PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOnER 21, 1947 0Fi fErigan Bay Fifty.-Eighth Year WASHINGTON WIRE: Truman's Attitde i .-., Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell ...................Managing Editor Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Stuart Finlayson ...............Editorial Director Eunice Mintz.................Associate Editor Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor Dick Kraus.......................Sports Editor Bob Lent................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Business Staff Nancy Helmick.................General Manager Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager Melvin Tck ................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all new dispatches credited torit or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- 1gan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT Jim Crow Concept THAT COLOR BIAS does not spring from the people, that it is, rather, superim- posed upon them by economic and political authorities, that any trace of it in the peo- ple's minds is but a reflection of the authori- ties' actions, and that enlightened persons will resist these actions, are being demon- strated once again with unmistakable clar- ity in Willow Village. School board authorities had an opportun- ity to kick Jim Crow out of the Village educational system, six weeks ago, when they set about to relieve over-crowded classrooms. Re-zoning of the Village on a geographical basis would not only have preserved the inter-racial level of Ross School but would have made another inter-racial institution of Simmonds - entirely apart from either social or anti-social aspirations of board members. By ignoring geographical consid- erations, the board has (1) weakened the inter-racial atmosphere of Ross School and (2) strengthened Jim Crow at'Simmonds. By refusing to send their children to Sim- monds School, and thereby refusing to in- tensify the Jim Crow atmosphere of that in- stitution, by protesting and picketing, Wal- pole Court parents not only demonstrated the degree of their own enlightenment, but also jarred any misconceptions concerning human relations that may have existed among other members of the community. In this respect, they conducted public edu- cational sessions more profound than those going on inside the schools. No necessary relationship exists, school board members have demonstrated, between enlightenment and civic authority. By ig- noring geography in their re-zoning, by in- timating that other considerations are per- haps relevant, they have planted color bias in many young minds: By avoiding the op- portunity of cracking Jim Crow at Sim- monds School, they have reinforced what- eve? degree of justification may have exist- ed in anyone's mind for that situation. They reveal to us the birthplace of the Jim Crow concept. .-Malcolm Wright Adequate Pay THE RECENT ANNOUNCEMENT that Charles R. Denny, chairman of the Fed- eral Communications Commission, is re- signing his post to take a position with the National Broadcasting Co. at a reported salary increase of $25,000 reveals a distress- ing flaw in our present governmental set- up. Denny, regarded as one of the best chair- men the FCC has had in a long time, is leaving the administration as so many brilliant men have done before him, be- cause the rewards for top executives in government work can never come close to those offered by private business. It is all very well to talk of the honor of serving the nation, but honor does not buy much in the marketplaces of U. S. A., 1947. It is time we paid our public servants what the job is worth. We might get better men, and we might keep them longer. -Russell Mullen By IRVING JAFFE EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Jaffe is a Transradio Press Service correspondent and was formerly Editorial Director of The Daily. WASHINGTON--Even those most resigned to President Truman's appalling capa- city for shallow and ill-considered utterance, are left freshly amazed by the latest inci- dent. Mr. Truman told a news conference that rationing and price controls are the marks of a police state, thus all but eliminat- ing the possibility that he will even- tually ask Congress to restore controls during the present European emergency. One wonders just what is behind Mr. Truman's thinking. Even some distinctly conservative legislators and commentators have been drifting into the rationing and controls camp, having become increasingly alarmed at the plight of hungry Europe and realizing that voluntary food conserva- We Must Decide By JOSEPH ALSOP ATHENS-In every nerve center of Europe, the same phenomenon repeats itself with a kind of crude monotony. Because we have been too little and too late in the past, demands are now pouring in on Wash- ington from every quarter for instantaneous decisions of the gravest character, affecting the whole American future. As these words are written, the harassed artisans of Amer- ican policy are probably being pressed for still another such decision by Ambassador to Greece Lincoln MacVeagh and the chief of military intelligence, Major General Wil- liam Chamberlin. Under the Greek-Turkish aid program, the American mission ably headed by Dwight Griswold is already charged with superintending Greek economic recon- struction and supplying the Greek army. A semblance of peace must first be re- stored to strife-torn Greece, however, if this American investment is not to be fruitless. Therefore, the signs are here in Athens that MacVeagh and Chamberlin will recommend American assumption of a third, really crucial responsibility in Greece--the responsibility for advising the Greek army on the actual conduct of its operations against the Communist guerrillas. The Greek government has taken the in- itiative in requesting this further assistance, and has indicated willingness to attack a very special weight to American military "advice." If plans laid here go through, the Griswold mission will be supplemented with an American military operational staff. The staff group will be composed of a top echelon to work with the Greek general staff, skeleton staffs to be attached to each of the Greek army corps, and operational liaison units to work on the brigade and battalion levels. The decision to send such a staff group will constitute open acknowledgement of an almost unlimited American strategic and political liability in Greece. Yet the remarkable body of men who are in charge of our effort here, are unanimous that the decision must be taken, and taken without any further delay. President Truman can give the order on his own responsibility, under the constitu- tional powers as commander in chief. He, will be asked to do so. It must be admitted at once that these reports from Greece are intended only as spot checks on a vital, national venture, and are therefore based entirely on inten- sive consultation with the Americans in- volved. As described by them, the position necessitating the radical new decision may be briefly outlined as follows: The Andartes, as the Greek guerrillas are called, number only 18,000, and ap- proximately 60 per cent of their strength is now composed of kidnaped forced recruits, held in line by threats to murder them and their families. Unfortunately, however, the Greek army is now largely immobilized. Heavily superior, forces are always needed against guerrillas, and especially in this case, where the guer- rillas are invulnerably based and supplied in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania. Politics demand the defense of the more important cities and towns in northern Greece, and thus the Greek army's effec- tives are almost all tied up on guard duty. In Thrace, where the situation is worst, the Greek army has a brigade, entirely dispersed and guard detachments of companies and platoons, each with its own strong point. But the guerrillas also have a brigade, commonly operate in battalion strength, and now enjoy abso- lute freedom of movement by night. The countryside is terrorized. Communications are cut. The crops are not being har- vested. The yuarded strong points are full of able bodied peasants who have taken refuge from kidnaping. And unless the trend is rapidly reversed, the situations must deteriorate to the point where the people will accept even the rule of the Andartes as preferable to the present chaos. The remedy now planned is in two parts. First, newly formed, lightly armed national tion methods and cheery slogans will ncither save enough food nor stop the inflationary spiral. Only a hard-bitten reactionary would insist that temporary controls in an emer- gency of this sort spell out police state tactics. Mr. Truman, whatever his confu- sion and cloudy thinking may make him, is not a hard-bitten reactionary. The police state declaration seems only illustrative of a general attitude toward this whole conservation problem on the part of the Chief Executive. He appears to have weighed one personal political consideration against another, with the result that in practically every instance, he has chosen a "safe" middle road-a road which leads to anythingVadt effective action. And, now, in a sudden outburst, he is trying to rationalize his own inaction by hurling the label "police state" at those who demand more effective measures. He feared grumbling by the people, so he urged a "waste less" rather than "eat less" program. He feared discontent on the part of Congress, so to this day he has yet to commit himself either for or against a special session on Capitol Hill. He was afraid to face up to the urgency of Europe's need, despite deep concern on the part of his own State Department and other Ad- ministration officials, so emergency dollar grants are only now being frantically tossed out to France and Italy-just barely in time to save them from the necessity of stopping vital American imports. Mr. Truman has gone so far along the path of retreat and has so timidly avoided any course of really effective action, that he suddenly finds that hollow generalities and hemming and hawing will no longer do. He feels he must take sword in hand, assume the aggressive and impress the nation with a startling, emphatic attack on the advo- cates of controls, who have embarrassed him by the cogency and sensibleness of their ar- gument. And so the suddenly applied label "police state." Mr. Truman's rationalization of his failure to assume positive and forceful leadership breaks down under even casual scrutiny. The police state argument, in effect, puts him in the position of pre- ferring inaction when only planned ac- tion can stabilize runaway prices at home and relieve hunger abroad. He shows an almost reckless disregard of responsibility and seems incapable of rising above per- sonal political considerations. Yet, even from the political standpoint, how much greater his stature would be if he boldly confronted Congress with a price control and rationing program to supplement the voluntary conservation campaign, which, by itself, cannot do the vast job that has to be done. There is something else the President for- got to consider. Suppose some time later the situation gets so bad that even Mr. Truman feels the necessity to ask Congress for price controls and rationing. Can you imagine the glee of some of the G.O.P. lawmakers when presented with the opportunity to toss that nice little phrase "police state" right back into Mr. Truman's lap? BILL MAULDIN {30 - A A N>> ~ eS Letters to the Editor... i.i i I , I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 ' '' I CURRENT MOVIES (Continued from Page 3) man five-week progress reports will be due Saturday, Oct. 25, in the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. Sophomore Women: Collection of class dues ($1), through Octo- ber 21. A booth will be open in the League from 3 to 5 daily. Organ- ized houses will be contacted per- sonally. Teacher's Certificate Candi- dates: The Teacher's Oath will be given to all February candidates for the teacher's certificate on Oc- tober 23 and 24 between the hours of 8-12 and 1:30-4:30 in Rm. 1437, U.E.S. Women veterans who have not received subsistence checks may apply for loans at the Office of the Dean of Women. Women's Housing Applications for Spring Semester, 1948: 1. Women students now living in dormitories are reminded that their present contracts extend through the spring semester, 1948. Requests for release will be con- sidered by the Office of the Dean of Women only untilJanuary 10, 1948. 2. Women students wishing to remain in the same League Houses they now -occupy may request spring contracts from the house- mothers immediately. Women stu- dents now living in League Houses who wish to move to other League Houses for the spring semester may secure application forms from the Office of the Dean of Women beginning November 1, 1947. Between November 1 and 15, those applicants will be referred to the first vacancies available for the spring semester. 3. New women students not now on campus admitted to the Uni- versity for the spring semester will be given the opportunity to apply for housing through the Of- fice of the Dean of Women as fol- lows: a. A limited number of students admitted as first semester fresh- man for the spring may apply for dormitory accommodations on and after November 15, 1947. b. All other women newly ad- mitter, including those with ad- vanced standing, and graduate women, may apply for supplemen- tary housing on or after Novem- ber 15. (Announcement of application procedure for housing for fall, 1948 will appear at a later date.) Identification cards: Any stu- dent who handed in a stamped, self-addressed envelope will re- ceive his card in the mail the first part of the week of Oct. 20. All other cards will be distrib- uted from the booths outside Rm. 2, University Hall, according to the following schedule: Wednesday, Oct. 22-A-K Thursday, Oct. 23-L-Z Friday, Oct. 24-A-Z Those students who have re- ceived post cards for appoint- ments Monday and Tuesday should have their 'pictures retaken on these two days. The Socony Vacuum Oil Com- pany representative will be at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma- son Hall, on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 22 and 23, to in-' terview chemists (organic, phy sical, or analytical), physicist, and chemical engineers, B.S. and M.S. in these fields. They also have one opening for a mechanical engineer who has had experience in the automotive industry. They will interview for both their East- ern Plants and the Field Research Laboratories of the Magnolia Pe- troleum Company, Dallas, Texas. For complete information, call at the Bureau of Appointments. University Community Center Willow Run Village. Tues., Oct. 21, 8 p.m., "Social and Emotional Development in Young Children," by Prof. I. H. Anderson; sponsored by the Wives' Club and the Cooperative Nursery. Open to the public. Wed., Oct. 22, 8 p.m., Reformed Church Ladies' Bible Study Group. Thurs., Oct. 23, 8 p.m., The New Art Group. Sat., Oct. 25, 8-12 midnight, Open House. Square Dancing, Bridge, Refreshments. * , *' West Lodge: Tues., Oct. 21, 7-8:30 p.m., Vol-' ley Ball League; 7:30 p.m., Fen- cing Group. Irving Weiss, fencing master. Wed., Oct. 22, 7-10 p.m., Dup- licate Bridge. Gregory Stevens, chairman. Fri., Oct. 24, 8:30-11:30 p.m., West Lodge Homecoming Festivi-, ties - bonfire, singing and infor- mal dancing. Sun., Oct. 26, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Coffee Hour; 6:45 p.m., Movies - Wichigan-Northwestern Football Pictures. Mon., Oct. 27, 1945 p.m., Bowling League, Willow Village Bowling Alleys. Lectures Roy Bishop Canfield Memorial Lecture. The Honorable Charles S. Kennedy, M.D., Regent of the University, will deliver the first annual Roy Bishop Canfield Me- morial Lecture at 11 a.m., Sat., Oct. 25, Rackham Amphitheatre;. auspices of the Phi Rho Sigma Medical fraternity. The public is invited to attend. University Lecture: Dr. David G. Ryans, associate director of American Council on Education, will lecture on the subject, "Trends in the Selection of Pro- fessional Personnel," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct. 21, Rackham Amphi- theatre; auspices of the Bureau of Psychological Services and the School of Education. The public is cordially invited. University Lectures; Prof. Mau- rice Frechet, The Henri Poincars Institute, Paris, France. "Proba- bilities Associated with a System of Compatible and Dependent Events," Thurs., Oct. 23, and "Asy- mptotically Almost Periodic Func- tions," Fri., Oct. 24. Both lectures will be given at 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3017, Angell Hall; auspices of the Department of Mathematics. Mr. John Airey, President of King-Seeley Corporation, w i l l speak on the subject of "Problems of Management in Expanding En- ture Hall, Wed., Oct. 22, 11 am. terprises," in the Rackham Lec- The public is invited. EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Dailyp prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the viewsn expressed in letters are those of thet writers only. Letters of more thant 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. t * * *. Willow Bussesv To the Editor:1 MOST OF US who are living at West Lodge are maturet enough to realize that some of thee inconveniences that we are en-S countering there cannot be helped. They are the inevitable results ofs administration which cannot helpk but be sloppy since it is carried on by human beings. We do not, however, feel thati there is any excuse for our treat-I ment Saturday night, when we stood in the rain waiting for a< bus which never appeared. ThoseI of us who were most sturdy andt most anxious to hear Patricet Munsel in Ann Arbor waited until! 9 p.m. for a supplement to the 7:45 bus which was loaded with1 married students.1 There must be some way to im- press some one in authority that our needs are not being cared for. The appearance of a solitary bus at 7:45 Saturday night is just one instance of neglect. Somebody do something, please! -Georgia Newell. Betty DuPuy. 'Wilted Look' To the Editor: AM ONE OF hundreds of Wil- low Run students who acquired that "wilted look" Saturday night while waiting for the mythical 7:45 bus to Ann Arbor. After two hours with the wind and the rain in my hair, I was forced to rout out a friend to drive me in. Thanks to the vaunted efficiency of the University's transportation system, I missed all but the last encores of Patrice Munsel's pro- gram. Does the University now have so many students that it can afford to forget the thousands of morass- bound Willow Runners? -Eleanor Gardner. Unused Tickets To the Editor: T DATE we have suffered the ' inconveniences of the Univer-I sity bus service from West Lodge' to Ann.Arbor with nothing more than tire usual muffled grumbling.' However, Saturday evening the' bus service achieved a triumph which can only be adequately de- scribed with certain Anglo-Saxon monosyllables. At 7:45 there were some eightyl persons waiting at West Lodge, most of them with season tickets' to the Choral Union Concert Series. To transport this load there was exactly one bus which was already filled to capacity with married students and their wives. After a brief attempt to call. the dispatcher, the bus driver drove off without a standee, holding out the promise of more busses in fif- teen minutes. At 9:15 those of the crowd who had not 'managed to hitchhike into Ann Arbor were still waiting. Consequently, find enclosed our contribution to the bus service trophy room-two unused tickets to the Patrice Munsel concert. Life is drab enough in our $21 palace at Willow Run; to be deprived of a worthwhile social event be- cause of inefficiency and stupidity which fail to provide enough transportation, at a time when obviously there would be a heavier load than usual, is inexcusable. In- stead of orchids, then, may we suggest a leather medal for those involved. B. J. George, Jr. SArthur D. Doll. Communism Defined To the Editor: THE WORD Communist has been tossed about much of late, and for the benefit of those members of MYDA who don't seem toknow what the word im- Tickets are on sale today at the box office, Hill Auditorium. Mr. Duranty and Mr. Knickerbocker are two famous journalists whose long residence in Russia makes them eminently fitted to dicuss the subject "Can Russia Be Part of One World?" As the opening number of the 1947-48 Lecture Course, this debate will be held in Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m., Thurs- day. Season tickets for the com- plete course of seven numbers may be obtained through Oct. 23. Box office hours are from 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. and 2-5 p.m. daily. (Continued on Page 6) plies, I should like to point out the following facts: According to Webster's, "com- munism is a social organization involving common ownership of the agents of production and some approach to equal distribution of the 'products of industry." But present-day usage of the word is quite a different affair. Today Communism stands for al- legiance to the policies of the Soviet Union. in order to extend their form of government wher- ever and by whatever means pos- sible. If Ed Shaffer were a "Web- ster's" type of communist, I would have no objection to him holding office in any organization. But if he isn't which I am inclined to believe, then he should work with- in his own party to gain the ends he desires. Experience has shown us, time and again, that Communists join progressive or minority organiza- tions in order to become iden- tified with them. A change in the party line could result in the Communists turning tail, and re- nouncing their former pledges of loyalty to these groups. As a re- sult, they can cripple worthwhile causes. Before the war, during the pe- riod of Soviet-German "friend- ship," Communists were members of many peace organizations and were most vehement in calling Mr. Roosevelt a war monger. The day after Germany invaded Russia, many of these same organizations miraculously changed their minds and wanted us to get into the war against fascism. In present-day France, the Communists, through their con- trol of labor unions, can call a national strike which would cripple the country. This is the re- sult of allowing Communists to join progressive organizations. Wake up, MYDA, it's time you realized that the Communist Party is not just another political organization. -Marvin Herz. Name Calling To the Editor: IN FOLLOWING the controver- sy currently raging over MYDA, one becomes so completely en- grossed in the name-calling that it is difficult to recall what started it. This thing which has now be- come obsure is, of course, the MYDA plan. To refresh the mem- ory, the MYDA Plan includes such worthwhile and unrevolutionary objectives as rescuing the book ex- change, improvement of eating facilities, investigation of student wages, extension of health serv- ices, fighting discrimination, adop- tion of the NSA Bill of Rights, and several others. MYDA's attackers profess to - approve these aims, but appear unwilling to cooperate in the pro- gram on the basis that since Com- munists favor it, supporting the Program is supporting Commun- ism. This is the dodge that has been used repreatedly by reaction- aries to defeat progressive action, and that has sucked many well- intentioned liberals into reaching conclusions based not on an intel- ligent analysis of the issue, but on a reasoning process conditioned by the stand that the Communists are taking. The obscuring of issues behind a barrage of emotional attacks on Communism is a definition of Red-baiting. The conditioned rea- soning which follows can produce only such results as a non-existent housing 'program, a split labor movement, and support of corrupt regimes in Greece, China and Ar- gentina, to mention just a few. -Alfred Millstein a** * Anti-Freeze To the Editor: A HORRIBLE thought occurs to me, In view of regulations. The students living at Willow Run Are in a situation. - When winter comes-not far away, Our transportation wheezing Will have to have some alcohol To keep them all from freezing. Will deans approve this drastic step? The question of the minute. For if they don't a bus won't run -The reservation's had it! -Richard D. Brown. Schoo Board To the Editor: IT IS ADVISABLE that the mem- bers of the Willow Run Village School Board secure a copy of the Michigan General School Laws for 1947 and apply their bigoted intel- lect to the reading of statute (76) (15.65) Sec. 26 which specifically states, "All persons, residents of At the State .. . BRUTE FORCE, with Burt Lancaster, Hume Cronyn and Charles Bickford. BRUTE FORCE packs a wallop that hits you squarely between the eyes. The im- pact of the picture is tough and raw, for Mark Hellinger has produced another pow- erful and deeply absorbing tale. In so doing, he presents a series of events guaranteed to frazzle the composure of the most hard- ened cinema addicts. The story is about a group of convicts whose only concern is to become ex-convicts. These characters are presented as pretty nice guys; but every- one has his faults, and theirs just happened to be larceny and murder. They're the sort who wouldn't harm a fly-just people. Ap- propriately enough, most of their troubles were caused by women, and, appropriately enough, said females are reduced to subor- dinate and insignificant roles in this rough, cold-blooded movie. The leader of the convicts is convincingly portrayed by Burt Lancaster, who, in his freshman year at Westgate Penitentiary, grows dissatisfied with the restrictions im- posed on his social activities. The villian is prison guard Hume Cronyn, a sleezy scoun- drel who makes himself generally disliked by his authoritative tactics; if you've been in many prisons, you'll know the type I mean. * * * At the Michigan,. . VARIETY GIRL, with Forty Great Stars. "NEVER before have so many done so little with so much." -Harvey A. Leve. {' A, Duranty -Knickerbocker DebateI BARNABY ..