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October 17, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-17

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FRIDA&Y, O TWOB!R 17; 190

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Intellectual Bull Sessions
In Demand for Air Show

If your crowd's midnight bull
sessions (as authorized by the Of-
flee of Student Affairs) strike you
as being intellectual enough-and
inhibited enough-to be on the
air, pass the word along to Prof.
Waldo Abbot.
Prof. Abbot, whose office as di-
Name Drive
Chairmen for
' Buildings
Community Fund
Campaign To Begin
Preparations for realizing the
University's $22,000 quota in the
1948 Community Fund Drive are
now under way with the appoint-
ment of Building Chairmen to so-
licit onl campus.
Prof. Karl F. Lagler campus
chairman for the drive, which will
begin Monday and continue
through Nov. 1, has named the
following to solicit pledges from
the staffs in their respective
Drive Chairmen
Bess L. McLouth Alumni Memo-
rial Hall; Prof. John Arthos, An-
gell Hall; Prof. Ralph W. Ham-
mett, architecture building; Nor-
ma F. Bentley, Athletic Admini-
stration Building; Fritzie Gareis,
Barbour Gymnasium; Prof. Wilma
T. Donahue, Bureau of Psychologi-
cal Services; Prof. Clyde Vroman,
music school; Prof. Raymond N.
Keller, chemistry building; Doro-
thy Howe, Clements Library; Prof.
Francis B. Vedder, Dental and
Kellogg Buildings; .Prof. Russel G.
Kinnel, East Engineering and Mi-
nerva Myers, East Hall.
The list continues with: Bar-
bara Piper, East Medical; Prof. Z.
Clark Dickinson, Economics; Ger-
trude Maginn, General Library;
Prof. William D. Revelli, Harris
Hall; Prof. Horace Miner, Haven
Hall; Dr. William M. Brace,
Health Service; Prof. Laurence C.
Stuart, Heredity Clinic; Robert B.
Klinger, International Center;
Edna Alber, Lane Hall; Prof. John
E. Tracy, Law School; Edith
Wheeler, League and Franklin C.
Kuenzel, Union.
List Continues
Others named are: Prof. M. V.
Denny, Natural Science; Ford L.
Lemler, Northi Hall; Prof. Dean
B. McLaughlin, Observatory; Dr.
Gordon K. Moe, Pharmacology;
Prof. Ernest F. Barker, Physics;
Harold S. Anderson and Walter M.
Roth, Plant Services; Margaret T.
McKechnie, Public Health School;
Capt, Donald H. Merten, ROTC;
Ruth C. Fletcher, Rackham; Prof.
Charles N. Staubach, Romance
Language; Prof. John N. Clancy,
Speech Clinic; and Stuart Finlay-
son, Student Publications.
Completing the list of solicitors
are: Lula M. Hile, Tappan Hall;
Prof. G. Max Wingo, University
Elementary School; Herbert G.
Watkins, University Hall; Prof.
Michael Chiapetta, University
High School; Geneva Smithe,
University Museums; Fannie
Leonard, University Museums An-
nex; Edward E. Lofberg, Univer-
sity Press; Howard C. Leibee,
Waterman Gymnasium; Prof. R.
Clay Porter; West Engineering;
Prof. Bertold O. Weiner, West
Physics, and Margery Kline, Resi-
dence Halls.

rector of the University Broad-
casting Service is on Angell Hall's
fourth floor, wants fresh, campus-
wise program suggestions, so that
University FM station WUOM
will offer "complete coverage" of
campus activities when it begins
operation early next year.
Show University Life
"We want to portray the Uni-
versity as it is, both from a cul-
tural and social standpoint," Prof.
Abbot says.
From the schemes already piling
up in Prof. Abbot's "suggestion
box," it looks as though the cam-
pus is going to be given "slice-of-
life" treatment by WUOM on a
par in originality and interest
with any college station in the
Suggestions for on-the-spot
broadcasting of League and Un-
ion dances, sports events, pep ral-
lies, fraternity and sorority sings,
student-faculty debates, Student
Legislature meetings, provocative
discussions and club meetings are
already being considered.
Prof. Abbot claims he is even
toying with the idea of student-
given talks on "What I Learned
Today." He says he's afraid, how-
ever, that they'd. be limited by
amount of subject matter to five
Flexible Schedule
WUOM will operate on a flexi-
ble schedule until its new studios
in the General Service Building
are completed. Prof. Abbot ex-
plained that broadcasting hours
will be shifted, if necessary, to fit
the timetables of events to be
He pointed out that inasmuch
as most of WUOM's potential mil-
lions of listeners will be outside
campus, it's especially important
that programs present a realistic
version of life along the Diag.
Student suggestions for programs
dealing with details of little-publi-
cized campus activities, as well as
"big-time" affairs, will be espe-
cially valuable, he added.
Vessel Rides
Lawn Waves
When a gale blows up, the old
U.S.S. North Hall, veteran ship
of the University fleet, rides it out
as spray lashes its five inch gun,
on the forecastle (front lawn to
you landlubbers).
Mounted high in the superstruc-
ture, the gun director stands ready
for action with the enemy fleet
and the port and starboard lights
The forward gun, 38 caliber, can
make a direct hit on a battleship
cruising along the expressway on
the other side of Ypsilanti.
The wind roars and the aged
ship rolls a trifle but no one has
been reported getting sea-sick, ac-
cording to Lieutenant Commander
Mark Varland, Ordnance and
Gunnery Officer, N.R.O.T.C
The ocean going equipment
lends color and sea atmosphere
to what is normally an office and
classroom building, according to
Lt. Com. Varland.
The U.S.S. North Hall will not
make any cruises in the near fu-
ture and will remain anchored on
N. University wharf-Avenue?

at the Industrial Container Corp., in Brooklyn, reach through
open window for a kiss from their babies, brought to the plant
by their wives. The men, involved in a CIO-AFL jurisdictional
dispute, struck Oct. 13. Both unions are calling for application of
the Taft-Hartley law.
Religious Instruction Is Task
Of Church, Edmonson Says

T o Discuss
Soviet Issue
Two veteran journalists, Walter
Duranty and H. R. Knickerbocker,
will launch a wide-open debate on
the Russian problem at 8:30 p.m.,
Thursday, in Hill Auditorium.
Duranty, who spent many years
as a correspondent in Russia, and'
who has written several books on
the country, will support the af-
firmative of the question, "Can
Russia Be Part of One World?"
'Friendly Russians'
Duranty's position is that Rus-
sia has swung away from its plan
to convert the remainder of the
world to Communism. He explains
that the Russian people are
friendly toward the United States,
and that Russia wants security
just as much as this country.
Knickerbocker, who will op-
pose Duranty in the debate, is
also a Pulitzer Prize winning
newspaper man and veteran of
many years reporting from Russia
and other parts of Europe and
Knickerbocker's Position
Russia desires to expand by im-
perialistic motives under a typi-
cal totalitarian government,
Knickerbocker has said. The
United States must remain a bul-
wark against this threat, accord-
ing to the journalist.
Tickets for the debate, first lec-
ture to be presented by the Ora-
torical Association in the 1947-48
Lecture Course, may be obtained
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday at the Hill Auditorium
Box Office. Prices are $.60, $.90
and $1.20.
Season tickets for the entire
seven-lecture course, which will
include other discussions of for-
eign affairs, theatrical life and
literature also may be purchased
at the Hill Auditorium Box Of-
Medical Corps Officer
Joins 'U' Military Staff
Lt. Colonel Paul V. Kiehl, Med-
ical Corps veteran, has joined the
University Department of Military
Science and Tactics. .
Colonel Kiehl is replacing Lt.
Colonel John M. Sheldon who is
reverting to an inactive status.
Colonel Sheldon will continue to
head the Allergy- Clinic at the1
University Hospital.1










H O L IbDAsY Os N GVReAND CANALch.gSpectators inboats, onnarrowwalksand on
balconies line Venice's Grand Canal to watch gondolas move past in the annual regatta..

Religious instruction of youth
remains the primary task of the1
church and must not become iden-
tified with the public schools,
Dean J. B. Edmonson, of the edu-
cation school points out in the
October issue of the School of
Education Bulletin.
Citing the current attempts of
church groups to reach more chil-
dren through the schools in an
article entitled, "Religious Edu-
cation - Whose Responsibility?"
Dean Edmonson declares, "If our
Senior Pictures
Proofs of senior 'Ensian pictures
taken before Oct. 10 are now ready
at the Student Publications Build-
ing, Barbara Gray, 'Ensian busi-
ness manager, has announced.
Urging seniors to select the
proof they want to appear in the
'Ensian now, Miss Gray added
that proofs of pictures taken after
Oct. 10 should be picked up one
week later.

public schools are to be acceptable
to all denominations, every effort
must be made to avoid their use
for religious teaching."
It is this system, he writes,
which has solved the problem of
educating children of diverse re-
ligious origins in a spirit of friend-
liness and unity.
All proposals thus far submitted
for religious instruction have pre-
ferred one group above another
and also threaten the principle of
the separation of church and
state, he says.
To meet this genuine problem
of the churches, Dean Edmonson
suggests the formation of com-
munity boards to coordinate the
work of the churches and to im-
prove theattractiveness of their
programs. The board should be
composed of influential laymen
from the various churches who
would promote religious education
on a community scale, the article


I N D O N E S I A N C A P 1 T A L-Despite civil conflict, it's business as usual-on a leisurely
basis-in the city of Jogjakarta, capital of the Indonesian republic.



(Continued from Page 4)

for the serious music collector
A check list of desirable recordings recently added
to a large and varied selection.
BEETHOVEN: Sonata No. 9 in A (Kreutzer)
Busch and Serkin
MM 496 $5.85
BRAHMS: Viola Sonata in E Flat Op. 120 No. 2
Primrose and Moore
DM 422 .. $4.20
CHAUSSON: Symphony in B Flat
Stock and Chicago Symphony
D M 950 . . . ..................... . . $5.25
CHOPIN: Concerto No. 1 in E Minor
Rubinstein with Barbirolli and London Symphony
DM 418.............................$5.25
FRANCK: Sonata in A Major
Heiifetz and Rubinstein
DM 449 ...... .. .. ..... . $4.20
MOZART: Divertimento No. 15 in B Flat K. 287
Szigeti and Ensemble
MM 322............. .............. $5.85
Robert Casadesus
MM 372.................. . . $4.60
In addition we have just received Hunperdinck.'s
PH AXN!ST. A ND GRERTEL." in the first

ley Kirke Norton, Economics; the-
sis: "Guidance Problems Encoun-
tered in Certain High Schools of
Michigan:' Their Types, Frequen-
cies, and Implications for Teacher
Training," Fri., Oct. 17, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 3
p.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch.
Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations
in Economics will be held during
the week beginning Monday, Nov.
3. Each student planning to take
these exaimnations should leave
with the secretary of the depart-
ment, not later than Thursday,
Oct. 23, his name, the three fields
in which he desires to be exam-
ined, and his field of specializa-
Biological Chemistery Seminar:
Fri., Oct. 17, 4 p.m., Rm. 319, W.
Medical Bldg.
Subject: "Some Problems of
Porphyrin Metabolism." All inter-
ested are invited.
Chem. and Met. 235 will meet at
the regularly scheduled hours un-
til further notice.
Complex Variables Seminar:
Fri., 3 p.m., Rm. 3201, Angell Hall.
Mr. Lapidus will speak on The
Weierstrass P-Function.
Seminar in Differential Opera-
tors: The time of the Seminar in
Differential Operators has been
changed to Friday, 4 p.m., Rm.
3010, Angell Hall.
Speech 113, 114, 143, and 147:
~potig t
WIS C i'ySumcK7\1aria

Classes that are scheduled in the
Laboratory Theatre will meet in
the Temporary Classroom Build-
ing begining today. This build-
ing is located in back of the
Health Service. Classrooms are as-
signed as follows:
113, Sec. 1-Room 240
113,Sec. 2-Room 252
113, Sec. 3-Room 240
114-Room 252
143-Room 240
147-Room 240
Patrice Munsel, Metropolitan
Opera soprano,. assisted by Stuart
Ross at the piano, and Betty
Wood, flutist, will give the open-
ing concert in the Second Annual
Extra Concert Series on Saturday,
Oct. 18, 8:30 p.m. She will sing a
program of arias and songs by
Mozart, Benedict, Poldowski, Mas-
senet, Sandoval Bayly, Rachmani-
off, and Liebling.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the
University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower, up to
noon Saturday; and after 7 o'clock
Saturday night at the Hill Audi-
torium box office.
Exhibition of works by local ar-
tists, presented by the Ann Arbor
Art Association in the Rackham
Galleries, daily except Sunday,
through October 17, 10-12 noon,
2-5 and 7-10 p.m.
Biology of the Bikini Atoll, Mar-
shall Islands, 1946, Department of
Botany, 2nd floor, Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. through October 18.
Modern American Houses, cir-
culated by the Museum of Modern
Art. Architecture Bldg., through
Oct. 27.
Museum of Art: MODERN
Museum of Modern Art, New York,
through Oct. 19; Alumni Memo-
rial Hall: Daily, except Monday,
10-12 and 2-5; Sunday, 2-5; Wed-
nesday evening, 7-9. The public is
cordially invited.

will be painted, and toy animals
will be stuffed to send to Europe
for Christmas. Wear work clothes.
German Coffee Hour: 3-4:30
p.m., Michigan League Coke Bar.
All interested students and faculty
members are invited.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,
Sigma Chapter: 8 p.m., Rm. 325,
Michigan Union. Calendar of ac-
tivities for semester will be pre-
sented. All members are urged to
Armenian Students, Association
Wiener roast, 7:30 p.m. Meet in
front of Rackham Bldg.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday evening services, 7:45 p.m.,
followed by Fireside Discussion led
by Mr. Ronald Freedman, of the
Department of Sociology, who will
speak on "Significant Trends in
Modern Jewish Life," at 8:30 p.m.
A social hour will follow.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Friday Evening Social Commit-
tee: Organization meeting, 4:15
p.m., Fri., Oct. 17, Hillel Founda-
tion. Anyone interested is invited
to attend.
Coming Events
Association of U. of M. Scien-
tists: Mon., Oct. 20, 8 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Program: Discussions of Atomic
Energy Control and the National
Science Foundation. The public
is invited.
English Journal Club: Wed.,
Oct. 22, 8 p.m., East Lounge, 3rd
floor, Rackham Bldg. Mr. Louis J.
Toplosky, Mr. Abraham Bezanker
and Mr. Keith McKean will dis-
cuss the critical views of Joel E.
Spingarn as expressed in his es-
say "The New Criticism." All grad-
uate students and faculty are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Graduate Outing Club, hike in
Saginaw Forest. Meet at 2:30 p.m.,
Sun., Oct. 19, Northwest entrance,
Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rack-
ham check desk before noon Sat-

ID L E B RI T I S H C O L L I E R Y- Two English miners, idle because of wildcat strikes in
the mines, survey a closed pithead near the-village ot. Bretton Monk, Yorkshire.'




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