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October 04, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-04

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Latest Deadline in the State

* i1


VOL. LVI, No. 10




Worst Air Tragedy

In History


Toll of 39 Lives

'U, Receives First Lot
Of Radioactive Isotopes
The physics department opened yesterday a shipment of three radio-
active isotopes which were the first of their type to be sent out from the
Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge, Ten,
Prof. James M. Cork, who is to head the research done at the Univer-
sity, said that the isotopes received will probably be the forerunners of
nationwide shipments of radioactive materials for use in research labora-
The 200-pouna lead containers in which the isotopes were received well
illustrate the tremendous shipping problems and precautionary measures
which have had to be solved in-

Atom P
Renews Offer
To Russians
To Join Allies


Terms Baruch's
[an 'Inflexible';



Service Families
Are Among Dead
By The Associated Press
STEPHENVILLE, Nfld., Oct. 3-All
39 persons aboard an American over-
seas plane, including wives and chil-
dren of U. S. soldiers in Europe, per-
ished today in a flaming' crash into
the side of a wooded Newfoundland
hill-the worst tragedy in the his-
tory of commercial aviation.
A searching party which hacked its
way'through wood and underbrush to
the scene of the disaster sent back
this terse message:/"No survivors."
Nine of"12 women aboard the Sky-
master plane were en route to join
their husbands, most of them with
occupation troops abroad. Five of
the women were accompanied by six
children, whose ages ranged from 11
years to 20 months.
Berlin Flight
The plane, a. four-engined DC-4,
was bound for Berlin from New York,
and landed at Harmon Field, near
Stephenville, at 2 p.m. (C.S.T.) yes-
terday to refuel. Normally it would
have landed at Gander airport, but
that base was closed in by rain and
After a 12-hour rest for the crew
the plane took off at 2:25 a.m. today
and crashed 15 minutes later.
Reports received at Gander air-
field from American Airways officials
said rescue planes which flew over
the area reported the wreckage was
burning four hours afterwards, and
it wvas unlikely that anyone aboard
lived through it.
Hits Hill
Coast Guard reports indicated that
the plane hit about a half-mile up the
side of the hill and 100 feet from the
toplof a slope covered with rocks and
scrub trees.
In Explosion
At Marcus Hook
MARCUS HOOK, Pa., Oct. 3-(P)
-At least one man was killed and
100 persons were injured tonight in
a fire, accompanied by earth-shaking
explosions, that raged for four hours
in the Sun Oil Company's $13,000,-
000 Aviation gasoline refinery before
being brought under control.
A company spokesman announced
control of the fire at 9:15 p.m. (CST)
and added "damage undoubtedly will
total several hundreds of thousands
of dollars."
At Chester Hospital the dead man
was identified as James Woodburn,
a Sun Oil Company employe of near-
ly 20 years.
The hospital said 31 patients were
admitted and four of them were in
critical condition. All were heavily
swathed in bandages.
Nearly 50 additional injured were
treated at that hospital, a spokes-
man added, necessitating the calling
in of all available doctors and nurses.
An hour later an even heavier
blast, felt in Wilmington, Del., 15
miles south, rocked Marcus Hook and
Pennsgrove, N.J., across the river.
First MYDA
Meeting Held
Opening to the strains of the pop-
ular labor ballad, "The Penny Song,"
the first meeting for the semester of
Michigan Youth for Democratic Ac-
tion got under way last night with
the election of officers and a state-
ment of the anti-fascist, inter-racial
policy of the organization.
Officers elected were John Hous-
ton, president; Mildred Federbush,
secretary; Harriet Ratner, member-
ship director; Melva Wineberger,

treasurer; Kenneth Goodman, public
affairs chairman; Leonard Cohen,
educational chairman; and Doris
Pfeffer, social chairman.
"MY.DA makes no bodes about be-
ing a pro-labor, pro-democracy and
progressive group," stated one mem-
ber. But, in defense of past rumors
it was clearly brought out by group
discussion that MYDA is not domi-
nated by the Communist party or


* * *

firms Steelman report, stands clear
of Wallace-Baruch dispute.
Truman Baeks
Steelman on
Meat Prediction
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3-(/P)-Re-
conversion Director John R. Steelman
predicted today the meat shortage
"will become worse this winter" and
President Truman said the forecast
is probably correct.
Mr. Truman disclosed that he is
having a survey made of the meat
situation but gave no details. More-
over, he reported, all government
agencies concerned are keeping in
close touch.
Steelman's forecast was made,
without amplification or comment, in
his quarterly report. Mr. Truman,
told his news conference that it rep-
resents no discrepancy at all with his
own statement of last week.
The Chief Executive said that in
his statement he had noted the pos-
sibility of a shortage and had re-
ported there would not be an abun-
dance of meat, but that there would
be no famine.
The presidential statement had
said that the movement of livestock
to feed lots will mean more and bet-
ter meat "in the near future" than if
the premature marketing which. oc-
curred when price controls were off
had continued. It added that "The
normal run of grass-fed cattle which
occurs in the early fall should begin
to appear."
Mr. Truman reiterated his view
that no special session of Congress is
necessary on meat or any other as-
pects of price control, remarking wry-
ly that the legislation he likely would
get would be of no help. He observed
that the government is doing every-
thing it can on prices with the tools
it has to work with.
IRA To Fight
Religious Bias
In accordance with its established
policy of attacking the sources and
causes of inter-racial and religious
friction, the Inter-Racial Association
went on record yesterday "as oppos-
ing the policies of any social or pro-
fessional fraternity or sorority on
campus which discriminates on the
basis of racial or religious identity."
To promote racial and religious
unity, the association appointed com-
mittees to investigate the relation-
ship of the University's Negro fra-
ternities and sororities with the In-
ter-Fraternity Council and alleged
discriminatory practices against Jew-
ish and Negro women in dormitories
and Women's League houses.

handling radioactive materials, some
of which are highly poisonous to a
degree not thought possible, Prof.
Cork continued.
A shipment of radioactive carbon
to certain laboratories in the country
three weeks ago was the first of any
type sent out fro the Oak Ridge
plant for general research use.
Solution of the shipping problems
points the way, not only to more
widespread research, but also to ter-
rific savings along some lines. For
example, radioactive phosphorous.
which is used in hospitals for the
treatment of leukemia, produced by
a cyclotron, costs $10 per milliurie,
the equivalent of 1,000th grain of
radium. The average dosage for leu-
kemia runs from three to eight mii-
By using the uranium pile at Oak
Ridge, scientists can receive 400 mil-
licuries of the radioactive phosphor-
ous for less than $50.
In addition to the obvious econ-
omy of using materials from a uran-
ium pile, Prof. Cork pointed out, the
radioactive isotopes produced this
way are much stronger than those
which could be made by a cyclotron
in any reasonable bombardment.
Radioactive tantalum,, antimony
and caesium, the three isotopes re-
ceived here will be studied by Prof.
Cork and his staff under, a grant
from the Navy for nuclear spectro-
scopy research.
Russia Submits
Belated Plan
For Joint Army
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Oct. 3-(P)
-Gen. George C. Kenney, chief of
the United States delegation to the
United Nations military staff com-
mittee, said tonight that Russia had
belatedly submitted a proposal look-
ing toward setting up an interna-
tional army and thus broken a five-
months stalemate in the committee.
Kenney's disclosure was made after
the Security Council released the
text of its report to the General As-
sembly, showing that the military
committee had been balked since
spring by the failure of the Soviet
Union to join with the United States,
Great Britain, France and China in
offering plans.
The general's comment was the
first direct public statement on the
highly secret committee meetings
since that body went into, session last
March with instructions from the
council to lay down plans for draw-
ing in international force from the
army, air force and navy contingents
of member nations.
The official security council report
said the other four countries had sub-
mitted their proposals by an April 3
deadline but that up to July 15 the
Russians had maintained they were
not ready to offer any proposal.
American Legion Turns
Thumbs Down On Bonus
The American Legion today turned
thumbs down on a World War II vet-
erans bonus, but plumped for a re-
duction of income taxes and imme-
diate cash redemption of GI termi-
nal leave bonds.
Rejection of bonus proposals fol-
lowed a noisy, shouting demonstra-
tion in support of National Comman-
der John Stelle of Illinois in his feud
with Gen. Omar N. Bradley, the vet-
erans' administrator.

Safe Conduct
For Sehacht,
Fritsche, Asked
Pfeiffer Claims Clay
Guaranteed Safety
By The Associated Press
NUERNBERG, Oct. 3 - Lt. Gen.
Lucius D. Clary, U.S. Deputy Military
Governor was reported today to have
ordered a safe escort to Hamburg for
Hialmar Schacht, Franz Von Papen
and Hans Fritsche, and 100 German
policemen who had assembled to ar-
rest the three acquitted Nuernberg
defendants were dispersed.
Anton Pfeiffer, German Chief of
Denazification for Bavaria in the
American zone, said Gen. Clay guar-
anteed the safe conduct for the trio
to the British zone. He said this pro-
tection from German denazification
courts was only tem'porary, however,
and covered only their departure
from the Nuernberg jail and the
American zone.
To Use Secret Route
Attorneys for the three said they
would travel by a secret route togeth-
er and probably would leave tonight
or early tomorrow, but later indica-
tions were that their departure might
he delayed until as late as Saturday.
Von Papen, the former German
ambassador to Turkey, will go from
Hamburg to Stockhausen, and
Schacht, former Reichsbank presi-
dent, will go to his home in Schles-
wig-Holstein. Fritsche, former prop-
agandist, plans to stay in Hamburg.
News Blackout Maintained
Because of an official blackout on
news, there was little word concern-
ing the remaining 18 prisoners con-
demned to death or sentenced to
prison terms.
Although defense attorneys previ-
ously had stated that last 'hope ap-
peals to the Allied Control Council
for clemency would be made for all
the 12 men condemned to the gal-
lows, only one such appeal actually
had been filed.
Strangely enough this was for
Martin Bormann, Hitler's party dep-
uty leader, who was tried in absentia
Bormann is believed dead.
The storm stirred up by the ac-
quittal of the three was reflected at
Berlin where industry and public
transport were tied up by union
workers in a 1-minute protest strike.
AVG Program
Shi Rally

By The Associated Press
PARIS, Oct. 3-Secretary of State
Byrnes said today he hoped the re-
cent statment of Soviet Prime Min-
ister Stalin had banished the "un-
warranted charges" that the United
States was using the atomic bomb as
a threat against Russia.
Speaking at a luncheon of the
American Club, the American peace
conference delegation chief said he
agreed with the Soviet leader that
there was "no immediate danger of
war," but acknowledged frankly the
"seriousness" of the conflict in view
points among the nations.
Referring to Stalin's recent state-
ment to a British newspaperman,
Byrnes said, "I hope also that his
statement will put an end to the un-
warranted charges that the United
States is seeking to use its possession
of the atomic bomb as a threat of
force against the Soviet Union, or
that the responsible leaders of the
Soviet Union so believe."
Byrnes renewed his bid to Russia
to join with the United States, Brit-
ain and France in a 40-year alliance
for control of Germany, and said
these would be its salient points:
-1. Allied occupation of Germany
would continue until demilitarization
and disarmament is accepted by
"whatever G e r m a n government
2. Even then limited but adequate
Allied armed forces would be main-
tained to insure compliance with the
treaty, especially as to preventing
German industry from converting
from peace to war.
3. In this respect engineers could
be 'more valuable than soldiers, since
they could spot at an early stage any
evidence that German industry was
again turning to manufacture of
4. If the industrialists refused to
heed instructions to close down any
factories found producing for war,
the allied control officials should be
empowered to summon bombers from
France, Britain, and the United
States or Russia to enforce compli-
McGovern Hits
Poor Teaching
Health Problems Need
More Attention Sooner
"Health economics, like the facts
of life-the bees and the birds-is
a subject broached too little and too
late," Dr. E. G. McGovern charged
yesterday in a session of the North
American conference on preventive
medicine and health economics.
Dr. McGovern, professor and head
of the department of public health
and preventive medicine at the Uni-
versity of Kansas School of Medi-
cine, continued, "those few medical
students with interest, knowledge, or
grasp of social and economic prob-
lems are so despite our planned
teaching, not because of it. Such de-
ficiency should stand out like a sore
thumb if it did not exist in like pro-
portion in the faculty itself."
Speaking on prepayment health
insurance plans, Dr. Nathan Sinai,
professor of public health at the
University, said that they have
brought about such a condition that
patients who ask for preventive
medical services to keep minor ail-
ments from becoming more serious
are regarded as "nuisance cases."
Addressing about 100 doctors re-
presenting every medical school in
North America, Dr. Sinai charged
that various methods are used by
some doctors to reduce the number
of patients asking "intelligently" for
early service.
"Perhaps the time has come," he
continued, "to re-examine early diag-
nosis and treatment in light of ready
availability of service and to adopt

policies of administration that will
not be contrary to policies of sound
medical science and education."

HENRY WALLACE . . . answers
back saying Baruch plan fails 'to
come to grips with atomic energy
Snags Develop
In Maritime
Industrial Disputes
Also Stay Unsolved
By The Associated Press
One snag in the maritime strike ne-
gotiations was wiped out Thursday
night, but another hitch appeared to
have developed.
West coast merchant marine offi-
cers accepted a government formula
for ending the three-day old strike
which has left 543 ships idle in At-
lantic, Pacific and Gulf ports.
AFL Reluctant
Reluctance of the West Coast rep-
resentatives of the AFL Masters,
Mates and Pilots Union to accept a
formula which would meet objections
of Pacific ship owners to "union se-
curity" and "preferential hiring"
clauses already approved by East
Coast owners had seemed the greatest
barrier to settlement.
But after the AFL West Coast ne-
gotiators finally came around, the
Washington conferees representing
the AFL group and the CIO marine
engineers took an overnight recess,
while a separate session between East
Coast shipowners and the Maritime
Union caused speculation that an-
other hitch had developed.
Pittsburgh Power
There was some optimism, mean-
while, that settlement of the 10-day-
old Pittsburgh power strike might be
near, but new violence marked la-
bor disputes in Hollywood and Chi-
cago, a meat hunger strike forced
the closing of a West Virginia coal
mine and local bus transportation
came to a standstill in Chicago.
Although official confirmation was
lacking, reports persisted that the
struck Duquesne Light Company in
Pittsburgh was ready to make a new
wage offer to its 3,500 striking em-
ployees. Meanwhile, ,a committee
claiming to represent 1,500 of the
company's workers filed a petition
with the state labor relations board
asking for an election to determine
representation for the employees. It
challenged the representation of the
striking independent union.
US Hopes To
Balance Budget
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 - (P) - A
positive prediction of a balanced
budget by the end of the year was
made today by President Truman,
causing a flurry among fiscal offi-
cials who have been predicting a def-
icit of at least $1,900,000,000.
The President made his statement
in replying, in his usual quick man-
ner, to a question at his news con-
ference. The matter came up in con-
nection with the treasury report yes-
terday showing that receipts exceed-
ed expenditures by $119,306,000 for
the first three months of the fiscal
year which started July 1.
Asked whether he hopes the treas-
ury will be "in the black" at the end

Truman Seeks
To Stand Clear
In Controversy
11By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3-Henry A.
Wallace slammed back at Bernard M.
Baruch tonight, declaring that the
latter seeks to "intimidate" him and
still fails to "come to grips" with
atomic energy problems.
The odsted Secretary of Commerce
issued a statement replying to Ba-
ruch's public rebuke for Wallace's
previous criticism of the United
States atomic control plan. Wallace
declared that Baruch's "stubborn
and inflexible position" is what snags
the negotiations with Russia.
Amid the barrage, President Tru-
man sought to stand clear. He told
his news conference earlier in the
day that the controversy is solely a
matter between Baruch and Wallace,
although he has made it clear previ-
ously that the control plan which Ba-
ruch submitted to the United Na-
tions as the American delegate rep-
resents the administration policy.
The President was asked if Ba-
ruch's complaint to Wallace last
night about the latter's criticism of
U. S. atomic policy had been cleared
with him before publication. He re-
plied that it had not.
Later, however, Charles G. Ross,
White House press secretary, ex-
plained that the President referred to
what Baruch had to say to Wallace.
He said Mr. Truman had approved
publication of Baruch's separate
memorandum to the Chief Executive
on the issue.
Baruch in New York last night ac-
cused Wallace of misrepresenting the
official atomic program and insisted
that it does call for treaty provisions
"governing the sequence and timing
of the steps" the United States and
other countries would take toward
international control.
Moreover, Baruch reported that
Wallace, in a personal conference last
Friday had acknowledged he was mis-
taken. But Baruch complained that
Wallace refused to sign a statement
to that effect. Baruch released two
statements which he said had been
proposed for Wallace's signature.
Underclass men
To exchange
Tickets T odtiiy
Today is absolutely the last chance
for underclassmen to turn in tickets
without disciplinary action, Ray
Davis, president of the Student Leg-
islature, stated last night.
Underclassmen holding tickets in
sections 24 to 28, inclusive, who failed
to turn them in on Monday or Tues-
day may turn them in from 8:30 a.m.
to 12:00 noon today at the booth in
the North Lounge of the Union.
Those underclassmen who turned,
in tickets on Monday and Tuesday
may present their receipts at the
booth in University Hall for new
To protect underclassmen from
disciplinary action in event of errors
in the records of the Legislature, a
second type of receipt, which they
must keep, will be given students
presenting official receipts for tick-
ets Friday and Saturday.
Underclassmen may exchange tick-
ets from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today,
and from 8:00 a.m. until noon on
Saturday. Upperclassmen may ex-
change tickets from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. today.

Special Concert
Tickets on Sale
Tickets for the special concert
which Dorothy Maynor will present
here Oct. 23 are now on sale at the
University Musical Society's offices in
Burton Tower.

Held at

to Veterans'
Willow Village

Claiming that the mechanics of the
AVC are designed for political action,
John Field, speaker at a "Report to
the Veterans" rally sponsored by the
Willow Village chapter, last night
oktlined what AVC has done to date
in national and state affairs.
He declared the AVC program is
not pro-labor, but it parallels pro-
gressive labor, progressive business
and the progressive farmer. Field is of
the Michigan Area Council of AVC.
Other speaker at the rally was
Jerry McCroskey, one of the chap-
ter's delegates to the last state con-
vention. McCroskey described the
three functions of the AVC as service
to the veterans, exchange of informa-
tion and political action.

Roundup of World Events

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 3-(P)-
Postmaster General Robert E.
Hannegan, Democratic National
Chairman, charged Republicans
tonight with a long list of obstruc-
tionist tactics against the postwar
In an address prepared for de-

WASHINGTON, Oct. 3-(P)-The
House Campaign Expenditures Com-
mittee today announced an inquiry
into charges that the Axtell-Slaugh-
ter campaign in Missouri holds "the
makings of a national scandal."
Enox Axtell, suported by President
Truman, defeated Rep. Roger C.

LONDON, Oct. 3-(P)-The Mos-
cow Radio described Senator Van-
denberg (Rep., Mich.) tonight as
an isolationist in the past and a
supporter of Munich," and said he
was "the initiator of the so-called
tough policy toward the Soviet

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