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See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LVM, No. 20
U.S. Session.
Plan Assailed
In Assembly
Vishinsky Labels
Project 'Farce'
By .The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 14-Rus-
sia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky called on
the United Nations today to
"laugh down" the United States
plan for a year-round assembly of
the 57 member nations.
He ridiculed this project of U.S.
Secretary of State Marshall as a
"farce" and said it would aid
The Soviet Deputy Foreign
Minister once more assailed John
Foster Dulles, U. S. delegate who
sat only two seats away in the 57-
nation political committee of the
UN Assembly. Vishinsky charged
that Dulles was trying to "steam-
roller" Marshall's project through
the Assembly.
'War Psychosis'
The Russian said Dulles had
! "forgot or did not dare say that
war propaganda and war psycho-
sis runs rampant." He added that
the U. S. plan, originally put be-
fore the Assembly by Marshall,
would touch off "more lies and
propaganda and encourage war-
mongers and war propagandists."
Vishinsky has named Dulles be-
fore the Assembly as one of the
"warmongers" on his list.
Evatt Answers
Dulles remained silent at the
end of the 57-minute Russian on-
slaught, but Dr. Herbert V. Evatt,
Australian Foreign Minister, con-
tended that attacks on motives of
people were becoming "stale."
Other UN developments were:
1. The U. S. denounced in
the Assembly's legal committee
charges by Soviet satellites that
war criminals were being har-
bored in the American and British
zones in Europe.
2. A UN official said the As-
sembly probably would meet in
full session next Monday to de-
bate the Greek-Balkan case,
which the political committee
wound up yesterday by defeating
a Russian attack on the U. S. and
Willow School
Board Refuses
To Re-District
The Willow Village school board
yesterday decided against grant-'
ing the request by Negro parents
that school districts be re-zoned
to eliminate the existence of Sim-
monds school as an all-Negro in-
The Walpole Committee of par-
ents involved protested the trans-
fer of Negro children from inter-
racial Ross school to the segre-
gated Simmonds school.
Approximately 30 of the chil-
dren living on Walpole Court have
refused to register at Simmonds,
and have not attended any school
since the beginning of fall term.
At the open meeting of the
school board Monday night, the
parents were joined by members
of the Inter-Racial Association,
American Veterans Committee
and ministers of both Negro and
white churches in protesting the
segregation at Simmonds.
After hearing their arguments,
the school board passed a resolu-
tion which stated that it had re-
considered the question, and saw
no necessity for again re-zoning
the area.
It is not yet known whether the
Walpole Committee will decide to
take further action on the mat-
ter, and attempt to appeal it to
Off-Campus Gatherings
Beyond 'U' Jurisdiction
Off icials Rule Control of Liquor Parties
Includes University Property, Residences
Some light was cast on the confused "liquor ban" controversy
when University officials made it clear yesterday that mixed student
gatherings, held outside student residences and University property,
at which liquor is served, are not considered within University juris-
Presumedly a beer picnic held off University property would not
require approval by the Office of Student Affairs.
The status of all parties held
sity property remains unchanged.
Florida Cities
Threatened by
Flood Waters
Thousands Forced
To Evacuate Homes
MIAMI Fla., Oct. 14 - (P) -
Flood waters surging relentlessly
toward Miami from the rain-
drenched Everglades continued to
mount today.
The battle against the water
which has been going on in the
Lake Okeechobee region since the
mighty Sept. 18 hurricane was
opened here as 19 draglines went
to work building new dikes and re-
pairing others in a seemingly fu-
tile effort to stem the mounting
Between 10,000 and 12,000 per-
sons from Hialeah, Miami Springs
and Opa Locka have evacuated
their homes where water stood
from one to six feet deep.
National guardsmen patrolled
the streets of Hialeah in boats to
prevent looting and guard aban-
doned homes. Street markers were
like channel buoys.
County engineer Earle M. Rader
estimated it would be three
months before water in the Ever-
glades subsides to normal. Miami
city building inspector Owen W.
Carr reported damage to some
3000 private homes would total
at least $4,500,000. He still had to
estimate the damage on 2,000
dwellings not yet surveyed.
Meanwhile high winds and ab-
normal tides, accompanied by
pouring rains, buffeted the thinly
populated outer banks of North
Carolina today, as the Caribbean-
born storm hovered some 70 miles
off the coast.
Crews Rescue
Storm Victims
NEW YORK, Oct. 14--(P)-In a
dramatic struggle against moun-
tainous seas, Coast Guard crews
tonight rescued more than 40 of
the 69 persons aboard a huge Boe-
ing flying boat, wallowing approx-
imately 820 miles off the New-
foundland coast, and then aban-
doned operations to avoid "los-
ing" the mercy ship.
Capt. Paul B. Cronk, skipper
of the weather ship Bibb, from
which rescue operations were be-
ing directed in the face of tre-
mendous waves and gale force
winds, said in a broadcast he and'
the plane's captain, Charles Mar-
tin, had agreed to suspend rescue
work until daylight as there was
"danger of colliding with the plane
and sinking it instantly, or los-
ing the boat."
The exact number of those tak-
en from the battered plane, which
made a forced landing on the
choppy seas at 5:05 a.m. (EST),
was not determined.
In his broadcast Cronk said 44
had been taken aboard the Bibb.
in student residents or on Univer-
Under the existing regulations, ap-
^proval of parties is automatically
retracted if liquor is served at the
Subject to change or further in-
terpretation, the phrase"student
quarters" in the regulations gov-
erning student conduct is appar-
ently intended to include all Uni-
versity property, according to the
It now appears that a definite
statement designed to clear up
misinterpretations of the re-word-
ed liquor regulation approved last
spring will be forthcoming from
the Office of Student Affairs in
the near future.
Student Delegates Meet
Representatives of fraternities,
sororities, and men's and women's
residences met yesterday morning
with the Dean of Women and the
Dean of Students to discuss the
"liquor ban," but any public state-
ment has been deferred until a
future meeting.
At the same time, the Office of
'Student Affairs released a new
four-point statement listing 'lib-
eralized" regulations affecting
visiting hours at various student
residences drawn up by this com-
mittee and approved by the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee. The state-
ment appears on page two of to-
day's Daily along with a reprint of
the University regulations on
"specific standards of conduct."
Protests Continue
Meanwhile student protests over
the controversial "ban" contin-
ued to grow in the absence of any
official clarification. The Daily
has been deluged with letters,
phone calls and personal visits
from students protesting the new
"interpretations" of conduct regu-
Thus far two expressions ap-
proving the move have been re-
ceived by The Daily. One of them
came from a student and the oth-
er from Mrs. E. E. McKamey,
President of the Ann Arbor chap-
ter of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union. The WCTU
President said students should
give their full time to studying and
that she is "thoroughly in favor of
the University cracking down on
student drinking."
Legislature Action
Meanwhile Harvey Weisberg,
President of the Student Legis-
lature, put his organization on
record last night:
"The Legislature will continue
to work with the other students on
the Student Affairs Committee to
clarify any remaining ambiguities
in this rule so as to prevent mis-
understanding leading to its un-
intentional violation."
Union To Present
First Coffee Hour
Faculty members of the Univer-
sity speech department will be
guests of honor at the Michigan
Union's initial student-faculty
coffee hour of the semester to be
held from 4 to 5 p.m. today in the
Terrace Room of the Union.
Preparations for the coffee
hours are supervised by Bob 01-
shefsky, chairman of the Union's
campus affairs committee.
Meatless Day
Rules Eased
By Luckman
Group Sanctions
By-Product Use
B3 The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 14-Rules
for "meatless Tuesday" were re-
laxed today. You can eat liver,
kidneys, brains and other by-
products and still conform.
Charles Luckman, chairman of
the Citizens Food Committee di-
recting a national drive to save
grain to feed Western Europeans,
told reporters after his 26-mem-
ber group met on policy today
1. The committee hopes to en-
courage use of meat by-products
"which are in plentiful supply,"
and which may 'be used on Tues-
days under the altered program.
The list also contains sweetbreads,
hearts, pigs feet, pigs' knuckles,
tripe, oxtails and tongue.
2. The committee will ask the
brewing industry to reduce beer
and ale production to save more
grain. Brewers will consult with
Luckman tomorrow.
3. Luckman said a request to
the baking industry to produce
a smaller bread loaf is under
study. He noted there are many
problems, such as pan sizes which
cannot be changed overnight. He
added that one suggestion is to
cut down on the height of the
loaf, and that it could be done
with the present pans.
Bread Weight
The chairman said a number of
states have indicated a willing-
ness to waive weight regulations
on bread loaves if the committee
believes a smaller loaf is desir-
4. Luckman will seek to arrange
conservation programs with three
other industries within the next
ten days-the wet milling indus-
try, including producers of corn
syrup and molasses; the dry mill-
ers, including manufacturers of
flour and cereals, and commercial
livestock feed producers.
Luckman indicated no change
is intended in the committee's re-
quest that Americans do without
eggs and poultry on Thursday.
* * *
City Improves
In FoodDrive
With almost all the larger res-
taurants going meatless the food
drive showed some improvement
over last Thursday in Ann Arbor
yesterday, a Daily survey revealed.
'Except for hamburgers-for-
lunch at Mosher-Jordan, all the
University-run dining halls served
no meat yesterday.
Mosher's non-observance re-
sulted from a misunderstanding
of the dietician on the Univer-
sity's policy, according to Francis
C. Shiel, business manager of the
residence halls.
But, while the larger local res-
taurants are cooperating with the
Citizen's Food Committee, most of
the smaller spots had meat yes-
"If the people want meat, we've
got it," said one small owner.
"Maybe next week," was another's
comment. Most of them believe
it is up to their customers to carry
out the President's wishes.
French Move
To Halt Strike
Transport Walkout
PARIS, Oct. 14- (' - The
French government took energetic
measures to break what"Premier
-aul Ramadier called a "political"
strike of Paris' Communist-led
subway and bus workers which be-
gan speading tonight to other in-
While millions of Parisians
struggled home from work after
having walked, hitch-hiked and
bicycled to their offices this morn-
ing, the government requisitioned
300 private busses to operate a
"minimum" transport service
throughout the capital.
The government also sent out a
call to the nation for volunteer
drivers to operate the fleet of
busses and available truckseand
--;-4- - " nm - n r fr -r "Q
For Repeal of Taft-Hartley Act;
SAbolishes Vice-Presidents
C> -
Union Defeats
Lewis' Stand
On Affidavits
NLRB Now Open
To Federation Use
By The Associated Press
convention of the American Fed-
eration of Labor administered a
crushing defeat to John L. Lewis
tonight by voting to wipe out its
13 vice presidents in a 'move to
make the entire Federation eligi-
ble to use the National Labor Re-
lations Board.
The decision came on a rising
vote which AFL President Wil-
liam Green declared was a two-
thirds majority. There was no
challenge of the President's dec-
laration from the floor. Except for
Lewis' United Mine Workers, who
stood in a solid show of opposition,
dissenting delegates were scat-
tered throughout the hall.
The action came after a
stormy and prolonged fight on
the convention floor which saw
the AFL's top leadership direct a
bitter attack against Lewis, head
of the United Mine Workers, on
his stand against signing non-
Communist affidavits as re-
quired by the Taft-Hartley law.
The floor battle, which at times
developed into heated personal ex-
changes, precipitated another of
the famous Lewis "walks."
The mine workers chief told the
delegates he would not be a candi-
aate again for the executive coun-
cil if the resolution was passed.
This would mean Lewis' voluntary
withdrawal from the Federation's
ruling body.
Lewis, leaving the convention
hall after the decisive vote, told
reporters he would have no fur-
ther statement.
"I made my statement for to-
night," he said, shiling and
shaking hands with numerous
delegates and well-wishers.
The momentous issue came on
reommendations of the conven-
tion law committee. The commit-
tee report recommended adoption
of action previously taken by the
executive council which would
abolish the offices of the 13 vice
presidents and leave only Presi-
dent William Green and Secre-
tary-Treasurer George Meany as
Federation "officers."
This was to permit the AFL of-
ficers to sign non-Communist af-
fidavits for AFL federal unions
which have no national officers of
their own.
No union can utilize facilities
of the NLRB unless its national
officers-in this case, AFL of-
ficers-sign the affidavits. And
President William Green of the
AFL told the convention the is-
sue was simply whether or not
the AFL wanted "to preserve our
federal unions or let them die."
Without being able to use NLRB
facilities, he declared, the federal
unions could be defeated by "out-
siders and raiders."
"Some other union," he ex-
plained, "would be able to get on
the ballot (in voting to choose a
union) and the federal unions
would not."
Before the convention voted and
recessed for the night, Green had
sought to conciliate the hard-hit-
ting, opposing speakers.
SECRET SESSION-Interest centers on a private discussion in
this scene from "Henry V," the technicolor film which is being
presented at 3:15 and 8 p.m. today in Hill. Auditorium.
Henry V'To Be Seen Today
In Matinee, Evening Showings
CIO Convention
Votes to Battle
"Henry V" will make its Ann
Arbor debut today when the Of-
fice of Student Affairs presents
the Olivier production for the en-
tertainment of students, faculty
and townspeople.
Tickets are still available for
the matinee showing of the film
which will be held at 3:15 p.m.
The evening performance will be
given at 8 p.m. Both showings will
be at Hill Auditorium.
Based on the well-known Shake-
spearean play, the film adapta-
tion of "Henry V" marks its eighth
performance*within the last thirty
years in English speaking coun-
tries alone. The last, presented at
London's Old Vic Theatre, starred
Laurence Olivier in the same role
he enacts in the film version.
The opening scenes of the pic-
ture show how the play would
have been acted to a 16th century
audience at Shakespeare's Old
Globe Theatre. The camera range
is then expanded to bring a view
of Southampton 'wherenHenry V
embarks his army for France, to
lay siege to Harfleur.
Earlier, in France, King Charles,
VI had rejected Henry's claim
through his lineage to the French
throne. The war begins with the
Independent Men
Form Association
Representatives of five men's
residence halls in a meeting last
night in the West Quad Lounge'
appointed a five-man committee
to draw up rules and eligibility
requirements for an Independent
Men Residents' Association.
The organization was estab-
lished by unanimous vote for a
three-fold purpose: (1)'to provide
an official body to speak in be-
half of independent men resi-
dents; (2) to advance social and
educational activities; and (3) to
encourage participation in resi-
dent students' self-government.
Another meeting has been called
for Oct. 27 at which time the
committee's recommendations will
be modified and ratified.
British forces taking Harflbur.
Greatly weakened, Henry turns
back to Calais, but a French army
blocks his way at Agincourt, but
Henry seizes the initiative with a
quick thrust toward the French
center and wins the battle.
Proceeds from the film presen-
tation will go toward a Student
Affairs project, with a similar
event or perhaps a scholarship be-
ing 'eonsidered in present plans,
according to Walter B. Rea, as-
sociate dean of students.
Byrnes Urges
Toward Russia
-(P)--James F. Byrnes, ..former
Secretary of State, today declared
in an interview that "men who
want to preserve peace can gen-
erally find a way to do it" as his
book, "Speaking Frankly," was
presented formally to the public
here in his home town.
Emphasizing the necessity for
the American people and press to
support his principle of "firm-
ness with patience" toward Russia,
and reiterating his confidence in
the United Nations, the dapper
little statesman asserted that
"there is greater opportunity to
settle disagreements with Stalin
than with Molotov."
He said he does not'anticipate
any change in Russia's attitude
toward the United States with the
recent establishment of the Com-
munist International Information
Bureau, but that "because many
Americans are apt to believe it is
the Comintern, it will arouse more
suspicions as to the actions of the
Since completion of the ian-
uscript of "Speaking Frankly" in
July, Byrnes said he saw a great-
er drifting apart of, Russia and
the United States "sufficient to
disturb all of us."
He offered "no comment" to a
question asking if he ekpected
to return to public life.
"Sure there is greater oppor-
tunity to settle disagreements
with Stalin than with Molotov."
Byrnes responded to a question.
"I have found Stalin forthright.
On several occasions I made agree-
ments with him when I could not
with Molotov. Furthermore, Stalin
has the power to make decisions.
It is always best to talk to the
man with the power to decide."
Winston Churchill Says
Rijcvd Not 'Set on War'
Urges Higher
Wage Floors
High Profits Blamed
By Labor Secretary
By The Associated Press
BOSTON, Oct. 14 - The CIO
National Convention voted unani-
mously today to battle for out-
right repeal of the Taft-Hartley
Act, and to work for the political
defeat of its supporters.
The convention left it to indi-
vidual unions whether to comply
with the law as it passed the reso-
lution with a standing vote.
"We cannot and will not ac-
quiesce in a law which makes It
a crime to exercise the rights of
freedom of speech, freedom of
press and freedom of assembly,"
the resolution said.
CIO President Philip Murray
declared however, that "some or-
ganizations of the CIO may file
and qualify with the new labor
board, adding "there is nothing in
the policy or procedures of this or-
ganization which prevents them
from exercising that right."
"The nation ought to know,"
Murray declared, "that there is no
division in the councils of the CIO
about fighting the Taft-Hartley
The resolution dedicated the
CIO to "forthright repeal of this
infamous Act and the reaction-
ary program of which it' is a
party," and to the political
repudiation of those reactionar-
ies who are responsible for it'
Earlier the <elegates represent-
ing 6,000,000 CIO members heard
Labor Secretary L. B. Schwellen-
bach declare himself in favor of a
75-cent hourly minimum wage
and assert that spiralling prices
have consistently outrun wage in-
Schwellenbach termed the 75-
cent wage floor a "necessity be-
causeof changed living costs" and
"Price increases have consist-
ently moved ahead of wage in-
creases at a time when the prof-
its of industry were increasing
over 100 per cent."
Schwellenbach declared:
" ...We do not today have a
free market in which there is com-
petition. We have a sellers' mar-
ket because the earnings and sav-
ings of the people during the war
and the profits of the corporations
make it possible without control to
run the prices up."
From August 1945 to August
1947, he said a 21 per cent boost
in wages was outstripped by a 24
per cent jump in prices. He esti-
mated an increase in profits of
"slightly above 100 per cent since
the abolition of OPA."
For the second quarter of this
year Schwellenbach reported
profits after taxes as $16,600,000,-
000. Conceding some of these
gains are contained in inventory,
he said "inventory holders are
protected in their income taxes
against price increase which they
paid for the products they have
Sawyer Will
Talki on Blikini
Freshmen and new transfer
students will have the opportun-
ity to learn about the Bikini atom
bomb test, when Dean Ralph A.
Sawyer, of the graduate school,
delivers the second lecture in the
special series of Orientation Meet-
ings at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
Dean Sawyer, who was civilian
technical director for the Bikini
Atom Bomb Test, will present a
talk on "Bikini- Crossroads."
Films made at the project will il-
lustrate the lecture.
Initiated this semester as an
extension of the regular Orienta-
tion Week nrogrm. the arie
the State
Board of Public In-
SAC Grants
Late Approvals
The Student Affairs 'Commit-
tee yesterday granted 1 a.m. per-
mission for the annual dances
sponsored by the Barristers, the
Professional Interfraternity Coun-
cil and the Engineering Council,
but rejected a similar request by!
Alpha Tau Omega for the Black-
foot Ball.
The Committee approved the
World News At A Ghnce
By The Associated Press
ROME, Oct. 14-Political parties of the Right and Center appar-
ently won 45 seats in Rome's 80-member city council on the basis of
complete returns today from Sunday's election, but there was no as-
surance they would join in a common front against the Leftists.
* * * *
CLINTON, Mich., Oct. 14-Rep. Hoffman (Rep., Mich.) was
due here Wednesday to begin an investigation into strike violence
in Michigan cities.
Acting for the House Labor Committee, Hoffman said he first
planned to look into the recent dispute at the Clinton Manufac-
turing Co.
* * * *
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14-Plans for establishing an Inter-
Amezican Federation of Lahr which will onnnn n un vCmmunit ronn-
British Economist Sees High
Prices for Another 15 Years
The present high level of prices
in the United States will continue
for at least another fifteen years
according to Colin Clark, noted
British and Australian economist
who spoke here yesterday.
We should accustom ourselves
made considerable progress, par-
ticularly Sweden, Japan and India
which has doubled its standard of
living since 1870, Clark said.
If the United States again
adopts a policy of economic isola-
tion, Clark warned, there will be