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October 08, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-08

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Fifty-Eighth Year
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell................. Managing Editor
Clyde Recht........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ...............Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ................... Associate Editor
Lida Dailes.....................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus........... ........... Sports Editor
Bob Lent ................. Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.................. Women's Editor
Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal................ Library Director
Business Stafff
Nancy Helmick................. General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider ................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick .................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
Igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
EditoQrials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Needed: Real Reform



Book Exchange
N ABOUT a week, the Student Book Ex-
change will be forced to vacate its quar-
ters. Once more, this brings up the question
of finding a new home for the organization,
simply allowing it to lapse, or of attempting
to create a completely new structure, as has
been suggested by ADA.
The creation of an actual store, an or-
ganized corporation in which the students
could buy stock, has much to commend it.
In such a venture, the problems of pur-
chasing, management, and administration
would provide excellent business experience.
By dealing in new and used textbooks, the
store would more completely cover the stu-
dents' needs, and thus be assured of greater
student patronage. And any measure which
'.tempt to ease the pressure of inflation,
can be assured of an all-out studentr co-
-Pat James.
Intelligent Answer
THE "NEW" nine-nation Communist or-
ganization created by Russia to "destroy
American imperialism" hardly merits the
horrified gasps which it has produced in
the American press.
As it merely draws together already ex-
isting and active groups, the move should
not have been such a surprise. The British,
while dismayed at the world split which it
emphasizes, minimizes the "practical ef-
fects" of the organization. Members of the
United States delegation to UN showed no
concern, and other UN delegates pointed
out that it was a sign of Russian weakness
rather than strength.

the constitution of a permanent U.N. In-
terim Committee or "Little Assembly" is
meeting more resistance than expected, not
only from the Soviet bloc but from countries
usually found in the same camp with the
United States.
The reason is to be found in the nature
of the Assembly as set up at Dumbarton
Oaks and San Francisco and in the use
that certain blocs of smaller countries have
been making of that Assembly.
It has become evident to honest men
everywhere that, as manipulated by the
Soviet Union and its veto power, the U.N.
Security Council is a minority instrument
for blocking the will of the majority.
Less evident is the fact that an Assembly
divided into multiple blocs would be a real
world legislature.
Originally planned as an advisory body,
the Assembly was not appreciably weakened
by such deformities as three votes for the
Soviet Union and the presence of countries
that were, properly speaking, not sovereign
states at all. Still less did it matter that
the captive states of eastern Europe voted
What Awey V0.. .
WALTER LIPPMANN wrote the 14th and
final piece in his celebrated "Cold War"
series this past week. And with the com-
pletion of his studied analysis of America's
foreign policy, its failings and his remedies,
writers everywhere seemed to take the cue
to expound, attack, condone or just plain
talk about foreign policy.
For, Mr. Lippmann's articles seem to open
up a new approach to the problem - one
that seeks to savage the desirable and prac-
ticable avenues of the balance of power
ideal - one, that, in fact, tries to break down
the stigma attached to the expression "bal-
ance of power." His very title, the "Cold
War" gave Americans, too, a new, perhaps
more candid concept of the political, and
economic struggle in which the world's two
great powers find themselves.
Lippmann attacks the American policy of
expedient handling of piecemeal incidents,
which, he feels, cannot erase the basic dif-
ferences between the leviathans of east and
west. The idea of a foreign policy based
on the blunting of Soviet blows, wherever
or whenever they are struck, with the hope
that Russia will eventually see the error
of her ways and reform, is basically un-
realistic in Lippmann's view. He contends
that evacuation of Europe to physically sep-
arate the armies of the U.S. and U.S.S.R.
will achieve a workable balance of power
and allow the smaller nations to function
free of foreign influence.
* * * *
1Mr. Lippmann's home paper, questions
the thesis of the "Cold War" series. An edi-
torial cites the willingness of the Russians
to withdraw from Korea - but not until
the nation had been economically stripped
and politically poisoned. Domination by one
power is thus possible, even if neither oc-
cupies the state, the editorial points out.
(Along these lines a new war of ideologies
between east and west seems to have been
launched with the rebirth of the Commun-
ist International to combat American "Im-
* * * *
P M'S I. F. STONE takes issue with both
the "containment" and views of foreign
policy as argued by "X" in Foreign Affairs
Quarterly and the "recontainment" idea,
professed by Lippmann. Stone cites a need
to get the average American capitalist "to
contain himself, . . . to keep his shirt on."
The trend toward socialism in the world is
irresistible, Stone remarks. "This is the
hand-writing on the 20th century skies. This
is the future. The American capitalist would

be wise to recognize it and contain himself.
This is the 'containment' we need for world
* * * *
has some comments on our current pro-
gram in Germany, comparing it with that
followed after the first World War. "Our
policy in those days was insane," says the
paper. "It amounted to a rat-race of pour-
ing money into the pockets of the Germans
so they could pay it back to us in repara-
tions. This time we have avoided the rep-
arations fallacy. We are taking away a
large part of their heavy industry for a pur-
pose, and feeding their hungry people, also
for a purpose.''
Regarding the raising of the German level
of industry, the Courier-Journal declares
that the plan originally approved was based
on a Germany operated as a unit by the
occupying powers. But, the Russian zone,
"with its heavy food resources, has been run
as strictly a separate corporation." This has
left insufficient food for the rest of Ger-
many, necessitating a revision of the in-
dustry level in the British-American and
French zones, the editorial explains.
sound its clarion call against the dragon

consistently as Moscow indicated, that cer-
tain Latin American countries followed
Uncle Sam or that the Arab states were
frankly for sale to anyone who would prom-
ise to vote against the Palestinian Jews.
Now that there is an American attempt
to tuin the Assembly into a quasi-political
body with a real role in the defense of
Greece, this situation has changed very
The American Government has - appar-
ently for the first time - realized that the
Ukraine is a province of the U.S.S.R. and
therefore ought not properly be elected to
the Security Council.
Other countries have taken notice that
if the Latin American countries are in a
position to saddle the Security Council
with pro-Axis, pro-Franco Argentina, they
obviously cannot be trusted to exert de-
cisive power for the benefit of the world
What can one make of an Assembly where
Latin America with less than one twentieth
of the earth's population enjoys twenty out
of a present voting strength of fifty-seven-
more than one-third?
How take seriously a body where twenty
latin American and nine Moslem countries
with less than one-tenth of the earth's peo-
ple constitute an absolute majority and can,
in theory, take such decisions as they
Here, mind you, is a body whose opin-
ion the United States wishes to be taken
seriously - and where six Arab states can
out-vote all five British dominions!
Where the three hundred million Hindus
of India weigh less than the 3% millions of
Ethiopia and Liberia.
And where - crowning irony! - the six
smallest states - Iceland, Luxembourg, Pan-
ama, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Honduras
with together less than one five-hundredth
of the planet's population, are in a position
to thwart the will of the Big Five - the
U.S.A., the U.S.S.R., the United Kingdom,
France and China which comprise more
than a third of all living human beings
and wield ninety-five per cent of existing
power and influence!
Here is a caricature of democracy not
less offensive to justice and logic than a
veto-ridden Security Council.
It is inconceivable that the larger countries
will entrust any legislative power to such
a body.
This does not mean that the United
States may not secure an Interim Com-
mittee. Such a Committee could act as a
useful night watchman ready to give the
alarm in case of world crisis. Better still,
it could, through a sub-committee, re-
ceive, correlate, analyze and hold hearings
on all available proposals for reforming
the United Nations and making it work
better. But more than that it will hardly
be allowed to undertake unless the one-
state one-vote system is modified.
The lesson of this second Assembly is -
nothing less than real reform will enable
the UN to accomplish its unique task of
keeping the world's peace.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
(eit ted
PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S latest is a sad
little appeal.
He has asked the American people to in-
stitute a voluntary self denial of food pro-
Specifically, he has asked them to eat
no meat on Tuesday, to eat neither eggs
or poultry on Thursday, to save one slice
of bread each day, and to cooperate with
public eating establishments asked to
serve bread and butter only on request.
Such is the pathetic attempt to avoid a
reinstitution of rationing and price controls.

The inevitable outcome is obvious.
The majority of the American people can't
conserve food. Few of them can afford
enough for themselves. Those who can will
probably help the program by eating poul-
try and eggs on Tuesday and meat on Thurs-
day, thereby not violating the President's
appeal. Many will simply pay no attention to
A few far-sighted people ir the country
knew when rationing and price control
were stopped that the action was pre-
mature. Anyone still unconvinced should
visit a grocery store. The result of the in-
itial mistake in lifting controls has been
high food prices and shortages.
The mistake will not be rectified by any
appeal for voluntary food savings. If we
are going to feed Europe, we shall have to
ration ourselves.
If we don't institute rationing again,
then the people of Europe will starve and
prices will remain at a peak here.
The choice, unfortunately, will ultimately
be up to a Congress not notable for timely
or intelligent legislation.
-Eunice Mintz

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Letters to t

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Copr 1447 b United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
-All righfs reserved


EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* * *
Health Service
To the Editor:
The nine MYDA proposals to the
Student Legislature should
provoke considerable discussion.
I'm particularly interested in the
suggestionthatHealth Service
privileges be extended to the wives
and children of married students.
Certainly this should meet with
no objections if a Health Service
fee is paid, similar to the fee now
assesed part-time students. One
of the functions of Health Service
is to relieve the burden of medical
care from student budgets, and
this burden can fall heavily and
frequently upon the married stud-
It will be argued that Health
Service facilities are already over-
taxed. But over-crowding is a
problem common to all campus
facilities and has become a condi-
tion of student life. A partial
solution is feasible.; Why can't
Health Service establish outpat-
ient clinics with a doctor in resi-
dence in all dormitories? Such'
clinics should be able to provide
treatment for common minor
ailments like colds. More serious
cases could be referred to Health
Service proper. Such a set-up
ought to relieve some of the cur-
rent congestion.
William Carter
* * *
Exciting Challenge
To the Editor:
The other night I heard a man,
who might be characterized
as a visionary, express faith in a
program that slashes boldly across
the political segments of a world
places the burden of the times
squarely in the lap of all people;
Mr. Usborne of a WorldtFederalist
Movement. The objectives were
to center in the creation of a
world government that is to be
more than a hollow shell. He
sought for an expression of the
people, and he spoke rather con-
fidently of a Constitutional Con-
vention in Geneva, 1950.
Mr. Usborne recognizes the re-
ality of asgovernment that can
provide justice and peace in a
world where so little of it is evi-
dent. He realizes that the consent
of the world must constitute and
ratify such a structure. His pro-
posal is for delegates of the people
to assemble in Geneva, in the fall
of 1950, and to formulate a world
charter. The basis for representa-
tion is to be one member for every
one million of population. When
the draft is made and accepted Ly
the peoples' representatives, and
the fundamental forms of govern-
ment have been agreed upon, the
charter will be presented to all
nations for final ratification. Be-
hind the nations will exist the
force of a previously committed
popular opinion. Authority and
sovereighty will have been exer-
cised by the people. Support of
the charter is guaranteed. When
50 per cent of the world population
succeeds in the ratification the
mechanism of world government
is to be instituted.
. The new government will trans-
cend nations and possess th
elements of a forceful executive,
a peoples' legislature and a world
judicial body. Its actions will be
laws, enforceable by power, and

he ditor...

judged unbiasedly, based upon the
fundamental concepts expressed
by a world will of the people.
It will bind nations into a world
brotherhood where hate, economic
conflict, and national insecurity,
are no longer things to be taken
for granted.
I cannot accept Mr. Usborne's
proposal as optimistic. Our faith
in human nature and reason is
too great to suppose that the
people of the world will neglect
such a challenge. It proposes a
path through chaos. A charted
course often neglects to forecast
the storm, but it is a challenge far
more exciting than the broken
and battered alternatives that
face us today.
William J. Morriss
HYDA Explains
To the Editor:
S INCE many people have been
making queries about the plan
which MYDA has submitted to
the Student Legislature, I have
decided to explain our proposals.
Here, in brief, are the 9 points
of the MYDA plan:
1) Save the Book Exchange.
Let the members of the League
vote on whether they want the
Book Exchange or the new facil-
2) Improve eating facilities.
The Legislature should request
the Administration to open up
cafeterias in the new Adminis--
tration and Business Administra-
tion buildings, and should set up
a committee to study other means
of improving eating conditions.
3) Organize a food-buying co-
op. The Legislature should use
some of its funds to buy canned
goods at wholesale prices to re-
sell to students at cost. The whole
set-up should be organized on a
cooperative basis.
4) Organize a rent-control
drive. Rent controls go off in
March. Unless the Legislature
does something to convince the
Ann Arbor City Council to pass
a rent control ordinance, thou-
sands of students will be left
without any protection against ex-
orbitant rents.
5) Investigate the working con-
ditions of students. Let the Leg-
islature appoint a committee to
investigate the 'wages, hours and
working conditions of students,
and recommend ways to improve
6) More efficient distribution of
sports tickets. MYDA has offer-
ed its services to the Student Leg-
islature to help devise a scheme
whereby the long lines can be
7) Extend health service privi-
dleges to wives and children of
8) Investigate and fight discrim
ination. The Legislature should
appoint a committee to investi-
gate and combat all forms of dis-
crimination both on and off cam-
9) Adopt the NSA Constitution
and Bill of Rights. The Legisla-
ture should adopt the constitution
t and bill of rights of the newly-
formed National Students' Associ-
ation. These documents give to
the students on the campus the
same basic rights our national
Constitution gives , to citizens
If anyone is interested in learn-
ing more about the MYDA Plan,
please write or phone me. My ad-
dress is 530 Hill St. My phone
number is 2-8176.
-Edward H. Shaffer, Chairman
Michigan Youth for Democratic


(Continued from Page 3)
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads, and Others Responsible for
Payrolls for the Fall Semester
are ready for approval. Please call
in Room 9, University Hall before
October 15. Prompt action willj
help the Payroll Department com-
plete their rolls for October.
The School of Education Test-
ing Program: Thurs., Oct. 16,
Rackham Bldg., 4:30-6:15 p.m.j
and 7:45-10 p.m. This testing pro-
gram is intended for all teacher's
certificate candidates.
Graduate Students expecting
degrees in February, 1948, must
have their diploma applications
in the Graduate School Office no
later than October 11.
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, Schools of Edu-
cation, Forestry, Music and
Public Health.
Students who received marks
of I, X or "no report" at the close
of their last semester or summer
session of attendance will receive
a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made
up by October 22. Students wish-
ing an extension of time beyond
this date in order to make up this
work should file a petition ad-
dressed to the appropriate offi-
cial in their school with Room 4
U.H. where it will be transmitted.
All Students, Graduate and Un-
dergraduate, are notified of the
following revised regulations
adopted by the Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct:
The presence of women guests
in men's residences, except for
exchange and guest dinners or for
social events approved by the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, is not per-
mitted, (This regulation obvious-
ly does not apply to mothers of
members), effective February,
Exchange and guest dinners
must be announced to the Office
of Student Affairs at least one day
in advance of the scheduled date,
and are approved, chaperoned or
unchaperoned, provided that they
are confined to the hours 5:30
p.m. to 8 p.m. for week day din-
ners, and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for Sun-
day dinners. Exchange dinners
are defined as meals in men's resi-
dences or women's residences at-
tended by representative groups
of members of approved organi-]
zations of the other sex; guest
dinners are defined as meals in
men's residences and women's
residences attended by guests of
the other sex who may or may not
belong to University organiza-
The use or presence of intoxi-
cating liquors in student quarters
has a tendency to impair student
morale, and is contrary to the
best interests of the students and
of the University and is not per-
itted. Effective July, 1947.

Approved social events for the
coming week-end:
October 10: Chinese Students
Club; University Women Veter-
ans Association; Wesleyan Guild.
October 11: Alpha Chi Sigma;
Alpha Delta Pi; Alpha Delta Phi;
Alpha Kappa Kappa; Alpha Sig-
ma Phi; Alpha Rho Chi; Alpha
Tau Omega; Beta Theta Pi; Chi;
Phi; Chi Psi; Congregational Dis-
ciples Guild; Delta Gamma; Del-
ta Kappa Epsilon; Delta Sigma
Delta; Delta Tau Delta; Kappa
Lambda Chi Alpha; Nu Sigma
Nu; Phi Alpha Kappa; Phi Chi;
Phi Delta Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi;
Phi Delta Theta ; Phi Gamma
Delta; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Kappa
Tau; Phi Rho Sigmta; Phi Sigma
Delta; Phi Sigma Kappa; Psi Up-
silon; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Sig-
ma Phi; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Sig-
ma Nu; Theta Chi; Theta Delta
Chi; Theta Xi;. Zeta Beta Tau;
Zeta Psi.
October 12: League House.
University Community Center:
Willow Run Village.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 8:00 p.m.-
The New Art Group. Beginners
and advanced students invited.
University Lecture. Mr. Colin
Clark, Director of the Bureau 'of
Industry, government statistician,
and financial adviser, State of
Queensland, Australia, will lecture
on the subject, "Wealthy and Poor
Nations," at 4:15 p.m., rues., Oct.
14; auspices of the Department of
Economics and the School of Busi-
ness Administration. The public
is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. David G.
Ryans, associate director of
American Council on Education,
will lecture on the subject,
"Trends in the Selection of Pro-
fessional Personnel," at 4:15 p.m.,
Tues., Oct. 21, Rackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Bureau
of Psychological Services and the
School of Education. The public
is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
History Language Examination
for the M.A. degree: Fri., Oct. 10,
4 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. Each
student is responsible for his own
dictionary. Please register at the
history office before taking the
History Final Examination make-
up: Sat., Oct. 11, 9 a.m., Rm. B,
Haven Hall. Students must come
with written permission of instruc-
Seminar in Differential Geome-
try in the Large: Thurs., Oct. 9,
4:15 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Prof.
Hans Samelson will speak or
Classical Differential Geometr3
of Surfaces.


But the American press is frightened and
belligerent. Undoubtedly, the attitude re-
sults both from our remarkably defensive
attitude toward Communism, and our feel-
ing that we have failed in creating strong
governments in our adopted European satel-
The danger we face now does not arise
from an international Communist union, or
political warfare with Russia. Rather it
stems from the hidden feeling of these fear-
ful editorial writers that we cannot beat
Communism, and that we have not pro-
vided safeguards against it in Europe.
What else explains the frantic purgings
and investigations and deportations here,
than this hidden fear that we are not strong
enough to meet Communism by traditional
American means, and instead must defeat it
by totalitarian methods.
Underneath these writers know that we
have failed to give real support to the Euro-
pean countries, which would have assured
strong liberal governments able to engage
successfully in political warfare.
It is futile now to rage against the blund-
ers that have been made, nor will we know,
for some time, just what maneuvers went
into the creation of the tottering govern-
ments of Italy and France. This misused
money, the shortsighted choices, are now,
we hope, in the past.
From the beginning, our policy has been
to create anti-Communist governments;
governments, in addition, which were not
too socialistically inclined. We should have
realized that strong liberal governments,


8, 2:30 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Dr.
Kenneth Leisenring will discuss
"The Neglected Metric Dual of
Freshman Health Lectures for
It is a University requirement
that all entering freshmen take d
series of Health Lectures and
pass an examination on the con-
tent of these lectures. Transfer
students with freshman standing
are also required to take the
course unless they have had a
similar course elsewhere, which
has been accredited here.
Upperclassmen who were here
as freshmen and w'ho did not ful-
fill the requirements are requested
to do so this term.
The lectures will be given in the
Natural Science Auditorium at
4 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m.
as per the following schedule:
Lecture 3-Wed., Oct. 8
Lecture 4-Thurs., Oct. 9
Lecture 5-Mon., Oct. 13
Lecture 6-Tues., Oct. 14
Lecture 7 (Final Exam.)-Wed.,
Oct. 15.
Please note that attendance is
required and roll will be taken.
Enrollment will be held at the
first lecture.

Biological Chemistry Seminar:.
4 p.m., Rm. 319, W. Medical Bldg.,
Fri., Oct. 10.
Subject: "Glucuronic Acids and
Glucuronidase." All interested are
Math 347, Applied Mathematics
Seminar: Wed., Oct. 7, 3 p.m. Dr.
C. L. Dolph will speak on the theo-
ry of hyperbolic differential equa-
tions in three independent varia-
bles in connection with problems
in fluid flow.
Painting and Drawing: A six-
teen week non-credit extension
class in painting and drawing will
be offered by Mr. Wilt of the Col-
lege of Architecture on Wednes-
day evenings beginning October 8,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 415, College of
Architecture. Fee $15.
Special Russian Reading Course:
Beginning section meets Wednes-
day at 8 p.m., Rm. 1018, Angell
Hall and the Advanced class meets
Thursdays at 7 p.m., Rm. 1018,
Angell Hall. Mr. Pargment is the
instructor. Fee $15, non-credit
Choral Union Concert. Karin
Branzell, contralto, assisted by
Donald Comrie, pianist, will give
the following program in the

Geometry Seminar:

Wed., Oct.I




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