OCTOBER 8, 1947 "- Tilit MICHIGAN OMtY PAGE W I. I 117 V{iJ i'i ]:.1 M: CoedDance Class Hostesses Needed Mass Meeting at League Tomorrow Will Introduce New Instructor; Methods A mass meeting for all coeds who would like to serve as host- esses at the men's social dancing classes will be held at 5 p.m. to- morrow in the League Ballroom. A dance exhibition will be given by John Lekas, the new instruc- tor, to show the prospective host- esses what will be required of them. Lekas, a former Arthur Mur- lay teacher, has taught for sev- eral large Detroit firms in ad- dition to putting on dance shows with other Murray instructors. Speakers at the meeting include! Miss Ethel A. McCormick and Sue! Smith, chairman of the dance cnnnittee, who will explain the function of the classes, which are sponsored by the League Council. Registration for the classes will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Friday on the second floor of the League, 2 ; CAMPUS GLAMOUR as reflected in our new fall hair-styling BEAUTY ARBORY 1315 S. University Ph. 7156 .." :u r.h:..;. i:}r::icm~~ i:t:" i :xtm u %i The course., which consists of eight lessons, will begin Monday and last through Dec. 2. A beginner's class will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Mondays and inter- mediate classes from 7 to 8 p.m.' and from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. At least 225 eligible coeds will be needed to help in in- structing. They will not only be taking an active part in an im- portant League activity but they will also profit from an un- usual opportunity to receive pro- fessional dance instruction at no charge. "Coeds who want to act as hostesses need not have had prev- ious dance training," Miss Smith explained. "They will learn danc- ing in the classes." Library To Open The League Library on the third floor of the League will be open to women students weekdays from 1 to 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.; Sat- urdays, except on football days, from 1 to 5:30 p.m.; and Sundays from 2 until 5 p.m. and 7 to 10, p.m. A librarian is always present to help any woman student. Included on the shelves are text books, poe- try, plays, the latest fiction, mag- azines, and the League President's reports, to help coeds in writing petitions. You Can Lose Unwanted Pounds and Inches just where you want them off; no diets, drugs, medicines or back breaking exercises. Harold M. Baskin Physio Therapist 8 N. Normal St. Phone 2410 YPSILANTI WIN FAME and $500 In TISH-U-KNIT'S Sweater Girl Contest BLACK FUR - Softly flaring back, standing collar and full sleeves feature this new black Russian broadtail cutaway by Dein-Bacher. Pan,%hel Ball Heads Told Members of the central com- mittee for the annual Panhel Ball to be held Friday, Nov. 21, have been announced by Panhellenic Executive Board. Nancy Hess, Kappa Kappa Gamma, will head the committee as general chairman, and will be assisted by Shirley Smith, Pi Beta Phi. June Shoup, Zeta Tau Al- pha is in charge of programs, and Lois Steere, Alpha Xi Delta, decor- ations. The list of members continues with Betty Estes, Delta Delta Del- ta, patrons; 1vIarjorie Zaller, Sig- ma Delta Tau, publicity; Ann Schoonmaker, Kappa Delta, pub- licity, and Edith Livermore, Gam- ma Phi Beta, tickets. TWAA Notices Crop and Saddle, Group III, will meet at 7:15 p.m. today at the WAB for riding. Members of this group are Vir- ginia Roberts, Marge Metzger, Frances Radford, Judy Minogue, Libby Rensford, Barbara Carpent- er, and Ann Parker. Others are Marie Post, Yvonne Albright, Delight Scoville, Peggy Dodson, Jean Whitney, Barbara Fenker, Esther Blaur and Pat Pet- er. * * * Committee chairman for the Crop and Saddle Horse show will meet at 5 p.m. today at Barbour Gym. Members of the committee in- clude Rosemarie Shoetz, Hermine Vogel, Marie Post, Judy Minogue, Norma Shaylor, Esther Blaur, Peggy Dodson, Barbara Carpenter and Gretchen Hutzel. ', * * - The WAA Rifle Club will hold an organizational meeting at 5:15 p.m. today at the WAB. The club will shoot in the ROTC range, and instruction will be pro- vided for beginners. New League Staff Member Is Appointed Appointment of Mrs. Edith M. Wheeler as business manager of the Michigan League was an- nounced last night. In this capacity, Mrs. Wheeler will have overall direction of the building and will be responsible for coordination of the activities of faculty, student, alumnae and other groups within the building. Mrs. Wheeler is a native of Michigan and holds the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts de- grees from the University of Mich- igan. She was at one time asso- ciated with the Southern Mich- igan Grocery Co. and with the University Hospital as recreation director and later supervisor in special education. Active in many civic organiza- tions, Mrs. Wheeler is a past pres- ident of the Ann Arbor YWCA and participated in the organization and operation of the Wolverine Youth Center and Dunbar Center. She is a former member of the Board of Governors of the Mich- igan League, and has served on the board of the Faculty Wom- en's Club. Mrs. Wheeler has been serving as acting business manager since last April 1, when Miss Ruth Goodlander retired from the posi- tion. Annual College SBoa rd Contest Open to Coeds "'Mademoiselle," nationally- known periodical for career and college women, has again invited coeds to submit their names for membership on the College Board, an organized department of the magazine staffed by women from campuses all over the country. The purpose of the College Board is to give career-minded students an opportunity to con- tribute to a professional magazine while still in college and to ob- tain a working knowledge of their field of interest. Guest Editors Chosen Approximately 1,000 students are chosen each year, from which 20 of the most outstanding achieve the positions of Guest Editors. These 20 are honored with a trip to New York for the month of June, during which time they work closely with "Mademoi- selle's" editors in putting out the August "Back to College" issue. Three assignments are made to College Board members during the year. Members are urged to choose their own subjects and utilize their specific talents in completing these assignments. University Coed Guest Editor A Guest Editorship was award- ed last spring to a University of Michgian coed, Mary Lou Gork, who has continued her work in New York as a permanent mem- ber of the magazine's staff. Coeds interested in the fields! of fiction and non-fiction writing, art, fashion and promotion are asked to contact Ann Gestie, 2- 2543 or Bernice Calkins, 2-4547, members of the Personnel Com- mittee of the League. By JEAN WHITNEY the binch and bello EDITORS NOTE: This is the see- "BREAD DOWN!" This br( ond in a series of articles about the author's summer adventures at an amazing results, for I not archeological dig in New Mexico. got the bread but also the ter, jam, salad, water andI At last we were on our way. toes. Looking at the surrounding coun- After a hearty meal, a1 tryside, I could hardly believe that of us, all fresh arrivals into I was actually here in glorious, took off to look around the sunny New Mexico. yon. We walked a few hu But before my very eyes the im- yards from the mess hall an possible happened. Here in this potsherds (broken bits of I land of sunshine and soft desert pottery) lying all over the g zephyrs, it was raining! It must I rushed around wildly picki be a mirage. Could all those travel the sherds. Finally my p folders be wrong? But it was no were so full that I could I mirage, for there was Buffalo Bill, walk. I staggered back to m with his poncho on, waving his gan, unloaded my prizes, an arms wildly and looking more like into the sack. And so ende the Batman than the gay cabal- first day in camp. lero he really was. With some as- -- - -- sistance from the other fellows he N ursesWlAriill Meet unrolled the tarpaulin over the top of the truck, and once more All graduate nurses are ii we headed into the distant hori- to the first meeting of the zon. Arbor District Nurses Assoc NSIDE THE TRUCK everyone! at 8 p.m. tomorrow at C was shouting at each other. Hall. Through the din a low voice be-_ side me leered, "Would you like to borrow my sunglasses?" It was JC, the badger from Wisconsin. "No thank you," I smiled sweetly. "And where are you from?" he leered again. "I'm from MICHIGAN," I replied. "That means we're neigh- bors,"he said and immediately fell asleep on my shoulder. 11 Five hours later, after a rather rugged ride over one of New Mex- ico's improved highways, (gravel loosely sprinkled over bedrock) we rolled into camp. By this time the storm had subsided to the stage of a tropical hurricane. wed ought only Sbut- pota - bunch camp, e can- .ndred id saw, Indian round. ing up ockets hardly y ho- nd fell ed the nvited e Ann ciation ouzensj Ditchdigger's Saga of Westj Continues in Revealing Diary y {,<> , , ' . 'u. t' ,a.\ . Y ± 2 h " C y G < Y ,,' \ r } , J?? ,+, Y ", 0. ?$$7 ', . f, K tBook Exchange To Expropriate Unclaimed Texts Text books left in the offices of the Student book Exchange on the second floor of the League which are still unclaimed by their student owners at the end of the week will automatically become the property of the Exchangc-. The offices will be open fjr bus- iness this week from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. through Fri- day. Students who wish to pur- chase textbooks remaining in the Exchange may do so during the above hours. Students who wish to claim un- -old books should bring their re- ceipts to the Exchange and notice will be given them concerning the whereabouts of the books. If texts have been sold, checks for thy: amount of the sale less ten per cent will be mailed to the former owners. Offices of the Student Book Exchange will close for the re- mainder of the term Friday. As we were the last arrivals everyone else in camp rushed out to greet us. Slightly weary and numb, I fell out of the truck and was picked up by a muscu- lar fellow with curly blond hair and beard. "Howdy," he said, and I replied in my best western drawl, "Ah reckon so, youall." I dragged my assorted equip- ment over to hogan 11 where I was to be housed along with five other womenA hogan is a Navajo house, circular with stone floor and walls and log roof. THE HOGAN was furnished (I use the term loosely) with six bunks, two small tables and a shelf. Chicken wire, substituting for springs, was stretched over the beds. I was lucky enough to have a "mattress" on my bunk, as not everyone was afforded this luxury. I rushed out of the hogan as the dinner gong rang. The mess hall was alive with people fighting for seats at the long tables. I sat down and was practically knocked unconscious as a platter of tomatoes sailed over my head. A number of other dishes and platters flew past be- fore I was able to grab something to eat. Seeing the bread at the far end of the table, I said to the person next to me, "Would you please pass the bread?" Above the din he didn't seem to hear me, so I repeated the question. Getting no answer, I stood on J N) I "MADCAP" $ofsoft Black Suede Registration Open For Fall Rushing Coeds may register for informal rushing from 2 to 5 p.m. today in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Open house teas will be pre- sented from 7 to 9 p.m. Thur-sday. O AtYour Service O COEDS \We'll ,tie you that soft end curl you are looking for if you'll call ROSE OGRADY BEAUTY SHOP 2-4738 1102 Packard = Evening by Appointment 2 DIVISIONS No obgation 1. Photo Contest_ Send picture wearing sweater 2. Essay Contest- Write essay about sweaters. (Illustrated) THE GOBBY -newest, smoothest sweater in years. Duffle-Bag pockets - ribbed gob neckline-- Presto-Torso* Eng- lish Drape draw. string back so you can wear it casual or pulled into new torso shape. 100% wool. All colors. 30 to 40. About $5. 'Reg. App. For. Patent Pending. Yes, they're the oh-so-young-and -short -lookin& wedged flats that have been causing a sensationf since they appeared in Vogue. Black suede, to wear with everything! ""95 J a-so10-1 I ®me We print 'em all No job too large or small. Programs - Tickets Stationery - Announcements ROACH PRINTING 209 E. Washington Ph. 8132 DON'T SAY SWEATERS, SAY S ae ge O en -" MRIT mesammmet ,T k +ar t C9i~ft is #f st~r auv r}wh are. FaoarFr e T $rnbio Fkewi TISH-U-i(#T4. 4372 Broadwcry, NV Y18,.. Ccustuc*~ s3 S . Pai't t.,VW. M'nftsL A- t . V 'V r Lr r r r t r ; r } "(MADE r40HDnR FACE Q VIAR P i t 1 1r i t J y it IJ a r a : /: .F a .i~.> > , 'tm e x COLLEGE REQU I REM ENT LEFT: fur hooded and swing back , . . the coat all college girls are asking for. In red, green and grey with Bombay lamb trimmed hood. Sizes 7 to 13. 129. Fr Trimm.)ed Coats Are Tax Free. u V OW . " St. Y . , .. . l ,.,, ., ,r' f -- I 1