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October 09, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-09

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#$R , 9

Fifty-Eighth Year

Hollow Diatribe


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Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ................EditorialtDirector
Eunice Mintz ...................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes....... .............Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor
Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick.................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved,
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.


No Need for Reds
ALL OF US should support organizations
working for desirable programs whether
or not Communists are members of those
organizations, according to a letter appear-
ing today in The Daily.
An active member of MYDA, the writer
declares that she "would be surprised to
discover that it is a Communist-front
organization," and further that even "if
Communists want to help us, why can't
we use them for our purposes and dis-
miss them afterwards?"
These statements indicate that the writer
is not in sympathy with the Communist pro-
gram as a whole, as exemplified in Yugo-
slavia and Poland.
Reliable sources disclosed last spring that
AYD, the parent organization of MYDA,
included 10 per cent' Communists. Let us,
then, examine the assumptions upon whic
this letter is based.
In proposing to discard Communists
after the specific program of MYDA is
accomplished, it is assumed that Com-
munists will be willing to be discarded, and
that they will not themselves attempt to
discard the non-Communist elements of
the organization. That assumption is
wholly unwarranted, as shown by the
struggle Walter Reuther had to dismiss
the Communists in the UAW.
Another assumption is that Communists,
as Communists, will receive no benefit from
the carrying forward of MYDA's program.
"By no stretch of the imagination could-...
(retention of rent controls here after March)
.. . help Stalin." Why would the Communists
be in such organizations, as they have been
proven to be in AYD, if there were no ad-
tage to be gained for the Communist pro-
Assuredly, if there is an advantage, it is
not the retention of rent controls. I believe
that the disorder avoided by that move
would in fact be a substantial disadvantage
to the Communist Party, which admittedly
is most effective in the midst of chaos.
The benefit to Communists resulting
from the fulfillment of the MYDA pro-
gram would rather, I think, be contingent
on the size and political strength of the
organization built up in carrying out that
program.. If AYD, and in turn MYDA, were
completely successful, the advantages to
the Communist movement, in terms of a
ready-made political tool, might be con-
It is also assumed that MYDA is the only
rganization on campus willing or able to
pport the program enunciated by it. "Can
. sacrifice the student book-exchange'
e fight against discrimination ... and the
est of MYDA's program" because Commu-
ists are sympathetic toward it?
Certainly, it is worth a great deal of
effort to maintain the student book-ex-
change, to continue to combat racial and
religious discrimination, and to retain
rent control. But citizens can accomplish
a political program without relying on,
and thereby building up, an organization
which probably includes Communists.
Those parts of MYDA's program which
re worth a struggle can be achieved with-
ut supporting MYDA, which would be at
risk of assisting Communists in disguise.
ere are other organizations and other

THE COMMUNIQUE issued by the "new
Comintern" is not a very brilliant docu-
ment. There have been Communist papers
in the past that were written with eloguence
and passion, but this seedy script is not one
of them.
One has a curious feeling, reading this
What Is This NSA?
TONIGHT IS THE TIME to find out!
Ten University representatives partici-
pated in the National Student Association's
constitutional convention last month and
helped formulate its program and policies.
They took stands on racial discrimination
and on academic freedom.
They established a Bill of Rights for stu-
dents and set up a criteria for academic
freedom for faculty members.
They agreed to negotiate for affiliation
with the International Union of Students
under certain specific conditions.
They made plans to provide travel tours
in Europe possible for American students
next summer.
They applied for and obtained as the re-
presentative of college students a seat on the
United States Commission for UNESCO
(United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization.)
Just how is the NSA going to affect us?
If we ratify the NSA constitution, is the
NSA going to do us any good? Is it going
to act to the best interests of our campus?
Michigan's delegates believed that it
would. To present the facts about NSA to
you the Student Legislature has brought
the national president and vice-president of
NSA to the campus to explain this new, non-
partisan National Student Association. They,
together with Harvey Weisberg, the Legis-
lature's president, will speak and answer
questions on the NSA at 8:30 p.m. today
in the Rackham Lecture hall.
Whatever it does, the NSA will exercise a
profound influence on the academic com-
Tonight's meeting will explain how that
influence affects us.
-Tom Walsh
Peace and Reason
WE SHALL NOT reach a new equilibrium
in which peace and reason become the
habitual instruments of action until we
realize that, in itself, the material control
over nature is not an assurance of a civilized
way of life. That power must be matched
by a proportionate capacity to use our in-
sight into the processes of nature, to offer
more spiritual dignity and a higher level,
of intellectual satisfaction to the underpriv-
iliged citizens in every nation state. And it
must be able to offer greater adequacy, also,
to the nation states which now fight among
themselves for what well-being there is.
For it has become common knowledge
that well-being is limited less by the depth
of our insight than by the boundaries with-
in which the prevalent economic order forces
it to remain confined. We have created all
over the world fear and envy and anger in
human relations by the restraints we have
seemed to impose upon men's access to a
richer civilization; we have even fought
world wars to impose those restraints
through one channel rather than through
another. We shall not persuade men to go
down a third time into the abyss to rescue
a way of life that decays before their eyes.
-Harold Laski
in Foreign Affairs Quarterly.

pronunciamento, that European Commu-
nists don't really know how to abuse
Americans and Englishmen. They have
acquired a certain fairly effective vocabu-
lary in dealing with the kind of people
they are used to, and have lived among,
decrepit Polish pans, aging relics of Hun-
garian feudalism, Romanian Iron Guard-
ists, the French Cagoulards, etc. But when
they turn the same verbiage, dully and
monotonously, against America and Eng-
land, the effect is grotesque.
Americans will be fascinated to learn that
European Communists believe we fought the
war in order to eliminate "competition on
the world market" by Germany and Japan.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The fact is that American capitalism has
had a very minor interest in world trade.
The promotion of world trade has, dur-
ing the last decade, been a leftwing idea
in America, a New Deal idea, and one
which, for periods, has had the hot sup-
port of the Communists themselves. The
most conservative elements of American
capitalism have been quite content with
high tariffs and a minimum of world
Furthermore, American capitalists are
often accused today of plotting to rebuild
German and Japanese industry. But if their
war aim was the destruction of that indus-
try, why have they switched over insanely to
a peace aim of restoring it? It doesn't add
If the picture of a greedy, cunning, av-
aricious America presented in this vacu-
ous document is correct, then a still great-
er puzzle is raised, namely: Why didn't
we go to war against Russia? If we are
like Nazi Germany, as this paper hints,
why was it Nazi Germany that we fought?
Why didn't we join it, instead? It is a
point which Cominterns, new and old, find
it curiously difficult to explain.
There are many such holes and gaps in
the tirade issued by the Communist func-
tionaries in Poland. The Marshall Plan is
pictured as the current spearhead of Ameri-
can capitalist aggression. But there is no
effort to explain why so much (perhaps
most) of American capitalism opposes it,
including the official publication of the
National Association of Manufacturers.
Europe's Communists are so sure of where
America's capitalists stand, that they aren't
even looking, to check.
You tap this diatribe, and it is hollow,
you look inside it, and it is empty. The
representatives of Communist Europe have
concluded and obscure devotional exercise,
somewhere in Poland; as part of the cre-
monies they have constructed a clumsy
mechanical monster, and labeled it Ameri-
ca." Its jointed limbs and chromium claws
do not very much resemble a people who
put twelve million of their best into uni-
form (to wipe out German competition in
world markets, was it?) and who were
swept by tidal waves of hope for One
It is the Balkan baron treatment we are
getting, and its wild inappropriateness gives
one a funny, twilight kind of feeling, as if
European Communism, too, has reached the
end of a certain road, and does not quite
know what to do, or what, really, to say
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

It has been truthfully said that
in a certain section of the Texas
Panhandle you can stand on a
soapbox and look farther and see
less than in any other part of the
world. When you drive across it
the road goes on and on, without
end, and I defy anybody to make
the trip, even if he has had plenty
of sleep and is full of benzidrine
tablets and coffee, without fall-
ing into a coma from sheer bore-
dom before he is halfway through
the place.
In Amarillo I spoke to an elder-
ly gentleman who runs a gas sta-
tion, and he tells me he won't
drive any more in Texas since
they surfaced most of the high-

P"'~~ A'"' 9"' 'ig,'rtara

ways. In the old days, he says.
crossing the Panhandle was no
chore at all. There was a dirt road
with ruts going East and ruts go-
ing West. All you had to do was
start out in a pair of ruts go-
ing your way, set your hand throt-
tle at cruising speed forget the
steering wheel, put your feet on
the dash, light a cigar and open
your eyes only when you needed
to make sure nobody was stalled
ahead of you in your set of ruts.
At a speed of 20 m.p.h. in that
country, you could see clear road
far enough ahead at one glance
to be able to doze safely 15 or 20
minutes before looking again.
Those were the days of cultur-
ed living and gracious traveling.



Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewrittenuform to the officesof the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVIH No. 15
Telephone Service-Outside Calls:
Those who have occasion to use
the telephone facilities of the
Unversity for calls other than on
campus will please note;that the
number of such calls shou.ld be
held to a minimum. Since classes
began on September 22 all trunk
lines to the downtown switchboard
have been overloaded during most
of the day. It is, at times, impos-
sible for several minutes to get an
outside connection. At present we
have only 23 trunk lines from the
campus switchboard to the central
office board downtown. This sit-
uation cannot be corrected until
late in January or February when
more trunk lines will become
available. Please, therefore, use
outside lines only when absolute-
ly necessary and be patient if you
receive a busy signal.
Herbert G. Watkins
School of Forestry Assembly:
11 a.m., Fri., Oct. 10, Rackham
Amphitheatre. Mr. Russell Wat-
son, President of the Michigan
Foresters Assopiation, will speak.
All students in the school not hav-
ing nonforestry conflicts are ex-
pected to attend.
The Committee on Student Af-
fairs will meet October 14 at 3 p.m.
Petitions for consideration at this
meeting must be submitted to the
Office of Student Affairs, Room 2,
University Hall, not later than
Thursday, Oct. 9.
Pre-football guest luncheons
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and
after game open houses held in or-
ganized student residences will be
approved chaperoned or unchap-
eroned provided they are an-
nounced to the Office of Student
Affairs at least one day in advance
of the scheduled date.
Bomber Scholarship Checks:
The following students may re-
ceive their Bomber Scholarship
checks at Room 205, University
Ray Morris Ashba, Richard L.
Burlingame, Alan S. Bradley,
Philip R. Collins, William F. Daw-
son, Henry Wynand DeBruin,
Maurice Dubin, William C. Field-
binder, William J. Fitzgerald, Wil-
liam Roger Frakes, John Earl
Franklin, Emerson Andrew Frey,
Joseph John George, Paul E.
Greenwood Jr., Paul Harvey Grev-
Charles L. Hammer, Lewis L.
Horton, David L. Howe, John
Stinson Howell, John Howard
Hubbell, George Arthur Johnson,
Edwin L. Jones, Richard Clair
Lane, Albert Mathieson, Robert N.
Milham., William E. Millard, Nor-
man Adam Miller, Daniel John

l J
( 1 -tow

O'Halloran, Thomas S. Par
Harry R. Shuptrine.
Harry J. Scott, Jr., Vance C
monds, Alfred H. Slote, Willia
Starr, John Robert Staton,
ward James Sullivan, Ric
Vickery, Claude Ware, J. G
Wetzel, James R. Watzke.
Student Loan Print Collec
Students may call for prin
Room 205, University Hall, T
day and Friday, Oct. 9 an
Please bring 4,x6 white claim
with you.
Graduate Students expe
degrees in February, 1948,
have their diploma applica
in the Graduate School Offi
later than October 11.
Graduate Students in S
Studies and Science: There
Teaching Fellowship in E
Studies available for the fall
spring terms of this year i
University High School, a
Teaching Fellowship in Sc
available for the spring ter
this year. For further info
tion, telephone the Principal'
fice, J. M. Trytten, Ext. 675.
The Municipal Civil S
Commission of New York
nounces that it will receive a
cation for Playground Dir
either men or women, from C
ber 7 to October 24. Appli
must be bona fide residents of
York City for at least three
immediately preceding app
ment. For further inform
call at the Bureau of App
ments and Occupational Info
tion, 201 Mason Hall.
Current Federal Civil S5i
Announcements for men
women entitled to 10-point
eran Preference are posted i
office. For complete inform
call at the Bureau of Ap(
ments, 201 Mason Hall.
The State of Maryland i
cruiting qualified applicants
are interested in a career st
in the field of government x
ning. They are announcing
aminations for the positior
Planning Engineer, Researc
alyst and Draftsman. Full i
mation may be obtained a
Bureau of Appointments and
cupational Information.
Academic Nothc
History Language Examin
for the M.A. degree: Fri., Oc
4 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall.
student is responsible for his
dictionary. Please register a
history office before taking
History Final Examination m
up: Sat., Oct. 11, 9 a.m., R
Haven Hall. Students must
with written permission of ins
Economics 51, 52, 53, a
make-up examination: 3:15
Thurs., Oct. 16, Rm. 207, Eco
ics Bldg.
Doctoral Examination for
Hsin, Economics; thesis:

Letters to the Editor...

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily1
prints every letter to theeditorsre-
ceivedi (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
NSA Speaker
To the Editor:
y OU HAVE BEEN subjected to
many appeals to join various
campus organizations. You have1
heard from so many agencies thatt
if you are the way I was last year
you have probably decided to for-1
get all about extra-curricular ac-
tivities as far as "alphabet soup"
agencies are concerned.
Last year I felt exactly as you,
feel now. But that was before I,
attended the National Student As-
sociation Convention. At Madison,
I saw come together over 600 del-'
egates, representing over a million
students, just like you and me. I
saw those delegates sit around
conference tables, wrangle and
fight, learn and understand, and
finally, compromise and agree.
It was then that I realized that
here the students of America did'
not have just "another" organiza-
tion. Here was an organization
that was not limited in scope or
region, membership or purpose.
Its goals were: Universal student
betterment; its membership: All
students; its scope: The entire
What can this organization do?
Primarily it can serve as the
tr:aining ground for the leadership
of tomorrow. Immediately, it can
promote understanding and coop-
eration among the various geo-
graphic, political, and racial ele-
ments which make up our coun-
NSA must not die "aborning."
Thursday, at 8:30, Bill Welsh,
president of the organization and
Ralph Dungan, vice-president,
will speak. I will be there because
I was at Madison. I hope many
of you will be there to see what
I saw.
-Gellert A. Seel,
Alternate Delegate, NSA
West Lodge Food
To the Editor:
TOWARD the end of the last se-
mester, due largely, we be-
lieve, to the efforts of the AVC,
the University took over the man-
agement of the West Lodge cafe-
teria at Willow Village with a
resultant great improvement in
the quality and appearance of the
food served. That improved con-
dition persisted through the re-
mainder of the semester.
We are now in our third week
of the current semester, ample
time in which to make judgment
on the quality of food being
served. Although we speak for
ourselves alone, we believe we are
expressing the opinion of the ma-
jority of Village students, and
that it would be a simple matter
to get hundreds of signatures to
this letter.
Our judgment is that the food
is bad, that it hasretrogressed
almost to the very low quality of
last semester at the time the Uni-
versity took over operation, and
we make these specific com-
1. The quality of the food is
bad. This is no reflection upon
quality of ingredients, but solely
upon preparation or palatability.
2. The foods are very unap-
petizing in appearance, salads of-
ten wilted, vegetables and meats
unappealing, and desserts espe-
cially poor in appearance.
We know nothing of the prob-
lems of management, which may
be great, but, as diners, we feel

qualified to pass judgment by the
only valid criterion of food prep-
aration, the result. We know also
that the food at both the Union
and the League is much more
palatable. We make no complaint
about prices or service, points
upon which, again, we feel that
we are not qualified to speak.
We deem this a justified com-
plaint and hope that through this

means action may be taken so
that we will not again be faced
daily with what are known here
as "the dejected salads, the jaded
meats, and the apathetic des-
-Edward Norbeek.
-Carroll Barber.
Student Rally
Rackham on the National Stu-
dent Association deserves the at-
tendance of every student on this
campus. They will have an op-
portunity to hear, at first hand,
from the president and first vice-
president, as well as from Weis-
berg, the head of the Michigan
I don't think that the majority
of the students have had an op-
portunity to become fully con-
scious of what the NSA means to
them, individually and as a body.
They have not received fully, and
accurately, all of the information
available of what occurred at the
last convention.
The fact that 350 colleges and
universities, Negro and white,
Catholic and state schools, were
able to agree upon a minimum
program of students' needs, rang-
ing from full academic freedom to
a recognition of the need for in-
ternational cooperation repre-
sents a historic step forward on
the campus. Through the Nation-
al Student Association the- stu-
dent of the North will become bet-
ter acquainted with the student of
the South; the problem of dis-
crimination and segregation will
be brought to the attention of all
the students so that it can be
solved; the needs of students over-
seas will be brought to our at-
tention, so that we will under-
stand more fully why we contrib-
ute to the World Student Service
Fund; ways and means can be
worked out so that the student of
this country can visit and study
These are but a few of the
things which NSA will help to
'bring to the campus. However,
NSA can accomplish only what the
students make it accomplish which
means understanding more fully
the program of NSA.
-E. E. Ellis
MYDA Program
To the Editor:
LAST NIGHT I was discussing
the MYDA program with a
very intelligent, well-informed
young man. I was shocked when
he stated that although he
thought the MYDA program ex-
cellent on all points he would
not support it either as a mem-
ber of a group or as an individual.
By supporting it he believed he
would be aiding Stalin "in the
long run."
Because I am an active mem-
ber of MYDA I should be surprised
to discover that it is a Commun-
ist-front organization, as charged
last year when it was banned
from campus.' Yet I know, as
this young man feared, that we
are working for goals that Com-
munists also think desirable. But
can we, without confessing that
we are rationalizing our apathy,
sacrifice the student book-ex-
change, the fight against dis-
crimination, the NSA, improved
eating facilities for students, and
the rest of MYDA's program, sim-
ply because it embraces incident-
ally some things which Commun-
ists happen to be sympathetic
toward? I don't think there are
any Communists in MYDA, but
if Communists want to help us,
why can't we use them for our
purposes and dismiss them after-
wards? The student I was talk-
ing with thought it would re-
flect credit on the Communists
if MYDA's program were carried
through, because of the "taint"
on MYDA's reputation, and there-

fore the program ought not to be
The pressure for reforms has
usually been initiated ,by small
groups, whose pressure on larger
groups causes them to adopt the
reform. The thing we should be
interested in is the reform, not
who takes the credit.
-Marie O'Brien





Karin Branzell, contralto, opened the
Choral Union Concert Series last night with
a performance generally below the accus-
tomed series quality.
With many of her selections not well
suited to her voice, and obviously ill at ease
during the better part of the evening, Miss
Branzell had little chance to reveal the
power and richness of her tones, apparent
in a few of her numbers.
Although her first choice, Purcell's "Dido's
Loment" from "Dido and Aeneas," was a
welcome program selection, marking one of
the too rare appearances of 17th century
music at Hill Auditorium, it was interpreted
lifelessly and with -constraint.
Markedly more at home in the Grieg and.
Schubert, Miss Branzell sang with surety
and poise, technical skill and dramatic sensi-
tivity, particularly in Schubert's popular and
much mishandled "Der Erlkoenig," and in
her Schubert encore "Tod und das Maed-
The Brahms and Wolf numbers were well
sung, but again did not approach the high
degree of feeling and richness attained in
the Grieg and Schubert selections.

At Lydia Mendelssohn
UN CARNET DE BAL. Raimu, Marie Bell,
Fernandel, Louis Jouvet,
A CERTAIN NUMBER of European films
have impressed themselves so thorough-
ly upon American audiences that they may
be regarded as classics. Un Carnet de Bal
is one of these films. Its perennial popularity
is due to a good many of its features, but
primarily to the fact that it happens to be
a well-paced story.
Rather, it is a series of stories (seven, to
be exact) within a story. These separate
stories are unfolded as the heroine, a
wealthy widow, looks back upon the various
lovers of her youth in an attempt to escape
the boredom of middle-age. She begins her
journey into the past with nostalgic illusions
and returns from it with understandable
regrets. In the course of her travels she
comes upon a very memorable group of
The acting is uniformly excellent and in-
volves what looks like the entire top stratum
of French talent. Marie Bell is seen in the
principal role, which she handles with con-
siderable assurance. But if a single per-
formance were to be selected as outstanding,
it would almost certainly be that of the
veteran Raimu. Before his death early this
year, Raimu was undoubtedly one of the
most capable comedians in motion pictures,
and, cast as the mayor of a small provincial
town, he is given adequate opportunity in
this particular film to display his genuine
-Kenneth Lowe.

Theory of Industrial Development
in Economically Undevelopes
Countries," Friday, Oct. 10, 204
Economics Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman
W. B. Palmer.
German 32, sec. 2 (Prof. Reich-
art) will meet in Rm. 209 Angel:
Hall beginning Thursday, Oct. 9.
Seminar in Differential Geome-
try in the Large: Thurs., Oct. 9
4:15 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Prof.
Hans Samelson will speak on
Classical Differential Geometry
of Surfaces.

Variables, Fri., Oct. 10, 3 p.m.,
3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Lapidus will
Speak on elliptic functions.
Architecture Building. Prints.
Lontemporary American Artists
from the collection of W. W.
J. Gores. Through October 10.
Main floor.
Biology of the Bikini Atoll, Mar-
shall Islands, 1946: Department of
Botany, 2nd floor, Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. through October 18.
Events Today
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillnner.wiln-oe-

"The Mathematics Seminar:



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