'THE MICHIGAN DAXILY T'UESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1946 Fifty-Sixth Year I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: TrumanCo nse rvative 'Captive BILL MAULDIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Robert Goldman ..................... Managing Editor Miltgn Freudenhein.................Editorial Director Clayton Dickey.......................... City Editor Mary Brush.........................Associate Editor Ann Kut ........ ................... Associate Editor Paul Harsha.................... ....Associate Editor Clark Baker........................... Sports Editor Des Howarth.................Associate Sports Editor Joan Wilk ..............................W omen's Editor Lynne Ford..................Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Robert E. Potter ......................Business Manager Evelyn Mills .............. Associate Business Manager Janet Cork ............... Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches creditedtoitor otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Offcie at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50; by mail. $5.35: Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 NIGHT EDITOR: EUNICE MINTZ Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. An Ivitationt T'HE APPALLING shortage of facilities for liv- ing and studying is perhaps the most obvious feature of the semester just begun. Many of us are still looking for a decent place to live and eat, wasting hours waiting in line for everything from texts to football tickets. Yet our troubles are distinguishable from those of the nation and even of the world, only by the academic overtones. In common with everyone else, we need perspective in order to deal suc- cessfully with such vital yet widely different problems as the Paris Conference and our next meal. Helping in the development of such a perspec- tive will be the most important service of this newspaper, one to which it is dedicated. But gaining perspective is only the first battle. The problems confronting us-housing, "factory" education, inflated prices, the news commenta- tors' war with Russia-all these we :must deal with as members of a University community. As students, teachers, veterans, non-veterans, all of us are wrapped up in our contemporary scene whether we choose to learn about it and think about it or not. Probably everyone on campus has recognized the existence of these problems, and nearly everyone has chosen to try to deal intelligently with them. The Daily will place it- self at the service of the thinking majority. This is an invitation and an appeal to the University community to use the columns of The Michigan Daily in expressing its view- points and insights. We hope that teachers, administrators and students will freely make use of such features as the Letters to the Edi- tor column This semester's Daily will attempt to provide a much-needed integration of campus opinion. -The Senior Editors ISTURBING AND IMPORTANT-as a symp- tm f what M. Grafton calls America's feel- ing of insecurity today-is the current attempt to monopolize literature in this country. James M. Cain, detective novel writer, ad- vanced the plan in the 'Screen Writer' in .July. It provides for an American Authors Authority, supposedly to cure grievances of American writ- ers. That sounds very nice, doesn't it? 'Cure grievances.' So liberal, so just, so overdue. The Screen Writers' Guild and the Radio Writers' Guild have already approved the plan. But lo! all is not well. Along comes an Amer- ican Writers' Association, formed by fifty noted American authors, and boldly challenges Mr. Cain's plan, and not with meek generali- ties. We believe that this organization's argu- ments are sensible and should be heeded. Part of its statement follows. "The plan is to round up all American authors in a monopoly controlled absolutely by a five- man board. Authors will be compelled to surren- der by the cunning use of certain pressures too powerful to be resisted." The American Writers' Association admits re- forms are due, "but we believe that the need for these reforms is being used to hurry the en- tire writing profession in America under the domination of an authoritarian monopoly which will be a far more terrible evil than any of the lesser evils it is intended to correct." Though cries of Commnunism have been raised, we see the issue not as political, but as a moral one, one of basic values-collectivism By SAMUEL GRAFTON WITH THE OUSTING of Henry Wallace from the government, this postwar period of ours enters a second phase. The foreign policy views of such men as Taft, Vandenberg, Dulles, Hoover, and, in lesser sense, Hearst, Pegler, etc., become triumphant, and sort of official. They have de- tested Wallace and/or his views, and he is out. It must be an odd feeling for these men, and hun- dreds like them, who have felt themselves to be among the "outs," in governmental terms, these many years, to realize that they are in the ascen- dancy in our great internal wrestling match. A long cycle ends; the hunters become the hunted; and Wallace and his friends must now beat against the doors from the outside, as the men mentioned above had to do for so long. To Wallace's critics there must now come a de- licious sense of participation in the affairs and fortunes of government, a sense of being "in," which must be as strange to them as the sense of being out must be to some others. This is a change in climate; it is far more im- portant than Henry Wallace himself, or than the whole Wallace story, which has merely been the occasion for making the change visible. This does not mean that the Democratic party is now the same as the Republican party, for there are still wide differences of policy between them, as there are of membership. It does not even mean that Harry Truman has ceased to be a liberal. But it does mean that he has been swamped and over- whelmed by the bipartisan conservative offen- sive, that he has become its captive, and that the allae flENRY WALLACE has been fired for is- . suing a statement which, while given by an official of the Executive department, was in direct conflict with the official foreign policy of the United States government. Presumably the only course open to President Truman was to ask for Secretary Wallace's resignation. Disregarding for the moment the direct ef- fects of this action, there are certain underlying issues which deserve the most careful, dispas- sionate examination. First to consider is President Truman's orig- inal statement as reported by the New York Times that "he had read and approved Secre- tary Wallace's speech and that there was noth- ing in it that conflicted with Secretary of State James F. Byrnes' address at Stuttgart." Any subsequent explanation cannot expunge the meaning of President Truman's original statement. In fact, in the light of the eventual dismissal of Wallace from the cabinet we can only conclude that President Truman simply was not able to perceive any difference between the foreign policy stated by Henry Wallace and the one practiced by Secretary Byrnes. It took the clamor of the majority of the nation's press to call this to Mr. Truman's at- tention. F ONLY TO point to the original approval of Wallace's statement by the President and the immediate disapproval in part, by American communists, it becomes apparent that there was nothing world-shakingly radical in the Wallace proposal. Actually what Wallace said and what Presi- dent Truman must have thought he saw in it was a restatement of what is theoretically our foreign policy as first stated by Franklin Roose- velt. Secretary Wallace said: "We must not let our Russian policy be guided or influenced by those inside or outside the United States who want war with Russia. This does not mean appease- ment. We most earnestly wnat peace with Rus- sia - but we want to be met half way." What caused the overwhelming reaction to, the W a11ae speech in the nation's press throughout the conservative elements of both political parties is that we are not pursuing this theoretical policy and the indication as echoed by these elements is that now they will not even tolerate a statement of it by anybody in the government. The force of this view can only be measured by considering the immediate firing of Wallace One conclusion, and a frightening conclusion it is, is that our government does not look fc4,- ward to peace with Russia unless we can have it on our own terms, which is to say that we simply do not look forward to peace with Russia. IN HIS LETTER to Mr. Truman, the former Secretary of Commerce pointed out that our future relations with Russia can only be deter- mined by one of two points of view: "The first is that it is not possible to get along with the Russians and therefore war is inevitable. "The second is that war with Russia would bring catastrophe to all mankind and therefore we must find a way of living in peace. "It is clear that our own welfare as well as that of the entire world requires that we main- tain the latter point of view." ECRETARY WALLACE has stated the issue in the clearest, most objective terms. For this he has been severely rebuked. It is important not to be sidetracked by any extraneous issues or emotional prejudices. We sincerely believe that Henry Wallace is neither a communist nor a communist sympathizer. His argument is of too much significance to be sloughed off. It should be given the most careful consideration. -Harry Levine. angry men who have roared and shouted against liberalism since shortly after March 4, 1933, now do their roaring inside the house. They set the tone of life and society within the court, so to speak, while the liberals sit backstairs, commun- ing with the kitchen help. P OOR MR. TRUMAN, sitting there on the seat of power, being slaped on the back by men who must in some respects frighten him, cringing before his new admirers, is, in many ways, an ob- ject for pity. If we view him as having spent the last fortnight in a desperate struggle, then some of the things he has done become a little more understandable; his approval of Wallace's speech, then his approval of Wallace's bare right to speak, and fiinally his repudiatiion of speech and author, all seem incredibly inept as isolated ac- tions, but seen as successive stages in a losing battle, they make a certain amount of sense. He has lost; and as to whether the liberals can go in there and rescue their boy remains to be seen. It will not be easy. That is what makes this the beginning of a new phase in our postwar life; though for some reason the thought evokes little desire for cham- pagne and celebration. One looks rather to see if there is a scrap of pemmican about, a warm coat and thick gloves and other suitable equip- ment for what may be a long, cold trip. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) MAN TO MAN.: By HAROLD L. ICKES HOPE THAT those who are disposed Wo be n- different about our treatment of alien strains will read "Citizen 13660" written by Mine Okubo, and published by the Columbia Univer- sity Press. Both the illustrations and the short text tell, without the rancor that would be under- standable, of the treatment of the Japanese who were living in this "land of the brave and home of the free" at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor. As a member of President Roosevelt's ad- ministration I saw the United States Army give way to mass hysteria over the Japanese. The investigation of Pearl Harbor disclosed that the Army in Hawaii was more intent upon acts of anticipated sabotage that never oc- curred than in being alert against a possible surprise attack by the Japanese. On the mainland, the Army had taken no pre- cautionary measures. Then suddenly, it lost its self-control and, egged on by public clamor, some of it from greedy Americans who sought an op- portunity to possess themselves of Japanese rights and property, it began to round up indis- criminately, the Japanese who had been born in Japan, as well as those born here. Crowded into cars like cattle, these hapless people were hur- ried away to hastily constructed and thoroughly inadequate concentration camps, with soldiers with nervous muskets on guard, in the great American desert. We gave the fancy name of "relocation centers" to these dust bwls, but they were concentration camps nonetheless, although not as bad as Dachau or Buchenwald. War-excited imaginations, raw race-prejudice and crass greed kept hateful public opinion along the Pacific Coast at fever heat. Fortunately, the President had put at the head of the War Re- location Authority a strong and able man who was not afraid to fight back. Later the President transferred the agency to the Department of the Interior. I claim no credit for the result that was finally attained except that I stood shoulder to shoulder with Dillon Myer and let my own fists fly en occasion. Mr. Myer fully deserved the Medal for Merit with which he was later award- ed. If we Americans, with the Army in the lead, made fools of ourselves for which we ought properly to be ashamed, it must be said that the American Japanese, with very few excep- tions, gave anexample of human dignity by which all of us might profit. However, they have not had returned to them the property that was rifled from them, or its equivalent. A bill was introduced in the recent session of Congress setting up a commission to pass upon the claims of these dispossessed American Jap- anese for property of which they were de- spoiled. This bill ought to pass and no time should be lost in making restitution for prop- erty that was lost or misappropriated. If the Japanese had been permitted to con- tinue their normal lives they would have oc- casioned slight concern. They did not in Hawaii where the proportion of Japanese is much larger than in any state on the mainland and where the temptation to favor Japan was necessarily much greater. No soldiers wearing the American uniform gave a better account of themselves than did the American-born Japanese. Japanese troops, both from Hawaii and the mainland, as the Army records show, were outstanding for bravery, intelligence, endurance and daring. Their loyalty was not only unimpeachable, but remarkable, considering the affronts and in- justices that had been put upon them and their people. This whole episode was one in which we can take no pride. To understand just what we did to many thousands of our fellow Americans we should read "Citizen 13660." (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) ATOI ' Kf J V , 1 Indis Problem THE COMPLEXITY of the British problem in India is being revealed by the present religious riots. The streets of Calcutta are lined with the bodies of thousands of victims of this needless bloodshed. .Meanwhile, British delay in find- ing the solution brings criticism of their so-called "Imperialism." If we think of imperialism as the economic exploitation of one people by another, then it ended in India in 1922 with the granting of tariff autonomy to that country. Since that time In- dia has changed from a debtor to a creditor nation with the balance of trade in her favor. We now find the Britons forced to raise taxes to pay the interest on their debts to India. This change in the relative position of India and the mother country lends reason to the affirmed British desire to pull up stakes, and relin- quish all ties. With the people determined to be free, and the British so anxious to give them that freedom, one must wonder why Indian independence could not have come long ago. The final hurdle rests in who is to take over the reins of control when the present government retires. The British are determined that civil war will not follow in the wake of their withdrawal. By their own acts of vio- lence the people of India have de- layed the eventual day which will bring their rebirth as an independent nation. -Ken Herring , ' ----- , ' O t MA i .e.N ~ 9 a Capr. 1046 by United Feafure Syndicfe, Inc. ,th'.ReQ, U. S. Pat. Off.....Aft rights E59!vosd "I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier ,... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem-t bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Ses- sion, Room 1213 Angell Hall by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (1100 a.m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 VOL. LVII, No. 1 Notces Salary Payments for the University Year 1946-47 1. Payments will be made in ten equal installments. 2. The first salary check will be issued on Oct. 18, for all those whose Request for Appointment have cleared the Office of the Provost by October 2. 3. A supplementary salary check will be issued on Oct. 31 for all those whose Request for Appointment have cleared the Office 'of the Provost after Oct. 2 and before Oct. 17. 4. The second salary check will be issued on Nov. 22. 5. The third and all subsequent salary checks will be issued on the last da yof the month starting Dec. 31, the June salary check being a double payment. Rerbert G. Watkins, Secretary Student Football Admissions: Stu- dentsawho have not yet received their football admission tickets must have presented their physical education coupons at the Administration Build- ing, Ferry Field, before 5:00 p.m., Thursday, September 26. No student admission tickets will be available after that time. H. O. Crisler Director of Athletics LS&A: Transfer Students. Yellow evaluation sheets must be returned at once to 1209 Angell Hall, Your offi- cial admission certificate will not be made up until this sheet is returned. Green evaluation sheets are your own, and need not be returned to our office. Civil Service Examination An- nouncements have been received for the following positions: Special Edu- cation, Supervisor III, Special Educa- tion, Supervisor IV; Arts and Crafts Instructor A2, Teacher of Adult Blind Al, and Conservation Education Rep- resentative III. Envelopes containing applications for these examinations must be postmarked not later than Oct. 16. Anyone interested may re- ceive further information by calling at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. The Orientation Period Committee desires to express to all students who took part in the Orientation activi- ties this past week its sincere appreci- ation of their efficient and loyal serv- ices. Lectufres University Lecture. "The Possibili- ties of Educational Measurement in Higher Education," by Dr. Kenneth W. Vaughn, Director of the Graduate Record Examination and of the Pre- Engineering Inventory. This lecture will be of interest to faculty members and students who are concerned with the future of objective achievement and ability tests. The lecture is spon- sored by the Bureau of Psychological Services of the Institute for Human Adjustment. Rackham Amphitheater. Tues., Oct. 8, at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Erwin Panofsky, Professor of history of art in the Institute for Ad- vanced Studies, Princeton, N.J., will lecture on Wed., Nov. 6 at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater under the auspices of the Department of Art. His subject will be "Et in Ar- cadia Ego." The public is cordially invited. A cademic Notices COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCI- ENCE AND THE ARTS, SCHOOLS O F EDUCATION, FORESTRY, MUSIC AND PUBLIC HEALTH Students who received marks of I, X or 'no report' at the close of their last semester or suminer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by Oct. 23. Students wishingan extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U. H. where it will be transmitted. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar GRADUATE STUDENTS: Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held on Fri., September 27, 4:00 to 6:00'p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Diction- aries may be used. Graduate Students in Speech: The exploratory examinations for enter- ing graduate students in Speech will be given at 4 p.m., Tues., Oct. 1, in 4203 Angell Hall. Anthropology 31, M.W.F. 9:00 will meet in 348 West Eng. Anthropology 112, M.W.F, 10:00 will meet in 2003 Natural Science. Business Administration 123: All students who have elected the above course should report to East Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg., on Wed. Sept. 25, at 2:00 p.m. for class assignments. Chemistry 55. Laboratory space for a few students is now available in the section meeting W, 1:00-5:00, S, 8:00- 12:00. Apply at Room 274 Chem. Wed. at 1:00. J. . aford English 211b, the Proseminar in the Literature of the Renaissance, will meet in 403 Library on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. J. Arthos English 211g, Proseminar in Ameri- can Literature, will meet today from 4:00-6:00, in 408 Library. English 300H, Seminar in American Literature, will meet Thursday; Sept. 26, from 2:00-4:00, in 308 Library. J. L. Davis English 297 Students who have elected my sec- tion will please report at Room 1220 Angell Hall, Wednesday, September 25, at 4:00 p.m. E. A. Walter Honors 101. The first meeting of Events Today The Christian Science Organizatioan at the University of Michigan will hold its meeting at 8:15 tonight in the Chapel of the Michigan League Building. Students, faculty, and friends are cordially invited. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMIN- ISTRATION: A convocation for fac- ulty and students will be held on Thursday, Sept. 26, at 3:30 p.m. in the large lecture hall in the Rackham Building. Dean Stevenson will speak. A coffee hour will follow from 4 to 6 o'clock in the assembly hall on the third floor. First Gargoyle Meeting: An all- staff meeting of the Gargoyle will be held for all interested persons at 4 p.m. Wed. in the Gargoyle office in the Student Publications Building. All eligible persons, who have potential ability in literary, make-up, art, and advertising work are urged to attend Reserve Officers Association will meet at 7:00 p.m. Wed., Sept. 25 at the Michigan Union. All reserve of- ficers are urged to attend. American Veterans Commititee, first meeting of the semester, Michi- gan Union at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Sept. 25. Willow Run chapter of AVC will meet at West Lodge, 8:00 p.m., Thurs., Sept. 26. All veterans, male or female, who live at Willow Village are invited to attend. AVC members of other chapter affiliations who are now residing at the Village are espe- cially welcome. MICHIGAN SAILING CLUB: All pre-war members and members with the exception of summer members of 1946: Meeting of the above members on Wed. evening, Sept. 25 at 7:00 in the Michigan Union, Room 308. Officers will be elected and plans for the com- ing semester will be discussed. Dues for the semester may be paid at this time. Please leave a note at the Un- ion Desk if you are not able to attend the meeting as our membership list will be made up from those In at- tendance and any written excuses. ALPHA PHI OMEGA, the national service fraternity, will hold its first meeting Wed., Sept. 25 at the Michi- gan Union at 7:30. All members are requested to attend. Any man on campus who was a member before the war, or who belonged at another school, is cordially invited to come to this meeting. TAU BETA P: All graduate and undergraduate members who desire to take an active part in the chapter during the Fall Semester are cor- dially invited to attend a dinner meeting at the Michigan Union on Thursday evening, Sept. 26. Mem- bers will please assemble in the South lounge of the Union promptly at 6:15 p.m. Mortar Board: There will be a meeting of all members on Wed., Sept. 25 at 7:15 p.m. in the Under- graduate Office of the League. Meat Ceilings Back Restoration of meatrceiling prices when meats are so scarce confronts price control with its greatest crisis. The situation plays right into the hands of those who want to destroy control and let profits run wild. 'TnTa n CC'11'a O' isa to f ni + i BARNABY Orr prfessio fnal credifs will impress , Mr. Golebrick- Naturally. But there's discipline." We must prove that we.. . s'auian rr:waav ruf