PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATIUDAY, OCTOER 18, 1iM7 I ., n . Fifty-Eighth Year I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: The Road to Peace DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Letters to the Editor. By SAMUEL GRAFTON M R. CHURCHILL says he doesn't think Russia wants war. This is comforting, and Mr. Churchill even has a theory with which to back up his opinion. He says if Eussia were planning war she wouldn't be as belligerent as she now is; she would be trying to soothe us into false security with sweet words. It is pleasant to hear from a man of vast experience in large affairs that Russia wants peace. But at this point something peculiar happens in Mr. Churchill's speech. Does he, having established that Russia prob- ably wants peace, go on and suggest that we make peace, that we propose a plan for peace, or a conference leading toward Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell...................Managing Editor Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor Lida Dailes.....................Associate Editor Dick Kraus......................... Sports Editor Bob Lent.................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor Betty Steward...........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Business Staff Nancy Helmick.................General Manager Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager Melvin Tick.................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press 'The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all new dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR HIGBEE II It Seems to Me +Conservation Apathy THE FOOD CONSERVATION PROGRAM so hopefully announced by the Citizens' Food Committee has met with apathy, in- difference, and occasional opposition among Ann Arbor's general population. Grocery stores buy meat, poultry and eggs on a week- ly basis; it's up to retail buyers to do any conserving to be done, and if reactions here duplicate the normal reaction of Americans, further rneasures will be necessary. The lack of enthusiasm engendered by Luckman's public-spirited proposals is not solely a matter of generosity. Most people, evenythough aware of the grim situation in Europe, are not moved to do anything about it personally. In addition, although starving Europeans may not be aware of it, there is a presidential election not very far in the offing. Political considerations are determining Congress' de- cision as to the need for a special session, as well as being a dominant factor in Wash- ington thinking about the whole European dilemma. These facts are a poor commentary on American democratic procedures, and an indication of the confused, timid political and economic thinking which is blocking every effort towards peace. But facts are facts, and much as we may deplore them, we've got to do something about them - and fast. Stringent rationing of important staples is an immediate necessity. Free enterprise is all very well, but when it means the freedom to go your own way and Europe be damned, it's not freedom, it's suicide. Curbs must be imposed on the American appetite, including the appetite of livestock. Rigid controls are needed now to lower prices and to make available food for the lack of which Europe will starve this winter. Americans don't know what starvation is - few of them have felt the gnawing hunger which is part of the daily lives of the millions in Europe. Hunger of this sort reduces men to the state of animals; intel- ligence is dulled, morals are forgotten, and the primordial instincts of self-preservation take over. When men are living by instinct, all hopes for reasonable or idealistic behavior are worthless. Unless prompt and effective ac- tion is taken, it won't matter whether Eur- ope is dominated by Communists or con- servatives - the U.S. will be dealing with animal behavior abroad, and the word peace will disappear from our vocabularies. How anyone who realizes the full import of these facts can hesitate to advocate ra- tioning or hedge about "voluntary" pro- grams is more than I can understand. Un- less all of us do everything in our power to urge immediate and effective control mea- sures, Congress will forego a special session and we might as well start lining up for uniforms. -Phil Dawson THE RECENT DECISION of the Soviet Government to reestablish the Comintern raises the interesting question of whether or not the original Comintern was ever abol- ished, as the Russians led us to believe back in the days when our supplies were making the difference between Russia's victory and defeat at the hands of Hitler's armies. During my past year in Berlin I made the acquaintance of a Soviet captain serv- ing as a government correspondent. Since he spoke excellent English, we had a num- ber of lengthy conversations concerning the impending break between the East and West, the Soviet objections to American foreign policy, and above all what the Soviets want- ed out of Europe. In view of recent develop- ments in the U.N. and in European diplo- macy, I cannot help but remember what this Russian captain told me one day last March: "The Soviet Government is not interested in imposing communism on other countries of the world because we feel that each country has economic and social problems peculiar to itself. For that reason we do our utmost to promote understanding in other countries, but we leave it entirely to each of them to work out their own prob- lems according to the system which is most satisfactory to its people." One must admit that this "wonderful freedom of decision" sounds good on paper or even in words, but when it's put to the test of actual practice, the color changes to a bright red, and the hammer and sickle become silhouetted against it. How about Greece? Oh Yes, the Soviets claim they are doing nothing to promote the revolution in that last remaining outpost of democracy in the Balkans. The same "washing of hands" is done in the Chinese civil war where the communist troops threaten to make of that rich land a stronghold for Russian influence in the Far East. In the case of Italy and France, the leader of each country's com- munist party was trained throughout the war in the Kremlin for the purpose of bring- ing those borderline countries into the Sovi- et orbit in our present post-war period. Perhaps one of the best examples of Sovi- et plans for Europe can be seen in Berlin where we in Military Government could ob- serve the situation first hand. In the case of Berlin civil government, the four occu- pation powers supposedly have equal rights and the city officials are to be chosen in free elections. The pressure exerted by the three Western Allies forced the Soviets to submit to a pop- ular election, but they still were confident of winning because of the neat political trick they had used successfully in their zone of occupation. Their idea was to bring about the merger of the Social Democratic party, the strongest of the four major parties in Germany, and the communist party, thus paving the way for a major victory in which communist minority of the merged parties would grab control and seat its members. A neat trick if worked out, but the Soviets forgot one most important factor: the methods they were accustomed to using in their zone to bring about the merger of the two parties did not scare the Berliners into submission because here the Social Demo- cratic party was protected and maintained as an independent party by the Western Allies who were determined that this elec- tion would be free in our sense of the term. The result was a great victory for the socialists and an emphatic denunciation of the communist rule by the German peo- ple. The significance of this election lies in the fact that given free elections, the Ger- mans showed their dissatisfaction with a communist government. When faced with this fact my Russian friend attempted to ease out of the situation by claiming that in other parts of Germany the people have learned the advantages of having a socialist and communist merger party, but he failed to elaborate on the methods of teaching employed by the Soviet army of occupation to insure that such les- sons are learned. This situation exists not only in Germany, but throughout the Bal- kans and Eastern Europe. In view of these instances one cannot keep from smiling when he remembers the dis- solution of the Comintern and now the an- nouncement that "information bureaus" have been established in certain Eastern capitols. Call them information bureaus or peace? Oh no; nothing like that. He coun- sels that we go along pretty much as we are now doing. Even if Russia there- upon walks out of the United Nations, he says, we could still hope for peace because our side would be so much stronger than the other. Mr. Churchill's peace speech, in a strange way, pretty nearly forecloses the hope of peace by agreement. If he doesn't trust Russia now, when (he says) she wants peace, when will he trust her? Surely not when she drops her tough attitude, be- cause then, by his own formula, he will really be alarmed. We can't make peace with Russia when she is being stubborn, because she is being stubborn, and we can't make peace when she is being compliant, because then she is probably covering up war preparations. In short, no peace. Those who accept Mr. Churchill's view may confidently be expected to drop dead of terror should Russia ever make a conciliatory gesture. Mr. Churchill's speech is all about peace, yet it amounts to an attempted philosoph- ical demonstration that a negotiated peace, a peace by consent, is impossible. It is an exact counterpart of those Soviet scripts in which it is "demonstrated" that America is bound to be a warmongering nation because it is capitalist. Since Amer- ica is going to go right on being capitalist, so far as the eye can see, this becomes an argument that America will never make peace; can't by nature and defini- tion. So both sides wave hope away, throw hope away, with a prodigality worthy of a better cause. Each is even forgetting how it sounds to the other. Russians do not disdain to say that capitalism inevitably means war. But if an American statesman were to say that Communism inevitably means war, Russia would fly into a three-days' pageant of en- raged protest. And Mr. Churchill says the road to peace is for our side to be militarily stronger than the other. But if a Russian were to say that the way to peace was for Russia to be militarily stronger than America, we (and Mr. Churchill) would lift hands helplessly in horror at the out- rageous remark. See the pretty theories, flying through the air, and is that red stuff on them blood, daddy? The man of good will must refrain from joining in this game; he will refrain from showing signs of mock horror at the dis- covery that the two sides are very dif-' ferent. He will hold to the belief that it is better for a theory to die than for a man. He will believe also that theories follow the event, and that if we once succeeded in making peace, we would have a whole new set of theories about the essential nature of America and Russia, quite the contrary of those currently being peddled. He will ask for peace, suggest peace, request peace plans of both sides. And he will con- sider that in their reactions to such requests, both sides will reveal their essential naA tures far more clearly and authoritatively than through the medium of any of today's angry disquisitions. (Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Grade Distribution MANY DEPARTMENTS of the University follow the theory of apportioning grades in their large elementary courses on the basis of a normal curve of distribution of student grades in past years. This basis is probably valid in grading courses taken by around a thousand students each semes- ter, but when extended to courses cortain- ing less than 300 students, this method is quite fallible. The instructors in an elementary course in the University containing perhaps 250 students, have been told by the head of that department that they "will not go wrong" if they aim at giving their students 10 per cent A's and 35 per cent B's, in accordance with the normal grade distribution in that course for the past few years. In an average class, this grade scale would be applicable. It happens, nevertheless, that the quality of student work differs from se- mester to semester, with the ability of those taking the course and the superior ability of the instructor. In the event an instructor had an espec- ially intelligent group of students, he would go wrong in apportioning grades according to the grade scale advised. Were he to have a rather backward group of student, he could also "go wrong" in giving them high- er marks than the quality of their work justified. Surely, in smaller classes, it is better for the instructor to grade the students for the quality of their own work, and not for the work done in the course in previous years. -Fran Ivick Pubicattora in The Daily Official M Bulletin is constructive notice to all .C members of the Universty. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in' typewritten form to the office of the S Assistant to the President Room 1021 p Angel Hall, by 300 p~m. on the day V preceding publlgation (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). SATURIDAY.' OCTOEER 18, 1947 C VOL. LVIII No. 23 L t Notices Assembly School of Forestry s and Conservation: Rackham Am- phitheatre, 10 a.n., Mon., Oct. 20. Mr. Courtland B. Mani- fold, who is in charge of the for- estry work of the Soil Conserva- tion Service, will speak on the ac- tivities of that senrice. All stu- dents in the School who do not have nonforestry conflicts are ex-~ pected to attend.' A s Applications for Rhodes Schol- S arships: Because of a misunder-E standing, acceptance of Rhodes Scholarship applications will be continued until Monday noon, Oct. 20. Applications should be handed in at Rm. 2024, AngellC Hall.I Library Tour for Graduate Stu-V dents: Saturday, Oct. 18, gradu- ate students of the University willE be taken on a trip through theC General Library by members of p the staff. The tour will start at n 10 a.m., Rm. 110, first floor, Gen- s eral Library near the West en-o trance. Teacher's Certificate Candi- I dates: The Teacher's Oath will be given to all February candidates I for the teacher's certificate on Oc-t tober 23 and 24 between the hours of 8-12 and 1:30-4:30 in Rm. 1437, U.E.S. Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The fresh-s man five-week progress reportsI will be due Saturday, Oct. 25, inE the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall.1 Identification cards: Any stu-P dent who handed in a stamped, self-addressed envelope will re-'I ceive his card in the mail the first part of the week of Oct. 20. tr All other cards will be distrib- uted from the booths outside Rm. 2, University Hall, according to the following schedule: Wednesday, Oct. 22-A-K Thursday, Oct. 23-L-Z Friday, Oct. 24-A-Z Those students who have re- ceived post cards for appoint- ments Monday and TuesdayI should have their pictures retaken on these two days. Applications for Admission to the Graduate School for the Sec- ond Semester: Students in other schools and colleges who will graduate, and who may wish to enter the Graduate School the second semester, must submit their applications for admission by December 15 in order to be given consideration. The crowded condition in the University has placed limitations upon the num- ber that may be admitted. Use of Restricted Parking Areas: Parking areas on campus which are designated as "RESTRICTED TO THOSE HOLDING PER- MITS," are to be used only by per- sons displaying the parking tag. It is to be noted that a student driving permit is not a parking permit, and consequently does not carry with it the right to use those areas. Beginning Monday, Oct. 20, penalties will be imposed upon those individuals Whose cars are found parked in Restricted Areas without the proper parking tag displayed. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Pierre Lavedan, of the Department of History of Artof the Sorbonne, will lecture on the subject, "Contemporary Problems of Urbanism in France" (illus- trated; in French), at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Oct. 20, Rackham Amphi- theatre; auspices of the Depart- ment of Fine Arts. The public is invited. Academic Notices Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Economics will be held during the week beginning Monday, Nov. 3. Each student planning to take these examinations should leave with thensecretary of the depart- ment, not later than Thursday, Oct. 23, his name, the three fields in which he desires to be exam- ined, and his field of specializa- tion. on., Oct. 20, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303, hemistry Bldg. Dr. R. W. Parry P ill speak on "New Methods of c tudy of Coordination Com- o ounds." All interested are in- w iced. e. W 3 Speech 113, 114, 143, and 147: o lasses that are scheduled in the t aboratory Theatre will meet hI ie Temporary Classroom Build- ng begining today. This build- sg is located in back of the realth Service. Classrooms are as- ' igned as follows: 113, Sec. 1-Room 240 ti 113,Sec. 2-Room 252 0o 113, Sec. 3-Room 240 it 114-Room 252 t 143--Room 240 I 147--Room 240 I Stochastic Processes Seminar: a don.. Oct. 20, 4:30 p.m., Rn. 3010, l kngell Hall. Prof. Kaplan will v peak on "Probability in Function d pace." d GOB-- GALLEY 1 Gauss n1 Concerts g Patrice Munsel, Metropolitanm )pera soprano, assisted by StuartB Ross at the piano, and Bettyl Wood, flutist, will give the open- 'ng concert in the Second Annual t Extra Concert Series on Saturday, i )ct. 18, 8:30 p.m. She will sing ao program of arias and songs by d Mozart, Benedict, Poldowski, Mas- enet, Sandoval Bayly, Rachmani- off, and Liebling. A limitednumber of tickets are available at the offices of the University Musical Society in r Burton Memorial Tower, up to Boon Saturday; and after 7 o'clockh Saturday night at the Hill Audi-~ torium box office.- Exhibitions C Biology of the Bikini Atoll, Mar-0 shall Islands, 1946, Department ofn Botany, 2nd floor, Natural Sci-t ence Bldg. through October 18.- Museum of Art: MODERNp HANDMADE JEWELRY, from thep Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1 through Oct. 19; FINE ARTS UN-n DER FIRE, through October 20.e Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily, ex-s cept Monday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sun-t day, 2-5; Wednesday evening,C 7-9. The public is cordially in-I vited.d Events Today r Lutheran Student Association:f Hay-Ride Party, leaving the Stu-e dent Center, 1304 Hill Streetc promptly at 8 p.m. Coming Events Carillon Recital: Sunday, Oct. 19, 3 p.m., by Percival Price, Uni- versity Carillonneur. Program: Le Carillon de Zythere, Andante, Petit Moulins a vent, Soeur Mo- nique, Les Moissonneurs, by Cou-r perm; Fantaisie 6 for Carillon, composed by Professor Price; and seven Scotch, folk songs. Sigma Rho Tau, speech society:k Tues., Oct. 21, 7:15 p.m., Michigan Union. Circle training will begin with practice in Wrangling. Phi Kappa Sigma: 8 p.m., Mon., Oct. 20, Rm. 323, Michigan Union. Kappa Phi: Pledging, Sun., Oct. 19, 3 p.m., Methodist Church Sanctuary. All actives are expect- ed to be present. Churches First Presbyterian Church: Morning Worship, 10:45 a.m. Sermon, "Between Humans," by Dr. Lemon. The Westminster Guild meets at 5 o'clock in the Social Hall for a Student panel discussion on Re- ligion in an Atomic Age." Supper served following the meeting. First Congregational: 10:45 a.m., Annual Laymen's Service. "The Christian's Atti- tude in These Times," by Dr. Dwight Long. 6:00 p.m., Student Guild supper meeting. Speaker, Rev. James Mead, "Lifts For Living." Memorial Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): Morning Worship, 10:50 a.m. Nursery for children during the service. Ser- mon by Rev. F. E. Zendt. Student Guild. Supper, 6 p.m., Congregational Church. Roger Williams Guild: 10:00 a.m., Bible School at the Guild House. The study of Gala- tians will be continued. 11:00 afn., Church service. Ser- mon, "God's World," by Rev. C. H. Loucks. 6:00-8:00 p.m., Roger Williams1 Guild. A student panel will pre- ITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily rints every letter to the editor re- eived (which is signed, 300 words r less in length, and in good taste) e remind our readers that the views xpressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 04 words art' shortened, printed or initted at the diretion 0f the ed- Co ii director. xttracts Co the Editor: THIS EPSTLE is in the way of assuming my divine obliga- ion to those infallible leaders of ur student body: the deans. I feel imperative to bring their atten- ion to a horrifying situation now unning rampant in Ann Arbor. am referring to those insidious extract"-flavored drinks known s "milk shakes," which are open- y dispensed in clear and flagrant iolation of the conduct rules laid own under the "divine right of leans." These so-called extracts (va- illa, lemon, etc.) contain alco- lol! Heavens-to-betsey, goodness racious, milk shakes are nothing rore or less than ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Will these depraved omes of debauchery and vice, the rug stores, be allowed to con- inue this vicious practice of sell- ng milk shakes. As a charter member of the student chapter Af the WCTU (male auxiliary), I demand it be stopped! -George Hoppin. * C. * Beside the Point To the Editor: THE MALOY - MYDA - Shaffer discussion is interesting but argely beside the point (almost as though Maloy's critics were members of MYDA-. The point is that Mr. Shaffer is a Communist. Communists are not members of a political party supporting a dem- ocratic government; they are first malcontents whose primary aim is the overthrow of democratic pro- cesses (See Eastern Europe.) They loudly proclaim their democratic principles only to further their program to eliminate them. In theory they are for the common man, in practice, (in Russia, for example) the leaders do not show such high mindedness but live in the gravy-as you find in any land Communists subscribe to force, lies, hatred and to any kind of dirty fighting. They might con- quer the world someday but you can't keep a good man-the com- mon man-down. They might but for our Maloys and all the other elements of a free country-in- cluding themselves. -Justin P. Ordway. * * I Academic Freedom To the Editor: ACADEMIC FREEDOM, like an other freedom, has been won over many years of struggle with schooladministrations, public ig norance, and state and loca Boards of Education. It is seldom that we think of academic free dom except when we are shocke into awareness by. the banning o some student organization, th barring of some professor fo "subversive thoughts," or the cen soring of textbooks for preaching "radical" ideas. But often enougi violations of academic freedom stand, for want of an arouse student body or faculty, or fo want of some organization whic can coordinate scattered studen protests when violations occur. Today, the second Academi Freedom Conference will be meet ing to discuss the setting up oft central organization to handle ed ucation about and violations of ac ademic freedom. The Studen League for Industrial Democrac as a participant in the first con ference takes this opportunity t urge ALL campus organizations t send delegates, observers, or rep resentatives to the Saturday con ference. AN EFFICIENT ORGAN IZATION MUST BE MADE U OF GROUPS WHOSE MAJO) INTERESTS LIE ON THE. CAM PUS! If the student organizatio and independent students are s little concerned with Academi Freedom as to unthinkingly boy sent "The Essence of Christiar ity." Lutheran Student Association: 5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Paris Hall. Supper, 6 p.m. Program The play, "The Trial of Mi: L.S.A." will be given by membe: of the Association.. Church worship services, 10: a.m., Zion and Trinity Luthera Churches. University Lutheran Chapel: Services, 9:45 and 11:00 a.i Sermon, "Transient Opportunity by the Rev. Alfred Scheips. Gamma Delta, Lutheran St dent Supper Meeting, 5:30 p.m. (continued on Page 5) cott this conference, there is little hope that the resulting organiza- tion will be an effective expression of student and faculty interest in the subject. SLID makes this re- quest of the student body and fac- ulty: Be at the Michigan Union as observiers or delegates! Without the full participation of all ele- ments on campus, a constructive program for academic freedom cannot be democratically formu- lated. -Robert J. Miller. * * * Conference Today To the Editor: CADEMIC FREEDOM is vital for a constructive education. However, coexistent with this freedom, giving it meaning, there must be student interest in polit- ical organizations, and in ac- ademic freedom itself. When the issue first became prominent last year, most students expressed in- dignation. Of these students, the vast majority had never tried to exercise the freedom which they suddenly prized so highly. Even students with no over-all polit- ical opinions, no inner desire to fight for any other cause have no excuse for not participating to the fullest extent possible in the conference to be held today at the Union. Here is an issue upon which all students can agree. Here is a chance for the students to prove that they want academic freedom not only because it is a high sounding phrase, but also be- cause they mean to exercise it. Here is your chance to shatter the myth of the academic ivory tower by taking a firm stand on a vital issue. Lack of participa- tion by organized, independent, or interested students will mean that the conference has failed and that future violations will be, for all practical purposes, ignored. -David I. Segal. World Federalists To the Editor: IN A RECENT letter to the edi- tor a student made the follow- ing points: World Federalists are currently concealing a "realistic" question which is "is another war justified in achieving World gov- ernment?" Then the writer weighs the pros and cons of an imme- diate and "quick" war started by the non-Soviet world as a means to get world government. He seems to favor slightly the affirmative "I see more logic in the first argu- ment"; finally the writer expresses the belief that "there will be an- other war sooner or later" and that a world government is not an immediate panacea." Let us remark first that his first, statement "Are we ready to go to war to establish a world state?" implies that establishing a-world igovernment would be cause of an z otherwise avertable conflict--a contention which he denies him- 1 self when he' is dead sure that n there will be another war in any - case. The writer may have meant d that world government can be the f immediate cause of a war-the e question would then be of the r kind of the famous "shall we fight - for Danzig?" and equally mean- g ingless. h Th}e writer stresses that should a world government be achieved d while Russia refused to join, a r "further polarization" of the na- h tions of the world would result. t It is suggested that polarization must be the result of something, c not a cause in itself: let us assume - that Russia' did not ratify a world a charter otherwise endorsed by - the governments of the rest of - the world. What would that t mean? It would mean among y other things that economical ex- - changes which take place between o the U.S. and the countries trading ;o with her would fall under inter- - national regulations. The U.S. - would abandon the possibility she - has now of exerting any kind of P pressure incident upon economic relations. Politically it would mean s the transfer of a portion of an is actual international power to 0 other countries. If then polariza- c tion was imputable to the "pre- ferred" position of the U.S. a world government, even partial L- (with Russia) would hinder it, If by polarization the writer does not mean the centralization of power in two poles say Washing- .h ton and Moscow, but more gener- a: ally the opposition of two camps ss h'e is implying that something rs else than the reality of American power or the trend of American 3 policy is 'rcause for the "polariza- .n tion"; he may think that Russia is responsible for it. But then Rus- sia's policy would be independent of the establishment or non-estab- . lishment of a world government and could not be held responsible for bringing about war, provided u- it were not intended as a tool at against Russia and provided that was made clear. Let us notice in- - cidentally that a partial world government would not properly speaking achieve a unity of the military (within its own borders) for that unity already exists. To suim up : Polarizationwheth- 4 Chemistry Physical Seminar: BARNABY ... i r I '1 Y F ? ' "'1 C' I