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October 14, 1947 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-14

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G.I.'s Warned To Report Any
Training Interruption to VA

Student veterans enrolled under
the G.I. Bill should immediately
report any interruption orhdiscon-
tinuance of training to the local
Veterans Administration, VA
Branch Office officials in Colum-
bus, O., announced yesterday.
Failure to notify the VA of
training terminations usually re-
sults in overpayment of subsist-
ence allowances which must be re-,
funded to the VA, they said.
Officials pointed out that vet-
erans who fail to return all over-
Union To Hold,
Coffee Hour
The Michigan Union's initial
faculty-student coffee hour of the
semester will be held from 4 to 5
p.m. tomorrow in the Terrace
Room of thehUnion withtthe Uni-
versity speech department as guest
of honor.
This is the first in a series of
faculty-student coffee hours th'e
Union will sponsor this semester.
In the past, these occasions have
afforded students an excellent
opportunity to become better ac-
quainted with members of the
faculty. Each week a different
faculty department will be present
as a guest of honor.
Bob Olshefsky, chairman of the
Union's campus affairs committee
is supervising preparations for
these coffee hours.
Women students are cordially
invited to attend, Olshefsky said.
Paton Will Give Lecture
Prof. Willian A. Paton, of the
economics department, will speak
to a meeting of the National Asso-
ciation of Cost Accountants on
"Cost and Value as basis of Ac-
counting in Periods of Changing
Prices" Thursday at the Wardell
Sheraton Hotel in Detroit.

payments to the government, or
make satisfactory arrangements
for repayment of the indebtedness,
may be prevented from re-enter-
ing schools under the G.I. Bill.
Moreover, amounts owed the gov-
ernment will be deducted from
[benefit checks if they apply later'
for unemployment or self-employ-
ment allowances, they said.
In reply to numerous inquiries,
VA officials also explained that'
trailers do not qualify as homes'
foi- loan guarantee purposes under'
the G.I. Bill.
G.I. loans may be negotiated for
trailers only if they are to be used
for legitimate business purposes,
they said.
Veterans receiving subsistence
allowances under the G.I. Bill are
reminded by the VA to notify the
Veteran ServicekBureau din Rm.
1514 of the Rackham Building of
all changes in their legal mailingj
address promptly, if delays in the
delivery of checks are to be avert-
Subsistence allowance checks
cannot be forwarded to another
address but must be returned to
the U.S. Treasury, causing a delay
in the receipt of benefits, officials
Adams To Talk
At Conference
"The Selection, Promotion, and
Appraisal of the College Teacher"
will be discussed by Provost James
P. Adams from 7 to 9 p.m. Tues-
day, October 21, in Rm. 110 of the
University Library.
The lecture will be a part of
the series of conferences provided
in the course in Current Problems
in Higher Education.
The class meeting is open to
graduate students and members
of the faculty.

Disclose New
Pledge Names
(Continued from Page 2)
Robert D. Jacobson, Clarence E.
Kettler, Carl A. Kreager, Robert
A. Leake, Donald S. Lewis, Stuart
G. Lucas, Walter L. Scholey, Harry
C. Smale.
Theta Delta Chi: James A.
Amerman, James L. Brown, Robert
L. Halbrook, James F. Marshall,
John T. Nagel, Ronald J. Render,
Bradley M. Thompson.
Theta XI: Duane K. Cote,
Blake L. Forsland, Carl V. Fors-
land, John R. Gehring, John G.
Hayward, William F. Jones
Robert M. Kash, Walter R. Mar-
shall, Gene E. Overbeck, Carl
M. Patterson, Jr., William W.
Penoyar, William Polewchak, Er-
win R. Price, Albert S. Rakas,
Donald P. Redfern, James L.
Sakai, Donald E. Stuart, Paul F.
Stutz, Gerald W. Thiede, Albert E.
Trapp,; George T. Walk.
Trigon: Orlie Baird, John W.
Brooks, E. Frazer Clark, Allen L.
Hurd, Alan B. Montgomery, John
T. Reeves, John Renner, John C.
Robertson, Russell A. Rollin, Paul
E. Spoehr, Jack O. Sullivan, War-
ren D. Sundstrand, Albert B. Wil-
son, William L. W7oelk.
Zeta Beta Tau: Morton Harold
Abramowitz, Myron Amer, Robert
C. Atkins, Melvin J. Freeman,
Lamar E. Garon, Albert J. Gold-
berg, Roger K. Garfink, Bert E.
Greenberger, Alan Hartzmark,
Lee Hartzmark, Jack M. Hodin,
Herbert F. Horwich, Lee A. Kauf-
man, Robert B. Matusoff, Gerald
J. Mehlman, S. Larry Stein, Sam-
uel G. Wiener. Jr.
Zeta Psi: Francis E. Brossy,
John C. Case, Joseph B. Dean
Irwin Deister, Larry A. Esckilsen,
Bart T. Grimes, Gilbert J. Heard,
John R. Kruse, Harry E. Long,
Herman L. Moekle, Ralph P. Rich-
ard, John S. Roney, Allison L,
Scafuri, Phillip A. Wiles, H.
Dwight Wilson, Jr., Frank A.
Woods, Warren I. Young.

Only one half of the main floor
and 2nd balcony seats remain to
be sold for the Fred Waring con-
cert, to be presented by the Men's
Glee Club, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1.
Those who purchased tickets at
Vets' Checks
At Post Office
Checks are being held at the
Ann Arbor Post Office for the
following veterans:
David J. Adams, Carlos A.
Chapman, Paul Chernuchin,
Philip Adrian Formel, Henry H.
Hicks, Jr., Donald R. Houser, Vic-
tor M. Husty, Henry E. McDonnell,
Jr., FrankM. O'Brien, Carl A. Rie-
gel, John W. Scopis, Averil B.
Veterans listed above should
pick up their checks before they
are returned to Columbus, O., on
Oct. 17.
Student veterans who are not
listed are requested to refrain
from telephoning or calling at the
Post Office as checks have not
arrived for them, local VA officials
said yesterday. The Post Office
has cooperated fully with the VA
by forwarding check lists as quick-
ly as they are received in Ann
Arbor, they explained.
Geology Society
Elects President
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, profes-
sional geology fraternity, has
named John R. Branch new pres-
ident of the society.
Other officers recently elected
were Henry H. Krusekopf, vice-
president; Stewart R. Wallace,
secretary-treasurer; and Walter
H. Wheeler, corresponding secre-
Robert Hutchinson was named
as delegate to the fraternity's na-
tional convention to be held in St.
Louis the 23, 24, and 25 of this

the Union, but neglected to en-
close a stamped, self-addressed
envelope in their order, may pick
up their tickets before the con-
certs at the Hill Auditorium Box
Office, where they have been
placed aside.
Started Here
Fred Waring, whose road to
fame began at the 1923 J-Hop,
will be returning for his first en-
gagement here since that date.
Known as a radio performer, War-
ing made his first broadcast in
Detroit, shortly after his Uni-
versity appearance.
Among the numbers to be pre-
sented at the two concerts here
are the continuing Waring favor-
ites: "Battle Hymn of the Re-
public," "Star Dust," "You'll Never
Walk Alone," "Smoke Gets in
Your Eyes," and "Begin the Be-
Glee Club Too
Although today, the Glee Club
is the big attraction of the War-
ing organization, it was originally
organized as a band, the "Ban-
jazzatra" in Tyrone, Pa,. Because
they had only rhythm instru-
ments, the original band members
began to sing.
In the summer of 1947, six hun-
dred music educators from every
state in the Union, Canada arid
China attended the Fred Waring
Music Workshop at Shawnee, Pa.,
to learn the techniques which have

Residence Heads ...
Current and retiring presidents
of all men'saresidences will meet at
7:15 tonight in the West Quad
Lounge to organize an Independ-
ent Men Resident's Association.
The East and West Quad Coun-
cils held preliminary discussions
last spring and laid the ground-
work for this meeting.
The Association will attempt to1
advance the educational and so-
cial relations in men's residence
halls and give the men a more rep-
resentative voice in campus af-
The meeting's agenda will con-
sist of establishing eligibility and
type of represenation, electing of-
ficers, and deciding upon the form
of future meetings.
* * *I
Deutscher Verein. .
Deutscher Verein will meet at
7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 318 of
the Union.
A. B. Halley, of the German
department, will discuss univer-
sity life in Switzerland.
* * *
Christianity Talks ...
"Is God Knowable-Reason or
Revelation?" is the second in a
series of five talks on Christianity
to be presented by Bob Finley, In-
ter-Varsity Christian Fellowship

staff member, at 7:30 p.m. today
in Lane Hall.
Finley, a divinity student at the
University of Chicago, is being
sponsored by the Michigan Chris-
tian Fellowship.
* * *
Maternity TWalks *
"Coming to the Hospital and
Coming Home from the Hospi-
tal" will be the subject of lec-
tures for expectant mothers to
be presented at 2:30 and 7:30
p.m. today in the Child Health
The lectures are sponsored by
the Public Health Nursing As-
Keller To Speak ...
Leonard A. Keller will speak on
"Management-Union Relations"
at a speaker-smoker sponsored by
Delta Sigma Pi, business adminis-
tration fraternity, 8 p.m. Thurs-
day at the Union.
Business administration stu-
dents interested in becoming
members of the fraternity should
attend the meeting.
Unity Meeting .. .
Rev. T homas Merrington,
leader of two United Centers in
England, and well-known lec-
turer, will speak on "Making
Christianity Practical in Every-
day Living" at 8 p.m. tomorrow

at the Unity Chapel,
State St.
* * *

310 S.


Limited Number of Tickets
Remain for Waring Concert


Economics Club...
Colin Clark, eminent British
and Australian economist will
speak to the Economics Club on
"The Truth and Falsehood in the
Doctrine of Economic Maturity"
at 7:45 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.


Le Cercle Francais .. .
Le Cercle Francais will meet
at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 305 of
the Union for presentation of
new officers and an informal
social meeting.

Engineering Talk ...
J. S. Kemp will speak on "Mag-
netic Recording" at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Rm. 348 West Engi-
neering Building.
The lecture and an accompany-
ing movie will be presented in con-
junction with the demonstration
of several wire recorders at the
first fall meeting of the AIEE-IRE.
Kemp, who was a graduate stu-
dent in engineering here in 1937 is
now connected with the Magnetic
Recording Division of Armour Re-
search Foundation in Chicago in
the capacity of Engineering Ad-




(Continued from Page 4) Michigan Dames: first general
meeting, 8 p.m., Rackham Assem-
speak on Linear Theory of Coni- bly Hall Prof. Donald B. Gooch,
cal Flow." Election of officers will b hy Ha l of ald B.
be 'held. of the School of Architecture and
___h__d_ Design, will give an Art Gallery
talk discussing the Ann Arbor Art
Saudent Branch of American Association's exhibition in the
Society Heating & Ventilating En- Rackham Bldg. All married wom-
gineers: Organizational meeting, en students, wives of students and
7:30 p.m., Rm. 304, Michigan Un- internes invited.
ion. All those interested in heat-
ing, ventilating, and air condi-
tioning, and all engineers are in- Michigan Chapter Inter-Colleg-
vited. iate Zionist Federation of Ameri-
ca: Jewish student from Egypt
Quarterdeck Society: 7:30 p.m., will speak on "Palestinian Cul-
Rn. 311, W. Engineering ture" at 8 p.m. Hillel Foundation.
Bldg. Open meeting for all stu- Social dancing. All invited.
dents in Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering. Prof. L. A. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Saier will speak. presents the second, in a series of
Flying Club: Meeting of the Ex- seminars, conducted by Rabbi
ecutive Board, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1300, Herschel Lymon on "The Jewish
E. Engineering Bldg. Members of Personality as Reflected in Mod-
the University wishing to join the ern Literature," at 4:15 p.m. The
club are invited to attend. book to be discussed is "Gentle-
men's Agreement."
The Deutscher Verein: Tues., Hillel Social Committee: 4 p.m.,
Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 318, Mich- Hillel Foundation. All those inter-
igan Union. ested in working on the commit-

tee are urged to attend this meet-
Coming Events
Michigan Chapter AAUP: First
fall meeting will be held in the
lunchroom of the Faculty Club,
Michigan Union, Thurs., Oct. 16,
6:15 p.m. A panel will present the
subject, "Student Evaluation of
Faculty Services." Join Union Ca-
feteria line and take trays to the
Faculty Club lunchroom adjoin-
ing. Members from other cam-
puses are especially urged to at-
Research Club: First meeting of
the academic year, 8 p.m., Wed.,
Oct. 15, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Papers: "The Puritans and the
Wits; Literary Controversy of
1700," by Prof. R. C. Boys, and
"Some New Aspects of Chromo-
some Structure," by Prof. William
Showing of Film, "Que Lindo Es
Michocan," with Tito Guizar and
Gloria Marin will be presented at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Oct. 21 and 22; auspices of La
Sociedad Hispanica. Members will
be admitted by paying only the
Eta Kappa Nu, national elec-
trical engineering honorary: Din-
ner, Thurs., Oct. 16, meet in Mich-
igan Union lobby, 6 p.m. Meeting
will follow, Rm. 325.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Wed.,
12:15 p.m., Rm. 3056, Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. John Jesse Hayes will
speak on "Some Aspects of the
Geology of Newfoundland."
A.S.M.E., Student Branch:
Meeting originally scheduled for
Wednesday, Oct. 15, will be post-
poned one week.
Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ence: 2:30 p.m. Wed., Oct. 15, in
Michigan Union. Election of offi-
cers and discussion of activities
for the current semester. All

Aeronautical Engineering students
are urged to attend, former and
new members are requested to at-
AIEE-IRE: Open meeting, 7:30
p.m., Wed., Oct. 15, Rm. 348, W.
Engineering Bldg. Mr. J. S. Kemp,
Armour Research Foundation, will
present a lecture and film on
"Magnetic Recording."
Conversation Group for begin-
ning students in Spanish, Wed.,
Oct. 15, 4 p.m., International Cen-
ter. All interested are welcome.
U. of M. Sailing Club, Oct. 15,
7 p.m., Michigan Union. All for-
mer and new members are re-
quested to attend.
Scabbard and Blade: Wed., Oct.
15, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 100, ROTC Hdq.
Square Dancing Class: spon-
sored by the Graduate Outing
Club, W.A.B. Lounge, Wed., Oct.
15, 8 p.m. Small fee, Everyone wel-
Cooperatives: Any woman stu-
dent wishing to apply for admit-
tance to cooperatives for the
spring semester, 1948, may con-
tact Jean King or Tanya Pyt-
kovsky at Muriel Lester House.
Phone 2-4914.
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administration. fra-
ternity: smoker, Oct. 16, 8 p.m.,
Terrace Room, Michigan Union.
Mr. Leonard A. Keller will speak
ol "Management-Union Rela-
tions." All business administra-
tion students invited.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Wed., 7:15
p.m., ROTC, Rifle Range.
Practice firing will be contin-
ued. All students and faculty
members wishing to join the club
are requested to attend.
There will be no debate meet-
ing Wednesday evening.


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