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October 24, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-24

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0;4e Alr4togan Baltil

The Innoce nts Abroad


Letters to the Editor...


Fifty-Eighth Year


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell...................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Stuart Firlayson ................Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes..................... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus .......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press_
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office attAnn Arbor, Mich-
iganj as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


HERE'S ANOTHER big investigation on
in Washington. The Un-American Activi-
ties Committee has launched its periodic
investigation of disloyal elements in the
nation. In the typical manner of such in-
vestigations it is being conducted in the
best style of show business - replete with
flash bulbs, name-calling,' accusations, and
big names.
Star of the show thus far is Adolph
Menjou, of whom committee member Mc-
Dowell (Rep.-Pa.) says, "Of all the peo-
ple with whom I have discussed com-
munism, I have never met anyone with
the profound knowledge and background
of Mr. Menjou." The eminently qualified
Mr. Menjou told committee members
Tuesday, "I'm a red baiter, I make no
bones about it." During his testimony the
"expert" on communism accused Stalin
of "getting rid of" Lenin and Gorky. He
didn't elaborate upon how this was ac-
complished except to say that "he (Stalin)
acted a great deal like Mr. Capone."
Getting down to cases, Mr. Menjou testi-
fied that he had "heard" that film writer
John Howard Lawson was a communist, but
admitted that he couldn't prove it. Menjou
related that the Independent Citizens Com-
mnittee of Arts, Sciences and Professions had
been "labeled a communist front." Because
it had refused to adopt a noh-communist
resolution, Menjou maintains that mem-
bers must be communists. Asked if he knew
of any members of the Screen Actors Guild
who are communists, Menjou replied, "No,
but I know a great many people who act an
awful lot like communists." There is a
great of abundance of opinion and hearsay
in Mr. Menjou's testimony and apparently
very little proof or fact.
During this session, lawyer Charles J.
Katz, counsel for the witnesses, was forcibly
ejected from the committee room by capital
police for objecting to part of the testi-
mony. Chairman J. Parnell Thomas was
quoted as directing the police to "throw him
out." Later another lawyer retained by the
witnesses was 'threatened with the same
treatment. Occurences like these suggest the
word inquisition rather than investigation.
Such is the beginning of the latest of
Washington's very interesting investiga-
tions. We have a world-famous actor, who
professes himself to be a red-baiter, term-
ed an expert on Communism by one of
the members of the impartial Congres-
sional investigating committee conducting
the hearings. In addition lawyers repre-
senting the subpoenaed witnesses are
ejected or threatened with ejection from
the hearings for objecting to testimony
being presented to the committee.
These inquisitional methods are danger-
ous. We played our part in strengthening
the fascist states in the 30's in the hope that
they would eliminate communism. We paid
dearly for that support in the 40's. We must
not allow our fear of communism to cause
us to abandon our civil rights.
-Quentin Nesbitt
DURING WORLD WAR II nearly 10 per
cent of the U.S. population found its
way into service with the Armed Forces.

TRIESTE-The wanderers are going home
already. Athens a day or so ago ex-
pected only one more Congressional visita-
tion. At Rome, after a long summer of gruel-
ing waits for lawmakers at air fields, rounds
of official appointments and indoctrination
lectures, the embassy was visibly beginning
to revive. Here in Trieste at the moment,
Representative John Lodge was the last,
lingering specimen of this new kind of an-
nual migration, which has filled all Eu-
rope with the bustle of its movement as
the passenger pigeons once filled Kansas
with the sound of their wings.
The process of collision between mem-
bers of our Congress and the grim facts of
our time has been, to be serious about it,
extremely reassuring to watch. The goose-
flesh-raising horrors of the Congressional
junkets of the past have not once recurred,
although more than 200 members, many
of them not averse to pleasure and the
bottle, have been loose in Europe this
Without exception, the Senators and
Representatives have shown a new so-
briety in both senses of the word, and
above all, a desire to learn everything that
could be learned. Most of them went
through schedules that would have fin-
ished men and women not habituated to
the grind of campaign trips.
War or Freedom
TO WORK for freedom, we must work for
peace. War and freedom do not go very
well together. I do not mean this in the
corny way in which isolationists used to
argue that the sugar ration, or some other
such necessary wartime restriction, killed
freedom dead. There is a deeper sense in
which war, or the expectation of war, may
slaughter freedom.
If we can have peace with Russia
for fifty years, we can have a true testing
of systems, under the cracking pressures
of time. In fifty years Communism would
have to show whether it can produce the
goods or not. But in the present state
of tension, Russian leaders do not have to
argue Communism, even with their own
people. They can argue nationalism in-
stead. They can rally the Russians to
the defense of the motherland, as well
as to the defense of Communism. They
can drag out malodorous ancient czars,
give them a dusting with ideological D.-
D.T., and make them non-political na-
tional heroes and defensive symbols.
In one sense, American pressure lets Rus-
sia's Communist leaders off easy. We give
them the simple job of defending them-
selves, instead of the historical task of
proving themselves and their system to be
viable. Throughout Europe and much of
Asia the Soviet line of the moment is not
that Communism is good, but that America
is bad.
Thus war, or a state of tension, par-
alyzes whatever evolutionary trend might
otherwise be at work within the Com-
munist fold, and endows the defense of
an ideology with an emotional quality the
ideology itself might not necessarily en-
On our own side, too, we can see that
freedom and international tension do not
march well together. The current Hollywood
investigation is a child of the international
situation, and its chief characteristic is its
nervousness, the to-do that is being made
over who said what, and when, and who
wrote what line, and who stuck it into what
film, as if a revolution could be made by
sneaking a phrase into the fifth reel.
The investigation has already shown
that a man can fall under suspicion mere-
ly for ridiculing the rich; as if the man-
ufacture of ironic comment about the
rich were not a traditional American

sport, indulged in by almost every writer
of consequence we have had in the last
fifty years. But to kid the rich now has
international implications, and so we
can see how on our side, too, nationalism
and social ideology are getting a little
mixed up, as on the Russian side they
have been deliberately mingled.
I don't believe the Russians want war, any
more than we do, but in a sense it is true
that war is a trap into which capitalism
falls, almost always landing on its head,
and almost always breaking something im-
portant. It is a matter of high Communist
theory that capitalism means war, and
Communism takes a double gain from these
disasters, by blaming capitalism for them
when they happen, and by picking up the
pieces after they have happened.
It is true that war is sometimes clearly
necessary in defense of freedom, and when
that is so, Americans have always known
what to do. But in the present case the
friends of freedom will be those who in-
sist on masterful action to organize the
peace, and for a relief of tension, so that
truth can show its face; the truth about
us, and, gradually, the truth about the
other side, too. To be stubbornly, fur-
iously, for peace is the way to cross the
dope, and to put the burden of proof
e nn the o vetsem.

The reactions were so standardized that
they can be catalogued rather easily. The
relatively small number of members who had
already grasped the real nature of the
American role in the world despite the dis-
tance of the world problem from our shores
found in contact with the facts new strength
and new reassurances. They will be pretty
hard to intimidate or argue with when the
special session convenes.
Far more significant, the large, decisive
group of middle-of-the-road members
were visibly and deeply affected. These
were the men who had gone along part
way, or had gone along reluctantly, with
a constructive American foreign policy.
They had feared the political conse-
quences. They had often managed to de-
lude themselves as to the meaning of the
facts abroad. With the facts plainly set
out before their eyes, they found self-
delusion impossible. With evident reluc-
tance, yet surely and rather completely,
they moved over to transform the minor-
ity of active interventionists into an ef-
fective majority.
Equally meaningful, however, was the re-
action of the confirmed isolationists. Only
one or two of them were open to reason
or conviction. They continued to repeat their
familiar slogans. Yet they could not wholly
brush the facts aside. And thus these men,
who have done everything in their power
to obstruct measures to prevent war, were
suddenly heard saying, all over Europe, that
"We might as well have another war and
get it over with." Nothing could better
illuminate the degree of willful blindness,
of sheer inability to think, which charac-
terizes their position. You would suppose
that any sensible man would prefer to spend
a few billions on a stable peace, rather than
talk complacently about another war which
will certainly cost hundreds of billions and
may, quite probably, result in the collapse
of Western civilization. Yet the beginning of
the conversion of these men into a preven-
tive war party was quite evident.
On the unfavorable side, one more item
of evidence must also be mentioned. As
the homecohiing statement of Representa-
tive Christian A. Herter plainly discloses,
even the best-intentioned members of
Congress have adopted a sort of political
double standard. Under the Victorian
double standard, all women were required
to be as pure as the driven snow, while
the male sex was permitted to frequent
saloons and even burlesque shows. Under
the new double standard, all European
politicians must be willing, at the drop of
a hat, to subject their people to the most
Draconian measure, while American poli-
ticians continue to behave like American
politicians. This is silly and dangerous.
None the less, the experiment seem to
have proved itself. No doubt it will be re-
peated again next year. It is to be hoped
that it will. But next year, it might be well
for ambassadors to be relieved of the task
of meeting members of Congress at the
plane, which must this summer have taken
a third of the time of every American chief
of mission in Europe. This is going too far
even in the education of Congressmen.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
At Lydia Mendelssohn.. .
I LIVE AS I PLEASE, with Ferruccio Tag-
liavini, Silvana Jachino and Carlo Cam-
THE CURRENT attraction at Lydia Men-
delssohn is an Italian product in which
the Horatio Alger theme has been set to
music. The protagonist of this threadbare
theme is a young and misunderstood peasant
with lyrical tendencies. His flight from rags
to riches or, more precisely, from horse-

tending to operatic stardom, is carried off
in what struck me as a highly unlikely fash-
ion. Of course, this sort of thing is stock
material for musical comedies, but I had
somehow expected the Italians, adept as
they are at matters musical, to add some-
thing to the technique. They haven't.
Instead, their plot conforms so strictly to
type that I'm sure you'll find your -mind
running a good 300 feet ahead of the film
all evening. The comedy is equally standard
and reminiscent of Hollywood.
In spite of thin plot and sterile comedy,
though, a certain amount of enjoyment can
be salvaged from the picture since it does
have a very pleasing musical score. In this
respect it is several cuts above the average
American effort. The musical selections have
variety and there are many of them. They
are handled almost exclusively by the star,
Ferruccio Tagliavini, who seems to have en-
joyed his assignment.
A novel and interesting documentary deal-
ing with pre-Roman history and art ac-
companies the feature.
-Kenneth Lowe.



EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words1
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are thoserof the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* s "
To the Editor:
times feel deeply our isolation
from the Campus, not only when
the bus service fails, but when we
fail to catch the 7:45 bus for that
9 o'clock date and find that the
next bus leaves at 9:45 or discover
that a certain needed reference
book still is on a library shelf at
the University and we can't get
there in time. Of course, time
heals everything .. . if we should
live so long.
One of the foreign students al-
most couldn't wait. He heard of a
room available right beside the,
campus. But, he had to break
the lease here at West Lodge and
in the process of asking how to
do it found that that room in
town was being offered him at
Rite prices. He is still here. This
week, he expects to get his first
change of linen for his bed. It
seems that he had not read the
typewritten notice pasted beside
the door in his room that told
that beds should be stripped by
the occupant on a certain day of
the week when the maid would
leave clean linen. I showed him
the notice and explained it to
him. He had not stripped his bed.
Another foreigner who has the
same experience remarked about
the maid: "Bad lady."
The other day a fellow moved
someone else's dried wash off the
rack in the washroom and hung
his own wet wash there. The
next day there was no wash. Evi-
dently, someone else, probably
color-blind and in a hurry to
catch the bus for town, had come
for his laundry. Of course, he saw
his mistake later and returned the
Sometimes, the condition re-
mains halitosic . . . like the wash
and the linen, matters eventually
right themselves. But, having tried
to get publicity from The Daily
for a West Lodge Theatre Group
and having failed in the last three
attempts, this writing feels more
the chasmic breach between the
Lodge and the school. If The
Daily, which circulates this se-
mester to every other room in the
area for a price, would be more
interested in us and our endeav-
ors here, we would feel more al-
lied to the BMOCs.
--Ivan O'Lane.
--Mike Cetta.
Paper Shortage?
To The Editor:
per shortage is at last un-
earthed! All the missing paper is

over at the Bureau of Appoint -
ments. The other day I went over
to register for job placement, and
after filling out a file card, I was
handed a large envelope contain-
ing registration material which
was to be filled out and returned
to the Bureau within a week. Upon
opening the envelope and exam-
ining its contents, I was appalled
at the outrageous mass of blanks
which registrants are required to
fill out. The registrant was ex-
pected to write an essay telling all
about himself-his education, rec-
reation, amusements, and upbring-
ing--even his fear problems-not
for the enlightenment of prospec-
tive employers, but for the in-
formation of the personnel staff
of the Bureau. I was surprised
that fingerprints were not also
Up to now I have always dreaded
the ordeal of filling out the long
railroad ticket we have to suffer
at registration time each semester
in this university, but now I know
that that is less painful than the
lulu dreamed up by the Bureau of
What did I do about it? I put
the blanks back in the envelope
unanswered and returned the
whole mess to the Bureau, firm in
the conviction that Icould find
myself a' job in less time than it
would take to write my way
through the rigamarole. If you
need any paper, please apply to
the Bureau of Appointments.
-Ralph J. Hansen, Jr.
* * *
Notre Dame Game
To the Editor:
' Dame has declared that his
team will play our Wolverines
"any Saturday, any fall." The
Knights of Columbus have invited
both teams to play a game at
their convenience in Cleveland's
Municipal Stadium as part of a
charity drive.
Leahy has issued the challenge,
and certainly the K of C invita-
tion is indicative of a growing
enthusiasm for the game.
Notre Dame is willing to play
us. November 29 should bring good
football weather. Probably 141
of the 142 million people in the
U.S. would like to have the game
played and half of them would pay
to see it.
Play it in their stadium, our
statium, Yankee Stadium, Sol-
dier Field, or in Honolulu, but
play it, I say. It would make a
tremendous amount of money for
any charity or for the schools to
split 50-50.
Certainly Coach Crisler, Pres-
ident Ruthven, Comnissioner Wil-
son, James C. Petrillo, whoever
holds the strings, would not veto
the game if he sampled public
opinion on the subject.
-Lee H. Wilson.
P.S.: They could donate the pro-
ceeds to a fund for GI students
who do not get their checks on

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
f or the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
OCTOBER 24, 1947
VOL. LVIII, No. 28
School of Business Administra-
tion Assembly: Seniors in the
School (both BBA and MBA can-
didates) are invited to attend an
assembly to be held in West Gal-
lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Tues-
day, Oct. 28, 3 p.m. Dean Steven-
son and Professor Jamison will
discuss procedures for placement.
Five-Week Grades for All
Freshman Engineers are due in
Dean Crawford's Office not later
than Saturday, November 1.
Personal cars used for official
University business:
The minutes of the meeting of
the Regents on September 26,
1947, read, in part, as follows:
The Board voted that as of Octo-
ber 1, 1947, the rate for the reim-
bursement of employees for the
use of their personal cars on offi-
cial University business be increas-
ed from five cents a mile to six
cents a mile.
To Faculty Personnel:
All those holding appointments
payable on the University Year
basis will receive their first check
on October 31. Should an emer-
gency exist in any individual case,
checks which would be collected
on October 31, may be obtained
previous to that date by coming to
the Payroll Department, Room 9,
University Hall.
Business Administration Sen-
iors: All students expecting to
graduate in February must turn
in diploma applications in Rm.
108,dTappan Hall not later than
Saturday, Oct. 25.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The fresh-
man five-week progress reports
will be due Saturday, Oct. 25, in
the office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall.
February 1948 Graduates in
Mechanical & Industrial-Mechan-
ical Engineering:
Students who expect to gradu-
ate in February 1948 in the above
divisions should call at once at
the Mechanical Engineering De-
partment office and fill out a per-
sonnel record form. This is neces-
sary for those who wish to take
advantage of interviews for posi-
tions with industrial organiza-
tions; and is important as a perm-
anent record for future reference.
Interview schedules are now being
Freshmen and Sophomore Men,
who are single, veterans, residents
.of the State of Michigan, present-
ly living in the Willow Run Dorm-
itories, and interested in Univer-
sity Residence Halls accommoda-
tions for the Spring Semester
1948, are asked to call at the Of-

fice of Student Affairs, Rm. 2, l
University Hall, before October 31.
Pre-football guest luncheons1
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and
after-game open houses from 5 to
7 p.m. held in organized student
residences will be approved, chap-
eroned or unchaperoned, provid-
ed they are announced to the Of-
fice of Student Affairs at least one'
day in advance of the scheduled'
Women students who hold
scholarships or fellowships from
the American Association of Uni-
versity Women are requested to
communicate with the Office of
the Dean of Women as soon as
Veterans who paid their tuition
this fall semester because they
lacked sufficient eligibility 'time,
are asked to come to the Veterans
Service Bureau, Rm. 1514, Rack-
ham Building, at their earliest
Approved social events for the
coming weekend (afternoon
functions are indicated by an as-
October 23: Hillel Foundation.*
October 24: Kappa Sigma, Pi
Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu,r
Theta Chi, Zeta Beta Tau.
October 25: Acacia, Alpha Del-
ta. Phi, Alpha Epsilon Phi.* Alpha
Kappa Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi,
Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi,
Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi,
Delta Delta Delta,* Delta Kap-
pa Epsilon, Delta Sigma Delta,
Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship, Newman Club, Phi Alpha
Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Phi,
Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Del-
ta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau,
Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kap-
pa, Pi Lambda Phi, Psi Upsilon,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi,
Sigma Nu, SigmaPhi, Theta Delta
Chi, Theta Xi, Trigon, Zeta Psi.
Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The Teacher's Oath will be
given to all February candidates
for the teacher's certificate on
October 23 and 24 between the
hours of 8-12 and 1:30-4:30 in
Rm. 1437, U.E.S.
University Lectures; Prof. Mau-
rice Frechet, The Henri Pinca
Institute, Paris, France. "Proba-
bilities Associated with a System
of Compatible and Dependent
Events," Thurs., Oct. 23, and "Asy-
mptotically Almost Periodic Func-
tions," Fri.. Oct. 24. Both lectures
will be given at 4:15 p.m., Rm.
3017, Angell Hall; auspices of the
Department of Mathematics.
Roy Bishop Canfield Memorial
Lecture. The Honorable Charles
S. Kennedy, M.D., Regent of the
University, will deliver the first
annual Roy Bishop Canfield Me-
morial Lecture at 11 a.m., Sat.,
Oct. 25, Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Phi Rho Sigma
Medical fraternity. The public is
invited to attend.
Mr. J. C. McCarthy, Secretary
of the National Association of





Furniture Manufacturers, will;
speak on the subject, "What an
association secretary can do for;
the membership," at 11 a.m., Fri.,
Oct. 24, West Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg.
All students in the Wood Tech-
nology and Furniture programs
should make every effort to attend
this meeting. Any others inter-
ested are welcome to attend.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Differential Geome-
try in the Large: Fri., 3 p.m., Rm.
3201, Angell Hall.
Seminar on Differential Opera-
tors: Because of the lecture of
Professor Frechet, the seminar
will not meet October 24. Next
meeting: October 31.
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Friday, Oct. 24, 4 p.m., Rm. 319,
West Medical Bldg. Subject: "Lip-
id Antigens." All interested are
The University Musical Society
will present the Chicago Sym-
phony phony Orchestra, Artur
Rodzinski, conductor, in the sec-
ond program of the Choral Un-
ion Concert Series, Sunday, Oct.
26, 7 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Rodzinski has arranged the
following program:
Toccata and Fugue in D minor,
Bach; Symphony No. 1 in C minor,
Op. 68, Brahms; Suite from the
Ballet, "Appalachian Spring,"
Copland; Three Dances from
"Gaynne," Khatchaturian.
Exhibit of Living: Fall Fungi of
Washtenaw County, Michigan.

Department of Botany, 2nd floor,
Natural Science Building, through
November 1st.
"Natural History Studies at the
Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni-
versity of Michigan." October
through December, Museums Bldg.
Photographic Show, through Oct.
30. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily,
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening,
79. The public is invited.
Modern American Houses, cir-
culated by the Museum of Modern
Art, Architecture Bldg., through
Oct. 27.
Events Today
The Angell Hall Observatoy
will be open to the public from
7:30 to 9:30 p.m., for observation
of the moon. Children must be ac-
companied by parents. The Open
Night will be cancelled if the sky
is not clear.
The Art Cinema League and Mu.
Phi Epsilon present . Tagliavini,
the singer who received a great
ovation at last year's May Festi-
val, in I LIVE AS I PLEASE. Ital-
ian dialogue, English titles. Fri.
and Sat., Oct. 24 and 25. Box of-
fice opens 2 p.m. daily. Reserva-
tions, phone 6300, Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Women's Bowling Club: Free in-
struction will be given to Univer-
sity women who wish to join the
W.A.A. bowling club at 5 p.m.,
Women's Athletic Bldg. Wear
tennis shoes or bowling shoes.
SRA Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall. The Board of Regents
and the Christian foreign students
are special guests. Everyone is
Canterbury Club: Open house
at +no ,r nicnna C lflnfean











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