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October 21, 1947 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LVIII, No. 25
Callahan Act
Suspended by
Black Ruling
Orders Hearing
On Petitions
By The Associated Press
LANSING, Oct. 20 - Attorney
General Eugene F. Black today
ruled the Callahan "foreign
agents" act had been suspended
" by referendum petitions as the
state board canvassers ordered a
public hearing on charges of fraud
hurled at petition circulators.
The board said it would begin a
"routine" check of the sufficiency
of the 100,000 petitions filed, and
would conduct a hearing Feb. 4 at
which time evidence of fraud in
their circulation would be heard.
Secretary of State Fred M. Al-
ger, Jr., chairman, said the board
had no intention of stalling the
certification of the referendum,
but desired to avoid undue ex-
pense and effort in checking evi-
dence of fraud if the special ses-
sion of the legislature in Janu-
ary intends to amend the Calla-
han act. The referendum need not
be certified until next fall.
'Sigler May Offer Amendments
Governor Sigler has indicated
he will recommend amendments,
and Black ruled that if the Legis-
lature changes the law the refer-
endum petitions will be invali-
Floyd McGriff, publisher of sev-
eral Wayne County weeklies,
asked the board to check the ref-
erendum petitions carefully. He
alleged that "thousands" of sign-
ers were not citizens, that other
"thousands" were not registered
voters, that other "thousands"
were improperly signed and that
a "large percentage" were not told
the purpose of the petitions.
No Money For Enforcement
Black already has declined to
enforce the Callahan Act on the
grounds the Llgislature did not
give them enough money.
The Act requires the registra-
tion of any person or agency di-
rectly. or indirectly influenced by,
directed of by serving the purposes
of a foreign power.
Vishiusky Puts,
Greek. Blame
On Britam, U.S.
NEW YORK, Oct. 20 - 0) -
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Andrei Y. Vishinsky charged once
more today that the United States
and Britain-and not Russia's
Balkan satellites-were responsi-
ble for the disturbing Greek situ-
He made two major demands:
1. That the Assembly reverse
the decision of its 57-nation politi-
cal committee to create an Ameri-
can-sponsored UN "watchdog"
commission to assist in solving
the Greek-Balkan problem.
2. That the Assembly also re-
verse another decision in which
the political committee rejected
Russia's demands for withdrawal
of foreign troops and advisory
military personnel from Greece.
Blames British
Vishinsky blamed British troops
and American military personnel
for all the present Balkan trouble

and\ said their removal was the
"most important prerequisite" for
the restoration of order and peace
in Greece.
He charged that the U. S. and
Britain "have done their best to
give a thoroughly false interpre-
tation of the Greek question,"
adding the contention that they
had presented this issue to the
United Nations "in an utterly dis-
torting manner."
'A Doll-Theatre Comedy'
Vishinsky described efforts of
the U. S. to place the blame on
Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia
as "a doll-theatre comedy and
badly produced buffonery."
Vishinsky said that instead of
creating a Balkan border commis-
sion, the assembly should set up
a special commission with super-
visory powers to assure that
America's $300,000,000 Greek re-
covery program be used "only in
the interests of the Greek people."
To Report oiI NSA
Ten University delegates to the
Vainn kQipvi Ac niJnn~




___ a


'U' HomeComing Events
To Be Depicted in'Life'
"Life" goes to a Homecoming Weekend this year.
And it's ours.
David Zeitlin, class of '41, will head a delegation from Life Mag-
azine, which will photograph highlights of the annual Homecoming,
and rush story and pictures into print almost immediately.
American Scene
The photographers and editorial writers will illustrate "what
happens on a big college campus during a Homecoming celebration
and a football game with a traditional foe," as part of the American
The Pep Rally, Varsity Night, the house displays, the game, and
------- the Homecoming Dance will be

... replacement in Oratorical
* *
Cowl Lecture
To Be Given
By Chatterton
Ruth' Chatterton, stage and
screen star, willreplace Jane Cowl
on the Nov. 25 program in the
1947-48 Lecture Course, the Ora-
torical Association announced yes-
Miss Cowl is unable to keep her
engagement here because of the
fall opening of "The First Mrs.
Frazier" on Broadway.
Last seen in Ann Arbor in "Pyg-
malion," in 1940, Miss Chatter-
ton has since appeared in sev-
eral stage successes, including
"Private Lives" and "Second Best
Bed." Among her most famous
roles- were performances in
"Daddy Long-Legs," "The Green
Hat,' "The Constant Wife," ''Ma-
dame X" and "Dodsworth."
Miss Chatterton was responsible
for the translation of "The Man
in Evening Clothes," produced in
New York and for "Monsieur Bro-
tonneau," produced in London, in
Holders of season tickets for
the lectures may use the Jane
Cowl lecture ticket for Miss Chat-
terton's presentation. Tickets for
this lecture, as well as the first
three lectures, go on sale today
at the Hill Auditorium box office.
S* *
Sell Tickets
For Lecture
Sales Open Today
For USSR Debate
Tickets for the opening lecture
in the Oratorical series, a debate
on "Can Russia Be Part of One
World?" at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in
Hill Auditorium, go on sale today
at the Hill Auditorium box office.
Walter Duranty and H. R.
Knickerbocker, Pulitzer Prize
newspapermen, will give two an-
swers to this question in a dis-
cussion which will include all de-
velopments up to the time of the
Duranty, who will take the af-
firmative of the question, is the
author of the best sellers, "I
Write As I Please," and "U.S.S.R."
as well as other books on the So-
viet Union.
H. R. Knickerbocker, whom Al-
exander Woolcott called "the
Richard Harding Davis of our
time" believes that it is useless
to attempt to persuade Stalin to
give up his ambition to bring all
humanity under Soviet control.
SL Facilitates
SAC Approval
A new co-ordinating service to
student organizations sponsoring
ni nun , ic i n tcrfll m ' i~f i l*1 i i + -

covered by the "Life" camera and
The Rally, marking the first all-
campus, pre-game gathering of
the year, will open the "Welcome
Home" weekend with the tradi-
tional "bang" at 7:30 p.m. Friday.
No Mob or Riot
Breaking precedent "to avoid
the mob scenes and rioting that
have marred former rallies," the
Wolverine Club and the Student
Legislature's Varsity Committee,
sponsoring groups, have eliminat-
ed the march from the Union to
Ferry Field. This year's rally will
form around a huge bonfire at
the field, to produce the spirit be-
hind the "Let's Get the Little
Brown Jug" movement.
Following the Rally, Varsity
Night, two hour variety show, will
begin at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Audi-
torium, with Ron Gamble, WJR
em-cee officiating.
Display Judging
Homecoming display judging
will open Saturday's events with
final decisions resting with Ethel
A. McCormick, social director of
the League, and Emil Weddige, of
the art school.
The weekend will be climaxed
by the game, itself, the informal
Homecoming Dance at the Intra-
mural Building and a record num-
ber of house parties, according to
a report from the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
Food Agency
Weighs Merits
Of Fowl, Fish
WASHINGTON Oct. 20-()-
Millions of fowl are gorging on
vital grains and the best thing the
government can do to help Eu-
rope is to abolish "chickenless
Thursday," the nation's poultry
dealers argued today.
If the government would en-
courage, rather than discourage,
the eating of chickens and tur-
keys, 4,250,000 bushels of grain
could be saved weekly, they said.
The National Poultry Producers
Federation, it was learned, car-
ried this argument into a session
with Charles Luckman, Chairman
of the Citizens' Food Committee.
The meeting is expected to con-
tinue tomorrow.
Also at today's meeting, baked
salmon loaf, escalloped potatoes
and acorn squash-cooked togeth-
er in the same oven-were sug-
gested by the Citizens Food Com-
mittee today for "meatless Tues-
It gave this recipe for the Sal-
mon Loaf:
1 one-pound can salmon (or 2
cups any flaked, cooked or canned
2 cups soft bread crumbs.
/2 cup milk.
1 egg, well beaten.
1 teaspoon salt.
Dash of pepper.
2 tablespoons melted fat.
Drain salmon, reserving liquid.
Remove skin and bone and flake
the fish. Turn into greased loaf
pan, 7%/2x3%ix2%1 inches. Bake in
moderately hot oven (375-F.) 40
minutes or until firm in center.
Serves four.
Straight Dope, Pop
A class for expectant fathers
will be held at 8 p.m. today at the
Child Health Building on E. Ann
The discussion will be led by a
doctor from the Washtenaw
County Medical Society.
The combined classes for ex-
pectant mothers will be held at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the same

Jazz Artists
To Revisit 'U'
Granz To Play
November 11
Jazz at the Philharmonic will
return to Hill Auditorium on No-
vember 11 when Norman Granz
presents his famous jazz group
in the nation's most unusual con-
cert program, it was announced
Appearing in the unique concert
will be such jazz stars as Coleman
Hawkins and Flip Phillips on the
tenor saxophones, Bill Harris,
trombone, Howard McGhee,
trumpet, and Ray "Bam" Brown,
bass. A local Detroit boy, J. C.
Heard will be at the drums and
Helen Humes will handle the vocal
History of Granz
Granz first attracted national
attention when he presented a
jazz concert at the Philharmonic
Auditorium in Los Angeles. He has
played in such famous music halls
as Carnegie Hall in New York,
Civic Opera House in Chicago,
Music Hall in Detroit, and Sym-
phony Hall in Bost'on.
Record albums made by the tal-
ented group of jazz men have been
acclaimed for their presentation of
the history of American jazz. They
have been instrumental in moving
jazz into the more respected class
of music.
'Jammin the Blues'
Granz was the director of the
movie short, "Jammin' the Blues,"
which won an Academy Award as
the finest pictorial treatment ac-
corded jazz on the motion picture
Jazz at the Philharmonic is be-
ing presented by the West Quad
Council for the benefit of the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp Fund with
the proceeds going into the pur-
chase of a motor launch for use
at the camp.
Prices' for the concert will be
$1.80 for' reserved seats and $1.20
for general admission. Ticket sales
will be announced in the near fu-
Big Toe .Has I
Heat Control
YOSEMITE Calif., Oct. 20-(PA)
-The human body contains a re-
markable thermostat which cas-
ually utilizes the big toe for an
indicator, Dr. L. H. Newburgh,
professor of clinical investigation
at the University of Michigan
Medical School, reported today.
When the air temperature drops
to a certain point this thermostat
begins to shut off the bodily heat
going to the arms and legs.
This explains why a person's
toes and fingers often are the first
to feel the cold. R also follows the
logic of the householder who
starts closing bedroom doors when
the furnace lags.

Reds Hit by
Sam Wood
Filmland Bosses
Testify in Probe
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON Oct. 20-Holly-
woodACommunists raised $87,000
for their cause at a recent meet-
ing, producer-director Sam Wood
of the movies testified today. He
said actress Katharine Hepburn
appeared at the meeting.
Wood was one of the opening
witnesses as the big congressional
hunt for Red tinges in Hollywood
got under way.
Another one, Jack L. Warner,
vice president of Warner Brothers,
testified that people with "un-
American leanings" have bored
into Hollywood.
But a hearing by the House
Committee on "Un-American Ac-
tivities also turned up testimony
1. Unrelaxed vigilance is be-
ing maintained to keep subver-
sive influences out of movies.
2. "Of course" some war time
films were "friendly" to Russia
but the White House wasn't re-
sponsible for that. Louis B.
Mayer, production chief of
Mero - Goldwyn - Mayer, made
this statement.
Wood was positive there defi-
nitely are Communists among
screen writers. He called them
"the most dangerous group in the
movie industry."
Warner and Mayer, refraining
from listing anyone as Commu-
nists, both spoke of "Un-Ameri-
can" influences in Hollywood.
And Warner said he wanted to
deny "vehemently" that the gov-
ernment cooperated in the pro-
duction by his company of "Mis-
sion to Moscow."
Warner, after he told of taking
out of scripts anything Un-
American that writers put in-
he listed various writers by
name-was questioned about
"Mission to Moscow."
This was based on a book by Jo-
seph E. Davies who was sent to
Russia by the late President
Committee Investigator Robert
E. Stripling said the movie "por-
trayed Russia in an entirely dif-
ferent light than it actually was."
"I don't know whether you can
prove that or I can prove that,"
Warner replied a bit sharply.
Stripling-"Would you say it
was a propaganda picture?"
Warner-"I've never been in
Russia. How can I tell you?"
Stripling-"Don't you think you
were on dangerous grounds?"
Warner-"No, we vweren't ion
dangerous grounds. We made the
film to aid the war effort. As far
as I'm concerned I considered it
true as portrayed in the Davies'
To a question whether anyone
in the White House got in touch
with him about making "Mis-
sion to Moscow," Warner replied
"not directly."
Mayer testified later that "Song
of Russia" was made when Rus-
sia was in a "desperate situation"
and "it was made to be friendly."



Coast Guard Cutter Bibb are lowered for a trip to the Bermuda
Sky Queen, flying boat forced down in Atlantic. Several survivors
rescued in an earlier trip are shown in background. This is first
picture of rescue operations released by Coast Guard.
Contributions to Community
Fund Settle Into 15 Services

Sunday Elections Show
DeGaulle as New Major


Red feathers may go in all dir-
ections in the Community Chest
Campaign whichdbegan a two-
week drive yesterday, but contri-
butions will settle into 15 services
for the community.
Striving towards a quota of
$137,750, the 1948 Community
Choral Union
Will Present
Series Concert
The Chicago Symphony Orch-
estra, under the direction of its
newly appointed conductor Artur
Rodzinski, will present the second
in the 1947 Choral Union concert
series at 7 p.m. Sunday at Hill
The Polish born Rodzinski, who
holds a Doctor of Law degree from
the University of Vienna, made
music his career only through
boredom with his vocation and a
deep interest in music of which
he knew little at the time.
Successful In Europe
His musical success in Europe
grew rapidly until he was invited
by Leopold Stowkowski to conduct
in the United States.
Since then he has appeared with,
the Philadelphia Opera Company,
the Rochester Philharmonic, the
Detroit Symphony and the Los
Angeles Philharmonic, which he
directed for several years.
He was principal conductor of
the Cleveland Symphony and,
most recently, conducted the New
York Philharmonic until his ap-
pointment as conductor and musi-
cal director of the Chicago Sym-
phony Orchestra early this year.
Will Feature Brahms
The program Sunday will fea-
ture the First Symphony by
Brahms, and will include a Bach
Toccata and Fugue, Aaron Cop-
land's Suite from the Ballet,
"Appalachian Spring", and three
dances from "Gaynne", by Khat-
A limited number of tickets may
still be obtained for the concert
at the office of the University
Musical Society in Burton Mem-
orial Tower.

Fund Drive in Ann Arbor will sup-
port the continuance of 15 city
organizations, Gladwin Lewis, di-
rector of the campaign here, re-
Scope Of Activities
Starting with the pre-school
child who attends the Perry
Nursery School and the youngsters
who interest themselves in varied
Boy and Girl Scout activities,
right on through the facilities
offered by the Young Men's and
Women's Christian Associations,
the American Youth Hostels and
the Dunbar Community Center,
Ann Arborites "find fun" in Red
Feather Services, according to
More than recreation is provided
by Community Chest contribu-
tions, however. Both the, Public
Health Nursing Association and
the Michigan Children's Aid
Society are regular recipients of
Community Fund donations, Lewis
said. The drive also gives support
to the Salvation Army in its ser-
vice to transientsand the Ameri-
can Cancer Society, which grants
funds to cancer clinics at St.
Joseph's MercyHospital andtUni-
versity Hospital.
Benefiting Agencies
Other agencies benefiting from
the Community Chest Campaign
are the Family Service of Ann
Arbor, the Council of Social Agen-
cies, a cooperative association of
health and welfare agencies for
studying and planning for the
community, the Community Nurs-
ing Council and the Community
Information Service.
Contribution pledges for the
drive have been distributed to
University personnel by chairmen
in the different campus buildings
under the direction of Prof. Karl
F. Lagler, campus chairman of
the drive. Headquarters for the
University division of the cam-
paign are at 3103 Natural Science
Building. .
S tart Parking
Lot Check-up
The University's drive against
parking violators got underway
Campus policemen kept a close
check of all vehicles parked in re-
stricted University parking lots.
The licenses of all cars not bear-
ing a parking permit were record-
ed by the police. University rec-
ords will be checked and any stu-

Give Support
To Anti-Soviet
National GoVernment
May Reflect Results
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Oct. 20-Gen. Charles
De Gaulle emerged today as the
major political leader in France
supporting the views of the West-
ern Democracies against the
Soviet Union as his followers
claimed a sweeping victory in
Sunday's municipal elections.
There were indications that the
results would be reflected in the
non - Communist go v er n men t
headed by Socialist Premier Paul
De Gaulle remained silent,
but a long-time follower, Andre
Malraux, noted author and for-
mer cabinet minister, declared
that the General would' take
power only after a referendum
'demonstrating his support and
in no case would he try to seize
authority by force.
Less than 20 per cent of the
votes cast in the election were
counted, but the candidates of De-
Gaulle's new rally of the French
people (RPF) were leading in all
portions of the nation. Newspa-
pers of practically all political
shades viewed De Gaulle as the
leader of the largest political
force in the country.
Mouinting returns gave the
RPF 38.4 per cent of the vote,
the Communists 30.65 per cent,
the Socialists 19.5, the fading
Popular Republican Movement
(MRP) 9.1 and various other
parties 2.35.
On the basis of these results it
appeared that the Communists
were holding their own in most
cases and the RPF had drawn
from the center and right, par-
ticularly from the largely Catholic
However, his party may demand
and obtain seats in Ramadier's
cabinet. There are already some
De Qaulists in the assembly and
any number of the rest can repre-
sent the RPF and be listed as such
merely by notifying the assembly
president to that effect.
It was believed highly improb-
able that any sufficient number of
deputies would desert their pres-
ent parties to give De Gaulle a
majority. Actually most of the
deputies are his political oppon-
The greatest immediate effect
of his showing at the polls would
be to influence the decisions of
Premier Ramadier and his cabinet
upon the grave issues now facing
* * *
End of Paris
Transit Strike
Is Foreseeni
PARIS, Oct. 20 - () - The
week-old strike in Paris' transit
system, led by the Communist-
bossed General Confederation of
Labor, appeared ended tonight on
the heels of the emergence of Gen.
Charles De Gaulle's new anti-
Communist party, rally of the
French people (RPF), as the
strongest political force in France.
PARIS, Oct. 20 - (P) - A
spokesman for the Paris sub-
way system said tonight that
service would be resumed at
4:15 a.m. GMT tomorrow (10:15
p.m. tonight CST), ending a

weeklong strike.
The government had denounced
the strike as politically motivated
and observers had seen it as a
struggle between the non-Commu-
nist coalition Cabinet and Com-
munist-led labor.
Both the Cabinet and Comu-

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK Oct. 20-The United States appealed tonight to the
United Nations Assembly for action that would convince Russia's
Balkan satellites that the International Community "does not intend
to repeat the mistakes of the past and see their machinery for col-
lective security jeopardized."
* * * *
LONDON, Oct. 20-Britain's Labor Government announced
tonight another $120,000,000 dip into the country's gold reserves
on the eve of a new session of Parliament and in the midst of an
economic crisis.
* * * *
RIO DE JANEIRO, Oct. 20-Vice President Nereu Ramos declared
today that a break in diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union was
"imperative for national honor" but it appeared formal announce-
ment would not be made until tomorrow.
* * *
WASHINGTON Oct. 20-The State Department today ruled
against disclosure of the report Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer made on
Korea and China, holding that publication now would be "actually
harmful" to those countries and to the United States.


Marshall Plan Buoys DeGaulle's New Party-Slosson


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