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October 09, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-09

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.P'AGE 831


. m _. ....

FM Tower Being Built
By 'U' at Portage Lake

A 440-foot tower now under
construction at Peach Mountain
near Portage Lake will give Uni-
versity of Michigan FM station
WUOM coverage of an approxi-
mately 60-mile radius area when
it begins operation after the first
of 1948, Prof. Waldo Abbot, di-
Men Needed
For Researeh
In Engineering
'the University Personnel Office
is searching for men with Army or
Navy radar experience to work
part time in the Dept. of Engi-
neering Research, Alfred B. Uek-
er, personnel director for the Uni-
versity, said yesterday.
'there are a dumber of positions.
open in this field, he said, involv-
ing the evaluation of high alti-
tude photographs. Those applying
must be familiar with the opera-
tion of the radarscope.
In addition, Ueker announced
that the Personnel Office is look-
ing for a man with a B.S. degree
in physics or astronomy to work as
full time research assistant in the
Astronomy department. Applicants
for this position must have train-
ing in spectroscopy and atomic
All those interested in applying
for one of these positions can ob-
tain information and appoint-
muents for interviews at the Per-
sonnel Office, Rm. 208 University
Hall, Extension 704 or 735.
'U' Band To Grind
Pitt Panther Sat.
The Pitt Panther will be ground
into hamburger, in a sense, with
the University Marching Band op-
erating the meat grinder, accord-
ing to Chuck Hills, publicity di-
rector of the bands.
Accompanying the series of
catchy formations in which the
Pitt Panther meets his doom Sat-
urday in the Michigan Stadium
will be the Pittsburgh fight song,
"Pitt Panther" and "California,
Here I Come."
". The 150 piece Pittsburgh March-
ing Band, who will be guests of
the Michigan Band, will present
part of the half-time program.
"When Night Falls, Dear" will
be introduced as the featured
Michigan song this week.

rector of the Broadcasting Service,
announced yesterday.
A new transmitter building at
Peach Mountain, which is 16 miles
northwest of Ann Arbor, will be
completed by December 1, Prof.
Abbot said. Two more month,,
will then be required to install the
transmitter and wiring before the
station can begin operation on its
wavelength of 91.7 megacycles.
Airplane beacons have been in-
stalled in the 260-foot section of
tower already built. The base of
the tower stands 550 feet above
the average surrounding terrain.
The foundation and walls of
the transmitteribuilding's ground
floor have been completed. An an-
nouncing booth and turntables in
the building will supplant limited
space now available in the sta-
tion's studios on Angell Hall's
fourth floor.
With the completion of the
General Service Building, the sta-
tion will move into roomier quar-
ters on the fifth floor of the new
building. Four studios, music and
script libraries, a workshop, store
room, transcriptionrbooths and
four control rooms will provide
increased facilities for all-day
broadcasting, as well as rehearsals.
Because of the limited time now
available for rehearsals and
broadcasting at the present stu-
dios, the stations will be on the
air not more than 6 hours a day
until the new studios are com-
Doctors Have
NCIew Course
A clinical teaching program de-
signed to meet the demands of
practicing physicians for further
training in internal medicine is to
begin at 1:30 p.m. today at the
University Hospital.
Doctors who are to participate
in this program will meet Thurs-
day afternoons, Oct. 9 to April 22.
The meetings take place only one
day a week in order that the phys-
icians' regular routine will not be
This clinical internal medicine
course is one of the post-graduate
programs being offered by the
Department of Postgraduate Med-
icine of the University of Mich-
igan, which take place through-
out the state in centers in proxim-
ity to the homes of the physicians.
Price To Head Group
Prof. Percival Price, University
carilloneur, was recently elected
President of the Guild of North
American Carilloneurs.

Veterans' Loss
Of Subsistence
Local Veterans Administration
officials could offer no informa-
tion yesterday on a charge that
college veterans receiving reducedI
subsistence payments because of
outside earnings are the victims of
"misinterpretation" of Public Law
According to William L Spring-
r, Illinois state commander of the
American Veterans of World War
II, the law limiting earnings in-
,luding subsistence allowances of
fulltime student veterans to $175
or $200 "should apply only to on-
the-job training veterans."
The Veterans Administration
will be asked to refrain from limit-
ing compensation of full-time
students and to take "immediate
steps toreimburse all who have
been deprived of subsistence
through this misinterpretation,"
ne said.
Springer pointed out that "in
view of the rising cost of living,
student veterans, especially mar-
ried veterans with children, could
really use the money."
If the Veterans Administration
does not reinterpret the law, an
attempt will be made to amend it,
he said.
Hillel Foundation Starts
Membership Drive
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
will begin a two week membership
drive today under the co-chair-
manship of Corinne Azen and
Betty Zien.
The purpose of the drive is to
give Jewish students on campus
a positive identification with the
Foundation and encourage them
to support the program and ac-
tivities of Hillel through an af-
filiation fee.
The 2,000 Jewish students on
campus will be contacted by stu-
dent representatives or they may
call at Hillel for their membership

THE BARRISTERS-Complete with black robes and ye olde wigs,
15 members of the law school's honorary society are shown during
initiation ceremonies. The initiates are all seniors. The gentleman
in the lead is shouting the traditional "O Yez," signifying the
opening of court.
'Life' Photographic Exhibit
To Be Shown in U' Museum

Dorn Says German Leaders
Not Ready for Democracy

By The Associated Press
COLUMBUS, O., Oct. 8-Most
German political leaders are "old
party hacks," leftovers from the
pre-Hitler days who cannot be
entrusted with democracy, says
Dr. Walter L. Dorn, Ohio State
University professor who has been
helping plan Germany's political
Back at his job teaching his-
tory after six years of government
service, Dr. Dorn estimated in an
interview it would take at least
a decade of U.S. occupation to
nurse Germany into a democratic
He listed intellectual re-orienta-
New Gilbert
Sullivan Club
To MeetAgain
The second meeting of the new-
ly-reformed Gilbert and Sullivan
Club will be held at 7:30 today in
the Garden Room of the League.
Although 42 members attended
the first meeting, more interested
students are needed to bring the
chorus size up to 60, according to
James Ueberhorst, publicity di-
rector. Designers and stage hands
are also needed.
The Club announces the ap-
pointment of Prof. Harold Allen of
the architecture school as the new
dramatics director. Prof. Allen's
previous experience includes di-
rection of the Merle Olson play-
ers, several Gilbert and Sullivan
shows, productions in the Pase-
dena playhouse in California, and
ten years' experience directing a
theatrical group at the University
of Utah.
Prof. Allen recently directed the
Nel Gwenn players, a faculty
group at the University which has
given several restoration dramas.

tion of the German people as the
occupation Army's number one
headache. This he attributed pri-
marily to a dearth of political
leadership planned by the Nazis
who killed or forced into exile po-
tential democratic leaders.
Dr. Dorn entered Germany in
1945 as Civil Affairs Adviser to
the Army. He had served previous-
ly from 1943 to 1944 as Coor-
dinator of Information, European
Division, in the Office of Strategic
Services. In 1946, he joined Gen.
Lucius D. Clay's staff in Berlin.
"The parties are filled with
old leaders of the 1932 type, party
hacks with non-creative thinking.
Gradually, new leaders will
emerge who may produce a demo-
cratic Germany. The signs are not
too discouraging," Dr. Dorn ob-
served, adding:
"It is a difficult problem be-
cause democrats in Germany al-
ways were in the minority.
"The only true democratic party
in Germany is the social demo-
cratic party under Dr. Kurt Schu-
macher, but even he is often crit-
icized as being too dictatorial.
Hens .. .
(Continued from Page 1)
which can get pretty excited about
this sort of thing, discloses that a
healthy, hungry hen can eat
around 60 pounds of grain each
Since the average hen lays only
113 eggs a year, this means that it
takes about eight ounces of grain
to produce an egg weighing ap-
proximately two ounces.
It isn't enough that a hen has
to be stupid; no, she has to go and
be inefficient, too.
Since the average cereal weight
per each breakfast feeding is
slightly over an ounce, it's obvious
you can save considerable grain
by eating cereals for breakfast.
As a fellow at the Agriculture
Department put it:
"If you eat two eggs, you have
eaten the equivalent of a pound of
grain. And to eat a pound of
grain by eating breakfast foods,
you'd have to be a horse, literal-
Of course, if the demand for
eggs is still sufficient, and the
farmer keeps his hen, she'll go on
gobbling 60 pounds of grain each
year, no matter what you eat for
That's why the agriculture peo-
ple are giving grain-saving talks
to the farmer.
So far, they haven't bothered to
reason with the hen. See Para-
graph 3, Section (A) of this dis-
sertation if you care to know why

Old Buildings
Need Repair
Says Allison
Art School Lacks
Ligiting Fixtures
While many new buildings are
being constructed on the campus,
opportunities for improvement of
e:istent buildings, such as the art
school, have not been made, al-
leged Harvey C. Allison, president
of the University chapter of the
American Institute of Architects.
Of great concern to architectur-
al students, in Allison's opinion,
is the inadequate lighting of the
architectural draft i n g room.
Though the minimum foot candle
power considered necessary for
drafting work by Prof. Hemp-
stead Bull, of the Engineering
School, is 30-60 units, the average
in the art school drafting room is
Lighting Inadequate
Action concerning the lighting
was taken last year by a commit-
tee from the student chapter of
the AIA. Numerous high officials
in the University which the com-
mittee asked to investigate the
lighting were unanimous in agree-
ment that the lighting was com-
pletely inadequate, declared Dean
Walter V. Marshall, of the art
The order for the necessary im-
provements was signed last De-
cember. However, though other
building continues, no move has
been made to install the lights.
Students Risk Eyesight
According to Allison, the in-
adequate lighting in the drafting
makes night work and drawing on
cloudy days extremely difficult.
"The students are actually risk-
ing their eyesight. Drafting stud-
ents work at least 24 hours each
week in that poorly-lit room," de-
clared Allison.
Besides the lighting in the
drafting room, students have com-
plained about the very bad light-
ing in the college library, where
the dim lights are suspended over
ten feet from the floor.
Further action toward obtain-
ing the necessary improvements
in the lighting was taken at a
meeting of the AIA held yester-






"Fine Arts Under Fire," a pho-
tographic exhibition prepared by
the editors of Life Magazine will
be on display at the University
Museum of Art from Oct. 12
through Oct. 30, Miss Helen Hall,
Curator, announced yesterday.
The exhibition illustrates the
work of the Allied Armies in pre-
paring and salvaging western Eu-
rope's historic monuments and
works of art in combat areas. As-
sembling of the photographs,
many hitherto unpublished, was
done by Life Magazine in collab-
oration with the American Com-
mission for the Protection and
Salvage of Artistic and Historic
Monuments in War Areas.
Enlarged Photographs
Miss Hall said that the show
consists of 30 panels of enlarged
photographs. A short running text
reveals the care taken of art ob-
jects during the war, and the
extent and variety of work car-
ried on under the program for the
salvage of Europe's cultural herit-
Beginning with a few examples
of the extent and type of damage
to historic buildings during the

war, the exhibition emphasizes the
work of the program in saving
whatever remained of war-dam-
aged buildings and collections and
the handling of looted works of
art, she says.
Shows Army's Problem
Second part of the exhibit in-
dicates the size and detail of the
army's problem in getting the
looted and displaced works of art
back to their rightful owners. The
discovery of some of the 700
caches for German art plunder
is dealt with, as well as the recov-
ery of some of these possessions
from salt and copper mines, farm-
houses, bunkers and churches. The
devastation of modern warfare to
those monuments placed in the
line of fire, as Cassino Abbey, St.
Lo, and the Frauenkirche at Nur-
emberg, is also shown.
The exhibition of modern hand-
made jewelry will remain on dis-
play through Oct. 19. "Competi-
tion for Printed Fabrics," the ex-
hibit scheduled to open Monday,
has been delayed due to the Rail-
way Express strike in New York

Campus Highlights

Army Association ...
The first meeting of the reac-
tivated Michigan Army Ordnance
Association will be held at 8:15
p.m. today in Rm. 321 of the Un-
Robert L. Biggers, president of
Fargo division of the Chrysler
Corporation, vice-president and



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(Continued from Page 4)
cello; Bartok; Concerta for violin
and orchestra, 1941.
All graduate students are invit-
ed. Silence is requested.
Chemistry Colloquium: Profes-
sor G. W. Wheland of the Uni-
versity of Chicago will discuss
"Studies in Acid and Bases
"Strength," at 8 p.m., Rackham
Army Ordnance Association:
First meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 321
Michigan Union.
7:30 p.m. - Business Meeting
(Members only).
8:15 p.m.-Film and talk on
"Operation Sleepless" by Mr. Rob-
ert L. Biggers, Pres. Fargo Divi-
sion Chrysler Corps and Vice
Pres. and Director of the Detroit
branch of the Army Ordnance As-
sociation (Public Invited).
9:15 p.m.-Tour of University
Gage Laboratories with Prof. Or-
lan W. Boston (Public Invited).
Modern Poetry Club: 8 p.m.,
Rm., 2208, Angell Hall. Three rep-
resentative poets will be discussed.

few steps

and Save Dollars
Kuo hNS
122 East Liberty - on the Corner

La p'tite causette meets every
Monday and Thursday from 3:30
to 4:45 in the Russian Room of the
Michigan League. All students
and faculty people interested in
speaking French are invited.
U. of M. Radio Club: Thurs.,
Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 246, W. En-
gineering Bldg. Fall organiza-
tional meeting. Everyone wel-
International C en te r weekly
tea: 4:30-5:30 p.m. The tea will
offer an opportunity for students
from other lands to meet their
American friends.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity: 7
p.m., East Lecture Room, Rack-
ham Bldg. All members are urged
to attend.
Gilbert and Sullivan: 7:30 p.m.,
League. All interested may attend.
The Art Cinema League pre-
(Life Dances On") with Raimu,
Harry Baur, Louis Jouvet, and
other famous French movie stars.
French dialogue; English titles,
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 9, 10, 11.
Box office opens 2 p.m. daily. Res-
ervations, phone 6300, Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Coming Events
Rhodes Scholarships: Meeting
of all students interested in ap-
plying for a Rhodes Scholarship,
Fri., Oct. 10, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 2003
Angell Hall. Application blanks
may be obtained at the meeting or
in Rm. 2024 Angell Hall.
Astronomy Visitor's Night: Oct.
10, 7:30-9:30 p.m., at the Univer-

sity Observatory (East Ann and
Observatory Streets). Observation
of star clusters and nebulae. The
Observatory will not be open if
the sky is not clear. Children must
be accompanied by adults.
Graduate Outing Club: Bike
hike, 2:30 p.m., Sun., Oct. 12, meet
at Northwest entrance, Rackham
Bldg. You may rent bikes. Sign
up at Rackham check desk before
noon Saturday.
SRA Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m.,
Fri., Oct. 10. The Protestant Stu-
dent Directors will be special
guests. Everyone welcome.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday evening services, 7:45 p.m.
Fireside discussion on "Trends
and Predictions of the '48 Elec-
tion," presented by Dr. S. J. El-j
dersveld at 8:30 p.m., followed by
a social hour.

director of the Detroit Army Ord-
nance Association, will speak and
show his movies of "Operation
Sleepless," a carrier maneuver of
Admiral Mitscher's Eighth Fleet.
* * *
It. Center Tea.. .
American students will have
an opportunity to meet their
foreign classmates at an infor-
mal tea, to be held at 4:30 p.m.
today in the International Cen-
Hostesses for the tea will be
Mrs. Donald Katz and Mrs.
Malcolm Soule.
Alpha Chi Sigma-...
Alpha Chi Sigma, professional
chemical fraternity, will hold a
house-warming Saturday for
members of the faculty of the
chemistry and chemical engineer-
ing departments in the fraterni-
ties' recently acquired house at
1319 Cambridge Rd.
Alpha Phi Omega .. .
Alpha Phi Omega will hold a
regular business meeting at 7:30
p.m. today in Rm. 302 of the
Ensian Tryouts ..
Tryouts for the Michiganensian
will be assigned regular duties at
a tryout meeting to be held at
5 p.m. today in the editorial of-
fice of the Ensian, Student Pub-
lications Building, according to
Buck Dawson, Ensian managing

Engineers Election
The American Institute of
Chemical Engineers will hold an
election meeting at 7:30 p.m., to-
day in Rm. 348, West Engineering
. Bldg.

.of. . ..

with a New Fall'



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