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October 10, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-10

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Fiaigt Y a il
Fifty-Eighth Year

'Bundles for Bovines'


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority ,of the
Board in Control of Student Pubgications.
Editorial Stafff
John Campbell.................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes........ .........Associate Editor
Dick Kraus......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ...............Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick .................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1 .
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Disloyalty Criteria
AS THE State Department tightened its
regulations for discharge of "disloyal"
personnel, we were amazed to discover the
type of employes who walk its marble halls.1

Among the employes listed as constitut-
ing a "security risk" are the following:
"A person who has such basic weakness
of character or lack of judgment as rea-
sonably to justify the fear that he might
be led into... " such courses of action as
espionage, treason, sympathetic associa-
tion with subversive groups, or associa-
tion with people associated with, or peo-
pie associated with other people associated
with, subversive groups.
In the determination of security risk, fac-
tors included "habitual drunkenness, sexual
perversion, moral turpitude, financial irre-
sponsibility or criminal record."
If these are the reasons for discharge, we
wonder what regulations have governed
hiring of employes for this "vital" depart-
ment. If rules for entry are as strict as those
for removal, perhaps it has been the strain
of keeping close guard on state secrets that
has produced these strange effects among
the State Department personnel.
But the bigge4t question in our minds
is why such qualifications were included
in a "security risk" list. If an employe is
incompetent because of drunkenness or
financial irresponsibility, is he to have the
word "disloyal" printed on his records,
preventing him from obtaining other em-
Although we do not question the need for
security, - the inclusion of such principles
under disloyalty charges only proves that
the State Department has failed to find a
really effective method of determining dis-
loyalty, and, is following the "something is
better than nothing" rule, which leads no-
Maybe a Geiger counter would do.
-Harriett Friedman
-Joan Katz
Poltical Dynamite
PARIS-General de Gaulle, founder and
leader of the movement, which he calls
the "Rally of the French People," is still
without doubt among France's few great
men. Equally without dobut, he has no
totalitarian ambitions and is detested by
the sort of men who would most naturally
hanker for French Fascism - the rich
French whom he bitterly offended by na-
tionalizing basic industries and by in-
sisting upon jailing their friends and rela-
tives as collaborators. None the less, he has
virtually no labor support. His appeal is to
the little men of the center and the right.
Among these he has made extraordinary
progress. Starting not very long ago, his
movement is already organized in some
fashion in tens of thousands of cities and
communes and has between a million and

LET'S STOP FOOLING. What we need is a
law, or something to cut our feeding
of meat animals by several millions of tons
of grain during the next twelve months.
I am for Charles Luckman all the way,
and shall issue orders to have my breakfast
toast reduced from two slices to one, starting
tomorrow morning. But if I do with a slice
less, so must some damn heifer.
Otherwise it is all going to become very
silly. The President isn't going to eat
any bread for two days this week. You
mean a steer can eat wheat, unchecked,
and the President of the United States
can't? Really, now. We knew the farmers
had a lot of political power, but that's
rubbing it in.
.Who do these cattle think they are, any-
way, snuffling in the rich grain, while we
are instructed to eat "perfection salad"?
Troop Evacuation
what he (somewhat mistakenly) takes for
American foreign policy toward the Soviet
Union, my friend Walter Lippmann states
that the prime objective of Washington
should have been to bring about the evacu-
ation of continental Europe by Soviet and
American and British troops. For only
through this - he contends - can the bal-
ance of power between the U.S. and the
U.S.S.R. be restored.
Believing that this raises a military
question that transcends the competence
of civilians, I sought the advice of a high
military authority.
Mowrer: General, what do you think of
the argument that by getting all foreign
troops out of Europe, the U.S. could restore
the balance of power with the Soviet Union?
General X.: This is precisely the aim
that Secretary Byrnes pursued during two
years - unsuccessfully, I am sorry to say.
He realized that there was no chance of
getting the Russians out of Germany until
we had got them out of the smaller coun-
tries, and therefore concentrated on these.
Today the solution suggested by Mr. Lipp-
mann would, if possible, come too late to be
If the Russians had withdrawn from the
smaller eastern European states two years
ago when those peoples still possessed some
shred of national independence, it would
have been a real relief. Events in Yugoslav-
ia, Hungary and other countries have how-
ever demonstrated that Moscow will not
withdraw the Red Army until it has obtained
such complete mastery over the peoples by
its stooge governments that the very large
local armies must be considered to all in-
tents and purposes integral parts of the
Soviet armed forces.
Today, the peace of the world is as
much threatened by Marshall Tito's mili-
tary pressure on Trieste as it would be by
actual Red Army divisions. For the.Yugo-
slav, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Polish
armed forces are just parts of the Red
Army under other names.
Therefore the technical withdrawal of
Russian forces from these countries would
change nothing at all. Mr. Lippmann is
mistaken if he assumes the contrary.
Mowrer: But what aboutesimultaneous
withdrawal of all outside forces from Ger-
many? Would that ease the political situa-
tion by restoring the balance of power?
General X.: Of course not. In the first
place, whether left in one political unit
or divided into ten, a still un-regenerate
German people might well decide that it
had more to gain by embracing, or seem-
ing to embraoe, the Soviets than by ad-
hering to the western democracies. Once
out of Germany we could hardly avoid
such a catastrophe.
In the second place, withdrawal would

not mean the same for the Russians and for
the Americans. The Russians would be going
away about as far as the next room. The
Americans would be withdrawing to San
Francisco. In case of crisis it is obvious
which army would get back into Germany
Mowrer: All of -which would appear to
mean that you, General, do not think very
favorably of Mr. Lippmann's suggestion.
General X.: Frankly, I think so little of
it that I wish Mr. Lippmann would not con-
tinue to confuse American thinking by sug-
gesting that there is an easy way out of
our present difficulties with Russia. There
is no easy out.
Mowrer: It is the tendency of the Amer-
ican people always to seek an easy out,
before accepting the difficult and expen-
sive one.
General X.: That's just what makes our
present task so difficult. With the world
in the worst shape it has been in for a thou-
sand years, we cannot even convince an in-
telligent leader like Senator Taft that the
United States absolutely needs an impres-
sive military establishment to back up our
political and economic policies.
Mowrer: How could you when so great
a~nauthority n Mr. nnm in ian m iuring us

I'll eat it, of course. But I'll feel so foolish
doing it to save some shorthorn, or a pig.
And this is the basic fault which underlies
our timid food program, and gives it that
indescribable flavor of marshmallow which
is settling over it, as the fancy menus issue
from the public authorities.
This is not a marshmallow crisis, it is a
real one, -nd the suggested dishes, with their
gobs of sugary stuff, slabs of quivering
aspic, and pretentious names, reflect our
official approach, sweet and rather empty.
If any New Deal bureaucrat had sug-
gested that we eat less wheat, while letting
our cattle eat more, we would have laughed
ourselves ill at his expense. Yet that is
what we are doing under the voluntary
program. We are walking on our heads to
save shoe leather.
The odd thing is that if we forced a re-
duction in the total quantity of cereals
fed to livestock we would, at least for the
short run have more meat. A certain num-
ber of the animals would have to come to
market, because they couldn't be fed; breed-
ers and feeders would have somewhat less
room in which to maneuver, and we might
find that we had started a minor run to
the stockyards, and had even cut into
The Wall Street Journal has a story
about a rancher who says he isn't going
to sell any of his 2,000 cattle until next
year, because he doesn't want to climb
into a higher income tax bracket. But it
will take corn and wheat to carry them.
They won't eat coffee mallow.
The "eat less meat" program probably
starts at the wrong end as a way of saving
grain, for animals that aren't eaten have
to be fed. A reduction of five per cent i
the amount ofrgrain fed to meatanimals,
which is hardly a significant cut, would save
enough to save Europe. The funny thing
is that we'd have more hamburgers, and
more rolls to put them on, for a meat
animal that is slaughtered saves grain from
that day on.
The Luckman program should be sup-
ported to the uttermost, partly for the
reason that it is going to make our farm
feed program look as ridiculous as it is.
The picture of Americans daintily saving a ,
mouthful of cereal here and there, while
unrequired animals on the feed lots burn
it by the shovelful, like so many furnaces,
cannot long continue without causing
the kind of national titter which, in
America, leads to action.
It would be rather sweet to set up a
"Bundles for Bovines" program to trace our
breakfast savings through, so that we could
know which particilar animal was fur-
nished with our bit of toast. We might even
give him a pet name. Hindu labels would
be quite appropriate for those sacred beasts



C '


ON THE LAST LAP of the trip I
have just completed around
the country, and in a state not
far removed from New York, I was
cruising along a fine four-lane
highway which was well posted
with signs reading: "Speed limit:
40 m.p.h." I am not always an-
gelic about speed limits, but this
time I was doing exactly 40. After
a while the scenery got tiresome,
and every few moments other cars
keptwhizzing around mine, the
slowest of them doing 60. Some
must have been pushing 80, be-
cause they passed me as I if were
standing still.
My foot grew heavy on the
throttle, as feet will do under such
circumstances, and before I knew
it I was rocketing along at the
roaring speed of 48 m.p.h. Cars
still passed me, of course, but
now they just sort of slid past
instead of whizzing past. I felt
less like an obstruction on the
public highway, and more like I
was going some place. I was just
debating whether to pour on more
coal and boost my speed another
five m.p.h., when I was over-
hauled by a policeman in a bat-
tered highway patrol car which

was making large quantities of
smoke, steam, and clanking noise.
The copper told me I had been
speeding, and told me to follow
passed, where I would appear be-
him back to a town I had recently
fore a magistrate and plead guilty
or otherwise. I told the officer
I knew I was guilty of going faster
than 40 m.p.h., but asked him, just
for the sake of sociability, how
le had happened to arrest me,
surely the slowest driver on the
road that day. I figured he must
have spent a few minutes follow-
ing me in order to check my speed,
and during those minutes he
should have passed by several cars
doing anything from 60 to 80
The cop was as candid as he
was firm. He confided that he
couldn't do more than 50 that
day because his police car was
worn out and needed an over-
haul. Then he climbed into his
rattletrap and led me to the mag-
istrate, who fined me $10 and $2
"costs" and gave me a pretty re-
ceipt with an engraved letterhead.
I drove away at 65 m.p.h. and
reached New York without further



whom no politician
mans suffer.
(Copyright, 1947,

will touch, though hu-
N.Y. Post Syndicate)


Letters to the Editor...


r t
At the Michigan .. .
marr, Dennis O'Keefe, and John Loder
AS THE latest discord on the "lady with a
"complex" theme, Dishonored Lady
should get the pop bottle of the year for
working in nearly all the stock situations
and characters known to scenario writers.
Hedy Lamarr is a distraugh art editor that
turns to a kindly psychaiatrist, and on his
advice she decides to shed her past and go
away "to grow a soul." As an actress, she is
a beautiful woman, which gives the male
characters most of their dialogue and the
plotditslittle conviction. While tryingsher
hand at painting and growing said soul,
she finds "true love" with Dennis O'Keefe,
an unusually muscular scientist. But her
past plus her complexes stand in the way,
and it takes a sensational murder trial,
more psychology, and the O'Keefe muscles
to make life worth living again. Most of the
celluloid is understandably devoted to show-
ing a beautifully disturbed Miss Lamarr and
her gorgeous wardrobe to the public, but
the process seems to require an awful lot
of type cast characters to act like just that.
At the State
A LIKELY STORY, with Barbara Hale
and William Hall
ALL that needs be said about this garbled
attempt at comedy is that it is a likely
story to stay away from. Bill Williams
spends his early moments in the film getting
knocked unconscious, and comes to the con-
clusion that a heart condition gives him but
two weeks for this world. In that time, he
falls in love with Barbara Hale and tries to
solve her financial difficulties by selling his
soon to be realized insurance value to some
very hamy gangsters. The intended pun of
the title is its best and only gag.
-Gloria Hunter

(Continued from Page 3)
adopted by the Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct:
The presence of women guests
in men's residences, except for
exchange and guest dinners or for
social events approved by the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, is not per-
mitted, (This regulation obvious-
ly does not apply to mothers of
members), effective February,
1947. '
Exchange and guest dinners
must be announced to the Office
of Student Affairs at least one day.
in advance of the scheduled date,
and are approved, chaperoned or
unchaperoned, provided that they
are confined to the hours 5:30
p.m. to 8 p.m. for week day din-
ners, and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for Sun-
day dinners. Exchange dinners
are defined as meals in men's resi-
dences or women's residences at-
tended by representative groups
of members of approved organi-
zations of the other sex; guest
dinners are defined as meals in
men's residences and women's
residences attended by guests of
the other sex who may or may not
belong to University organiza-
The use or presence of intoxi-
cating liquors in student quarters
has a tendency to impair student
morale, and is contrary to the
best interests of the students and
of the University and is not per-
itted. Effective July, 1947.
Graduate Students in Social
Studies and Science: There is a
Teaching Fellowship in Social
Studies available for the fall and
spring terms of this year in the
University High School, and a
Teaching Fellowship in Science
available for the spring term of
this year. For further informa-
tion, telephone the Principal's of-
fice, J. M. Trytten, Ext. 675.
The Municipal Civil Service
Commission of New York an-
hounces that it will receive appli-
cations for Playground Director,
either men or women, from Octo-
ber 7 to October 24. Applicants
must be bona fide residents of New
York City for at least three years
immediately preceding appoint-
ment. For further information
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall.
Current Federal Civil Service
Announcements for men and
women entitled to 10-point Vet-
eran Preference are posted in our
office. For complete information,
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
The State of Maryland is re-
cruiting qualified applicants who
are interested in a career service
in the field of government plan-
ning. They are announcing ex-

aminations for the positions of
Planning Engineer, Research An-
alyst and Draftsman. Full infor-
mation may be obtained at the
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information.
University Lecture. Mr. Colin
Clark, Director of the Bureau of
Industry, government statistician,
and financial adviser, State of
Queensland, Australia, will lecture
on the subject, "Wealthy and Poor
Nations," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct.
14; auspices of the Department of
Economics and the School of Busi-
ness Administration. The public
is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Ying
Hsin, Economics; thesis: "The
Theory of Industrial Development
in Economically Undeveloped
Countries," Friday, Oct. 10, 204
Economics Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman,
W. B. Palmer.
History Language Examination
for the M.A. degree: Fri., Oct. 10,
4 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. Each
student is responsible for his own
dictionary. Please register at the
history office before taking the
History Final Examination make-
up: Sat., Oct. 11, 9 a.m., Rm. B,
Haven Hall. Students must come
with written permission of instruc-
Economics 51, 52, 53, and 54
make-up examination: 3:15 p.m.,
Thurs., Oct. 16, Rm. 207, Econom-
ics Bldg.
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
4 p.m., Rm. 319, W. Medical Bldg.,
Fri., Oct. 10.
Subject: "Glucuronic Acids and
Glucuronidase." All interested are
German 32, sec. 2 (Prof. Reich-
art) will meet in Rm. 209 Angell
Hall beginning Thursday, Oct. 9.
Mathematics Seminar: Complex
3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Lapidus will
Variables, Fri., Oct. 10, 3 p.m.,
speak on elliptic functions.
Architecture Building. Prints.
Contemporary American Artists
from the collection of W. W.
J. Gores. Through October 10.
Main floor. ,
Biology of the Bikini Atoll, Mar-
shall Islands, 1946. Department of
Botany, 2nd floor, Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. through October 18.
The Museum of Art, MODERN
lated by the Museum of Modern
Art, New York, through October
19; Alumni Memorial Hall; Daily,

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
,' * *
More on MYDA
To the Editor:
AM AFRAID that I cannot fol-
low the reasoning of Mr. Phil
Dawson in his editorial appearing
in The Daily Oct. 9.
He admits that it is "worth a
great deal of effort to maintain
a student book exchange, to con-
tinue to combatnracial and relig-
ious discrimination, and to retain
rent controls." So far, so good.
But Mr. Dawson's next statement
amazes me, "But citizens can ac-
complish a political program with-
out relying on, and thereby build-
ing up, an organization which
probably includes Communists."
Mr. Dawson is referring in this
instance to MYDA, a group which
had certain privileges taken away
from it last spring, at the in-
sistence of Gov. Sigler. At that
time, a great deal of furore was
raised over this issue. Many lib-
erals on campus, who had no
sympathy with self-avowed Com-
munists, felt that a group had
the right to self-expression. I was
among those who shared these
MYDA stands for many progres-
sive ideas, which in my estima-
tion, are for the betterment of
our country. (I am not a mem-
ber of the organization, by the
way). Granted that there are
members of the group who are
out-and-out Communists. Are We
to deny MYDA as a whole the
right to work for the betterment
of America, just because some of
their members are, in my opinion,
misguided in some of their ideas?
Mr. Dawson's suggestion, that
these Communists are working for
the group only in the hope that
they can use it for a political tool
when it is needed, may be true.
But that idea, it seems to me, is
more remote than the fact that
through their good works, MYDA
has already done things which
tend to make this country a better
place in which to live.
Certainly Mr. Dawson will admit
that the way to get things done
for society is through organiza-
tions. Each individual citizen in
America has a voice in the govern-
ment, that is true. But several
voices together are more power-
ful than one.
Let us think twice before we
condemn groups. Let us examine
what they have accomplished be-
fore we try to rub them out.
-Jay L. Singer.
* * * *
'Stop, Think, Save'
To the Editor:
ON SUNDAY night the people
of the United States listened
to President Truman, Charles
Luckman, and Secretary of State
George C. Marshall make an ur-
gent plea for the saving of food
in order to solve the problem of
combatting starvation abroad.
Secretary of State Marshall be-
gan by stating that the American
foreign policy has entered directly
into the American hone. It has
been taken right to the dinner
table. In order that the peace be
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening,
7-9. The public is cordially in-
"Natural History Studies at the
Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni-
versity of Michigan." October
through December, Museums1
Building Rotunda.

Events Today
Geology and Mineralogy Jour-
nal Club: 12 a.m., Room 3056, Nat-
ural Science Bldg.
Program: Dr. Lewis B. Kellum,
director of the Museum of Paleon-
tology and Chairman of the Oper-
ating Committee, will speak on:
"The University Museums; Their
Organization and Function."
All interested are cordially in-
Astronomy Visitor's Night: 7:30-
9:30 p.m., University Observatory
(East Ann and Observatory St.).
Observation of star clusters and
nebulae. The Observatory will not
be open if the sky is not clear.
Children must be accompanied by
The Art Cinema League pre-
(Life Dajnces On") with Raimu,
Harry Baur, Louis Jouvet, and
other famous French movie stars.
(Continued on Page 6)

saved, it is necessary that the peo-
ples of Europe receive food, espe-
cially wheat, from the United
States. If this emergency is not
met voluntarily by this country,
chaos will reign in Europe. The
future of the world is in our
Charles- Luckman, chairman of
the newly-formed, Presidential-
appointed Citizens Food Commit-
tee, announced a three-point plan
formulated by this committee with
the cooperation of President Tru-
man. These three points are as
follows and I quote: 1. Reduction
in the use of grain by farmers in
feeding their livestock and poul-
try. 2. Curtailment of the use of
grain by industry with all grain-
consuming industries urged to fob
low the steps of the brewers in
cutting the use of grain products.
3. Reduction of grain and grain
products from the daily diet of
every citizen.
The President concluded the
evening by appealing further for
the wholehearted support of the
Luckman plan. He emphasized the
ominous, forbidding consequences
of a failure of this plan. He said
that it must succeed if we are
to have peace. The people have
arisen to a crisis in the past and
they can and will do it again.
The last of the three points of
the food saving plan is the most
important from our standpoint.
We, in the University of Mieligan
campus, represent a small portion
of the United States. But, since we
are a part of that group striving
for a higher learning in order that
we may make this world of ours
better for future generations, let
us open our eyes to the present
disillusioning world situation. Eu-
rope is desperately in need of
food. Without food the hopes and
desires of millions of people will
die. Starvation, which in turn
leads to civil strife and disorder,
will be inevitable.
Arise to the occasion. Fulfill
these requests pleaded for and
anticipated by the hungry masses
of Europe.'With our help they will
make a permanent peace more
easily atttained.
When you go into the Union or
League cafeteria or to any other
plate to eat, forego one meal a
day without bread. Every slice of
bread, every roll saved now will,
in the future, be compensated
for. When you come to a railroad
crossing, you readthe sign "Stop,
Look, Listen." Now let us all use
this expression, "STOP, THINK,
- Robert Bourne.
IRA Aims
To the Editor:
.tion is issuing an invitation to
all students to join in an active
fight against discrimination. We
of IRA feel that too much talking
and too little action has been tak-
en in this field and have therefore
formulated a policy of making our
voice heard through our deeds.
We have cooperated and will
continue to cooperate with any
political, religious, or, Cultural
group that subscribes to our basic
policy of combatting discrimina-
tion wherever it occurs. Anything
adversely affecting race relations
or religious and civil liberties is
our concern. We" are seeking to
make it the concern of every
student on campus.
We have taken positive action
on matters of national concern by
making the issues known to the
campus, and by doing what we
can to aid or combat various
measures. We have, therefore,
helped in the fight for an FEPC
in Michigan and have, more re-
cently, aided in the campaign to
repeal the Callahan Act. During
1 the summer an off-campus Anti-
Lynch Rally was held in coopera-
tion with AVC, the National Negro

Congress and Hillel Foundation.
We have also aided the Southern
Negro Youth Congress and the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People and
the Civil Rights Congress in their
similar fight for equality.
On a local scale, we have worked
against and will continue to fight
discrimination which has arisen
in local restaurants and barber-
shops. Wherever necessary, we
have picketed and even taken le-
gal action against establishments
which refuse to ascribe to our pol-
icy. We have a testing commit-
tee which does what its name
Through our educational com-
mittee we have shown various
moving pictures this summer and
will continue this policy this fall.
This committee also has printed
an Inter-Racial bulletin and has
brought to the campus many
speakers of nation-wide import-
We also have an active social
committtee which plans to hold
more picnics and dances such as
were presented last year.
There is much more that can
be done and will be done, provid-




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