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October 26, 1947 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-26

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Doctors Need
Says Kennedy
Canfield Talk Given
By Regent-Physician
Restoration of the "intangiblk
values" which make the relation-
ship between doctor and patien
one of mutual understanding anic
trust was recommended Saturda.
by Dr. Charles S. Kennedy, -.neak-h
ing here yesterday.
Dr. Kennedy, Detroit physiciv.
and a Regent of the University,
delivered the Roy Bishop Canfield
Memorial Lecture, paying tribute
to the late Dr. Canfield, for many
years a distinguished member of
the Medical School faculty.
"With the rapid progress in sci-
entific medicine which has been
attained during the past half cen-
tury, there has been an accom-
panying loss in what might be
called the humanities," Dr. Ken-
nedy explained. "The patient in
many instances has become the:
object of scientific research and
not a human being in quest of
medical relief, while the doctor
has become the scientist with
little of the warmth of under-
standing sympathy and friendship
which inspires confidence in the
Dr. Kennedy also suggested that
a growing trend toward special-
ization of medical practice has
had the same effect of widening
the gulf between the doctor and
"The general practitioner should
be restored to his rightful place
as the keystone of the medical
profession," Dr. Kennedy declared.
"There are many areas in this
state where no well trained doctor
is available and, as a result, es-
pecially during the war years,
these districts have been invaded
by pseudo-medical practitioners
and frank charlatans."
Cartier Plans
One-Man Act
Performance To Have
Imitations of Stars
Jacques Cartier, America's one-
man theatre, will appear in the.
second Oratorical Lecture presen-
tation of the season at 8:30 p.m.,
Nov. 3 in Hill Auditorium.
A gallery of portraits of the
world's great actors and their
styles of acting will be included
in the show. Portrayals will in-
clude actors from the days of
Euripides of Greece, through
Shakespeare, Moliere and the
Moscow Art Theatre, to the stage
and screen stars of today.
Each of the twelve scenes will
be produced in authentic costume.
Typical of the praise which
Cartier has received is the Herald-
Tribune review which called his
performance, "as thrillihg a thing
as you will find in the theatre."
Job Registration Blanks
February, June, ahd August
graduates interested in job reg-
istration who have not received
registration ''material as yet may
do so after November 1 at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma-
son Hall.
Students should return blanks
on the date indicated.

Battin Boasts Circus
And Vaudevile Record

.< >

Speech students probably would
not recognize a former circus bark-
er and vaudeville hoofer in their
Fundamentals of Radio 151 or 152
instructor, but Tom Battin's been
It's only fair to add that he s
had plenty of other experience in
the theatre, movies and radio.
Battin has greasepaint in his
blood from a couple generations
back, his grandfather having start-
ed the first opera company in
Ohio in the 1800's.
Just Like Jolson
By the time Battin was 9 or
10, he was eagerly awaiting the
visits of Eddie Cantor, Al Jolson,
and Bill Robinson to Marietta,
Ohio where he lived, so that he
could watch their techniques. To
sing "just like Jolson," and to
tap-dance became major ambi-
His college career began in 1925
at Ohio State, where he majored
in speech and drama.
New York's bright lights, how-
ever, lured him away from the
academic life in the summer of
1927, and he landed on Broadway
and 42nd St., without a job pros
pect. Luckilya cameraman who
originally hailed from Columbus
was so glad to see someone from
"back home' that he got Battin
a job as assistant director of
movie shorts.
Studied and 'Crooned'
Obtaining his A.B. degree in
1930, Battin taught for a year
in a Virginia high school, where
he introduced speech courses in
the English department.
For sever years, he directed the
plays of a Warren little theatre,
whose professional acting and
production standards earned it a
reputation as one of the finest in
that section of the country.
When the little theatre burned
down in 1941, Batton betook him-
self, with his theatrical group, to
a non-inflammable radio micro-
phone. After helping to establish
a 350-watt station in Warren.
he produced two dramatic shows
a week, using the play house
Headed to Hollywood
After producing ordnance de-
partment shows in 1942 for a
coast-to-coast hookup, Battin took
Hold Cheoks
At Post Office
Checks for the following vet-
erans are being held at the Ann
Arbor Post Office:
Clyde E. Bailey, Warren J.
Claussen, Fred S. Cook, Louis
Michael Fiteny, Louis L. Goldberg,
Frank Honigsbaum, Mary H. Hen-
ne, Albert William Heavin, Wil-
liam A. Jarvis, Rufus Johnson,
Fuel Reeves . Lancaster, Billy J.
McIntosh, Fred Meppeline, Jr.
The list continues with Donald
Murray, Harold L. Norhelm, Mar-
ion H. Olson, Charles J. Jebrt,
Robert T. Ropp, Edward Shudra,
James K. Strong, Robert L. Wad-
dell, Harry H. Wilcox, Jr.
Veterans listed above should
pick up their checks before Nov.
1 when they will be returned to
Columbus, O.
Give Now-To Your
Community Fund

a breather and headed for Holly-
wood in 1943. There he played
bit parts in several movies, among
them being "The Story of Dr.
He called Hollywood "a magic
:ity - -it can mesmerize you.'
He added, "You've got to be smart
tO get by there."
Here at the University besides
giving instruction in radio fun-
damentals, Battin works with the
Broadcasting Service in produ.-
ing radio speech dramas. Next
spring he also plans to teach a
course in advanced speech for
doctors and nurses.
Now that the University is to
have an FM station of its own.
Battin predicts a bright future for
the radio department. "It should
be one of the best in the country
within a year," he said.


Student Group
Plans Function
All Campus Party
Heralds Halloween
An all-campus Halloween party.
featuring record dancing and tra-
ditional games of foreign coun-
tries, spotlights a new series of
activities announced recently by
M. K. Raju, president of the In-
ternational Students Association
The party, which will be held
at 9 p.m. Friday in the Women's
Athletic Building, will start with
a torchlight parade originating at
the International Center. During
the course of the evening, every-
one will participate in the games
as demonstrated by students from
the foreign countries represented
Light refreshments will be served.
Raju also announced that the
ISA is planning a series of Sun-
day suppers featuring native
dishes as prepared by students
from such countries as China, In-
dia, Latin America, Italy, Turkey,
Egypt, and France. These sup-
pers are open to all members of
the group, but reservations must
be made in advance.
The ISA is also going ahead
with plans to give the annual In-
ternational Ball sometime next
Spring at the I-M Building.
Little Theatre
Tickets on Sale
'Murdered Alive'
Scheduled in Village
Tickets for "Murdered Alive"
have been placed on sale at the
West Lodge PX and at Wahr's
The play, to be presented at
West Lodge Auditorium Nov. 7,
8 and 9, is a mystery-comedy pre-
sented by the Little Theatre of
Willow Village.
"Murdered Alive" is directed by
Don Decker, and produced by
Marion Emerson.
The cast, which is made up of
veterans' wives and University
students, includes Gloria Messina,
Michael Cetta, Bonnie Haggen,
lichard Charlton and Marion
Other actors are Wilma Bogart,
qiarvey Stewart, Claire Charlton,
William Swisher, David Vance,
and Margaret Seglund.







I 'I
"The Contribution of the Church
to the Modern World" will be the
theme of the address by the Rev.
James Van Pernis before the
at 5 p.m. today.
Dr. Gregg Singer, chairman of
the history department at Wheat-
on Coil .ge, will speak to the
LOWSHIP at 4:30 p.m. today in
Lane Hall. His topic will be "So-
cial Implications of the Gospel."
* * *
ASSOCIATION will meet at 5:30
p.m. today in the Zion Parish
Hall to hear Paul G. Kauper, pro-
fessor in law, speak on "As a Lay-
man Looks at the Reformation."
* * *
at 5:30 p.m. today in the Method-
ist Church Lounge to discuss "The
Church and the Community."
Supper and social hour will fol-
* * *
CIPLES GUILD will meet at 5 p.m
today instead of 6 p.m. to heal
the Rev. William Clark, of the
Flit Episcopal Church, speak or
"Salting Society."

F 0 0 T B A L L F A T H E R-While his wife, Dorothy, and
year-old daughter, Penny, look on, Benny Reiges of Worcester,
Mass., practices his kicking form on the UCLA field./,.

CARDINALS AT MASS - Shaikh Hafiz Wabha,
Saudi Arabia delegate to the U. N., greets Cardinal de Vaseon-
cellos Motta (right) of Brazil following a mass at St. Patrick's,
New York. Cardinal Guevara of Peru is in center.


M O U N T A I N- LI S T E N E R S - In the mountainous
Garm region of the Tadjik Soviet Socialist Republic, at an eleva-
tion of 9,000 feet; herdsmen on a sheep-breeding state farm gather,
to listen to a radio.

liendahl, Westinghouse metallurgist, works at Bloomfield, N. J,
with radioactive thorium, used in making mercury vapor lamps
and considered a possible atomic energy source.

(Continued from Page 4)
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
8 p.m., Michigan League.
Election of officers. All mem-
bers are asked to attend.
Michigan Dames Drama Group:
First meeting of the year, 8 p.m.,
Mon., at the home of Mrs. Bill
May, chairman, 333 Packard.
Coming Events
Freshman - Sophomore forestry
conference: Tues., Oct. 28, 7:30
p.m., Rm. 2039 Natural Science
Bldg. All first and second year
students interested in forestry,
regardless of the school or college
in which they are now enrolled are
cordially invited to attend.
Current Research in the Social
Sciences: Clark Tibbitts and
Woodrow Hunter, Institute for
Human Adjustment, will speak on
"Research in the Adjustment of
Older People," Mon., Oct. 27, 4
p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Symposium spon-
sored by Alpha Kapp, Delta.
Astronomy Club: 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 27, University Observa-
tory. Dues will be collected. Offi-
cers will be elected.
Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering
Speech Society: Tues., Oct. 28,

7:15 p.m., 311 W. Engineering
Bldg. Regular meeting and in-
formal debate of "Riveting versus
Women's Bowling Club: Free
instruction will be given to Uni-
versity women who wish to join
the WAA bowling club, 5 p.m.,
Mon., Ocf. 27, Women's Athletic
Bldg. Wear tennis shoes or bowl-
ing shoes.
Gilbert and Sullivan Operatic
Society: Regular choral rehearsal.
7 p.m., Mon., Michigan League.
Le Cerele Francais: Mon., Oct.
27, Rm. 305, Michigan Union, 8
p.m. All members are requested to
attend this meeting as the group
picture for the Michiganensian
will be taken.
La p'tite causette: Mon., 3:30
p.m., Russian Room, Michigan
Weekly Conversation Group,
Spanish Club: Mon., Oct. 27, 4
p.m., International Center.
SRA Halloween Party for
"Blue Monday Uplift League,"
Oct. 27, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
Everyone is invited. Square danc-
ing, games, refreshments. Wear
blue-jeans. Please make reserva-
tions at Lane Hall by Monday


COA tat MI


V I S I TO R S AT S T R A T F 0 R D-Pfc. James Jones
of North Hollywood, Calif., on leave from Germany, escorts Jean-
Simmons, British film actress, on a tour of exhibits at the birth-
place of Shakespeare, Stratford-on-Avon.

T R I P L E T T R A V E L E R S - Jette Quinlan, TWA host-
ess, poses with the Dees triplets,'Christina, Megan and Katha (1.#
to r.) of Washington, D. C., at La Guardia Field, N. Y., as the
triplets and their mother enplaned forCairo. '


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