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October 14, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-14

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&r3tigan E&
Fifty-Eighth Year
E s
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes......................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick .................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
mnatters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
No Students
IT IS INTERESTING to note the makeup
of the University Committee on Student
Conduct which has imposed this latest rule
on the conduct of students.
The cohrmnittee, which reworded the con-
duct regulations on drinking and social af-
fairs is entirely a faculty group. Students
had no part in the recent interpretation of
the rules which have brought such a storm
of protest.
The Committee consists of: First - three
members of the University Senate, appoint-
ed by the president of the University. The
University Senate is a faculty group.
Second - the Dean of Women.
Third - the Deans of the various schools
of the University.
Fourth - Chairman, the Dean of Stu-
Thus an all faculty group has decided
what the best interest of the students are.
In the official wording of this rule the Uni-
versity Committee on Student Conduct says
" . ..The presence or use of liquor in stu-
dent quarters has a tendency to impair stu-
dent morale and .. . is contrary to the best
interests of the student."
Perhaps the presence of several students
on this conduct committee might have help-
ed to produce a'workable rule.
-Dick Maloy
b. .d

TheIlidault Request


Letters to the Editor.

WASHINGTON -- When French Foreign
Minister Georges Bidault visited Wash-
ington some days ago, he expressed a curious
optimism. He acknowledged that the results
(4oih ted
AMERICANS treat their children the way
the English treat their pet lap dogs.
Dr. William Stephenson, director of Ox-
ford University's Experimental Psychology
Institute made this statement in a lecture
here three weeks ago.
Dr. Stephenson's view was illustrated
notably Thursday when the Office of the
Dean of Women added another clause to
its string of maternalistic rulings intend-
ed to save Michigan coeds from the perils
of thinking for themselves.
In the past the Dean of Women's office
has seen fit to tell woman students when
they must go to bed at night.
The office has told University women what
they may and may not wear; slacks and
shorts are verboten on campus, for example.
These rulings apply of course to the re-
latively restricted area covered by Uni-
versity property. In another segment of
students' social life, thelongharm of Mother
Maize and Blue follows them all over the
state. This is the controversial automobile
driving ban. Within Ann Arbor and vicin-
ity, justifications for this rule are apparent,
although in principle the ruling is obnox-
ious. But the limitation on student driving
throughout the state fits in more closely
with other child-guiding regulations.
Latest ruling is of course the re-worded
drinking ban, together with an enlarged in-
terpretation of the University party re-
Students should know that these rules
were altered and re-interpreted by a com-
mittee of deans. STUDENTS WERE NOT
REPRESENTED. The interpretation was
handed down from above.
The new rules mean that the Campus Cop,
busy on his rounds of checking the car
driving ban, will take on a new task. He
will break up student parties. According
to University rules, NO STUDENT MAY
Don't make any mistake about it. If you
and your date take some food to Burns
Park with another couple, you are break-
ing the University law. The law, of course,
was made and will be enforced only "for
the good of- the students."
The Word on what is good for you may be
obtained from the nearest dean.
The Universit is particularly interested
in parties where students drink. Although
state law in Michigan sanctions drinking
by any person of age, the University ob-
viously regards students as over-grown child-
You have heard the University's latest
ruling. What are you going to do about it?
My guess is that if you are an adult who
does his own thinking, you will join with
others to demand withdrawal of the rule.
If you are the kind of a student the Uni-
versity thinks you are, you will prepare for
the next step, logically, in regulations. You
will comply with the University Rule of To-
morrow by asking a dean's permission before
you get a date for the next Union dance.
-Milt Freudenheim
Unbalanced Probe
CONGRESS, through the efforts of two of
its more wary members, has scceeded in
exempting itself from the kind of investiga-
tion it makes so much noise about when it
is directed at other, less privileged citizens.
Reps. Clare E. Hoffman, (R., Mich.) and

Fred E. Busbey, (R., Ill.) were irate when
they discovered that the Civil Service
Commission's loyalty files contain refer-
ences to them and some of their fellow
Congressmen. They were so angry that
they convinced the Civil Service Com-
mission that all cards in the loyalty files
referring to members of Congress must
be destroyed.
Both Busbey and Hoffman made them-
selves popular with unsavory characters like
William. Dudley Pelley and Gerald L. K.
Smith during the war. In the 1944 campaign
it was Busbey who used his franking privil-
ege to send out thousands of postcards warn-
ing that if Roosevelt were reelected, the
country would be turned over to the Com-
munissts, and adding the juicy morsel that
Sidney Hillman's wife's maiden name was
Bessie Abramowitz.
In addition to the squawk it has raised,
the inquiry last week disclosed that the
Civil Service Commission has in its files
about three quarters of a million cards
giving "leads" on persons who might some
day apply for federal jobs, material stored
up for cross checking whenever it may
become useful. This file may conceivably
become the basis for an exceedingly un-
pleasant system of thought-policing.
But after all, what the Commission is do-
ing is no more than what Hoffman and Bus-
bey, and others of similar ilk want: they are

will be disastrous if France fails to get some
dollar aid within the next few weeks. Yet,
after conferences with President Harry S..
Truman and Under Secretary of State Rob-
ert Lovett, he remarked to the press that
he felt "confident and epcouraged." The
source of this optimism has been puzzling
observers here ever since.
The fact is that Bidault repeated in
Washington a request which had already
been made in Paris, where French officials
have approached Under Secretary of State
Will Clayton and Secretary of the Treas-
ury John Snyder. Bidault's request was
sympathetically received, although no
committments were made. Bidault and
his government have asked that the names
and balances of French citizens with dol-
lar holdings in the United States be made
known to the French government.
This French request has served to focus
attention on a curious situation. American
technicians who have been studying the
matter are not yet ready to shout "Eureka."
But the more daring are inclined to believ
that this situation may hold the key to a
way out of the terrible impasse on the tim-
ing of foreign aid which confronts the Ad-
ministration. For the American government
either holds or controls sums running into
billions of dollars which were or still are
the property of Europeans. And what more
logical than to use this European money to
save Europe?
The money falls into three categories.
First, there is cash seized from enemy
aliens. This sum is held by the Alien Prop-
erty Custodian, and amounts to about
$125,000,000. Next there are assets not
in the form of cash, such as the General
Aniline and Film Corporation, also seized
as enemy property and held by the Alien
Property Custodian. No one knows how
much this sort of property might bring,
but there are guesses that it might be
worth as much as half a billion dollars.
The property in these two categories is
actually owned by the United States. That
in the third category is not. It consists of
the assets of foreign nationals. These assets
were blocked during the war. The great
majority of the foreigners whose dollar
holdings were thus frozen have not asked
for their release. This is largely because the
dollars would then be exchanged by their
governments for comparatively worthless
European currency, and in these days a
European prefers frozen dollars to liquid
francs or lira. No one in Washington seems
to know just how much such blocked Euro-
pean money there is in the United States,
but there are probably inflated estimates
that it amounts to more than three billion
Inevitably, each of these three categories
of European money has its own special
legal bug, as a potential source of imme-
diate aid to western Europe. First, al-
though the $125,000,000 of seized cash is
owned by the government, there will cer-
tainly be legal claims against it. Second,
there is now a case before the Supreme
Court, brought by Swiss interests, as to
whether the seized non-cash assets can be
used before the determination of each
case on its merits --which would take
Finally, the biggest legal bug concerns
the frozen holdings of foreign nationals. For
if the timid Snyder were to comply with
the French request, he would almost cer-
tainly soon have a number of law suits
on his hands. The banks in which the bal-
ances were held would claim, with some
justice, that the government had illegally
ruptured the confidential relationship be-
tween American banks and their depositors.
In these circumstances, a bold step is
receiving serious consideration here. It has
been proposed that the frozen balances
be seized in entirety, and turned over to
Alien Property Custodian as United States
property. It is believed that the legal au-
thority for this action exists. A kitty, per-

haps of several billion dollars, would thus
be created. The President is authorized
to use such money "in the national inter-
est." Under the Presidential authority a
part of this kitty could thus be used for
the essential immediate aid which France
and Italy must have, if their economies are
not to explode, well before Congress can
reasonably be expected to act.
Such a step would be daring. It would
certainly cause trouble, and trouble is some-
thing which certain Administration officials
seem determined to avoid, quite literally at
any cost. Certain banks, in self-protection,
would sue to enjoin the government from
acting. Europeans whose toes had been
stepped on would howl blue murder. All sorts
of unpleasant risks would have to be taken.
Yet far greater risks were taken when, for
example, the destroyer deal was pushed
through, and the need now is at least as
great as it was then. Moreover it would
certainly strike Americans as plain common
sense that dollar-rich Europeans, however,
reluctantly, should shoulder part of the in-
itial burden of European reconstruction.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

"Just when we wuz gittin' so we could hear a plane without
cringin' . .."

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
printsvery letter to the editor re-
Cceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
What Next?
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to the revised rules
of conduct.
The two burning questions of
the day would seem to be: 1)
"Why?" and 2) "What do we do
These are perfectly good ques-
tions, it will be agreed, and I
would like to try to lighten the
burden of student curiosity with
some logical solutions. As to the
first question, however, I can give
no real answer, but can only ob-
scure the issue slightly by point-
ing out that Carrie Nation posi-
tively is not and never was a mem-
ber of the Dean of Women's of-
fice, but that the WCTU is car-
rying on an extensive infiltration
campaign in the Middle West.
To those who wonder, though,
concerning what to do at their
weekend soirees, now that even
Ann Arbor's nut-brown near-beer
is forbidden them, I offer a few
rather diffused rays of hope. Af-
ter an extensive survey, which
has consumed twenty years and
the better part of a barrel of
cambric tea, I believe I am the
best authority living on liquorless
night life. Hence, these few em-
piric conclusions:
Mixed doily-crotcheting can be
fun for chaperones and guests
alike . . . The effect of intoxica-
tion, if desired can be gained by
mashing ordinary poppy-seeds in-
to a paste, and smoking this in an
ordinary bubble pipe ...
By far the best plan for a fine
party, however, is a little game
which I modestly take credit for
inventing. It is entitled "Little
Men, What Next?" and is ridicu-
ulously simple to play. Everyone
sits around in a large circle and
each, in turn, tries to think of
what bright idea the authorities
will come up with next. The re-
sults are recorded, and compared
with the DOB when the board has
deliberated again. The winner re-
ceives a case of orange pop andj
indefinite suspenpion from the
University. For real, honest-to-
goodness enjoyment, this game
beats "Farmer in the Dell" all
hollow, and should have a great
vogue in the arid future.
-Doug Parker
** *
Moral SupremaCy

To the Editor:

HAVE OBSERVED with interest
the latest University regula-
tions regarding student conduct.
Am sure the next edict will read:
"Students are henceforth for-
bidden to attend any functions
at which oysters or olives are
-George R. Zuckerman
Ticket Tie-In Sale

quate supervision. and they are
denied. Rules are established, but
seldom invoked. Authorities wink
openly at standards of conduct
which cannot be refuted save by
those of innately wicked mind,
yet our disciplinary boards are
We cannot long endure, who
spuin virtue and espouse vice.
Strong drink must be entirely cast
out: customs of dress must be
enforced by implacable public
opinion: and the shocking con-
duct seen everywhere in boy- and-
girl relationships must be dealt
with with the utmost severity. Our
opportunity is at hand, to endear
ourselves to all the righteous, WE
--Harold T. Walsh
New Rule?

To the Editor:


(Continued from Page 3)
feet. These new applications and
changes become effective Decem-
ber 5, with the first payroll deduc-
tion on November 30. After Octo-
ber 15, no new applications or
changes can be accepted until
April 1948.
The School of Education Test-
ing Program: Thurs., Oct. 16,
Rackham Bldg., 4:30-6-15 and
7:45-10 p.m. This testing pro-
gram is intended for all teacher's
certificate candidates.
The Municipal Civil Service
Commission of New York an-
nounces ,that it will receive appli-
cations for Playground Director,
either men or women, from Octo-
ber 7 to October 24. Applicants
must be bona fide residents of New
York City for at least three years
immediately preceding appoint-
ment. For further information
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall.
Placement: Registration mate-
rial may be obtained at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall, during office hours (9:00 to
12:00 and 2:0 to 4:00) on Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
of this week. This applies to Feb-
ruary, June, and August graduates
as well as to graduate students or
staff members who wish to regis-
ter and who will be available for
positions next year. The Bureau
has two placement divisions:
Teacher Placement and General
1Placement. The General Division
includes service to people seeking
positions in business, industry,
and professions other than teach-
Only one registration period will
be held during the current school
year. Blanks must be returned one
week from the date they are taken
out. Students are urged to regis-
ter as soon as possible, as employ-
ers are already making appoint-
ments to come for interviews.
United States Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received
at the Bureau of Appointments for
1. Junior Professional Assist-
ant (Fields include Administra-
tion Technician, Archeologist, As-
tronomer, Bacteriologist, Chemist,
Economist, Engineer, Geographer,
Legal Assistant,Librarian, Mathe-
matician, Metallurgist, Patent
Examiner, Physicist, Psychologist,
Social Science Analyst, and Sta-
tistician). Salary, $2,644 year.
Closing date November 4.
2. Junior Agricultural Assistant
-Salary, $2,644 year. Closing date
Novembe'r 4.
3. Library Assistant - Salary,
$2,168 and $2,394 year. Closing
date November 12.
For complete information, call
at the Bureau of Appointments.
University Community Center:
1045 Midway, Willow Run Village.
Wed., Oct. 15, 8:00 p.m. The
Bikini film sponsored by the In-
terdenominational Church.
Thurs., Oct. 16, 8:00 p.m., The
New Art Group. Textile painting,
ceramics, drawing from life and
still life.
Fri., Oct. 17, 8:00 p.m., Bridge.

University Lecture: Mr. Arthur
Young, formerly Vice-President
in charge of Industdial Relations
of the United States Steel Cor-
poration, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "The Challenge of Industrial
Relations Today," at 4 p.m.,
Thurs., Oct. 16, Rm. 1025, Angell
Hall; auspices of the Bureau of
Industrial Relations. The public
is cordially invited.
University Lecture:
Professor Pierre Lavedan, of the
Department of Histoxy of Art of
the Sorbonne, will lecture on the
subject, "Contemporary Problems
of Urbanism in France" (illus-
trated; in French), at 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 20, Rackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Fine Arts. The public is
Lecture Course Season Tickets
are now on sale at the box office;
Hill Auditorium and may be pur-
chased through Oct. 23. Tickets
for the first four lectures will be
placed on sale Oct. 21. The com-
plete course of seven distinguished
attractions includes Walter Dur-
anty and H. R. Knickerbocker, de-
bating "Can Russia Be Part of
One World?" Oct. 23; Jacques
Cartier, unique one-man theatre
in "Theatre Cavalcade," Nov. 3;
Rear-Adm. Richard E. Byrd, "Dis-
covery," with motion pictures,
Nov. 20; Miss Jane Cowl, "An
Actress Meets Her Audience," Nov.
25; Julien Bryan, "Russia Re-vis-
ited," with motion pictures, Jan.
13; John Mason Brown, "Broad-
way in Review," Jan. 22; Hon.
Arthur Bliss Lane, "Our Foreign
Policy-Right or Wrong?" Feb.
10. The auditorium box office
hours are from 10-1, 2-5 daily
except Saturday afternoon and
Academic Notices
Psychology 31: No movie or
demonstration this week, Tues.,
Oct. 14.
Algebraic Geometry Seminar:
Tues., Oct. 14, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3011,
Angell Hall. Dr. B. J. Lockhart
will speak.
Botanical Seminar: 4 p.m.,
Wed., Oct. 15, Rm. 1139, Natural
Science Bldg. Paper: "Cactaceae
of the Zacapa Desert, Guatemala,"
by Elzada U. Clover. Open meet-
Seminar in Engineering Me-
chanics: 4 p.m., Tues., Oct. 14,
Rm. 406, W. Engineering Bldg.
Mr. J. L. Edman will continue
his discussion of the theory es-
capement mechanisms of clocks
with special attention to the mini-
mizing of time errors.
Geometry Seminar: Wed., Oct.
15, 2 p.m., 3001, Angell Hall. Mr.
Charles Buck will speak on "Ster-
ographic Projection of Clifford
German Departmental make-uP
examinations for 1, 2, 31, 35 and
36, Oct. 21, 2 p.m., Rm. 204, Univ.
Hall. It is required that all desir-

To the Editor:

At the Michigan
by, Barry Fitzgerald and Joan Caulfield.
punch scores another box office knock-
out, and a great big welcome mat goes out
for WELCOME STRANGER. Director Elliot
Nugent has picked up exactly where Leo
McCarey left off in Going My Way, and
the songwriting team of Burke and Van
Huesen is back, providing Der Bingle with
plenty of ammunition to mow down the
customers. For a change, here is a movie
which doesn't try to teach any great lesson;
it simply tells a good story, and tells it well.
In addition, it has a quality of warmth and
actuality, and the actors convey, with re-
markable ease, a certain sincerity which is
often so difficult to get across. Bing Crosby
is the greatest thing to hit Hollywood since
the advent of talkies, and as for Barry Fitz-
gerald-just how cute can one man be? The
candid comment of the woman in back of
us was that "he's simply darling," and we
find ourselves agreeing enthusiastically.
* *' *
At the State
* COPACABANA, with Groucho Marx, Car-
men Miranda, and Andy Russell.
T HIS WEEK'S activities at the State strike
a sour note from the word "go" when,
in the newsreels, Bill Stern introduces Notre
Dame as the "team of the year." But that's
only the beginning! Then the feature ap-
pears, which is not quite so blunt but which
lasts considerably longer, thereby prolonging
the agony. Groucho Marx makes a valiant
attempt to save the movie from utter obliv-
ion, and provides many a welcome guffaw.
The attempt to provide a plot is much

of today enjoys a position uni-
que in the world's scheme of edu-
cation. Where foreign universi-
ties, through the war's fury, have
degenerated to poor counterfeits
of their lustrous predecessors, the
universities of America are in-
fused with a new spirit; they as-
pire to undreamt heights. Of the
lofty goals now envisioned, none
shines in so splendid a light as
that of improving, not only the
powers of intellection, but the
Character of the student. In a
world sunk in shame, America
alone can stand forth clean and
unblushing, proud of her moral
supremacy. Though her coasts be
washed with waters reeking of
the refuse of other continents, she
is the last stronghold of virtue.
But even as we see our virtues,
let us recognize our faults! Here
about us, in this very town, we
see a moral degeneracy, a turpi-
tude, this is at once our greatest
shame and our most difficult
problem. If we are to remain
solely pure in a leprous world,
we must arrest this onslaught of
vice; we must smite the evil, and
if they persist in infamous con-
duct, remove them hence.
The students collectively cry out
for more regulation, for more ade-
ing makeup register in 204 Univ.
Hall by Oct. 17.
Museum of Art: MODERN
Museum of Modern Art, New York,
through Oct. 19; FINE ARTS UN-
Photographic Show, through Oct.
30. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily,
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening,
7-9. The public is invited.
Events Today
Mathematics Club: 8 p.m.,
West Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg., Prof. R. C. F. Bartels will
(Continued on Page 6)

Mr. Phil Dawson revealed to a-
stunned student body that there
are Communists in AYD and that
MYDA is "an organization which
probably includes Communists,"
and therefore no one should have
anything to do with MYDA. His
point is very interesting. Does he
also propose that our country work
for world peace without the UN,
merely because there are Com-
munists in it? We believe that Mr.
Dawson should become better ac-
quainted with certain pertinent
MYDA was founded on the
premise that there shall be no ra-
cial, religious, or political dis-
crimination within the organiza-
tion. In- other words, no one has
to pass a "loyalty test" to join us.
We are not interested in anyone's
"purity," racially, religiously, or
For this reason MYDA will not
only accept Communists along
with Republicans, Democrats, So-
cialists, etc., but also will actively
defend the rights of Communists,
or anyone else, to participate in
our organization, so long as they
abide by our rules and carry out
our program. This seems to us
to be the very essence of Amer-
ican democracy, and not an ad-
mission of "intellectual and moral
insolvency" as Mr. Dawson so
profoundly suggests.
MYDA is not, never was, and
never will be a "front" for any-
body. Our policies are democra-
tically decided by the membership,
and not by any mysterious outsid-
ers who allegedly receive orders
direct from the Kremlin... .
When we make our decisions,
we do not ask ourselves whether
our stand has the support or non-
support of any political group. We
are interested only that our pro-
gram be one which fights for the
needs of youth in general, and
students in particular.
As a result of this policy we
have submitted to the Student
Legislature the MYDA Plan . . .
Mr. Dawson is correct in saying
that support of the MYDA Plan
does not necessarily mean support
of MYDA. The MYDA Plan will
be of benefit to everyone, and sup-

W OULD SOMEONE please tell
me why the University allows
an irresponsible group like the
Wolverine Club to distribute the
Illinois football tickets? The ath-
letic administration has an office
for that purpose,
Last year the University banned
the soft drink stands from mak-
ing tie-in salesrat the stadium.
Now the Wolverine Club is per-
mitted to do essentially the same
thing by requiring a train ticket
to be bought in order to get a
football ticket. It's time that
single tickets could be bought for
a couple of hours Thursday morn-
ing if you were lucky enough to
have time to get in a long line.
There are quite a few students
who would like to cheer for Mich-
igan if they could get football
tickets without buying a train
ticket, as was evident by the
length of the line Thursday morn-
ing. One of the ticket distributors
told me he wasn't interested in
whether a lot of students went to
the game or not unless they went
on the train they sponsored.
Discrimination has been prac-
ticed in giving out the choice
seats. If you bought a train ticket
you could get a seat between the
thirty and fifty-yard line. Most
of the single tickets sold were
near the zero yard line. Friday
afternoon fifty yard line seats
were being sold with train tickets.
-Ken Randle.
More on MYDA

To the Editor:



I'm rejecting the Agriculture

Lucky your Fairy Godfafher

That Leprechaun said that
4 nr_-- n -ur ~o:i:-

That would be bacteriological
warfare .Brnobv. It's aainst }

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