Plunging or Passing, Chappuis
Completely Steals Spotlight
Football... _ _
(Continued from Page 1)
Iowa's starting line reminded one'
of the former big lines of Bernie
Bierman's Minnesota teams. The
Hawkeyes averaged 202 pounds, end
midgets at only 190 per man.
Pete Elliott 'gave Michigan fans
their first chance to cheer when he
picked up the Maize and Blue's initial
first down on his 43. It was a pretty
play that started out as a smash off-
tackle. Elliott faked to Paul White
and then took-off, aided by some neat
Chappuis Stars
Then Bob Chappuis took over and
completely stole the show. Until last
week Chappie had been regarded as
only a passer, but he proved himself
a dpuble threat man yesterday. When
he wasn't splitting the Iowa line wide
open, he was back to his old tricks
of hitting a dime with his passes. He
pitched three passes and completed
all of them. Longest was that to end
"Scottie" McNeill.
Chappuis' two touchdown jaunts
were beauties as he squirmed through
the- Hawks secondary to pay dirt.
Although falling far short of the
crowd which witnessed the opener
last Saturday, 55,200 customers
viewed the game. Both sides were
packed solid but there were many va-
cancies in three of the corners.
University students continued to
sit in the northwest corner but at
least had the opportunity to see
most of thetscoring action, as was
the case last week. Michigan's second
touchdown was the only one to cross
the south goal line this year. Last
week's scoring was all at the north
Hoerner Tough;
Dick Hoerner was a favorite with
Iowa and Michigan fans alike. In the
third period he was injured after
making a beautiful run and had to
leave the field. After the Hawkeyes
were stopped on the Wolverine ten
in the closing minutes the plunging
fullback again left the game. Both
times he was given a big ovation from
the entire crowd for his smashing
play. All of which might prove sports-
manship is not dead.
Iowa confused the Wolverine line-
men continually by taking the maxi-
mum time in coming out of the hud-
dle and putting the ball in play. Odd-
ly enough, it was the Maize and Blue
who were penalized for delaying the
game in this respect on the only oc-
Many fans and sports writers were
alike in their opinion that the offi-
ciating was poor. There was wide-
spread criticism of several decisions
both of omission and commission on
the part of the officials.
Fazio Leads Golfers
FORT WORTH, Tex., Oct. 5-(A-).-
George Fazio of Los Angeles wrested
leadersip in the Fort Worth $10,-
000 Open Golf Tournament today
from amateur Frank Stranahan of
Toledo after an uphill battle which
found Fazio shooting a six-under-
par 65 for a 54-hole total of 201.
Stranahan needed a three-under-
par 68 to remain ahead of the Cali-
fornian and he came in with a 70
for a 202 total at the end of the third
round. This left the youthful Toledo-
an in a tie for the runner-up spot
with Jim Ferrier of Chicago, who
raced around the 6,350-yard Glen
Garden course in 66 today.
Byron Nelson, the Denton, Tex.,
farmer playing out of Toledo, shot
his best round of the tournament-a
three-under-par 69-to give him a
BOB CALLAHAN . . . One of the
outstanding linemen in Michigan's
"squeeker" win over Iowa.
M-.Iowa tatlslies
Iowa Mich.
Total first downs ......10. 15
By rushing .........8 13
By passing..........1 2
Net yards rushing .... 148 224
Net yards forwards ... 13 45
Forwards attempted 5 6
Forwards completed 2 3
Passes intercepted
by ..........Z 1
Punts, number ........6 5
Average distance ... 38 37
Yards kicks ret'd ..... 68 70
Fumbles ..............1 3
Yards penalized .......20 55
Read and Use The Daily
Classified Directory
Capt. Art Renner played outstanding
games, while fullback Jack Weisen-
berger, came through with gains
when they were needed.
Dick Laster at center and Bob
Liddy at guard for the Black and
Gold, operated well on an Iowa line
which seemed to have learned its
function midway through the sec-
ond half.
After the game, Eddie Anderson,
Iowa head coach tald reporters that
"Michigan is the team to beat in the
Conference. My line was playing
on a reputation gained in our two
previous games this year," he added.
An exchange of punts after the
opening kick-off found the ball on
Michigan's 32. From there it took
just 13 plays to march 68 yards for
their first score.
Chappuis hit tackle for 7, but a
15-yard holding penalty nullified
the gain. Chappuis skirted left
end for 9. Pete Elliott picked up 9
around the same end, and a first
down. Chappuis smacked to
Iowa's 46 and White picked up 3
yards on an end around. Chappuis
picked up 11 yards in two plays
over tackle. Three playslater with
the ball resting on the Hawkeye
29, Chappuis flipped two passes one
to Yerges, the other to White, who
was hit on the Iowa 7. Chappuis,
drove over right tackle to score,
Junior Varsity
Rallies To Beat
Hilltoppers 21-7
Stymied on the ground with the
exception of a single third quarter
thrust, Michigan's B squad took to
the air yesterday morning to over
come a stubborn junior varsity eleven
from Marquette, 21 to 7.
The Wolverines had to come from
behind to do it. On the first running
play of the game Hilltopper Tom
O'Malley darted into the Michigan
backfield to snag an attempted lat-
eral thrbwn by Lou Brunsting and
raced twenty yards for a touchdown.
The kick was good and Marquette led,
Start Air Attack
After both teams had battled
through the rest of the first period
on even terms, Michigan unleashed
an aerial offensive midway in the sec-
ond as Brunsting and Chuck Lentz
took turn tossing at each other.
With the ball on the Wolverine 44
Brunsting faded back to shoot a pass
to Lentz who snared it in the left
flat and snaked his way to the Mar-
quette 26 yard line. After two line
smashes had gained only three yards,
Brunsting looped the ball to end
Michael Ulyshen, and the Cleveland
six-footer took it to the Hilltopper
11. - A moment later Lentz dropped
back and heaved a pass to Brunsting
who caught it on the goal line and fell
across for Michigan's first score.
Brunsting added the tying extra-
Second Scoring Drive
The Wolverines again staged a
scoring march in the early minutes of
the second half. Taking over on his
own 38, Brunsting found a huge hole
around right tackle and sped to the
Marquette 40 to launch Michigan's
only outstanding ground attack. Two
plays later, Brunsting started around
right end, but lateralled to Lentz
who swept wide down the field to the
Hilltopper 26.
twisting and turning away from
three Iowa tacklers. Brieske con-
verted. Score: Michigan 7, Iowa 0.
Brieske kicked off to Sullivan who:
was hit on the Iowa 24. Burg, Wol-
verine guard was injured and helped
from the field. Hoerner picked up
9, but Iowa failed to get the needed
yard and punted to Michigan's 21.
Yerges lateralled to Chappuis who
drove 5 yards, as the first period end-
ed. Score: Michigan 7, Iowa 0.
Chappuis slanted between center
and guard for 11, and passed to Mc-
Neill who was downed on the Iowa
39, a 24-yard gain. Chappuis carried
the ball for three plays gaining 19
yards. Weise picked up eightover
tackle, then Chappuis, trapped at the
line of scrimmage, danced away from
two Iowa linemen and went over
standing up, from the 12-yard line.
Brieske again converted.
Derricotte grabbed the kickoff on
Michigan's 9 and scampered 22
yards before he was stopped by
Phillips and Liddy. Derricotte and
Weisenberger made it a first down
on Michigan's 41, but three plays
later, Derricotte's pass was hauled
down by King on the Iowa 35.
King lost one trying tackle, but
Tunnell picked up 11. Smith and
Tunnell made another first down
on Michigan's 45. Smith picked
up 3 and Hoerner romped 11 yards
around end. Michigan called time
to talk things over. Smith skirt-
ed around end for 13 more finally
stopping on Michigan's 17. 11oerner
went around the same position, left
end, for 10 yards. Michigan's Cal-
lihan dug in and stopped two Iowa
plays which gained a total of one
yard. Tunnell took two steps to
the left, stopped dead and tossed a
perfect pass to Herb Shoener in
the end zone. Sullivan converted to
end the scoring for the afternoon
at Michigan 14, Iowa 7.
(Continued from Page 5)
Washtenaw Avenue, Edward H. Red-
man, Minister.
10:00 a.m. Unitarian - Friends'
Church School.
10:00 a.m., Adult Study Group.
11:00 a.m., Service of Worship. Rev.
Edward H. Redman preaching on:
"Call to Action," a subject of the
greatest importance to every Uni-
6:00 p.m., Unitarian Student Group
-buffet supper followed by Prof. Roy
W. Sellars discussing "Democracy in
Today's World."
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet Sunday afternoon at 5:30
in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309
E. Washington St. Dr. Ruth Wick,
Ph.D., Executive Assistant of the Stu-
dent Service Commission of the Na-
tional Lutheran Council, will be the
speaker. Bible Hour at 9:15 a.m. at
the Center, 1304 Hill St.
Zion Lutheran Church: Worship
service at 10:30.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Worship
service at 10:30.
Unity: Sunday services at 11:00
a.m. in Unity Reading Rooms, 310 S.
State St., Rm. 31. Subject: ABOVE
PERSONALITY. Student Group to
meet at 6:30 also in Reading Rooms.
Arthur Snook assisting at morning
services and Lawrence Cotman at
evening meeting of students.
UcWiliams Halted
By LSU Squad 13-6
BATON ROUGE, La., Oct. 5-(PA)-
The much publicized "Shorty" Mc-
Williams, who resigned from West
Point to re-enter Mississippi State,
had a bad nigh tas his team was
licked 13-6 by Louisiana State.
McWilliams fumbled in the second
quarter and Louisiana State recov-
ered and drove 44 yards for its first
score. At the beginning of the fourth
period, the Maroons halted a Louisi-
ana State drive on Mississippi State's
new fransportaten
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