TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY VUDNESDAY, OCTOR. 15I, 1047 4 Fifty-Eighth Year { i ' P ; i'r 1 Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff John Campbell................Managing Editor Clyde Recht.......................City Editor Stuart Finlayson..............Editorial Director Eunice Mintz..................Associate Editor Lida Dailes....................Associate Editor tDick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Business Staff Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider.................Finance Manager Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all new dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Officemat Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class, mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HARRIETT FRIEDMAN .Cloister or College? THE UNIVERSITY has finally thrown off the yoke of tradition. t Taking its most progressive step in years, it has refuted an adage more firmly en- trenched in our culture than even this time- honored institution. Namely: "There's Safety In Numbers." In its place appears: "Two is company, but three is a gathering." With mixed parties contingent on Stu- dent Affairs Office approval the Monday prior to the event, the majority of students ° will find themselves limited to single couple dating. The reason for this, as revealed by a University spokesman earlier in the semes- ter, is to "discourage spontaneous gather- ings." For example: Mixed groups of stu-. dents who wish to listen to the Northwest- ern game on the radio in student residences, must register their plans with the Office of Student Affairs, according to a notice in to- day's DOB,, The lines have now been drawn. "Par- ties" will be either stag, hen or on a one- to-one basis. And even those approved will be forced to break up at the drop of a bottle cap. The new rule interpretations are con- trary to customary American social precepts. Indeed, they are more befitting to a cloister, than a college. -Joan Katz. -Naomi Stern. [CINEMA IIENRY V, with Laurence Olivier, Renee Asherson, George Robey. 0FFHAND, I should say that no motion picture has ever been so universally well- received as has the British production of Henry V. When the picture was first released in the Unitel States in the spring of 1946, it was unanimously reviewed without a dis- senting note. In the face of such a well- established reputation any further review would seem superfluous, but a few notes on the technical aspects of the film may be set forth here. The reason for the widespread approval of Henry V is that, technically and artisti- cally it approaches perfection. This perfec- tion is sustained throughout all of its depart- ments-story, acting, directing, art and mu- sic--and is largely the effort of Laurence Olivier, who has acted in the diverse capaci- ties of producer, director and actor (in sev- eral smaller roles, as well as in the role ,of King Henry). Olivier has adapted Shakespesare's original with a minimum amount of revision. Thus, none of the flavor of Shakespeare's rich lan- guage is lost; rather, it is enhanced by the' fine treatment it receives from every mem- ber of the cast, and notably from Mr. Olivier, himself. The judicious and artistic use of the camera results in an improvement over the stage version, and such scenes as those depicting the Battle of Agincourt are carried off in a breathtaking manner. Aside from Laurence Olivier, few of the members of the cast are familiar to Ameri- can audiences, but it may be noted that Renee Asherson plays the coy Princess Kath- nt r~nn"A+ha rz na ...,.anmPCnfC an ON WORLD AFFAIRS: New Tactics BILL MAULDIN By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER "WHEN.IS Secretary of State Marshall re-. S igning?" In the last few days, out at the United Nations at Lake Success I have repeatedly been asked this question. I begin to think that this is the new anti-American tactic evolved by some master tactician of the Mos- cow-Belgrad Axis. By which I do not mean to insinuate that the people who put the question are conscious Russia-Firsters. The argument is ingenious. It goes something like this: "The Marshall Plan is going to be re- pudiated or cut down to insignificance by the American Congress. When this becomes 9 About the CoM' itern A NEW "information bureau" was estab- lished in Warsaw last week. Nine Com- munist parties in the Soviet sphere got to- gether and formed what some called a new international, and what others felt was just a reactivation of the old one. But all seem- ed convinced that the tensions of the Cold War remained unabated. Briefly, the nine Communist parties agreed that only the Soviet Union and her satellites were real democratic nations; that these nations in the recent war sought to liquidate Fascism, to undermine im- perialism and to strengthen democratic structures in Europe: that they alone seek prolonged cooperation among the peoples of Europe. The Communist parties agreed, too, that the U.S. and England fought World War II to get rid of competition in markets and establish their dominating position as im- perialistic powers. In the press of the nation, interpreta- tions of the Warsaw agreement varied and fever pitch was of fluctuating tempera- tures. But few moves since the beginning of the post-war struggles of the U.S. and U.S.S.R. seemed quite so effective in con- vincing all shades of editorial opinion that Soviet policy cannot be reconciled or ra- tionalized much longer if honesty is to be maintained.. * * * * THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR cites the feebleness of the new Comin- tern, indicating that it falls far short even of the ill-fated Third International's ambi- tions. What the Warsaw conference put for- ward was not a "plan to feed the hungry, to equip failing factories, to restore trade. It was a directive for creating conditions in which American food and equipment would either be nulified by a general paralysis of fear or be withheld by a U.S. unwilling to risk its treasure in a no-man's land of chaos. "The target for Americans remains," the Monitor indicated, "to do enough soon enc gh for peoples who want to stay free." * * * * THE COMMUNIST DAILY WORKER, in an editorial the editors liked so much they printed it twice, heralds the agree- ment as a protest against the "Truman-Mar- shall-Dulles-Hoover scheme of going to Eur- ope with a dried-up carrot of alleged aid in one hand and an atomic bomb in the other." The agreement is aimed at Wall Street, not the U.S., it declares. "The way to . . defeat the 'let's-have-war' gang, who hope for big profits, is to revive the Roosevelt- Stalin plan for world cooperation and mutual aid." (It is worth recalling here that to the WORKER, Roosevelt was leader of the "let's-have-war" gang until the day of the German invasion of Russia, when he sud- denly became the herald of "world coopera- tion and mutual aid.") THE WALL STREET JOURNAL on the other hand finds no cause to concern itself with the Warsaw decision, or to worry about a further rift between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. "The mask is off," declares the fi- nancier's daily, "and that is the only change in the relationship of East and West." * * * * PM's Max Lerner takes his strongest stand so far against Communist policy. He rips into the Comintern as it manifests itself in the Communist Party in this country, in- dicating that the Party seeks to politically destroy President Truman at any cost, and to undermine, like the European Reds, his program here and abroad. Failing in its move to make of Mr. Truman a Fascist bogey, as the European Communists still seek to do, the American branch looks now to ousting him from the White House and installing, instead, a rank reactionary who can more easily discredit the United States. "I cant state unequivocally for PM," Ler- ner says,""that we will not back any Ameri- can political movement . . . Communist in- spired and dominated, nor will we accept a reactionary candidate, whatever . . . the tortured logic behind him." * * * * THE WASHINGTON POST remarks that with the formation of the Comintern, the proposal of Hamiton F. Armstrong, editor of FOREIGN AFFAIRS, has gained new signifi- cance. The proposal calls for a defensive alliance tied to the principles of the UN, w nithout a nralvzing veto. The plan provides apparent, there will be nothing for Secre- tary Marshall to do but resign. "Unless the Marshall Plan is going to be applied, the Truman Doctrine becomes an insupportable luxury. It becomes, as Walter Lippmann might say, a 'commitment be- yond our means.' Even if you interpret 'means' to mean 'Congressional willing- ness,' the Truman Doctrine unquestion- ably is costly in effort, attention and money. "Since the American Congress - these people reason - is unwilling to foot the bill for an effective Marshall Plan, it cannot hope to shape the course of events in Eur- ope. The peoples of that continent, feeling themselves abandoned by the United States, will have no other alternative than to go farther and farther left. The socialists will succomb to the communists. The liberals will follow the socialists. New 'popular fronts' dominated by Moscow will come to power everywhere. "Meanwhile, before the opening of the new London conference on Germany November twenty-fifth, Mr. Marshall will have re- signed." At this conference, the "tough line to- ward Russia" will be abandoned by the United States and by a reluctant Britain. "I am sure that you will reach an agree- ment with the Russians to keep Germany united," one old French friend remarked to me sadly. "What makes you think so?" "What -else can you do? Western Eur- ope in need of food, will turn to eastern Europe as the only alternative to an Amer- ica that will not provide the necessary funds. Your Congress will obviously leap at a Russian offer to supply some food as the price of participation in the control of the Ruhr. Your Administration might wish to say no. "But your Congress will support anything that will take foreign issues out of the com- ing presidential election. So you will ac- cept. Russia will advance its sphere to the Rhine." It is an interesting if not a credible story. It is being repeated by foreigners of various, sorts. It is perhaps more interesting in view of the fact that the same spokesmen were unfil recently insisting that Europe need make no concession to the United States in order to obtain aid, since "America must export on a giant scale or die." Obviously, somewhere along the line the tune has changed. The Europeans who are spreading the story about Marshall's coming resignation have however one excuse. When they read that certain American Congressmen have gone through Europe and found no hunger, or watch other Ameri- can Congressmen trying to whittle down the Marshall Plan and destroy its effect, or hear a presidential candidate confidently affirm- ing that the United States could just as well have stayed out of the last war - they can perhaps be excused for thinking us a nation of saps and suckers. We may surprise them. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) PR ESS Rc-,A S -x /-/5 CP / -rI A ght . ,v d "Take the editor of the Gadsbyville, Utah, U.S.A., Bugle out of 'Peace-Loving' and put him in the 'Warmongering' file." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN.. Letters to the Editor... ART I Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 20 Notices Women students are notified that regular weekend rules will apply to those wishing to attend out-of-town football games: "Weekend-(a) Overnight: Any girl expecting to be out of her house Friday, Saturday, or Sun- day night must notify the head of the house personally, leave ad- dress in advance, and sign in when she returns. (b) Late Per- mission: Routine requests for late permissions must be made in ad- vance to the Office of the Dean of Women except for Friday, Satur- day, and Sunday nights. For Fri- day, Saturday, and Sunday nights, housemothers may grant this pei - mission if they approve and if the permission has been requested in person by the student before she leaves her residence. In such cases, the housemother is requested to attach to sign-out sheets an ex- planation of each late permission granted." Use of Restricted Parking Areas: Parking areas on campus which are designated as "RESTRICTED TO THOSE HOLDING PER- MITS," are to be used only by per- sons disptlayingthe parking tag. 'It is to be noted that a student driving permit is not a parking permit, and consequently does not carry with it the right to use those areas. Beginning Monday, Oct. 20, penalties will be imposed upon those individuals whose cars are found parked in Restricted Areas without the proper parking tag displayed. Phi Eta Sigma members initi- ated last May should call at the Information Desk, Office of Stu- dent Affairs, for a copy of The Forum. "Listening parties" to be held for the Northwestern game will be approved for the hours from 2-5, provided requests are filed in the Office of Student Affairs before 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, Oc- tober 16. Chaperons should be se- lected in accordance with Party Regulations. Fraternities, Sorori- ties, and University Residence Halls will need no additional chaperons for this event, but the party should be registered in the Office of Student Affairs before noon, Thurs., Oct. 16. Approved house social events for the coming week-end: October 17 - Greene House, Helen Newberry, Journalism So- ciety, Victor Vaughan House, Wesleyan Guild, Zeta Tau Alpha. October 18 - Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma DeltaInter-Cooperative Council, phi Kappa Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Starring's League House, Theta Delta Chi, Trigon. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Edu-. cation, Forestry, Music and Public Health. Students who received marks of I, X or "no report" at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by October 22. Students wish- ing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition ad- dressed to the appropriate offi- cial in their school with Room 4 U.H. where it will be transmitted. Placement: Registration mate- rial may be obtained at the Bu- reau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, during office hours (9-12 and 2-4 on Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. This applies to Feb- ruary, June, and August graduates as well as to graduate students or staff members who wish to regis- ter and who will be available for positions next year. The Bureau has two placement divisions: Teacher Placement and General Placement. The General Division includes service to people seeking positions in business, industry, and professions other than teach- ing. Only one registration period will be held during the current school year. Blanks must be returned one week from the date they are taken out. Students are urged to regis- ter as soon as possible, as employ- ers are already making appoint- ments to come for interviews. United States Civil Service An- nouncements have been received at the Bureau of Appointments for 1. Junior Professional Assist- ant (Fields include Administra- tion Technician, .Archeologist, As- tronomer, Bacteriologist, Chemist, Economist, Engineer, Geographer, Legal Assistant, Librarian, Mathe- matician, Metallurgist, Patent Examiner, Physicist, Psychologist, Social Science Analyst, and Sta- tistician). Salary, $2,644 year. Closing date November 4. 2. Junior Agricultural Assistant -Salary, $2,644 year. Closing date November 4. 3. Library Assistant - Salary, $2,168 and $2,394 year. Closing date November 12. For complete information, call at the Bureau of Appointments. University Community Center: 1045 Midway, Willow Run Village. Wed., Oct. 15, 8:00 p.m. The Bikini film sponsored by the In- terdenominational Church. Thurs., Oct. 16, 8:00 p.m., The New Art Group. Textile painting, ceramics, drawing from life and still life. Fri., Oct. 17, 8:00 p.m., Bridge. To Faculty Personnel: All those holding appointments payable on the University Yea basis will receive their first check on October 31. Should an emer- gency exist in any individual case checks which would be collectec on October 31, may be obtained previous to that date by coming tc the Payroll Department, Room 9 University Hall. Lectures University Lecture: Mr. Arthu] EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re-s ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. , r *r 9 Ridiculous! To the Editor: THE NEW LIQUOR regulations come as a surprise. I have learned with amazement and dis- appointment of the strict regula- tions of the University. They are almost unbelievable. Odinarly laws are made and enforced for the good of the majority and with the consent of this majority. But here at the University this is not the case, for they are not arrived at in a democratic manner. Regu- lations in a university should also be for the purpose of teaching students to be responsible citi- zens. It is unfortunate that members of a University should be treated like children, for then they will behave in that manner. Who ,will take care of them after they grad- uate? Who will tell them where to drink and when to come home? It seems especially wrong now when the average age is so much older. It is true that people go to col- lege to receive an education. Broadly speaking, a university's main purpose is to turn out use- ful citizens. But those who are al- lowed so little say in their own affairs in college will not know how to participate when they leave college. Perhaps liquor reg- ulations seem a small part of this, but they are typical of other reg- ulations here, and one must first be able to manage his personal life if he is to do anything else. Rules that are overly strict will be broken, particularly if they serve no good purpose. The police force will have to be greatly en- larged to prevent this. Twenty-one is the legal age for buying liquor in this state, and ordinarily one is considered an adult at this time -but not at Michigan. It is ridic- ulous that a student can go to a local tavern, or drink by himself in a private place, but cannot go on a beer picnic. It would be in- teresting to know just what these regulations are accomplishing. I doubt that people are any health- ier, purer, or more scholarly than students at a more liberal univer- sity. Such rules make disobedience most attractive. It is time for more sensible regulations. -Nancy B. Forrest. Maloy Editorial To the Editor: THE EDITORIAL concerning' MYDA's chairman is compar- able to the name-calling and half- truths of our less savory column- ists. I hope that, as written at the top of your editorial column this "represents the view of the writer only." It would be very degrading if The Daily were to follow the vicious practice of some of our commercial newspapers. Aside from the style of the edi- torial, it was difficult to follow the logic of the writer. The fact that the chairman, or any other member of an organization, may be affiliated with a particular group is not inconsistent with the statement that its " . . . principles are the property of no single po- litical philosophy or party." Al- though I am not a member of MYDA, I have been informed by one of its members that it will welcome any student, regardless of political belief, who desires to work for progressive principles. -Addi Geist. Shaffer Reply To the Editor: THIS IS MY SECOND reply to Mr. Maloy's editorial of Oct. 12. My first consisted of a sar- castic attack upon Mr. Maloy's motives. But after reconsidering, I decided that my answer, like his article, hit below the belt. As a result, it is now resting in my overstuffed wastebasket. I think I know what Mr. Ma- oy's motive in writing his story was. I think that he was convinced that by revealing to the student body my political affiliations he was performing a public service. I regret to say that in his haste to perform such a service, he made some very serious errors, for which I am sure that he is now sorry. . In times like these a person who is known to hold certain political views is liable to persecu- tion of the worst sort. For this reason I think that no one has any right to tell anyone else my polit- ical philosophy. Though I have always admitted to those who asked (including Mr. Maloy), what my affiliations are, I have never given anyone else the right to re- veal them. This should be my privilege and only mine. In his editorial, Mr. Maloy made certain factual errors. He said that I was chairman of MYDA last year. This is not so. Miss Harriet Ratner was chairman of MYDA then. Mr. Maloy also said that MYDA "loudly professed its sim- on-pure character." If Mr. Maloy means by "simon-pure" non-Com- munist, he is wrong. MYDA has always said that Communists were welcome in the organization. If, instead of rudely walking away from me on Saturdayt night, he would have taken five minutes of his precious time to get these facts straight, I think that he would have avoided printing these er- rors. By attacking MYDA on the basis of my political connections, Mr. Maloy, unintentionally I am sure, has resorted to the type of yellow journalism for which Mr. Hearst is noted. If Mr. Maloy wishes to attack MYDA, as is his right, he should stick to issues and not personalities. I would like Mr. Maloy to learn more about MYDA. Therefore, I wish to extend him a very cordial invitation to our next meeting, so that he can see for himself what type of organization MYDA is. -Edward H. Shaffer. Editorial Policy To the Editor: AS A CONSISTENT reader of The Michigan Daily I have had in the past a high respect for the fairness of its editorial policy. The editorial by Dick Maloy in last Sunday's Daily on Ed Shaffer, MYDA's chairman, has caused the paper to fall in my estimation. Yellow-journalistic "smear" tac- tics I thought to be beneath the dignity of a first class college newspaper. As a member of several liberal progressive organizations, if I have any disagreements with the Com- munist philosophy and tactics, I do not find myself so insecure in my position as to deem it neces- sary to stoop to such littleq "frightened" smear methods. I feel that I am secure enough in my political philosophy to conduct an intelligent and logical argu- ment for that philosophy. Furthermore I suggest that Mr. Maloy take an elementary course in the logic of relationships. If I were a member of the Democratic Party, would any organization of which I were chairman be a Dem- ocratic Party front group, Mr. Maloy? ' -John H. Sloss. MYIDA Philosophy To the Editor: MR. MALOY seems to take great pleasure in the fact that the chairman of MYDA is also a mem- ber of the Ralph Neafus Club of the Communist Party. Mr. Maloy therefore assumes that the philos- ophy of MYDA is the philosophy of its chairman. Does Mr. Maloy also assume that all the Amer- ican people who voted for Presi- dent Roosevelt four times agreed with all his programs and pol- icies? We feel, just as the Amer- ican people felt when they elected President Roosevelt, that we have elected the person most capable of administering the policies of MYDA, which the membership de- termines. Mr. Maloy claims that MYDA "loudly professed its simon-pure character" when it was banned from the campus last year. If Mr. Maloy means by "simon-pure character" freedom from associa- tion with Communists, he has evi- dently not read in his own Daily a letter of March 12, 1947 by Miss Harriet Ratner, then chairman of MYDA (not Mr. Shaffer), which A I 41 '4 N I pI 4 FINE ARTS UNDER FIRE is the title of an exhibition of thirty large photographs now being displayed in the West Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall by the University Museum of Art. This interesting show was compiled by Life Magazine and is an on-the- spot recording of some of the damage to art works and historical monuments in Europe during the late war. It briefly and dramati- cally shows some of the miraculous escapes, such as that of Coutances Cathedral in France, and of Cologne and Worms in Ger- It shows some of the wanton destruction by German troops just before evacuation of chateaux and other buildings which they had occupied. It shows bomb destruction of sacred shrines in Italy, Germany and France; of great paintings such as the Goz- zoli frescoes in the Campo Santo at Pisa, and of' the Mantegna murals in the Eremi- tani Church at Padua. It also briefly de- scribes how American officers assigned to the task of preserving Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives succeeded in saving damaged buildings, art objects and libraries. It is a very concise and well arranged pho- tographic show that takes only a few min- utes to see, but gives food for hours of thought afterward. It is a review of a few pages of our war effort that shows that though war is hell, and is as destructive as bomb and shell can make it, our armies tried to preserve Europe's monuments, fine arts and archives wherever possible. It proves- quoting from General Eisenhower's letter to the invading armies of Europe just before D-Day, 1944-that we were fighting a war "to preserve culture, not to destroy it." "Fine Arts under Fire" is well worth fif- teen minutes to half an hour of anyone's time. -Prof. Ralph W. Hammett 1 1 r 0 i i e J r a aA d Young, formerly Vice-President in charge of Industrial Relations of the United States Steel Cor- poration, will lecture on the sub- ject, "The Challenge of Industrial Relations Today," at 4 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 16, Rm. 1025, Angell Hall; auspices of the Bureau of Industrial Relations. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. David G. Ryans, associate director of American Council on Education, will lecture on the subject, "Trends in the Selection of Pro- fessional Personnel," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct. 21, Rackham Amphi- theatre; auspices of the Bureau of Psychological Services and the School of Education. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Chem. and Met. 235 will meet at the regularly scheduled hours un- til further notice. Botany 1: Make-up final exami- nation for students with excused absences will be given Saturday, Oct. 18, 9 a.m., Rm. 2004, Natural Science Bldg. (Continued on Page 5) 4 4 I A BARNABY.., -8 ic I.-I I