THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1947 i 114r Atr4tgau 743al-til WASHINGTON WIRE: Fear or Freedom? Fifty-Eighth Year . - 'I Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff John Campbell ...................Managing Editor Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Eunice Mintz,...................Associate Editor Lida Dailes.........................Associate Editor Dick Kraus........................Sports Editor Bob Lent ......... . ....... Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson................. Women's Editor Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal...............Library Director Business Staff Nancy Helmick................General Manager Jeanne Swendeman........, Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all new dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily stafff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR HIGBEE On Exhibit WHATEVER EXCUSES we can make for ballplayer Jackie Robinson's current and projected personal appearance tours, we still think that he's working too hard for his own good. Since the end of the baseball season, he has been on exhibition every day, making personal appearances in and around New York, Detroit and Washington. He is sup- posed to have made fifty thousand dollars in the last five weeks for telling the story of his athletic career in a seven-minute talk each night. By IRVING JAFFE EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Jaffe is a Transradio Press Service correspondent and was formerly Editorial Director of The Daily. WASHINGTON-I am frightened by what is going on under the klieg lights on Capitol Hill these days. I am frightened by the sight of fear itself, by the sight of scared men who have no faith in a free society and in the free expression of ideas. I am frightened because these men are highly placed in our government. Only scared men would attempt to reg- ulate the flow of ideas from an outlet of mass communication. What they are doing is regulating, just as surely as if they were passing legislation. To put ideas on public trial, to scare away what little awareness there is in Hollywood of the industry's re- sponsibility as a free conveyor of ideas is the worst kind of regulation. It is regulation by intimidation. The movies are not merely a source of en- tertainment. Whether for good or for bad, whether they desire it or not, the makers of motion pictures as clearly influence public opinion as the press and radio. That the majority of movies may at best be trivial, and, at worst, horrible slop, does not alter the function of movies in society. It points only to the need for greater examination by the movie makers themselves into the question of whether they are using their immense power to encourage adequately a fair and representative portrayal of all kinds of ideas and all ways of life. This obsession on the part of the House Unamerican Activities Committee has run loose and beyond all bounds when it takes the form now on gaudy display in the movie- like set of the caucus room in the old House office building. When the idea of subversion can be rooted in testimony of actor Adolph Menjou that some Hollywood people "act an awful lot like Communists" or Robert Taylor's feeling that some movies are "a little on the pink side," then there are no longer bounds which the committee will not feel free to traverse. Fear does not remain isolated. The fear which infects the inquisitor can also con- taminate those against whom the inquisi- tion is directed. On the first day of the hearings, movie producers Jack Warner, Louis B. Mayer, and Sam Wood out-did the Unamerican Activities Committee itself. They seemed to have abdicated some of their own freedom, so willingly did they go along with the committee's presumptuous invasion of their rights as leaders of a mass com- munications industry. One wondered whether the producers' at- torney, Paul V. McNutt, counseled them to act as they did on the witness stand. But now McNutt himself has come out with a statement which should have been, if it wasn't, p.rt and parcel of his advice to his clients. In a radio address, he said: "Freedom simply cannot live in an at- mosphere of fear. The motion picture in- dustry cannot be a free medium of expres- sion if it must live in fear of the damning epithet 'un-American' whenever it elects to introduce a new idea, produce a picture critical of the status quo, or point up through a picture some phase of our way of life which needs improving." ON WORLD AFFAIRS: British Civ il Liberties In addition to returns pearances, Robinson has; other fifty thousand for, for production Dec. 1. It "Brooklyn, U.S.A." from his stage ap- a guarantee of an- a movie, scheduled is tentatively titled Robinson has all fhe right in the world to his money. He is not the first athlete to allow his name to be used in promo- tion ventures; he is merely following the example of his profession. Yet there is something unfortunate about that. When Robinson came to the Dodgers last season he said he was going to keep his mouth shut and play ball. And he did, all season. He made a remarkable reputa- tion as a ballplayer-which was what he set out to do. He won everyone's respect, if not admiration. But now he puts himself on ex- hibition in theatres. The same man who was going to make -no fuss, and wanted no fuss made! We think he would be better off to play it straight as a ballplayer. -Fred Schott. Specious Reasoning THE AUDIENCE that listened to H. R. Knickerbocker and Walter Duranty de- bate the Russian question the other night could have discovered one reason why the American people don't know what to do about Russia. Knickerbocker adopted the unfortunate attitude, too common nowadays, that the most important thing in argument is to get the audience to see things your way; it doesn't matter how you do it. Several times during the debate, he twisted Duranty's statements or distorted fact, undoubtedly with full realization, hoping that the audience wouldn't notice the difference. Mr. Knickerbocker is too smart a man to call Poland and some of the other Russian overrun countries, "former democracies just like America," yet for purposes of debate, he claimed that the Soviet was keeping them from returning to their former "liberal" status. Although he has been debating with Du- ranty for 22 years-long enough to know what he means-Knickerbocker converted Duranty's description of the Russian spread as historical accident to just plain "acci- dent," for purposes of argument. Whether Knickerbocker's final case- that we must stay armed and constantly vigilant to hold off an aggressive Russia _..._ _.'cnn a n 1 :-iwtn.. 3. f A~n 4 un+fl;n By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER IS DEMOCRATIC socialism possible? This is the most important issue being tested in Great Britain. For whereas the basic trend in France and Belgium and the Netherlands is probably away frot planning, in Britain the government is proceeding to- ward ever more restrctions. Some of these, like the nationalization of the coal mines, do not cut into essen- tial civil liberties. This can not, however, be said about the "negative allocation of labor." I say "negative" because-as prac- ticed in Great Britain-control of labor does not give the government the right to drag a person out of one job and thrust him into another against his will. Accord- ing to my friend Francis Williams, Prime Minister Atlee's able public relations ad- visor (N.Y. Times Magazine, Oct. 19), the situation is as follows: "There is control of labor. Any worker changing his job must go to the local office of the Mnister of Labor" (approximately as in the Soviet Union, say I) "and can only take a new job as approved by the Ministry as in an essential industry. "Managers can only hire workers through the local office of the Ministry of Labor. They are not allowed to take a new worker What's 0on W1ax ... IN KEEPING with the new trend in modern music, National has issued the first two sides made by the Charlie Ventura Sextette at a session in New York last summer. Aided by three ex-Hermanites-Bill Harris on trombone, Ralph Burns on piano, and Dave Tough, drummer extraordinary-Ventura's little group shows the virtuosity, both col- lectively and singly, that created such a furor on Fifty-Second Street a few months back. The numbers are Blue Champagne, a relatively unknown pop tune which Freddy Martin used to overwork and a be-bop opus entitled Synthesis. Champagne opens with a piano intro by Burns, followed by Ventura on tenor whose tone seems a shade rougher than usual. Harris stages a sensational slurred trombone entrance, a device which he seems to favor lately and Charlie Shav- ers wraps it up neatly with a typical mel- odic trumpet solo. A bit of. ensemble riffing closes the side. Synthesis, for the most part, features a duet aligning Buddy Stewart's voice with Ventura's tenor sax. The combination works rather well and offers some fascinating sounds. A harmonically complex piano bit by Burns plus some tight ensemble work effectively bridges the gap between the two solos. This is a record worth having. One of Frankie Laine's latest Mercury releases is a nice old Al Dubin-Harry War- ren ballad, September In The Rain. Frankie' backed by a semi-Dixieland group under the tempo up to medium and impressed with a bumptious and persuasive vocal style. The hbakin' Ain't That Just Like a Woman. is unless the work for which they want him is approved as essential." Thus, in Great Britain, a man or woman is not free to work at what he or she prefers. This is the sort of thing that Minnesotans like ex-Governor Stassen and Senator Joe Ball have in mind when they urge us to withhold help from countries embarked on socialism. For they believe that once started on this road, there is no stopping short of totalitarian terror. They know that British Labor leaders want to preserve basic liber- ties. They believe that this is impossible under socialism of any advanced type. Frederick Kuh, well informed and thoughtful London correspondent of the Marshall Field newspapers, has just attacked ex-Governor Stassen for opposing European socialism. For by such open inter- ference in European domestic affairs,- the American Presidential candidate is-Mr. Kuh thinks-justifying the Soviet Union's opposition to the Marshall Plan. Mr. Kuh rightly insists that a large proportion of Europeans consider that socialism is "prog- ress." Now in point of fact, nobody yet knows whether socialism is "progress" or "reac- tion." That will depend upon whether it can give whole peoples a better material living and more spiritual satisfaction than they enjoyed before. The important question for Americans is, however, not whether the British like their socialism. The question is whether the British are building a type of regime which Americans wish to support. Granting or withholding such support is as much our privilege as it is a British privilege to em- bark on social experiments. In other words, if Stassen and Ball are right and Britain is inevitably heading for Soviet-type communism, we should be fool- ish to waste ten cents on anything beyond Christian charity. If however-as Labor Party people like Francis Williams insist-the British in- tend to preserve their civil liberties, then failure to support them as our natural allies in the political struggle provoked by Russia would be fatal foolishness. I do not know whether advanced socialism inevitably leads to Communist terror. But in my view, if it does, the British will give up socialism and keep their basic liberties. Therefore I feel that Stassen and Ball are wrong and Francis Williams is right. Britishers insist that their real aims are hidden by the fact that many of the controls which look like steps toward to- talitarianism are not part of democratic socialism but are urgency measures ren- dered necessary by the post-war crisis. They insist that British socialists will never accept the permanent eclipse of civil liberties. But the position of those of us who up- held all-out aid to Britain in this country would be strengthened if the British lead- ers would tell the world just which of their controls they iptend to abolish once Britain has again become prosperous. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc:) I'd Rather Be Right: Russian Victory By SAMUEL GRAFTON T HE POOR must have a home in_ America, too. I know that America's poor are less poor than the poor of England or France, and I believe, from what I have been able to find out, that they are far less poor than the poor of Russia. But we do have our poor, and one of the dangers of the Hollywood investigation now going on is the possible tarring of all advocacy of the poor as "un- American." More than one witness has in- dicated that one of his tests for detecting Communism is to note whether the suspect kids the rich,1 or ridicules them, or points out instances of inequity in the shar- ing of the national wealth. The pressure toward this kind of con- formity is extremly dangerous. It may boomerang. It would be a disaster of the first magnitude in our foreign policy if the world become convinced that America's role is to be advocate for the rich, while Rssia's is to be advocate for the poor. For most of the world is poor, deathly poor. If to speak up hotly for the poor (even in a misguided, or distorted fashion) is enough to un-Americanize an American, it will certainly be enough to un-Americanize those teaming, poverty-stricken mil- lions in the outside world who are not Americans to start with. That is a blow our foreign pol- icy could not stand. One of the worst results of Communism has been to seem to give leftism a geographic base, so that national and social questions have become confused. But have we really reached the stage at which to point out the shortcom- ings of the rich is treachery to America? We must pick our way care- fully through these shoals, for the penalty of too much brassi- ness would be to give an easy victory to Russia, to concede just what she wants to establish, that Russia is the spiritual home of the impoverished of this world. We must make no such concession, explicitly, or implicitly. There happens to be one ques- tion to which the Committee on un-American Activities has been unable to obtain an answer, and it rises again and again to haunt the hearing. It is this: Why should men who are so rich as these ac- cused Hollywoodians, be of leftist mind in any degree? Why don't they just take their cash, and keep quiet? What's with them? Mr. Menjou tried to answer, but the best he could produce was the theory that they were crazy. If that is true, a certain portion of the rich should have been so affected in all periods, and they have not been. The sickness, if it is one, is perhaps a sickness of our time., The real question, and the one the Committee is not going into, is this: What swirling of tides of fear and doubt must be running through our age and period to pro- duce such alleged results? With- out at all accepting the theory that a man's (even a Hollywood- ian's) interest in the underdog makes him a Red, it can still be asked: If a significant portion of America's intellectuals are tainted, in the Committee's view, with radicalism, what processes, what anxieties, have tainted them? The more sweepingly inclu- sive the Committee's "Red list" grows the more curious does the question become. The answer is not to be found on the bare level of plot and counter-plot. One can imagine a really sym- pathetic inquiry, trying to dig deep, in the national interest, into the nature of the processes and social fears that make men decline to conform altogether to the conservative view, and that lead to such bickerings as now divide the Hollywood commun- ity. The committee is collecting names instead, working on the surface of events. The danger is, as I have said, that we may give Russia a colossal victory, by seem- ing to treat all forms of protest as merely a mysterious pestilence, and thus bending the minds of discontented men, watching from abroad, in the direction of the other side. (Copyright 1947, N. Y. Tribune Inc.) A committee of congressmen has been trying to find out what to do about high prices, and a hint of what their report will say has leaked out. The gist of it seems to be that they haven't the faintest idea. (Continued from Page 2) will be due Saturday, Oct. 25, in the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. Veterans who paid their tuition this fall semester because they lacked sufficient eligibility time, are asked to come to the Veterans Service Bureau, Rm. 1514, Rack- ham Building, at their earliest convenience. Choral Union Ushers: Report at Hill Auditorium at 6:15 p.m. for the concert Sunday, Oct. 26. Women students who hold scholarships or fellowships from the American Association of Uni- versity Women are requested to communicate with the Office of the Dean of Women as soon as possible. Miss Olive Walser, Personnel Bureau,- Leadership Services De- partment, YWCA, will be at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma- son Hall, Oct. 29 and 30, to inter- view women interested in Health Education and Group Work. Peo- ple interested in Group Work must have some knowledge of Group Work through part-time or sum- mer work. Call extension 371 for complete information. Seniors and Graduate Students in Mechanical & Industrial-Me- chanical Engineering are invited to attend a meeting in Rm. 348 W. Engineering Bldg., Wed., Oct. 29, 5 p.m. Members of the Mechani- cal Engineering Staff will explain placement methods employed by this Department for positions in industry. Lectures Roy Bishop Canfield Memorial Lecture. The Honorable Charles S. Kennedy, M.D., Regent of the University, will deliver the first annual Roy Bishop Canfield Me- morial Lecture at 11 a.m., Sat., Oct. 25, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Phi Rho Sigma Medical fraternity. The public is invited to attend. Academic Notices Graduate Students in English intending to take the Preliminary Examinations in English literature this fall should notify Professor Marckwardt before October 30. Physical Chemistry Seminar: Mon., Oct. 27, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Prof. A. L. Fer- guson will speak on 'Electrode Po- tentials, Polarization and Over- voltage." All interested are in- vited. Concerts The University Musical Society will present the Chicago Sym- phony Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, conductor, in the second program of the Choral Union Concert Se- ries, Sunday, Oct. 26, 7 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Program: Toccata and Fugue in D minor, Bach; Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Op. 68, Brahms; Suite from the Ballet, "Appalachian Spring," Copland; Three Dances from "Gaynne," Khatchaturian. String Orchestra Concert: 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, N.ov. 11, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Gilbert Ross, Conductor; soloist: Norma Swinney Heyde, soprano, and Oliver Edel, cellist; compositions by Purcell, Stamitz, Legrenzi, Boc- cherini, and Mozart. Open to the general public without charge. Events Today Roger Williams Guild: An open house will be held following the game at the Roger Williams Guild House. Refreshments. The Art Cinema League and Mu Phi Epsilon present Tagliavini, in I LIVE AS I PLEASE. Italian dia- logue, English titles. Box of- fice opens 2 p.m. daily. Reserva- tions, phone 6300, Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. Coming Events Carillon Recital: The program to be presented Sunday at 3 o'clock will be played by Professor Percival Price, and will consist en- tirely of his compositions for caril- lon: Preludes 1, 2, 3; Fugue for Carillon; Andantes 1, 5, 7; Varia- tions on an Air for Bells by Sibe- lius; Fantaisie 1 (Kermis Day); Ballet for Carillon. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1] 11 EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Dailyt prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste)f we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of thef writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed orI omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. . ..S Defends Bus Service To the Editor: LEST THE ISSUE of bus service to Willow Run be closed as an all "pro" and no "con" argument, let a Willow Run old-timer speak in defense of the bus service. This{ begins my third year as a payinga customer, dating from the "Little' Blue Goose" days of fall term, 1945. The incident last Saturday night brought out a deluge of; irony, wit, poetry--some admir- able literary efforts covering all critical phases of the bus service. Though our friends have a le- gitimate complaint concerning this incident, I feel that they have been a trifle unfair in describing annoyance and frustration as the deliberate policy of Mr. Anderson and his employees. The latter are to be commended for the times their busses are on time-which is most of the time-as well as criticized for an occasional lapse. Considering the difficulty of such a large operation at less than cost, with outdated equipment and un- derpaid employees; it is to their credit that there are so few in- conveniences to the customers. Newcomers to the reservation do not know of the difficulty at the beginning, of selecting a schedule that would be of least in- convenience to everyone concerned and which would at the same time permit economy of opera- tion. It took some weeks of plan- ning and experimentation to ar- rive at the present schedule. For those writers who objected to the lack of standees on Sat- urday night's bus, let me say: There were standees; I was one of them-all the way. For those who chronically ob- ject to the operation of the bus service, I suggest travel by com- mercial bus (service every hour for 35c. A week of those assorted sizes, shapes, shades and smells will make riding the gray junk- ers delightful by comparison. -G. M. Jones. * * * ' Communist Party To the Editor: SEVERAL LETTERS to the ed- itor have appeared recently concerning Communists and the Communist Party, a number of them accusing the Communists of conspiring to "overthrow the Unit- ed States Government," others ac- cusing Communists of attempting to "take over" organizations and use them for ulterior purposes. It might be well for some of these people to look at the facts and learn something of the Commu- nist Party, inasmuch as an op- portunity is afforded the student through an excellent library to seek out these facts. On this question of the "over- throw" of the government, it might be well to quote from the Constitution of the Communist Party. Article 1, Section 2, reads: "Adherence to or participation in the activities of any clique, group, circle, faction or party which con- spires or acts to subvert, under- mine, weaken or otherthrow any or all institutions of American democracy, whereby the majority of the American people can main- tain their right to determine their destinies in any degree, shall be putnished by immediate expul- sion." Some Communist critics will say -"But what of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat of which Lenin wrote such a great deal?" This question, more than any other, has been thrown about so glibly by so many people who have had such little knowledge of Lenin's words and the context and historical pe- riod and conditions in which they were used that it might be well to quote a few words of Justice Murphy in a decision rendered in the United States Supreme Court on the Schneiderman Case, in which the right of citizenship of Communists was upheld: "The concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat is one loosely used, upon which more words than light have been shed-In the general sense the term may be taken to describe a state in which the workers or the masses, rather than the bourgeoisie or capitalists are the dominant class-It does not appear that it would neceosarily mean the end of representative government or the federal sys- tem." When Communists work within organizations, they work for the betterment of that organization. They should be judged on their deeds and actions. If, at any time, they do a disservice to that or- ganization by their words or deeds, then they should be dealt with as any other member acting in such manner. -Ernest Ellis, Ralph Neafus Club, Communist Party. e1 '!1 4 1 A I Letters to the Editor... Woodrow; Hunter, Institute for Human Adjustment, will speak on "Research in the Adjustment of Older People," Mon., Oct. 27, 4 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Symposium spon- sored by Alpha Kappa Delta. Celebration of the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Turkish Repub- lic: Auspices of the Turkish Stu- dents' Club. Addresses by Pro- fessors Howard M. Ehrmann, An- drei A. Lobanov-Rostovsky, Law- rence Preuss, and Preston W. Slos- son, 8 p.m., Rm. 316, Michigan Union, Wed., Oct. 29. Freshman - Sophomore forestry conference: Tues., Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 2039 Natural Science Bldg. All first and second year students interested in forestry, regardless of the school or college in which they are now enrolled are cordially invited to attend. Astronomy Club: 7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 27, University Observa- tory. Dues will be collected. Offi- cers will be elected. Le Cercle Francais: Mon., Oct. 27, Rm. 305, Michigan Union, 8 p.m. All members are requested to attend this meeting as the group picture for the Michiganensian will be taken. Weekly Conversation Group, Spanish Club: Mon., Oct. 27, 4 p.m., International Center. SRA Halloween Party for "Blue Monday Uplift League," Oct. 27, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Everyone is invited. Square danc- ing, games, refreshments. Wear blue-jeans. Please make reserva- tions at Lane Hall by Monday noon. Deutscher Verein: Picnic, 5:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 29, at the large fireplace near the Island. Tickets may be obtained at the German. Departmental Office. Members and non-members are welcome. Churches First Presbyterian Church: Morning Worship Service, 10:45 a.m. Dr. Lemon's sermon topic will be "The Imagination of God." Westminster Guild will meet v p.m. to see the sound motion pic- ture "Boundary Lines." Supper will follow. There will be ample time to attend the evening con- cert. First Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m., Public Worship. Dr. Parr will speak on "The Discredit- ed Prophets." 5 p.m., Student Guild supper. Rev. Wm. Clark, of Flint will speak on "Salting Society." First Baptist Church: 10 a.m., Church Class, Guild House. Study of the New Testa- ment-I Corinthians. 11 a.m., Church Worship. 6-8 p.m., Roger Williams Guild will meet at the Guild House. Fol- lowing a cost supper, Dr. Frank- lin Littell, Director of Lane Hall, will speak on "A Disciplined Chris- tian Fellowship." University Lutheran Chapel: 1511 Washtenaw. Services, 9:45 and 11 a.m., with sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Christ's Miracles." Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu- dent Club: Supper Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Student Center. Lutheran Student Association: Sun., 5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St. Program will follow the sup- per hour. Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the Law Facultyandpresident of the U. of M. Lutheran Student Foundation will speak on "As A Layman Looks At The Reforma- tion." Sunday morning Bible Hour, 9:10 a.m. at the Center. Worship services, Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches 10:30 a.m. First Church of Christ, Scientist: Michigan League Ballroom. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject, "Probation after Death." Sunday School at 11:45. Wednesday evening service at 8 p.m. First Unitarian Church: Edward H. Redman, Minister 10 a.m., Adult Study Group, 11 a.m., Service of Worship, Ed- ward H. Redman preaching on: i 4 e1 y i 4 J {1 .4 4 Current Sciences: Research in the Social Clark Tibbitts. and I -The New YorkerI BARNABY . . -Awl- .amOr/ As Chancellor of the great Pixie i guess I can throw something G.J. Mr. Woodson the postman said this E enn I