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October 09, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-09

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Lie States
Right To



Baruch Upholds
U.S. Atom Stand
(NEW YORK, Oct. 8-('P)-Trygve
Lie, United Nations Secretary-Gen-
eral tonight asserted for the first
time his right to intervene in the
United Nations deliberations on
atomic energy centrol as Bernard M.
Baruch stoutly upheld the United
States plan for harnessing the atom
for peace.
/ Lie, speaking shortly before Baruch
received the Freedom House Plague
for his work on the U.N. Atomic
Energy Commission, said it is "not
my duty at least at the time being to
take sides" in the debate over the
American plan for atomic control.
Right Granted
Speaking to newsmen after the
dinner meeting, Lie said he merely
was referring to the right granted in
the U.N. Charter for the secretary-
general to intervene in such a mat-
ter. He made it plain, however, that
he had no intention of intervening
at present. But it was noted that this
was the first time he had so spoken.
Baruch in at broadcast address
called the American plan for con-
trolling atomic energy "generous and
just" and indirectly lashed at Henry
A. Wallace for persisting in what
Baruch called "errors as to facts."
Truman Blessing
The American delegate to the
Atomic Commission emphasized that
his atomic proposals have the full
blessing of President Truman, Sec-
retary of State James F. Byrnes and
"certain senatorial advisers."
"And," he added, to the applause
of the meeting, "no amount of delib-
erately created confusion shall pre-
vail against it."
UN Committee
Proposes Study
Of Atom Uses
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Oct. 8-(P)
-The political committee of the
United Nations atomic energy com-
mission today agreed unanimously to
institute a detailed study of safe-
guards necessary to restrict the use
of atomic energy to peaceful pur-
The resolution, put forward by Gen.
A. G. L. McNaughton of Canada, pro-
vides for a thorough examination of
three possible kinds of misuse-diver-
sion of materials, clandestine opera-
tions and seizures of materials or fa-
The far-reaching plan calls for a
complete checkup at every stage of
production from the mines on up,
and was viewed by delegates general-
ly as a major step ahead in the long-
delayed discussions of world control.
At the same time John M. Hancock
of the United States delegation said
that his group would "open wide" the
whole problem of controls within a
week, with the offering of a 50-page
memorandum to the committee.
Hancock, while refusing to discuss
the substance of the paper, said that
it would clarify a series of questions.
U.S. To Probe
Soviet Charge
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8-(P)-The
State Department pressed an inquiry
tonight into a charge by Soviet Am-
bassador Nikolai Novikov that U.S.
customs inspectors violated diplo-
matic courtesy by trying to make him
swear he had nothing illegal in his
The charge grew out of an incident
that occurred when Novikov arrived
at LaGuardia Airport in New York
Friday from the Paris Peace Confer-

Harry M. Durning, Collector of the
Port of New York, said Navikov "was
not discourteously treated nor un-
duly delayed."
Undersecretary of State Dean
Acheson, acknowledging at this news
conference receipt of a note from the
Soviet Embassy, said that details of
the incident thus far are confused,
but declared that a full investigation
is under way. He declined to disclose
the contents of the note immediately

Football Tickets Asked
For Hospitalized Vets
The editors of The Daily appeal to students, faculty members and
alumni to turn in any extra tickets for the Army-Michigan football game.
The tickets will be given to World War II conva1escents at Percy
Jones General Hospital, Battle Creek.
Patients at Percy Jones, all wounded veterans, have been allotted
tickets to every Michigan home game except the Army game.
Major Charles E. Gilbert, special service officer at the hospital has
reported, 'A great number of our men here are extremely anxious to see
the Army in action against Michigan." -
For men who have seen mostly white hospital walls since returning
to the Ui-ited States, a chance to see this game is a big event.
While student tickets are non-transferable, it is hoped that an ex-
ception will be made for this game.
All available tickets can be turned in to the Senior Editorial Office of'
The MichiganDaily.



300 Cadets
To Cheer At
Army Game

For West

Is Planned
Point Guests




A cheering section of 300 West
Point Cadets and the 70-mnan Aca-
demy Band will invade Ann Arbor
Saturday to root for the Army eleven
in its clash with the Wolverine squad.
A full day's program has been
scheduled for the cadets, enlisted
men and ten officers who will accom-
pan them. Upon their arrival in a
special train due at 10:45 a.m. at the
Michigan Central Station, the group
will be welcomed, according to ten-
tative plans, by Ray Davis, president
of the Student Legislature, and
other student leaders. The men will
be granted guest privileges at the
East and West Quadrangles and will
then be put on liberty until 1 p.m.
Meals at East, West Quads
The cadets will have lunch and
supper at the West Quad and the
band will dine at East Quad. Both
groups will enter the stadium at 1:10
for a pre-game exhibition of band
talents and precision marching.
The Michigan Marching Band will
perform at half time, presenting a
tribute to former Athletic Director
Fielding Yost. The Academy Band
will join the Michigan Band for the
national anthem.
Army Assigns Seats
Specific seating arrangements for
the West Point guests have not been
forwarded here, but they will occupy
part of sections 1 and 44, which have
been assigned to Army.
Following the game, the men will
be on liberty until midnight, when
their train will set out for the Aca-
demy. All sororities have announced
that they will hold open-house be-
tween 4:30 and 6 p.m. and that ca-
dets and band members will be wel-
come. Several women's dormitories
will also hold afternoon open-house
and Mosher Hall will receive guests
from 7:30 to 9 p.m.
Fraternity Invitation
Harry Jackson, president of Inter-
Fraternity Council, has invited the
Army men to attend any fraternity
dances which will be held Saturday.
The Union has announced that mem-
bership privileges will be extended to
men who wish to buy tickets to its
Saturday night dance, and they will
also be able to purchase tickets to the
Further arrangements will be made
for the cadets and band members
when West Point officials confer here
with Dean- Walter Rea tomorrow or
F.C.C. A uthorizes
Anu Arbor Station
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8-(P)--The
Federal Communications Commission
Tuesday authorized a new standard
radio station at Ann Arbor, Mich. It
will be operated by James F. Hopkins,
Inc., on 1600 kilocycles, one kilowatt
power and unlimited time.

Vaughn Cites
Testing Needs
For Students
Measurements Serve
Counseling Function
Discussing the rising trend preval-
ent in American colleges today to ex-
pand th use of measurement tests,
Dr. Kenneth Vaughn said yesterday
that lack of personal contact with in-
dividual student due to overcrowded
conditions has pointed up the need
of a scientific, systematic method for
measuring student abilities more than
ever before.
Director of the Graduate Record
Examinations given to 1,100 students
here last spring and of all measure-
ment projects for the Carnegie Foun-
dation, Dr. Vaughn explained in an
interview to The Daily that "most
students are in a hurry now to com-
plete their education and take ad-
vantage of good opportunities which
may be closed within three or four
These students should be told in
advance when their plans are incon-
sistent with their abilities, he contin-
ued, and, faced with capacity enroll-
ments, colleges are realizing as never
before the immeasurable aid provid-
ed by testing programs in discharg-
ing their guidance function.
,The GraduatenRecord Examina-
tions given here last spring were part
of a five year post-war inquiry into
conditions in American colleges. In
competition with 11,000 stuldents
from 52 institutions representing a
cross-section of every type of school
for higher education, results showed
that the average Michigan sopho-
more was exceeded by only 27% of
the sophomores throughout the
country and the average Michigan
senior by only 32% of the seniors.
In an afternoon lecture in the
Rackham Amphitheater, Dr. Vaughn
outlined the possibilities and need of
testing programs in higher education
and illustrated the lecture with slides.
Ticket Hearing
Is Postponed
The Judiciary Committee hearing
for underclassmen who did not turn
in upperclass seats has been post-
poned until Friday.
Seymour Chase, chairman of the
committee, said last night that due to
unforeseen difficulties in checking
University files the notices summon-
ing the underclassmen could not be
sent out in time for the originally
scheduled Thursday hearing.
The files will be available for the
committee's use today, Chase said,
and the check of illicitly-obtained
tickets in sections 24 to 28 will con-
The check is being made with ticket
stubs sorted into sections by the ath-
letic department. Each stub is sta-
pled to the registration coupon of the
holder and the number of semesters
indicated on the coupon is checked
with University files.

For Italy
Su ported
Bevin, Bidault Add
Approval to Pact
BY The Associated Press
PARIS, Oct. 8-Two of the "Big
Four" foreign ministers joined the
United States tonight in urging adop-
tion of the proposed peace treaty for
Italy, drawn up during seven weeks of
debate in working commissions of the
peace conference.
Ernest Bevin, British foreign sec-
retary, and Georges Bidault, French
president and foreign minister, added
their support of the pact to the en-
dorsement which Sen. Tom Connally
pronounced yesterday.
Russian Statement Awaited
Willard Thorp 'United States eco-
nomic expert, supported the repara-
tions clauses written into the treaty
in the final speech of the night ses-
sion, leaving Russia, fourth member
of the big four, still to be heard from.
Russia, India and Norway will be
heard at tomorrow morning's session.
Stating that the $325,000,000 sum
imposed upon Italy was the limit of
Italian capacity to pay reparations,
Thorp said the United States hopes
to negotiate an agreement with Italy
with regard to a small number of
privateclaims not provided for in the
"In fact," he added, "we see no rea-
son why all the $60,000,000 of Italian
assets in the United States should
not be returned to Italian ownership,
although the necessary legislation
has not yet been enacted."
Yugoslav Rejection Predicted
However, Yugoslav Vice President
Edvard Kardelj repeated his warn-
ings that Marshal Tito's government
would not sign the pact unless the
conference changed present provi-
sions for the creation of a free state
of Trieste and for the French-spon-
sored frontier between Italy and
Kardelj, first speaker at tonight's
plenary session, said the force of the
masses is greater than any decisions
taken around a table.
"A decision keeping Yugoslavs out
of their motherland is not only unjust
but cannot last," he said.
Melton To Open
Concert Series
Sale of Standing Room
Tickets Will Be Held
James Melton, radio, concert,
movie and opera star, will present
the first concert of the current Chor-
al Union Series at 8:30 p.m. tomor-
row in Hill Auditorium.
A limited number of standing
room tickets for the performance
will be placed on sale at 9 a.m. today
in the University Musical Society's
offices, Burton Memorial Tower.
Melton is nationally known for his
personality and acting as well as for
the voice which has made him
"America's favorite tenor." It was
his many years of success as soloist
on major radio programs which led
to his debut with the Metropolitan
Opera Company.
After changing his course of study
from law to voice, on the advice of
his college president, Melton studied
under Gaetano de Luca at Vander-
bilt University. Nine years of radio
work followed before Melton entered
the concert and operatic fields.
Melton has appeared with the Cin-
cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Opera
Companies as well as with the Metro-

politan, and has made numerous
concert tours in America and Europe.
He is currently engaged in making
the musical version of "Cimarron"

Petition Anderson To Lift
Price Controls on Cattle

'Great Britain

AERIAL SERVICES-Relatives, flown from Frankfurt, Germany, watch
funeral rites in American Overseas Airlines plane over scene of airliner
crash near Stephenville, Newfoundland, where 39 lost lives, Oct. 3.
National News Roundup
By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8-Secretary of Labor Lewis Schwelenbach person-
ally intervened in the shipping strike today in an effort to keep East and
Gulf Coast peace conferences going.
A tentative agreement on union security, reached this morning on terms
between the AFL Masters, Mates and Pilots and the Atrantic and Gulf oper-
ators, ran into a snag when the talks resumed later in the day.
* * * *
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8-Attorney General Tom Clark announced
today that a special federal grand jury will convene here 'Thursday
"to consider the Garsson case."
The brief announcement said that Special Assistant Attorneys
General William A. Paisley and Isaiah Matlack will present the govern-
ment's case to the grand jury.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8-Higher prices for some footwear were in pros-
pect tonight as the government moved to avert what it termed a threat-
ened 40 to 50 per cent cut in shoe production.
Reconversion Director John R. Steelman, declaring there is a "serious"
leather shortage, authorized greater importation of cattle hides and calf
skins while holding a tight lid on exports.
* * * *
CHARLESTON, S. C., Oct. 9-The howling hurricane which bore
toward the rich West Florida Coast bearing 125-mile-per-hour winds
dissipated mysteriously and fanned out tonight over the interior of the
Carolinas and Virginia without damaging forree.
Virtually no damage was reported in its sweep from Tampa across
Florida to west of Jacksonville and on up the Atlantic Seaboard west of
Savannah and Charleston.
* * * *
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8-A round-the-world flight of between 8 and 24
B-29 bombers in the next few weeks is being planned by the Armiy Air Forces
if the State Department approves-but it was uncertain tonight whether


May Loan Meat
To U.S. Army
Rep. Merrow Files
Bill Abolishing OPA
By The Associated Press
WASIINGTON, Oct. 8-The meat
industry moved formally today to
free cattle, beef and veal from OPA
control, while campaign-conscious
politicians argued over who's to blame
for the meat shortage.
By an 11 to 1 vote, the OPA Meat
Industry Advisory Committee started
forward a petition by which industry
leaders hope to junk the controls
they blame for keeping meat off
America's tables.
The petition goes first to Secre-
tary of Agriculture Anderson. If he
finally rejects it, it goes to the inde-
pendent three-man Decontrol Board.
Other Developments
There were these sideline maneuv-
ers while' the petition began its
1. The OPA considered a possible
regulation designed to divide up the
available meat equally. An official
told a reporter that purchasers near
slaughtering houses now have the
edge over more distant meat users.
2. The army, unable to supply its
overseas soldiers with U. S. meat, an-
nounced negotiations with Great
Britain for the loan of 20,000,000
pounds of beef. It reported a "pre-
carious food situation for troops in
both the European and Pacific thea-
Bill To End OPA
3. Rep. Merrow (Rep., N.H.) an-
nounced the filing of a bill to abolish
price controls "so the people can get
some meat." He said he had already
asked President Truman to call a spe-
cial session of Congress.
The Meat Industry Advisory Com-
mittee authorized Roscoe G. Haynie
and Robert C. Thomas, officials of
large packing houses, to sign the de-
control request.
Faculty Hedges
Of Text-Book
The War Department's decision to
ban Gemmill and Blodgett's 'Eco-
nomics: Principles and Problems'
from the Armed Forces Institute has
brought only slightly raised eyebrows
from faculty members of the eco-
nomics department here.
Nobody cares to talk about it very
The book was withdrawn "because
of published charges that the Army
is teaching 'soak the rich' ideas."
Prof. Shorey Peterson did not care
to comment extensively on the rami-
fications of the case but added that
the whole thing seemed 'pretty silly'
to him. He further disclosed that
the Gemmil and Blodgettbook had
been dropped as a standard text in
the basic economics course at the
University for some time now, though
not for the same reasons.
George Anderson, instructor n eco-
nomics, thought that Gemmill and
Blodgett book was a "little bit more
loosely written' than most but saw no
justification in the charge of the
Chicago Tribune that the book was
'pure communism.'
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, head of the
Economic department could not be
reached for comment.
Taft, Dewey
Split on Trials
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8- (') -A
top-bracket Republican rift between

Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York
and Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio
deepened today when the senator
assailed the war crime trials as "no-
vel and hypocritical."
Taft thus renewed and broadened
a charge he made over the week-end.
Dewey had already taken issue with
him once, declaring nobody could

the approval would be given.
Books, Checks
Ready Today
Two hundred and fifty students
have more than $600 waiting for them
at the Student Book Exchange for
books sold this semester, manager
Dick Burton announced yesterday.
Today is the final opportunity for
students to pick up their checks and
unsold books. The exchange office in
the Michigan League will be open
from 1 to 5 p.m.
Books held over from the Michigan
Union Exchange and sold this fall
will be paid for and unsold books on
hand will be returned today.

Library To Get
Better Lights
Flourescent Lamps
l Aeet Student Approval
Fluorescent table lighting will be
installed in the main reading room of
the General Library as soon as equip-
ment is available, Oscar A. Prieskorn,
electrical foreman of the plant de-
partment, said yesterday.
Two florescent fixtures were in-
stalled several nonths ago as an ex-
periment to determine the efficiency
and popularity of such lighting. The
table with the fluorescent install-
ments has, according to library at-
tendants, been crowded constantly,
showing that students find the new
lighting benef icial.
Associate Director Samuel W. Mc-
Allister explained that other lighting
improvements are also being consid-
ered. These include fluorescent fix-
tures above the book shelves in the
reading room. Meanwhile, he said,
the new table lamps will increase the
light on the shelves and floor, giving
the room a generally brighter ap-
When the proposed library exten-

under his second movie contract.

Nuclear Energy Uses Li-mted Sawyer

Atomic energy has a great many
peacetime possibilities Dean Ralph A.
Sawyer, of the Graduate School,
pointed out yesterday, but they are
"definitely limited."
Dean Sawyer was technical direc-
tor of the Operation Crossroads ex-
periment at Bikini Atoll. He is re-
garded as one of the nation's out-
standing physicists.

but these factors will restrict its use
for a tune."
When questioned concerning the
purpose of the Bikini tests, Dean
Sawyer stated that they were pri-
marily to get information of military
value and were "entirely proper and
Dean Sawyer who worked closely

war alone. Wars are finally won by
occupation of an enemy country."
It is not a question of the power
of the bomb, he added. There is no
doubt concerning the amount of dam-
age it can do, but there will always
be a certain amount of resistance
that can only be conquered by ground

C% T 1

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