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October 16, 1947 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


CIO Leaders
Urge Prompt
Aid to Europe
Marshall Foreign
Policy Endorsed
By The Associated Press
BOSTON, Oct. 15-The CIO to-
night called for "prompt action"
on European aid after hearing
Secretary of State Marshall de-
clare that such a move was urgent
because the world faces "actual
disappearance of the western civ-
', ilization on which American living
is based."
Top CIO leaders spoke in sup-
port of American foreign policy,
without a single dissenter, and the
convention unanimously favored
aid which President Philip Mur-
ray said "would go beyond the
Marshall Plan if necessary."
Immediate Requirements
The two-hour discussion fol-
lowed Marshall's declaration that
food and coal are "immediate re-
quirements for Europe."
Marshall told the convention
that "the basic problem of world
recovery is production" and Wal-
ter P. Reuther, President of the
United Automobile Workers, fol-
Unoed that thn his assertion that
"the ower of American economy
must be geared to human needs."
Reuther asked, however, that
labor be given a place "at the
council tables in Washington, that
labor be drawn into active partici-
pation in carrying out foreign
Secretary Confident
The secretary told the national
convention of the 0I0 that he
was confident of American la-
bor's "reaction to the efforts of
the enemies of democracy to dis-
rupt the structure of our society
in the domestic field."
The 600 CIO delegates and 1,500
visitors and guests applauded that

Second Battle of Britain
Is 'Matter of Economics'
Former Daily City Editor Begins Series of
Observations on Tour Through Europe
(Special to The Daily)
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles by a former
city editor now touring Europe.
LONDON, Oct.-- (Delayed)-Life in the Second Battle of Britain
is rather drab and undramatic as battles go.
It's that way because it is purely a matter of economics. It
doesn't involve shifting battle lines, martial music or any show of
Instead, there is a plodding and seemingly endless effort to save
the British economy. "We're Up Against It-We Work or Want,"
says the Government in brightly colored billboard signs. So Britons
work in this strange kind of peacetime era, when the war is two
years over but most of normal liv-

statement and again
"No section of the
population has a more
in the preservation of
tutions in the world
American labor."
Basic Problem
Marshall said thatt

when he
vital stake
free insti-
than has
the "basic

Clayton Urges
European Aid
On Resigninog
Predicts Trouble
Without U.S. Help
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15-(.)-
Undersecretary of State Will Clay-
ton resigned today with a strong
plea for Congress and the Amer-
ican people to help European re-
In a farewell news conference,
Clayton said failure to bolster the
war-devastated countries would
involve a grave danger of eco-
nomic and social disintegration
The result, he said, would im-
peril both the economic and polit-
ical future of the United States.
Answering newsmen's questionis,
Clayton disclosed that within the
next few days the United States
and Britain will conclude a recip-
rocal trade agreement eliminating
some empire trade preferences and
substantially scaling down many
Turning to the Marshall Plan
for European aid, Clayton said he
thought it would be a great mis-
take for the United States to de-
mand the adoption of the kind of
government this country favors
as a shoestring to American aid.
World News
At. a Glance
By The Associated Press
BALTIMORE, Oct. 15-Henry
A. Wallace brought his plea for
"progessive capitalism" to Balti-
more today to wind up a long
speaking tour and several times
referred to the possibility thatI
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Harold S. Stassen might head
the Republican ticket in 1948.
PARIS, Oct. 15 - France's
strike wave grew more threat-
ening today and the govern-
mnent was reported preparing
"drastic measures" including
operation of the Paris subway
system by troops, in order to
break the capital's transport tie-

problem of world recovery is pro-
duction"; that food and coal are
"immediate requirements."
The speech came at a time when
tension over the Communist issue
was high inside the CI0.
Every delegate in the hall in-
cludirag the known Communist
delegations, rose to give Marshall
an ovation when he strode to the
Similar unanimous applause
greeted him at the conclusion of
his talk, when Marshall gave the
convention a two-minute "off-the-
record" talk. He told reporters to
"lay down your pencils."
Marshall's dramatic defense of
American aims abroad was his
first public pronouncement since
the recent outbreak of Russian
charges of "American warmonger-
Nation's Position
Marshall said this Nation's po-
sition carries "a heavy responsi-
bility which cannot be avoided"
and continued :
"Because the economic stability
of Europe is essential to the po-
litical stability of Europe it is of
tremendous importance to us and
it is equally important to the en-
tire world.
Vote to Refer
Lewis Report
Minor Victory Won
By Union War Threat
SAN FRAN-ISCO, Oct. 15-(')
-John L. Lewis' thinly veiled
threat to walk out of the AFL
and declare an organizational war
against AFL unions brought him
a minor victory today at the AFL
Instead of acting on a resolu-
tion, proposed by the majority of
the resolutions committee, which
would have threatened large seg-
ments of Lewis' miscellaneous dis-
trict 50, the convention voted to
refer that resolution and a Lewis-
sponsored minority report to the
Eecutive Council.
This was the procedure which
Lewis had advocated in a surprise
new attack on his associates in
the federation.

ing is still on the shelf.
British Byword
Over one of the fireplaces in
historic Warwick Castle, 150 miles
north of here, are inscribed the
words "We scarcely dare to call
these things our own."
That inscription, the motto of
the earls of Warwick, is what
amounts to the byword in Britain
today. The wheels of industry
turn, British manufactures roll
off the assembly line-then disap-
pear overseas.
Britain has for many years been
in the unenviable position of hav-
ing to import most of her food.
In the pre-war years, her total im-
ports were always much greater
than her total exports. The dif-
ference used to be made up by in-
terest on foreign investments. But
during the First Battle of Britain
-the year from June, 1940, to
June, 1941, when Britain faced the
Axis alone-the investments had
to be liquidated to provide ready
cash for the war effort.
So now Britain has to match
imports with exports, and that
means food rationing, clothing ra-
tioning and expensive and scarce
luxury goods.
Pessimistic View
On a suburban train platform a
dentist gives vent to a pessimistic
view. "The best thing for a young
chap to do these days is to get out
of the country," he says, naming
Australia as a good goal for emi-
This attitude, however, does not
seem to be typical. People talk of
someday going to the United
States, but then only for a "holi-
day" to satisfy their curiosity
about that land of steaks, electric
refrigerators and central heating.
The people of this country
didn't dodge various kinds of
bombs for five years only to leave
it in a period of temporary peace-
time distress.
Without Napkins
'Unless the tablecloth is long
and drapes onto your lap, you
will not have a napkin in most
British restaurants today. But it's
better to have some food on the
table than to have the ornaments
of mealtime, so Britons accept this
ramification of the export pro-
gram without a second thought.
British cookery, traditionally
mediocre, is functioning even less
well at present. Food is reasona-
bly ample but monotonously un-
varied. "Steak" these days usually
means whale meat, an object that
looks something like beef but
tastes fishy no matter how much
it's smothered with onions and
In the next six months they will
have 20 clothing coupons each. A
suit or dress takes 18. A shirt or
pair of nylons takes three. House-
See BRITAIN, Page 2
Academic Freedom'
Meeting Scheduled
The University's delegation to
Saturday's statewide academic
freedom conference will hold a
preliminary meeting at 4:30 p.m.
(oday in the Union.
The meeting, under the auspices
of the Interracial Association, will
hear committee reports on- the
N.S.A.'s Student Bill of Rights, ac-
ademic freedom violations at the
University and organizational pro-
posals for central and local groups.

High Winds
Lash Atlantic
Coastal Area
Hurricane Settle
In South (eorgia
By The Associated Press
SAVANNAH, Ga., Oct. 15-A
hurricane from the Atlantic bat-f
tered this city with 80 to 100-
mile winds and the neighboring
Georgia-South Carolina coast with
damaging tides and waves today,
then blew itself out tonight in
South Georgia.
The Weather Bureau reported
that the fast-dissipating storm,
with winds of only 17 to 22 miles
an hour, was somewhere between
Albany, Ga., and Tallahassee, Fla.,
at 7:30 p.m.
Damage at Savannah alone was
officially estimated at $1,000,000,
and at nearby Savannah Beach
at $500,000. Total property dam-:
age elsewhere, although apparent-
ly not severe at any place, was
expected to total another $1,500,-
Trees UprootedE
Thousands of trees were up-
rooted and strewn across high-
ways, and communication lines
were badly disrupted. The greater
part of the blow spent itself, how-
ever, on unpopulated coastal
Only one casualty was reported,
an unidentified Negro being
crushed to death by a falling tree
near Charleston, S.C.
Most residents of Savannah
Beach had time to seek safety on
the mainland before water cov-
ered the connecting causeway. The
Red Cross reported more than
1,000 persons took shelter in Sa-
vannah's city hall. Countless
others jammed themselves in
neighboring schoolhouses.
Waters Recede
Two cabin cruisers were left
atop the causeway leading to Ty-
bee Island when waters receded.
From the island, itself, came re-
ports that Trinity Church was
blown down and many homes se-;
verely damaged. Most of the build-
ings at Saffold Field, or nearby
Wilmington Island, were flat-
tened. Several planes were demol-
Savannah suffered heavily from
smashed windows, and many
streets in the downtown business
section crunched underfoot with
broken glass.
Highest tides in history inun-
dated Morehead City, N.C., and
skiffs were used to remove resi-
dents from waterfront homes.
Bogue Sound waters rose to three1
feet on a street adjacent to More-
head city hospital.-
Munsc I0to Sing
Here Saturday
Classical Program
Will Be Presented
Patrice Munsel, the Metropoli-
tan Opera's youngest star, will pre-
sent the opening performance in
the second annual Extra Concert
Series at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in
Hill Auditorium.
The 23 year old coloratura sop-
rano, already a veteran of fivec
seasons in opera, will sing in Ann
Arbor as part of her fifth national1
concert tour.
Last year Miss Munsel was
chosen "best female vocalist" in

a national poll of radio editors.
Her extensive repertoire includes
"Tales of Hoffman"', "Rigoletto",
"Romeo and Juliet", and other
well-known operas.
Miss Munsel will be assisted by
Stuart Ross at the piano and
Betty Wood, flutist, in a program'
which includes selections from
Mozart, Poldowski, Rachmaninoff1
and Verdi.
The Extra Concert Series was
arranged to accomodate students
who have been unable to get
tickets for the regular Choral
Union series. Succeeding concerts
Union series.

Dean Ralph A. Sawyer, of the
graduate school, will deliver the
second lecture in the series of spe-
cial Orientation Meetings, to be
held at 8 p.m. today at Hill Audi-
Presenting his famous "Bikini-
Crossroads" lecture, Dean Sawyer
will illustrate the talk with color
films taken at the time of the Bi-
kini Atom Bomb Test. Dean Saw-
AVC Gains
First Success
In Cost Curb
AVC's long range program for
conquering exorbitant living costs
bore its first fruits last night when
two Ann Arbor restaurants an-
nounced that reduced rate meal
tickets will be available for all
University students.
The State Cafeteria, on State
Street at East Washington, dis-
closed that in cooperation with
AVC's campaign, meal tickets en-
titling students to $5.50 worth of
food will be sold for $5.00. Chan-
dan's Cottage Inn, at 512 E. Wil-
liam, announced a similar reduced
rate program.
Tickets Available
The State cafeteria's tickets are
already available. The Cottage
Inn program will be inaugurated
within afew days, it was learned.
According to Al Millstein, chair-
man of the AVC committee in
charge of eating facilities and cost
of living studies, more of Ann Ar-
bor's eating places are expected to
follow suit.
Millstein called on all restau-
rant owners interested in dis-
cussing the plan to contact him
at 2-7849.
Part of Campaign
The meal ticket program is part
of a campaign which seeks to de-
termine the extent of high living
costs and the nature of inadequate
eating facilities, with a view
toward easing both.
Under Millstein, a group com-
posed of Jerry Alexander, Andrew
Warhola and Bill Young, is draw-
ing up a cost of living question-
naire in connection with the re-
newed campaign for veterans'
subsistence increase.

DEAN RALPH A. SAWYER-The second in the series of special
Orientation Meeting lectures will be presented by Dean Sawyer
at 8 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
* * * *
Dean Sawyer Will Deliver
'ikini--Crossroads' Lecture

yer was civilian technical director
of the Atomic Bomb Test off Bi-
kini Atoll.
The film and lecture will be
open to the public, in response to
requests. Seats downstairs in the
Auditorium will be reserved for
freshman and transfer students
until 8:05 p.m., Dean Erich A.
Walter announced.
The lecture is part of a series
of programs extending Orienta-
tion Week. On Oct. 30, Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss will de-
scribe the University's contribu-
tions to the state and nation. The
Michigan Marching Band will pre-
sent a program at the meeting.
"Vocational Horizons" will be
discussed by Prof. William Haber
of the economics department in
the final meeting Nov. 7. The Uni-
versity Men's Glee Club will per-
form for this program.
Remove Last
Cutter Sails for Port
With 69 Survivors
NEW YORK, Oct. 15-(P)-The
Coast Guard cutter Bibb today
rescued 18 persons who spent a
hazardous night on a crippled fly-
ing boat in the North Atlantic and
then headed for port with all 69
of the plane's survivors safe
The Bibb, whose crew had
worked under adverse weather
conditions for nearly 24 hours in
removing the men, women and
children from the distressed trans-
Atlantic plane, pointed her bow
for Boston, 1,605 miles away from
the crash scene.
The Bibb's skipper, Capt. Paul
B. Cronk, and his strong-nerved
crew brought 17 men and one
woman to safety at dawn to com-
plete the rescue of 62 passengers
and seven crewmen of the big fly-
ing boat which crash-landed near
the cutter yesterday when fuel ran
Capt. Cronk said he expected to
arrive in Boston at 10 a.m., Sun-
day. The plane, the Bermuda Sky
Queen, was ditched about 820
miles east of Argentia, Nfld., on
a westward flight from Ireland.

Fowl Stock High
As Nation Holds
'Poultryless Day'
Critics Contend Program Saves No
Grain, Ask End of Thursday Plan
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15-The Agriculture Department reported
today-on the eve of "poultryless Thursday"-that poultry stocks in
cold storage on Oct. 1 were the largest for that date on record.
The stocks increased 23,000,000 pounds during September to
reach a total of 206,000,000 pounds.
This report, given without comment by the Department headed
by Secretary Anderson, came as the hottest controversy facing the
Citizens Food Committee threatened to flare up again. It concerns
the wisdom of the Committee's request that Americans refrain from
eating fowl and eggs on Thursday to save the grain it takes to
produce them.
Critics contend the idea won't save grain. Committee Chairman

Charles Luckman has said he is
not convinced that this contention
is correct but that if further study
shows it is the program will be
Comes Up Monday
The issue will come up Monday
at a joint meeting of poultry pro-
ducers, grain and feed dealers, and
members of the staff of the com-
On the nation's commodity mar-
kets prices rose today as new de-
mands sprang up for return of
rationing and price controls.
Both the CIO and Mayor
O'Dwyer of New York said Con-
gress should restore food and
price regulations. And Milton H.
Richman, national commander of
the Jewish War Veterans, agreed
it might be necessary.
In the food conservation cam-
paign, bakers said that Chairman
Charles Luckman of the Citizens
Food Committee was counting too
heavily on their industry when he
predicted it would cut the use of
grain by 3,000,000 or more bushels
a month to help feed Europe.
Meanwhile, the brewing indus-
try scheduled a conference tomor-
row with Luckman at which -the
steps it will take toward grain
conservation may be decided.
Brewers Plan
Officials of the United States
Brewers Association, Inc., disclosed
the major brewers are ready to
offer to curtail their use of corn,
along with their previous pledge
to eliminate wheat and table
grades of rice.
But Luckman said yesterday
he wants an actual cut in the pro-
duction of beer, providing an over-
all saving of grain rather than the
substitution of one grain for an-
Joseph E. Brady, an official of
the CIO International Union of
Brewery and Soft Drink Workers,
said the Union will protest "any
curtailment that puts American
workmen out of jobs."
Meanwhile the French, hard-
pressed to get the dollars to buy
food and fuel, got a $50,000,000
lift through action of President
Truman. He authorized the Army
to buy French francs in that
amount. The francs will be used
in turn by the Army for meeting
obligations in France.
Atom Theory
Is Blown Up
Four-year-old Sally Coultman
of Pittsburgh-possessing a spirit
characteristic of many Michigan
football devotees-tried to blow a
big plastic birthday balloon re-
cently, and contributed to the so-I
lution of a complex problem in
nuclear physics.
Possessing insufficient wind-
power to form the balloon, Sally
called on her scientist father, Dr.
John W. Coultman of the West-
inghouse Research Laboratories,
for help.
Yesterday, the Associated Press
reported Dr. Coultman's an-
nouncement that a plastic balloon
-just like the one he had blown
for little Sally-had ended a long
hunt for a "window" for the
atomic ray detector he and a col-
league, Dr. Fitz-Hugh B. Mar-
shall, have devised.
Theballoon, Dr. Coultman said,
met perfectly their requirements
for a material with pores 100
timent hinner tha.n human hair

Pike's Peak Is
Seene of New
Air Disaster
Three Killed, 4 Hurt
In Colorado Crash
Oct. 15-(AP)-Three dead and
four injured airmen were brought
to Camp Carson Hospital tonight
from an Iowa National Guard
transport plane which crashed
into snow-covered Pikes' Peak 24
hours earlier in a blinding storm.
The C-47 which took off from
Hill Field, Utah, yesterday after-
noon after arriving earlier from
its home base at Des Moines,
Iowa, became lost as it neared
As Lowry Field officers in Den-
ver reconstructed the crash, the
plane was circling blindly in the
clouds, hunting for Lowry.
The plane crashed at 10,000
feet into the north slope of the
famous peak, which rises 14,100
One of the injured men, Master
Sgt. John W. Knight, 28, of 1109
57th St., Des Moines, stumbled in
waist-deep snow down a mountain
trail in search of aid.
Others on the plane were iden-
tified in Des Moines as Maj. Rob-
ert R. Oliver, Albert Lea, Minn.;
Maj. Joe Parks of Minneapolis;
Staff Sgt. Aloysius Kissell, 27,
Staff Sgt. Jack M. Glider, 38, and
Sgt. Leo Simmons, all of Des
Moines, and Lt. D. D. Clary, Min-
Added Support
Given UN Plan
Five Nations Approve
Marshall Proposal
LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 15-()-
Secretary of State Marshall's pro-
gram for a year-around United
Nations Assembly Committee
gained the support of five more
nations today.
Uruguay, China, Belgium, El
Salvador and Turkey rallied be-
hind the Marshall plan in the 57-
nation political committee of the
Assembly. They joined the United
States, Australia, Bolivia and the
Dominican Republic.
Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia
meanwhile carried on the Soviet
bloc campaign against the whole
idea, lining up with Russia in a
vigorous denunciation of the "Lit-
tle Assembly" proposal. Those
three members of the Soviet group
so far have been the only nations
in the important committee to
fight the Marshall Political Plan.
John Foster Dulles, U. S. dele-
gate who presented the opening
talk of the Marshall proposal yes-
terday, remained silent today
while the Yugoslav and Czech
delegates spoke.
Union To Resume
Football Movies
The Union will continue its tra-
ditional policy of presenting mo-
tion pictures of Michigan foot-

NEW YORK, Oct. 15-Fright-
ened, soot-blackened subway rid-
ers scrambled to safety through
a smoky tunnel deep under the
East River today after a rush-
hour train stalled and stranded
an estimated 4,000 passengers in
the tunnel.
Begrimed women collapsed as
they reached the surface after
crawling along catwalks! and
tracks and climbing 100-foot in-
clines or emergency stairways.
DETROIT, Oct. 15-An esti-
mated 15,000 maintenance men
employed at General Motors
Corporation's 90 plants through-
out the country got a five-cent
hourly pay boost today.
CHICAGO, Oct. 15-A seven-
car train, each car bearing 65 cof-
fins, will arrive here at 1 a.m.
Saturday carrying war dead from
the Pacific Theatre being returned
to Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Wiscon-
sin and Michigan.
Faculty Will Hold
Informal Meeting

Danish Doctor Tells of Scandinavian Hospital System

Daily Special Writer
A Danish doctor, in this coun-
try to study the specialized wards
of Amarie- n hcn+a nffrar

lengracht diet treatment for
bleeding stomach ulcers. Before
his treatment was evolved, suffer-
ers from this ailment were denied

form of insurance under which
they receive free doctor's atten-
tion, partially free medicine and
po, gen + o IArnnitnI fnr,. r

that in the United States. Re-
search has now taken on im-
"Manv of our vnn- doenrs

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