MYDA CHAIRMAN See Page 4 C qpl i r Sw4b 3Ia itj4 STILL INDIAN SUMMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII No. 18 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Point- a-Minute Wolverines Bury Pitt, 69-0 _ _. _ - . VA Reports New Veteran Leave Policy etween Tern,. Checks Initiated New leave policies are now in ef- fect which permit unbroken sub- sistence payments to veterans at- tending college under the G.I. Bill and continuing their studies under an accelerated program, the Vet- erans Administration announced yesterday. Under the new regulations, veterans will receive subsistence payments for the full enroll- ment period certified to the VA by the educational institution, provided there are no more than 15 days between terms. Such between-term leaves will be charged against their eititle- ment. Veterans will be on the subsis- tence rolls from the date of en- rdllment until 15 days after the close of the semester. This will enable the VA the make final pay- ments of subsistence allowance without delay to those men who do not return for the following semester. No leaves other than 15-day extension in training status will be authorized by the VA with the exception of the scholastic leaves offered by the educational .insti- tution to other students. The between-term leave is au- tomatically granted to all veter- ans on 'enrollment. However, vet- erans do not desire this leave are required to notify the VA in writ- ing at least 30 days before the end of the school year or other period of enrollment. The new leave provisions will not apply to veterans interrupt- ing their training before the end L of the term. In such cases, auth- orization for subsistence pay- ments will end at the date edu- cational training was interrupt- ed. If, on the other hand, the period of a veteran's eligibility ends af- ter the middle of a semester, his eligibility for study will be con- tinued until the end of that sem- ester and authorization for subsis- tence allowances extended accord- ingly. In the past, student-veterans earned leave at the rate of two and a half days a month during the course of study. Vet Delegates Meet at Union Renew Campaign To Increase Subsistence A renewed campaign to increase subsistence for student veterans will get under way at 2 p.m. to- day in the Union, when delegates from colleges and universities throughout the state meet to map out preliminary strategy for part two of "Operation Subsistence." Tentative plans call for a statewide conference later this month to draw up a final pro- gram of ways and means of con- vincing Congress of the vet- erans' needs. "Our sights will be concentrated on the House this time," George Antonofsky, AVC's campus chap-' ter delegate remarked. "We were apparently able to convince the Senate of our needs earlier this year." (In the last week of the Con- gressional session, the Senate approved a subsistence increase of $10 per month for single vet- erans and $15 per month for married students. Additional al- lowances for additional depen- dents were provided for as well. The measure failed to vote to a vote in the House, however.) In connection with the first drive for subsistence hikes last year, the campus chapter of AVC 'Drinking Ban' Meets With Student Protests By HARRIET FRIEDMAN A wave of protest against the University's new "drinking ban" has arisen on campus. Revised interpretations of a University drinking rule were con- demned as "unrealistic," "mid-Victorian," and "unnecessary regula- tion" by students and alumni interviewed yesterday in a Daily survey. Subjecting students to disciplinary action if they attend a social function where liquor is served, even if they are over 21, was World News At a Glance WASHINGTON, Oct. 11-Presi- dent Truman's citizens Food Com- mittee tonight asked the mayors of 1,000 American cities to back the voluntary food saving for Europe drive by organizing local conservation committees. Mr. Truman is expected to fol- low up, early next week, by tele- graphing a similar appeal to the 48 state governors for proclama- tions endorsing meatless and poul- tryless days and creating citizens committees in each state. * * , BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Oct. 11-Declaring that Chile no longer regulates "its relations with other states independent- ly," Yugoslavia announced to- day she had decided to break diplomatic relations with the South American Republic be- cause ,of the deportation of two of her diplomats. * * * LONDON, Sunday, Oct. 12-The Moscow radio said today Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov had complained to Secretary of State George C. Marshall that the United States had not replied to a Russian proposal for withdraw- al of foreign troops from Korea and thus was hindering a solution of the Korean question. * * * PEARL HARBOR, Oct. 11-A Navy plane today found four missing minesweepers 440 miles northeast of Opalmyra Atoll and reported the three men aboard "all seem to be in good health." The 85 foot vessels, lashed to- gether for towing, had been missing since Sept. 24 when they drifted away while the tug Edward M. Grimm was refuel- ing at Palmyra. LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 11-The United Nations Assembly's poli- tical committee finally approved tonight a toned - down United States resolution calling for a bor- der watch commission in the Bal- kans but failing to find three Russian satellites guilty of help- ing Greek guerrillas. A second paragraph in the amendment reading "calls upon Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslav- ia to do nothing which could fur- nish aid and assistance to the said guerrillas." Men's Dorms To Organize House presidents of all the men's dormitories will meet to or- ganize an Independent Men's Res- idence Association at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 14 in the West Quad Lounge. Based on plans formulated by the East and West Quad Councils last year, the Association will en- deavor to coordinate men's activ- ities in residence halls and pro- mote their interests in campus affairs. All houses of the East and West Quad, Fletcher Hall and Victor Vaughn will be represented in the Association. The Association will replace the Independent Men's Residence Congress which expired before World War II. Technic Plays Host to Editors I termed "unfair" by Phil Licht, president of the West Quadrangle. He added: It's unfortunate that Univer- sity officials feel they can't trust their adult students with social- ly acceptable beverages." Under the new interpretations, as explained to women house pres- idents at a meeting Thursday, no liquor will be permitted on any University property including the Arboretum, or in any student liv- ing quarters and all mixed gather- ings must have the previous ap- proval of the Office of Student Affairs. Said Jerome H. Lepard, '50E: "It's mid-Victorian. Girls can't even think of liquor anymore." Commenting on the ban of beer picnics, Shirley Meyer, '49, said: "I can't see the point of it. I don't see that picnics have ever done any harm in the past. It will just make students sneak around, and hold their parties farther from town. If they can go to the Bell, why not to picnics." Everett Ellin, Engineering Council president, said: "Stu- dents our age should be able to use their own discretion." One alumnus commented: "It's foolish. The University should stop trying to regulate the lives of its students. When will they learn that you can't stop students with laws. If beer drinking is the worst thing thestudents a e do- ing, the University should be pleased. The. happy days are -gone. Joanne Belding: "The stu- dents feel this rule is a trespass on our personal freedom." Irene Olken, 1'51: "I thought I had graduated from finishing school." Dolly Kershner, '48: "The in- terpretations are unrealistic. How can the University hope to succeed in this way?" One woman student from Flor- ida said : "It makes Michigan stand out as being behind the times and still in the Prohibition ero, when you come here from other parts of the country where young people think for them- selves." Colin Clark To Lecture Here Colin Clark, director of the Bu- reau of Industry, government sta- tistician and financial adviser to the treasury of the state of Queensland, Australia will lecture on "Wealthy and Poor Nations" at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Clark, in addition to his official capacity, is an eminent lecturer and author. After receiving mas- ters' degrees from both Oxford and Cambridge, he worked under the late Prof. Allyn Young at the London School of Economics. Be- fore assuming his present post, he served for a number of years as lecturer in statistics at Cambridge. Presented by the economics de- partment and the business admin- istration school, Clark will dis- cuss, in non-technical terms, the outlooks of the major world pow- ers toward resources and poten- tials of further economic develop- ment from a sociological as well as economic viewpoint. The lec- ture is open to all students. West Lodge Food Dispute To Be Aired Meals Claimed Unsatisfactory By JEAN FAGAN Complaints made by two Uni- versity students about food served at West Lodge Cafetreia in Wil- low Village will be aired tomor- row at a meeting between the stu- dents and Mr. E. Thomas, man- ager of the cafeteria. Edward Norbeck and Carroll Barber, who claimed in a letter to The Daily that the food is poorly prepared and unappetiz- ing, said that they thought the discussion would help straight- en out the difficulty. Barber added that in his opin- ion most students eating at West Lodge Cafeteria think that there is much room for improvement. F. C. Shiel, manager of resi- dence halls, stated yesterday that the situation has been investigat- ed, and that the complains were found to be of a secondary nature. He declared that he is sure the difficulty can be resolved. Shiel said that while it is possible to. find fault with any restaurant, the University will do everything possible to make service at West Lodge more satisfactory. The Cafeteria was taken over directly bythe University last May following an investigation by the American Veterans Committee which showed that under private management the cafeteria was providing inferior food under un- sanitary conditions. All food now used at West Lodge is bought through the University Hospital, which also purchases for the dormitories and the League. Prices charged at West Lodge are regulated by the University. When questioned as to foods of- fered, Miss Elizabeth Langsdale, resident dietician at the cafeteria, said that the meals served are planned scientifically in order to provide a balanced diet. Hurricane Hits Florida Coast BULLETIN MIAMI Fla,Oct1-/P- Communication lines began going out and highways were submerged in Southern Florida tonight as a small hurricane whipped across the Everglades and headed for Mi- ami. In a 10:30 p.m. (EST) advisory the Weather Bureau said the cen- ter of th hurricane was about 70 miles southest of Miami, moving East Northeast about 15 miles per hour. Intensity of the winds was not known, the Bureau added, but probably were still of hurricane force near the center. The center was expected to hit Miami in about five hours. The Florida Highway Patrol reported three feet of water over the Tamiami Trail in some places and a bridge on that main artery of travel between the East and West coasts through , the Ever- glades, was out. A foot of water was reported in Everglades City, on the west Coast about 50 miles south of Fort Myers, and communication lines to that town were out. Two evacuation trains of 75 cars left Fort Pierce for the Lake Okeechobee region, to bring out the population if flood waters threatened that area. Michigan Betters Notre Dame 40-6 Score Last Week Mann, Teninga Tally Twice; Six More Go Over in Panther Slaughter By DICK KRAUS For one quarter a hard-charging Pittsburgh line held a tidal wave at bay, but the dam broke early in the second period and Michigan was off on a touchdown spree that engulfed the Panthers 69-0, as the Wolverines ran and passed their way to a third straight triumph at the University of Michigan Stadium, yesterday. Held in check on their attempt to better Notre Dame's 40-6 win over Pitt, last Saturday, for 17 minutes, the Wolverines exploded the first time they got their hands on the ball in the second period. Bob Chappuis faded from his own thirty yard line, pitched to end Bob Mann who took it on the Pitt 25 and went on to score with the aid of a fine block by Dick Rifenburg. Jim' Daily-Lrnanlan MORNING AFTER-Two unidentified "M" Club members discon- solately survey an accumulation of debris collected in their early morning cleanup of the stadium-the only tangible reminder of the 59,000 screaming fans who thronged it yesterday and departed leaving a trail of peanut shells and papers in their wake. * * * * Yawning Athletes Sweep Up Giant Oval On Morning After By RUSS CLANAHAN Using brooms for aspirin, some four dozen yawning University students stumbled out to the Stadium early this morning to purge the giant 85,000 seat oval of its colossal hangover of peanut shells, loose papers, and miscellaneous rubble left from yesterday's game. Merely to mention the seething mob of grid fans who crowded into the Stadium to witness the defeat of the Pitt aggregation is enough to bring a look of horror to the faces of these forgotten souls-membersj of the long suffering clan who sweep up and tidy the huge structure for the next invasion. Appropriately enough, some of the muscle men who reported for a session with the broom this a.m. ' are the same ones the crowd came to see yesterday, for there are several football players in the group. In fact, all the men in the clean-up squad are members of one or more of Michigan's teams and, through arrangements with the Michigan Athletic depart- ment, only "M" athletes may get these jobs. In return for wielding the broom, each man receives $3.50 per week, plus the leavings of the previous days, which range from peanuts and safety pins to five and ten dollar bills. All is not peanuts, however, for the boys who wear the big "M's" on their sweaters, because their clean-up job entitles them to par- ticipate in the very lucrative busi- ness of selling programs before game time. Stationing themselves near the gates about an hour and a half before the game, they sell an average of 500 programs, rak- ing off .three cents on each sale. Pet peeves of these educated janitors are many, but one seems to hold a particular horror for them-people who throw rolls of tissue around, leaving long yards of the white substance dangling and winding around the benches from the box seats to Row 72. AllT' StudentS Hay Work on SL Committees As a corollary to the newly-in-j stituted streamlined committee system, the Student Legislature has established a policy of stu- dent participation in committee1 work, Harvey Weisberg, Legisla- ture president, announced yester- day. The new system, which pro- vides for six all-inclusive com- meeting of the Legislature this term. Committees include the Cultural and Educational and Social com- mittees, which will serve as cal- endaring agencies for campus meetings and all-campus events.' The Varsity Committee will sponsor such events as all-cam- pus pep rallies and homecoming activities. Other committees are the Social Service Committee, which will schedule fund drives and represent the Legislature on camp projects and student relief drives; the NSA Committee and the Public Rela- tions Committee. Announcements of individual committee interviews will be made in The Daily in the near future. Brieske missed his one and only conversion of the day and Michi- gan led 6-0. Then the track meet began, with Michigan rolling up two more touchdowns in the second period, three in the third and four in the fourth. The scoring was pretty well dis- tributed, with eight men sharing the ten touchdowns and Brieske collecting nine consecutive extra points. Mann and Wally Teninga went over twice with Jack Weis- enburger, Bump Elliott, Gene Der- ricotte, Len Ford, Ted Peterson, and Don Kuick each tallying one. If there was a standout in the Michigan backfield yesterday, it prbably was Derricotte. The flashy Defiance Ohio tailback, stepped out of the shadow of All-American candidate Bob Chappuis and put on a brilliant exhibition, personally account- ing for three touchdowns. He scored on an 80-yard punt re- turn, which featured such per- fect blocking that not a man laid a hand on him. He set up Ford's touchdown by intercept- ing a Pittsburgh pass on his own 45 and running it to the 15 where he lateraled to Ford who went over. Ted Peterson scored Michigan's eighth touchdown after Derricottc personally conducted the Wolver- ines from the Pitt 48 to the four. He passed to He'shberger for 12 yards, then ran for three consec- utive first downs, to put the bal on the four yard line. Peterso took it over on the spinner play. But up in front of Crisler's seemingly endless supply of backs, a Michigan line that was almost perfect, held Pitt to 19 yards on the ground in 21 rush- ing attempts. Even in the scoreless first per- See MICHIGAN Page 7 U.S. Palestine ViewsAired Johnson Endorses Holy Land Partition LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 11--(P)-- The United States today endorsed in principle the partition of Pal- estine but made no commitment of American military forces to guard the peace in the turbulent Holy Land. The long-awaited policy declar- ation before the United Nations ~Assembly's 57-nation Palestine committee touched off a bitter at- tack from the Arabs and drew ex- pressions of satisfaction from the Zionists. Selecting his words carefully, U.S. Delegate Herschel V. John- son told the committee that the U.S. was willing to participate in a UN program to assist the parties involved in the establishment of a workable political settlement. APP Na Trnee 59,000 See Wolverines Smother Pitt Panther Rooters Muted by Deluge What will probably be the smallest crowd of the season, a mere 59,000 saw the Wolverines smother the Pitt Panthers under an avalanche of touchdowns yes- terday. The Panthers brought along' a small, but vociferous, rooting section of some 500 fans. The Pitt rooters, spurred on by a crew of cheerleaders, made more noise than any other group in the stadium at the outset of the game. However when the Mich- igan powerhouse got up steam sand started to generate touch- down after touchdown the Pitt rooters subsided and sat in stunned silence. The flag at half-staff yesterday injected a somber note into the game. The flag was lowered here, as in all parts of the nation, to commemorate the arrival of the irst war dead in this country from the far-off foreign lands where they died in defense of the American way of life. For the first time this season that perennial game stopper, a stray dog, interrupted playefor brief period in the third quar- ter. But game officials finally managed to get him off the field. Indian Summer temperatures in the 80's caused the usual run on oft drink stands. A throng of Hucksters were also on hand, one enterprising family with a home near the stadium set up an im- oromptu hot dog stand on their front porch and peddled "franks" to hungry grid fans. Before the game fans were startled to hear famed Michigan songs floating from an appar- ently empty sky. However closer examination revealed a loud- speaker equipped light plane which broadcast commercials between the songs. The gate crashing incidents which marred earlier games this season were largely absent from yesterday's contest. A reinforced gate crew, plus scores of police officers patrolling the grounds, were on hand to prevent gate crashing. BookExchange Cuts Prices The Student Book Exchange will offer all remaining books for sale at half price from 1 to 5 p.m. Mon- day and Tuesday, Ken Bissell, manager, announced yesterday. Bissell said the board of direc- tors had voted to take this action in order to clear up stock for va- cating the premises by Wednesday as ordered by the League. Students will be notified through The Dailybwhen checks for sold books are ready to be picked up, Bissell said. FROM AN EARLIER AGE: Emil 1Dickinson's Poems Set Indian Summer Mood ,; Indian Summer, blessing Ann Arboriagain, gives us an excuse for printing two poems by Emily Dickinson which captures the mood of the season. Miss Dickinson lived before the To measure off another day For an approving God." And from "Indian Summer": "These are the days when birds lnn. ..~n.. Till ranks of seeds their wit- ness bear, And softly through the altered air Hurries a timid leaf! periment in her work; that may account for it. Her private life is almost sub- ject to as much speculation as her poetry. She shut herself away from the world after a brief ca-