'PAGE FOUR. THE MICHIGAN O 1AILY SUNDAY. CKT. OBF,,M MINT VOIJR SUNDAt ~ Fifty-Eighth Year Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell .................Managing Editor Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Stuart Finlayson ................EditorialtDirector Eunice Mintz..................Associate Editor Lida Dalles .......................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor Betty Steward .........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Business Staff Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager Jeanne Swendeman ....T.. Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager Melvin Tick..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all new dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptiondufing the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DICK MALOY Isolationism Dead? IN HIS LECTURE here recently, Colin Clark, the British economist, ventured the opinion that American isolationism is a thing of the past. This is somewhat too thick to digest. One is inclined to think that Mr. Clark was merely being polite in the fashion of a guests visiting a sick person, saying nice things he does not mean. The record of the first session- of the present Congress points eloquently to the fact that isolationism is not yet a factor to be considered only in history textbooks. This record shows that last May the House tried to cut President Truman's omnibus foreign relief bill from $350,000,- 000 to $200,000,000 and warned that this would be the last such appropriation to be considered for the past session of Con- gress. At the same time then Under- Secretary of State Dean Acheson warned that the alternative to foreign relief was economic collapse in Europe. Nor does the record improve when one observe that no suitable legislation was passed to ease the suffering of Europe's Dis- placed Persons. Neither does one find evi- dence of concerted Congressional actibn to implement the announced American policy of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Looking ahead, the spectre of a recal- critant Congress dims the hopes of our being able to carry out the Marshall Plan simply because of economy-mindedness. Or is it blindness that prevents men like Senator Wherry from seeing people starv- ing in Europe? It would seem that the lessons of the war which Mr. Clark sees so clearly do not ap- pear boldly to Americans, although Mr. Clark has the good taste to ascribe a capacity for learning to us. -Jacob Hurwitz MATTER OF FACT: Politburo Punches DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Letters to the Editor... IL By STEWART ALSOPI WASHINGTON, Oct. 18-The Politburo rarely telegraphs its punches. There is no really reliable way of forecasting the next turni.ng in the devious road of Soviet for- eign policy, since the American experts can only fit together odd pieces of a jigsaw puz- zle, with most of the puzzle missing. Yet if these odd pieces of the puzzle are being cor- rectly interpreted, there is a strong possibil- ity that the planners in the Kremlin are preparing a Sunday punch, to be ready for delivery at the Foreign Ministers' confer- ence next month. The speculation -- and it is still only speculation - runs something like this. The ministers will meet as scheduled in Lon- don on Nov. 25. The old familiar deadlock will develop, with Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov tirelessly reiterating his fav- orite word, "Nyet." Then, just as the minis- ters and their aids are packing to go home in disgust, Molotov will ask for one more conference. With an air of making an enormous concession to break the dead- lock, he will offer what the Soviets have already offered in Korea - simultaneous withdrawal of all occupying troops in Ger- many. It may seem odd that this prospect fails to delight the American policy makers. It has long been the first objective of Ameri- can foreign policy to get the Red Army out of Germany, and out of those Balkan states in which the Red Army remains for the os- tensible purpose of keeping open the lines of communication to Germany and Austria. Yet this American objective is of course conditional on a peace treaty with Ger- many, including real political and economic unification of all zones, and supervised free elections of a German government. The astute planners in the Kremlin, on the other hand, if they decide to use the same tactical maneuver they have already used in Korea, are expected to demand a simple referendum of the German peo- ple before the evacuation of all foreign troops. Already, on the Soviet-controlled radio in Berlin, there have been hints of such a referendum. It would merely call for a vote by the German people on wheth- er foreign troops should be evacuated and Germany unified. The Germans would, of course, vote an overwhelming "yes" on both questions. Then, if the Soviet pro- posal takes the expected shape, the oc- cupation armies would simply pull out, leaving Germany to the Germans. Naturally, before making any such offer, the planners in the Kremlin would have made very careful preparation for a possible acceptance of the offer by the Western powers. In northern Korea, before making their evacuation offer, the Soviets estab- lished an all-Communist "people's govern- ment," consisting exclusively of willing So- viet stooges. They also trained and equipped a "Korean Red Army" of more than 200, 000 men. Thus, the Kremlin planners un- doubtedly calculated, if the Americans were ediots enough to accept their offer of sim- ultaneous evacuation, all Korea would very quickly become a Soviet bailiwick. If the Americans refused, the offer would at least be an effectvice propaganda device in Korea and throughout the world. There are reliable reports that precisely the same sort of preparations are now in progress in the Soviet zone of Germany. The Communist control of the Soviet-sponsored lWha 's on ONE OF THE most stimulating female vocalists to come along recently is Sarah Vaughn. Possessor of an astonishingly wide range, and a style which is already being imitated widely, she shows a promise of ranking along with the best. Unfortunately, her talents haven't been exploited fully on records as yet. One has the vague feeling upon hearing them that the best is yet to come. A good example of this is a fairly recent Musicraft release "If You Could See Me Now." The tune, an original by Tad Dameron, is a pretty one and Sarah does justice to it, even including some of her now- famous vocal gymnastics, but the overall effect is somewhat disappointing. There had been much critical clamor late- ly about Benny Goodman's apparent disin- clination to make good records. Perhaps his new Capitol side, "Iii Ya Sophia," is a partial answer. Heartened by the presence of Mel Powell on piano and Red Norvo on vibes, he rises to heights, heretofore out of reach on earlier Capitol efforts. It's light, tasty and features the wonderful blend of clarinet and vibes. Reverse is a fair Harry Warren tune sung by bassist Al Hendrickson. Once again the team of Powell and Norvo enhance the disc's atmosphere. One of Coleman Hawkin's best perform- ances on records is now generally available on Signature's "Sweet Lorraine" and "The Man I Love." Everything is right about these sides. Drummer Manne, pianist Heywood, and bassist Pettiford complete the scintil- lating quartet. Hawkins has seldom since shown such felicity of phrasing and ideas "Socialist Unity party" is now wholly un- challenged. The unreliable deadwood has been ruthlessly cut out. The Communists have an iron grip on the labor unions throughout eastern Germany, and the Com- munist minority is on the offensive through- out the western zones. Finally, the German equivalent of the "Korean Red Army" is be- ing prepared. There are reliable reports that this new Russian-created German army, whose core is the German survivors of Stalingrad, numbers at least 100,000 men, and prob- ably far more. It is being kept in readiness in south Russia, and its leaders, Marshal Friedrich von Paulus and Major General Walter von Seydlitz, are in Germany, at the call of the Soviet commanders. One hundred thousand men is not a great army. Yet in case of the evacuation of all foreign troops from Germany, even so small an army would become. the only power in what would otherwise be a complete power vacuum. Working closely with the tightly organized German Communist leadership, this power could be expected shortly to as- sure Communist, and thus Soviet domina- tion of all Germany. Thus the Soviets would have everything to gain and nothing to lose. At the most, they would gain Germany, which Nicolai Lenin called the key to Europe. At the least, they would gain an exceedingly ef- fective propaganda weapon, in Europe as a whole but especially within Germany. For if the Western powers refused the Soviet of- fer - as they must - the blame for refusing to make a settlement in Germany could be placed-on them. That :,s why those whohave most closely followed Soviet tactics are con- vinced that there may well be something in the speculation about the forthcoming So- viet proposal. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) BOOKS p - - - . - - ETHER SKIES. Poems by Boston: Atlantic - Little, 1947. 83 pages. John Ciardi. Brown & Co. BECAUSE he regards poetry as a personal record, John Ciardi's poems are simply translations of his own experiences in terms of mood, feeling and rhythm. Despite such self-conscious subjectivity, his poems are meaningful and worth reading, if only for the articulate and concrete quality of ex- pression to be found in them. War is the central, thematic experience with which Ciardi is concerned in this book, first and foremost as a poet and only secon- darily as a soldier. The first section, based on events and impressions of days before the war, ends with a poem that sets the keynote for the rest of the book, and from which the title is derived. The days of love and peace behind him, the poet enters the terribly simplified life of war, concluding that: The Innocent keep other skies. We have much to learn. The second section of the book, set to the tune of "yes sir, no sir, no excuse sir . .," includes among others, poems on sending home his civilian clothes, a night in camp- town, a soldier's girl, a mechanic, a take-off, briefing and a serial embarkation. Outstand- ing in this section are "Reflections while Oiling a Machine Gun," harking back to school days and a lost religion, and "Death of a Bomber," inwhich the visual and audi- tory imagery is matched in perfection by the rising and falling intensity of mood. Experiences while flying combat on Sai- pan produced the poems in the third sec- tion, which reveals most completely the poet's predominant concern and facile skill in the use of words. Clean-cut, concentrat- ed and original, these poems gain in af- fective communication with every re-read- ing, as all good poems should. As to be expected, the war is still with the poet long after the guns are silenced. The poems in the fourth and final section of the book express the usual searching restlessness and sorrow to be found in any thoughtful veteran's reflections on the most unforget- table events in his life. The reader is more likely to close the book with a deep and last- ing impression of the beauty of Ciardi's ex- pression than of the bluntly despaii;ing trend of his thoughts. -Natalie Bagrow * * * General Library Book List - . Canby, Henry Seidel - American Memoir. Boston, Houghton, 1947. Jackson, William Henry - Picture Maker of the Old West. New York, Scribner, 1947. Morgan, Charles - The Judge's Story. New York, Macmillan, 1947. Putnam, Samuel - Paris Was Our Mistress. New York, Viking, 1947. Ricks, Peirson - The Hunter's Horn. New York, Scribner, 1947. Shirer, William L. - End of Berlin Diary. New York, Knopf, 1947. (Continued from Page 3) Placement: Registration with; the Bureau of Appointments hasJ been extended to Monday, Oct. 20.; Monday will be the last day stu- dents can pick up registration material without paying late reg- istration fees. Material may be obtained at the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall, dur- ing office hours (9:00-12:00 and 2:00-4:00). This applies to Feb- ruary, June and August graduates as well as to graduate students who wish to register and who will be available for positions next year. The Bureau has two place- ment divisions: Teacher Place- ment and General Placement. The General Division includes service to people seeking positions in busi- ness, industry, and professions other than teaching. The Socony Vacuum Oil Com- pany representative will be at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma- son Hall, on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 22 and 23, to in- terviewachemists (organic, phy- sical, or analytical), physicist, and chemical engineers, B.S. and M.S. in these fields. They also have one opening for a mechanical engineer who has had experience in the automotive industry. They will interview for both their East- ern Plants and the Field Research Laboratories of the Magnolia Pe- troleum Company, Dallas, Texas. For complete information, call at the Bureau of Appointments. University Community Center Willow Run Village. Sun., Oct. 19, 10:45 a.m., Vil- lage Church Fellowship. Nursery and Sunday School. Mon., Oct. 20, 8 p.m., Faculty Wives' Club; 8 p.m., Sewing Club. Tues., Oct. 21, 8 p.m., "Social and Emotional Development in Young Children," by Prof. I. H. Anderson; sponsored by the Wives' Club and the Cooperative Nursery. Open to the public. Wed., Oct. 22, 8 p.m., Reformed Church Ladies' Bible Study Group. Thurs., Oct. 23, 8 p.m., The New Art Group. Sat., Oct. 25, 8-12 midnight, Open House. Square Dancing, Bridge, Refreshments. West Lodge: Tues., Oct. 21, 7-8:30 p.m., Vol- ley Ball League; 7:30 p.m., Fen- cing Group. Irving Weiss, fencing master. Wed., Oct. 22, 7-10 p.m., Dup- licate Bridge. Gregory Stevens, chairman. Fri., Oct. 24, 8:30-11:30 p.m., West Lodge Homecoming Festivi- ties - bonfire, singing and infor- mal dancing. Sun., Oct. 26, 4:30-6:30 p,m. Coffee Hour; 6:45 p.m., Movies - Michigan-Northwestern Football Pictures. Mon., Oct. 27, 1945 p.m., Bowling League, Willow Village Bowling Alleys. Lectures Roy Bishop Canfield Memorial Lecture.sThe Honorable Charles S. Kennedy, M.D., Regent of the University, will deliver the first annual Roy Bishop Canfield Me- morial Lecture at 11 a.m., Sat., Oct. 25, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Phi Rho Sigma Medical fraternity. The public is invited to attend. University Lecture: Professor Pierre Lavedan, of the Department of History of Art of the Sorbonne, will lecture on the subject, "Contemporary Problems of Urbanism in France" (illus- trated; in French), at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Oct. 20, Rackham Amphi- theatre; auspices of the Depart- ment of Fine Arts. The public is invited. University Lecture: Dr. David G. Ryans, associate director of American Council on Education. will lecture on the subject. "Trends in the Selection of Pro- fessional Personnel," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct. 21, Rackham Amphi- theatre; auspices of the Bureau of Psychological Services and the School of Education. The public is cordially invited. University Lectures; Prof. Mau- rice Frechet, The Henri Poincare Institute, Paris, France. "Proba- bilities Associated with a Syster of Compatible and Dependent Events," Thurs., Oct. 23, and "Asy- mptotically Almost Periodic Func- tions," Fri., Oct. 24. Both lectures will be given at 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3017, Angell Hall; auspices of the Department of Mathematics. Single Admissions for the First Four Lectures of the 1947-48 Lec. ture Course will be placed on sale Tuesday at 10 a.m., in the box office, Hill Auditorium. Season tickets for the complete course may be obtained through Oct. 23. The full series is as follows. Oct. 23, Walter Duranty and H. R. Knickerbocker, debate, "Can Rus- sia be Part of One World?"; Nov. 3, Jacques Cartier, "Theatre Cav- alcade"; Nov. 20, Rear-Adm. Rich- ard E. Byrd, "Discovery" with mo- tion pictures; Nov. 25, Jane Cowl, "An Actress Meets Her Audience"; Jan. 13, Julien Bryan, "RussiaI Revisited," with motion pictures; Jan. 22, John Mason Brown, "Broadway in Review"; Feb. 10,' Hon. Arthur Bliss Lane, "Our For- eign Policy -- Right or Wrong?", Academic Notices Stochastic Processes Seminar: Mon., Oct. 20, 4:30 p.m., Rm. 3010, Angell Hall. Prof. Kaplan will speak on "Probability in Function Space." Physical Chemistry Seminar: Mon., Oct. 20, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. R. W. Parry will speak on "New Methods of Study of Coordination Com- pounds." All interested are in- vited. Orientation Seminar: Mon., Oct. 20, 7 p.m., Rm. 3001, Angell Hall. Post-mortem on the Four Square Problem and preview of the next paper by Mr. St. Clair. Seminar in Differential Geome- try: Tues., Oct. 22, 2 p.m., Rm. 3001, Angell Hall. Mr. W. K. Smith will speak on Minimal Sur- faces. Classical Representations Sem- inar: Tues., Oct. 22, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3010, Angell Hall. Mr. Shapiro will speak on Group Algebra. Exhibitions Museum of Art: MODERN HANDMADE JEWELRY, from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, through Oct. 19; FINE ARTS UN- DER FIRE, through October 30. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily, ex- cept Monday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sun- day, 2-5; Wednesday evening, 7-9. The public is cordially in- vited. Modern American Houses, cir- culated by the Museum of Modern Art, Architecture Bldg., through Oct. 27. "Natural History Studies at the Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni- versity of Michigan." October through December, Museums Bldg. Rotunda. Events Today EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed. 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. * * * Ode ToDea s To the Editor: HONEST, DEAN. IT'S ORANGE POP. ONLY I l 1 t 1 i Radio Program: 9:15-9:45 a.m., WJR Hymns of Freedom. FOR YEARS and years all through the past It's been a human trait, For -uys and gals to get around, To have a little date. * * * But suddenly some one gets wise, And thinks that we've been bad. So up they go and make a rule, And that's when we get mad. * * * The rule says that we must ask, The dean to please approve, Of everything we plan to do, Including every move. A picnic may be loads of fun, But we must sit and beg, And swear to God that we won't take, Along a little keg. The point I want to make is this, Unless I miss my guess, Instead of going out for fun, We'll stay in to play chess. Irwin J. Steinhardt Official Poet Laureate of Tyler house * * * MYDA? ical. If thle head of an organiza- tion is a Republican, does thei organization automatically become a "Republican Front" organiza- tion? Then why does the allegedly Communist chairman of MYDA prove that MYDA is a "Commu- nist Front" organization? The policy of AYD (the organ- ization to which MYDA is affil- iated) is to accept into their ranks any young person who agrees with their program. And anybody who in the opinion of the membership shows himself (or herself) to be a staunch fighter for the AYD program, is eligible for a position in the leadership. What belief a person may hold over and above the AYD program is not the concern of the organiza- tion. Thus if Ed Shaffer proves himself an able fighter for the program of MYDA, it does not matter whether he is a Commu- nist, Republican or vegetarian. It seems to me that a paper like The Daily should discuss problems concerning student affairs in a more objective fashion, and not lower itself to vicious smear tac- tics. -Joan Studer. * * * Reason (ible To the Editor: CAN'T UNDERSTAND the crit- icism of Mr. Maloy's editorial. From its very name, MYDA ap- pears to be a political organiza- tion. If a political organization elects a known Communist to its presidency then it is reasonable to suppose that the membership is sympathetic with Communist principles. It would be unusual if such an organization were to elect a chairman whose views were widely different from those of its members. If Mr. Shaffer chooses to accept the presidency of an organization which appeals to the public for membership and support then his politics should be made public and anybody who knows what his politics are is right in making the information available to others. It seems to me that the edi- torial went no further than to make available information which the student body has a right to have and to draw a reasonable conclusion from the information. -Charles B. Blackmar. T Ab /ence Reports To the Editor: 'AY, whatever happened to the ' REGULATION on Veterans' absence reports? I'd say the Deans were missing the boat in letting drop such a little beauty as that one. --4. M. Taggart .World Plart i I I f To the Editor: [AST NIGHT I ventured forth with my wife to Hill Audito- rium to see the flick being put on under somebody's auspices. Ac- cording to the advertisements and the legend on our tickets, the name of the offering was "Henry V." Without this advance warn- ing, I never would have known what I was looking at. Our seats were in the second balcony, from which we could see,' before the performance began, a large limp sheet, criss-crossed by sags and wrinkles, hanging in the distant gloom. Some seventeen minutes after the announced time the lights dimmed, and our view of the aforementioned sheet was obscured by vague and colorful flickerings. This apparently was the beginning of the movie, but no sound penetrated the sweaty hush of the second balcony. Small creatures dashed back and forth upon the screen, and occasionally a face hove into view as the sensq- less mime unreeled- but never, never did a still small voice speak up and attempt to unravel the mystery to those of us on high. After an hour we left, jostled by the crowd streaming out of Hill Auditorium into the cool, clear world of sound. Since I have only been in this acoustical nightmare once in my life (and God willing, never again), I cannot say that each and every performance is lost upon the poor souls who climb all of those damn stairs to the second balcony However I think that the organi- zation or organizations that spon- sor these great cultural offerings might do worse than provide lip readers with each and every ticket to the second balcony - or if they could possibly stand it, not even sell tickets within that area. I am not a Communist nor am: a member of the MYDA, thoughI would gladly become a charte member of the Michigan Youth for the Destruction of Audito- riums. -Alfred B. Fitt (760 Kc.). MUSIC Carillon Recital: Sunday, Oct. 19, 3 p.m., by Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur. Program: Le Carillon de Zythere, Andante, Petit Moulins a vent, Soeur Mo- nique, Les Moissonneurs, by Cou- perin; Fantaisie 6 for Carillon, composed by Professor Price; and seven Scotch folk songs. Social Psychology Group. Meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 305, Michi- gan Union. Panel discussion on. "Approaches to the Study of Group Membership on Campus," R. C. Angell, H. Guetzkow, T. M. Newcomb, F. Littell, and A. Zand- er, chairman. University Women Veterans As- sociation: Bowling and ping-pong, WAB alleys, 3 p.m. All women vets on campus invited. U. of M. Hot Record Society: 8 p.m., Michigan League. Kappa Phi: Pledging, 3 p.m., Methodist Church Sanctuary. All actives are expected to be present. Wesleyan Guild: 5:30 p.m., Wes- ley Lounge. Dr. Kenna intro- dues a three-week discussion se:- ies on "The Church." TonighN topic will be "The Church as a World Force." Supper and social hour, 6:30 p.m., social hour. Coming Events Radio Programs: Monday: 2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR (870 Kc.). The Medical Series - Dr. H. H. Riecker. 2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR (870 Kc.). Public Health Trends - John Sundwall, M.D. 4:00-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 Kc.). The News and You - Pres- ton W. Slosson, professor of his- tory. Association of U. of M. Scien- tists: Mon., Oct. 20, 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Program: Discussions of Atomic Energy Control and the National Smear Tactics . r -a THOSE WHO HOPED to hear a Voice were well satisfied with the concert given by Patrice Munsel last night. Through- out a varied program, Miss Munsel demon- strated a tremendous range and good vocal control, particularly in different coloratura passages. , The Metropolitan star was at her best in the operatic selections by Massenet and Verdi, although the songs by Poldowski, Benedict, and R1achmaninoff were also well done. Her renderings of Mozart's "Ah! to so," and of the "Alleluja" from a motet falsely attributed to Mozart, were marred, however, by vocal exhibitionism'quite out of place in this kind of music. Miss Munsel's voice occasionally has a curious metallic quality, unfortunately evident in these two opening selections. Stuart Ross,, pianist and Betty Wood, flutist, adapted themselves well to Miss Mun- sel's interpretations in spite of the fact that she seldom sang in strict time-a customary liberty. Even more striking than the Voice was Miss Munsel's stage personality, without To the Editor: ] WAS RATHER shocked when I read the editorial on the MYDA chairman in Sunday's Daily. The editorial tries to appeal to our emotions, but is completely illog- Science Foundation. The public is invited. U. of M. Section of the Ameri- can Chemical Society, Oct. 21, 4:15 p.m., Rlm. 151, Chemistry Bldg. Mr. Alden H. Emery, National Secretary of the American Chem- ical Society, will speak on "Inter- national Chemistry." The public is invited. Celebration of the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Turkish Repub- lic: auspices of the Turkish Stu- dents' Club. Addresses by Pro- fessors Howard M. Ehrmann, An- drei A. Lobanov-R.ostovsky, Law- rence Preuss, and Preston W. Slos- son. 8 p.m.,- Rm. 316, Michigan Union. To the 'Editor: IT IS LIKELY as our critic points out that Russia is not willing to transfer its sovereignty even in a limited number of fields. Without speculating on the reasons for that, we should expect Russia to remain so unti she finds it com- pelling to do otherwise. But suppose the rest of the world coordinated their efforts to estab- lish a world government (open to Russia). If America's interim pol- icy had been far sighted enough to support the formation of widely different (representative) political systems those countries which are now potential zones of expansion for Russia (And which are likely to fall out of America's zone of in- fluence) could be expected to join. Not only would further "gain" by Russia be impossible bud several deterrents to her complete seclu- sion and to war as the only logical outcome would have been created. She would most probably need economic cooperation in increas- ing amount. (Export of agricul- tural products and raw materials import of manufactured goods and ;rant of capital.) She would be unable to sustain an ideology which would have lost its main basis and justification. The vicious circle of the increas- ing antagonism between the two blocks would have been done away with insofar as a responsible world government would have less in- centive to downright hostility while refraining from making con- ^essions. As a result, Russia might gradually enter in a new political phase. This is not offered as a certain- ty-rather as the only possible alternative to a conflict. Our correspondent will see that there is no room left for the dis- cussion of the respective merits of war now, or later, and no justifica- tion for presenting the problem under that light. We are aston- ished that the writer seriously mentions the choice of a preventa- tive, liquidation war resulting in a "relatively bloodless victory for the Western powers" without al- luding to the moral issues in- volved. He will find that none of us ever believed world government i1 4r l 4l BARNABY ... . C.,.~- t. '9*? ml "nuC-, ,~* 9 S 9' O& I. I 'll wire this world-shaking ultimoum,,ml.-,r im demanding On page six, I stress the fact that we are deliberating an the Rrod 5 M0lf x L Okay, m'boy, it's cut to ten wordsm. re c n "demand action request compensation He says our II I