N THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1947 . . . .. .: . . r vv vr iav rvV) iVZ re ir rtg tn i1 ID RATHER BE RIGHT: . . Shifting Responsibility BILL MAULDIN Fifty-Eighth Year 1 _ -- pw1 Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Bohn Campbell...............Er.Managing Editor Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor Lida' Daile .....................Associate Editor Dick Kraus.......................Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Business Staff Nancy Helmick.................General Manager Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider ................Finance Manager Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all new dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DICK MALOY Needed Equipment DEAN ERICH A WALTER, of the Office of Student Affairs, announced last week that it is as yet undecided to what purpose the proceeds of the movie "Henry V" will be put, but intimated that another Univer- sity scholarship might be established. Following this, Assistant Dean of Students Walter B. Rea revealed yesterday that a re- peat performance of the movie is being scheduled, and also said that the purchase of a real movie screen to replace the "bed sheet" now in use is being considered. With all due respect for scholarships and the fine principles behind them, this writer feels that the time is ripe to sug- gest that an even more suitable purpose for the money might be found - a pur- pose which was obviated by the showing of the film itself. Briefly, the money could be used to replace the present unsightly white sheets with a real motion picture screen and to do something, if possible, to improve the Hill Auditorium sound sys- tem. Comments during the showing of "Henry V" and afterward clearly indicated that p something must be done about this situation if the University is to continue showing professional motion pictures at or near reg- ular commercial prices. Complaints were very numerous by the audience that, al- though the movie itself was very fine, it was impossible to understand more than a small part of the sound track. There is nothing less enjoyable than a sound movie in which the patron is forced to strain in order to understand even what is occurring on the screen. The encouraging increase in the num- ber and quality of films being exhibited at Hill Auditorium makes imperative the scrapping of the makeshift sheet in use at present and the purchase of adequate equipment. In regards to a new sound system, the installation of a really modern outfit would not only greatly increase the quality of movie showings, but would be of great as- sistance when lectures were presented. Any- one who has attended many lectures at Hill Auditorium is acquainted with the fact that all but a few very exceptional speakers are rendered almost unintelligible at times by the echoes reverberating throughout the structure. Lastly, the present makeshifts in use not only fail to serve the students ade- quately, but serve to lower the reputation of the University in the eyes of those visiting Ann Arbor as speakers. Many leading men of the day who lecture here see little more of this institution than the auditorium in which they speak, and, it must be agreed, any estimate made on this basis would rate the University low in- deed. Hill Auditorium is being used more and more as the only hall in the enlarged Uni- versity having sufficient capacity to satisfy the demand for seats at lectures, movies, and other public events. In such 'circum- stances, there is little doubt that the im- provements outlined above are needed bad- ly, and needed now. -Russell B. Clanahan ONLY ONE MARRIAGE in three these days winds up in the divorce courts, By SAMUEL GRAFTON KNOW A philosophical grocer's boy, who said to me the other day: "It's funny. Couple of years ago, when a woman used to come into the shop and complain that we hadn't had any but- ter for her for weeks, we used to tremble, I can tell you." "And now?"' I said, realizing it was my duty to play straight man. "There was a woman in this morning, said she hadn't bought any butter for a month. We didn't even blush. The boss congratulated her, said she was a good American, fighting high prices. Then she said she'd served spaghetti instead of meat six times during the past two weeks. The boss patted her on the shoulder and said she was doing just fine, keep it up and in time prices were bound to come down." "I see," I said. "The point you're making is that by being too quick in giving up ra- tioning, we've got to the same place as if we'd kept it . .." "That's the economic approach," said the grocer's boy, "in which I am only moderately interested. My point is a moral one. During It SkX&eemsto Me] By DON NUECHTERLEIN MANY AMERICANS can't understand why, two and a half years after the war's end, it is so necessary that we eat less food in order to send it to the West- ern European countries. These people are raising the question, "What did Europe do for food before the war and before we were producing such huge bumper crops?" This, I feel, is a fair question in view of the fact that most Americans today are not fully aware of the serious economic depression which hangs like a storm cloud over these war-torn countries and threat- ens to engulf them in the worst economic disaster of modern times. However, there are certain basic causes of the present food crisis in Europe which must be taken into consideration if a true picture of the situation is to be had. While working with Military Government in Berlin during the past year I was able .to visit Holland, Belgium, England, France and Switzerland. It is difficult to describe the conditions under which the farmers of these countries must work, but the cause of the situation arises from six years of total war in Europe. Switzerland of course, is not faced with the economic stranglehold which exists in other countries, and Belgium is recovering more quickly than the others because of her rich colonies in Africa; but the situation in France, for example, is ser- ious. Here the farmers are faced with land that has not been properly cared for during the war, they lack the necessary fertilizer to produce good crops, and they must resort to old-fashioned methods in farming because no new farm machinery is available and the old equipment was worn out during the war years.'Consequently, the agricultural output has greatly fallen off from the pre-war days. Another factor to be considered is that pre-war non self-sufficient European countries were able to export manufac- tured goods in return for food imported from other nations. Since the war did such an excellent job of wrecking fac- tories and disrupting all means of com- munication in these nations, the industrial output is far below that required to pay for the food imports. A third factor in this consideration is Mother Nature, for this year has witnessed one of the worst draughts in Europe in the last fifty years. In Germany, the extreme dryness of the past summer has destroyed a large percentage of the much needed crops, with a result that America has to ship mil- lions of dollars worth of food into Germany to keep the people from starving. This sit- uation is true also in France, Belgium, Hol- land, and Italy, although it is not so acute as in Germany. In addition to the factors mentioned, there is another reason, which I believe to be of prime importance, why America must send food to Europe; this is the polit- ical factor and it involves the present struggle between the Soviet Union and the Western Allies for control of the govern- ments of western European states. Reports have come in that Russia and the Balkan countries have a substantial grain surplus this fall and even before I, left Berlin in August it was apparent that the Soviet Union was holding out this surplus as bait to countries who would become more friendly toward Soviet international pol- icies. When people are hungry they are not so concerned with the politics involved as they are in finding food. The opinion has been recently voiced that before the French election of the past week the Soviet Union offered to send quantities of food to France if the people "voted the right way." This same line is being used today in Italy and especially in Germany where the people are actually on a starva- tion diet of 1550 calories a day. But the important factor in the French election is that the people strongly approved of Charles De Gaulle's anti-Communist party, and most the war, the guilt for shortages or over- charging used to be on our side of the counter. Now it's on the customer's side. If prices are high, or the customers have to do without, it's because they're pigs and eat too much. We've passed the hot potato across the counter. It's a neat job in shift- ing responsibility, I can tell you. It's what happens when people let go of each other's hands." "I don't quite understand that last," I said, as he wanted me to. "Well, during the war, the customers were all together. They would holler cop, and work each other up, if we did any- thing obviously unfair. Now they're so alone. The woman who is broke, she just wanders around, looking at the specials, and she ends up with that same spaghetti box. She's got nobody to go to about it any more." The grocer's boy was becoming worked up, and he didn't need a cue line from me to continue. "Also," he said, "there's this new thing, the Marshall Plan." "Where?" I asked. "Never mind. I mean, this week we have to raise the price of bread a cent, to sixteen. Woman comes in, looks at the increased price, and she figures, well, that's the fault of the Marshall Plan." "It's a good plan-" I said. "Sh-h-h. I am in favor of western civili- zation, hundred per cent, and I want to save it. But my point is a simple one. Here's the Administration, trying to make friends for the Marshall Plan, and at the same time it lets the food situation make enemies for the Marshall Plan. It's a whacky setup, and on balance it's probably mobilizing opposi- tion to the Plan faster than it's mobilizing support. You take this woman with the draggy cotton stockings-" "Who's she?" "Comes into the store. Well, she doesn't eat much, I can promise. First they tell her the way for her to eat more is to eat less, and now on top of that, they load the Marshall Plan on her. She's carrying an awful load, that babe in the draggy socks, and I don't think it's fair or moral to ask her to carry it alone, without controls, as Mr. Truman wants her to." "How would you sum up?" I asked. / "Ubicumque est, quodcumque agit, reni- det; hunc habet morbum," answered the grocer's boy, "which, being translated, means, wherever he is, and, whatever he's doing, he keeps smiling, and in his case it has become a vice." (Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate) rrso IT S HAPPENS *. * Tips and Tub-Thumpers Elaborate Excuse WKE HEARD a new excuse the other day for getting permission to miss a class. It seems the husband of the young lady in question wanted to attend Henry V. In order to do this he had to be excused from a class and take a makeup test at the time his wife's English class met. Success of the whole plan depended on the professor's tender heart because one of them had to be at home at all times to watch the baby. The excuse was accepted. * * * 'Social Security' ONE OF OUR ECONOMICS PROFES- SORS got sidetracked into a discussion of the Taft-Hartley law recently. He willingly answered questions of all varieties until one woman student asked him what would happen to a labor leader who signed an affidavit saying he wasn't a Communist when he actually was. The professor thought carefully for a moment and then answered: "Well, if he gets caught, he'll get ten years of social security." Strange Creature PEOPLE are strange creatures, one Uni- versity woman has decided. It happened some time ago, but she still thinks about it at times - A veteran in her Ec. class was very at- tentive to her. He waited for her . after class, walked her home, carried her books. It went on for weeks. When her house decided to give a dance, the coed invited her chivalrous friend. He thanked her warmly, and then said, "I'd love to come, but I'm afraid my wife wouldn't let me." AMERICANS are surprised at the charge in Russian newspapers that Harry Tru- man is out to become the ruler of the uni- verse. We had supposed that his ambition was merely to continue to rule this part of it. -The New Yorker. Ii Letters to the Editor.. "I've considered i going to 'Alcoholics Anonymous,' but my press agent won't hear of it." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, VOL. LVIII, No. 27 1947 NoticesJ Recognized Student Organiza- tions. In order to remain on the list of recognized student organi- zations, it is necessary for each group to file a Directory Card, list- ing its current officers, with the Office of Student Affairs at the beginning of each school year or summer session. Organizations which have fulfilled this require- ment are as follows: Acolytes; All Campus Bowling League; Americans for demo- cratic Action; Amer. Inst. of Chemical Engineers; Amer. Inst. of Mining and Metallurgical En- gineers; Amer. Inst. of Electrical Engineers; Institute of Radio En- gineers. Alpha Phi Omega; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; American Society for Public Ad- ministration; American Veterans Committee, campus chapter; American Veterans Committee, Willow Run Chapter. Arab Club; Armenian Students' Association; Assembly Associa- tion; Army Ordnance Association; Barristers. Canterbury Club; Chinese So- ciety of Chemical Industry; Chi- nese Society of Chemical Indus- try; Chinese Students Club; Christian Science Organization; Club Europa; Congregational Disciples Guild; Crop and Saddle. Delta Epsilon Pi Society; Delta Sigma Theta; Deutscher Verein; Engineering Council; F. F. Fra- ternity; Flying Club; Foresters' Club; Galens; Gargoyle; Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Grace Bible Guild; Graduate Outing Club; Hillel Foundation; Hindustan Association; Hot Rec- ord Society; Interfraternity Coun- cil. Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers; Institute of Aeronau- tical Sciences; Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of America; Intercooperative Council; Inter Guild. Inter-Racial Association; Inter- national Students Association; InternationaldRelations Cluia; Kappa Beta Pi; Kappa Phi. La Sociedad Hispanica; Le Cer- cle Francais; Society of Les- Voy- ageurs; Lithuanian Club; Little Theatre of Willow Village. Men's Judiciary Council; Mich- igan Christian Fellowship; Michi- gan Daily; Michiganensian; Men's Glee Club. Michigan Sailing Club; Michi- gan Technic; Michigan Union; Michigan League Undergraduate Council; Modern Poetry Club. Mortarboard; Mu Phi Epsilon; Newman Club; Panhellenic Asso- ciation; Phi Epsilon Kappa; Phil- ippine-Michigan Club. Phi Mu Alpha, Sinfonia; Pi Tau, Pi Sigma; Polonia Club; Profes- sional Interfraternity Council; Quarterdeck Society. Radio Club; Rifle Club; Roger Williams Guild; Russian Circle; Scabbard and Blade; Scalp and Blade. Scroll; Senior Society; Sigma Delta Chi; Sigma Gamma Epsi- lon; Sigma Rho Tau; Society of Automotive Engineers. Sphinx; Student Book Ex- change; Student Federalists; Stu- dent League for Industrial De- mocracy; Student Legislature. Student Religious Association; Theta Sigma Phi; Toastmasters Club; Triangles; Turkish Society. Unitarian; Women Veterans Association; Victor Vaughan So- ciety; Veterans Organization; Vulcans. Wesleyan Guild; Wolverine Club; Women's Athletic Associa- tion; Women's Glee Club; Wy- vern. Organizations which have not filed a Directory Card by October 31 will be assumed to be inactive for the current school year and will be denied both the use of the DOB for announcements and the use of University buildings for meetings. Directory cards are available in Room 2, University Hall. Honor Societies: Honor Socie- ties are requested to submit a list of officers to the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, Room 2, University Hall on or before October 31. Groups which have already filed this information are: Alpha Kap- pa Delta, Alpha Lambda Delta, Delta Omega, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi. Personal cars used for official University business: The minutes of the meeting of the Regents on September 26, 1947, read, in part, as follows: The Board voted that as of Octo- ber 1, 1947, the rate for the reim- bursement of employees for the use of their personal cars on of fi- cial University business be increas- ed from five cents a mile to six cents a mile. Directories: Call Extension 696 in the Business Office and order the number of faculty directories needed in your department. De- livery will be made by campus mail when directories are avail- able, presumably about October 24. School of Business Administra- tion Assembly: Seniors in the School (both BBA and MBA can- didates) are invited'to attend an assembly to be held in West Gal- lery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Tues- day, Oct. 28, 3 p.m. Dean Steven- son and Professor Jamison will discuss procedures for placement. To Faculty Personnel: All those mhlding appointments payable on the University Year basis will receive their first check on October 31. Should an emer- gency exist in any individual case, checks which would be collected on October 31, may be obtained previous to that date by coming to the Payroll Department, Room 9, University Hall. Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The fresh- man five-wek 'progress reports EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. MYDA's Objectives To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to join your edi- torial writers and their support- ers in your columns to get "more objective" in the MYDA-Commu- nist argument as one writer in- sisted.- 1. The organization's name and its supporters indicated demo- cratic ideals and representation of Michigan youth. 2. The AYD (successor to the Young Communist League) and the MYDA accept Communists and elect them to influential of- fice knowingly and without apol- ogy. 3. The unworkable, inhuman, evil, anti-democratic and un- American nature of Communism here and elsewhere has been well demonstrated and pointed out. 4. Communist success would de- pend on failure of free democ- racy; its followers must oppose democracy, openly or by subter- fuge. 5. To promote democracy here, it is necessary to block and oppose Communism here. Since the organization's pro- gram cannot do both, is it demo- cratic as claimed, or Communist so the "staunch fighter" can do his stuff? It is not necessary to have a separate organization to promote true democratic action. That is of concern 'to everyone in every organization and outside. As part of this concern, we discuss the MYDA and its Communists, hard- ly representative of Michigan youth. We are told elsewhere that we "must protect Communists and alleged Communists," because they too have rights. Well, the plan they follow would destroy the rights of others, so I question how far we must go to protect theirs, even if they were in danger of anything except failure. -Charles H. Buswell, *, * , * . Un-Americanism? To the Editor: TO SAY THAT the American mind is in a state of belwilder- ment would be no startling reve- lation. But to observe that we seem to be in for a long run of bewilderment and, apparently, see no urgent need to know where we are going-or why-should cause some concern. Take for example the clouded issue of "What to do about Com- munism?" The national picture takes on more and more of 'the aspects of arbitrary suppression. Is. this "Americanism"? "Un-Ameri- will be due Saturday, Oct. 25, in the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. Veterans who paid their tuition this fall semester because they lacked sufficient eligibility time, are asked to come to the Veterans Service Bureau, Rm. 1514, Rack- ham Building, at their earliest convenience Business Administration Sen- iors: All students expecting to graduate in February must turn in diploma applications in Rm. 108, Tappan Hall not later than Saturday, Oct. 25. Freshmen and Sophomore Men, who are single, veterans, residents of the State of Michigan, present- ly living in the Willow Run Dorm- itories, and interested in Univer- sity Residence Halls accommoda- tions for the Spring Semester 1948, are, asked to call at the Of- fice of Student Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall, before October 31. Women veterans who have not received subsistence checks may apply for loans at the Office of the Dean of Women. Placement: No more registra- tion blanks will be given out by the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, until after November 1, 1947. Blanks given out during the regular registration period are being returned this week and we must keep the time open in order to facilitate taking in these blanks. Students who have blanks out are reminded to bring them in on the date indicated on their envelopes. Pre-football guest luncheons from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p m. and after-game open houses from 5 to 7 p.m. held in organized student (Continued on Page 5) canism" is deemed a crime by our government. But what constitutes this "Un-Americanism"? If you seek your definition in current happenings, you can only conclude that it is a term applied by the current administration to those people who at one time or an- other have thought there might be merit i the Communist theories. Consequently they read Commu- nist literature . . . some few of them joined the Party . . . largely in order to satisfy their curiosity as to what Communism might have to offer them. And now these persons are not only ousted from their government positions (which might in some cases be justifiable) without impartial trial and ex- amination of all evidence (which can in NO case be justified) . but they are also blacklisted . denied in effect the right to sup- port themselves and their fam- ilies. Back in the early days of la- bor organizing it was more or less common practice to plant un- ion literature in the lockers of workers suspected of union sym- pathies. They were then summar- ily discharged and blacklisted from an industry which was their only source of livelihood. This earlier action was taken, obviously to per- petuate the dominant position of Management over Labor. It failed. Now, the important points of both these very similar cases is not what actually happened, but what is implied by the actions of the group in power at the time; namely: if a man can be per- secuted for sympathizing with certain persons or doctrines, the prosecution has its precedent to castigate him for ANY THOUGHT that might be deemed by the group in power to be detrimental to their Cause. Think that over. And, for your own sake, don't yap smugly that, "It can't happen in the USA." The fact that just about anything CAN happen here is what makes it such an inter- esting place to be. It is unfar- tunate indeed thattso many Amer- icans in their efforts to look be- yond the national borders east and west, are so distracted by re- flections of their own glory that they never get to the other side of the water . .. Now patriotism is an admirable thing, but when it reaches the all-consuming pro- portions of narcissism, isn't the object of affection liable to suf- fer the same sad fate? Hadn't we better start thinking of the rest of the world (including its ideas) not as poor relations, but as de- serving neighbors? Is it any wonder that the rest of the world looks with consid- erable misgivings for salvation from chaos to an America whose actions it can never anticipate- much less predict? Wouldn't it be considerably more intelligent to stop making a martyred cause out of Marx and Stalin . .. and devote our magnificent potential- ities to making "Americanism" something which the world-and Americans themselves-can un- derstand? A little objectivism often helps a lot. We should be genuinely con- cerned with what other people think of us. And we would do well to remember that revolution (Communist or otherwise) usually springs from the dissatisfactions of physical or mental undernour- ishment . . . the former racking Europe and the latter very prev- alent in America today. Both sit- uations must be alleviated. Amer- ica is our only hope. Our actions to date do not suggest that we are equal to the challenge. -Sherman C. Poteet. 'U' Food Prices To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to add something to that which has already been said concerning the food situation here at Michigan. Needless to say, it is difficult to get a satisfactory meal and stay within the limits of a reason- able budget. There are many factors con- tributing to the high prices of food, and on considering the gen- eral level of prices it is not sur- prising that food should be costly. Nevertheless, it does not seem log- ical that the price of food should be so high at the University-owned eating establishments. The prices of food at the League, for instance, are comparable with those of reg- ular commercial establishments. This situation seems illogical in- asmuch as the League building is owned by the University and pre- sumably is not taxed. Further- more, the management likely does not have to bear the usual finan- cial burden of paying for equip- ment and for' upkeep or rent on the building. A considerable por- tion of the labor is done by stu- dent workers whose pay is not large. From the foregoing considera- tions, about the only conclusion that one can make is that the University eating establishments are operated so as to produce large profits. It is not customary for estab- I BARNABY... - I've summoned Atlas the Menfrrl C.irrnf_ fn hnnnr V F m I Good old Atlas ... He'll be so grateful I guess HE has t__,.._u_.. vne 1 Ii I I E om