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September 24, 1946 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-09-24

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Juniors, Seniors T
Four Council Posts Are Open;
Petitions Due Saturday Noon

D Petition for League Positions

Opening of petitioning for * four
League Council positions, seven oth-
er positions open to juniors and se-
niors, and six league posts for
which all eligible coeds may apply
was announced by Jean Louise Hole,
chairman of the women's Judiciary
Open to senior women are the
posts of dancing chairman, chair-
man of the personnel committee,
house chairman, and chairman of
the ballroom committee. Coeds ap-
pointed to these positions will serve
as members of the League Council.
Petitions of applicants for all
League posts will be due by noon
Saturday, Sept. 28, in the Judiciary
Council petition box in the Under-
graduate Office of the League. Each
coed should sign for an interview-
in time on the lists posted in the
Undergraduate Office when she
turns in her petition.
Those applying for League Coun-
cil posts must present the names of
a housemother, an upperclass wo-
man, and a faculty member to be
used as references. All women who
petition must be eligible to partici-
pate in activities }ender the U.niver-
sity eligibility requirements.
The dancing chairman will di-
rect the League dancing class pro-
Project. In an expansion of this ac-
tivity, the classes will be an all-
class project.
The post of finance chairman of
the dance classes is open to junior
and senior women, and sophomore,
junior and senior women may ap-
ply for positions. as captains. Six
captains will be appointed to head
groups of hostesses and to serve
as a link between the chairman and
the hostesses.
The chairman of the personnel
committee will have as her duties

the procuring of student volunteer
help for the League and other cam-
pus projects, including counsellors
for the Fresh Air Camp, and work-.
ers for the Student book exchange.
Open to junior coeds are two
junior assistantships on the per-
sonnel committee. These women will
help the personnel chairman with;
her work in securing workers for
various projects.
The House chairman will serve as
the coordinating link between the
League Council and the Howse com-
mittee of the League Building, and
will be in charge of rooms assigned
to student use and to temporary
projects. She will serve as chairman
of the House Committee, and will
handle furniture and redecoration
needs of the League.
The chairman of the ballroom
committee will have charge of the
Campus Casbah, which has been
organized by the League Executive
Council, the publicity chairman, and
Max Kogen. The Ballroom Chairman
will head activities of the Casbah,
which is to be presented through-
out the year.
Aiding this member of the League
Council will be four assistants. These
posts are open to junior and senior
women, and include assistant chair-
man, finance chairman, publicity
chairman, and floorshow chairman.
The latter will require no directing
experience, since the floorshow chair-
man will have as her duties the or-
ganizing of the different acts of the
floorshows which are presented each
Information concerning the du-
ties of all chairman and assistants
for which petitioning is open is
posted on the bulletin board of the
Undergraduate Office.

Book Exchange
Opens in League
The Student Book Exchange, lo-
cated in the Game Room of the
League, will remain open from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. the rest of this week for
the exchange of textbooks and
through next week for the return of
all unsold books.
More people are needed to do cleri-
cal work for the Exchange next week.
Dick Burton, chairman of the Ex-
change, asks everyone who is inter-
ested and has a few spare hours to
sign up in the Game Room of the
All dormitories and league
houses must elect their presidents
immediately, announced Audrey
Weston, vice-president of cdorni-
tories, and Allene Golinkin, vice-
president of league houses. The
first house presidents meeting will
be held 5 p.m., Tuesday, at the

"Every dormitory, league house,
and sorority house must have elected
a house president and selected quiet
hours of the house by Wednesday.
Oct. 2," Jean Louise Hole, chairman
of Women's Judiciary Council, an-
The name of the president, the
house mother and a list of quiet
hours must be turned in by 5 p. m.
Wednesday, Oct. 2, to the Judiciary
Council box in the Undergraduate
office of the League, according to
Miss Hole.
Signout records from the opening
of the residence this fall through
Sunday, Sept. 29, must be turned in
by 5 p. m. Monday, Sept. 30, to the
box marked "Signout sheets," in the
Undergraduate Office.
Throughout the semester each
week's signout sheets must be turned
in weekly, according to Miss Hole.
Records, for the preceding week

Presidents, Quiet Hours for Women's
Residences Must Be Selected by Oct. 2

Monday through Sunday, must be
in by 5 p. m. Monday, accompanied
by a composite sheet.
Any late permission and overnight
permission slips, signed by the house
director, rpust also be attached to
the signout records and composite
sheet. Miss Hole said.
The house head and house presi-
dent are held responsible to the
Judiciary Council for the delivery
of the sheets to the Undergraduate
Office, and the responsible officer
may be brought before the Council
and are subject to social probation
if the sheets are not turned in on
time and in the proper manner.
The Council requires that all sign-
ing out and in be recorded on the
signout sheets with ink or indelible
pencil, Miss Hole concluded, adding
that it is the responsibility of the
president to see that this is done.

Campus Clothes
T o Be Marked
Fashion designers are glorying in
the post-war status of college cam-
puses this year, and are turning out
new flattering ensembles that are ac-
tually versatile.
Emphasis for the new creations are
on accessories, and the versatility of
the campus clothes lies in the ability
to "dress up" or "dress down" the
basic dress. This is the challenge that
the belts, bags, and boots meet.
Belts are wide this year. They are
popular for the feminine lines they
create. Saddle-stitched pigskin belts
are favorites for classroom wear,
along with heavy brass-buckled rus-
set cowhide and leather bound burlap
waist measures. For dates, the basic
dress may be "dressed up" with sil-
ver or gold suede or kid belts.
Bags are large and they all feature
shoulder straps. The cowhide book-
bags are ideal for classes. Bright col-
ored chamois and wool felt draw-
string bags are equally popular.
Purses for an informal evening are

Petitions Due
Petitions for one junior mem-
bershipan the women's Judiciary
Council are due at noon Satur-
day in the League Undergraduate
Jean Louise Hole, Judiciary
chairman, announced that one
junior coed will be appointed to
fill a vacancy in the Council.
Each applicant must be eligible,
and must have a thorough knowl-
edge of house rules, and must be
familiar with the League Con-
stitution and the President's re-
Those petitioning should sign
for interviews on the time list
posted in the Undergraduate Of-
fice, according to Miss Hole, and
each .interviewee will be required
to present the name of a house
director, an upperelass women
and a faculty member to be used
as references.
more conservative black or brown
Footwear is the most versatile ac-
cessory. The classic moccasin is still
the favorite school shoe with British
walkers quickly becoming a close sec-

very young and casual to expose a pretty brow .. .
in multitudes of flattering colors from the new
Fall whites, greens, browns and greys to sapphire
blue, clear red and deepest black...- 595

Representatives of Ten Schools
Seek Typical American Nurse


Representatives of the alumnae as-
sociations of ten - nurses' training
schools, to commemorate the fiftieth
anniversary of the founding of the
Amgerican Nurses' Association, on
Sept. 2, 1896, are seeking a typical
American nurse who can be intro-
duced tomorrow at the Biennial Nurs-
ing Convention in Atlantic City, N.J.
During the past fifty years various
improvements have come about in
nursing, medicine, education and leg-
islation. Today's typical hurse is us-
ually a graduate of one of the 1300
state-approved schools of nursing,
young in years but old enough to
have seen service either with the
armed services or in civilian life.
She is cool, competent, efficient,
responsible, and carries great pres-
tige with the letters R.N. after her
name. Fifty years ago the nurses
were semblances of curios, combined
with missionary, saintly, and adven-
turess attributes. She was a mature
women whose life was dictated by the
ethical code of the present society.
Today, the standard professional
nurse's course is two-and-a-half
years, and is often combined with a
university program leading to a de-
gree after four or five years with

many taking advanced studies for
specialization. Today's nurse is reg-
istered under state laws which pro-
tect the public as well as the nurse.
At the present time more nurses are
employed in institutions for service or
education than in any other type,
though public health, industrial nurs-
ing and private practice are claiming
many. She must be prepared to deal
with both mental and physical condi-
tions as well as complicated hospital
equipment and modern miracle drugs,
Through the years an American
Nurses' Association was formed "to
establish and maintain a code of
ethics, to elevate the standards of
nursing education, to promote the
usefulness and honor, the financial
and other interests of the nursing
profession." The gigantic strides
made in themedical world, coupled
with the advances in training and ed-
ucation, plus the elevated living
standards has made the typical nurse
of today and her job very different
and even more important than before.
Buy and Sell Used Books
At Student Exchange

rf$i i

.e '
a .
1 t '
t : .
.l ..._ - ... a
1 ::>. i

Carlye combines mink brown and
silver grey in pure wool fabric,
firm yet down-soft.. . joined by the
new blange belt in scalloped
leather, studded with nail-
heads ... sizes 7 to 1 5. 25.00


atTM '


'Young grey elegance... Sports Shop
Izod of London tailors this easy suit with jacket
slightly longer, full sleeves clasped to the
wrist... in superb Flagstone flannel .. . the
suit, 49.95 . . . the blouse in black, 12.95

9:00 tillH2:00

(7* rli e ma-,


IL . a gym. R s s . . .. _ .__ _/...



ti, ._


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