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October 22, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-22

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Standard of Living High
Despite Price Increases

Despite the current high level of
prices, the American buying pub-
lic has maintained its strong fi-
nancial position, and still has
plans to buy large amounts of
cars, houses, and other durabl
A summer study of consumer
finances made by the Survey Re-
French Club
Plans Return,
Of Cooperative
Year's Activities Aim
At Providing Funds
A pre-war cooperative plan for
French students, "Le Foyer Fran-
caise" will return to the Michigan
campus soon, if the objectives of
Le Cercle Francaise for the com-
ing year are realized.
All activities sponsored by the
club this year will be aimed at
providing funds for a cooperative
house at which students of French
can live, study, and exchange ideas
with other students interested in
the language.
Tentative plans even include
serving regular meals at the house,
with possibly a French woman to
serve as house mother, if one can
be obtained.
The house would be provided
with a French library, receive
periodicals from France and Can-
ada, and conduct its activities in
French. It would also serve as a
meeting place for Le Cercle and
a lecture spot for talks on France
and French culture.
The original "Foyer Francaise"
was established on campus in 1935
and experienced tremendous suc-
cess among language students and
the general student body. It was
forced to disband in 1941 as a
wartime measure, because of
membership losses.

search Center of the University
.or the Federal Reserve boarrd, re-
vealed that consumers -are bor-
rowing and drawing on savings in
order to keep up the present rate
of expenditures.
The total amount of liquid as-
sets in the country is still large
and quite widely distributed, how-
Although Americans have be-
come less optimistic about holding
down higher prices, they have not
been discouraged enough to
nhange their buying plans, the
survey showed. There is still a
large, unsatisfied market for dur-
able goods, even though the per-
centage of prospective customers
has decreased since 1946.
Families in the lower income
brackets have been buying food of
poorer quality or raising and pre-
serving part of their own food, the
report continued.
To Talk at Hill
Sen. Arthur' Vandenberg and
Eelco Van Kleffens, Netherlands'
ambassador to the U.S., will be
guest speakers at. a convocation
opening the centennial celebra-
tion of Dutch settlements in Mich-
igan, to be held Nov. 3 in Hill
The visit by Sen. Vandenberg
will concur with a series of pro-
grams concerning Dutch history,
art and music.
The art galleries in Alumni Me-
morial Hall will contain a dis-
play of famous Dutch paintings
collectively called "Paintings Loot-
ed from Holland," which were
loaned by the Netherlands in ap-
preciation of the work done by the
United States government in re-
turning artwork to Holland after
the war. The School of Music has
planned two concerts in November
to illustrate the Dutch contribu-
tion to music.


(Continued from Page 4)
West Lodge Homecoming Festivi-
ties - bonfire, singing and infor-
mal dancing.
University Lectures; Prof. Mau-
rice Frechet, The Henri Poincare
Institute, Paris, France. "Proba-
bilities Associated with a System
Qf Compatible and Dependent
Events," Thurs., Oct. 23, and "Asy-
mptotically Almost Periodic Func-
tions," Fri., Oct. 24. Both lectures
will be given at 4:15 p.m., Rm.
3017, Angell Hall; auspices of the
Department of Mathematics.
Mr. John Airey, President of
King-Seeley Corporation, w il11
speak on the subject of "Problems
of Management in Expanding Eh-
terprises," Wed., Oct. 22, 11 a.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall. The pub-
lic is invited.
Duranty-Knickerbocker Debate
Tomorrow Night at Hill Audito-'
rium, 8:30 p.m., will open the
1947-48 Lecture Course. Walter
Duranty and H. R. Knickerbocker,
two famous journalists, both au-
thorities on Russia, will debate the
question "Can Russia Be Part
Of One World?" Tickets may be
purchased today and tomorrow at
the auditorium box office which is
open from 10-1, 2-5.
Marriage Relations Lecture Se-
ries: Tickets for the Marriage Re-
lations Lecture Series will be on
sale Wednesday, Oct. 22, 3:30 to
5:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Tickets will be sold at the Michi-
gan Union for men, at the Michi-
gan League for women, and at
Lane Hall for married couples.
The series of Lectures is open only
to Seniors, Graduate Students and
their spouses. Student identifi-
cation is required to purchase
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Friday, Oct. 24, 4 p.m., Rm. 319,
West Medical Bldg. Subject: "Lip-
id Antigens." All interested are
Modern American Houses, cir-
culated by the Museum of Modern
Art, Architecture Bldg., through
Oct. 27.
Photographic Show, through Oct.
30. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily,
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening,

Keith McKean will discuss the
critical views of Joel E. Spingarn
as expressed in his essay -"The
New Criticism." All graduate stu-
dents and faculty are cordially in-
vited to atten.
Graduate Education Club: Meet-
ing, 4:10 p.m., Rm. 2435, Univer-
sity Elementary School. Officers
will be elected and plans will be
made for the year. Coffee will be
served. Graduate students in edu-
cation are invited.
Homecoming Committee: Final
meeting, 7 p.m., League. All mem-
bers are urged to attend.
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administration frater-
nity: Smoker, 8 p.m., Rm. 305,
Michigan Union.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: 12:15
p.m., Rm. 3056, Natural Science
AVC, University Chapter: Mem-
bership meeting, 7:30, Michigan
Union. Movie-"Deadline For Ac-
Flying Club: Full club meeting,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 1042, E. Engineer-
ing Bldg.
U. of M. Rifle Club: 7:15 p.m.,
R.O.T.C. Rifle Range. Practice fir-
ing will be continued. All expe-
rienced small boresmen are invited
to attend.

SL Gives NS
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ar-
ticle is presented by the Student Leg-
islature as an attempt to summarize
the salient points in the constitution
of the National Student Association
and to present the important parts
of the By-Laws and three panel re-
ports adopted by the convention to
set up NSA policy.
WE, the students of the United
States of America, in order to:
SECURE and maintain academic
freedom and the rights of stu-
dents: STIMULATE the develop-
ment of democratic student self-
government; FOSTER better edu-
cational standards, methods and
facilities; WORK for the improve-
ment of student social, cultural
and physical welfare; PROMOTE
international understanding and
fellowship; AID in securing for all
people equal rights and possibil-
ities of primary, secondary and
higher education regardless of sex,
race, religion, political beliefs or
economic circumstances, inherent
in their dignity as individuals .. .
THEREFORE do establish this
Constitution for the United States
National Student Association.
Article II, Section D: 1. All stu-
dent body representatives to the
National Student Congress (the
legislative body of NSA) shall be
elected by the entire student body
which they represent or; when
this is not feasible, selected by
democratically constituted student
governments of their student
Discrimination: 1. To secure and
maintain equal rights for all peo-
ple and to secure equal opportuni-
ties for education at all levels
regardless of race, sex, national
origin, creed and political belief
or economic circumstances.
Method of Ratification of the
Constitution: 1. The United States
Nattional Student Association
shall be formally constituted with-
in ninety days after the ratifica-
tion of this Constitution by a ma-
jority of the student bodies rep-
resented at the National Consti-
tutional Convention, voting in the
affirmative. This ratification must
be effected within a six months
2. Student body ratification
shall be by a vote of the stu-
dent governing body or by duly
chosen representatives of the
student body. In either case the
decision concerning ratification
shall be by a majority of votes
Membership of the United
States National Student Associa-
tion in other Organizations: A. Af-
filiations-a. The executive com-
mittee shall consider all matters of
affiliation and shall report to
the National Student Congress on
the desirability and possibility of
such affiliation.
b. The National Student Con-
gress shall consider all matters
of affiliation and determine its
recommendations to affiliate on
such matters by a two-thirds ma-
jority vote.
c'. An affirmative recommenda-
tion of the National Student Con-
gress on the matter of affiliation
shall be presented to the member
bodies of the USNSA for .
individual ratification.
B. Suspension of affiliation-
Affiliations may be suspended by
a majority vote of the National
Student Congress, or by a major-
ity vote of the voting members
of the National Executive Commit-
Report of Panel I
Academic Freedom: The NSA
is in accord with tie principles of
academic freedom as expressed
by the American Association of
University Professors in Vol. 32
No. 4 AAUP Bul.

Student Bill of Rights: Pre-
amble: . . . The National Stu-
dent Association holds the follow-
ing rights essential to the full de-
velopment of the student as an
individual and to the fulfillment
of his responsibilities as a cit-
1. The right of every student
to a college education.
2. The right to conduct research
freely and to publish, discuss, and
exchange any finding or recom-
mendations, whether individually
or in association with local, na-
tional, or international groups.
3. The right of students to a
clear and concise statement, be-
fore starting college, of their con-
tractual rights, obligations, and
responsibilities pertaining to edu-
cational and extra-curricular ac-
4. The right of every student
to exercise his full rights as a
citizen in forming and participat-
ing in local, national or interna-
tional organizations for intellec-
tual, religious, social, political, ec-
onomic or cultural purposes, and
to publish and distribute their
5. The right of recognized stu-
dent organizations to use the in-
stitution's name subject to its
regulations with respect to off-
campus activitiies.
6. The right of students and
recognized' student organizations
to use campus facilities, provided
the facilities are used for the pur-
pose contracted, subject only to
such regulations as are required
for scheduling meeting times and

policy, with the free selection and
removal of editorial staffs re-1
served solely to the organizations
sponsoring these publications. I
10. The right to establish dem-
omratic student governments with
adequate democratic safeguards
against abuse of their powers.
11. The right to petition
through proper channels for
changes in curriculum or profes-
12. The right of equal opportun-
ity to enjoy these rights without
regard to race, color, sex, national1
origin, religious creed, or political
The above rights shall not be
construed as interfering with the
right of the private institution
to set up specifically defined/
standards in line with the avowed1
purpose of its establishment pro-
vided that the student is fully ac-
quainted with such standards upon
applying for admission.
Implementation: In case of vio-
lation of the bill of rights or aca-
demic freedom, a preliminary staff
committee investigation can be
initiated at the request of the
college administration, student,
government, or a student peti-;
tion . . . Further action may be
taken by the National Executive
Committee if deemed necessary
by that committee.
Report of Panel HI
Educational Opportunity: II,
Educational Discrimination in
Southern states: Panel II recom-
mends that the NSA or its re-
gional organizations should take
a survey of comparative educa-
tional .opportunities of white and
Negro students in the South.
III. Racial and other discrim-
ination . . . in non-Southern
states: Panel II recommends ac-
tivities in the regions which will
advance the passage of legislation
embodying the following provi-
sions: Recognizing that only two
qualifications, character and ac-
ademic standing, are necessary
for admission to educational in-
stitutions, it shall be an unfair
educational practice for an edu-
cational institution, exclusive of
a sectarian school: . . . (to deny
admission or qualify use of facil-
ities of the institution because
of race, religion, sex, national or-
igin, or political beliefs) . . .
Report of Panel III
Initernational Union of Stu-
dents-Statement to U.S. stu-
dents: In the opinion of the Con-
stitutional Convention, the deci-
sive considerations favoring US-
NSA affiliation with IUS were
1. The great and urgent need
for . . . means of contact .
with students of countries whose
present mutual differences, . .
may well lead to continuing and
increasing unrest and even war
throughout the world.
2. The more immediately prac-
tical advantage of affiliation . .
of International projects and ac-
tivities . . . for member organiza-
tions of IUS.
In considering the question of
affiliation, the Constitutional
Convention was well aware of a
number of important and quite
likely controversial factors:
1. We recognize that the ma-
jority of the present leadership of
IUS and many of the member-or-
ganizations of IUS are far to the
left of U.S. students and that
within that majority, Communists
exercise influence far out of pro-
portion to Communists within the
world student community.
2. The IUS has tended to lay
greater stress upon political activ-
ities and expressions of opinion
than is customary or desirable in
student organizations in the Unit-
ed States which are avowedly non-
partisan and non-sectarian . .
3... . the USNSA may continue
for some time to remain in a mi-
nority position on many major

issues within IUS.
4. As a member of IUS, the US-
NSA will have both to exercise
the strictest constant care to avoid
the abuse of its prestige and back-
ing for activities contrary to or
outside its scope and program .. .
5. Disaffiliation of USNSA from
IUS can be achieved simply and
promptly according to the USNSA
Constitution in case a sizeable
segment of the USNSA may so
desire after affiliation has taken
Proposed Resolution on IUS Af-
filiation: . . . Whereas, the IUS
is the only point of contact with
the students of the nations of
Eastern Europe . . . Therefore Be
It Resolved: That the Constitu-
tional Convention of USNSA, . .
while recognizing that U.S. stu-
dents, participating in IUS
through the USNSA, do not intend
to become involved in political is-
sues of a partisan nature, and al-
though at present there are funda-
mental differences between the
USNSA on the one hand and the
IUS" and some of its- member-or-
ganizations on the other hand,
nevertheless, recommends affilia-
tion as soon as possible with the
IUS, subject to the procedure stat-
ed in "Agreement on IUS Affilia-
Agreement on ][US Affiliation: 2.
Political Autonomy of the NSA-
a. This affiliation shall not be

a report with equitable access to
publication shall not be denied.
d. Affiliation of USNSA with
IUS shall not be construed as con-
stituting any official connection
with the autonomous associates of
the IUS.
5. This affiliation agreement
may be suspended immediately
upon notification of the IUS by
the President of the NSA acting
in accordance with the procedures
outlined in the constitution of the
NSA; and official disaffiliation
shall take place in conformity with
the constitutions of the NSA and
the IUS.
Poems by 'U'
Grad Published
"Other Skies," a book of poems
by John Ciardi, graduate of Tufts
University and of the University
of Michigan, was published yes-
terday by Little, Brown & Com-
pany in association with The At-
lantic Monthly Press.
Winner of a major Hopwood
award in 1939 for his book,
"Homeward to America," Ciardi
served as a Central Fire Control
gunner with the rank of sergeant
on a B-29, flying many missions
in the Pacific. His second book,
reviewed in Sunday's Daily, is
dedicated to Prof. Roy W. Cowden.
Ciardi now is teaching English at
Harvard University.

A Constitution Summary'

Church News
will hold its weekly informal
"chat" at 4 p.m. today at the
guild house.
* * *
a mid-week refresher at 4 p.m.
today at the Methodist church
followed by a freshman bull ses-
sion at 5 p.m.
A potluck supper will be served
at 6 p.m. for any interested stu-
dents and at 7:15 p.m. students
may attend interest groups in the
School for Christian Living pro-
* * *
The First Baptist Church will
hold a reception for Baptist stu-
dents at 7:30 p.m. today in the
church parlors. Group singing will
be led by Harold Carver and ac-
companied by Miss Elizabeth
Rohns. Refreshments will be ser-
Sociology of Religion seminar'
will be held at 3:30 p.m. today at
Lane Hall. At 7:30 p.m. the In-
terpretation of History seminar
will meet. These groups are open
to all students.
A group from Interguild will
sponsor a worship service at 7:30
a.m. tomorrow in the League
Chapel. This service is open to
all students and will be over in
time for 8 a.m. classes.

Health Service Allergy Clinic
Removes Immunization Flaws


Newly instituted policies of the
allergy clinic have made immuni-
zation almost foolproof.
Observations of students as in-'
dividuals rather than as a series
of symptoms has eliminated many
loopholes in desensitization, ac-
cording to Dr. Bueneventura Jim-
inez of the allergy clinic at the
Health Service.
Old Hit and Miss
Under the old hit and miss pol-
icy of pre-seasonal treatment, stu-
dents often reported allergies at
the wrong time, Dr. Jiminez said.
He pointed out that under the
new system of year-round treat-
ment the allergy clinic is able to
make a complete study of the stu-
dent and treat him as an indi-
vidual rather than just symptoma-
The allergy clinic's primary task
is to offer clinical aid for a par-
ticular allergy, but Dr. Jiminez
and his assistants have progressed
far enough through research work
to recommend to patients a com-
plete set of tests as a proper meas-
ure to find offending agents.
Two Hundred Tests
Two-hundred cutaneous sensi-
tization tests are given in the pre-
liminary study. If the findings of
the initial scratch tests do not fit
clinically, a more reliable intra-
dermal series of tests are given

which have more clear-cut reac-
Dr. Jiminez declared that he
has never treated a person who
is sensitized to just one thing.
The patient usually has several
allergies that would not be dis-
covered without a complete set of
Frequent Ignorance
People are often ignorant of an
allergy, Dr. Jiminez said. He com-
mented that the common head-
cold can be recurrent in the same
person without his realizing the
possibility of an allergy as the
"Through the administration of
a complete set of tests, we have
been able to given even 100 per
cent benefit to students with a
long list of ailments who come
to us as a last resort," he said.
Treatment is not limited to al-
lergens found in Michigan. The
allergy clinic is equipped with a
reference file concerning different
offending pollen grains of every
state, and students are classified
according to the sections of the
United States from which they
come, Dr. Jiminez explained.
In the case of hay fever we
can check up on the pollen char-
acteristic of areas throughout the
country; we also check dust and
molds, he said.

Debaters: Meeting,
Rm. 5243, Angell Hall.

1:30 p.m.,I

Wolverine Club: 7 p.m., Michi-
gan Union. Members are request-
ed to attend to complete plans for
homecoming game and rally. Be
on time.
Modern Poetry Club: 8 p.m., Rm.
3217, Angell Hall. The Poet as a
person will be discussed.
Scabbard and Blade: Special
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 100,
ROTC Headquarters.
Inter-Collegiate Zionist Federa-
tion of America: Palestinian song
and dance group to meet at 8 p.m.,
Hillel Foundation.
Roger Williams Guild: Weekly
informal "chat" will be held at the
Roger Williams Guild House, 502
East Huron, 4-6 p.m. Refresh-
First Baptist Church: Reception
for Baptist students, 7:30 to 9:30
p.m., Church Parlors. Group sing-
ing and refreshments.
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