See rage 4
Latest Deadline in the State
4 ailil
Patterson Reveals
Six Month Basi~c
Training Projec
Legion Commander Reprimanded
By Gen. Bradley for VA Criccism
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2-Secretary of War Robert Patterson disclosed
before the American Legion today a new universal military training plan,
broader in its basic phase than the Legion favored, and Gen. Omar N.
Bradley took the Legion's commander sharply to task for his criticism of the
Veterans Administration.
The Legion., on hearing Patterson's plan to qualify 1,000,000 youths
of 18 to 20 annually and make basic military camp training of six
months a requirement, issued a headquarters release stating that four
months would "not suffice to give the country tile security it needs in
trained manpower."
French 7
Solution Adopted;
* * * ,
Halsey Says
War Not Won
By Atom Bomb
Japanese Were Beaten
Before Use of Weapon
Adm. William F. Halsey, in an emo-
tion-shaken voice before the Ameri-
can Legion Convention today repeat-
ed he was sorry the atomic bomb
had been invented and resented the
suggestion that it had won the Jap-
anese war.
Midway through the reading of a
prepared speech dealing with mod-
ern naval devices and guided mis-
siles, the bluff admiral cast aside his
papers and declared, "I am going to
start ad libbing, and whenever I do
I get into trouble."
The convention hall fell silent as
Halsey declared that he meant what
he recently had said, that he was
sorry the atomic bomb had been
dropped. A short time ago he re-
ferred to it as a "toy" that scientists
had been anxious to try out, but later
after protests, explained he was us-
ing "toy" in the sense of a new un-
tested weapon and meant no dispar-
agement of science.
Today Halsey did not again men-
tion "toy" but slowly declared, "the
atomic bomb came on us, and I'm
very sorry that terrible power fell
into man's hands.
"I'm sorry it was used in Japan-
not because of the Japanese people
--I have no sympathy for, them.
"I don't like the purported state-
ments that a bomb dropped ten days
before the Japs turned in their suits
won the war.
"It was a disparagement to my
comrades in arms who, since Pearl
Harbor, had died at the hands of a
treacherous foe."
.Solemnly Halsey went on, "the
atomic bomb must neverbe allowed
to drop on this country of ours. We
should outlaw it. But in outlawing it,
let's be sure it is outlawed, and not
only on paper.
Extradition of
McKe ighan Set
TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Oct. 2-)
-Gov. Millard F. Caldwell assented
informally today to the extradition
of William J. McKeighan to Michi-
gan but delayed signing a warrant
so as to permit court action.
ThenGovernor, after a long hear-
ing, announced he would sign the
warrant but not until later this week
in order that attorneys for MKeigh-
an would have time to seek a writ
of habeas corpus if they wished.,
McKeighan, former mayor of
Flint, Mich., and now in business in
Florida, is wanted in Michigan for
trial with others on charges of con-
spiracy to violate gambling laws. The
charges were broughtrby the Ma-
comb County Grand Jury.
Gov. Caldwell came to his decision
after hearing McKeighan defended
on grounds the indictment against
him was faulty and failed to "con-
stitute a crime" under the common
laws of either Michigan or Florida.
Calling the charges "flimsy, and
loosely drawn," Attorney William J.
Pruitt said no particular dates or
overt acts were alleged nor were any
"specifications" given as to "when
or where offenses were performed."
Gen. Bradley, who had been ac-
cused before the Legion by National
Commander John Stelle of "breaking
faith" by approving a $200 ceiling
for on-the-job veteran training, said
Stelle "has impaired our progress by
misrepresenting our objectives."
"What we have been able to accom-
plish during this year in the Veterans
Administration has been achieved not
because of but in spite of your na-
tional commander."
Bradley said the ceiling for on-
the-job veteran training "prevents
a privileged minority of veterans
from profiting unfairly by the G.I.
"My host-your national comman-
der-has elected to be the spokesman
for this minority ,group of veterans
whose incomes exceed the level be-
yond which Congress will no longer
supplement their wages in training,"
Bradley charged.
"He Chas chosen to jeopardize the
rights of more than 13,000,000 oth-
er veterans of World War II to
benefits of the G. I. Bill."
Bradley spoke grimly and with
no frills. He was applauded on
saying "the veteran is a citizen as
well as a veteran" and drew
laughter when he said his adminis-
tration's achievements were in
spite of Stelle.
On finishing, he gave Stelle a tight,
small smile and the two men touched
hands perfunctorily.
Patterson, carefully treating the
four months view on the universal
military training plan as one held
by "some quarters of the Legion"
urged the Legion to back the whole
Teachers Quit;
Confess Guilt
Two Women Admit
Hiding Draft Dodger
DETROIT, Oct. 2-(P)-The two
women in the war-time life of Lloyd
Irving Chavis, 33-year-old surrealist
artist, resigned their school teaching
jobs today after he confessed to being
hidden by them for five years as a
draft dodger.
His former wife, 36-year-old Opal
Lamphierd, a bespectacled high
school teacher, pleaded guilty in fed-
eral court to a charge of aiding
Chavis during the years he hid from
his Oakland County Draft Board No.
9. She quit her job a few hours
Miss Jeanne Foster, 29, of Ann Ar-
bor, Mich., also a school teacher,
pleaded guilty to a similar charge
late today and was released under
$500 bond pending sentence.
To Resume
Ship Owners Seek
Coast Guard Aid
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2-A com-
promise plan involving a separate
East coast agreement in the mari-
time strike ran into a snag tonight
but negotiations will be resumed to-
The Labor Departmient announced
another session at 9 p.m. and
said the talks definitely have not
broken down.
Government officials who were
talking optimistically this morning
of an early settlement were saying
little or nothing tonight.
What had started out to be "con-
tinuous sessions" to drive home an
agreement were recessed at 7:10 p.m.
amid uncertainty and confusion.
At the same time, Frank J. Tay-
lor, representing East coast ship
owners, made public a vigorous tee-
gram he sent to the U.S. Coast
Guard, accusing the two striking
unions of captains, mates, and en-
gineroom officers of leaving their
idle ships "in a hazardous and un-
safe condition from fire and other
potential perils."
Taylor said the CIO Marine en-
gineers and the AFL masters, mates
and pilots 'have refused to supply
officers or engineers for security
watches on freight and passenger
He asked the Coast Guard to take
"such remedial action as may be
deemed appropriate."
Palestine Talks
Cease Without
Solving Issue
LONDON, Oct. 2 -(J')- The Arab-
British Conference on Palestine was
adjourned today until Dec. 16 with
the two parties apparently no nearer
a settlement than they were when
the talks began Sept. 10. The Arab
delegates probably will return to their
The future of the Holy Land ap-
parently was as much up in the air as
ever, although in the months since
the war a special British-American
Commission of Inquiry has made ex-
haustive investigations in Europe and
Palestine and a group of British-
American experts frcm the two cabi-
nets has recommended a four-zone
federal division which to date has
got nowhere. The question of Jewish
immigration remains as unsettled as
The London discussions, ignored
by the United States government and
boycotted by Jews and by Palestine
Arabs, were halted when an Arab
plan was placed before the conference
as an alternative to the Anglo-Ameri-
can experts' federalization proposal
first enunciated last June by Herbert
FOOTSORE COEDS - After tramping the campus for days a few coeds attempt a vain search for their
undelivered bicycles at the railroad statio'n from a portion of the 1,600 bicycles and countless thousands of
suitcases, trunks, hatboxes and paraphernalia which inundated the depot during the first week of school.
(Daily Staff Photo)
Varsity Committee Declares
Specificatiolls for Yell Contest
Specifications for the Michigan
Yell Contest, to give the University
"a real school yell," were announced
yesterday by Ken Herring, chairman
of the contest.
Herring explained that the Stu-
dent Legislature Varsity Committee,
sponsors of the contest, set up the
competition to provide Michigan with
a new and different yell, which would
become as rich a part of Michigan
sports tradition as "The Yellow and
Blue" and "Varsity."
The winning yell will be presented
as part of the pep rally, complete
with a torchlight parade, band and
speeches, on Oct. 11 before the Army
Prizes for the winning yell writer
will be a trip to the Ohio State foot-
ball game with all expenses paid and
credit certificates from all campus
Entries may be mailed to or
turned in at the Student Legislature
Office in the Union and must be in
the hands of the judges not later
than Oct. 9. Entries will be judged
by a committee consisting of Walter
B. Rea, Assistant Dean of Students,
Robert Morgan, Assistant General
Secretary of the Alumni Association
and the Cheerleaders.
The contest is open to all Michigan
Ticket Changre
, t , $e
Tie E xtended
Underclassmen who obtained foot-
ball seats in sections 24 through 28
by falsifying the information on their
stubs will be given one more chance
to clear their names and turn in the
tickets, it was announced last night.
The absolute deadline will be noon
tomorrow. The tickets may be turned
in at the booth in the Union, from
8:30 to noon, and receipts will be
given ouit.
From 1 to 4:30 tomorrow, also
in the Union, upper-classmen who
have, seats in sections 29 to 35 may
exchange them for 'tickets in sections
24 through 28. Underclassmen who
turn their tickets in tomorrow morn-
ing may bring their receipts back
and get tickets for end zone seats
from 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturday in
the Union.
At the booth in U~niversity Hall,
underclassmen who have already
turned in their tickets may present
their receipts and obtain end zone
tickets from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
tomorrow and 8:30 a.m. to noon Sat-
urday. At the same time, they will be
given special receipts to sign and keep
as evidence that they have cleared
their names.
The ticket exchange booths will
not be open today, because all tickets
turned in by freshmen and sopho-
mores were distributed to upperclass-
men by 10:30 a.m. yesterday, accord-
students except members of the Var-
sity Committee.
Students Wanted
To Form Pep Club
A large group of students is want-
ed by the Student Legislature Var-
sity Committee and the cheerleaders
to form a Pep Club.
The group, which will work with
the cheerleaders Varsity Committee
in planning and carrying out pep
rallies and student cheering activi-
ties at games, will be organized at a
meeting to be at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
the Union.
Though usually barred from cam-
pus activities, first semester fresh-
men will be eligible for work in the
Pep Club.
IFC To Reopen
.For Registrants
Extension Requests
Granted by Council
Resulting from the demands of a
majority of campus social fraternities
and the requests of many independ-
ents, the Interfraternity Council will
open their office to rushing regis-
trants from 3 to 5 p.m. today on the
third floor of the Union, IFC Presi-
dent Harry Jackson announced yes-
Registration with the IFC, which is
necessary for all of those interested
in rushing, officially closed Sept. 27.
The additional period established for
today is intended for those who didn't
have an opportunity or otherwise
failed to register last week.
Rushing began Sept. 29 with each
chapter on campus holding an open
house for the rushees, and since then
has continued on an invitational
basis. All. rushing activities will
cease Oct. 10.
News Blackout
ImposedO ver
Nuernberg Jail
NUERNBERG, Germany, Oct. 2-
()-The U.S. Army imposed a news
blackout tonight over the heavily
guarded Nuernberg courthouse and
jail, after a tense day during which
defense attorneys pressed final pleas
to save Adolf Hitler's doomed hench-
men from the ignominity of the gal-
A four-power commission, meet-
ing in the courthouse, drew up its
recommendations on details of the
scheduled hangings Oct. 15 of Her-
mann Goering and 10 other top-
ranking Nazis convicted yesterday.
Recommendations To Go to Berlin
The recommendations, which also
dealt with the confinement of seven
other Nazis sentenced to prison
terms, will be rushed to Berlin for
approval of the Allied Control Coun-
The news clampdown obscured
happenings within the prison, where
unusual precautions were reported
taken to prevent suicide by any of
the once-cocky and resplendent Naz-
is who teamed with Hitler in wag-
ing the most destructive war in the
history of mankind.
Attorneys for all of the defendants
sentenced to death filed appeals
with the Allied Control Council to
commute the sentences.
The lawyers said that if the coun-
cil rejected the commutation pleas,
they would ask that all the doomed
prisoners be granted the last request
of dying before a firing squad, ra-
ther than on the gallows.
Security Guard Doubled
The American Army doubled its
security guard and gave orders to
shoot to kill at any provocation. A
protective barrier also was thrown
around a courthouse corridor, where
three acquitted defendants-Hal-
mar Schacht, Franz von Papen and
Hans Fritzsihe-waited their formal
German civil authorities were re-
ported to have filed petitions asking
for the custody of Schacht, von Pa-
pen and Fritzsche, so that the trio
could be brought before German de-
nazification boards.
Vote Defeats
Opposition of
Russia, Slays
Yugoslavs Charge
U.S. Pact Betrayal
By The Ass'ociated Press
PARIS, Thursday, Oct., 3 - A
Peace Conference commission adopt-
ed today, over the solid opposition of
the Slavic bloc, the broad principles
of a western-backed statute for the
free territory of Trieste.
Balloting at Soviet demand, some-
times on single words, in a French
proposal setting forth the broad out-
lines for governing the free zone at
the head of the Adriatic, the dele-
gates voted on nearly every occasion
along straight ,east-west lines.
Twenty-five separate votes were
necessary to cover the two-page
French proposal which the Soviet
Union and other Slavic nations
fought with every parliamentary
means at their disposal.
The voting came after Yugo-
slavia charged the United States
and Britain with betraying the Big
Four agreement on Trieste in c
der to establish a British-Amer.
can military base on the Adriatic.
The Yugoslav delegate, Dr. Mosha
Pijade, said it was too late for the
conference to do anything about
settling the east-west dispute over
the projected international zone.
He declared that the whole prob-
lem should be sent immediately to
the Council of Foreign Ministers
with a statement that the confer-
ence could not reach an agreement
and with a request that the Big
Four find a solution in conjunction
with Yugoslavia.
Subsequently, the British delegate
Sterndale Bennett declared that a
"melancholy list of political mur-
ders, abductions and assaults" had
created an unparalleled "state of
fear" in Trieste.
He denied Yugoslav assertions
that the western nations were try-
ing to set up a "curtain" between
Yugoslavia and the proposed free
territory of Trieste and declared:
"no_ such curtain can be set up
unless Yugoslavia sets it up."
Bennett said that various pres-
sure groups, representing both Ital-
ians and Yugoslavs, were trying to
seize power in the free territory. For
this reason, he said, it is important
to "set up a strong administration
under the aegis" of the United Na-
tions Security Council.
With the deadline for, a decision
on the statute for the Trieste in-
ternational zone almost at hand, the
Italian Economic Commission ap-
plied the most stringent gag rule yet
in the conference-limitation of each
subject to 45 minutes with only one
speaker allowed to speak 10 minutes
for a measure and one against.
AtVC Petitions
For Vote Clerk
AVC yesterday secured 256 of the
500 signatures needed to bring a rep-
resentative of the Detroit city clerk's
office here to register voters from the
Detroit area.
Petitions will be available to De-
troiters from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to-
day at AVC booths in the Union and
on the Diagonal.
As the get-out-the-vote campaign
ended its second day, George Anto-
nofsky, chairman, estimated that
1,500 students had received informa-
tion on registration and absentee
baltn poeue
bloig poc; ue
Antonofsky also reported that AVC
had sent over 700 postcards re-
questing absentee ballots, registra-
tion material and general informa-
tion for campus voters.
Hull's Condition
Turns 'Critieal'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2-()-The
Navy Department reported tonight
Medical Conference Criticizes
Coinp ldsory Health Insurance
Cumpulsory health insurance re-
ceived condemnation while praise was
given to voluntary insurance yester-
day at a meeting of the conference on
preventive medicine and health eco-
nomics taking place here this week.
Thomas A. Hendricks, secretary of
the Council on Medical Service and
Public Relations of the American
Medical Association, declared that
the "constant din about socialized
medicine from Congress, the Social
Security Board, the Labor Depart-
ment and the Children's Bureau has
earned for it the name of 'political
Government Control No Solution
Hendricks declared that the solu-
tion to the country's health prob-
Dr. John DeTar, of Milan, another
speaker at yesterday's session, pro-
posed that a cabinet office for na-
tional health be established.
A national health officer in the
cabinet, he pointed out, could work
for various health improvements
without controlling the practice of
medicine. "The average doctor," he
said, "fears compulsory health insur-
ance because of its implications of
political control of medicine."
Dr. Dean A. Clark, director of the
Health Insurance Plan of Greater
New York, declared that "the pres-
ent system of private practice is
wasteful of facilities, knowledge and
Voluntary Insurance
Prof. Wider Declares TVA
Price Determination Unfair
Government projects, such as TVA,
determining what prices private com-
panies should charge is unfair, Prof.
Chester O. Wisler, of the engineering
school, told members of Sigma Rho
Tau, engineering speech society, at
a meeting of the group.
Prof. Wisler is head of the hy-
draulic engineering department in
the engine school and was a consult-
ing engineer on various government
services are available through other
governmental agencies which are not
charged against these government
projects. Prof. Wisler listed the Re-
clamation Service and the U. S. En-
gineers as examples of these govern-
mental agencies.
Operating Costs Not Comparable
He went on to say that the operat-
ing 'costs of such authorities as TVA
in the way of taxes, depreciation, and
insurance are nowise comparable