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October 06, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-06

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See PAGE 4


Latest Deadline in the State



ahippuis Starsci q uest of Hawk


Parade, Rally
Will Precede
Army Clash
Program Will Feature
Winner of Yell Contest
Plans were completed yesterday for
a pep rally, complete with torchlight
parade, the University Marching
Band, cheering and speeches to be
held Friday night before the grid-
iron clash with Army on Saturday.
Highlights of the evening will be
the presentation of the winning
cheer in the Michigan Yell Contest.
Prizes for the winner include a trip
to the Ohio State game with all ex-
penses paid and credit certificates
from all the'local bookstores. All en-
tries must be in the hands of the
judges by Wednesday.
Weber Will Emcee
Spotlight of the rally will be turned
on Wally Weber, coach of the 'B'
football team and "Michigan's best
press agent" as a speaker. Weber will
serve both as emcee and featured
speaker at the rally for the biggest
game of the year.
The rally will be organized on the
steps of the Union at 7:15 p.m. and
follow the band to Ferry Field in a
torchlight parade at 7:30 p.m.
Yell Contest
The Student Legislatur Varsity
Committee, which is sponsoring both
the rally and the yell contest, set up
the contest to provide Michigan with
a "real school yell." They hope to
find a cheer to become as traditional
a part of Michigan sports as "The
Yellow and Blue" and "Varsity."
Entries may be mailed to or turned
in at the Student Legislative Office
in the Union. The committee of
Judges is made up of Walter B. Rea,
Assistant Dean of Students, Robert
Morgan, Assistant General Secretary
of the Alumni Association and the
cheerleaders. The contest is open to
all students except members of the
Varsity Committee.
* * *
Varsity Group
To Be Enlarged
Committee Sponsors
All-Campus Activities
With a packed schedule set up for
the year, the Student Legislature
Varsity Committee, formed during
the summer term to sponsor and co-
ordinate all-campus events, is opening
its ranks to new members at a meet-
ing to be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
the Union.
Working until this time as a rela-
tively small group, the committee has
already brought the campus its first
pep rally, sponsored the trip to the
Ohio State game and is now conduct-
ing the Michigan Yell Contest.
Students who join the committee
now are especially wanted for work
on plans for Homecoming Weekend,
which will include a pep rally, the
Homecoming Dance, Varsity Night,
and a broadcast from the steps of the
Other plans for the group's activi-
ties are pep rallies before the Army
and Michigan State games, a jazz
concert and otheraprograms which
will bring famous bands and out-
standing radio, stage and screen stars
to Ann Arbor.
Women Vets Will
Meet Tomorrow
The University of Michigan Wom-
en Veterans Association will discuss
program plans for the coming year at
its first regular meeting of the semes-
ter at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Grand

Rapids room of the Michigan League.
Ann Dearnley, president of the
group, which was organized last July,
explained that the purpose of the as-
sociation is to promote the welfare
and social interests of the 300 for-
mer service women now on campus.
To help orient newly arriving wom-
en veterans the association operated
an information booth in, the Rack-
ham Building during registration
week. More than 100 women attend-
ed the Open House recently spon-
sored by the group which is planning
to act as a social nucleus for former

Nazis Face New Trial;
War Courts Hit by Taft

Wolverines Win
Second Victory
Of '46 season


Germans Clamoring
For Freed Leaders
NUERNBERG, Oct. 4-01)--Two of
the three acquitted top Nazi lead-
ers were spirited out of jail and
given final freedom by United States
military authorities amid a gdowing
uproar among Germans that the
three be tried in German courts for
crimes against their own people.
Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler's banker,
and Hans Fritzsche, propagandist,
were released from prison and in-
stalled in downtown apartments.
Franz von Papen, the diplomat, re-
mained in jail waiting formal word
on whether hie could enter the Bri-
tish zone. A British spokesman in the
zone said entry was barred to all
The U.S. Army made it clear that
Schacht and Fritzsche were free to
come and go as they please "pending
trial" by German denazification
courts, but reports from all over Ger-
many told of demands that all three
be brought before German tribunals
on charges of crimes against their
own people.
In Berlin 5,000 persons, jamming a
variety theatre in the Soviet sec-
tor of the city, gave thunderous ap-
proval to a resolution that not only
the three acquitted Nazis, but also
the seven who received prison sen-
tences, be delivered "to a German
court here immediately."
"Give us von Papen to try in the
shattered Reichschancellery, Schacht
in the battered Reichsbank and
Fritzsche under the radio tower!"
shouted one speaker.
In Berlin highest German politi-
cal officials of the British and
American zones adopted unanimous-
ly a formal resolution that the three
Nazis acquitted by the Internation-
al Military Tribunal Tuesday be
tried by a German court on a charge
of "crimes against the Germ'an 'peo-
In Munich Dr. Anton Pfeiffer,
Chief Denazification Officer for Ba-
varia, appealed anew to American
Military Government officials to
turn over the three for trial by a de-
nazification court. If convicted they
could be sentenced to hard labor.
Meanwhile all but three of the
high Nazis convicted by the tribunal
filed appeals for clemency with the
Allied Control Council before the
3:45 p.m. deadline.
Book Exchange
To Give Checks
The Student Book Exchange will
be open from 1 to 5 p.m. tomorrow,
Tuesday and Wednesday to issue
checks for books sold and to return
all unsold texts, manager Dick Bur-
ton announced yesterday.
Students who left books at the
Michigan Union last spring to be held
over for sale should also call during
these hours for their books or money.
Pointing out that the Student Book
Exchange is run by volunteer student
help, Burton urged that all students
who have turned books in to the Ex-
change to stop in at the Game Room
of the Michigan League tomorrow,
Tuesday, or Wednesday in order to
cut down the work of the cooperative
Checks now being prepared to pay
students whose books have been sold
will number nearly 1,000, Burton es-
timated. In order for accounts to be
completely closed out, it is important
that all students bring their receipts
along when they apply for their
checks or books.

Laski Replies to Taft
In Defense of Trials
GAMBIER, O., Oct. 5-(-IP)-The
Nuernberg trials, wherein 11 high
Nazis were sentenced to hang for
war crimes, were called "an outrage
on justice" by Sen. Robert A. Taft
today and defended as "a necessary
institution" by a British Liberal,
Prof. Harold J. Laski.
The Ohio Republican, a possible
1948 presidential candidate, told a
panel discussion at the Kenyon Col-
lege conference on the heritage of the
English-speaking peoples:
"I believe that most Americans
view with discomfort the war trials
which have just been concluded in
Germnany and are proceeding in
Japan. They violate that funda-
mental principle of American law
that a man cannot be tried under
an ex post facto statute. The hang-
ing of the eleven men convicted at
Nuernberg will be a blot on the
American record which we shall
long regret..
"The trial of the vanquished by
the victors cannot be impartial no
matter how it is hedged about with
the forms of justice. About this whole
judgment there is the spirit of ven-
geance, and vengeance is seldom jus-
"In these trials we have accepted
the Russian idea of the purpose of
trials, government policy and not
justice, having little relation to
Anglo-Saxon heritage.
"I pray that we do not repeat the
procedure in Japan."
Taft's views were sharply chal-
lenged by Laski, professor of politi-
cal science at the University of
London, in a spirited evening ses-
"The (Nuernberg) trials were a
necessary institution," Laski con-
tended. I think and hope it be-
comes the business of the United Na-
tions to legislate that any person
found guilty of aggressive war be
hanged or imprisoned, depending
upon the degree of guilt."
'Dreamboat' on
Home Stretch
CAIRO, Sunday, Oct. 6-(-P)-The
U.S. Army's Pacusan Dreamboat ra-
dioed at 3:20 a.m., Greenwich Mean
Time, today (10:20 p.m., EST, Sat-
urday) that it had winged its way
out of a Mediterranean thunder-
storm and was over Crete on the
last lap of its Honolulu-to-Cairo
flight, the Army's Air Transport
Command said.
The B-29 had messaged when it
was leaving Italy behind that it was
nosing into a thunderstorm, with ic-
ing conditions in the clouds.
It was expected to arrive at Cairo
at 6:30 or 6:50 a.m., GMT, (1:30 or
1:50 a.m., EST).
The U.S. Army plane reported that
it was flying at 16,000 feet, but did
not furnish ground watchers an ex-
act geographical "fix."
The Dreamboat reported to Orly
Field that it had set an estimated
time of arrival over Foggia Airport
in Southeastern Italy at 12:30 a.m..
GMT, Sunday (7:30 p.m., EST, Sat-
Flight control near London said
the Honolulu-to-Cairo plane failed
to drop flares as expected, but its
passage over the field was signaled
from communications planes, cruis-
ing over France and England and re-
laying its reports here and to Orly
Airport at Paris.

'BIG PUSII' FOR SERIES TICKETS-This is only a quarter of the large crowd waiting at 7 a.m.-two hours
before the sale of World Series tickets was started at Sportsman's Park in St. Louis, Mo. The first game in
the Series will be played today.

Rah-irah Kids
Scale Fences
To Cheer Team
Younger fans of the Michigan foot-
ball team will go to any lengths to
see their gridiron idols in action. Fi-
nancially unable to get into the
games, the small fry have resorted to
their wits to gain admittance.
Fences prove no obstacle to these
agile young hero-worshipers-they
swarm right over them, according to
medics at the University-staffed
first-aid station on the northwest
corner of the stadium grounds.
Most of the first-aid business thus
far has consisted in bandaging the
cut hands of those youngsters who
evidently had a little trouble clearing
the barbed wire topped fences. The
medicos report an average of half a
dozen of these dauntless fans per
Several other fans, who entered the
game by conventional means, had a
unique method of beating the heat.
They were toting thermos jugs con-
taining icy 'quids. The firewater
flasks of yore were ruled out by the

Truman Palestine Stand Resented
Churchill Blasts British Policy

Report No Tie-in
During Hawkeye


LONDON, Oct. 5-(AP)-Arabs and
British officials openly nursed their
anger at President Truman today,
but dissent within Britain over the
Government's Palestine policy en-
tered the picture.
The Foreign Office, confirming
Standing Room
Available for
Melton Concert
A limited number of standing room
tickets for the James Melton concert,
which will open the Choral Union
Series Thursday, will be placed on
sale Wednesday at the University
Musical Society's offices, Burton Me-
morial Tower.
Melton, who will be assisted by
Peter Hansen at the piano, will sing
the following selections:
Handel: Thanks be to Thee, from
"Israel in Egypt"; Arne: Air from
"Comus"; Donizetti: Scene and aria
from "Lucia di Lammermoor";
Brahms: Meine Liebe ist Grun;
Grieg: Mit einer Wasserlilie; Hage-
man: Voices, Don Juan Gomez; De-
libes: Fantaisier, aux divins men-
songes from "Lakme."
Faure: Fleur Jetee, Apres un Reve;
Obradors: El Vito; Hughes: She
Moved Thro' the Fair; Davies: Home;
Chanler: I Rise When You Enter.
VU'Student's ?Mother
fiurdered in Detroit
DETROIT, Oct. 5-(P)-The beat-
en and slashed body of Mrs. Jose-
phine Tracy Rose, 38, a divorcee, was
found today in the basement laundry
room of the apartment building in
which she lived.
A janitor and a number of tenants
in the building were taken to police
headquarters for questioning, but
homicide squad officials said they
were not suspects.
Mrs. Rose's only son, Ralph, 21, ar-
rived from Ann Arbor where he is a
University of Michigan student, to
find police in the Rose apartment.
He broke down in tears as he identi-
fied his mother's battered body. Po-
lice said he came to Detroit to pick
up clean clothing after failing to
reach his mother by telephone.

previous reports, said Prime Minis-
ter Attlee had sent a personal note
to President Truman and went
even farther than yesterday in ex-
pressing resentment over the
President's refusal to delay publi-
cation of his statement advocat-
ing the immediate admission of a
substantial number of Jewish im-
migrants into the Holy Land.
Winston Churchill, former Prime
Minister, openly criticized the gov-
ernment's Palestine policy in a
speech to a Conservative. Party con-
vention at Blackpool, declaring it was
"vacillating" and an abandonment
of "lavish promises" made to the
Jews by the Labor Party before it
took office.
He added that the government
was hanging on to a mandate "in
which they have no vital interest."
Foreign Office officials have said
emphatically that Britain has no in-
tention of giving up her mandate
and may ask the United Nations to
confirm it.
Student Talent
Search Begins
Try-outs for Varsity
Night Start Tuesday
Tryouts will begin Tuesday for any
students interested in contributing
their talents to Varsity Night, one of
the most popular campus shows in
past years. They will, be held daily
from 10 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3:30 p.m.
at Harris Hall, which is located at
the corner of S. State and E. Huron.
Comedians, jugglers, dancers, in-
strumental soloists, and classified or
blues singers are welcome. Duets,
trios, or companies of other numbers
may apply, and comedy skits will be
Varsity Night, "an evening of fun,
laughs and entertainment for all,"
will be presented Friday, Oct. 25. It
will star the nationally famous Uni-
versity of Michigan Band, under the
direction of William D. Revelli.
In addition to the several outstand-
ing acts of campus talent, some na-
tionally-known figure in the amuse-
ment world will appear, according to
George Cavender, publicity manager
of the band.

Iowa Comes to Life
For 3rd Period Score
Mr. Robert Chappuis, ably aided
by 10 associates, provided Michigan
with its second victory of the '46 sea-
son yesterday before 55,200 warm
Chappuis, who is billed as a non-
starting left halfback, sparked a 68-
yard Maize and Blue power drive for
the first score, coming back at the
beginning of the second period to
carry the ball over at the end of a 79-
yard march.
Final Touch
Center "Automatic Jim" Brieske
added the extra point each time to
supply the final touch to the Wol-
verines' 14-7 victory over a hard-
fighting Iowa eleven whose lack of
depth prevented a better showing.
On the first touchdown trip, Chap-
puis gained a total of 48 yards on the
ground, and tossed twgo perfect
passes which netted 22 yards. The
Toledo, O., Air Corps veteran scam-
pered across the final white marker
from the Hawkeye 7-yard line after it
looked as if he would be stopped on
the line of scrimmage by a crowd of
would-be Iowa tacklers.
Scored Standing Up
A few moments later, Chappuis
carried the ball on six successive
plays to the opponent's 20; fullback
Bob Wiese smashed to the Iowa 12
from which point Chappuis skipped
around, carried a couple of tacklers
with him for a few yards, and scored
standing up.
Quarterbacking of both Pete El-
liott and Howard Yerges during the
two scoring drives was excellent. Both
noticed that Iowa's secondary had a
tendency to suck over to ore side on
defense, thus facilitating Chappuis'
Weise's, and right halfback Paul
White's running chances.
Iowa came to life in the third
quarter after being badly out-ma-
neuved and outcharged in the first
half, to score its lone touchdown with
four and a half minutes to go in That
Emlen Tunnell, fleet-footed fresh-
men tailback, Dick Hoerner, 212-
pound fullback, and Bob Smith right
half, who did most of the Hawkeyes'
running and passing, combined their
efforts to give Iowa its score which
came on a 6-yard pass, Tunnell to
substitute end Herb Shoener. Bob
Sullivan who played an outstanding
game defensively at left half, kicked
the extra point.
Outstanding Players
For the Wolverines, centers J. T.
White, and Bob Callahan, together
with Bill Pritula, tackle, and
See FOOTBALL, Page 6
Doctors Begin
Graduate Work
Training Program Put
On State-Wide Basis
Between 25 and 30 doctors, who
have completed two years of residence
training, will begin graduate training
in the basic sciences tomorrow, in a
program in which sixteen Michigan
Hospitals have affiliated with the
Medical School.
Dr. Charles F. Wilkinson, Jr., as-
sistant professor of internal medicine
and program coordinator, said that
under the de-centralized program,
doctors will spend two years at affili-
ated hospitals and interns and assist-
ant residents and then come to the
Medical School for six to 12 months
of additional study in the basic sci-
The program is the first of its kind
to be extended on a state-wide basis,
he said. The program will greatly

expand facilities for training hospi-
tal resident physicians as specialists
and improve the situation existing
now which allows only the few doc-
tors who receive appointments to hos-
pitals of medical schools and larger
institutions to receive the type of
training required to meet the stand-
ards set by the American Specialty
Boards for Certification.
The nrogram will enable nracticing

No instances of tie-in-sales by sta-
dium vendors were reported at yester-
day's grid clash, according to Andrew
Baker, general manager of the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
As a result of these irregular prac-
tices among workers last week, meas-
ures were taken by the Board in Con-
trol to prevent a reoccurence. Ven-
dors in the 50 odd stands wore num-
bered buttons and concessionaire su-
pervisors were on duty throughout
the area.
Football Star To Narrate
Michigan-Indiana Films
Robert Morgan, Denison Univer-
sity football mentor and tackle on
the championship Michigan squads
of 1929 and 1930, will add his running
commentary to the Indiana-Michigan
football films to be shown at 8:30
p.m., today, in the MVichigan Union.
The films sponsored by the Execu-
tive Council of the Michigan Union,
show every play, but the important
plays are re-run in slow motion and
explained in detail.


Dean Walter Cuts Red-Tape, Is Court of Appeals


EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a
series of articles on popular person-
alities in the University faculty.
Probably the only man on campus
who was prepared for the long lines
of student-veterans is Erich A. Wal-
ter, associate dean of the literary col-
People have been waiting in line
to see Dean Walter for years.
In fact, since 1938 when the Dean
mnvorl into the hio- offir t 1990

Mister College of Literature, Science
and Arts, the human representative
of the great machine, the shock ab-
sorber between the student body and
the faculty.
In spite of the agonies and tur-
moil of his many petitianers, the
Dean retains all the good humor of
a jovial dentist and although he has
never resorted to anesthesia, he has
always been a proponent of the

J ,.
s+ A°
- -; f

Characteristically he remarks that
one thing he enjoyed about his pro-
motion to associate dean a year ago
was the job of writing congratula-
tory letters to honor students.
"It's nice for a change," he adds
with a slight sigh.
He Also Explained
A possible understanding of the
Dean's entire outlook can be traced
to his own freshmen days at the Uni-
r nrt~v -Ar kin 1011 +5thr mewas A

raged indignation of a Jimmy Du-
"This is an insult. I'm a senior
with good grades. I broke my leg
and missed my finals and got 4 in-
completes. Then the dean sends me
a note saying they're about ready to
kick me out of school. ."
Extolled in Verse
Another, all sweetness and light,
"HPgrant, nmi+ m7+1wihout a.

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