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October 12, 1947 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-12

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Prof. Abbot Looks Ahead
To FM Station,-WUOM

EOITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a new series of weekly articles on
faculty personalities.
Lining the walls of Prof. Waldo
Abbot's office on 'the fourth floor
of Angell Hall are affectionately-
inscribed photographs of former
speech pupils, now radio celebrit-
Fond as Prof. Abbot may well
be of these mementoes, they rep-
resent just one facet of the ver-
satility he's acquired in 22 years
as director of the University
Broadcasting Service.
Back in the early days of radio,
Prof. Abbot says a broadcasting
director had to be prepared fo
any emergency. He recalls hur-
riedly substituting himself on pro-
grams for missing actors, an-
nouncers, speakers and inter-
viewers, as well as teaching nov-
ices everything from the mech-
anics of radio to music.
Prof. Abbot lists several fac-
tors which contributed to his
appointment as the University's
first director of broadcasting.
"I knew as much about radio as
anybody at a time when nobody
knew anything about it," he
In the same year Sigma Delta
Chi, the honorary journalism
fraternity,. awarded him its "lo-
quacious man of the year" prize-
an oil-can.
These qualifications, plus Prof.
Abbot's experience as an instruc-
tor in rhetoric, made him the logi-
cal choice for the newly-created
Prof. Abbot was born in Kan-
sas City, Missouri, where his fath-
er was for some years editor of the
Kansas City Star. Following in
paternal footsteps, Prof. Abbot is
a University of Michigan grad-
uate, having taken his A.B. degree
in journalism and philosophy in
1911, and an L.L.B. degree in 1913.
He then practiced law in Ann
Arbor for several years and was
appointed assistant prosecut-
ing attorney.
The First World War inter-
rupted his legal career, and he did
not return to it after being dis-
charged from the Army in 1920
after serving as a first lieutenant.
Instead, he renewed his associa-
tion with the University as an in-
structor in the Department of
Rhetoric. 1
At the time of his appointment
as director of the Broadcasting
Service, Prof. Abbot was also made
assistant professor of English.
In 1933, when the Broadcast-
ing Service was incorporated

;nto the Extension Service, Prof.
Abbot transferred from the De-
partment of English to the De-
partment of Speech and Gener-
al Linguistics, where he instit-
uted courses in radio speech,
dramatics, and writing. In 1934
he was made an associate pro-
fessor of speech.
Prof. Abbot has compiled much
of the knowledge gained in his

Job Bureau
Urges Early
Students interested in register-
ing for job positions should do so
now, according to Prof. T. Luther,
Purdom, Director of the Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Early registration is important
>ccause it takes a certain amount
of time for the Bureau to organ-
ize the information about each
student so that it can be presented
to the beft advantage to prospec-
tive employers, he said..
Starts Tomorrow'
Job registration will be held in
the Rackham Lecture Hall, Mon-
day, Oct. 13th, at 4 p.m. This is
the regular registration period for
all February, June, and August
graduates. However, job registra-
tion is a service available to any-
one who has attended the Univer-
sity, whether or not he has a de-
gree. Graduate students or 'staff
members who will be available for
jobs within the next year, or who
are interested in finding better
positions may also register with
the Bureau.
The Bureau has two divisions:
A teaching division and a general
division, which includes service to
people seeking positions in busi-
ness, industry, and professions
other than teaching.
International Jobs
Numerous calls are already
coming in for teaching positions.
These include calls from all over
the world. Last year, the Bureau
placed about 20 teachers in Germ-
any, some in Honolulu, South
America, and numerous other
The general placement division
has calls for jobs of every type.
Although four out of five persons
placed are University graduates,
there are some positions available
for non-graduates who are inter-
ested in taking full-time jobs now.
Free Service
To , date, approximately 35,000
University students have taken
advantage of their opportunity to
register with the Bureau. The sum
of the salaries of students placed
last year alone was over $600,000.
Jobs registration is a free ser-
vice of the University. Late regis-
tration, however, entails a fee of
Chicago Trip Planned
By International Center
A weekend trip to Chicago for
foreign and American students'
will be sponsored by the Interna-
tional Center Nov. 14 to Nov. 16.
Interested students may con-
tact Homer Underwood at the In-
ternational Center for reserva-
tions or further information.

No Spirit, Curfew, Food
Are Colleges' Complaints










Although co-eds on the Univer-
sity campus frequently complain
that they are unduly restricted by
the 10:30 p.m. deadline each week
night they are far better off than
their sisters attending the Uni-
versity of California.
Reports reaching The Daily in-
dicate that co-eds at "Southern
Cal" must be in their residences at
8 p.m. each night during the week.
The early curfew was recently
placed on the West Coast co-eds
because of their poor grades, ac-
cording to the dean of women at
the college.
The dean of women at "South-
ern Cal" declared that the grade
point average of women students
has shown a constant decline and
therefore the early curfew was be-
ing enforced each week night, in-
stead of only three nights per
week as was formerly the case.
However, women with 1.5 grade
averages are excused from the
early curfew.
What may be a bit of bad news
for the co-eds at the University
of Illinois comes from an an-
nouncement in the Daily Illini.
The newspaper announces that
an ex-wave, Miriam Sheldon, has
been appointed dean of women at
Illinois. The new dean of women
served as a lieutenant commander
in the women's reserve of the
navy. And Illini co-eds are
hoping that the new dean doesn't
decide to carry over any military
discipline into her new job as dean
of women.
Meanwhile a survey of several
colleges in the Big Nine indicate
that most of them are "going
along" with the President's food
saving request. From Indiana
comes word that University offi-
cials have taken steps to observe
"meatless Tuesdays" and to cut
out poultry and eggs on Thurs-
At Wisconsin the program has
also started to get underway.
Meatless and poultryless days are
slated to begin this week. However
university officials were unable to
make arrangements to save food
during the first week of the pro-
At nearby Ohio State June
Kennedy, who directs dormitory
dining halls, charged that Buckeye
students waste food. According to
Mrs. Kennedy, many Ohio State
Students are throwing scarce food

in garbage pails. But she prom-
ised that the university will short-
ly institute a program of compul-
sory food saving in Ohio State
eating places.
It appears that University
cheerleaders are not the only peo-
ple who are bemoaning the lack
of "School Spirit" among students
these days.
During the last few weeks there
have been some mutterings from
the University cheerleaders who
declare that Michigan students are
not in very good voice at weekend
grid contests. But the matter is
regarded more seriously at some
of the other colleges around the
From the University of South-
ern California on the West Coast
come reports that some students
are rather cynical about the whole
thing. An editorial in the South-
ern California collegiate newspa-
per blasts these students as
"Fifth Columns" in the university.
The writer editorially deplores the
stoic football fans who don't cheer
the team on to victory and he calls
these silent ones "parisites." The
editorial closes with a stirring ap-
peal for unified student body
which will urge the team on to vic-
tory with roaring cheers.
An editorial in the Purdue uni-
versity newspaper isn't quite as
virulent, but nevertheless urges
students to "Back the Team." The
Purdue collegiate writer urges stu-
dents to turn out to see the teams
off to battle. And the writer de-
clares that the effect of the spirit
shown by the students can give the
football team that extra drive
which can prove of great value in
the pinches on the playing field.
* * *
From West Virginia University
comes word that the Mountainers
are also worried about school
spirit. An editorial in the West
Virginia college newspaper de-
plores the lack of sportsmanship
and enthusiasm in the student
body. And the college writer de-
clares that only the student body
itself can remedy the situation.
Massage gives relief, probably
in a large measure by suggestion,
to such disorders as melancholia
and other forms of insanity, head-
ache, and hysteria, according to
the Encyclopedia Britannica.
- . _______ I


,ears of radio experience into a
.omprehensive text, "The Hand-
book of Radio Broadcasting."
When Prof. Abbot became di-I
rector of tht service, the Univer-
3ity had already had one brief ex-
perience with a radio station of
ts own-station WCBC, built by
he Department of Electrical En-
gineering, and whose license was
allowed to lapse in 1923. Now
again, after years of "piping" all
programs to commerical stations,
Prof. Abbot is looking forward to
the completion of the University's'
own new FM station, WUOM.
Back in 1925, University pro-
grams were broadcast from a
room in the top floor of Uni-
versity Hall, chosen because it
had a piano and a rug. It also
had poor acoustics, and bands,
faculty speakers, and glee clubs
were all "herded" indiscrimirt-
ately into a tent at one end
built of painters' dropcloths.
The early studio also featured
two thousand mice which were
kept for cancer research in an ad-
joining room. Prof. Abbot says
that though he wasn't always
sure that therprograms were on
the air, there was never any'
doubt about those mice.
The Daily Class ifeds
Read and Use

G ROE E K G U N N E R S-Three young Greek soldiers'examine a machine gun at an outpost 25
miles beyond the village of Levkohori, near the Bulgarian border.

4 O L L Y W O 0 D I N B E R L I N-In front of the famous Brandenburg gate, damaged
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