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October 09, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-09

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Latest Deadline in the State

irir ri rr u

NLRB Ruling
Creates Split
In Congress
Pledge of Officers
Not Logical-Taft

Distillers Grain Supply
Will Be Used for Export
Anderson Claims Big Saving Must Come
Through Conserving in Farm Consumption

FBI Arrests Two


for Theft

By The Associated Press
gressional opinion differed em-
phatically today over an official
ruling that top AFL and CIO of-
ficers need not sign non-Com-
munist affidavits.
But one of the authors of the
Taft-Hartley Act, Senator Taft"
(Rep., Ohio), approved heartily.
He said at Des Moines that "it is
not logical to require" that AFL
and CIO board members swear
they are not Communists. He said
they have no control over the in-
dividual unions under them.
The ruling, an interpretation of
the Taft-Hartley law handed
down yesterday by the National
Labor Relations Board, failed to
win "unanimous approval" of a
joint Senate-House committee set
up to study how the law operates.
One committee member, Rep.
Hoffman (Rep., Mich.), told re-
porters tha the decision "is a
complete surrender to John L.
Lewis." He contended that Con-
gress must begin rewriting the
Act if the board continues to make
such interpretations.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8-(jP)--
Joseph A. Padway, general coun-
sel of the American Federation of
Labor, died of a stroke tonight a
few hours after collapsing during
an address before the AFL's Inter-
national convention.
Senator Ellender (Dem., La.)
said earlier that he feels the AFL
and CIO leaders should take the
oaths too.
Lewis, an AFL vice president,
had refused to sign such an affi-
davit. Under an opinion of Rob-
ert L Denham NLRB General
Counsel, this would have prevent-
ed all AFL affiliated unions from
using the board's facilities. But
yesterday's 4 to 1 ruling by the
board said Denham was wrong.
Affidavits, .
The board held that sections of
the law requiring union officers
to sign the affidavits and to make
periodic financial reports to the
government and to union mem-
bers, do not apply to top leaders
of AFL and CIO. They do apply,
however, to officers of unions af-
filiated with these organizations.
Senator Ball (Rep., Minn.),
chairman of the joint committee,
agreed with chairman Paul Her-
zog of the board that the decision
means the CIO and AFL need not
file financial statements under the
Rep. Landis (Rep., Ind.), a
committee member, suggested that
Congress amend the Act to re-
quire that shop stewards, business
agents and union attorneys take
the non-Communism oath.
* * *
President Urges
Higher Production
President Truman appealed in a
message to the American Federa-
tion of Labor today to raise still
higher America's level of produc-
tion to "meet the critical condi-
tions which threaten the well-
being of the entire world."
The President's message, read
to the AFL's 66th annual conven-
tion, called upon America's work-
ers to share the nation's abund-
ance with the less fortunate, in-
asmuch as the production level to-
day is greater than ever before
in peace time. The need for grain,
Mr. Truman added, "in many
countries in the year ahead will
be even more acute than in the

The convention was recessed
soon after the reading of the
President's message when Joseph
A. Padway, the Federation's gen"
eral counsel, collapsed on the plat-
form. He was taken to his hotel
room suffering what appeared to
be a slight stroke.
Padway, who was discussing im-
plications of the Taft-Hartley La-
bor Law, had warned the federa-
tion "we are on the threshold of
a government by injunction-not
b nrivp Pmn ,. hii u +


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8-Distill-
ers have agreed to make all their
grain available for export, Secre-
tary of Agriculture Anderson re-
ported today as the National Food
Conservation drive picked up mo-
Anderson did not estimate how
far this would go in meeting Pres-
UN Approves
Special Balkan
Border Watch
Russian Objections
To Blan Overridden
political committee of the United
Nations Assembly overrode bitter
Russian objections late today and
approved a United States demand
for a special UN Balkan border
watch committee.
The vote on the special commit-
tee was 34 to 6. The Russian bloc
voted solidly against it. Nine na-
tions, including the Arab group
and Sweden, Norway and Den-
mark, abstained.
The delegates put off tem-
porarily a decision on the hottest
part of the U. S. resolution-a sec-
tion finding Yugoslavia, Albania
and Bulgaria responsible for help-
ing Greek guerrillas.
U. S. Proposal
The committee also approved a
U. S. proposal that the Assembly
call on Greece, Yugoslavia, Bul-
garia and Albania to cooperate
with the special committee. The
vote on this section was 39 to 6,
with 8 abstentions.
The balloting climaxed commit-
tee debate on the Greek-Balkan
case which began Sept. 25. It
came after Russian chief delegate
Andrei Y. Vishinsky charged that
the U. S. was presenting an "ulti-
matum" to Bulgaria, Albania and
Yugoslavia in the Balkans quarrel.
He accused the U. S. of "coward-
ice" on this phase.
Palestine Partition
Earlier, a top American State
Department official was reported
authoritatively today to have
told a United Nations delegate
that the U. S. will favor a plan for
partitioning Palestine "with per-
haps a few modifications."
An informed source said the
United States might speak Friday
or Saturday. A Russian delegate
said the Soviet Union had not de-
cided just when to speak on the
Palestine question.
Illinois Train
Time Changed
Scheduled hours for the
special train that will leave
Ann Arbor for the Illinois-
Michigan game have been
changed, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday
by Don Greenfield of the Wol-
verine Club.
The train, originally schedul-
ed to leave Ann Arbor at 12:01
p.m. on Saturday Nov. 1, will
leave at 6:30 a.m. instead, and
will depart from the Cham-
paign Main Station at 11:45
p.m. instead of 5 p.m. as plan-
Preference on tickets for the
game will be given to students
who are going on the train.
Combination game and train
tickets may be purchased at
U Hall.

ident Truman's goal of saving
100,000,000 bushels of grain by
mid-1948 to help feed Europe. He
said it applies to all the grain
the whisky makers hold or have
contracted to purchase.
Farm leaders told Mr. Truman
today that they will campaign to
slash the use of grain on the
farms. Anderson says that is
where the big saving of grain for
export must be made.
A pledge of "100 per cent coop-
eration" was given at the White
House by Albert S. Goss, master
of the National Grange; Edward
A. O'Neal, president of the Amer-
ican Farm Bureau Federation, and
Quentin Reynolds, president of the
National Council of Farm Co-
Distillers met late today with
the President's Citizens Food
Committee, which is leading the
save-grain campaign. Chairman
Charles Luckman prepared for
them his formal request that
whiskey making be halted for 60
Such a step is estimated to in-
volve a 10,000,000-bushel saving.
The Distilled Spirits Institute,
representing 60 per cent of the
industry, previously promised to
recommend to the industry that it
quit using what little wheatit
requires, and cut the use of other
grains in half. Luckman said
that full compliance with this
plan would save about 2,500,000
bushels a month. In nine months,
that would total 22,500,000 bush-
Anderson, who addressed a Na-
tional Press Club luncheon, said
he favored continuing beer pro-
duction but at a reduced rate for
the period ahead. He estimated
the nation has a six-year supply
of straight whiskey compared with
a normal reserve of four years.
Meanwhile, Attorney General
Clark advised industry not to
worry about breaking the law in
temporary agreements tp cut down
on use of grain to save food. Some
businessmen had expressed'eon-
cern that compliance with govern-
ment requests for organized con-
servation would violate the anti-
trust act.
Ticket Sales
For 'Henry V'
Box-office sale of tickets opens
today for "Henry V," to be pre-
sented here at 3:15 and 8 p.m.
Oct. 15 at Hill Auditorium, un-
der the auspices of the Office of
Student Affairs.
Opening with a bird's eye film
view of 16th Century London, the
picture shows how the Shake-
spearean play would have been
presented in its own day. An exact
scale model of the ancient city
was used to achieve the proper
The technicolor film, which
stars Laurence Olivier as produc-
er, director and actor, then ex-
pands into the story of the war
waged between the British mon-
arch and King Charles VIII of
France in 1415.
Tickets for "Henry V," selling
at $.90 and $1.20 for the matinee
performance, and $1.20 and $1.80
for the evening, are now on sale
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and from
2 to 5 p.m. at the Hill Audi-
torium Box Office.
Many desirable seats are still
available, according to Associate
Dean Walter B. Rea, of the Office
of Student Affairs. All seats are
Mail order sale of tickets is now

Of A-Bomb Data
Thompson Pleads Guilty of Picture
Theft, Paporello Asks for Counsel
By The Associated Press
ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., 0 t. 8-Two former servicemen accused
of stealing atomic secrets from the Los Alamos atomic project were
arrested in New Mexico today by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The Albuquerque field office of the FBI said the men, both former
army photographers at the installation, were Ernest Lawrence Pa-
porello, 30, of Albuquerque, and George Wellington Thompson, 38, of
Riverside, N. M., 85 miles north of here and about 20 miles from Los

ART PRINT DISTRIBUTION-Mrs. Eloise Wilkinson (right), director of the new University Reprint
Library, hands Shirley E. Farnsworth, '49, the Pic asso print she has borrowed for the semester, while
Jane C. McKee, '48Ed., and Charles J. Cullum, '48 BAd, pause to look on after receiving their own
prints. Students who have applied for prints may n ow pick them up from 8:30 to 4 p.m. in Rm. 205,
University Hall.

Lovett Claims
Soviets Block
European Aid
Is Official Reply
To International
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8 - The
United States charged today that
European Communists are trying
to prevent the recovery of Europe
and plunge the continent into
"economic disaster"
The accusation was contained in
a carefully worded statement
made to a news conference at the
State Department by Under Sec-
retary Robert A. Lovett. The
statement came in response to re-
quests for official reaction to the
Soviet annourrcement Sunday that
the Communists of nine European
countries had formed an interna-
tional information agency to fight
the Marshall Plan and what they
called British and American "im-
Maligned Aims
He said they had "maligned the
aims of the American and British
people in the recent war and car-
ried to new lengths the distortions
of United - States' policy with
which the Communist press every-
where has recently been replete."
As to what the United States
intends to do about the challenge
presented by the Communist
course, Lovett said:
"We must continue to study
with sympathy but with calm real-
ism the problem of how Europe
can be assisted to regain its prop-
er place in a stable and peaceful
Three Fronts Attacked
As he spoke this problem was
being attacked here on at least
three fronts:
1. Top British and American of-
ficials on German occupation pol-
icy began discussions at the State
Department on Britain's request
for the United States to assume a
much greater share of the dollar
cost of maintaining the British-
American zones of Germany.
Scrape Bottom
2. Government officials were, in
Lovett's words, continuing to
scrape the bottom of the barrel for
resources which might be used in
providing immediate emergency
aid to Europe, especially France
and Italy.
3. Experts on American and Eu-
ropean plans for European recov-
ery under the Marshall program
were reported by Lovett to be
making satisfactory progress in
understanding the needs and fu-
ture possibilities of reconstruction
problems. Out of the talks - of
these experts is expected to come
a careful comparison of what the
European countries want in rela-
tion to what the United States will
be able to supply.

Three NSA Representatives
To Speak at Rackham Today


Three NSA representatives will
explain the National Student As-
sociation to the Michigan campus
at 8:30 p.m. today at Rackham
Lecture Hall.
William Welsh, national presi-'
dent; Ralph A. Dungan, vice-pres-
ident in charge of national af-
fairs; and Harvey Weisberg,
Michigan regional director, will
speak on various phases of the as-
sociation at the Student Legisla-
ture sponsored rally.
"NSA hasn't any plans to revo-
lutionize campus life nor does it
promise a student millennium,"
Dungan told The Daily yesterday.
"But student cooperation on prob-
lems common to all campuses is a
definite possibility towards which
we are working.
Discuss NSA Relationships
Dungan, a student at St. Jos-
eph's College, Philadelphia, will
discuss NSA relationships with the
International Union of StudentsI
at the rally, with explanations of}
NSA international activities in-
cluding affiliation with the World
Student Service Fund organiza-
tion, International Student Serv-
ice and UNESCO.
The IUS issue created heated
discussion at the NSA constitu-

- - - - -


Flu Injections
To Be Given at
Health Service
Influenza injections are now
available to students at the Allergy
Department of the Health Service,
according to Dr. Warren E. Forsy-
the, Health Service Director.
The Health Service is not plan-
ning to repeat the immunization
program of last fall. This year
it is offering the injections only
to students who request them and
are willing to pay a fee of one
dollar to help cover the expense,
Dr. Forsythe said.
"As it turned out last year, the
virus which caused the epidemic
during the winter was not repre-
sented in the immunizing mater-
ial of any manufacturer." the
Health Service Director declared.
He explained that last winter's
epidemic was the first one known
to be caused by that particular
strain of virus, and was apparent-
ly not influenced by the standard
immunization material given.
Pending the development of ex-
perience with newer immunizing
material and further epidemics,
the Health Service offers to stud-
ents who request it an injection
of the material now available.
These injections may be obtained
by students without their clinic
cards, Dr. Forsythe said.

tional convention held early this
Fall at the University of Wiscon-
Plea For Ratification
Welsh will address the rally
with a plea for ratification of the
NSA constitution, drawn up by
delegates to the convention.
Weisberg, president of the Stu-
dent Legislature, will clarify poli-
cies regarding racial discrimi-
nation in education, and will pre-
sent NSA views on the academic
freedom question.
A question period will follow the
rally, with the University's dele-
gates to the constitutional conven-
tion on hand to answer queries di-
rected to them.
Carnet de Bal'
To Be Shown
Life Hails Picture
As 'Movie of Week'
"Carnet de Bal," prize-winning
French film, will be shown under
the sponsorship of Art Cinema
League at 8:30 p.m. today through
Saturday at Lydia Mendelssohn
Billed in English as "Life
Dances On," the film features
eight stars, including Raimu, Fer-
nandel, Pierre Blanchar and Harry
"Carnet de Bal" received the
Brussels Gold Cup as "the great-
est film made in any country" and
was the first French film to be
named Life Magazine's "Movie of
the Week."
Raimu and Fernandel starred
in "The Well-Digger's Daughter"
and "The Baker's Wife."
Reserved tickets for "Carnet de
Bal" will be on sale from 3 to 8:30
today through Saturday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box
office in the League.
Deadline Is Set
For Book Pick-up
Studentswho have books at the
Student Book Exchange must
pick them up by 5 p.m. Friday.
All books remaining at the Ex-
change after that time will be-
come the property of the exchange
and will be disposed of immedi-
ately. This action is necessary
because the exchange must va-
cate the League, and no other
quarters are available at the
present time.

They were charged in com-
plaints filed at Santa Fe with
taking property and records
from the project which the FBI
said consisted of photographs
containing classified informa-
Paporello, described as an itin-
erant photographer, was taken
into custody' at an Albuquerque
studio where the federal agents
said he was employed prior to his
Thompson was arrested at his
photographer's shop in Espanola,
a community near Riverside.
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
announced the arrests in Wash-
ington barely an hour and a half
after field agents took both men
into custody simultaneously at 3
p.m. (CST).
Taken before U. S. Commis-
sioner Albert Gonzales at Santa
Fe, Thompson pleaded innocent
to the Sandia charge, which ac-
cused him of taking the pic-
tures on May 17, 1946; and
pleaded guilty to removing clas-
sified 35-millimeter negatives
plus some unclassified photos
from Los Alamos on Oct. 31,
In Albuquerque, Paporello asked
that hearing be continued to next
Monday to permit him to obtain
counsel, and U. S. Commissioner
Owen J. Mowrey set the hearing
for 10 a.m. next Monday.
Paporello was accused in one
court of taking six photographs
containing classified informa-
tion from Los Alamos on Aug.
12, 1945, and in a second of
concealing them.
Both men were ordered held un-
der $10,000 bond.
The FBI said Thompson was in
charge of the photographic lab-
oratory at Los Alamos until Sept.
10, 1945, when he received an hon-
orable discharge.
Hoover said Paporello was em-
ployed at the Los Alamos project
during most of a three year serv-
ice with the army and was hon-
orably discharged March 7, 1946,
with the rank of staff sergeant.
Van Antwerp,
Jeffries Win
DETROIT, Oct. 8-(IP)-A vet-
eran councilman, Eugene I. Van
Antwerp, and the incumbent, Ed-
ward J. Jeffries, today won the
nominations for mayor in unoffi-
cial returns from the city's non-
partisan primary election.
Jeffries trailed his opponent by
16,416 votes, the third successive
time in eight years in office that
he ran second in the primary.
Van Antwerp polled 96,245 votes
to 78,829 for Jeffries, who seeks
a fifth term at the Nov. 4 election.
Their nearest opponent, county
auditor George O. Cornell received
only 52,462.
Tuesday's vote was approxi-
mately 265,000, the highest pri-
mary total since the record of
330,974 was set in 1937.
Council president George Ed-
wards, long supported by organ-
ized labor, led the city council
candidates. Among 18 nominated
for nine posts on the council were
four incumbents and two Negroes,
the latter for the first time in the
city's history.
City clerk Thomas D. Leadbet-
ter won renomination by a land-
slide margin over two opponents.

Taft, Stassen
Predict GOP
Victory in '48
Rise in Republican
Trend Is Foreseen
DES MOINES, Oct. 8-Senator
Robert A. Taft of Ohio and former
governor Harold E. Stassen of
Minnesota joined here today be-
fore a group of 1,000 Iowa Re-
publican party leaders in a pre-
diction of Republican victory in
next year's Presidential elections.
The two political figures, each
regarded as the possible Republi-
can presidential nominee, shared
the spotlight as speakers at an in-
formal luncheon gathering of Re-
publican state officials, commit-
tee members, editors and party
Western Trip
Taft, said his recent western
trip convinced him that the "Re
publican trend is growing strong-
er every day and that the people
are coming back from their wan-
derings in the primrose path of
New Dealism."
The last congress, Taft said, ac-
complished four major things.
"We ended the war by eliminat-
ing all the war-born government
regulations except a few that had
to be retained; such as rent con-
trol and export control.
Cut Down Expenses
"We cut down government ex-
pense by about $3,000,000,000 a
"We went all out to reduce
taxesbbut the President vetoed the
two bils we passed.
Taft, who was co-author of the
Taft-Hartley Labor Act, said it
was significant that the Repub-
licans in Congress, despite dif-
ferencesof opinion, has been able
to function as a party unit on
fundamental questions.
"We restored freedom and
equality in labor regulations, bas-
ing our whole plan upon a system
of free collective bargaining."
Stassen reported that his recent
trips across the country convinced
him "there is a rising tide of pub-
lic opinion" toward a Republican
victory in November, 1948.
He said his views appeared to
be more liberal than Taft's on
domestic and world policies but he
counted it as an "honor to share
the platform with him."
Candidates To
Attend Meeting
Rhodes Scholarship
Discussion Planned
Candidates for 1948 Rhodes
Scholarships may attend a preli-
minary meeting at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in Rm. 2003 Angell Hall,
Prof. Clark Hopkins announced
The Rhodes Scholarships, which
provide two years of study at Ox-
ford University, are open to un-
married male citizens between the
ages of 19 and 25 years, who have
reached at least junior standing
in college. Five years domicile in
the United States is also required.
In addition to the Rhodes Scho-
larships, a number of War Ser-
vice Scholarships have been made
available for men who have com-
pleted at least one year of war
service either as civilian workers

World News At A Glance
By The Associated Press
BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 8-The CIO executive board, meeting in
advance of the CIO's annual convention opening Monday, said in aj
statement today that the FBI is reported to be making a "furtive"
and "gum-shoe" investigation of the political spending of labor unions.
* * * *
LONDON, Eng., Oct. 8-Sir Stafford Cripps, Britain's new eco-
nomics minister, declared today that unless some form of dollar aid
was forthcoming "this year," Britain would be forced to make further'
cuts in American imports.j
* * * *

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