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October 09, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-09

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man, is "a
death sentenc
Marshal Keite
emberg. There
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a simple, hone
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Moral Immunity for the Military
SAMUEL GRAFTON Ta supernatural authority and law to which they
ISENHOWER, good and honest must, on occasion, yield, e en at the risk of
defying national directives; and Nuremberg in-
little astonished," he says, at the vites officers to make these principles a part of
e handed out to German Field their moral codes. We must not be too short
1 by the Allied Tribunal in Nur- with military men who are bothered by Nurem-
is something almost charming in berg, and who see in it the seeds of a kind of
hower's astonishment; it is such disorder; their mixed emotions are understand-
st reflex, coming straight out of able, though there may also be in this distur-
at in the military tradition. The bance of the settled scheme the roots of a great-
ieral of the Army is startled that er order for time to come.
t so easy to convict a military It is unfortunate that no military figure at
Is: "I thought the military would. Nuremberg was convicted solely on the charge
ial problem for the tribunal," and of planning aggressive war; that would have
s are reflected centuries of tra- kept the picture clearer. Actual atrocities were
have held military men to be in- involved in the cases of both Keitel and Jodl,
al or legal guilt so long as they though in both verdicts the Tribunal made much
ly to the sometimes two-dimen- of conspiracy and aggression. And here we
f obedience. come to a curious point.
e two most imnportant verdicts The one important defendant at Nurem-
at Nuremberg may have been berg who might conceivably have been found
the two former German chiefs
el and Jodi. Both men will be guilty of helping an aggressive conspiracy was
iese verdicts really flutter the Schacht, but Schacht was found innocent.
-s ted orldsverly fotr theSchacht was a banker; and Nuremberg, there-
coats the world over, for they fore, has failed to establish the principle that
g to top officers that obedience business people, bankers, industrialists, etc.,
f state is no longer enough, that
= area of free will, so to speak, can be held as accountable as military figures
iaea ofy free will, sonto speak, for moral misjudgments. Perhaps it is a sign
ofibrincbyuherngmoal aneven that ours is primarily a business culture,
aonsibility by helping to plan an rather than a military culture, that our pros-
. Agthe es deal of simplicity ecution of Nazis has not yet set up the doc-
the ethics of military life with trine that a manufacturer who helps in a
conspiracy against the peace can be punished
the problem is not entirely new; therefore; we seem rather less hesitant about
nmas have cropped up -in military putting moral burdens on the military than
)re. When United States air forces on trade.
during the war, Catholic airmen Yet it does seem a moral oddity that we now
d to serve on the operation, ex- declare that a military officer, though sworn to
~ers, because of the danger of de- obedience, must, on occasion, disobey, while we
he Vatican; a wise and humane leave industrialists, who are under no oaths,
. a democratic army, of the val free not to think or judge at all. Have we
and religious ideas. Something merely switched the old rule: "Theirs not to
roblem must have faced General reason why," from the army to business? The
certainly made a moral decision, oddity will become a glaring one if it is not
a entirely legalistic one, when he squared and straightened out by future prose-
in the official French surrender, cutions.
he path taken by superior officers. (copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)
remberg verdicts enlarge this arear
rmination; Nuremberg definitely Is harLaw?
fficers everywhere that there is
A VERY IMPORTANT case is now before the
3ITO+R: MARY RUTH LEVY California State Supreme Court. Eight white
property owners are bringing suit against forty-
one prominent Negroes, including Academy
blished in The Michigan Daily Award winner Hattie McDaniel and blues singer
ty members of The Daily staff Ethel Waters, in an attempt to enforce racial
the views of the writers only. restrictions in West Adams Height, once the
home of the highest of Los Angeles society.
VIAN: In a commendable decison handed down
by a lower court last December 7, the judge
d " upheld the right of the Negroes to live in the
,anuu ates district and declared the racial restrictions
to be illegal.
y HAROLD L. ICKES In their fight to keep their homes, the Ne-
CALIFORNIA have become ac- groes are now citing the United Nations Charter
o non-partisan campaigns. Con- which protects all people from racial discrimi-
is circumstance is the law per- nation. Their lawyers are arguing that since
ates to file for the nominations the charter is a treaty, it has the effect of law.
principal parties. Consequently, The final decision of the California court
r elections last summer, Governor will be felt in all states. For example, in Michi-
t and won both the Democratic gan race restrictions are unconstitutional in re-
lican nominations for reelection. gard to the sale of property, but the state con-
Lship is a healthy condition and stitution is "gotten around" at the present time
ng that it is being carried over by having race restricted occupancy clauses in
n campaign. This is not a year the leases. In other words a Negro may buy
of either party to link arms and property anywhere in Michigan but in certain
with D'Artagnan and his fellow districts he cannot occupy the very house or
l for one and one for all," thereby build on the very property he buys.
oor for too many incompetents This "getting around" the law by means of
iders. occupancy clauses was exactly what was hap-
pening in California until the lower court judge
when sham leaders and political called a spade a spade and said that occupancy
carelessly bandy the expressions restrictions were in effect property restrictions.
and "public servant" it behooves r
hoose only those candidates who, Let us hope that the California Supreme
of their records or platforms, con- Court will uphold the lower court's decision
ey will support progressive legis- and that other states will follow suit. The doc-
trine that only white people are allowed to
live in a certain district sounds too much like
S have such an opportunity to the racial superiority theories advanced so
80th Congress a greater number recently by Herren Hitler and Goebbels.
n who can, on the basis of their -Walt Hoffman
House of Representatives, prove

a liberal political philosophy.
Qngressmen can boast so enviable Opportunity for Writers
d as can Helen Gahagan Douglas
:ratic colleagues, Outland, Voorhis ALE UNIVERSITY has again put first foot
hough Mr. Voorhis would be more forward in a new venture among the col-
could lose more of his naivete. leges of the country.
public duty persuaded them to A group of students there have joined forces
he tricky and insidious Tidelands to publish a quarterly Yale Political Journal,
designed to grab for the oil in- expressing student opinion on economics, poli-
bearing submerged coastal prop- tics and history. This publication has made an
ig to the people of the United appeal for contributions from students of uni-
iave also fought for cheap public versities all over the country.
e interests of the people in the The editors of this new magazine feel that,
Valley Project. A careful perusal while there are sufficient literary and humor
on other important legislation magazines in colleges today, there is no true
t session of the Congress reveals outlet for the student of political opinion. The
tion to the public welfare. Con- Yale group will continue to publish the journal
Congresswomen of their stature as long as sufficient interest in shown.
Washington. Articles dealing with any phase of politics,
ial race in California finds Repub- economics or history, of any length, and ex-
F. Knowland defending his seat pressing any shade of opinion, will be ac-
2ogers, Jr., a former member of cepted and considered by the editors of the
h a good record. Senator Know- journal.
proved to be an altogether satis- The students on this campus have "Insight,"
ement for the late Hiram W. which partially covers the field of the Yale
unexpired term he was appointed Journal, but here is a further-opportunity for
sequious support of the oil com- student writers to publish their articles and
tidelands issue, his constant echo- reach a wider range of readers than would
dious propaganda of the National otherwise be possible.

ZtterJto the ditor
The - Ticket Question...
To the Editor:
WITH RESPECT to expressions of opinion and
criticism of plans that may appear in your
columns, I feel that I should not indulge in
comment. As to the plan on the basis of which
football 'tickets have been distributed, it will
suffice for me to say that it is my function
merely to carry out the directions of the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. That
Board, I happen to know, is proceeding accord-
ing to a plan recommended after considerable
study by a student committee in the years just
before the war.
When, however, assertions of purported facts
are given space in your columns, and those as-
sertions are untrue, I feel that is not only my
privilege but my duty to make the necessary
These observations are prompted by the com-
munication purporting to be signed by one Anita
Shubble, appearing in your issue of Sunday,
October 6th. This communication is, in a way,
more important than almost any other that you
have published, because it purports to be a state-
ment of facts by an employee in our ticket of-
fice. Your correspondent states: "Having worked
in the Auxiliary Ticket Office at the I. M. Build-
ing for the last month, I am qualified to re-
port accurately for actual ticket sale polidies
that led up to the present unfair situation."
It should be noted in the first instance that
there is no such thing as an Auxiliary Ticket
Office in the . M. Building or any other build-
ing, and Mr. Riskey, who is in charge of the
Intramural Sports Building and the office
there, tells me that there is no employee there
by the name of Anita Shubble, and that there
never has been an employee there by that
While that should be enough to discredit
completely the succeeding statements in the
letter, may I go on to deny categorically the
truthfulness of each and every one of the six
succeeding statements made in the communi-
cation. I have never heard of any tickets sold
to any Rotarian group; the Ann Arbor High
Athletic Department has not been complimented
with hundreds of seats in section 24 or else-
where; no tickets, much less any "flood" of them,
has ever been made available to "prominent
Republicans" either at "republican prices" or at
any other prices; the WWJ Sports Department
receives no more privileges. to purchase tickets
than those accorded to any other radio station
or newspaper; there were more than 128 seats
for students in section 24.
The fifth charge had to do with complimen-
taries donated to the Detroit Veterans' Hospital
It is true that the Board has arranged for a
limited number of complimentary admissions to
wounded veterans to certain games. At no time,
however, has the number been significant, and
their seats were not in Section 24.
Just one more word. Your personal attention
was called to the fact yesterday afternoon that
there was no employe in any ticket office or
elsewhere by the name of Shubble. I am more
than a little surprised that you should have
contented yourself with the bare statement pub-
lished in The Daily this morning that I made
denial of the charges. Would not a little more
honesty have suggested a statement that at least
that part of the communication was known to
be false?
Very truly yours,
Andrew S. Baker,


Willow Village AVC chapter will
meet at 7:30 p.m., Wed., at West
Lodge. There will be nominations for
chapter officers and a discussion of
the bonus referendum. All veterans
living at Willow Village are urged to
The Deutscher Verein, German
Club of the University, will hold its
first fall meeting tonight at 7:30
Wed., in Rm. 319 of the Michigan
Union. German music and games,
and refreshments will feature the
meeting. All German students and
those interested in the language are
Student Religious Association:
Association Singing Group will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Lane Hall.
Recreation Workshop will meet to-
night at 8:45 under the direction of
Mr. Craig.
Seminar on the Sociology of Re-
ligion will meet at Lane Hall today at
4:30. Mr. Littell will preside.



"I got a conscience. I can't make just ANYBODY th' people's choice."

(Continued from Page 2)
Civil Service Commission of Michigan
that examination for appointments
for Bos Supervisors will be given on
Nov. 23. Applications for these ex-
aminatins will be accepted no later
than Oct. 23. Anyone interested may
receive further information by calling
at the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201 Mason
The City Service Commission of
Baltimore, Maryland, announce an
open competitive examination for the
position of Supervisor of Nature Ac-
tivities and Gardening, Department
of Recreation. The applications will
be received anytime before the close
of business on Oct. 10. Anyone inter-
ested may receive further informa-
tion by calling at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall.
West Court Community Bldg.,. 1045
Midway Blvd., Willow Run Village.
Oct. 9, Wed., 1-5 p.m., Voters' Reg-
istration; 6-8 p.m., Voters' Registra-
tion; 8 p.m., Goodyear's STYLE
SHOW sponsored by the Wives of
Student Veterans Club.
Oct. 10, Thurs., 1-5 p.m., Voters'
Registration; 6-8 p.m., Voters Regis-
tration; 8:00 p.m., First meeting, Ex-
tension Class in Elementary Spanish,
Rm. 4. Instructor, Mr. Donald Mac-
Queen. 8:00 p.m., Sewing Club, Rm.
7; 8:00 p.m., Amateur Dramatics or-
ganization meeting, Rm. 2.
Oct. 11, Fri., 1-5 p.m., Voters' Reg-
istration; 6-8 p.m., Voters' Registra-
tion; 8:00 p.m., Classical Recordings,
Rm. 2, Mr. Weldon Wilson, Commen-
Dr. P. C. Hu, a graduate of the Uni-
versity of Michigan and research en-
gineer with the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics (NACA),
will lecture and show slides on several
phases of the structural investiga-
tions as conducted by the NACA
Wed. afternoon at 4:00 p.m. in Rm.
311 W. Eng. All persons interested
in this kind of work are invited. It
should be of special interest for grad-
uate students in Aero. Eng., Civil
Eng., Mechanics.
Academic Notices
Library Tour for Graduate Students:
On Thursday and Friday, Oct. 10
and 11, graduate students of the Uni-
versity will be taken on a trip through
the General Library by members of
the staff. The tour will start at 4:00
p.m. on both days in Rm. 110, first
floor of the Library near the West
The preliminary doctoral examina-
tion in chemistry wil be held at the
following times: Analytical Chemis-
try, Oct. 25; Organic Chemistry, Oct.
29; Physical Chemistry, Nov. 1.
Anyone wishing to take one or
more of these examinations should
consult with a member of the Gradu-
ate Committee in Chemistry.
The Concentration examination in
mathematics will be given in Rm.
3011 Angell Hall at 4:00 p.m. on
Tues., Oct. 15. Special arrangements,

General Manager, Board
Intercollegiate Athletics.
Majority Rules

in Control of

where necessary, may be made by'
seeing Prof. Fischer, 3016 Angell Hall'
prior to the above date.
Debators: Important meeting to-
night at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 225 Angell
English 87, section 2 will not meet
M. Greenhut
German Departmental Library
Hours, Fall Term 1946-47: 1:30-4:30
p.m. Monday through Friday. 8:00-
12:00 a.m. Saturday, 204 University
German 93, Intermediate Composi-
tion, henceforth will meet Tues. and
Thurs., in Rm. 202 South Wing in-
stead of 407 Library.
Walter A. Reichart
Mathematics 247, Seminar in Ap-
plied Mathmetics: First meeting will
be held today at 3:00 p.m. in 317 W.
Eng. The program for the year will
be discussed. Professor Churchill will
report briefly on recent developments'
in the American Mathematical So-
ciety concerning applied mathe-
Special Functions Seminar: First
meeting-today at 10 a.m. in Rm. 340
W. E. Discussion of program. Rain-
ville will talk on Hypergeometric
Topology Seminar: Organizational'
meeting of Topology Seminar,
Thurs., Oct. 10 at 4:00 p.m. in 3201
Anyone unable to come at that time,
please leave your name with Miss
Kelly, Mathematics Depart. Secre-
tary, 3012 Angell Hall.
Cioral Union Concert. James Mel-
ton, tenor, assisted by Peter Hansen,
pianist, will inaugurate the Sixty-
eighth annual Choral Union Concert
Series, Thurs., Oct. 10, at 8:30 in Hill
Auditorium. Program: numbers by
Handel, Donizetti, Brahms, Grieg,
Hageman, Delibes, Liszt, Chopin,
Faure and Theodore Chanler.
Concert-goers are respectfully re-
quested to detach coupon No. 1 be-
fore leaving home, and present it for
admission, instead of the whole ser-
ies ticket. Also, to come sufficiently
early as to be seated on time, since
doors will be closed 'during numbers.
A limited number of standing room
tickets will be on sale beginning Wed-
nesday morning.
Events Today
Flying Club. Meeting for all mem-
bers of the University of Michigan
Flying Club tonight at 7:30 in Rm.
1042, E. Eng. Bldg. A flight organiza-
tion for students will be discussed.
Members unable to attend may call
Bob Goslow at 2-4401, 325 Wenley, to
excuse absence.
The A.LE.E. will hold its first meet-
ing of the semester tonight at 7:30
in Rm. 348 W. Eng. A sound, color
film, "Michigan oan the March," de-
picting U. of M's gearing to war will
be shown. In addition, plans will be
discussed and committees formed. All
Electrical Engineering students are
Bowlers: The Michigan Union is
reorganizing its Campus Independent
League. League will bowl Wednesday
evenings (and afternoons if neces-
sary. All men interested please at-

Bridge: The International Centers
announces Bridge Night tonight at
7:30 in the International Center.
Bridge Night will continue every
Wednesday evening until further no-
Assembly Recognition Night Deco-
rations Committee will meet today at
3:00 p.m. in the Game Room in the
League. Members and others inter-
ested in joining are asked to bring
eligibility cards.
Roger Williams (Baptist) Guild
will hold their regular Mid-Week
Chat today at 4:30, 502 E. Huron.
Guests of honor will be Miss Lucile
Lawrence, who is Social Director of
Couzens Hall, and also all the Nurses
who are Guild members. Refresh-
ments are served and everyone is wel-
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Mu-
sic Committee will meet today at 5:00
at Hillel Foundation. Those who Are
interested in working on this commit-
tee are urged to attend.
Methodist students and friends will
meet for their regular Wednesday
afternoon refresher at 4:00 today in
the Wesley Foundation. Supper at 6
o'clock. Those who wish to attend,
please call the student office at the
::hurch before noon today. The first
session of the weekly cell group
meetings will convene at 7:00. The
cell groups will be study and interest
groups centered on the following
themes: bible study, dramatics,
music, Christian action, political ac-
tion, social action, and prayer.
Coming Events
The Art Cinema League presents
"PROUD VALLEY," a fine British
drama based on the mining valleys of
Wales starring singing Paul Robeson
and a large cast. Thurs., Fri., Sat.,
8:30 p.m Box office opens 2:00 p.m.
daily.- Reservations phone 6300. Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon (Profes-
sional geological fraternity) is hold-
ing a meeting at 2:00 p.m. Thursday,
Oct. 10, in Rm. 4065 of the Natural
Science Bldg., to discuss policy and
activities for the coming year.
A.I.Ch.E. Meeting: First fall meet-
ing of U. of M. Chapter, American
Institute of Engineers. Announce-
ment of future plant trips, scholar-
ships, prizes, and Chemical Engi-
neering Open House. Refreshments.
Thursday evening, 7:30 p.m., Rm.
348 W. Eng.
The Geology Journal Club will
meet in Rm. 3055, Natural Science
Bldg., at 12:00 noon, Fri., Oct. 11. Mr.
Earl Noble, president of the-American
Association of Petroleum Geologists,
will be guest of honor. Tea will be
served. Please bring sandwiches.
Sphinx, junior men's honorary so-
ciety will hold its first meeting of
the year at 7:00 p.m. Sun., Oct. 13,
in the lobby of the Union. All mem-
bers will please attend.
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Inter-Faith committee will meet Fri.,
Oct. 11, at 4:00 p.m. at the Founda-
tion. All interested students are in-
vited to attend.





To the Editor:
1 O THE GIRLS that criticized Mr. Cassell's
"Peachy" feature, I might say that they
apparently didn't get the opposite sex's point
of view. As there are 13,000 males and only
4,900 females on campus, I would say that
any article or picture of female pulchritude
would be highly appreciated by the majority
of the students. Or does the majority count?
I was interested in the feature for it seemed
to me to bear out the fact that the fifth one
doesn't always come to Michigan.
-Bill Courtright
Walsh AnusversCharge
KENNETH J. O'MORROW has taken exception
to a statement I made in a Veterans Notes
column recently. The column stated that "vet-
erans in school are charged out-state rates for
tuition" while they are in school regardless of
their homes.
"Should the tuition and supply expense of
any in-state veteran amount to more than the
allotted maximum, however, the law provides
that his tuition shall be 'reduced to normal rates
charged other in-state students, or at least a
sufficient amount to bring his expenses within
the quota.
The fact that the University of Michigan
follows this procedure which is required by law
has been substantiated by Mr. Jory, the Uni-
versity cashier.
-Tom Walsh


Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey................City Editor
Mary Brush.............Associate Editor
Ann Kuts..............Associate Editor
Paui Harsha...............Associate Editor
Clark Baker..................Sports Editor
Joan Wilk............... Women's Editor
Lynne Ford...Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager
Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork....Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of dTh,.- 4 ;cA'11 d prose

Manufacturers, and his perpetual
tap the Federal treasury do not
,tinuation in a post where further
er hand, few liberal voices have
h more clarity and understanding
and political needs of the country
1 Rogers, Jr. He is of the same

-Phyllis L. Kaye



In other words, McSnoyd, you wish to
stress the value of enunciation and
pronunciation to the child? In the

Hmm. Extremely provocative-Thank you
for expressing your views on education
so succinctly-We shall speak of this

At Gus'.. . He's been gracious enough
to place his chambers at our disposal.


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