spectacle, being filled
with racy costumes, lavish sets and all
the other miscellany that Hollywood throws
into a picture of this type, including a
beautiful fire, a duel at dawn, and an old-
fashioned plague. However, one gets the
impression that the whole effort is over-
done, and the film creeps along with the
rapidity of a Friday afternoon lecture.
Strawberry-haired Linda Darnell, as the
de-sexed Amber, is some tomato, around
whom the men gather like moths before a
flame. The subsequent story of who gets
burned and who doesn't is passable, cer-
tainly not irresistible.
-Harvey A. Leve.
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVIII, No. 31
A Special Convocation of the
University will be held in Hill
Auditorium at 11 o'clock, Monday
morning, November 3, in com-
memoration of the centenary of
Dutch settlement in Michigan. The
Honorable Arthur H. Vandenberg,
United States Senator from Mich-
igan, President of the Senate and
Chairman of the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee of the Senate,
and Dr. Eelco van Kleffens, Am-
bassador of the Netherlands to
the United States, will deliver ad-
dresses. All University classes will
be dismissed at 10:30 a.m. in order
that faculty members and stu-
dents may attend.
Members of the faculties will
assemble immediately after 10:30
a.m. in the Ballroom of the Mich-
igan League for the academic pro-
cession to the stage. Academic
costume will be worn. The pro-
cession will move at 10:50 a.m.
and the exercises will begin
promptly at 11:00 a.m.
If the weather is rainy, the
academic procession will be omit-
ted and faculty members will robe
in the second floor rooms at the
rear of Hill Auditorium and take
their places on the stage individ-
Regents, Deans, and other mem-
bers of the Honor Section will robe
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
Michigan League and take part
in the academic procession. If the
weather is rainy and the proces-
sion is omitted, this group will as-
semble in the dressing rooms on
the west side of the first floor,
rear, of Hill Auditorium, and pro-
ceed as directed by the marshals
to their places.
A large attendance of faculty
members is desired.
The seats reservea or invited
guests, on the main floor, will be
held until 10 :50 a.m. All other
seats are available fo students
of the University and other citi-
Notice of Regents' Meeting: No-
vember 22, 8:30 a.m. Com-
munications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the Pres-
ident's hands not later than No-
vember 13.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
School of Business Administra-
tion Assembly: Seniors in the
School (both BBA and MBA can-
didates) are invited to attend an
assembly to be held in West Gal-
lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Tues-
day, Oct. 28, 3 p.m. Dean Steven-
son and Professor Jamison will
discuss procedures for placement.
Community Chest Contributions:
All University employees who have
not yet turned in their Commun-
ity Fund pledge cards to their
building or department represen-
tative are urged to do so by Wed-
nesday, Oct. 29. By Monday of
this week, the University had at-
tained only 31 per cent of its
quota of $22,000. Headquarters,
Campus Community Funday Com-
mittee, Ext. 2134, 3103 Natural
Science Bldg.
Faculty Members-Reserve Of-
ficer Duty Project at the Com-
mand and General Staff College:
During the summer of 1947 a
group of 13 Reserve Officers who
were members of faculties of ci-
vilian colleges, were on duty at
the Command and Staff College
for periods varying from two
weeks to eight weeks and accom-
plished a number of projects such
as (1) Planning a remedial pro-
gram in reading and arithmetic,
(2) Planning for a remedial pro-
gram in study techniques, (3)
Study of methodology and cur-
ricular organization in relation
to the organization of the student
body for learning purposes, (4) An
analysis of the preparation of ex-
tension courses, (5) Preparation of
text matter for selected topics of
the course, (6) Preparation of ob-
jective examinations and exe-
cises, (7) Analysis of data on a
test of background military
knowledwge of students, (8) Re-
view of text matter in statistics for
the School of Personnel. All of the
officers were of the opinion that
this experience was worthwhile to
them personally and profession-
It is the plan of the Command
Staff College to continue this pro-
gram on a'larger scale in 1948 and
thereafter. Any faculty memiber
who is a Reserve Officer and is wil-
ling to be assigned to duty at the
Command and Staff College dur-
ing the summer of 1948 is urged to
see or call the Adjutant at Room
200 Military Headquarters, 512 S.
State St., Phone: Univ. xt. 306
prior to 1200 hours 5 November
Certificates of Eligibility for
non-athletic extra-curricular ac-
tivities should be secured in the
Office of Student Affairs, Room 2,
U. Hall, before such activities in-
clude service on a committee or
publication, participation in a
public performance or rehearsal,
or in holding office or being a can-
didate for office in a class or oth-
er student organization. Certifi-
cates will be issued to those quali-
fied in accordance with the fol-
lowing requirements:
1. No freshman in his first se-
mester of residence may be grant-
ed a Certificate of Eligibility.
Second semester freshman: 15
hours or more of work completed
with (1) at least one mark of A or
B and with no mark of less than C,
or (2) at least 2%/2 times as many
honor points as hours and with
no mark of E.
2. Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors:
11 hours or more of academic
credit in the preceding semester,
or 6 hours of academic credit in
the preceding summer session,
with an average of at least C, and
at least a C average for the entire
academic career.
3. Graduate Students: A Cer-
tificate of Eligibility will be issued
to graduate students upon presen-
tation of Cashier's Receipt.
4. No student is eligible for par-
ticipation in extra-curricular ac-
tivities who is excused from gym-.
nasium work because of physical
incapacity, except by special per-
mission of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs. In order to obtain
such permission, a student must
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Retrogressive Reds
To the Editor:
Daily 'has revealed the cur-
ious anomaly of participation by
avowed Communists in the activ-
ities of political organizations
which style themselves as demo-
This state of affairs is rather
odd, considering that one would
expect a group supposedly de-
voted to democratic action to be
progressive in its policies, whereas
Communism is by its very nature
retrogressive in relation to democ-
American democracy is the re-
sult of a long evolutionary process
of advancement in political and
social theory; Communism as it
exists today is merely a modifi-
cation of feudalism in which the
lines of authority between the
politburo and the collected farmer
on his collective farm are as clear-
ly marked and rigorously enforced
as the older relation between liege
and vassal.
Communism was able to secure
its hold on the Russian people
mainly because after throwing off
the shackles of feudalism in 1917
they, having had no previous ex-
perience in self government, were
at the mercy of any determined
and well organized group in their
midst. As it happened, the Bolshe-
vists were the only group then
strong enough to seize power, and
their leadership was accepted-
largely perhaps because their rule
was not too unlike that which had
preceded it. The Russians had
been used to doing what they were
told, and they accepted the new
Communist oligarchy as they had
the old czarist aristocracy.
In fairness to the Russians it
should be repeated that they had
no past experience in governing
themselves. The gap between feu-
dalism and democracy is far too
wide to be spanned at one leap,
and any interim government
charged with that task had, at
least in the beginning, to resemble
the old regime rather closely.
At times there seemed from
statements of the Communist
leaders to be a good chance that
they would recognize the wisdom
of moving toward democracy. It
was one of Lenin's dearest hopes
to raise Soviet production stand-
ards to the level of the western
democracies, and there was always
the possibility that Soviet states-
men might realize the obvious im-
possibility of approximating these
standards without also aiming at
western standards of political and
economic freedom.
Whether such a possibility still
exists is a moot point indeed. Cer-
tainly the foreign policy of the
present occupants of the Kremlin
appears to be little more than
czarist imperialism writ large.
All of the foregoing is merely
intended to support a grave doubt
as to the value of anyone who pro-
fesses the tenets of Communism
to a progressive democratic or-
ganization. If the United States
ever moves toward Communism,
it will be going backwards. And
if it does, that ghostly noise echo-
ing through Red Square will be
the mocking laughter of Lenin
as he sees the democracies volun-
tarily retreating from an economic
position that he himself so greatly
-Cornel Francu.
* * *
Amazed at The Daily
To the Editor:
tion days when I first read The
Daily I have been amazed again
and again by some of the articles
written by staff members-and
they're published! As reporters or
journalists your writers leave
much to be desired-emen by me,
one of these people who were NOT
excused from English 2-and for
logical reasons.
Honestly, when a headline such
as "Michigan Coed Tells of Hostel
Trip Through Europe" (October
21) appears can't the subscriber,
after reading the article, expect to
know what the coed told? But out
of half a dozen "Miss Reid said's,"
I find only five of her words rate
submit a written recommendation
from the University Health Serv-
5. Students on probation or the
warned list are forbidden to par-
ticipant in any extra-curricular
Before permitting any student
to participate in an extra-curric-
ular activity, the officer, chair-
(Continued on Page 6)
quotation marks. Gravel being
graded (usually roads, etc. are
graded, but perhaps they do things
differently in France) and sub-
jects occeasionally being separated
from their verbs by one, little,
lonesome comma are compara-
tively minor. But I can't resist
stating that I am well enough ac-
quainted with the traveling coed
to know that even her name was
misspelled throughout the article
-it's Reed.
With a little more accuracy The
Daily might become readable, if
not interesting.
--Mary Jane Green.
* * *
Economic Weakness
To the Editor:
HIDDEN beneath the surface of
the intense labor controver-
sies now raging lies the funda-
mental weakness of our present
economy which must be construc-
tively corrected if our system is
to continue to flourish.
For 171 years we Americans
have bragged about our system of
free enterprise in which the profit
motive has provided the incentive
for the development which has
made us the world's leading in-
dustrial nation. Although the con-
flicts of management and labor do
not concern us, we almost uni-
formly refuse to admit that to-
day, for the vast bulk of American
workers, the free enterprise sys-
tem is nothing more than a con-
venient fiction.
The common cry of manage-
ment today is that the workers
are not producing all that they
might. Assuming that the charge
is true, we may very well ask
why they should.
"Without an opportunity to reap
more from the profit system than
a salary or a wage, the average
man cannot be blamed if he feels
no sense of kinship to the profit
system." This is the opinion, not
of a labor spokesman, but of Eric
Johnson, former president of the
United States Chamber of Com-
merce who, writing in the New
York Times, advocates that labor
be given a stake in capitalism.
And why not? Admittedly com-
petition between individuals and
firms built thenAmerica of today
but competition between capital
and labor is now impairing our
production and causing rapidly
mounting internal conflicts.
Internationally America is seek-
ing to preserve world peace
through the cooperation of all na-
tions. Domestically we individually
align our interests with either
capital or labor and cheer for
it blindly, succeeding only in wid-
ening the yawning chasm already
between them.
If we are to avert the class
conflict which the Marxists main-
tain is inevitable in a capitalistic
economy, we must very soon begin
bringing capital and labor into
a harmonious working relation-
Giving labor a stake in capital-
ism through some type of profit
sharing system is the plan which
Eric Johnson and a number of
other far-sighted business men
have tried and found workable in
their own businesses. This solution
obviously seeks to give both groups
a sense of partnership in the bus-
iness and to unite them behind
the common goal of higher pro-
Mortality rates on these home-
made schemes have thus far been
quite high, often because they did
not include both of the essential
phases, which are:
1. The distribution of a per
centage of the profits to the em-
ployees in accordance with a pre-
determined scale. This distribution
shall be considered entirely apart
from the workers wages and shall
not be used as an excuse for fail-
ure to pay the . prevailing wage
for that industry.
2. The worker must have some
channel through which his voice
may be effectively heard, though
usually in an advisory capacity
in the administrative and policy
making levels of the business.
The system which Johnson has
employed in four west coast com-
panies is rather easily applicable.
He distributes to his employees on
the basis of their length of serv-
ice, job, etc., 25 per cent of the
total dividend allocated to the
stockholders. He has also estab-
lished a junior board of directors
composed of representatives of la-
bor through which the workers
have a voice in company activity
although final decision remains in
the hands of management.
The extensive development of
profit-sharing programs' which
would put capital and labor on
the same team and give the work-
er the chance to participate in
the free enterprise system could
be a major step 'in improving
relations between the two.
Here our educational institu-
tions could provide a valuable
service. The unhappy fact seems
to be that capital and labor are
already too far apart to volun-
tarily initiate profit-sharing sys-