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October 16, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-16

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Fifty-Eighth Year

Peace is the Issue


Edited and managed by students of the uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
Jofm Campbell.................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson...............Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor
Betty Steward...........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Stafff
Nancy Helmick.................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
Igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.


Give Us a Chance
of representatives callee the Student
Legislature. The Legislature was put into,
action after a hard battle over exact con-
struction, and an evenstiffer fight against
student apathy.
Now, however, it represents the student
body through regularly elected delegates
speaking for all schools and colleges.
This group handles student problems, and
the recent liquor ban comes under that
heading. The Student Legislature was not
consulted before the plan was announced,
however, nor was any other representative
student group, nor the student body itself.
The interpretation was handed down from
above, without allowing the students to
take a crack at the problem.
The protests aroused by the ban have,
for the most part, been misdirected. In-
stead of fighting the ban alone, it would
be wiser to fight the ban by hitting the
manner in which it was presented.
University officials could have acted more
intelligently by placing the responsibility for
proper conduct on the students. Without
tightening regulations, the University could
have said directly to the student body, or
its representatives:
"Things have been getting pretty lax; in
fact there has been too much drinking,
loosening of morals, and other conduct
improper at a first-rate University. Now we
have a huge enrollment, and it's hard to
keep things under control.
"Can you accept responsibility on an in-
dividual basis? Will you try to act like adults,
and if you overstep proper bounds, will
you accept punishment? If not, we will
have to impose hard rules to see that the
students do not run wild."
Certainly the students would have re-
sponded. But the University tried the dic-
tatorial method, and it has aroused nat-
ural resentment.
The University must finally learn that
cooperation and adult conduct can be ex-
pected only when the students are given
a chance to accept responsibilities and work
things out for themselves.
-Harriet Friedman.
Voluntary Plan
PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S food conserva-
tion plan will be helpful even if only
a few people cooperate on a voluntary basis.
Any saving of meat, poultry and eggs will
result in more food for a hungry Europe.
Pound for pound, what you don't eat, is
released for consumption in an area that
has felt the direct effect of a devastating
The reasons for proposing a voluntary
plan are simple and expressive of a demo-
cratic handling of the problem.
Although, the plan will not receive 100
per cent cooperation-no voluntary plan can
expect to-those that are willing to coop-
erate will make a definite contribution to
the world's food needs..
The voluntary plan will not curb our diets.
The University's residence hall system finds
little difficulty in planning adequate meals
without meat on Tuesdays and poultry
an - rh,, c m on iiudvs acrdin tn Mi

WHAT ATTITUDE shall one adopt and
live by during the current crisis between
Russia and the West? It seems to me the
desire for peace is still the strongest, the
safest, the least likely to ensnare one in the
dangers of historical error and moral warp-
In other words, after you have listened
to some speaker make a powerful, clever,
even a documented and reasoned attack
on Russia, does something within you
want him to go on and propose some plan
for solving the problem and establishing
the peace? Or are you satisfied, political-
ly, morally and esthetically, with the at-
tack alone? If so, you are perhaps already
partially mobilized inside.
Do you pounce eagerly upon a new argu-
ment against Russia, or is there a little bit
of regret somewhere within you that the
situation has deteriorated enough to pro-
duce such arguments? Would you be de-
lighted with, or sorry over, new evidences,
say, of Russian expansionist tendencies?
Have you, over the last two years slipped in-
Deport ation Cases
HISTORY may not repeat itself but it does
establish ironical parallels that test our
moral and intellectual integrity.
Under the guise of purging subversive
elements from the United States, alien de-
portation proceedings were instituted against
Harry Bridges, leader of the International
Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Un-
ion, in 1934, on the grounds that he was a
member of the Communist Party and coop-
erated with the Marine Workers Industrial
Union, an affiliate of the Trade Union Unity
League which was created by the Commun-
ists and led by them until its dissolution in
1934 when its members entered the AFL.
In passing on the Bridges case, the
Supreme Court held that membership in the
Communist Party had not been proven. On
the second charge, the Court ruled that co-
operation with the legitimate trade uhion
objectives of a TUUL union did not consti-
tute grounds for deportation. Since Bridges
was not accused of having been a member of
the Marine Workers Industrial Union but
only of cooperating with it, the Court did
not decide whether membership in a TUUL
union constituted "affiliation" with the
Communist Party which is an offense pun-
ishable by deportation.
Within the near future, however, the
Supreme Court will be called on to decide
if the Communist Party is subversive and
whether a considerable number of aliens
who belonged to TUUL can now be deported,
irrespective of their present beliefs and af-
filiations, for membership in labor organ-
izations which passed out of existence 13
years ago.
Last month, the Government launched a
deportation drive against trade union lead-
ers by arresting John Santo, international
organization director of the Transport
Workers Union, CIO, and Michael J. Ober-
meier, president and secretary-treasurer of
Local 6, Hotel and Club Employees Union,
AFL. Santo and Obermeier have been charg-
ed with memberships in or affiliation with
an organization advocating overthrow of
the Government by force and violence.
Santo, who has been a resident of the
United States since 1927 was one of the
founders of the TWU. The current action
against the Roumanian-born TWU leader is
a continuation of deportation proceedings
initiated in 1941 on the grounds that Santo
entered this country illegally in 1927. In re-
newing these deportation proceedings, the
Government has been forced to change the
charge because Santo's return to this
country on a troopship after three and a
half years abroad as a buck sergeant with
the infantry in the Aleutians made him a
legal entrant. Ordinarily Army service con-

fers citizenship almost automatically, as it
should for a man who goes out to fight in
defense of this country, but the Government
has failed to accord this status to Santo,
who volunteered for Army duty and emerg-
ed with an honorable discharge.
Obermeier, a native of Germany and a
resident of the United States for 34 years,
has headed the largest local of culinary
workers in the country since its organiza-
tion 10 years ago. During the war, Oberme-
ier broadcast appeals to the German work-
ing class at the request of the State De-
partment's Office of War Information.
While Santo may be a member of the
Communist Party and Obermeier was associ-
ated with the Food Workers Industrial Un-
ion, a subsidiary of the long-defunct TUUL,
the facts in both cases indicate that these
deportation proceedings are an attempt
to weaken and undermine the American
trade union movement before the 1948 elec-
Obermeier was one of the leaders of an
independent union of catering workers
which joined the AFL in 1936 and helped
to clean out gangster rule by the Capone
syndicate and Dutch Schultz mobs, of the
New York hotel and restaurant unions.
Meanwhile, he has not only been instru-

to the mental habit of
of making peace?

making points instead

The people of the world are entitled,
of course, to take the same approach to
the other side, also. Is the organization
of a new Comintern, or of a half or three-
quarters Comintern, a step toward peace,
or is it an episode in a mobilization for a
What evidence does the Soviet Union give
that it believes it to be possible, and desir-
able, for a capitalist United States to live out
its own destiny in a peaceful world? Does
Russia entertain such a belief? Doesn't the
Soviet effort to prove that American cap-
italist thinking resembles that of Hitler Ger-
many come dangerously close to setting up
the doctrine that peace with America is im-
Remember that the issue is peace: it is
a distortion of the issue to change it into
a noisy schoolyard dispute over which side
is better. Who has set up for-us the for-
mal and untimely problem of instantly
deciding which side is loftier, purer,
nobler, and how has this problem come
to be substituted for the real problem we
faced at the end of the war, which was
the making of peace?
It is possible to become so lost in watching
the successive points made by each con-
testant (with head shifting from side to
side, as when one watches a tennis match)
as to forget that the game itself is bad.
To what judge sitting on what bench, are
we addressing these impassioned briefs? The
issue is peace, not the assertion of super-
iority, and, in fact, the best way to asser{
superiority, and to make it stick, is to show
capacity for leadership in making peace.
To want peace, to demand peace, to talk
peace, to issue peace plans, to request the
Soviet Union to come forth with peace
proposals, is the only meaningful way in
which to conduct this controversy.
The world listens with a sinking heart
to the ingenious fellow (whether he be an
American politician or a member of the
new fractional Comintern) who hints that
peace is impossible, and who douses the
whole issue in a muggy, metaphysical
salad dressing, thick with unripe analyses
of national differences, and seasoned with
a dash of determinism. Nothing is more
indeterminate than determinism, as the
last war showed, when it disclosed our-
selves and Russia fighting on the same
The issue is still peace, and the side
which can ram home into the conscious-
ness of the world its desire for peace will
need no press agents to extol its virtues
or to win it adherents.
(Copyright, 1947,N.Y. Post Syndicate)
French Economy
PARIS-In these reports from Europe, the
major emphasis has been placed, as it
should be placed, upon the political and
strategic threats arising from the European
economic crisis. But it is now time to point
out that the danger is also economic -
that if we continue to indulge our weakness
for half measures, for being too little and
too late, the result is likely to sweep from
our own tables all the good things, all the
good cheer which we are so complacently
enjoying. In Paris, even more than in Rome,
the possibility is evident of a world-wide
crash more shattering, more irreversible
and more certain to engulf the United
States in the end than the world crash of
the Hoover years.
It is repetitious but needful to begin by
saying that in France, as in Italy, the
trouble arises from a monthly trading de-
ficit with the rest of the world which the
French no longer have the dollars, gold or
credits to cover. Whereas in Italy the de-
ficit is between $45 and $55 millions per
month, it is about $120 millions monthly or

a little more in France.
Moreover, this is a dollar deficit in the
strictest sense. With the soft money areas
of the world, France's trade is currently
in favorable balance. But, like Italy, she
can only get wheat to feed her people,
coal, most of her petroleum, certain raw
materials and special equipment for her
factories, by laying dollars or gold on the
line. There is hardly a nation left in the
world, except the United States, that can
pay for French goods with dollars. Ameri-
can purchases in France are relatively
trivial. And since France, again like Italy,
can only get coal and wheat for dollars,
the French economy simply cannot oper-
ate at all without dollar loans to cover the
monthly deficits for the present.
This is the important thing to understand.
The commodities bought with dollars are so
vital that without them, not merely France's
trade with us, but the whole of France's
economic life will come to an almost dead
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

i41 6y united f.eature Syndiute. Ti,
-All rights reserved/-1

". . . So when I heard about the government loyalty tests,
I thought, 'Why not us, too?' ..."

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-


VOL. LVIII, No. 21

ON 'ASuCot'tO ty 'L~
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. Notices
To Faculty Personnel:
All those holding appointments
payable on the University Year
basis will receive their first check
on October 31. Should an emer-
gency exist in any individual case,
checks which would be collected
on October 31, may be obtained,
previous to that date by coming to
the Payroll Department, Room 9,
University Hall.
Library Tour for Graduate Stu-
dents: Thursday, Friday, and Sat-
urday, Oct. 16, 17, and 18, gradu-
ate students of the University will
t be taken on a trip through the
General Library by members of
the staff. The tour will start at
4:15 p.m. on Thursday and Friday,
and at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Rm.
110, first floor, General Library
near the West entrance.
The School of Education Testing
Program: Thurs., Oct. 16, Rack-
ham Bldg.. 4:30-6-15 and 7:45-10
p.m. This testing program is in-
tended for all teacher's certificate
t Women students who are Jun-
iors in the School of Education
who are taking the School of Edu-
cation testing program on October
16 have late permission until.10:45
p.m. on that day.
Women students are notified
that regular weekend rules will
apply to those wishing to attend
out-of-town football games:
"Weekend-(a) Overnight: Any
girl expecting to be out of her
house Friday, Saturday, or Sun-
day night must notify the head of
the house personally, leave ad-
dress in advance, and sign in
when she returns. (b) Late Per-
mission: Routine requests for late
permissions must be made in ad-
vance to the Office of the Dean of
Women except for Friday, Satur-
day, and Sunday nights. For Fri-
day, Saturday, and Sunday nights,
housemothers may grant this per-
mission if they approve and if the
permission has been requested in
person by the student before she
leaves her residerice. In such cases,
the housemother is requested to'
attach to sign-out sheets an ex-
planation of each late permission
"Listening parties" to be held
for the Northwestern game will be
approved for the hours from 2-5,
provided requests are filed in the
Office of Student Affairs before
12 noon on Thursday, Oc-
tober 16. Chaperons should be se-
lected in accordance with Party
Regulations. Fraternities, Sorori-
ties, and University. Residence
Halls with resident housemothers
or house directors will need no ad-
ditional chaperons for this event,
but the party should be registered

in the Office of Student Affairs
before noon, Thurs., Oct. 16.
Use of Restricted Parking Areas:
Parking areas on campus which
are designated as "RESTRICTED
MITS," are to be used only by per-
sons displaying the parking tag.
It is to be noted that a student
driving permit is not a parking
permit, and consequently does not
carry with it the right to use those
Beginning Monday, Oct. 20,
penalties will be imposed upon
those individuals whose cars are
found parked in Restricted Areas
without the proper parking tag
Sophomore Women: Collection
of class dues ($1), October 13-21.
A booth will be open in the
League from 3 to 5 daily. Organ-
ized houses will be contacted per-
,Student Print Loan Collection:
A few prints are still available for
loan to students who have not al-
ready been assigned a picture for
the fall semester. These prints
are on display at Rm. 205, Uni-
versity Hall, and may be picked up
immediately upon payment of the
rental fee.
Placement: Registration mate-
rial may be obtained at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall, during office hours (9-12
and 2-4 on Tuesday, Wed-
nesday, Thursday, and Friday
of this week. This applies to Feb-
ruary, June, and August graduates
as well as to graduate students or
staff members who wish to regis-
ter and who will be available for
positions next year. The Bureau
has two placement divisions:
Teacher Placement and General
Placement. The General Division
includes service to people seeking
positions in business, industry,
and professions other than teach-
Only one registration period will
be held during the current school
year. Blanks must be returned one
week from the date they are taken
out. Students are urged to regis-
ter as soon as possible, as employ-
ers are already making appoint-
ments to come for interviews.
Patrice Munsel, Metropolitan
Opera soprano, assisted by Stuart
Ross at the piano, and Betty
Wood, flutist, will give the open-
ing concert in the Second Annual
Extra Concert Series on Saturday,
Oct. 18, 8:30 p.m. She will sing a
program of arias and songs by
Mozart, Benedict, Poldowski, Mas-
senet, Sandoval Bayly, Rachmani-
off, and Liebling.
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the
University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower, up to
noon Saturday; and after 7 o'clock
Saturday night at the Hill Audi-
torium box office.
University Lecture: Mr. Arthur
Young, formerly Vice-President
in charge of Industrial Relations
of the United States Steel Cor-
poration, will lecture on- the sub-

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter tothe editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printedeor
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* * *.
No Control
To the Editor:
LAST YEAR the University re-1
ceived some unwarranted pub-
licity regarding actions of the stu-
dents in the national press. We
say unwarranted because at the
time there was in force a reason-
able regulation which placed the
burden of responsibility for con-
duct on the student. On the whole
this self-discipline was appreciat-
ed and successfully carried by stu-
dents eager to assume the respon-
sibilities of mature citizens. Such
misdeeds as occurred were the na-
tural results of 20,000 students
living in a single community.
This perfectly normal situation
has been altered recently by no
drinking rules and pledges en-
forced by University authorities,
without any regard of human na-
ture or past experience. As hap-
pened during Prohibition, there
has been more drinking - drink-
ing in a totally uncontrolled man-
ner in private homes and apart-
ments, in automobiles, and in
empty lots just to mention a few
possible places where the ingen-
ious student can drink.
There are more people show-
ing the influence of alcohol at a
"dry" party today than there ever
were at a controlled "wet" party.
Students are driving automobiles
while and after drinking - a
problem the University has so far
totally disregarded. Conditions are
conducive to more immoral con-
duct than went on before the old
rules. The underlying reason of
course it that nobody throws away
a half empty bottle and one can't
keep it on his person in view of
the present ban - more liquor
being consumed in a shorter space
of time. In Short, everyhpossible
objective of the ban, whether it
be drinking, drunkeness, or stu-
dent conduct while and after
drinking, has been thwarted by
the student who has been driven
to drinking undercover.
If the University is anxious to
return to a condition where the
students have respect for its reg-
ulations there is only one natural
solution. Rely on the maturity
and self-discipline that are among
the foremost ideals the University
itself wishes its students to at-
tain. This will serve to retain
three controlling factors over stu-
dent conduct, chaperones, student
officers, and the social pressure
of many people. Drinking will
then occur in such a manner that
has been approved by society in
general and by colleges and uni-
versities from coast to coast.
-82 Signatures
* * *
World Federalists
To the Editor.
MR. CARNEIRO, in his letter of
Oct. 7, is evidently striving to
take a Machiavellian approach to
world politics, and suggests that
world federalists should face the
realities of our times and launch
forth on a moral war against the
Russians. Once the Russian ob-
struction is dispensed with, he
feels we will then be able to set
up our world state. He supports
the argument with the view, "War
is inevitable" and we had better
ject, "The Challenge of Industrial
Relations Today," at 4 p.m.,
Thurs., Oct. 16, Rm. 1025, Angell
Hall; auspices of the Bureau of
Industrial Relations. The public
is cordially invited.

University Lecture:
Professor Pierre Lavedan, of the
Department of History of Art of
the Sorbohne, will lecture on the
subject, "Contemporary Problems
of Urbanism in France" (illus-
trated; in French), at 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 20, Rackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Fine Arts. The public is
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for
Charles Schaffner Goodman,
Business Administration; thesis:
"The Development of California as
a Manufacturing and Marketing
Center for Fashion Apparel," Fri.,
Oct. 17, West Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman,
E. H. Gault.
Doctoral Examination for Stan-
ley Kirke Norton, Economics; the-
sis: "Guidance Problems Encoun-
tered in Certain High Schools of
Michigan: Their Types, Frequen-
(Continued on Page 6)

have it now in order to be as-
sured of a "relatively bloodless vic-
tory." Mr. Carneiro veils his trend
of thought with a little ambiguous
moralizing and feigned indecision
about the tragedy of war; but the
intent is plainly there.
In relation to the morality of
another "war to end all wars,"
I have heard that phrase before,
and there are certain ends which
justify qualified means; but there
is always doubt as to the justifi-
cation of selling one's soul for
any end.
As to the practicality of a moral
war to establish the world state,
I refer Mr. Carneiro to "A Study
of History" by Arnold Toynbee,
in which it is shown that the uni-
versal, if established by one or
thet other of the big powerstoday,
will not last. A nation can bind
the world to its will for a certain
length of time but like Pax Ro-
mana, such an arrangement is
doomed to disintegrate.
Mr. Carneiro feels that world
federation now would further di-
vide the world, for the Eastern
powers would not join in. This is
an over-simplification of the sit-
uation. No one knows exactly what
Russia would do if she were pre-
sented with the choice of joining
'or staying on the outside of a
world federation. Many observers
feel that Russia is merely seeking
security, driven by fear and sus-
picion of what she calls "Capi-
talistic encirclement." If we were
to offer her this security and jus-
tice within the framework of a
limited world government, she
might grasp at it. Until we have
made this offer, can we say we
have made an honest attempt for
Assuming that Russia did re-
fuse and the non-Soviet dominat-
ed states formed a federation,
leaving the door open for the
Russians, this would not neces-
sarily precipitate war as Mr. Car-
neiro alludes. We must remem-
ber' that the Eastern bloc would
be in a very inferior position eco-
nomically, and it would be ex-
tremely difficut for it to make
advances politically. In fact, it
might well find itself forced into
the federation, with economic and
political collapse as its only al-
Revolutions start off moderate-
ly, swing to the radical extreme,
then swing back to what can be
termed relative conservatism. Ac-
cording to Mr. X of the state de-
partment, Russian communism is
showing signs of starting on the
backward swing. This being true,
the difference between the East
and the West may become much
smaller, and the possibilities of
unity much greater.
All of which indicates war is
not inevitable, and the immediate
formation of a federation of all
willing nations would greatly in-
crease our chances of peace.
-George Shepard,
President, Michigan
Chapter, World Fed-


Letters to the Editor...







More on Maloy
To the Editor:
IN A BRILLIANT expose, Mr.
Maloy has with one stroke con-
demned the MYDA program and
has decided that the political af-
filiation of an organization is de-
termined by that of the president
it keeps.
Ed Shaffer has been elected
president of MYDA. That he is
a member of the Ralph Nipfus
Club, Communist Party, is a dis-
covery no more sensational than
my discovery that Mr. Maloy is
not. The relation between the two
facts and MYDA's statement that
its "principles are the property of
no single political philosophy or
party," is not so clear. I find little
more in it than that MYDA does
not exclude communists and that
Ed Shaffer apparently possesses
the qualities needed of the pres-
ident df an organization. I see
nothing inherently startling in
that and see in it evidence of par-
ticular partisanship or partline
policy, no more than if Mr. Shaf-
fer were a "staunch" Republican.
Yet, the editorial insinuates that
it is not far from a sin to have
a Communist as president and
that it marks an organization with
a sort of tattle-tale red about
which gossip may be passed over
editorial backfences.
In his revelation the author
seemingly suspects perpetual con-
trol of MYDA by Ed Shaffer, some
sort of "ideological dictatorship,"
by remarking that he has been re-
elected to his office. I hate to
break up this cropping suspicion
by telling the author that it
wasn't planted right. Though
neither member of MYDA northe
Daily staff, I have frequently read
that Harriet Ratner was formerly
MYDA president. Now, unless Ed
Shaffer went under an -assumed
name and resided in a women's
coop ...
That it is thought desirable to








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