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October 01, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-01

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To Hold

Show At League
Independent Women To Witness Skit
Contest, Housemothers' Version of Tasks

The Fortnight Show, which was
initiated by Assembly last year, will
be presented for independent women
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre of the League.
The program will include a skit
contest between several women's dor-
mitories on campus. They include :
Mosher, Jordan, Stockwell, Martha
Cook, Helen Newberry, Betsy Bar-
bour, and Adelia Cheever. Each skit
will be limited to five minutes and
all who are participants must attend
Survey Camp
On Thursday, September 26, a
group of representatives from various
organizations on campus, accompan-
ied by Miss Ethel McCormick, social
director of the League, and Mr. Wil-
liam Morris, director of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Fresh Air Camp,
made a pilgrimage to the Camp.
The purposes of the trip were to in-
vestigate the facilities and needs of
the camp in preparation for a pro-
gram which might possibly include
utilization of the grounds for student
recreational activities.
Thursday's visitors included:
Jeanne, Clare, president off
Assembly; Phyllis Petit, project
chairman; Allene Golinken, vice-
president in charge of league houses;
Audrey Weston, vice-president in
charge of dormitories; S'ue Smith, so-
cial chairman; Margaret Gage, presi-
dent of Panhellenic Association; Bet-
ty Prichard and Louise Patrick, vice-
presidents of the Association; Bill
Krebs, secretary of Interfraternity
Council; and Bill Short, Larry Zel-
man and Bob Hoffman.
The Fresh Air Camp was adopted
by Assembly last spring as its project,
and initial funds were raised through
Tag Day solicitation; student coop-
eration during the drive was very
successful, and funds collected far
surpassed the original goal. Plans are
already underway for additional As-
sembly affairs, the proceeds of which
will go to the Fresh Air Camp fund.

rehearsal for the show at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Ushers To Clown
The carnival theme of the affair
will be carried out by decorations and
entertainment, and ushers will be
dressed as clowns. In keeping with
the central idea, Assembly has adopt-
ed as its slogan, "Hop on the Assem-
bly Merry-Go-Round."
In addition to the skit contest, sev-
eral other events have been scheduled
for the evening. Jeanne Clare, presi-
dent of Assembly Association, will
give a short speech of welcome to
new coeds on campus, and Audrey
Weston will act as mistress of cere-
monies. A novelty skit will be pre-
sented by a group of housemothers,
expressing the problems they meet
in guiding the dormitory life of col-
lege women. The program will con-
clude with audience participation in
group singing of college songs.
Show to Familiarize Traditions
Assembly Fortnight was inaugur-
ated to familiarize independent wom-
en with the projects and traditional
activities of Assembly, as well as the
functions of the League and its or-
This year, the Association plans to
extend its period of orientation until
the presentation of Recognition
Night. Members of Assembly will vis-
it various residences for independent
women and discuss more fully the
workings of their organization.
All independent women are cor-
dially invited to the Fortnight Show,
and freshmen and transfers are par-
ticularly urged to attend.
Tutorial Help Needed
A mass meeting will be held at 5
p.m. today in the League for all wom-
en interested in working on the Mer-
it-Tutorial Committee.
Coeds are needed to work in the
information booth, and to help with
filing, publicity, interviewing, and
other aspects of the committee. It is
a good chance for women to get a
start in League activities, according
to Judy Rado, chairman of Merit-
Tutorial Committee.

Crop and Saddle
Club To Hold
First Meeting
A meeting will be held at 7:15 p.m.
tomorrow in the W.A.B. for all coeds
interested in trying out for Crop and
Saddle Riding Club, and for all old
members of Crop and Saddle and
University Women's Riding Club.
Coeds need not be expert riders to
try out, but some riding experience is
necessary, according to Karen Lar-
sen, president of Crop and Saddle.
Tryouts will be scheduled for a later
University Women's Riding Club,
formerly a separate club, is now a
member of Crop and Saddle. The
club will be divided into three or four
sections this year, each group riding
once a week.
"We hope that all coeds who are
interested will tryout as we want to
have a large club this year,"
The Women's Glee Club will
hold an informal get-together af-
ter rehearsal today in the League
The purpose of the meeting is to
acquaint the new members with
each other and with the old mem-

Open to Coeds
Assistant Advisors Required
For Local High School Work
All eligible coeds who are inter-
ested in working with young people
are needed as assistant advisors for
the Young Women's Christian Asso-
ciation Clubs in the Ann Arbor high
schools, according to Miss Janet
Boynton, director of the YWCA teen
age program. .
Those women working on this
project will be asked to spend two
or three hours per week helping to
plan programs for these clubs on per-
sonal relations, health, vocations,
religion, current affairs and the arts.
All those who are interested in this
activity should contact Miss Janet
Boynton, 2-2581, immediately.
Interviews for coeds petitioning for
League Council and other League
posts will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. to-
day and tomorrow and from 2-4 p.m.
All interviewees will be required to
present University eligibility cards
signed by the Merit-Tutorial Com-
mittee of the League.

Revised System
To Be Initiated
By Tennis Club
'Challenging Improvement' is the
keynote of the WAA Tennis Club's
fall plans.
A different kind of contest will re-
place the usual elimination tourna-
ment. This new system is called a
ladder tournament. A large board
will be put up with tags in ascend-
ing order. At the initial meeting of
the club the members will estimate
their ability and be placed in a cor-
responding place on the ladder.
Each member may challenge any-
one within three steps of her. The
match will be played off at the con-
venience of the players and the un-
predictable weather. If the chal-
lenger wins, she changes places on
the ladder wtih the defeated player.
From this new position she may as-
cend to even greater heights.
This type of tournament has defi-
nite advantages. No member is sub-
ject to the dullness of playing with
someone much below her in skill.
The less skilled player does not have
to play with someone who so sur-
passes her in skill that she becomes
Sally Ware, club manager, urges
that anyone who can hold a racquet
come out and play.

Dickens, Thackery, Thurber, and
Forrester never realized the healing
powers that lay in their pens.
Through their works, they have been
responsible for cheering many pa-
tients at University Hospital.
The reading services are designed
to keep the minds of the patients off
their own misfortunes, by stimulating
their imaginations with stories of the
outside world.
Varied Material Donated
All the books and magazines on the
University Hospital library shelves
are constructed by organizations,
families, or individuals. However, in
spite of the fact that all the material
is donated, the reading matter is
varied enough to suit the interests of
any type of individual. Often, gifts
of subscriptions to contemporary
literary clubs are given to the Hos-
pital, allowing the patients to keep
up with the latest books.
The services of a teacher librarian
are available for planning the read-
ing programs of the patients. The li-
brarian often finds it in her power,
not only to entertain the patients
through her suggestion of material,
but to widen their interests. A pa-'
tient may start his reading career
with fast moving romances and de-

'U' Hospital Library Services
Offer Recreation for Patients

tective stories, but soon, under the
librarian's guidance, he learns to ap-
preciate more thought provoking
Patients Made Comfortable
To be effective, this reading ther-
apy requires that the patient be com-
pletely comfortable while digesting
the literature. Therefore, every possi-
ble facility is used to allow the pa-
tient to expend the least amcunt of
energy. Reading racks are set up,
equipped wtih iron pieces t) hold
back the pages of the book or maga-
zine, so that it is possible for the
patient to read in a recliningposi-
tion for hours at a time, in perfect
But the greatest energy saver and
an innovation in the Hospital, is
the ceiling projector that flashes mi-
crofilms of books on the ceiling of
the patient's room. The machine is
simple to operate. It is placed on a
movable iron stool next to the pa-
tient's bed, and can be worked mere-
ly by the use of one hand. The two
projectors, as well as all the films
used were endowed to the Hospital.
The films are of all types including
picture books, such as collections of
famous paintings, and cartoons, as
well as mystery stories, westerns, and
works on science and history.

601 So. Forest - Corner So. Forest and So. University
.50" 5/Z6
FORHAN'S' Z7f'" 39
'/.00 807E 79
* KOLOR-BAK %rnr E

THERE IS NO DOUBT in my mind, none at all, as to what constitutes
America's chief contribution to world culture. Posterity may look in
vain for originality in our literature, music, or painting; but in one field
our creative imagination calls - nay, shrieks - for attention.
We may not be able to paint, write, or compose, but boy, can we
advertise! Nowhere but in America would the "flow of a vital digestive
juice" be broadcast to a waiting world in an effort to sell liver pills;
nowhere but in America would perfume ads be able to say things the
cinema can't; nowhere but in America would symphony orchestras and
choral groups of 120 join in a "happy little washday song."
BEHIND THESE inspired flights of genius, this relentless campaign to
force on a stupefied public things it doesn't particularly want and very
probably should not have, there must indeed be masterminds - men of a
truly unusual calibre.
The "business autobiography of one of America's great advertising
writers," one Claude C. Hopkins, reveals what advertising men are
made of. This work is running serially in a trade journal devoted to
advertising and selling, and honestly, I can hardly wait for the next
issue to see what Claude sold in 1928.
At the age of seven he was writing sermons and setting them up in his
father's printing office. A little later he was defeating the minister in con-
tests to see who could recite more Bible verses. The summer after his high-
school graduation he taught school during the week, preached on Sunday,
and gave piano lessons in his spare time. His grandfather, obliging old
soul, nicknamed him "Mr. Stick-to-itiveness," and wasn't it sweet of Mr.
Hopkins to tell us about it?
THE FIRST BRAINSTORM which marked him as a real advertising man
was his inspiration to popularize carpet-sweepers as Christmas gifts.
This was followed by an even better idea-that of making carpet-sweepers
of vermillion wood, and putting them over with a red-hot advertising cam-
paign involving convicts, elephants, and the Ganges. Here he encountered
a little opposition from his employers, who, as he scornfully remarks, "had
perfected a new dumping device." They, starry-eyed dreamers, believed that
the public wanted carpet-sweepers which would sweep carpets. As Claude
so rightly puts it, "What folly! One might as well discuss the Einstein
theory with an Eskimo."
Right here we will leave Claude, if nobody minds. His career seems to
have reached the turning-point. He has developed the two most impor-
tant characteristics of an advertising man--a lofty disregard for
the intrinsic worth of his product, and that familiarity which breeds con-
tempt with the weaknesses of his victims, the American public.


fin lc


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