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October 26, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-26

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Mr.lowles and Mr. Porter

FiftyEighth Year


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell...................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht .......................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson...............Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz..................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.................. Women's Editor
Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Stafff
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press,
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

ii ,

THENavy Day
THE FIGHTING U.S.S. Sennet pictured
on page three today and the formations
of Navy F6F fighter planes that flew over
Michigan Stadium yesterday are a reminder
of Navy Day tomorrow.
Our subs, our planes-all our fighting
units-helped to win World War H. With-
out them, we would not now be a free
nation. The Navy was an integral part of
our defense; it is still that today.
Now it is hard at work on the task of
maintaining and guarding the peace that
we won at such a dear price.
New scientific instruments that it is using
will be part of the Navy Day display at
Grosse Isle Naval Air Station. Visitors will
see how naval radar operates and learn of
the new Ground Controlled Approach Sys-
tem. Many of the planes will be flown by
naval reserve officers now students at the
Navy Day will help acquaint the aver-
age John Doe wth the Navy's work in
order that they may understand its value
and why it must be maintained.
The lesson of Pearl Harbor must not
become vague in our minds. That swift and
savage Japanese attack caught us ill pre-
pared. But with a strong armed force that
cannot happen again. Our ability to defend
our shores and offer retaliation will sober
the would-be attacker.
Let Navy Day serve as another reminder
that attack is never impossible. The next
possible Pearl Harbor cannot be pro-
Until the U.N. becomes strong enough
to take over world sovereignty, a strong
armed force is the only safeguard against
-Craig H. Wilson.
American Activities on a front page
rampage again, most newspapers are too
busy with the under-the-bed-hunting for
what the more profound Hollywood thinkers
call "Communists" to pay attention to what
the neighbors are thinking.
It seems worthwhile to quote the Lon-
don News-Chronicle's statement on what
it callIs "the most un-American feature of
United States' life."
The Chronicle declares that "by tolerat-
ing its (the committee's) methods and its
aims, and by loosing the heresy-hunted
hounds to bay at frightened civil servants,
by restricting the movements of the Com-
munists journalists in the United States,
Americans themselves are practicing those
very evils of which they accuse the Kremlin
and its satellites."
The Inquisition to which the Chronicle
refers is certainly nothing original in our
country's political life. Whenever the boys
in Washington get scared, investigations
on the nature of "subversive" activities
push their ugly heads out from the dirt,
and burst into unromantic bloom. The
haby were seared during the thirties, for

WASHINGTON-President Harry Truman,
with an obvious reluctance, is at last
facing up to the facts. He has faced up,,
not only to the absolute necessity of action
on foreign aid, but to the almost equal
necessity of doing something about domestic
prices. The two subjects are, in a sense,
one and indivisible, simply because there is
no use lending dollars to halt economic
Ruark. New York: Doubleday & Company,
Inc. 1947. 270 pages.
ALTHOUGH nothing was probably further
from his mind, Robert Ruark might
well have done to the twentieth century
"historical novel" what Miguel de Cervantes
did to the sixteenth century chivalresque
romance. But perhaps that is too much to
ask of a writer whose principal aim in life
seems to be throwing rocks, indiscriminately
and unsubtly, just for the laughs. The pur-
pose is clear-the result is open to ques-
Instead of the kind of satire full of hu-
man understanding and compassion which
immortalized Cervantes, however, Ruark
has produced a blunt burlesque which too
often approaches the cheap vulgarity of
off-color jokes which aren't very funny
anyway. It may be that this method is the
most effective means of attack against the
current lush, sex-ridden genre which Ruark
is lampooning, but it has much more the
character of momentary deflation that of
final devastation.
A glance at the chapter 'headings of the
book, which has everything, will indicate
most quickly both its content and treat-
' ent. Picking them out at random, we
find such titles as "Darkness on the
Delta," "Everybody Comes to Cuba," "An
Empire Begins," "Death of the Soul,"
"Farewell to All That," "Grenadine Was
There," "Mattress Poisoning," and "Twen-
tieth Century-Fox?"
At least a mild slump of discouragement,
if not amazement, should beset the Kathleen
Winsors, Nancy Buffs, et al, when they en-
counter the imagination run riot and given
expression in this book. All the now sacro-
sanct characteristics of the object of attack
are easily recognizable and prominently and
redundantly exploited. Description is at its
most fabulous-of liquor, food, people, liquor,
places, clothes and liquor.
This is the kind of book Gargoyle staff
members have always wanted to write, un-
doubtedly. In other words, if you like the
Gargoyle (and why not?) you'll like this
-Natalie Bagrow.
* * *
ert Casey. New York: Bobbs-Merrill. 1947.
349 pages.
MOST OF THE STORIES in this book
have been batting around Chicago bars
and city rooms for years-tales of the fab-
ulous characters who inhabit the city with
the toughest newspaper competition in the
Bob Casey turns the gossip into well-
written humor, and in the process, ex-
poses the foibles of both the tough report-
er and the typical newspaper reader.
As in his earlier book, Such Interesting
People, Casey points out that newspapermen
lead fascinating lives because they meet
such interesting 'people, but the interesting
people are their fellow newspapermen.
Best tales in the lot are those about
the good old days, when the "big stick"
school of Walter Howey, at the old Ex-
aminer, was triumphant, and when "get

that story" meant sending out squads of
reporters with complete wire tapping and
safe cracking equipment.
The humorous angles of Casey's war-ex-
perience as a correspondent never quite
make the high grade of his Chicago tales,
but his backhanded slaps at modern jour-
nalism should hit the mark.
In a way, the book is a lament for the
days when writers worked the angles and
then hit the public with an immortal lead.
There is a note of nostalgia for the time
when newspapers operated without asterisks,
or women. Casey closes one chapter with the
"Life has become a little easier in the
newspaper business . . . There is something
to be said for a condition in which a re-
porter can go out on a job without a trunk-
load of electrical equipment and a brigade
of safecrackers. But somehow, nowadays,
the news doesn't seem so interesting as it
did in the days when editors were willing to
go without sleep for days and take their
chances on jail or assassination to get it.
I wonder if there's any connection."
-Harriett Friedman.
* * *
General Library Book List ...
Aldanov, Mark-Before the Deluge. New

deterioration abroad if there is little or
nothing the dollars can buy.
The question remains whether anything
really effective can be done about the
bulging domestic price line. Certainly the
task of clamping back controls on the
careening American economy is not an
appetizing one. There are those who
gravely doubt that the job can be done
at all even if--and this is a big if-the
President is determined to do it, and if-
this is a bigger if-the Eightieth Congress
will grant him the necessary authority to
do it.
In this connection, it is worth considering
the views of two ghosts from the price-
control past. Mr. Paul Porter and Mr. Ches-
ter Bowles could now, if they wished, indulge
in the hollow pleasures of crying "I told
you so." Indeed, the only trouble with their
dire predictions of what would happen if
price control were dropped is that these
predictions were insufficiently dire. At any
rate, both Mr. Porter and Mr. Bowles are
convinced that the job of getting prices
under control again can be done, and that
it must be done, if catastrophe is to be
avoided. Since both men know something
of the horrible headaches involved, their
views are interesting. Here, specifically, is
how the two former O.P.A. chiefs think the
job could be done:
Both agree that to attempt to revive
the whole complicated business of price
prices for everything from diapers to
oboes-would be futile. Both believe that
the first step necessary is to freeze, rather
than to attempt to roll back, prices on a
few basic commodities-wheat, corn, cot-
ton, steel, copper, fats and oils. To this
list Mr. Bowles adds livestock. Mr. Porter
does not. His dreadful experiences with
the moribund O.P.A. when he was, in his
own words, "trying to prevent an orderly
retreat from becoming an obscene rout,"
have convinced him that it is impossible
to control meat prices without rationing.
And he agrees with other observers that
it would take many months to restore any
kind of effective rationing.
Moreover, effective control of even a few
basic commodities, Mr. Porter believes, re-
quires two conditions. One is that the con-
trol authority be granted for two years, so
that producers would not hold back goods in
the hope that control would soon end. The
other is wide allocation powers, and the
willingness to use them. He also believes
that some form of wage control would be
necessary. Given all this Mr. Porter beieves
that the necessary controls would be func-
tioning reasonably effectively within two
months. He acknowledges that the results
would be far from perfect and "plenty rough
on some people." But he believes that the
present emergency demands some sicth ac-
Mr. Porter's predecessor at the O.P.A.
helm, Mr. Bowles, would go further. In
the first place, he wants rationing. He
agrees that it would be half a year
before rationing were fully effective.
But he thinks it could be made seventy
per cent effective in three months, "if
we really went to work at it,"-and he
is convinced the effort is worth making.
He has, moreover, an ingenious scheme
to discourage over-feeding of livestock and
thus make the necessary grains available for
Europe. Vast quantities of grain are wasted
by over-fattening hogs and cattle for choice
cats. He would therefore use price control
to penalize over-fed livestock. He suggests
that price controls be frozen at the current
level for livestock at a certain weight,
the maximum legal price would actually be
lower than for their slimmer brethren. Mr.
Bowles claims that this scheme is perfectly
practical, and that by eliminating over-
feeding, it would save at least 170 million
bushels of grain for the hungry world.
He has another idea. He agrees with
Mr. Porter that some sort of wage con-
trol-conspicuously absent from the CIO
program-will be necessary if the national

economy is to get again on an even
keel. But he believes that wage control
should be balanced off against an excess
profits tax. He therefore suggests that
the best profit year in the last ten years
should be selected as the profit maximum
in all businesses, and that profits above
this maximum should be taxed away. He
argues that this arrangement would be
eminently fair, and that it would have two
results-revenue would be provided for the
foreign aid program, and producers would
plow back profits into lower prices, thus
bringing down the price level.
It takes no great political sophistication
to sense that both programs, and particu-
larly the Bowles program, are hardly polit-
ically practical at the moment. Such meas-
ures would seem to have rather less than
no chance of passing the Eightieth Congress.
Perhaps Mr. Bowles and Mr. Porter are
wrong in thinking that such measures are
neded to avert catastrophe. Perhaps such
softer expedients as the President is likely
to propose will suffice. But it is necessary
to keep one's fingers crossed.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

Our New Allies'
T HE MUNICIPAL elections in
France, Norway and Italy
show that the Communists have
become the most effective allies
of the free enterprise system. Not
deliberately. But just as surely.
It works like this. The free
peoples of Europe have been
flirting with "planned econ-
omy." All of them except Swit-
zerland have adopted some so-
cialist measures. But these free
peoples are determined not to
have socialism loaded on them
by a tyrannical and violent mi-
nority subservient to a for-
eign government. In their reac-
tion against Communism they
are turning aaginst planning.
So long as the Communist
wolves could disguise themselves
as harmless sheep, they attracted
a good many people. By the use
of apparently unlimited propa-
ganda funds, they managed to
draw a veil over their role as Hit-
ler's allies in the period from
Sept. 1939 to June, 1941. Once
their Soviet fatherland was in
danger, they displayed great cour-
age in resisting the Nazi invad-
ers of their native countries. Af-
ter liberation, they posed as pa-
triots, even nationalists. During
this period the French communist
poet, Aragon, informed me that
Franco-German difficulties were
due primarily to the fact that the
Germans "are not sufficiently na-
tionalistic." My view was just the
Recent Russian deeds and ac-
tions have made this patriotic
role a farce. As my friend Raul,
the headwaiter at the Hotel Al-
gonquin in New York City, puts
it, "The Soviet Union selling
democracy, prosperity and peace
is about as convincing as a bald
barber trying to induce his
clients to buy expensive hair
Gradually but surely, the free
peoples of Europe have learned
that Communists play the demo-
cratic game only until they feel
strong enough to put an end to
democracy, that they are indeed
patriots, but of the Soviet Union
rather than of their own countries
and that their present game is to
block economic recovery in order
to erect a world dictatorship on
the ruins.
As these peoples react against
the Communist swindle, they
react against the totally planned
economy, socialism, that the
Communists stand for.
This, I believe, is the explan-
ation why socialism is being tried
in Britain at the momentrthe
French are swinging away from
it. For in Britain there is no
Communist party worth mention-
ing and only a few influential
dupes who make common cause
with the Russians against the
United States.
When the people of Britain vot-
ed to try socialism, they knew that
they were not renouncing their
basic civil liberties or the demo-
cratic process. They were not put-
ting loyalty to Russia ahead of
loyalty to Britain. And above all
they knew that if socialism turned
out badly, they could always get
rid of the socialists.
But where the Communists
are strong, people fear that if
they accept socialism, they will
find in the same market basket,
terror, subservience to Moscow
and a permanent dictatorship.
As a result, they are buying less
socialism and planned economy is
on the decline.
The American Administration
could profit immensely by this
fact. Now that the Russians have
come out flatly against European
reconstruction, their innermost de-
signs are exposed to all the world..

The cards to win the political
war are in our hands. But this
war cannot be successfully
waged by a Congressional Com-
mittee on un-American Activ-
ities. For the antics of these
gentlemen are in themselves un-
American. In this country, un-
til recently, crime was crime
and everything else was licit.
Now the Congress and the State
Department have, on what I
consider deficient authority, set
up a third category of actions
and attitudes which, without
being criminal, are none the
less subject to persecution.
This is, in my judgment, un-
American. It flouts the funda-
mental principles upon which the
United States was founded. It
makes the United States ridiculous
if not objectionable in the eyes
of real liberals (not Russia-First-
ers) throughout the world.
To win the political war with
Russia, the war which if won
will make a shooting war un-
necessary, we need to strengthen
democracy and freedom at home
and to attack tyranny and in-
tolerance abroad.
But havewe the wisdom to
profit by the opportunity so un-
willingly offered by the Commu-
nist parties abroad?
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 30
A Special Convocation of the
University will be held in Hill
Auditorium at 11 o'clock, Monday
morning, November 3, in com-
memoration of the centenary of
Dutch settlement in Michigan. The
Honorable Arthur H. Vandenberg,
United States Senator from Mich-
igan,' President of the Senate and
Chairman of the Foreign Rel-
tions Committee of the Senate,
and Dr. Eelco Van Kleffens, Am-
bassador of the Netherlands to
the United States, will deliver ad-
dresses. All University classes will
be dismissed at 10:30 a.m. in order
that faculty members and stu-
dents may attend.
Members of the faculties will
assemble immediately after 10:30
a.m. in the Ballroom of the Mich--
igan League for the academic pro-
cession to the stage. Academic
costume will be worn. The pro-
2ession will move at 10:50 a.m.
and the exercises will begin
promptly at 11:00 a.m.
If the weather is rainy, the
academic procession will be omit-
ted and faculty members will robe
in the second floor rooms at the
rear of Hill Auditorium and take
their places on the stage individ-
Regents, Deans, and other mem-
)ers of the Honor Section will robe
n the Grand Rapids Room of the
Michigan League and take part
n the academic procession. If the
weather is rainy and the proces-
sion is omitted, this group will as-
semble in the dressing rooms on
the wvest side of the first floor,
rear, of Hill Auditorium, and pro-
-eed as directed by the marshals
to their places.
A large attendance of faculty
members is desired.
Theseats reserved for invited
guests, on the main floor, will be
held until 10:50 a.m. All other
seats are available for students
of the University and other citi-.
Notice of Regents' Meeting: No-
vember 22, at 8:30 a.m. Com-
munications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the Pres-
ident's hands not later than No-
vember 13.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
Principal-Freshman Conference:
The annual Principal-Freshman
Conference will take place on
Thursday, Nov. 13. Instructors of
classes which include freshmen are
requested not to schedule blue-
books for the morning of Nov. 13
in order that freshmen may be
available for conferences with
their high school principals.
School of Business Administra-
tion Assembly: Seniors in the
School (both BBA and MBA can-
didates) are invited to attend an
assembly to be held in West Gal-
lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Tues-
day, Oct. 28, 3 p.m. Dean Steven-
son and Professor Jamison will
discuss procedures for placement.
Community Chest Contributions:
All University employees who have
not yet turned in their Commun-
ity Fund pledge cards to their
building or department represen-
tative are urged to do so by Wed-
nesday, Oct. 29. At the end of
the first week of the drive, the
University has attained only 13
per cent of its quota of $22,000.

Headquarters, Campus Commun-
ity Fund ,Committee, Ext. 2134,
3103 Natural Science Bldg.
Choral Union Ushers: Report at
Hill Auditorium at 6:15 p.m. for
the concert Sunday, Oct. 26.
Seniors and Graduate Students
in Mechanical & Industrial-Me-
chanical Engineering are invited
to attend a meeting in Rm. 348 W
Engineering Bldg., Wed., Oct. 29
5 p.m. Members of the Mechani-
cal Engineering Staff willoexplain
placement methods employed by
this Department for positions in
Veterans who paid their tuition
this fall semester because they
lacked sufficient eligibility time
are asked to come to the Veterans
Service Bureau, Rm. 1514, Rack-
ham Building, at their earliest
Attention February Graduates
Detroit Civil Service will have a
representative at the Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, orl

Thursday, Oct. 30, to interview
men graduating in February who
are interested in the Technical Aid
Examination, Specialties - Gen-
eral, Business Administration, En-
gineering. Other students who are
graduating in February and are
interested in Detroit Civil Serv-
ice will be able to talk to him if
time permits. Call extension 371
for an appointment.
Miss Olive Walser, Personnel
Bureau, Leadership Services De-
partment, YWCA, will be at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma-,
son Hall, Oct. 29 and 30, to inter-
view women interested in Health
Education and Group Work. Peo-
ple interested in Group Work must
have some knowledge of Group
Work through part-time or sum-
mer work. Call extension 371 for
complete information.
Women students now living at
Willow Run who wish to move for
the spring semester should call at
the Office of the Dean of Women
beginning November 1 to apply
for other accommodations.
University Community Center:
Willow Run Village.
Mon., Oct. 27, 8 p.m., Sewing
Club. New members invited.
Tues., Oct. 28, 8 p.m., Creative
Writers' Group. Mrs. Mary Kull-
berg, chairman. New members in-
Wed., Oct. 29, 8 p.m., "You -
International Problems - and
Atomic Energy," Prof. Wilfred
Thurs., Oct. 30, 8 p.m., The New
Art Group.
West Lodge:
Sun., Oct. 26, 4:30-6:30 p.m.,
Coffee hour; 6:45 p.m., Pictures
Michigan-Northwestern game.
Mon., Oct. 27, 6:45 p.m., West
Lodge League Bowling, Willow
Run Bowling Alley.
Tues., Oct. 28, 8 p.m., Volleyball
Wed., Oct. 29, 7 p.m., Duplicate
Bridge Tournament.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students in English
intending to take the Preliminary
Examinations in English literaturE
this fall should notify Professo
Marckwardt before October 30.
Physical Chemistry Seminar:
Mon., Oct. 27, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303.
Chemistry Bldg. Prof. A. L. Fer-
guson will speak on 'Electrode Po-
tentials, Polarization and Over-
voltage." All interested are in-
Classical Representations Sem-
inar: Mon.,. 4 p.m., 3010 Angell
Hall. Mr. Arnold Shapiro will
speak on Group Algebras.
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics: Mon., 7 p.m., Rm. 3001
Angell Hall. Mr. St. Clair will dis-
cuss Pohlke's Theorem.
Seminar on Stochastic Proces-
ses: Mon., Oct. 30, 7:15 p.m., Rm
3001, Angell Hall. Prof. C. L
Dolph will speak on Generalizec
Harmonic Analysis.
Seminar in Engineering Me-
chanics: The Engineering Mie-
chanics Department is sponsoring
a series of discussions on appliec
mechanics. The next seminar will
be at 4 p.m. Wed., Oct. 29, Rm
406, W. Engineering Bldg. Prof
H. M.* Hansen will discuss th
distribution of energy in vibrat-
ing systems.
The University Musical Society
will present the Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski
conductor, in the second program
of the Choral Union Concert Se-

ries, Sunday, Oct. 26, 7 p.m., Hill
Program :
Toccata and Fugue in D minor.
rBach; Symphony No. 1 in C minor.
Op. 68, Brahms; Suite from th
Ballet, "Appalachian Spring,'
Copland; Three Dances fro'
"Gaynne," Khatchaturian.
String Orchestra Concert: 8:30
p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 11, Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Gilbert
SRoss, Conductor; soloist: Norma
Swinney Heyde, soprano, anc
Oliver Edel, cellist; compositions
by Purcell, Stamitz, Legrenzi, Boc-
cherini, and Mozart. Open to the
general public without charge.
s Exhibitions
Modern American Houses, cir
t culated by the Museum of Modern
Art, Architecture Bldg., through
Oct. 27.
Photographic Show, through Oct

e ttei
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daly
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* " 0
Righteous Iuignation
To the Editor:
THIS IS WRITTEN in righteous
indignation! Being a resident
of Ann Arbor and a student at the
University, I resent Fred Schott's
slurring remarks made in connec-
tion with his report of so-called
"night life" in our fair city.
In the first place, he refers to
our esteemed rathskellers as be-
ing ".. ..of the type parents us-
ually don't like their sons and
daughters to patronize, twenty-
one or not, although students
themselves seem to enjoy them."
Surely, this rash condemnation
cannot be tolerated by the suds-
loving citizens of greater Ann
Next he laments the fact that
a minimum of variety is offered
in the way of entertainment. Be-
sides offering chips, pretzels,
hard-boiled eggs, pop-corn, juke-
box symphonies (to say nothing
of a wide selection of beverages-
with or without foam), the estab-
lishments in question present
ample opportunities for convivial
interchange of ideas.
.Let's be more tolerant of our
tradition-laden institutions.
-Richard J. Murphy.
One Question
To the Editor:
the debate Thursday night at
Hill Auditorium between Mr. Du-
ranty and Mr. Knickerbocker on
the subject "Can Russia be part
of one world?" some one should
have asked this question:
"Mr, Duranty, do you think Mr.
Knickerbocker is competent to
discuss this question without hav-
ing read the ex-Marine veteran
Gord Meyer's "What Price Pre-
paredness?" in the June Atlantic,
and also the same author's "Peace
Is Still Possible," in the October
Ifsit developed that Mr. Knick-
erbocker had not read the two
articles, it certainly would have
reflected on his competence.
If it developed that neither Mr.
Duranty nor Mr. Knickerbocker
had read the articles in question,
it would have shown that neither
was competent to debate the
-R. McAlister.
* * *
High Price of Water
To the Editor:
THINK that it should be
brought to the attention of the
students and faculty that two days
ago in the Womans' League, a
friend of mine, was charged ten
cents, 10 cents, for a cup of boil-
ing water. That's correct, 10 cents'
for a cup of plain boiling water.
At first we thought the cashier
was joking but she informed us
that the charge for boiling water
had always been 10 cents. If the
state of affairs in this Democratic
country have come to the paying
for a cup of water then it's time
to act. After all, my friend did'
not want to buy the cup but,
merely the water which it con-

--J. A. LaRue.
-C. J. Woodruff.
-E. M. Masson.
30. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily,
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening,
7-9. The public is invited.
Exhibit of Living: Fall Fungi of
Washtenaw County, Michigan.
Department of Botany, 2nd floor,
Natural Science Building, through
November 1st.
"Natural History Studies at the
Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni-
versity of Michigan." October
through December, Museums Bldg.
Events Today
Carillon Recital: The program
to be presented Sunday at 3
o'clock will be played by Professor
Percival Price, and will consist en-
tirely of his compositions for caril-
- lon: Preludes 1, 2, 3; Fugue for
q Carillon; Andantes 1, 5, 7; Varia-
h tions on an Air for Bells by Sibe-
lius; Fantaisie 1 (Kermis Day);
Ballet for Carillon.
First Methodist Church:
. Sunday Church Service, 10:45
- a.m. Dr. Kenna will preach on
"Finding the Stars."
Wesley Foundationfor Method-
ist students and their friends. 602
E Huirnn Street.









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