Good Investment See Page 4 Y lAzr 43ZU 4:3atlu COLD, WET Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS UAW Heads Hit Reuther WasteCharge Union Squabble Led by Thomas By The Associated Press DETROIT, Sept. 23-The inter- national executive board of the CIO United Auto Workers toda3 rebuked union President Walter P. Reuther who charged last week that over $500,000 in union funds had been squandered. The board, after a seven-hour closed session announced the vpte was 12 to 9 in support of Vice- President R. J. Thomas' motion tc censure Reuther. Sponsors of the motion saic Reuther had not taken his com- plaints to other union off icial first, but had publicized them in the union newspaper. Reuther made no immediate comment on the vote. The results of the vote were not unexpected, as Reuther's political opponents-Thomas and secre- tary-treasurer George F. Addes- control a majority of the 22-man board. One member, George Burt Canadian regional director of the UAW, was absent from today's session. The vote was expected to in- tensify the feud within the union and observers predicted the in- tra-union tussle would be come more vigorous as the time for the Nov. 9 national UAW convention approaches. Secretary-treasurer George F. Addes and his friends. Still smartiing from accusations di- rected toward them last week by President Walter P. Reuther, promised a candidate to oppose him in the forthcoming political contest. They did not name their choice but observers within the union expected it to be Vice President R. J. Thomas, whom Reuther de- feated in 1946. Anti-Callahan. Group Drives For Petitions 100,000 Signatures Are Needed by Oct. 2 An all-out drive for petitions has been launched by the local Committee for Repeal of the Cal- lahan Act, as a wind-up to its two-month campaign. A goal of 100,000 signatures over the state must be reached by the Oct. 2 deadline if the committee is to fill petitions to submit the question to the voters at the next election, according to Prof. John L.Brumm of the journalism de- partment and Prof. Wilfred Kap- lan, of the mathematics depart-, ment, co-chairmen. Literature will be given to vol- unteers, who will distribute it throughout the city, at 7 p.m. to' morrow at the Union. At 7 p.m., Monday and Tuesday, campaigns for circulation of petitions will be organized at the Union. The following statement has been issued by a group of cam- pAign sponsors:; "The Callahan Act was ostensi- bly passed to prevent sabotage and overthrow of our government by agents of foreign powers. In- stead of doing that, because of its looseness of language, it has pointed the finger of suspicion on everyone acting on behalf of an international cause, no matter how fine its purpose-for exam- ple, the Red Cross or church groups. A whim of the attorney general can subject an individual or group to the scorn of society without opportunity for adequate defense. The legislature gave the law immediate effect, a procedure justified only by an emergency, thereby making the possibility of a referendum questionable. But in the two months since passage of the law no use of it has been made and the present attorney general has termed it unencorce- able. We urge all citizens to sign the petitions and thereby allow the law to be voted on in true 9 Fred Waring Concerts To Be Presented at Hill Glee Club Will Sponsor Pennsylvanians' Return Appearance Here Oct. 31, Nov. 1 Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians, acclaimed by many critics as the greatest musical organization of its type the country has ever known, will appear in two special evening concerts here in Hill Audi- torium on October 31 and November 1. Waring's return to this campus will mark something of a mile- stone in his musical career, for it was exactly 25 year ago that he in- troduced his original Pennsylvania aggregation here at the J-Hop of 1922 held at the Michigan Union-his first major engagement. Name Is The Same About the only thing that * * * hasn't changed about the Pennsyl- vanians since their last visit here is their name, and, of course, their FRED WARING .. . will appear here Resale of Grid' Tickets To Be Held in Union Resale of non-student football. tickets to all home games will be continued this season, John Quimby, publicity co-chairman of the Michigan Union announced yesterday. Persons, who purchase tickets which they are unable to use and desire to dispose of, can bring them to the Union travel desk for resale between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on any Saturday that a game is being played in Ann Arbor, he said. In return, Quimby contin- ued, all prospective sellers will re- ceive a receipt for their tickets. He pointed out that the Union will not guarantee sale of all tick- ets presented. When tickets are sold, however, the former owner will receive a cashier's check by the following Friday, he said If the owner of tickets up for resale does not receive a check by that time, he can pick up his tickets the next day, Quimby added. Quimby also announced that the annual "M" Handbook will go on sale today at the Union main desk and Women's League travel desk. Tryouts Wanted Students interested in try- ing-out for The Michigan Daily business staff will meet at 4 p.m. today in the Student Pub- Slications Building. A Tryout meeting for the editorial and news staff will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Student Publications Build- ing. Students who wish to try out and cannot attend the meet- ings should contact The Daily. genial conductor. Waring has built through the years an amaz- ing collection of specialists in every field and style of musical entertainment. What started as a small dance band has gained international fame as a versatile musical and choral group capable of playing and singing everything from spir- ituals to grand opera. Through many appearances on thestage movies and most of all over the radio, Waring has won for his group a unique position in Ameri- can Musical history. Reunion Too The concerts here will also serve as a reunion for many Michigan and Waring alumni. Andrew White, professor of Music, will be on hand to welcome his old boss, for he both sang and made ar- rangements for the Pennsylvan- ians for several years. The two concerts are being sponsored by the Michigan Men's Glee Club and all proceeds will be used to establish the Men's Glee Club Scholarship Fund. All ticket orders will be handled by mail and complete directions for ordering them will be announced within a few days. L.S.A. Leads In Enrollment Engineers, Graduates Rank Second, Third The literary college again leads the University in enrollment with engineering and graduate schools ranking second and third. A breakdown of registration fig- ures gives the literary college 7,383 students with men outnumbering women two to one. Next largest is the Engineering College with 3,842 students registered, only 29 of them women, however. A close third is the graduate school with an enrollment of 3,459. Total enrollment figures climbed another notch yesterday as late registrations boosted the total to 20,302. Certain classes of veterans and other special classes are per- mitted to register late, according to University regulations. How- ever, unless the student has a spe- cial reason, late registration is not permitted. Bringing up fourth and fifth places in enrollment totals are the Law School with 1,103 and the School of Business Administration with 1,032. Enrollment of other schools and colleges of the University follow in order : College of Architecture and De-, sign, 709; Medical School, 663; School of Music, 484; School of Education, 352; School of Dentis- try, 330; School of Forestry and Conservation, 282; School of Nursing, 278; School of Public Health, 205; and College of Phar- macy, 190. N. Petkov Is Executed as Appeals Fail U.S. Labels Act 'Gross Injustice' By The Associated Press SOFIA, Bulgaria, Sept. 23 - Nikola Petkov, the peasant leader who accused the Communists of killing and beating their political foes in their march to power in Bulgaria, died today on the gal- lows in Sofia's central prison, an official announcement said. The announcement said he died 15 minutes after midnight. The United States had appealed in vain for a delay in the execu- tion of the 54-year-old leader of the now dissolved opposition Agrarian Party, who was sen- tenced to death on Aug. 16 after his conviction on charges of plot- ting to overthrow the Communist- controlled government. 'Jeopardize Democracy' An American note had declared that execution of Petkov, chief voice of anti-Communist opposi- tion in post-war Bulgaria, would "jeopardize the establishment of democratic government" in the country. The United States had denounced the conviction as a "gross miscarriage of justice" and both the United States and Brit- ain had asked the Soviet Union to join in a big power review of his case. The Russians rejected the ap- peal, saying they had confidence in the Bulgarian courts. A series of British and American protests declaring the conviction violated pledgeshguaranteeing fundamen- tal rights to all citizens was re- jected by the government headed by Commi.nist Premier George Dimitrov. In London government inform- ants said Britain, which made 11 unsuccessful attempts to save Pet- kov's life, would lodge a sharp pro- test with the Bulgarian govern- ment against the execution. .In Washington the State De- partment issued a formal state- ment denouncing the execution. Russia refused to join in Brit- ish-American efforts on Petkov's behalf on the grounds it would constitute "interference" in Bul- garia's internal affairs. Denied Charges Petkov, who steadfastly denied the charges that he plotted to overthrow the government by a coup d'etat involving armed force,, had been arrested last June 6. He had held little hope that he would escape the death penalty. In his prison cell he described hisi case as a prolongation of "what has already happened in Hun- gary," where the Communists squelched opposition after alleg- ing existence of a plot to over- throw the government. World News At a Glance Proposals General Strike Called in Trieste * * * * * * Reds Charged With Inciting Union Action Government Assures Workers Protection By The Associated Press TRIESTE, Free Territory, Sept. 23 - Radio Trieste announced that Sindicati Unati had called a general strike in Trieste this af- ternoon and the British-American militarygovernment promptly de- clared that action was "the first Communist attempt to hamper the essential life of Trieste and bring discredit" to the week-old free territory. In order to combat the tac- tics of the Communist-dominat- ed union the military govern- ment said it would take "all steps necessary to ensure that every man and woman wishing to work will be given the fullest protection." Sindicati Uniti had called strikes previously in the shipyards and gas works. The latter strike left the city without gas for heating and cooking and brought the number of idle to approximately 5,000. The military government state- ment said "it is obvious that agreement is being prevented by certain outside elements who for their own selfish political reasons are atteinpting to spread the strike." The statement did not identi- fy the "outside elements," but added: "The Allied Military Govern- ment will take definite action against those present who are found intimidating or threat- ening peaceful citizens." Meanwhile U. S. Army head- quarters in Trieste awaited a re- ply from the Yugoslavs on the de- mand for return of an American officer and two enlisted men who the U. S. Army said were taken captive by the Yugoslavs yester- day while on mounted patrol duty on the border. SL To Revise Committees. Weisberg Announces Plans for Semester The Student Legislature, open- ing its second full year of activ- ities as the campus representative governing body, plans a complete revision of its committee system this Fall, according to Harvey Weisberg, Legislature president. The revision will eventually provide for a channelization of all student events through the Legis- lature, he explained. Other tentative plans for the group include ratification of an ordinance prohibiting bicycles from campus which was passed as an emergency measure yb the Summer Student Legislature. En- forcement will fall under the jur- isdiction of the Men's Judiciary Council, Weisberg said. Plans for cooperation with the National Student Association will be discussed by the Legislature at its first meeting at 7:30 p.m., Oct. 1 in the League, when ratifica- tion of the NSA constitution willi IN PERSONAL ACCORD-POLITICAL DISCORDS-Andrei Y. Vishinsky (left), Russia's deputy foreign minister, and British Minister of State Hector McNeil talk at Flushing Meadows, New York, shortly before the Briton told the United Nations General Assembly that the "unstable peace of the world will crumble and crash" if the Soviet Union persisted in trying to force its will upon the world. SOARING COSTS: Truman Hopes To Decide on Approach to Price Situation - UN Votes To Uphold American for Greece, Korea; POLICY ISSUE: NSA Relationship to IUS Was Defined at Convention By TOM WALSH EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- ond in a series of interpretative ar- ticles by a staff correspondent who was a University delegate to the con- stitutional convention of the Na- tional Student Association and chair- man of the Michigan Region's dele- gation during the convention. The National Student Associa- tion's relationship with the In- ternational Uhion of Students, the major policy issue which had been the basis of a great deal of discussion in educational circles had been impressed with the need for an overall national organiza- tion to coordinate student activ- ities in America and to enable American students to effectively cooperate with students through- out the world. The delegates from 295 schools and 12 national organizations were enthusiastic about the or- ganization and elected a con- tinuations committee to arrange for the constitutional convention. They were hesitant about IUS af- By The Associated Press MIAMI, Fla., Sept. 23 - The second tropical disturbance to cut across the Florida peninsula in less than a week was 80 miles west of Jacksonville at 10:15 p.m. tonight after hitting the main- land with 60 mile an hour winds in the Tampa areaon the west coast. It left little damage. * * * NEW YORK, Sept. 23 - The Arab countries today threatened counter-measures against the United States and Syria pre- dicted a complete rupture of re- lations with any members that support the plan before the United Nations Assembly for partition of Palestine. * * * WASHINGTON, Sept. 23-The financial task confronting the United States under the 16-nation proposal for putting western Eu- rope on its feet loomed even great- er today. For the world bank to- day made plain that any money it puts into the plan must come from American investors. WASHINGTON, Sept. 23 - The general counsel's office of the National Labor Relations Board today accused the Inter- national Typographical Union By The Associated Press President Truman said Tuesday he hopes to reach a decision soon on "the best manner of approach" to the price situation. Meanwhile, the high cost of living wavered somewhat below its record altitude mark but no one said with cer- tainty whether it had started a1 downward trend. Mr. Truman wrote Rep. O'Toole (D., N.Y.) that he is giving "every consideration" to the problem of soaring prices. The President gave no indication of calling Con- gress back for a special session on the matter. O'Toole told a news- man that if Mr. Truman "gives the problem the consideration I know he will, a special session is practically inevitable." Consumers continued to pay ap- proximately the same prices as they paid last weeksformeat, milk, bread, butter, eggs, and other staples, with purchases taxing the budgets of many people. There were reportsuthat some butcher shops had cut prices of choice 'U' Observes Its Birthday The University officially ob- serves its 130th birthday today. Exactly 130 years ago, on Sept. 24, 1817, the first cornerstone of the University was laid without ceremony in Detroit. The corner- stone was part of primary school, as Michigan territory, numbering only 8,000 in population, had no young people prepared for college. Located on Bates Street near Congress in Detroit, the original University building grew to its present position as one of the outstanding educational institu- tions in the nation. steaks, and some housewives bought eggsforsa cent or two less a dozen. At Boston, Jack Kroll, national director of the CIO-PAC charged that American business "is squeezing American workers out of every penny they can lay their hands on." He called for an im- mediate return of price controls. Student I-D Cards Will Be Sent byMail A new system of delivering stu- dent identification cards by mail has been worked out to avoid the long lines which slowed distribu- tion during previous semesters. In order to speed identification card distribution University offi- cials have asked students to de- posit a stamped, self-addressed envelope in a special box to be set up at the Office of Student Af- fairs in Rm. 2, University Hall. Envelopes must be left in the Of- fice of Student Affairs prior to Oct. 4 to insure mail delivery of1 identification cards. Any student unable to leave a stamped, self-addressed envelope in the Student Affairs office may pick up his identification card at a later date from a booth which will be placed in the corridor of University Hall. However authori- ties have emphasized that dis- tribution will be speeded consid- erably if students make arrange- ments to have identification cards mailed directly to their local resi- dences. Italian Treaty Consideration Also Approved Majority Thwarts RussianOpposition By The Associated Press NEW YORK, Sept. 23-Heavy United Nations majorities steam- rollered Russian opposition today and approved American proposals to deal with the Greek and Ko- rean crises and consider creation of a new veto-free security agency. Over the peristent objection of Soviet Deputy Foreign Min- ister Andrei Vishinsky, the 55- nation assembly also approved an American-supported Argen- tine proposal that it debate and suggest revision of the new Italian peace treaty. This issue brought a split among the Western powers as well as be- tween them and Russia. The six votes of the Slav bloc held solid in the minority through- out on all East-West issues. Russia and the United States showed upon the same side of the voting on only one issue-creation of a special 55-nation committee on Palestine-and on this the Arab bloc was an adamant minority in opposition. The air of contest and bitter controversy which marked the As- sembly's week-long general de- bate prevailed throughout the vot- ing on 61-item agenda. Finally this 'was'adpted without change from the form in which it had been submitted to the Assembly by the 14-nation steering committee As the debate closed and dis- cussion of the agenda opened, Secretary General Trygve Li made an impassioned plea for harmony and compromise among the battling great powers. He was applauded unanimously but otherwise got no immediate observable result. Vishinsky ignored the appeal. Immediately afterward he began a point-by-point attack on Ameri- can policies. This campaign is expected to continue through the rest of the session as specific is- sues come up first in committees and then again in the assembly it- self. Committee work begins to- morrow at Lake Success. Duties Abroad Recall Dawson Prof. John P. Dawson of the law school will leave Ann Arbor today, returning to Greece at the end of the week to resume duties as head of the foreignrtrade administra- tion of the Greek government. He returned to the U. S. for a meeting of the executive committe of the Association of American Law :Schools. Working as an employe of the Greek government in cooperation with the American mission head- ed by Dwight F. Griswold, Prof. Dawson will be responsible for ad- ministering controls over exports and imports with a view to con- serving the foreign exchange re- sources of Greece. The job is ex- pected to last through the bresent academic year. Olivier's 'Henry V' Will Be Shown Laurence Olivier's film presen- tation of "Henry V," which re- ceived the Critics' Award of 1946, will be brought to Ann Arbor for the first time Oct. 15 with two showings at Hill Auditorium, Dean Walter B. Rea announced yester- day. Sponsored by the Office of Stu- dent Affairs as cmltural enter- be considered. i- dences. FIRST TIME IN HISTORY?: Father-Son Team Enrolls in University By FRED SCHOTT Among those newly enrolled Ion hospital evacuation ships in the Pacific during the war. Un- Pacific. After a year's work here, Maj. Agre plans to resume work