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October 10, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-10

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Latest Deadline in the State



AFL Decides
To Eliminate
High Officers
Move Required
By Lewis' Stand
By The Associated Press
AFL Executive Council voted to-
day to eliminate the positions of
all 13 of its vice presidents-in
order to circumvent Vice President
John L. Lewis, whose refusal to
sign a non-Communist affidavit
has kept 300,000 workers outside
the protection of the federal law.
Federal Locals
The workers in this group,
members of about 1,500-so called
federal locals, have no national
officers except those of the AFL
itself. The National Labor Rela-
tions Board cannot act in any case
in which a union's officers have
refused to swear they are not
The Council, chief policy mak-
ing body for the AFL's 7,600,000
members, will recommend an
amendment to the constitution to
bring about the desired change,
President William Green told a
news conference after a 3%-hour
meeting of the council.
Council Stymied
Lewis, head of the United Mine
Workers and 11th vice president
of the AFL, refused to sign an
affidavit disavowing Communism
in his unyielding opposition to
the entire Taft-Hartley labor-
management act. This stymied the
Executive Council which required
unanimous consent.
Although the National Labor
Relations Board and its general
counsel, Robert N. Denham, on
Tuesday ruled the vice presidents
would not have to sign the affi-
davits in order to make the 105
national and international unions
eligible to use the ;protective ma-
chinery of the act, approximately
300,000 workers in so-called fed-
eral locals still would have been
without recourse to the Board.
Balanced Military Program
The convention of the American
Federation of Labor today cheered
a denunciation of Communism by
Gen. Mark W. Clark, which he
capped with a proposal for a "bal-
anced" military program founded
on universal military training and
a strong Army and Navy.
Although the Federation's po-
sition has been consistently op-
posed to peacetime military con-
scription, delegates rose to ap-
plaud Clark's inclusion of univer-
sal training in a program he
declared was necessary "to serve
notice that we intend to keep
those freedoms" won by the war.
None Injured
As High Winds
Hit IIwo Jma
TOKYO, Friday, Oct. 10-()-
First word from typhoon-ravaged
Iwo Jima said today all the 1,500w
U.S. military personnel and de-I
pendents were safe.<
Col. Raleigh H. Macklin, com-
mander of Iwo's air base, notified
air force headquarters here in a
brief message:
"All army and air force person-
nel on the island are safe if the

storm continues on its present1
course. No injuries have been re-
Presumably this meant there
was some concern that the storm
which struck Iwo yesterday with
170-mile-an-hour winds, might
double back on the famed island.
It was last reported headed west
toward Okinawa.
The violent Pacific storm was
described by authorities here as
possibly the worst ever to hit that
historic Pacific battleground out-
post 900 miles southeast of Tokyo.
The Navy reported two of its
planes had been sent from Guam
to search for the former landing
craft "Coster Jim," which was
partly disabled by the typhoon.
The Navy said nothing had been
heard from the vessel since yester-
daydmorning, when it reported its
rudder damaged but in no immne-
diate need of assistance.
'Carnet de Bal' Will Run

Food Appeal Repeated;
Local Response Is Poor

Restaurants, Dorms
Fail ToCooperate
With many small restaurants
protesting ignorance, and others
not willing to follow unless the
rest do, President Truman's drive
for food conservation did poorly
in Ann Arbor yesterday.
Campus compliance with the
request was also found to be
spotty. Many of the University
controlled dining halls did not
serve the scarce items today.
However it is reported that the
largest women's dormitory on
campus, Mosher-Jordan, served
eggs at the noon meal yesterday.
While a Daily survey Tuesday
showed virtually all restaurant
managers ready to follow the lead
of the Citizen's Food Committee,
a similar survey yesterday found
that many of the smaller and two
of the larger Ann Arbor eating
places were serving both poultry
and eggs.
Claim Ignorance
One manager said he was going
to follow the President's wishes,
but he didn't know anything about
not serving meat and poultry on
. Another said he was all ready to
stop today, but that when he
found the others were serving eggs
for breakfast he followed suit.
Follow Others
A co-operating marager said he
was going to stick with the drive
as long as any local support last-
The main conservation points
of the drive are (1) meatless
Tuesdays (2) no eggs and poultry
on Thursday, and (3) stringent
conservation of bread and other
wheat foods. The President has
especially requested the restau-
rants to cooperate.
Thieves Enter
Mens' Houses
Delta Sigma Delta,
Phi SigmaDelta Hit
Two fraternities have been
robbed of more than nine hundred
dollars by thieves who entered un-
locked front doors while the occu-
pants slept, according to police
Residents of Phi Sigma Delta,
1811 Washtenaw Ave. suffered the
largest loss, an estimated $828 in
cash and property. A medical fra-
ternity, Delta Sigma Delta, 502
Hill St., reported $115 dollars in
cash and valuables stolen.
The intruders apparently en-
tered unlocked front doors of both
places. They then ransacked the
houses, going from room to room
taking wallets, watches and other
valuableq, while the occupants
It was reported yesterday to The
Daily that one of the stolen wal-
lets was recovered near the En-
gineering Arch on campus where
the thieves apparently dropped it.
Fraternities robbed have asked
students to be on the lookout for
any additional stolen wallets
which may have been abandoned
by the intruders.

Meatless, Poultryless
Days Called Vital
By The Associated Press
President Truman declared
yesterday that meatless and egg-
less days were of "vital import-
ance" in the drive to conserve
food for Europe.
Compliance with the first egg-
less and poultryless Thursday was
far from 100 per cent, however,
and there were protests against
some phases of the conservation
campaign. Prices, meanwhile, con-
tinued to advance in many of the
country's primary food markets.
Save Grain
President Truman told a White
House news conference that
"meatless and eggless days are for
the purpose of saving grain, which
is of vital importance because it
is expensive to feed grain to poul-
try and livestock.
"When you save meat and save
poultry products you save grain,
and grain is what is necessary to
meet the hunger situation in Eu-
"It is the most economical way
to meet it."
Secretary of Agriculture Ander-
son said in Chicago that doing
without meat on Tuesday and
poultry and eggs on Thursday
was "like going to church on Sun-
day-that doesn't mean we can
conform to the rules one day of
the week and ignore them on
other days."
Compliance Spotty
As with the first meatless Tues-
day, observance of the President's
request that poultry and eggs not
be eaten Thursday was spotty
throughout the country.
A nationwide survey indicated
some restaurants were complying
but that many were not, and were
serving eggs when the customer
requested them. Others reported
heavier orders for sausage and
bason as substitutes.
In Wichita Falls, Tex., custom-
ers walked out of one restaurant
in protest and eggs were restored
to the menu. In New York City,
the same thing happened in a
However, in some cases restau-
rants said their compliance would
be more complete next week.
Fisk To Play at
~Cole's Court'
Charlie Fisk's orchestra and the
King Cole Trio will alternate
dance sets at "King Cole's Court"
from 8:30 p.m. to midnight today
in the Intramural Building.
A few remaining tickets for the
"Court" will be on sale today in
the Engineering Arch and on the
The central dance committee
contracted Fisk yesterday in place
of Ernie Field, originally sched-
uled to play, in order to provide
smooth music for the dancers. The
King Cole Trio will present an in-
termission jam-jession. The Trio
will celebrate their tenth anniver-
sary together at the end of the
TauBeta Pi and the Engineer-
ing Council are co-sponsoring the
informal dance. Decorations will
follow a regal theme in honor of
Nat Cole, the "Crown Prince of

Truman Hits
Relaxation of
Rent Controls
Louisville Raise
Draws Protest
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 9-Presi-
dent Truman emphasized anew
today his dissatisfaction with re-
laxed rent controls as a 5 per cent
boost in the Louisville, Ky., area
drew angry protests from labor
unions and others, who expressed
fears of nation-wide increases.
Mr. Truman told his news con-
ference that his housing expediter,
Frank R. Creedon, was obliged by
law to approve the Louisville in-
Under the new Control Act,
passed by the last session of Con-
gress, he said, Creedon has no
power to change any recommen-
dations made by a lawfully-ap-
pointed rent control board.
'Plainly Inadequate'
But he invited attention to his
words when he signed the Act-
that it is "plainly inadequate" and
that he signed only because other-
wise rent ceilings would be wiped
out completely.
Creedon's action in granting the
Louisville rent increase, effective
today, followed recommendations
by the Louisville Rent Advisory
Mr. Truman's interpretation of
the Rent Control Law as giving
Creedon no power to reject the
recommendations of local boards
ran counter to some opinions on
Capitol Hill.
Contradictory Opinion
An aide to Sen. Myers (Dem.
Pa.., author of a bill to extend
rent controls beyond next Feb. 29,
told a reporter that Myers was
convinced' the local boards had
"no mandatory powers."
He said that when Myers intro-
duced his bill last July, Myers is-
sued a statement saying "the
housing expediter of course would
retain his present power to accept
or reject recommendations" by the
local boards.
Other Raises Approved
Creedon also approved today ex-
tension of rent controls in five
cities-Charleston, W. Va., Duluth,
Minn., Superior, Wisc., St. Peters-
burg, Fla., and New Castle, Ind.-
and lifted rent ceilings in one
South Dakota county.
The Washington chapter of
Americans for Democratic Action
wired Creedon in "vehement pro-
test," declaring that the Louis-
ville case "has ominous implica-
tions" for other rent-control areas.
Open at Oxford
Rhodes Applicants
To AttendMeeting
Candidates for 1948 Rhodes
Scholarships will meet at 4:15
p.m. today in Rm. 2003 Angell
Hall for a preliminary discussion
with the University Rhodes Schol-
arship Committee.
Open to unmarried male cit-
izens between the ages of 19 and
25 years, who have reached at
least junior standing in college,

the Rhodes Scholarships are
awarded according to mental,
moral and physical qualities.
War Service Scholarships for
men who have completed at least
one year in the armed forces or
the civilian equivalent, have also
been made available by the
Rhodes Committee. Relaxing the
age limits to include men who
were between the ages of 19 and
25 years at any time since Oct. 1,
1940, and reducing the required
college work to one year, the War
Service Scholarships will also be
open to married men.
Applicants for either scholar-
ship must supply the University
Committee by Thursday with a
transcript of Academic records
and evidence of military service.
A statement of their general ac-
tivitiesandintellectual interests
in college, as well as their pro-
posed line of study at Oxford Uni-
versity will also be required of
the candidates at this time, Prof.
Clark Hopkins, chairman of the
University Committee, said.

Soviet I




Vishinsky Attacks US Sponsored
Plan; Refuses To Serve with Group
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 9 - Russia and the Soviet bloc defied
the United Nations majority today and announced they would boycott
a Balkans border watch approved yesterday by a 34 to 6 vote of the
General Assembly's full 57-member political committee.
Andrei Y. Vishinsky, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, led the way
with a short, violent attack on the United States-sponsored Balkans
Border Committee.
The United States suggested yesterday that Brazil, Mexico, the
Netherlands, Poland, Australia, Pakistan, and the 4five great powers be
named to this committee.
Vishinsky took Russia out of the list and Dr. Oscar Lange, of
Poland, quickly did the same.

Mich.) (right) tells newsmen details of Senate-House "Watch
Dog" committee hearing in Washington at which NLRB members
were questioned on decision to exempt CIO and AFL heads from
Communist declaration clause of Taft-Hartley Act.
Research Experts disclose
U.S. Flying Missile Records
, , ([ $$ Q Q of '

CLEVELAND, Oct. 9 - () -
U. S. research experts disclosed
today that flying vehicles in this
country have reached speeds of
1,500 miles per hour, beating by
600 miles the craft flown by the
The British machine flew at
about 900 miles an hour and was
called a "pilotless aircraft," but
scientists here said the difference
was largely one of terminology.
Here even though a super-sonic
speeded vehicle has experimental
wings it is generally called a "mis-
sile,", one expert of the National
Advisory Committee of Aeronau-
tics explained.
Faster Than Sound
The NACA's research missile,
known a's the RM-1, was launched
from the ground, however, and
flown out over the Atlantic from,
the NACA's pilotless aircraft re-
search station on Wallops Island,
off Virginia's eastern shore. The
first one reached 1.4 times the
speed of sound, or around 1,000
miles an hour.
Since then research planes in
the "RM" series have reached
double the speed of sound, which
varies from about 660 to 750 miles
an hour.
U. S. Ahead of Britain
One top notch expert estimated
that the United States is two to
three years ahead of the British
in such pilotless missile research.
The navy, in shoving some of its
ram jet engines more than 1,500
miles an hour, launched them
from shore with rocket assists to
attain the initialspeed needed to
operate the engine.
The NACA recently made a drop
flight test with a ram jet engine
and clocked it at 1.43 times the
speed of sound, or just over 1,000
miles an hour. That engine did
not carry wings. However, further
drop tests will be made with more
Last Chance to Claim
Book Exchange Items
Students who have books at the
Book Exchange must claim them
before 5 p.m. today if they do not
wish to forfeit them.-
All books remaining after that
time will become the property of
the exchange, and will be imme-
diately disposed of.
This action is necessary because
the exchange must vacate the
League, an officer announced. No
other quarters are available at the
present time.

powerful ram jets and will have
wings for study of airfoil design.
Contemplated speeds are in the
neighborhood of 2,000 miles an
All such flights relate to the
study of supersonic aircraft com-
ponents-engines, wings, controls
-rather than to a complete air-
Illinois Tickets
Still Available
One hundred choice seats for
the Michigan-Northwestern game
with accompanying ticketsion a
special train will go on sale this
morning at the Wolverine Club
ticket booth in University Hall in
addition to the remaining Illinois
combination tickets.
The Northwestern tickets have
been made available to students by
the Michigan Alumni Club of De-
troit. The Alumni purchased a
100 seat block for the Northyest-
ern game last spring, and is run-
ningits own special train to the
game, 1
'Exceptional Seats'
This special train will stop in
Ann Arbor for the holders of these
100 Northwestern tickets. The to-
tal price for both game and train
tickets'is $15.60. The Wolverine
Club guarantees that they are "ex-
ceptional seats."
Thetrain will leave Ann Arbor
at 8:15 p.m., arrive Evanston, 1
p.m., leave Evanston 5 p.m. and
arrive Ann Arbor 12:15 a.m.
Permission Granted
Permission has been granted to
all students to make the trip by
Erich A. Walter, Dean of Students,
and Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women.
"There are still about 200 combi-
nation tickets for the Illinois game
left," Don Greenfield, Club pub-
licity director said. "All the indi-
vidual tickets went quickly yester-
day, and only combinations are
left. These seats are between the
30 and 50 yard line."
Greenfield re-emphasized that
the Illinois tickets have been sold
on a rotation system-so many
good seats going on sale each day
-in order to. insure fairness of
distribution. "Preference was
given to the buyers of combina-
tion seats over individual tickets
however," he added.

Going down the line, Yugoslavia
thanked Russia for refusing to
serve on the watch committee.
Attack Committee
White Russia, Czechoslovakia
and the Soviet Ukraine in turn at-
tacked the Balkans committee and
renewed the charge that the pro-
cedure setting it up was. "illegal."
In this critical choice between
Russia and the western powers,
Czechoslovakia sided with the
Soviet Union.
Palestine Question
Pakistan. struck today at what
it called "reluctance" of the big
powers to speak on the Palestine
question. This expressed openly
for the first time the growing de-
mand by small and medium coun-
tries for the United States and
Russia to show their'hands.
Sir Mohammed Zafrullah Khan
of Pakistan, who delivered .a long
speech for the Arab case against
partition of the Holy Land, called
on the United Nations Assembly's
special Palestine committee to cut
off debate immediately.
An authoritative source prompt-
ly said that the U. S. now was ex-
pected to speak Saturday but
there was still no official an-
nouncement of this. A high Unit-
ed Nations official said the Soviets
would not make its position known
until it heard the U. S. stand.
Arabs To Take
Plan To Barricade
Palestine Borders
BEIRUT, Lebanon, Oct. 9-(MP)-
The Arab world voted tonight to
throw a ring of steel around Pales-
tine to offset what was described
as "terrorist organizations and
Zionist forces which threaten the
security of Palestine Arabs."
The Arab League Council adopt-
ed a resolution calling on Egypt,
Trans-Jordan, Syria and Lebanon
"to take military precautions on
Palestine boundaries." All four
countries border on Palestine,
Further the resolution called for
the allocation of funds to Pales-
tine Arabs, the appointment of a
committee to spend the money
and-in the event Palestine is
partitioned or given to the Jews-
the implementation of the "secret
resolutions of Bludan," Syria,
adopted in June, 1946.
But both Britain and the Jew-
ish agency for Palestine minimized
the importance of the newly an-
nounced Arab League Council
campaign to "take milita'ry pre-
cautions" on the borders of Pal-
A spokesman for the Jewish
agency said it was obviously a
"propaganda threat" timed with
developments in Unitedl Nations
Assembly's attempts to find a
solution for the Palestine prob-
British sources said the Arab
countries would be unable to mus-
ter any major military forces at
short notice.

Explained by
Dun gan, Welsh
Officers Define Aims
Of NationalGroup
The National Student Associa-
tion is no rabble rousing, flag
waving or "radical liberal" organ-
ization, Ralph Dungan, national
vice-president of NSA told a stu-
dent audience last night at the
Rackham lecture hall.
Discussing the NSA relationship
with the International Union of
Students, Dungan explained that
while NSA would take political
action only in cases pertaining to
students directly, the association
would cooperate with IUS, in such
matters as exchange students, stuw
dent travel tours and student re-
Answers Query
Queried as to NSA defense plans
against accusations of coopera-
tion with a so-called "Commu-
nist front" group, Dungan replied
that through positive action, and
clear logical reasoning, NSA
could successfully avoid political
"You can't legislate against an
idea," he said,
Equal Opportunities Aim
Harvey Weisberg, Michigan's re-
gional chairman, clarifying NSA
policies on racial discrimination
in education and on the academic
freedom question, told the group
that with the constitution of NSA
resting largely on that of the
NSA, the association would work
toward the equalization of educa-
tional opportunities and better
cooperation between students,
faculties and administrations.
He warned, however,nthat no
project can be 100 per cent suc-
cessful at all times and that
achievement of these goals would,
of necessity, be the result of time
and compromise.
William Welsh, national NSA
president, outlining NSA basic or-
ganization and aims, set as long
range goal the establishment of
an actual educational community,
to be achieved through student
governments on all college cam-
puses, with NSA as a coordinat-
ing, central agency.
Rushees Will
State Choices
Choices of fraternity houses will
be made today by the fall semes-
ter's record crop of rushees from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. at a booth outside of
Rm. 2 in University Hall.
Forms will be available at the
booth for all who have taken part
in the eleven day pledge period
just ended. No further period will
be allotted and no rushees will
pledge unless they indicate their
preferences, Joe Wimsatt, the In-
ter-Fraternity Council's rushing
and pledging chairman pointed
Preferences of rushees will be
matched this week-end with
choices:of the fraternities and
pledging will take place early next
A period of no communication is
in effect now between the rushees
and the fraternity houses and will
continue until Sunday night when

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Oct, 9-An authoritative government source said today
Britain also will renounce her claim to some of the Italian warships
awarded her by the peace treaty, in keeping with the Western Powers'
policy of supporting the non-Communist government of Premier Al-
cide De Gasperi.
* * *' *
DETROIT, Oct. 9-Three of the six labor members of De-
troit's Labor-Management-Citizens Committee threatened today
to abandon the tri-partite mediation experiment unless action is
taken in the seven-week-old CIO garage mechanics' strike.
* * * *
BATAVIA, Java, Oct. 9-Six Dutch "clearing sweeps," in which
Indonesian Republicans said tanks and motorized infantry were
used, were launched yesterday against Indonesian units behind Dutch
lines in Java, a Netherlands army communique announced today.
NEW YORK, Oct. 9-The CIO National Maritime Union today
voted a $2,000,000 fund which union President Joseph Curran said
"will help us set up apparatus to insure waging successfully a
strike against ship owners" if necessary next summer.
* * * *
JACKSON, Mich., Oct. 0 -. Fifty-nine representatives from

Local Night Life Shows Improvement

The night life situation in Ann
Arbor, often subject to ridicule,
is gradually getting better, a re-

scheduling of Henry V, is being
made this semester.
Also the opening of the "Col-
lege Club" Sunday should help

Variety is provided to some ex-
tent during the year by all-cam-
pus and restricted dances featur-
ing well-known performers. some

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