See Page 4
Lw 43UU
aa3 Zi4
Latest Deadline in the State
Varsity Night
Will Feature
Tickets On Sale
At 'U' Hall Booth
Climax to the new "no mob, no
riot" pep rally will be Varsity
Night, Marching Band sponsored
variety show.
Proceeds of the program, to be
held at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at
Hill Auditorium, will be used to
finance band trips to out of town
games and possibly to That Cer-
tain Game, if and when.
Tickets not sold last week in
student residences will be avail-
able at the University Hall booth
today and tomorrow.
Featuring radio station WJR's
Ron Gamble, the program will in-
clude: skits, entitled "Nape Alley,"
"Professor Freudenheim, Atomic
Bomb Energy"; performances by
the University Men's Glee Club,
selections from last year's Junior
Girls' Play, and a "Weight Lift-
ing act by World Champion, Buck
The Concert Band, under the
direction of Graham Young, will
play "Bobby Sox Suite," a "sym-
phonic swing" selection,, and
"My Hero," from the "Choco-
late Soldier."
Soloists in the program in-
clude: Gerry Rose, marimba art-
ist; Maryjane Albright, soprano;
Andrew White, baritone and Her-
man Troppe, accordian virtuoso.
Preceding Varsity Night will be
the first Pep-Rally of the season,
with students joining at 7:30 p.m.
around a huge bonfire at Ferry
Field. Anti-Minnesota spirit will
have to be suppressed until ar-
rival at the Field this year, as
the traditional march from the
Union has been eliminated to
avoid possible mob scenes and
Homecoming - displays, which
must be ready by 9 a.m. Saturday,
will be judged by Ethel A. Mc-
Cormick, social director of the
League, and Emil Weddige, of the
art school.
Art Cinema
Shows Italian
Film at Lydia
"I Live As I Please," musical
film starring the young Italian
tenor Ferruccio Tagliavini, will be
presented by Mu Phi Epsilon and
Art Cinema League at 8:30 p.m.
today through Saturday at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Portraying a young man who
wishes to sing in opera against
the wishes of his family Tagliavini
sings arias from three Verdl
It was Tagliavini who featured
the closing program in the May
Festival here last spring, singing
three encores in response to ova-
English subtitles are provided
for 'I Live As I Please," and a
short subject will be shown.
Reserved tickets for the Taglia-
vini film will be on sale from 2 to
8:30 p.m. today through Saturday
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
box office in the League.
IV' Student Is
James F. Magdanz, University
Graduate student, has been ap-
pointed administrative aide to
Gov. Kim Sigler, the Governor an-
nounced yesterday.
Magdanz, who takes office Nov.
3, has been a staff assistant in
the personnel service division of
the Michigan Municipal League
since returning from war service
in January, 1946. He served 421
months in the Army Air Forces in
Europe, and was a technical ser-
geant at the time of his discharge.
Magdanz received his AB in
political science from the Univer-
sity in 1940, and expects to re-
ceive his master's degree in public
administration here next Feb-
ruary. He lives at 415 E. William
He will succeed Arlon G. Ley,
who resigned earlier this year to
enter private business.
Wrestler Dies of Injury;
First 'M' Athletic Death
* * **
* * * *
* * * *
Funeral services will be held at
11 o'clock this morning in De-
troit for Richard Kuehn, 24, vic-
tim of what is believed to be the
first athletic death in the history
of theUniversity of Michigan.
Kuehn suffered a broken neck
in a practice wrestling match on
'U Employee
Cheats Death
At EastQuad
(rushed in Freak
Elevator Accident
A young University employee
narrowly escaped being crushed to
death in a freak elevator accident
at the East Quad yesterday.
Kenneth Bower, 18, a kitchen
worker who resides at the West
Quad staff quarters suffered a
laceration of the forehead, chest
contusions and possible internal
injuries when he was caught be-
tween a food cart and the gate of
an uncompleted elevator in which
he was descending.
Bower was crushed by a food
cart which was flung against him
after it slipped beyond the un-
walled rear of. the elevator and
hit the elevator shaft. He wasex-
tricated when the elevator
reached the ground floor by con-
struction workers and taken to
the University Hospital.
Although uncompleted, the ele-
vator was being used by East Quad
workers and construction em-
ployes who are engaged in com-
pleting the new addition to the
residence hall.
Kaplan Denies
Callahan Act
Petition Fraud
Charges of fraud levelled at
referendum petitioners for the re-
peal of the Callahan Act were re-
futed yesterday by the local com-
mittee which circulated petitions
in Washtenaw County.
"No foundation can be discov-
ered for the charges on the basis
of experience in this county," Prof.
Wilfied M. Kaplan of the mathe-
matics department, co-chairman
of the local Committee for the
Repeal of the Callahan Act, de-
clared in a statement to The
It has been alleged that "thou-
sands" of signers were not citi-
zens, other "thousands" were not
registered voters and a "large per-
centage" were not told the pur-
pose of the petitions. The State
Board of Canvassers will hear the
charges at a meeting set for Feb.
The Callahan Act, suspended
Tuesday in a ruling by Attorney
General Eugene F. Black, will be
revised at the Legislature's special
session in January. "Any action
against such a new bill must await
its appearance before the Legisla-
ture," Prof. Kaplan said.
State To Build
New Stadium
Michigan State College will be-
gin work at once on a new 50,000
seat football studium.
The new bowl-type gridiron
field, .will cost an estimated $1,-
000,000 and is slated to be ready
for Spartan grid tilts by next sea-
son. A contract for the new struc-
ture has already been let and work
will begin on the project early
next week.h
Original plans called for a com-.
bination football stadium and
dormitary. However original plans
were scrapped because of high
costs and the two structures will
now be built separately.
The new stadium will include
enlarged locker rooms, and a
double-decked press box.
I.D. Distribution
Continues Today
Distribution of new student
irlotmifnatinn arr-c mwll nntin P|
January 5, 1944, while a member
of the V-12 unit here.
Since the time of the accident,
which left him only the use of his
arms, he had been staging a losing
battle in the University Hospital
and several other mid-western
hospitals. He died Monday after-
noon at Vaughan Memorial Hos-
pital in Maywood, Illinois..
A check of available school rec-
ords and prominent University of-
ficials indicate that this is the first
death as a result of injuries in-
curred in any sport in the school's
history. It is also one of the few
such deaths in thegannuls of in-
tercollegiate wrestling.
Howard Yerges, roommate of
the deceased at the time of the
injury, will serve as pallbearer
along with Dave Upton, Warren
Yaap and Chi Psi fraternity
brothers Dick Ranney, Willis
Boice and Russel Fisher.
An engineering major, Kuehn
was the only son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kuehn, 167 Highland
Avenue, Highland Park, Michigan.
Services will be held in the Ham-
ilton Funeral Home in Detroit.
SL Puts OK
On New NSA
The Student Legislature unani-
mously ratified the Constitution
of the National Students Associa-
tion in a meeting last night.
With this action, the University
of Michigan became an official
member of the NSA.
The Legislature also voted to
ask the University Senate to grant
one of its three seats on the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee to the
chairman of the Men's Judiciary
Elections are to be held soon
for senior class officers, J-Hop
committee, and student positions
on the Board in Control ofaStu-
dent Publications, the Legislature
voted. Dick Kelly was named
chairman of the committee to su-
pervise this election.
Earlier in the meeting, eight
delegates from here to the NSA
convention in September at Mad-
ison, Wis., reported on various
phases of the work involved in
drawing up its Constitution.
AVC Sponsors
County High School
Students To Compete
A total of $85 in prizes will be
awarded to three winners of the
AVC-sponsored essay contest for
high school students of Washte-
now County, it was announced
last night.
The first prize, a $50 Govern-
ment bond,hwill be presented early
next month to the student who
writes best on the topic, "For-
eign Contributions to American
Democracy." The second prize will
be a $25 bond, while the third best
entry will win $10 in cash.
Prof. James H. Meisel of the
political science department, Rev.
Edward H. Redman of the Uni-
tarian Church and William T.
Brownson, editor of the Wash-
tenaw Post-Tribune will judge the
The two University chapters of
AVC-on the campus and at Wil-
low Run-are co-sponsoring the
contest. It marks the first in a s-
ries of community projects to be
undertaken by the chapters.
Taylor Stars in Probe of Movies
Behind Scene
Red Activity
Told by Actor
Howard DaSylva Is
Named as 'Pinkish'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22-Actor
Robert Taylor, starring at the big
investigation of Communism in
Hollywood, today named Karen
Morley as a "disrupting influence"
at meetings of the Screen Actors
The handsome actor told the
House Committee on Un-Ameri-
can Activities he has seen plenty
of things "on the pink side" in
the movie business. He said in-
dications of Communist activity
there have increased in the last
four or five years.
Taylor said Howard Da Sylva
always "seems to have something
to say at the wrong times" at Ac-
tors' Guild sessions. He did not
identity either Da Sylva or Karen
The inquiry, playing for the
first time to standing room only
in the huge caucus room of the'
old House Office Building, also
turned up:
Testimony from James K. Mc-
Guinness, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
executive, that 10 or 15 leading
Hollywood writers are Commu-
A promise from Committee
Chairman J. Parnell Thomas
that evidence of red spying will
unfold next week.
But for the hundreds of onlook-
ers who crammed the hearing
room and the halls and steps out-
side, the handsome Taylor was the
center of interest. Most of them
were gurgling women.
The tone for Taylor's appear-
ance was set when he lifted his
hand to take the oath to tell the
truth. .
"Get your hand back," yelled a
photographer. "You're hiding your
Taylor complied as if his favor-
ite director was giving orders.
Cold Wave to
End 'Summer'
Indian Summer should end to-
day, according to the U. S. Weath-
er Bureau in Ypsilanti, which pre-
dicts a sharp drop in temperature
tonight if the Montana cold front
Yesterday the highest recorded
temperature was 81 degrees, with
humidity under 50 per cent all
day. Winds ranged in the vicinity
of 10 to 15 miles per hour.
Shirt-sleeved students took ad-
vantage of the good weather in a
number of ways. The "Yard," all
the area between the Library, 'U'
Hall, Natural Science and around,
was dotted with resting students,
as were the steps of most of the
buildings. Bicyclists pedaled
around some of the quieter
streets, and camera fans found
the Arb and other scenery still
TOMORROW'S TRAIN-University students w ill get a chance to view the "Train of Tomorrow,"
which will be in Ann Arbor Saturday afternoon. The new type train, which will bring 300 newspaper
editors here to view the Wolverine-Minnesota grid clash, will be parked on a siding near the
Stadium. The diesel powered train features an As tra Dome atop each coach.
Union, League
Sponsor New
Homecoming To Be
Featured Saturday
The Union and League are tak-
ing to the air.
Beginning Satirday, Oct. 25,
these organizations will jointly,
sponsor "Campus Quarter," a se-
ries of weekly 15-minute broad-
casts highlighting campus events
to be presented from 9:45 to 10
a.m. over Station WPAG.
Each program will emphasize a
particular theme and feature news
of impending Union and League
social and cultural events.
Homecoming will be the special
topic of the initial program dur-
ing which skits -describing the
origination of the Little Brown
Jug and house decoration compe-
tition will also be presented.
In succeeding broadcasts, Black
Friday and the various student
publications will be accented.
"Campus Quarter" will be pro-
duced by a committee headed byj
Bill Tattersall and Lucille Ken-
nedy. Jim Schiavone will direct
the all-student productions and
Lee Marlin and Marjorie Zaller
will supervise the preparation of
Police Ticket
Illegal Parkingr
The newly inaugurated Univer-
sity drive against illegal parking
in the campus area has netted 17
Campus police ticketed cars
parked in restricted University
lots without permission and
turned the license numbers over to
the Office of Student Affairs. Stu-
dent violators will be notified by
A fine of $1 will be levied on
first offenders, $2 on second of-
fenders, and third offenders will
be asked to appear before the Dis-
ciplinary Committee.
Theme for Marching Band
Program Is Academic Life
The thousands of loyal alumni
who "come home" Saturday to
witness the annual "War for the
Little Brown Jug" will also be re-
minded of their more academic
campus life by the Michigan
Marching Band.
Between battles, the first sell-
out crowd of the season will view
the band as it performs a tribute
to the various schools and col-
leges of the University in a series
of formations.
Many of the alumni who will
jam-pack the stadium will re-
member the two guest conductors,
Nicholas Falcone, director of the
New Building
WillBe Given
To'U' Today
Ceremonies transferring the re-
cently completed temporary class-
room building and storage build-
ing to the University from the
Federal Works Agency will be held
at 10 a.m. today.
Vice-President Robert M. BriggsI
will receive the buildings on be-
half of the University. Federal
Works Agency representatives will
also be present at the ceremonies.
The temporary classroom build-
ing, erected back of the Health
Service, has 20 classrooms, 12 of-
fices, laboratory and restroom fa-
cilities and storage space. The
storage building is located back
of University Hospital.
Both buildings were acquired by
the University under Public Law
697, which provides real property
and the equipment for furnishing
that property to universities and
colleges. Under the plan, the Fed-
eral Works Agency furnished the
buildings and heating plant, while
the University provided the site
and the foundation and did the
University bands from 1927 to
1935. and Louis Elbel, a former
Michigan student who wrote "The
Victors." Falcone, who was forced
to resign directorship of the bands
because of illness, will conduct
"The Yellow and Blue" while Eibel
will lead "The Victors."
The last time Falcone conducted
the band at a Minnesota-Michi-
gan game was in 1933. "Michigan
got the Jug that year," Falcone
commented in an interview, "and
I think they'll get It again this
When Falcone took over the
bands in 1927 there were only 2
pieces in the Marching Band as
compared with 131 at the present
time. Before he left in 1935 there
were 106.
The program Saturday will also
include the traditional salute to
Minnesota. The band will form a
block "M" to the tune of "Minne-
sota Rouser" and "Hail, Minne-
sota." Following this they will
invert the "M" to face the Michi-
Fire Sweeps
New England
Two Killed as Blaze
Spreads Destruction
Oct. 22-(IP)-New or rekindled
forest fires today spread destruc-
tion through woodlands of the
northeastern states, where already
two lives have been lost and $3,-
000,000 in property loss suffered in
rich New England vacation terri-
An end to a prolonged drought
was not even predicted and danger
mounted rather than abated.
Maine led the fire casualty areas
with gale winds driving 40 scat-
tered fires, the worst in this vil-
lage, near the Kennebunkport
Summer Artists Colony, where
scores of families were forced to
flee flames which destroyed more
than 200 buildings.
New fires were reported today in
New York, New Jersey and Con-
necticutt, and New England.
Reports of looting and arson
came from some sectors where
fire-fighters, aided by volunteers,
battled fatigue as well as the
At Goose Rocks Beach, a wind
shift heightened the threat to
Kennebunkport, a village of 2,000,
after fire had swept a five-mile
stretch of coastline. New fires
broke out today at Bar Harbor
and in the Waterboro area, over a
broad front.
Will Combat
Marshall Plan
World Domination Is
Charged by Zhdanov
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Oct.'"22-Andri A.
Zhdanov in a declaration pub-
lished today called upon Commu-
nists and their sympathizers
everywhere in the world to join
in a battle against what he
charged were attempts by the
United States to achieve "world
domination by American imperial-
Zhdanov, a member of the
Soviet Communist Party Polit-
buro, said Russia would take
the lead in attempts to wreck
the Marshall Plan and prevent
the United States from making
a "49th state."
He compared the "ruling circles"
of the United States with "Hitler-
ites," and said America was fol-
lowing a policy of preparing for
"new military adventures."
His remarks were contained
in a two-page spread in the
Communist Newspaper Prav-
da disclosing for the first time
his summation of the interna-
tional situation before the nine-
nation conference in Poland
which led to creation of the In-
ternational Communist Infor-
mation Bureau in Belgrade.
Iis thesis on the United States
was this:
Before the Second World War
United States "imperialists" fol-
lowed an isolationist policy of
non-interferen'ce in the affairs of
Europe and Asia, but in the new
post-war period "Wall Street
bosses" launched a new policy.
"They put forward a program
of using all their military aid
and economic might, not only
to hold onto but to strengthen
the foreign positions in the war
period and to expand-rplac-
ing Germany and Japan with
America in the world market.
"The United States set as its
goal world domination by Ameri-
can imperialism."
He pictured "American reac-
tionaries" as alarmed at successes
of Socialism in the Soviet Union
and elsewhere and said they~ were
taking upon themselves the job
of "rescuing the Capitalistic sys-
tem from Communism."
He added, "this open expansion-
istic program of the United States
is reminiscent of the extraordi-
nary and infamous defeated pro-
;ram of Fascist aggressors.
* * «
Marshall Talks
At NY. orti
Explains His 'Plan'
To RebuildEurope
NEW YORK, Oct. 22 - () -
Secretary of State George C. Mar-
shall said tonight the "Marshall
Plan" was not a plan but a sug-
;estion and "when it is completed
it will truly be a program of the
United States government and not
of any one department or agency.
"I do not believe any project of
our government has ever received
~more careful study and prepara-,
tion than has this problem of th
reconstruction of Europe," Mar-
shall said before the New York
Herald Tribune forum.
(Bob White, Daily reporter is
now attending this nation-wide
forum in New York, and will give
Daily readers a complete story of
the conference when he returns to
Ann Arbor late this week.)
"And I am certain that no gov-
ernmental effort has ever en-
joyed such complete cooperation
on the part of all the agencies
Duranty, Knickerbocker Will Discuss Russian Policy
What policy must the United
States take toward the Soviet
Union to assure a peaceful world?
Walter Duranty and H. R.
Knickerbocker, famed foreign cor-
respondents, will give two answers
to this question when they debate,
"Can Russia Be Part of One
World?" at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
is needed, since "the Russian peo-
ple genuinely want to be friendly
toward the United States."
Knickerbocker, on the other
hand, believes that any sort of ap-
peasement of Russia is now use-
less. He has said that Russia is a
nation dangerous to world peace,
and that the Soviet is building up
, - - - x