BATTLE OVER STEEL See Page 4 Y , r *a Z3ai6tg INDIAN SUMMER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1947 PRICE FIVE ( Panthers Will Assault Wolverines Tod a Propose UN Police Force For Palestine Reaction of U.S. ExpectedToday By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 10-The United Nations Assembly was urged today to meet the new Pal- estine crisis by taking over ad- ministration of the Holy Land from Britain and creating a small- nation military force to protect its inhabitants from "aggression." The proposed force would be afmed and financed by the Big Five powers, including the United States and Soviet Russia. Neither has yet spoken its policy on Pal- estine but the U.S. expected to give its declaration tomorrow fore- noon. First Formal Action The proposal submitted by Guatemala, was the first formal action in the Assembly's 57-nation Palestine committee following the Arab-reported movement of seven- nation Arab League forces toward the Palestine borders. It was coupled with a bitter at- tack on the exiled Mufti of Jeru- salem, who joined in yesterday's decision by the Arab League coun- cil meeting in Lebanon to forge a ring of steel about Palestine. Policy Statement The U.S. delegation announced that Herschel V. Johnson, a vet- eran of the Security Council bouts with Russia, would give this coun- try's long delayed policy state- ment on the Palestine issue to- morrow. Russia remained silent as to when she would speak. Later in the day Britain pre- sented the Palestine committee with a resolution calling upon UN members to accept a,"fair share" of European displaced persons as immigrants to relieve their plight and to help solve the Palestine problem.i Guatemala's proposed "interna- tional military police corps" to as- sure order during the interim would be made up of contingents from countries outside the Big Five "in proportion to the total number of the armed forces of each country." Arabs Claim Army Ready Near Palestine BEIRUT, Lebanon, Oct. 10-() -Arab sources said tonight the armed forces of the Arab world, which is unofficially estimated to be able to muster 200,000 to 250,- 000 regulars, were concentrating on the Palestine frontiers to cor- don off "terrorist organizations and Zionist forces." Other official quarters here and in Palestine declared, however, they had been unable to detect any unusual troop movements. Troop Maneuvers While troop maneuvers were re- ported in progress to implement a decision of the Arab League of seven nations, the League council went back into session tonight to plan the next "military pre- cautionary actions against Zion- ism." In Jerusalem the Palestine gov- ernment information office de- clared in a statement: "In view of persistent rumors of Arab troop concentrations on the Palestine northern and southern borders we are asked to state emphatically that the Palestine government has no knowledge of such troop concentrations." Egyptians Preparing Sources in Beirut said they were informed that Egyptian forces, largest in the Arab League, were preparing to move into the Sinai Desert south of Palestine, and that Saudi Arabian cavalry was cross- U.S. Food Saving Plan Is Met with Mixed Feelings Food Prices Demonstrate No Appreciable Reduction Throughout American Markets By The Associated Press The nation's meatless, poultryless and eggless days drew more sup- port and criticism Friday as the grocery bill continued to strain the family budget. Food prices themselves showed no substantial declines at the end of the day's trading, some of them rising slightly. December wheat at Chicago reached a new high for the season, at one time selling for $2.941/2. On the cash market, a carload of No. 3 red wheat sold for $2.99 a bushel, highest cash price in Chicago since 1920. Prices Remain High An upward revision-by 54,751 AFL Group Seeks Ouster Of Denham Asks Truman Recall Of NLRB Counsel SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10-(P) -A resolution calling upon Presi- dent Truman to recall Robert Denham as general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board was introduced at the AFL con- vention today by the International Typographical Union, headed by Woodruff Randolph. The resolution also: Demanded the replacement of Thomas Schroyer as legal counsel for the joint Congressional Com- mittee on Labor Management Re- lations. Denounced Senator Ball (Rep., Minn.) as "a hateful enemy of or- ganized labor." "Condemned" the American Newspaper Publishers' Association for its current legal action against the ITU under the Taft-Hartley Law. The resolution, to be acted up- on next week by the delegates, is an outgrowth of the ANPA's suit filed in Cincinnati this week charging the Typographical Union with unfair labor practices in con- nection with the ITU's position on future contracts with publishers. The resolution charged Denham, "without benefit of proper proce- dure or legal hearing, expressed the opinion for the benefit of the press that the ITU policy (on La- bor Relations) did not comply with the Taft-Hartley Law." Senator Ball, it continued, as- sailed ITU policy as "thinly veiled closed shop camouflage"; while the ANPA was accused of attempt- ing "to add its coercion and pres- sure to the already vicious and ugly pattern of pressure accumu- lated to influence regional direc- tors of the NLRB and the board itself." The ITU singled out Schroyer, joint committee counsel, for "vol- unteering" the same opinion as that expressed by Denham to a subsequent meeting of printing employers at French Lick, Ind. Convention business was sus- pended briefly to pay solemn trib- ute to Joseph A. Padway, Gen- eral Counsel of the AFL, who suf- fered a fatal stroke Wednesday in the midst of an attack on the Taft-Hartley Law. 1,000 bushels-in the Government's 4estimate of this year's corn yield was offset by a corresponding drop in old corn stocks and there appeared little likelihood that it would change the food conserva- tion program or have much down- ward effect on food prices. The Associated Press price in- dex of 35 commodities rose ap- proximately 1/ of a point to 194.76 per cent of the 1926 price average, compared with 194.48 Thursday. Conservation Lags Meanwhile, surveys in various cities showed that acceptance of the first meatless Tuesday and eggless-poultryless Thursday this week was somewhat less than unanimous. Many restaurants followed the view expressed by the Chicago Restaurant Association which stated that compliance with the program was a matter of choice with their customers. A majority, however, observed the meatless, eggless and poultryless days, leaving the items off of their menus. Rationing Suggested Sharaf's Restaurants, a Boston chain, announced a reduction of five cents from each order if bread and butter is not requested with a plate which ordinarily includes it. A suggestion for government ra- tioning was offered at a House Agricultural Committee hearing by the National Planning Associa- tion, a private' organization. It recommended that U. S. consum- ers be limited to two-thirds of normal bread consumption be- tween now and the next wheat harvest. Secretary of Agriculture Ander- son affirmed his whole-hearted support of the food conservation program in Washington Friday. He said earlier remarks by him had been interpreted by some to mean that he discounted the im- portance of eggless-poultryless days in the conservation program. Season Opens for Hallowe'en Tricks The Ann Arbor kids kicked off to the Ann Arbor cops this week in the opening play of their peren- nial game, "hallowe'en headache." At the end of the first quarter, the score for the kids read: seven "airless" tires, (;.±e chopped-up clothes line and one ketchup-cov- ered porch. For the cops: Plenty of irate phone calls. "Seems like Hallowe'en is not just a day. It's a whole season," said Police Captain Roland Gains- ley. "We put several lads in jail for destroying property last year and we'll do it again this year if we have to." University Passes New Liquor Rules Beer Picnics Are Virtually Banned A favorite campus pastime - beer picnics-has been virtually banned, The Daily learned yester- day. Official interpretation of a new University ruling holds any stud- ent who attends a gathering at which liquor is served liable to disciplinary action. Open To Penalty All women students have been warned that if they attend a party at which liquor is served, even if they do not drink them- selves, they are open to penalty unless they leave the party im- mediately. Stricter regulations governing student conduct put into effect this year require that any mixed gathering of students receive pre- vious approval of the Office of Students Affairs. This would in- clude picnics. Automatic Retraction Approval is automatically re- tracted if liquor is served at the gathering. Presidents o f a ll campus womens' residences were told this week by a University official that the ban applies to all mixed gath- erings regardless of the ages of students in attendance. Strictly Enforced The official warned that chap- eronage rules would be strictly en- forced and that campus authori- ties are making close check-ups of fraternity houses. The exact nature of the watch on picnics was not disclosed. Student drinking in local tav- erns, where identification is re- quired, is not affected by the ru- ing. University control also doesnot extend to gatherings in private residences. Groups Meet On Academic Freedom Issue Plans for the forthcoming Michigan Conference on Academic Freedom, to be held here, Oct. 18, were adopted at a meeting of vari- ous student groups yesterday in the Union. A proposed agenda for the con- ference was suggested which will set up a state-wide academic free- dom organization. Professor ' Preston Slosson, of* the history department, will ad- dress the plenary session, and Harvey Weisberg, President of the Student Legislature will present the National Student Association's Student Bill of Rights for the as- cembly's consideration. The group will then be broken down into panels to discuss for- mation of the academic freedom organization, various methods of coping with violations of campus infringements on freedom and the N.S.A. Bill of Rights. At the final session, resolutions and panel reports will be adopted, and a constitution and officers voted on. Also proposed was the setting up of local academic freedom organi- zations and a monthly bulletin to be published by the central group. Callahan Bill Is Questioned LANSING, Oct. 10-(AP)-The legal status of the Callahan Bill, requiring the registration of "for- eign agents" is puzzling the State Department. Petitions containing 110,818 signatures asking that the meas- ure be put to a public vote at the November 1948, general election POKER PLAYER AND A PAIR OF ACES-Gridiron gambler Fritz Crisler meets the Pittsburgh football team this afternoon with a loaded deck in cluding Bump Elliott, left, and Bob Chappuis, right, one of the Big Nine's most potent backfield pair. Returning War Dead Honored By America Remains of Pacific Vets Arrive in West SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10-(') -The Nation brought home its first Pacific war dead today with sorrow and pride., As the funeral ship Honda Knot, bearing the bodies of 3,028, who fell in the Pacific war reached, San Francisco, the United States; paid its highest military salute, and thousands lined the quay in, mourning. Salute Fired While the Presidio, Sixth Army headquarters, fired the 21-gun sa- lute, Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan told the hushed audi- ence gathered on the Marina Green : "Today, in sorrow and yet with pride, America repatriates the mortal remains of those who fell in the hours and months of the war. 'Destiny of Man' "Wherever and whenever they fell they died to safeguard the destiny of man. "Today they impose upon us, the living, the sacred trust of their final hours, their last thoughts, their common dream of the safety and welfare of America, and an enduring peace for the world." The grey Army transport, ar- riving from Hawaii, was escorted through the Golden Gate by de- stroyers and aircraft. As it dropped anchor a few hundred yars from the thousands gathered on shore to pay tribute, a cutter moved alongside and passed over a large, green wreath from President Tru- man. Co-op Sets Pace In Food Saving Men at Robert Owen Co-op House voted yesterday to do Presi- dent Truman one better. In addition to following his "meatless Tuesday" and "eggless Thursday" proposal to the letter, Owen House will send an equiva- lent amount of meat to needy families in Europe. No organization was designated to handle the shipment, although the Friends Service Committee was tentatively suggested in the bill as passed. Resale of Tickets Non-student football tickets for the Michigan-Pittsburgh game will be accepted for resale from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. today at the Union Tra- vel desk. IT MAY LOOK EASY: Band Puts 72,000 Minutes Into Eleven-Minute Program By ALICE BRINKMAN and MARY STEIN Running the Pitt panther through a meat grinder sounds like a pretty tough job, but the smooth way the University march- ing band will do it this afternoon at the stadium, there won't be a single bone crushed. The really "crushing" task came during the days preceding the 11/2 minutes of halftime formations and playing which the band will provide this afternoon, under the direction of Prof. William D. Re- velli. Some 72,000 man-minutes were consumed in acquiring that "finished look." Long-Range Planning Long-range planning is the rule U.S., Britain Return Looted Gold to Italy WASHINGTON, Oct. 10-(;P)- A store of gold worth $28,000,000, captured by the U. S. Fifth Army Corps from Germans who had stolen it from the Bank of Italy, was made available tonight to the Italian government. , The gold cache was found in May of 1945 at Fortezza, Italy, where the retreating Germans had hidden it. Great Britain and the United States agreed tonight to turn it over to the non-Communist Ital- ian government, providing it with additional assets needed to con- tinue purchases of wheat and fuel during the winter. The Italian government can either use this gold to furnish ad- ditional backing for its currency or follow Britain's example and sell it to the United States gov- ernment for $35 an ounce. Michael McDermott, State De- partment press officer, told a news conference the gold transfer should help Italy in its battle to control inflation at home and con- tinue purchases abroad. Vets Move Mouse, Solve Problems That house moving down the middle of State St. yesterday morning was the property of two local veterans who have finally solved the housing problem. A University student, Boyd Ben- der, and Chester Bowling bought the dwelling from a local firm who needed its site on Huron St. for a parking lot. They then pur- chased a lot on State St. and yesterday moved the entire house to its new location with the aid of a tractor. for the half-time programs, with formation planning beginning well over a week in advance. Prof. Revelli and several band members begin well ahead of time to figure out the complicated for- mations to be used. Special graph paper, marked with the field's yard lines and baselines is em- ployed. Precision Tactics With almost mathematical pre- cision, the committee has to decide how to get each man in position without creating a hopeless tan- gle. Making sure that the marchers will stay two paces apart, while keeping their distance from the baseline, are only two of the com- mittee's problems. Squad Leaders After the formations are out- See BAND, Page 6 Talldng Dogs Lose Estate, But Don't Yap LOS ANGELES, Oct. 10-()- Lawyer Carleton Bainbridge's talking dogs lost his $30,000 estatej today. A superior court jury held that the attorney was of unsound mind when he made his will two days before his death last spring. There was no immediate com- ment from either Pat or Gunner, the disinherited Irish terriers. Both were silent throughout the :hree-week trial, except for one occasion when Gunner, told to argue a point, growled convincing- ly. Bainbridge's will was contested by his brother, Sherman, writer and editor. Under terms of the original document, the money was willed to the dogs and to Charles F. Connelly, painting contractor and long-time friend of the at- torney, to care for them. Witnesses during the trial, which lasted three weeks, testi- fied that Bainbridge told them his dogs enjoyed Mickey Mouse and other movies, had different tastes in literature, and could converse with him in English but that he told them he had postponed a trip to Germany because of difficul- ties in teaching them the Teu- tonic tongue. BUENOS AIRES, Oct. 10-(R)- Argentina signed a trade agree- ment today with Romania in which the Russian satellite agreed that goods bought would not be re-exported. Pittsburgh Meets Third MightyRival Michigan Rated Heavy Favorite BY BOB LENT America's most ambitious foot- ball team, Pittsburgh, moves into the third round of its murderous schedule when it takes on Michi- gan's. powerful Wolverines in Michigan Stadium at 2 p.m. this afternoon. Straining at the leash for a chance to get into the Western Conference, the Smoky City sche- dule-makers whipped up an agen- da that would scare the hip pads off of most gridiron elevens. After battling last year's Rose Bowl champs from Illinois in their opener, the Panthers came smack up against Notre Dame's national champions last week. And this week they square off against the contender for the Irish' throne. Pittsburg Chances Chances for a Pittsburgh victor are considered practically non- existant, but speculation is run- ning high as to the final score of the game. Some observers point to the Panthers' record of holding Illin- ois scoreless for three quarters and out-playing Notre Dame's All- American studded front wall for over half a game. Rough Going-Over Others feel that the big, rugged line, Coach Mike Milligan has culled from the Pennsylvania coal mines has had a pretty rough go- ing-over the past two weeks and won't have much left for Fritz Crisler's boys. Added to this is the fact that Milligan has lost his first and second-string ,quarterbacks a and first-string guard through injur- ies. Bruno Injuried Bill Bruno, number one signal caller for the Panthers and their top defensive man, was injuried in the Illinois game and did not make the trip to Ann Arbor. Walt Cummin§ took over his spot in the Notre Dame game but the Irish proved equally rough on quarter- backs and Cummins did not' come west either. Therefore the heavy burden of directing the Pitt attack will fall on the inexperienced shoulders of 180 pounder George Matich. Soph Understudy He will be understudied by Will flarvesty, who looms as potential- ly one of the, best rsin col- ;cxia-t eiree ths year. This 5; _Ho''ey o u,-couned for See WOLVRINES, fPae 55,000 Fans To See Game World News At A Glance By The Associated Press BALTIMORE, Oct. 10-Baltimore Local 12 of the International Typographical Union today answered the first unfair labor practice complaint ever filed against a union with an assertion the Taft-Hart- ley law is unconstitutional because it imposes "involuntary servitude.'" A National Labor Relations Board hearing is scheduled here next Tuesday on a complaint by the NLRB's general counsel that the; International and its local refused to bargain collectively with the Baltimore Graphic Arts League, an association of 22 printing firms. S * * * * MEMPHIS, Tenn., Oct. 10-The University of Tennessee College of Medicine announced today development of new method of injections-a flashlight-size gun that sprays medicines through the skin so you can hardly tell it. Tfl n1 nn_,, rn vi asM n 1FA 1n/afl~ Warm Weather Seen For Gridiron Clash Another In' suunrr day with tem rn o the &)'s is predicte o : -it Michi gan grid j: 1 we a v;vbe viw- ed by an e-i 'JU Vrins. This will be t. r ir' rowda to view a Wolver iie foo 0tba con- test at home this fall as sellouts already are recorded for the Min- nesota and Ohio State battles with a virtual sellout predicted for the Indiana game. The usual football special trains will be run from Detroit today, but no special arrangements have been made for bringing fans from Pittsburgh. Less than 500 Pitt backers are expected to make the trek. However, for the first time this year the visiting team will bring its band along. The 150-piece Pitt Marching Band will share the half time spotlight with the Wol- verine group. 'U,' Pitt Bands To Share Half Pitt's panther has been caged GET RICH QUICK SCHEME: High-Priced Chain Letters Flourish Here An inflationary version of thel depression-born chain letter Us ing the mails to defraud by send- ing only cash through the postal each "sucker" a nice little nest egg if he continues the chain. How-